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snowrichard | hi | 00:58 |
snowrichard | just got a thinkpad T60 used laptop, put kubuntu on it | 00:58 |
MrSeiko | I'm wondering if someone can offer me some guidance... I'm fairly new to ubuntu, and I can get my Wifi to work, but it will only work if I have a LAN cable connected during system boot up. | 01:38 |
chazor_ | im trying to get dual boot to work i have both windows seven and ubuntu 12.04 installed but i dont have a boot manager? or atleast its not working can any one tell me what im doing wrong | 02:01 |
chazor_ | any one? | 02:03 |
chazor_ | ive tryed googling it but all ive managed to get was back into ubuntu no grub or windows boot loader | 02:03 |
Venom | whats the best fs? | 02:04 |
chazor_ | venom i think every ones asleep lol | 02:04 |
Venom | filesystem | 02:04 |
Venom | oh i see | 02:04 |
MrSeiko | just the three of us | 02:05 |
Venom | lol | 02:05 |
chazor_ | sighs | 02:05 |
MrSeiko | agreed. | 02:06 |
MrSeiko | :S | 02:06 |
chazor_ | im having issues dual booting eather one of you have any insight? | 02:06 |
MrSeiko | I used http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/05/17/how-to-dual-boot-ubuntu-12-04-and-windows-7/ | 02:06 |
chazor_ | and venom what are you looking for in diferant fs to do | 02:06 |
chazor_ | ive tried that | 02:07 |
chazor_ | my issue is i started with ubuntu | 02:07 |
Venom | faster performance with LARGE directorys | 02:07 |
c2tarun | anyone knows a way to install garamond font on kubuntu? | 02:07 |
chazor_ | now i have ubuntu and windows installed | 02:07 |
chazor_ | but ive only managed to get into ubuntu via live cd reboot | 02:07 |
chazor_ | witch still leaves me without a boot manager | 02:08 |
chazor_ | and i cant get grub working | 02:08 |
MrSeiko | I'm not sure chazor_ | 02:11 |
MrSeiko | Any time that I had ever dual booted, I always started with the Win install first, then installed ubuntu | 02:13 |
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Daskreech | !grub | 03:17 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 03:17 |
bigsky | why add-apt-repository not works on kubuntu:( it works on ubuntu... | 03:49 |
bigsky | http://iyanwu.com/pastebin/showthread.php?tid=1648 | 03:49 |
harolddong | always works for me | 03:58 |
ilias | hi all. i am running 12.04 after i upgrade 10.04. i want to change my splash screen but although i downloaded some new themes i dont see them install. where are they be installed in my /home? | 04:39 |
ilias | i want to change login screen not splash. | 04:41 |
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ilias | hi all. any idea on how can i change my computer's name under 12.04. gedit doesn't work. any other way? | 06:43 |
azbarcea | ilias: you may use any editor to edit /etc/hostname | 06:58 |
azbarcea | ilias: sudo nano /etc/hostname | 06:58 |
azbarcea | ilias: sudo kate /etc/hostname | 06:58 |
azbarcea | ilias: any of those | 06:58 |
azbarcea | ilias: vi /etc/hostname | 06:58 |
ilias | ok. sudo kate /etc/hostname worked. just rename and save? | 07:00 |
ilias | hi. i realised that when i changed my computer's name using "sudo kate /etc/hostname" kmail (although i change default domain name could send the mails and gave the error: "An error occurred during authentication: SASL(0)" how can i fix it without return to my previous name (when i did it everyting was perfect) | 08:57 |
ilias | any idea? | 09:04 |
ilias | as far as i can understand kmail reads somewhere the old hostname and cannot accept the new one. when i change to the old everything is ok. where can i find whta kmail reads to switch to the new name? | 09:05 |
ilias | if someone have any idea i appreciate it! | 09:15 |
Dipsy | do i know you DjangBlue ? :P | 09:19 |
susundberg | ilias: i do not see how your computer name should have anything to do with sending email to remote server | 09:20 |
susundberg | ilias: you mean sendin email like sending via smtp with google account? | 09:20 |
lordievader | Good morning | 09:36 |
ilias | I dont either how the computer's name should have anything to do with sending email to remote server, but actually it does. I am sending email using kmail through smtp.live.com if that helps | 09:49 |
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD | ||
