
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: I'm still struggling to make it work, can't seem to find a solution00:44
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: I can see the comments template is not being called, when you check the source code of the main page00:55
jcastroimbrandon: ping01:51
jcastroI don't think it's that APC thing01:52
jcastrohow do I flush it?01:52
jcastroI can check01:52
imbrandoneaswy way is to restart php-fpm/nginx01:52
jcastroI restarted nginx01:52
jcastrodo I need to restart php-fpm?01:52
imbrandonservice php5-fpm restart01:52
imbrandonthen check for /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/*apc.ini01:53
imbrandonand make sure stat=1 not 001:53
imbrandonto not have to do that in the future01:53
jcastroit's at 101:53
jcastrothe comments work on the site, just not on this page01:54
jcastroso I am pretty sure it's not a system problem01:54
imbrandonohhhh ok01:54
imbrandoni misunderstood the issue then01:54
JoseeAntonioRthe function is not called in what's known as 'static pages', but they work in posts01:54
imbrandonhe said edited the file and the changes dident show01:54
jcastroI added the php function just like we did on the last one01:54
jcastroexcept it doesn't show up01:54
imbrandonok lets step backwards, i'm not sure whats up01:55
jcastrodon't worry about it, we'll just change it to a redirect to the G+ page or youtube tomorrow01:55
* imbrandon doesnt even konw the issue, but editing page.php is almost garenteed the wrong solution01:56
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: is there any way to try installing a test page with the downloaded wordpress instead of juju? that was a suggestion in #wordpress01:56
JoseeAntonioRmaybe /var/www/wptest01:56
jcastroit is the downloaded version of wordpress01:56
jcastrothey work fine on posts01:57
jcastrojust not /pages/01:57
imbrandonits the same wordpress JoseeAntonioR01:57
JoseeAntonioRimbrandon: people in #wordpress disagree, but I do think the same01:57
imbrandonjcastro: what do comments ? are comments for pages turned on in the cp ?01:57
JoseeAntonioRwait a sec, what about pulling the code from that page's source?01:57
imbrandonJoseeAntonioR: look at the charm it wgets it from wordpress.org01:58
imbrandonslow down01:58
imbrandonwtf is the problem01:58
jcastrothe comments don't show up on the page01:58
jcastroonly posts.01:58
JoseeAntonioRimbrandon: comments only show in posts01:58
imbrandonare they turned on for pages01:58
imbrandonin the wp control pannel01:58
jcastrolooking through the options now01:58
imbrandonwhen you make a page01:58
JoseeAntonioRyeah, they are01:58
JoseeAntonioRin the discussion tab01:59
imbrandonther is an option to allow commetts for that page01:59
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: let me know once you finish editing the page so I can go on and try one thing02:00
jcastroI'm not editing anything02:00
jcastrogo for it02:00
imbrandoncomments are working fine it seems02:01
imbrandoni see 2 fromjorge02:01
jcastronot on the page02:01
jcastronot posts, I know posts work02:01
imbrandonoh then just open that page in the cpl and turn them on02:02
imbrandonwhen your editing the page , top right area should have discussion on/off iirc02:02
jcastrothere isn't anything up there for that02:03
jcastroscreen options!02:03
jcastroah bummer02:03
jcastrodidn't do anything02:03
imbrandonone sec lemme look at another install, btw the theme needs to support them as well02:03
jcastrowe put them in the theme02:04
jcastroin page.php02:04
jcastroanyway whatever02:05
jcastrothis isn't worth fixing, let's just plop a redirect in there tomorrow JoseeAntonioR02:05
JoseeAntonioRare you sure?02:06
jcastrothis went from being a simple hangout to overengineered02:06
jcastrowe can just hang out on G+02:06
jcastrothat's the whole point, everything else is just extra work for no benefit02:06
jcastrowe'll just redirect it to youtube like 5 minutes before02:07
JoseeAntonioRgot it02:08
imbrandon^^ step by step how to do it02:08
jcastrothose are wp comments not disqus comments02:08
imbrandonsame thing, discuss runs off the wp ones02:08
jcastrowell it doesn't work02:08
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: yes, disqus just replace wordpress comments02:08
jcastrook going to bed now02:09
