
xubuntu631installed xubuntu on pc, everything went fine, finally at the end the instal wizard asks to reboot, once i  press reboot, the computer turns off and on and can't boot to xubuntu. it gets stuck on a blackscreen with a blinking dash00:33
xubuntu631i'd really appreciate any help with this, I'm barely starting to use linux and i really wish it doesn't end like this00:35
Unit193!grub|Sounds like an issues talked about here00:38
ubottuSounds like an issues talked about here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:38
xubuntu631ok i will try that, i've read that, the thing is (stupid of me) i completely replaced windows xp with xubuntu, so my machine only has xubuntu as the OS and it won't boot it, I'm not sure if that changes things?00:44
Unit193That should have steps to reinstall grub, point it to the config, or whatnot.00:49
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minhnaHi, could anyone here help me, I have a problem with firefox menus/dropbox, sometime it doesn't appear.05:05
minhnaI posted the issue here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/93264305:06
baizontry to backup your profile first05:12
baizonthen restart firefox without plugins05:13
baizonif this doesnt work try to start firefox with a new profile05:13
baizonlike the answers on the website :)05:14
minhnaI tried to create new profile but it doesn't help05:15
minhnaI tried safemode too05:16
minhnaIs there a way to log all kind of errors05:17
Unit193purge firefox, rename ~/.mozilla, install firefox. :P05:29
Unit193You'll get more errors if you run firefox from terminal.05:29
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NOPsledHey guys, I seem to be getting having <a href="http://askubuntu.com/questions/72003/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-11-10-install-on-macbook-pro-5">this</a> bug and I don't seem to be able to fix my grub using the method given07:19
NOPsledIs there any way I can test my GRUB installation without rebooting?07:19
NOPsledOh I broke the link, here it is again http://askubuntu.com/questions/72003/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-11-10-install-on-macbook-pro-507:20
xubuntu870somebody around?10:41
xubuntu870need to ask something10:41
knome!ask | xubuntu87010:42
ubottuxubuntu870: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:42
Mathsterkis there a way to get a list of everything installed with apt-get?10:42
xubuntu870how to recover the password of an account in xubuntu??10:42
xubuntu870any body?10:45
askerhello everyone can any one tell me how to recover a password... an account password??10:47
askerplease help me10:48
askerany one?10:56
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
iliusas a Python developer, I'm just wondering why package python-appindicator is installed by default, while no package depends on it (you can remove it without any other package being removed). Appindicator is for Unity (Gnome fork), while Xubuntu uses Xfce.15:33
xubuntu957my eeepc16:16
xubuntu957my eeepc starts to a black screen but using the recovery option it opens well enough. How could I get back to where it opened automatically in the normal manner?16:19
RexIdiotarumOkay, I need a little help with a weird problem.16:22
GridCubexubuntu957, try using an old kernel from the grub boot options16:25
GridCubesee if that fixs your problems16:25
GridCube!details | RexIdiotarum16:25
ubottuRexIdiotarum: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:25
xubuntu957Thanks GridCube  J'll try that. The problem only started after the latest kernel update.16:30
GridCubethat sometimes happen, if reverting works, xubuntu957 then file a bug report against the new kernel and tell about it16:31
RexIdiotarumI am having trouble with audio channels, Spoken words go out my laptop's speakers, where music goes out the headphone jack. I'm running the latest Ubuntu with Xfce 4.8 interface, I believe. A friend installed it for me about a month ago. At this point I'm kind of chemestry-doggin' it.16:31
GridCube:o thats very odd indeed16:32
RexIdiotarumI can get into ALSA mixer, but it doesn't help, and the GUI version is straight up gone.16:33
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, go to the sound icon on the topbar and go to sound configuration then go to configuration and there change the mode of the audio, you are probably using a 5.1 setup that sends different kinds of sounds to different channels16:33