ilias | is it possible at 12.04 instead of arrow to use cross to indicate the dirs tree? | 10:21 |
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ilias | is it possible at 12.04 instead of arrow to use cross to indicate the dirs tree? | 11:17 |
mydogsnameisrudy | not sure what your trying to do ilias | 11:19 |
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nag_ | hi guys, i have a doubt on debugfs command. i want to recover one file , with google i found this command , i tried but not working . Can some one help me out | 12:05 |
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nag_ | can some one help me out | 12:21 |
rork | !ask | nag_ | 12:33 |
ubottu | nag_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:33 |
nag_ | i already asked the ques | 12:34 |
nag_ | i want to recover one file , with google i found this command , i tried but not working . Can some one help me out | 12:34 |
nag_ | debuugfs | 12:34 |
rork | ah, I'm sorry, I wasn't there at the time. Unfortunately I don't have any experience in this | 12:36 |
nag_ | rork: oh k | 12:36 |
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jtr__ | hello, can someone help me with the "First_Program" at KDE Techbase? | 12:54 |
jtr__ | it says "kil8n" and "il8n" not declared within scope ( PS : i have included KLocale ) | 12:54 |
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jdrs | Anyone here using Alpine? Alpine always loses connection. Every after 3-5 minutes I open my inbox then the message "Waiting for server reply. Still waitining..." message appears. Then it breaks the connection. It there a way to fix this? | 14:50 |
jdrs | or a workaround? | 14:51 |
BluesKaj | jdrs: refresh my memory , what's alpine ? | 14:52 |
jdrs | Mail client. Pine. | 14:52 |
jdrs | Now it's Alpine. | 14:52 |
BluesKaj | sorry jdrs , know nothing about textbased email clients , never used any | 15:04 |
jdrs | That's okay. I'm reading the archives now. | 15:05 |
phoenix_firebrd | hello everyone | 15:12 |
OerHeks | hi phoenix_firebrd | 15:13 |
Stick_ | hi | 15:13 |
phoenix_firebrd | OerHeks: Stick_ hi | 15:13 |
phoenix_firebrd | Stick_: what? | 15:15 |
bbeck | I installed the telepathy 0.4 preview, and quite like it. I noticed today that 0.4.1 has been released. Does anyone know if that will get pushed out? | 15:48 |
bbeck | It has an AIM fix that I'm really looking forward to. | 15:48 |
decci | Hi Guys..I need a tool which can backup from Linux to Windows and can be automated/schedules | 16:25 |
DarthFrog | From Linux to Windows? Ususally it's the other way 'round. | 16:26 |
DarthFrog | Personally, I'd mount the Windows partition in Linux and write a script to do the backup. Use cron to schedule it. | 16:27 |
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech | ||
Daskreech | decci: why would it need to be specific that it's going to windows? | 16:29 |
Daskreech | does the windows section/computer need to interact with the backup? | 16:29 |
genii-around | Daskreech: You can't preserve permissions for example | 16:30 |
DarthFrog | genii-around: Even in a tarball? | 16:30 |
Daskreech | genii-around: Yes but I'm just trying to get what the parameters are | 16:30 |
genii-around | DarthFrog: tarred up, yes...straight file copy, of course not... | 16:30 |
Daskreech | Which leads me to wonder if Linux can read ACLs from Windows and Mac | 16:31 |
genii-around | decci: I'd probably use something like freeSSHd on the windows machine, then tar up what you want to copy and scp it over | 16:33 |
genii-around | Bleh, they left | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | afraid we have a generation that doesn't know the meaning of patience , growing up in an instant gratification age where everything is a disposable commodity :) | 16:37 |
DarthFrog | Well, I guess that includes our caring about their issues if they can't be bothered. | 16:38 |
BluesKaj | yup, there's no caring at all, "I need it now ", spoiled and mollycoddled to a sense of entitlement without work ...not all mind you , but quite a lot | 16:41 |
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Daskreech | BluesKaj: preach | 16:59 |
BluesKaj | that was my rant ...not preaching , stating my observations of behaviour here | 17:01 |
Daskreech | Back in my day we rolled our own drivers, uplib! and we liked it | 17:02 |