jcastrowe'll just plop a redirect in tomorrow02:09
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: ok, see you tomorrow, I'll be here 15-30 mins before02:09
jcastrofrom now on we should just use the G+ page for the "homepage"02:09
imbrandon... we should just do the shit right or not at all ...02:10
* imbrandon grumbles and goes back to work02:10
jcastrowe're not doing it at all02:10
jcastrothat's what I am saying02:10
imbrandoni know02:10
* imbrandon agreed02:10
jcastroit was working on the old one, something happened when we switched dns, shrug02:11
jcastrowe should just ask for hangout.ubuntu.com to point to the G+ page02:11
jcastroproblem solved forever02:11
imbrandonits using the wrong theme anyhow02:11
JoseeAntonioRimbrandon: huh?02:11
JoseeAntonioRwhat about that?02:11
imbrandonthe wp theme, its not the ubuntu wp theme02:11
JoseeAntonioRimbrandon: do you know where can I find the right one?02:12
imbrandonlp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/wordpress-light irrc02:12
imbrandongnight jcastro /me heads to sleep too, JoseeAntonioR if you need a hand tomarrow with it lemme know02:13
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks!02:13
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: problem solved02:27
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: for when you come back, I have now embedded the discussion widget, it's easier, and doesn't need any configuration (just copying/pasting))02:29
jcastrooh nice!02:29
jcastrowhat was the problem?02:29
* jcastro decides not to look a gifthorse in the mouth and just roll with it02:30
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: not sure about that, but we're not using the disqus plugin, just an embedded code I found for the ubuntuonair.com widget in disqus.com02:30
bkerensajcastro: I'm getting a Sputnik ;p04:52
philballewbkerensa, I assume your paying full price?05:28
bkerensaphilballew: lol no man ;)05:48
* philballew still rocks a d-63005:51
philballewbkerensa, Im sure your gonna have some fun with that.05:52
philballewbkerensa, idea for all your projects here. Power your laptop via your volt, that then is hooked up to your micro-controller that is controlling your soda-stream. Its a full proof plan if you can get the right resistors and a big enough bread board for the volt to dell hook up05:56
czajkowskicjohnston: ping me when you're online09:38
cjohnstonczajkowski: ping10:11
czajkowskipleia2: can you give me any examples of womens OSS tshirts that have nice designs not just plonking an image ont he front of a top in large area10:16
czajkowskiam working with some people to give them nice examples of womens OSS tops to see if we can improve the Ubuntu womens one10:16
mcclurmcdoes anyone know where the next UDS is going to be held?13:59
mhall119jcastro: can anybody join your on-air thing?14:07
czajkowskimcclurmc: it's not annouced yet14:09
mcclurmcthanks, czajkowski14:09
czajkowskiah lovley google hangouts messed up today14:09
jcastromhall119: sure, wanna plop in?14:09
mhall119yeah, when does it start?14:13
mhall119nvm, found it14:14
mhall119yeah, I'll join14:14
jcastroget the appdev #'s handy. :)14:20
jonojcastro, can I join?14:22
mhall119jcastro: always handy :)14:22
jcastrofor sure!14:22
mhall119(not always encouraging)14:22
mhall119jono: did you see Steve's email reply?14:23
jcastrolook at this guest list.14:23
mhall119jcastro: that is a nice lineup14:23
jcastroall of these are the _hot_ topics in ubuntu right now14:23
jcastrosecure boot, webapps, appdevs, hardware support, quality.14:23
jonojcastro, which URL?14:24
jonojcastro, which hangout URL so I can join?14:24
jcastrooh, I am not sure yet.14:25
jonojcastro, oh, I thought it was running now14:25
jonomy bad14:25
mhall119it's on-air, so there isn't a pre-made url14:25
jcastroI think josee starts it, sec, let me check the wiki page14:25
mhall119unless google has improved that14:25
jonomhall119, I meant the URL to join the hangout14:25
jcastrojono: nope, but if you want to join like 5 min early I have some ideas for an intro if you want to kick it off, maybe intro Barton or something, I'd like to get him done first14:25
mhall119jcastro: is it using hangouts, or that other thing someone suggested?14:25
jcastromhall119: hangouts, we'll  have a hangout, this page will be the youtube thing embedded14:26