RexIdiotarumYeah, that is no longer there.16:34
RexIdiotarumThe speaker thing is just gone.16:34
GridCubemmmm thats ood16:34
GridCubeodd even16:34
RexIdiotarumEverything was working until a series of power-outages a week ago. Do you think there is a simpler solution than a Fresh Start?16:35
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, press alt-f2 and write: pavucontrol16:37
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, also in the panel add a new item, search for plugin indicator when adding it, it should restore the audio icon16:37
RexIdiotarumFailed to execute child process "pavucontrol" (No such file or directory)16:37
GridCubeopen a terminal, press alt-f2: xfce4-terminal16:38
GridCubeand execute it again16:38
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RexIdiotarumI'm going to apt-get it.16:39
GridCube:/ it should have been alraedy there16:41
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, are you using xubuntu 12.04?16:41
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, you should probably reinstall xubuntu-desktop if you are, because you seem to miss some important packages16:42
RexIdiotarum*Facepalm* Actually, it looks like he just put xfce on a gnome ubuntu.16:44
GridCube:) then go and install xubuntu-desktop16:44
GridCubewhen its done you should also delete the ~/.config/xfce4 folder so all the default files are recreated16:46
RexIdiotarumThere we go.17:01
GridCube:) delete that folder and relogin17:05
RexIdiotarumOkay, the mixer still doesn't seem to work, but I accidentally stumbled upon the problem and solution of the separated channels.17:09
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, so now you should have the sound control thingy on the panel17:10
RexIdiotarumMixer still does not have an icon.17:10
GridCubedid you deleted the ~/.config/xfce4 folder and reloged?17:11
RexIdiotarumHm... let me try again.17:11
RexIdiotarumOkay, the icon for mixer now shows up, however it is constantly set to mute.17:17
RexIdiotarumEven when it plays audio.17:17
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GridCubeRexIdiotarum, :)so?17:21
RexIdiotarumI found the solution to the multi-channel issue. It wasn't ubuntu, but rather hardware. Partially plugging the cable in fixed that.17:23
RexIdiotarumAudio controls, however, are still down.17:23
RexIdiotarumMixer claims to be muted, with no way of changing that.17:23
RexIdiotarumThough sounds still flow through.17:23
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, from a terminal execute alsamixer17:23
RexIdiotarumAlsamixer works.17:24
GridCubeit says something is muted?17:24
RexIdiotarumAlsamixer works from within the terminal. The little icon says it's muted.17:25
GridCubemmm try pavucontrol now17:26
RexIdiotarumDoes it usually take some time?17:27
RexIdiotarumAll it did was linebreak.17:27
GridCubeyou probably misstyped17:28
GridCubepress ctrl-c17:28
GridCubeand relaunch from a terminal17:28
GridCubethis is very odd :/17:28
RexIdiotarum"pavucontrol" pasted straight into the terminal.17:29
RexIdiotarumSame issue.17:29
GridCubewrite pav and press tab twice17:29
GridCube:/ im probably not helping though17:30
RexIdiotarumIt brings up "pavucontrol "17:31
GridCubethat means its installed17:31
RexIdiotarumPressing enter puts my cursor to the next line, and doesn't do anything else.17:31
GridCubemmm, how very weird17:31
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, can i get an screenshot of your desktop?17:32
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.17:32
RexIdiotarumIt removed the cursor, but I was clicking on the icon at the top.17:37
GridCubemmhm yes, dont worry17:38
GridCubeim really confused by this RexIdiotarum :(17:38
RexIdiotarumMe and programs don't go together really well...17:39
RexIdiotarumI once crashed notepad...17:39
GridCubeclicking on the speaker icon brings some kind of options?17:39
RexIdiotarumNo, and right-clicking just give panel options.17:40
GridCubehow weird17:40
GridCubeim sorry RexIdiotarum :( i don't know what else to recommend you17:41
GridCubecan you control the sound using alsamixer for now?17:41
GridCubeif yes then you should probably wait for someone smarter to come by17:42
ryuureiI've got a problem with my external monitor. When I connect it to my samsung (Xubuntu 12.04) via HDMI, it isn't recognized.17:42