* genii-around sips and reminisces about issuing emerge world in Gentoo on a P1-133 with 128MB ... | 17:08 | |
poetic_algebra | damn kids... get off my lawn! | 17:10 |
poetic_algebra | you and your music | 17:10 |
genii-around | poetic_algebra: You forgot the cane-waving and frisbee-hoarding ;-) | 17:11 |
poetic_algebra | oh, right =] | 17:12 |
Daskreech | apt-get install frisbee libwave on-topic | 17:15 |
genii-around | Daskreech: If it was busy in here I'd point people to -offtopic | 17:17 |
poetic_algebra | xset meshuttingup activate | 17:19 |
* Daskreech hugs genii-around and avoids getting coffee over everything | 17:19 | |
genii-around | Heh | 17:19 |
Daskreech | btw does anyone have an issue with the keyboard dying in KDE 4.8.90 ? | 17:19 |
poetic_algebra | I haven't, no | 17:20 |
genii-around | Daskreech: Not here.. but I'm on 12.10 ( still 4.8.90 though ) | 17:20 |
Daskreech | genii-around: Hmm Last week my keyboard kept dying. | 17:20 |
poetic_algebra | I'm on 12.04 | 17:20 |
Daskreech | Which reminds me is there a way to reboot the keyboard without killing X ? | 17:21 |
BluesKaj | genii-around: are you using FF on 12.10 ...notice and java applet probs ? | 17:21 |
BluesKaj | and=any | 17:21 |
genii-around | BluesKaj: Not that I know of.. but I'm still using the Sun Java | 17:22 |
BluesKaj | already asked on ubuntu+1 , got the "file a bug" brush off | 17:22 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: i have the same problem | 17:22 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: not just keyboard but also mouse | 17:23 |
BluesKaj | sun java eh ? ..hmm | 17:23 |
Daskreech | phoenix_firebrd: Notice any patterns? It seems to go away for me anytime i switch somethign to full screen | 17:23 |
genii-around | BluesKaj: I manually installed Sun/Oracle jre1.7.0_04 | 17:23 |
Daskreech | My Mouse runs on FB I dont' know if that makes a difference | 17:23 |
BluesKaj | genii-around: tarball ? | 17:23 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: i think in my case, x hangs or its kwin | 17:23 |
Daskreech | phoenix_firebrd: can you ssh in? | 17:23 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: total freeze | 17:23 |
Daskreech | if kwin stops painting the mouse should still move since most people have it painted in fb | 17:24 |
genii-around | BluesKaj: Yep, then i put it in usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_04 and tinkered with update-alternatives to add it in | 17:24 |
Daskreech | If not then it may be a X freeze. If you can't ssh in it's probably a kernel bug | 17:24 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: in that case, i think its a x crash or a kernel panic | 17:24 |
Daskreech | Hopefully X | 17:25 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: i think there was a bug fixed recently for the kernel , i saw it in the update | 17:26 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: are you using lightdm? | 17:26 |
Daskreech | phoenix_firebrd: :-) There are always bugs fixed in the update :) was it relevant? | 17:26 |
Daskreech | No | 17:26 |
phoenix_firebrd | Daskreech: ya, the changelog contained something like reverting a patch , which caused xserver crashes | 17:27 |
Daskreech | ah ok cool | 17:27 |
Daskreech | http://www.datamation.com/open-source/seven-expectations-of-linux-users-1.html is a great read and should be in the (at least OT) topic >_> | 17:41 |
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ceti331 | hi i'm in ubuntu, i've installed kde, but have kwin 4.8.4... is it possible to get 4.8.95 | 18:06 |
poetic_algebra | there's a backports ppa which will allow you to upgrade to 4.8.90 | 18:07 |
ceti331 | ok how does that work.. | 18:07 |
poetic_algebra | the ppa is here: | 18:09 |
poetic_algebra | https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta | 18:09 |
poetic_algebra | you can follow the instructions, or apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta, then apt-get update; apt-get upgrade | 18:09 |
ceti331 | thanks | 18:11 |
poetic_algebra | sure thing | 18:11 |
lordievader | Good evening | 18:25 |
Daskreech | lordievader: Hi | 18:56 |
lordievader | Hey Daskreech, how are you? | 18:57 |
Daskreech | Broken. How are you doing? | 18:58 |
lordievader | Daskreech: I'm doing just find, trying not to notice the heat, | 18:58 |
Daskreech | apt-get install gtkpool | 18:59 |