jcastroand the comments will be on this page14:26
jonojcastro, oh damn, I will be in a meeting14:26
jonoI will join after the first hour14:26
jcastroit's 2 hours14:26
jcastroyou can drop in and out14:26
jcastroit's no big deal14:26
jcastrowe have more people than slots anyway14:27
jonomhall119, want to do a hangout now?14:27
jcastroso it'll be "hey we're joined by foo", we hang with the person for like 15 minutes, when they close out they just drop off.14:27
mhall119jono: if you give me a few minutes, sure14:27
jonomhall119, np14:28
czajkowskijcastro: hangouts are very broken today, hope it works for you guys14:28
jcastroit looks like gtalk is hosed too14:28
czajkowskihave had to use skype for the last few meetings today as nobody can get hangout to work14:28
jcastrowe have like 3 hours.14:29
jcastrowe'll see what the Google does.14:29
czajkowskijcastro: http://www.google.com/appsstatus#hl=en&v=issue&ts=1343343599000&iid=a6fb32beebebf8e85b0c986b09a4e69d14:29
jcastrojust my kind of day14:31
czajkowskijcastro: at least they are updating the page, we were very lost this morning uk time trying to wrk out what was  going wrong14:32
mhall119jono: ready14:38
jcastromhall119: jono: follow this account pls: https://plus.google.com/113179255019669411234/posts14:40
mhall119jono: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cc40a57827ef2b84456aea155e9b7dc05a4ff401?authuser=0&hl=en14:40
jonomhall119, cool, wrapping a convo, will be there soon14:40
jonomhall119, sorry for the delay, joining now14:49
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
=== mcclurmc_away is now known as mcclurmc
mhall119jono: ok, off my call if you want jump back on15:16
mhall119well, on a new hangout, since I closed the last one15:16
jonomhall119, give me a min and I will join15:18
jcastrohey bkerensa15:18
mhall119jono: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/706c480540e8abda8837f15d0f4baecf0a1b6334?authuser=0&hl=en when you're ready15:19
bkerensajcastro: hey15:23
jcastrohey so next time you talk to subway guys, ask about webapp support15:23
jcastrothat would be awesome in subway15:23
bkerensajcastro: I will ask15:24
jonomhall119, joining now15:24
bkerensajcastro: do we have a widget snippet for todays hangout so I can have this on OMG too?15:24
jcastroYou can steal the one we'll put on ubuntuonair.com15:25
jcastroI'll ask JoseeAntonioR what it is when he gets here15:25
nhandlerjcastro: Can you also remind him to add it to the Ubuntu On Air google calendar?15:26
jcastroWe don't need a calendar, I just put it on the fridge calendar15:27
nhandlerjcastro: You have one already (he created it). It is used for updating the #ubuntu-on-air channel15:28
jcastroyeah but we don't need that15:28
jcastrowe're just going to do the hangout15:28
nhandlerSo you guys are completely scrapping #ubuntu-on-air and AirBot? It would have been nice if someone had let me and/or pleia2 know (no point running a bot if it isn't getting used)15:29
jcastroI don't even know why we had a bot15:30
jcastrobut yeah, we don't need that, people are going to ask questions on the page15:30
jcastrosorry for the mixup15:31
bkerensajcastro: ok well have someone ping me with the air widget like by 16-17 UTC so I can have a post scheduled15:31
jcastrobkerensa: I was thinking/hoping to have it an hour before15:31
jcastrobkerensa: I sent joey a mail about the onair thing but got no response15:31
bkerensajcastro: just come to me :P15:32
bkerensajcastro: what are the topics that will be discussed today?15:35
jcastroscroll down15:35
jcastroI put everything there15:35
jcastroand we have disqus on there for questions, etc.15:35
bkerensaexcellent got the post pre-baked so all we need is the widget when Josee drop in15:42
bkerensapopey: the youtube air widget we will need to embed on OMG as well unless we want to just direct everyone to ubuntuonair?15:43
jcastroI would just redirect everyone15:44
jcastroif it's embedded on omg people will start to ask questions there15:45
jcastrobut we did take questions from multiple sources last time15:45
jcastroso shrug15:45
jcastroprobably what popey says15:45
popeyembedding means more eyeballs15:46
popeywhich is always nice15:46
popeyand bkerensa could always collate the questions for us :)15:46
jcastroeither way is fine I think15:46