RexIdiotarumIf I switch out my speakers and just put the audio output through the TV, I should be able to control it like that.17:42
RexIdiotarumThank you for your help and patience.17:44
GridCubedont worry17:44
GridCuberyuurei, check configuring your monitor using arandr17:44
GridCubeRexIdiotarum, you could ask on the mailing list or in the forums17:45
GridCubeeven on askubuntu17:45
GridCubegood luck RexIdiotarum :) i have to go now17:47
RexIdiotarumHave a great day.17:47
ryuureiGridCube: the only one that is shown is the default.17:47
ryuureiOh you have to go. Good day, then. Thanks for the suggestion.17:47
GridCube:) ryuurei check that the monitor is activated, probably check that is plugged correctly too.17:48
bollandhi #xubuntu, I just installed 12.04 64 bit which was a bit of a hassle because of my nvidia gtx 580 card. Had to hit F6 and change some parameters when booting from the cd, I went with noquiet nosplash nomodeset. After that installation went fine, but xubuntu always boots to console login. Would much rather boot to xfce. If I login and use startx it works fine, but after reboot I'm back at the console. Any words of advice? Been googli18:22
bollandng it for quite some time now .. :)18:22
Dicebolland: try 'sudo apt-get remove --purge lightdm && sudo apt-get install lightdm' and reboot18:38
bollandDice, thanks for the suggestion :) brb reboot time18:41
DiceI wonder if he should also remove ~/.dmrc18:42
Myrttijust restarting X should've worked too18:43
Myrttimagic sysrq k18:43
bollanddidn't help unfortunately, same thing, reboot ended at console login18:44
DiceMyrtti: isn't lightdm called by upstart? though I guess that would work for starting it18:45
bollandDice, nice thanks! suggestion (1) was already as suggested, now trying (2). brb18:51
bollandDice, got changed behavior now I was stuck at console (no login) last message: lightdm start/running, process 1269. alt+f1 -> login -> startx to get into xfce18:56
bollandpointing me towards lightdm opens up some new possibilities for googling tho .. :)18:57
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xubuntu621noob here. how can i tell which version of xubuntu i'm running?19:57
Unit193lsb_release -a  in the terminal.19:58
David-Axubuntu621: the first line of /etc/apt/sources.list should be the the name of the cd you installed from20:01
douglasHaving some trouble when I run my updates. If someone could look at this error I got and give me some feedback I would be grateful. http://pastebin.com/EaXyyEFv22:21
genii-arounddouglas: Just remove the file it's complaining about, sudo apt-get update  re-makes it22:23
douglasIs that particular file safe to remove?22:23
genii-arounddouglas: All of them in there are22:24
douglasok. thank you22:24
genii-arounddouglas: The files in /var/lib/apt/lists/  just get updated whenever you fetch the latest list of available stuff, etc. If empty, then sudo apt-get update populates the directory22:25
Mathsterki made a "script" for removing that :P22:25
douglasgenii-around: I'm still getting W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>22:30
genii-arounddouglas: Yes, that's a separate issue22:31
douglashaven't had much experience with these problems. What should I do?22:31
genii-aroundYou can add the key22:32
genii-aroundsomething like sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 16126D3A3E5C119222:34
Mathsterkapt-get should have some auto-fix thing :P22:35
genii-aroundYes, it could definitely be more intuitive...22:36
douglas sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf      with     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade fixed me22:43
douglasthank you for your help uys22:43
yoreeiHi. want to install a custom theme is xubuntu 12.04 . I've looked through several tutorials about adding themes and all of them say that I either have to go to ~/.themes  or /usr/share/themes. Ok now the problem is that I don't have a themes folder in Home and I don't hace permissions to write to  /usr/share/themes. Can you help me?23:51
Unit193Open a terminal, and type  mkdir ~/.themes23:51
yoreeiThank you, I'll try in a moment23:52
David-AOr create folder ~/.themes in thunar (in home folder, right-click>Create Folder and enter name .themes)23:57

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