lordievader | Where do I enter that? I have never seen a "god's" terminal floating around... | 19:00 |
Daskreech | lordievader: It slides down from the sky when invoked | 19:09 |
lordievader | Daskreech: And how does one invoke it? | 19:10 |
dougl | konsole? sudo? | 19:11 |
Daskreech | lordievader: man file not found | 19:16 |
lordievader | Daskreech: lol :P | 19:16 |
Daskreech | ;-) | 19:16 |
BadDesign | freaking *nix sound systems... they suck | 19:28 |
Daskreech | Replace them? | 19:29 |
Daskreech | Oh sound systems | 19:29 |
BadDesign | now my sound doens't work "well" on Kubuntu 12.04 I hear modulations and alien voices when I play something | 19:29 |
Daskreech | gstreamer? | 19:29 |
BadDesign | Phonon uses gstreamer in Kubuntu ? | 19:29 |
Daskreech | I think so | 19:30 |
BadDesign | (by default, I mean) | 19:30 |
daniel_____ | BadDesign: Agreed. Worst thing is Skype screws everything up and you have to use alsamixer to tune mic-boost down. Drives me nuts! | 19:30 |
BadDesign | From what I see that's the case | 19:30 |
daniel_____ | BadDesign: You can change it to use a VLC backend if you want or even Xine. | 19:31 |
Daskreech | Xine is no longer maintained | 19:31 |
BadDesign | The updates from the last couple of days broke my sound | 19:32 |
daniel_____ | Daskreech: Yeah true. I have never really had issues with gstreamer though. I "think" VLC will be default soon. | 19:32 |
lordievader | VLC seems te have a bit better audio quality, but that might just be me. | 19:34 |
BadDesign | What package has vlc as a backend for phonon? | 19:35 |
daniel_____ | lordievader: Yeah I think so too. | 19:35 |
lordievader | BadDesign: I believe it was something like phonon-backend-vlc | 19:35 |
daniel_____ | BadDesign: sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-vlc | 19:35 |
BadDesign | that's it thanks :) | 19:36 |
goliat | Hi | 20:06 |
goliat | i have problem with wifi... under kubuntu. I installed linux-firmware-nonfree, and iwlist scanning see networks.... but network manager dont | 20:07 |
goliat | I was restarting network-manager, and interfaces and computer and still dont work | 20:07 |
goliat | I have Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN | 20:08 |
genii-around | Dis you make some manual change to your /etc/network/interfaces file? | 20:08 |
goliat | no | 20:09 |
daviddoria | how do I install the proprietary nvidia driver in 12.04? | 20:10 |
lordievader | daviddoria: Have you tried the jockey? | 20:11 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria: from the nvidia website? | 20:11 |
lordievader | daviddoria: Kmenu -> applications -> System -> Additional Drivers | 20:12 |
daviddoria | lordievader, there is nothing in the list there | 20:13 |
goliat | any ideas? | 20:13 |
daviddoria | BluesKaj, I thought there were more "built in" ways to do it these days | 20:13 |
genii-around | !info nvidia-current | 20:13 |
ubottu | nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 32650 kB, installed size 96032 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia) | 20:13 |
genii-around | daviddoria: Add restricted repository then lordievader's method | 20:14 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria: type jockey into krunner (alt+f2) | 20:14 |
daviddoria | genii-around, is that the x-updates repo? | 20:14 |
genii-around | daviddoria: No that is the restricted repository of archive.ubuntu.com | 20:14 |
daviddoria | I just installed nvidia-current but there is still nothing in that list - maybe I need to start a new session or something? | 20:15 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria: how did you install nvidia-current ? | 20:16 |
daviddoria | BluesKaj, using this: http://codepad.org/NfZPjiQH | 20:17 |
daviddoria | BluesKaj, yea the instructions here: http://www.techlw.com/2012/03/install-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-1204.html say to restart | 20:18 |
daviddoria | brb | 20:18 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria: X has to be disabled when installing a graphics driver , it looks like it installs but it's overridden by the default ,probly the nouveau | 20:19 |
BluesKaj | too late .. no matter | 20:20 |
daniel_____ | daviddoria: There is a specific guide for Kubuntu. jockey is notorious for not working - this is a perfect guide http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html | 20:24 |