jcastrowe did well doing like a bunch of sources last time15:46
popeyI'm sure it'll be fine :)15:46
jcastrowe have popey, how can we fail?15:47
popeyi have a conf call when the hangout starts :(15:47
popeyso will have to join in later15:47
jcastrono worries15:47
bkerensayeah I can gather questions15:47
bkerensaand pop them into the hangout chat15:47
bkerensalike last time?15:47
bkerensaand occasionally if it gets busy I'll ask them15:48
bkerensajcastro: I have to meet with chevy at 11am15:48
bkerensaso I will be like 4 mins late15:48
jcastrono worries15:49
jcastroI grew up on Chevys15:49
jcastronever again15:49
czajkowskibit of a day for tech fail, first G+ and not twitter, https://plus.google.com/photos/102921374554385564572/albums/5769514005080350961/576951400693764435416:23
czajkowski*now even16:24
jcastrobkerensa: ah, so you're the reason my google analytics just blew up, heh16:25
bkerensajcastro: yeah it was better to space by more then a hour to give enough time for google indexing16:26
jcastrogood point16:26
bkerensaand give more people time to fit it in their schedule16:26
jcastronext time I'll ping you directly instead of pinging joey16:26
jcastrofor the few-days-before reminder16:27
bkerensajcastro: bump -> http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/x72fe/ubuntu_on_air_youre_questions_answered/16:28
jcastrobkerensa: can you edit the title with the time?16:28
jcastroI posted it on the subreddit already16:28
bkerensahow would u like it to look?16:28
jcastro"in 1.5 hours!" or something16:29
jcastrois there a way to announce something on irc channels without being rude?16:30
jcastrolike, announce the thing on IRC channels16:30
marcoceppibkerensa: can you edit the title to say your?16:30
bkerensamarcoceppi: it does16:30
jcastronot You are "you're"16:30
jcastrooh nice, I see you caught it. caching!16:31
bkerensait says "Your"16:31
bkerensamaybe the wrong revision got posted =/16:31
jcastroreddit is still wrong though16:32
jcastromarcoceppi: imbrandon: the instance isn't even breaking a sweat.16:35
bkerensajcastro: how many concurrent visitors?16:36
jcastro~25 for about the last 5 minutes16:36
bkerensaif a instance broke a sweat over 25 users I would be concerned16:37
jcastrowe blitzed it the other day, etc.16:37
jcastroyeah, I am just saying, we're going to sail through this. knock on wood.16:37
jcastrolooks like some people caught your grammar mistake, heh16:38
bkerensahuh... I remember when boxes with 453Mhz and 512MB ram could handle thousands without crippling16:39
marcoceppibkerensa: Plain-text was a good time for computing16:39
bkerensamarcoceppi: lol this was PHP actually16:39
bkerensaCobalt RaQ 4's were 453 MHz16:40
jcastrobkerensa: feel free to wail on the instance if you want to give it a run through16:40
bkerensaon the ubuntuonair.com one or omg?16:40
pleia2bkerensa: and they ran colbalt linux, which was swiss cheesy with security vulnerabilities - those were the days! :P16:40
bkerensapleia2: indeed... I remember hosting like 20 sites on one of those swiss cheese boxes16:41
jcastroweak, I was expecting a swarm from omg16:42
jcastroI'll post it on the facebook page at the top of the hour16:42
bkerensajcastro: how is that instance feeling?16:45
marcoceppilight and fluffy16:45
jcastro.1 load16:45
jcastrohah, this reminds me of Airplane!16:45
bkerensaI'm maxing out my uplink16:45
jcastro"How's she feeling?" "Sluggish"16:45
marcoceppibkerensa: are you siegeing?16:46
bkerensayou guys are down now16:46
bkerensa100% packet loss from all WatchMouse locations16:46
marcoceppibkerensa: loads fine here16:46
bkerensaSingapore, Singapore: Packets lost (100%)
bkerensa Amsterdam2, Netherlands: Packets lost (100%)
bkerensa Florida, U.S.A.: Packets lost (100%)
bkerensa Amsterdam3, Netherlands: Packets lost (100%)
bkerensa Hong Kong, China: Packets lost (100%)
jcastroworks for me16:47
marcoceppiprobably Amazon doing something?16:47
jcastroit's on HP16:47
jcastromaybe he tripped something?16:47
* marcoceppi *shrug*16:48
bkerensaload is still low?16:50
bkerensa2x Siege with each 100 users simulated + LoadImpact + HostTracker Bomb16:50
bkerensaweak sauce16:50
marcoceppiso sorry16:50
jcastrobkerensa: can you test a hangout?16:51
jcastroI'm getting "Hangouts on Air! not available"16:51
