
ochosianyhoo, time to go to bed00:04
ochosinight pleia2 !00:04
pleia2good night :)00:05
Unit193Good night.00:05
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
micahghrm, I seem to have forgotten to look into paring down the ISOs...04:07
micahgwow, we're at 800MB now :(04:07
micahgQt got pulled into the image, I've blacklisted the package that was pulling it in (ubuntu-sso-client-qt), so we have no Ubuntu SSO client anymore as the GTK version is gone04:29
knomemicahg, yay, Qt ;)07:37
Unit193Hey! Now VLC would barely add anything. ;)07:38
mr_pouitochosi: I played with that yesterday, you can lock the screen with dbus-send (if we want to modify xflock4/xfpm/xfce4-panel for that it's easy), but it shows the greeter. There are functions to know whether the session has been locked to display it in a special way in the greeter, but it needs code.08:26
mr_pouit(the code is already in lightdm since 1.1.3)08:26
mr_pouitit's not worse than xscreensaver tbh08:27
ochosimr_pouit: the main question is who will write that code08:34
ochosibut yeah, i would be all for that....08:42
mr_pouitI could write that for gtk-greeter maybe08:52
ochosisounds like one reason to improve gtk-greeter08:54
mr_pouitIt's probably already written for unity-greeter though (or is the plan to switch to gsd-free unity-greeter dead?)08:54
mr_pouitmicahg: thanks, it seems libavcodec made a come back (something's pulling gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg)08:55
ochosimr_pouit: that depends on madnick returning i guess (or someone else picking that up)08:59
ochosibtw, quick info: robert ancell said they already whitelist specific g-s-d plugins, so if we make that list configurable, they'd accept the patch09:00
ochosiwhich would mean we could ship an empty white list and get rid of g-s-d that way09:00
mr_pouit[Xfce4-commits] <xfce4-panel:master> Clock: Add calendar popup to clock plugin (bug #9034).09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 9034 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "[prism54 driver] Can't connect to AP on channel 13" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/903409:07
ochosiwait, so we can scrap the datetime plugin?09:09
ochosiiirc clock is builtin, right?09:09
mr_pouitochosi: yep (though it's only in master right now)09:10
mr_pouitand I think it also uses the ominous frame :P09:11
ochosioooh no...09:11
ochosiwell i can now make the calendar bright, what do i care :)09:11
ochosii guess a bugreport is in order09:12
ochosibut first breakfast09:12
micahgmr_pouit: oh, that's webkit, I can fix14:08
micahgmr_pouit: I think I might just have to blacklist it for alpha3, although, I think that we're allowed to ship it, just not press it on images14:55
knomeastraljava, you going to send some call for testing mails for a3?15:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleia2no a3 images yet?16:50
knomepleia2, #ubuntu-release ;)17:08
* pleia2 joins17:08
knomei mean, i don't know if there's something special, but that's the place to ask17:08
* knome has a headache17:08
knomeyeah, that sucks so big time17:09
micahgidk, there were some images for other flavors, but there have been a few rebuilds already17:13
* micahg sees nothing for xubuntu yet17:15
knomei just noticed it's again testing day and my head hurts :(17:15
micahgah, it's missing in the rebuild commands, /me pokes17:15
pleia2thanks micahg 17:15
knometa micahg 17:15
micahgwe might end up 50MB over for alpha3 though, idk if my webkit upload will get in17:17
knomeover in a3 isn't bad, over in final is different ;)17:17
knomemaybe try not to be oversized with betas17:17
micahgah, I can blacklist -ffmpeg, let me do that so we catch it on the respins17:18
micahgok, so we should be back to ~740MB or less hopefully with Qt and ffmeg gone17:20
knome :)17:20
micahgstill not sure what else we can drop, but we'll see later17:21
knomeyeah, maybe schedule some time togehter17:21
knometogether too17:21
micahggimp needs webkit-gtk2 for the help browser which I guess is important17:21
knomebut afk now, try to get my head in shape17:21
genii-aroundHeh. When I parted ~13 hours ago: "wow we're at 800MB now"  first line on join: "... so we should be back to ~740MB or less hopefully ..."17:32
pleia2micahg is a superhero :)17:33
* micahg ducks into a phone booth17:34
genii-around60MB is a pretty impressive cut, for sure!17:42
micahgwell, the increase was accidental, it was a matter of finding it and getting rid of it17:46
micahgin both cases, I just ended up blacklisting the binaries that were pulling in whole trees of stuff we don't want17:46
micahghrm, maybe not, -bad codes are pulling in a whole audio stack on the live image...not sure where we'll end up, but images should be coming in a few hours18:30
pleia212:12:39 < skaet> micahg, ^ Xubuntu alternates available to try now.19:16
pleia2heh, I started the zsync and then went to work on other stuff and am all "why is my internet connection so slow?"19:20
pleia2my brain is awesome19:20
Unit193Internet doesn't really slow down, it's the computer. :(19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028611 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Manually select "Xubuntu desktop" on alpha3 testing alternate" [Undecided,New]20:16
pleia2fail :(20:17
* pleia2 lets it finish installing20:17
pleia2and when I try with a VM it seems to work, except bug 1016925 has returned20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016925 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "12.10 Alternate installer fails with libavformat53 unmet dependencies" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101692520:43
pleia2sorry for breaking all the things20:50
micahgpleia2: hrm, that should be fixed...are you sure you have the latest image?20:53
pleia2looks to be the most current one20:55
pleia2I think my first bug may be unetbootin related20:55
micahgdesktop image coming soon21:13
micahgpleia2: thanks, I blacklisted the wrong binary, should be fixed on the next respin21:15
micahglet's see if anything else needs fixing21:15
pleia2great :)21:15
micahghrm, blacklist isn't working, Qt is still there21:17
Unit193pleia2: You can resync. :D21:35
Unit193Seems it's pointless to resync as there's another image that'll come up.21:52
pleia2I think the desktop ones are ready, I'll resync alt when the new one comes21:53
GridCubeoooo they be nice23:44

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