daviddoria | That worked, once I restarted it showed up in the list | 20:24 |
daviddoria | but now when I try to setup my two screens, I get "Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'DFP-0: 1680x1050 @1680x1050 +1680+0, DFP-4: 1680x1050 @1680x1050 +0+0' (Mode 3360x1050, id: 52) on X screen 0." | 20:25 |
daniel_____ | goliat: A good idea is to install WICD with a gui. That usually solves most people's problems. By the way, Intel should just work out of the box, never had an issue before | 20:28 |
daniel_____ | daviddoria: Correction, I meant this website http://dragly.org/2012/05/04/installing-the-nvidia-driver-in-kubuntu-12-04/ | 20:28 |
daviddoria | Anyone have any idea about this "failed to set MetaMode" error? | 20:36 |
daviddoria | (sorry, I'm on IRC on a different machine now so I can actually read the responses and restart at the same time :) ) | 20:36 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria: does the driver show up in additional drivers? ...I have to ask :P | 20:39 |
doriad_ | BluesKaj, yes, and it says that it is in use | 20:39 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria , ok good | 20:40 |
doriad_ | BluesKaj, so what's with this MetaMode error? | 20:40 |
doriad_ | In the nvidia-settings, I see both monitors, and they are set to the same resolutions they were set to before I installed nvidia-current | 20:41 |
BluesKaj | daviddoria: sorry I haven't seen that issue before ...dunno how to handle it | 20:41 |
BluesKaj | doriad_: is nvidia-settings installed ? | 20:43 |
doriad_ | BluesKaj, yes, this is where I'm trying to set up the resolutions and this is what is giving me the error | 20:44 |
BluesKaj | !nvidia-settings | 20:44 |
BluesKaj | it's not a default install witht driver , it gives more options in the gui as well afaik | 20:45 |
doriad_ | BluesKaj, yes, I have it and am using it | 20:46 |
BluesKaj | doriad_: and invidia-current-updates as well ? | 20:47 |
jessie | So, I am using Kontact, but the main toolbar (file, edit, etc.) has disappeared in the kmail portion. I've tried ctrl+M but it did not bring it back. | 20:48 |
doriad_ | so I disabled the proprietary driver | 20:54 |
doriad_ | and now in KDE's Display settings, I only see 1 monitor | 20:54 |
jessie | Well, fixed my problem by restoring a backup of my ~/.kde/share/config/kontactrc file. | 20:55 |
Daskreech | jessie: what did you have in the broken file? | 20:56 |
jessie | It's long. Let me post a copy online. One momonte. | 20:56 |
jessie | *moment | 20:56 |
jessie | Actually, the relevant part is under [MainWindowkontact_kmailplugin] | 20:57 |
Daskreech | !paste | 20:57 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:57 |
jessie | It says MenuBar=Disabled. | 20:58 |
jessie | I tried deleting that line, but it didn't like that, so I restored a copy from earlier. That worked. | 20:58 |
jessie | Also, the Height was different | 20:58 |
maex | hallo | 21:00 |
maex | hallo | 21:00 |
maex | suche hilfe | 21:01 |
maex | wlan kummer# | 21:01 |
jessie | !english | 21:01 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 21:01 |
Rid3r | hi there | 21:07 |
Rid3r | I would like to know if it's safe to alow an user to lanche xserver | 21:07 |
BluesKaj | Rid3r: he needs the xserver for gui desktop | 21:11 |
Rid3r | BluesKaj: who he ? | 21:11 |
BluesKaj | the user | 21:12 |
Rid3r | I just want to know if it's safe | 21:12 |
BluesKaj | what kind of desktop are you using now, Rid3r? | 21:14 |
Rid3r | a kdm but anyway I don't want to lanch a desktom manager but a xserver | 21:16 |
BluesKaj | the xserver will already be running if you are using kdm | 21:16 |
Rid3r | ... | 21:17 |
Rid3r | I just want to know if it's safe... | 21:17 |
Daskreech | Rid3r: It can be. What is the person's purpose? | 21:17 |
Rid3r | to run a xserver as user | 21:17 |
Daskreech | You can use xnest if you want to contain them | 21:18 |
BluesKaj | it must be , you already have it on :) | 21:18 |
Daskreech | BluesKaj: I think he means a new Xserver process for that user | 21:18 |
Daskreech | And I suppose they can turn it on and off as they please | 21:18 |
Rid3r | k I will red about Daskreech | 21:18 |
BluesKaj | Daskreech: I asked him THAT | 21:18 |
BluesKaj | oops | 21:18 |
* BluesKaj shakes his head ...why didn;t he say so , a differnt user as xserver ...gawd | 21:20 | |
Rid3r | cauz I lanch a virtual machine in an other tty... | 21:20 |
BluesKaj | like trying to squeeze water from a stone | 21:20 |
Rid3r | BluesKaj: different or not that is not the point dude | 21:20 |
BluesKaj | i'm not a "dude" | 21:20 |
Daskreech | Rid3r: of course | 21:21 |
Rid3r | lol | 21:21 |
BluesKaj | you know Rid3r , you could have mentioned the circumstances , it could have helped me tom understand what you meant ...we get so many questions here that aren't clear because of language barrier ..we need more detail ,,,at least I do | 21:24 |
BluesKaj | think I've had enough for one day | 21:27 |
Rid3r | Daskreech: beforte to install xnest can I lanch it as user ? and it will load more memory ? | 21:39 |
Daskreech | Before you install it ? | 21:39 |
Rid3r | ow... was already there* | 21:40 |
Rid3r | I'v read an old topic... | 21:43 |
Rid3r | Daskreech: I add the magick cookie and I try Xnest -auth .Xauthority :1 & or :2 but it still in the same tty... | 21:45 |
Rid3r | ow can I lanch it in an other tty ? | 21:45 |
Rid3r | with -display ? | 21:45 |
Daskreech | are you looking for something like http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Multiseat ? | 21:46 |
Rid3r | Daskreech: ow no... sometimes I use sudo xinit /usr/bin/vmplayer -- :1 | 21:48 |
Rid3r | and as you see it's not secure | 21:48 |
Rid3r | so I would like to know if it's safe to add a user to Xauthority to do it | 21:49 |
Daskreech | Rid3r: Maybe hop into #xorg ? | 21:49 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest77296 | ||
Rid3r | Daskreech: ow I don't know that chan... I will continu my reserch and it I still bloked I will thanks :) | 21:50 |
Phiscribe | Rid3r what do you mean by save, if the users has a secure password then probably, granting universial access to x, probably not | 21:50 |
Phiscribe | safe that is | 21:50 |
Rid3r | Phiscribe: ok so way by default the user was not in Xauthority ? | 21:51 |
Rid3r | why* | 21:51 |
Phiscribe | remote access is usaly not turned on, i guess default is to close the door, let the user open it | 21:52 |
Daskreech | Phiscribe: Correct | 21:53 |
Rid3r | mmm ok ss I havejust to add my ser :) | 21:54 |
Rid3r | user* | 21:54 |
Rid3r | arg... | 21:54 |
Phiscribe | x over ssh is probably most secure, xauth is only partialy, direct display access not secure | 21:54 |
Rid3r | (sorry I hae amicrosoft ieless eyboard) | 21:54 |
Rid3r | Phiscribe: all is in localhost* | 21:55 |
Rid3r | I'm realy disapointed that dpkg-reconfigure x11-common do not work anymore... | 22:14 |
Rid3r | I'll try with Xwarper | 22:15 |
Rid3r | it work and the file still updated | 22:28 |
Rid3r | merci messieurs | 22:28 |
marco__ | come faccio per la chat ? | 23:04 |
Daskreech | !it | 23:08 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 23:08 |
TheOneRing | is there also a kubuntu active quantal quetzal beta? | 23:21 |
TheOneRing | alpha | 23:21 |
TheOneRing | ^^ | 23:21 |
TheOneRing | daylies are somehow to unstable | 23:21 |
Riddell | TheOneRing: no, upstream haven't made a release to go with the latest KDE so there's not much point yet | 23:23 |
Riddell | TheOneRing: are you a user? | 23:23 |
TheOneRing | k | 23:23 |
TheOneRing | I try to install kubuntu active from time to time on my tablet | 23:24 |
Riddell | TheOneRing: what tablet do you use? | 23:24 |
TheOneRing | samsung series 7 | 23:24 |
TheOneRing | XE700T1 | 23:25 |
TheOneRing | but plasma active needs still some improvement | 23:25 |
TheOneRing | ^^ | 23:25 |
Riddell | TheOneRing: yep needs some work for sure, but that's happening | 23:26 |
TheOneRing | and kubuntu active was horrible unstable the last few times I tried it | 23:28 |
TheOneRing | with the latest daily the install process crashed :P | 23:28 |
TheOneRing | can I install the desktop version with a more active ppa then https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active/+archive/ppa ? | 23:30 |
=== 15SACD4LU is now known as Sigma | ||
Riddell | TheOneRing: well quantal has a recent snapshot of plasma active in it but that doesn't mean it's stable | 23:31 |
Riddell | there is no desktop version, that's the point of active :) | 23:32 |
=== Sigma is now known as Guest92042 |
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