jcastroand then a try again later.16:51
popeyjcastro, testing one now16:52
popeyinvited you16:52
bkerensajcastro: apparently google has been having issues this morning?16:53
jcastroit works for popey16:53
jcastropopey: nope, not available for me16:56
popeyhow odd16:56
popeywonder if it's a regional thing16:56
jcastrono worries, we'll just have ben or jose fire it up when ready16:56
popeywell I will be at my pc, if you need me to start it16:56
popeyjust ping me, I will be looking at this channel16:56
IdleOnehangouts working here also16:56
bkerensajcastro: u going to use lower third?16:57
popeyin ~50 mins right?16:57
jcastrolower third? the title thing? sure if you want16:57
jcastroyeah so let's fire it up ~20 minutes before16:57
jcastroI asked Barton to join us early too16:57
jcastroso we can get him acclimated16:57
bkerensajcastro: I will fire it up 20 mins till16:59
bkerensathen walk away and come back16:59
jcastropopey says it has detection though16:59
jcastroso if you bail bail it will drop it16:59
* snap-l saw ball bail, and wasn't sure what that was.16:59
jcastrolike not just bail, but BAIL17:00
snap-lpost bail bail?17:00
bkerensajcastro: btw HP got me sorted17:00
snap-lor pale pale pail bail17:00
jcastrobkerensa: good to hear!17:00
bkerensahas detection?17:00
bkerensasince when17:00
jcastrothat's what popey says17:01
jcastroI think it prompts you with "are you still here?" or something17:01
snap-lGoogle has implemented butt in seat detection. :)17:01
snap-lYeah, it'll detect if you haven't said something in a few minutes17:01
snap-land prompt you if you're still alive17:02
snap-lHad that during a hangout once17:02
jonobkerensa, you free for a short chat?17:08
bkerensajono: sure via what medium?17:09
jonobkerensa, G+ work?17:09
jonolet me set it up17:09
jonobkerensa, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/506e199b216effdabbc3b5eea344ab96f1ab8c62?authuser=0&hl=en-US17:09
popeyit detects if you dont move your mouse or touch the bk17:12
popeyand pops up a box asking if you're still there17:12
popeyif you don't see and then click it, it shuts the hangout down17:12
jcastrobkerensa: ok so I'm thinking, barton, langasek, vanhoof in that order to start off with?17:25
jcastro~15 min or so each? unless there's pure gold there ... :)17:25
jcastroI told vanhoof to do exactly what he did last time, which was a bunch of awesomeness about working with hw vendors, etc, I think it's worth repeating all that imo17:25
bkerensajcastro: sounds good.... I think there is lots of gold in slangasek but perhaps I am biased since he is a local17:25
popeypeople are rocking up in #ubuntu-on-air17:26
popeyon irc17:26
bkerensajcastro: going to FB it on Ubuntu and Tweeet?17:28
jcastrotwitter is still down for me17:29
jcastroI'll facebook it now17:29
snap-lfacebook it?17:29
snap-lLet me verbify that for you.17:30
bkerensatwitter is up for me17:30
bkerensajcastro: when did u wanna fire this up?17:30
bkerensacopy that17:31
jcastroI have to wrap up like a few more things17:31
jcastroor fire it up now and I'll join you guys in 1017:31
bkerensajust to clarify I will have to walk to my front door for one minute or two to hand keys to someone17:31
bkerensauhh doesnt Josee have to do it since he setup the widget?17:31
jcastrowe can modify the page to point to the right place17:32
jcastrowhen you do it it'll put the url to embed in the thing17:32
bkerensajcastro: snippet http://paste.ubuntu.com/1112323/17:37
bkerensajcastro: solution to the idle check... Greasemonkey script :D17:41
* popey switches machines17:43
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: here17:49
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: ben and I are hanging out now17:49
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: from the uonair plus profile?17:49
JoseeAntonioRif not, I can create the hangout17:49
jcastrono we just made one17:50
JoseeAntonioRok, one sec17:50
jcastroand we were going to change the URL on the site17:50
* popey waves17:51
popeyi was invited but then the invite disappeared17:52
jcastroben is just going to paste the url17:52
JoseeAntonioRerm, that won't be stored in the ubuntonair channel17:52
jcastrook wait17:52
jcastroanother hangout just showed up17:52
jcastroon G+17:52
JoseeAntonioRyes, that's from the ubuntu on air profile17:52
JoseeAntonioRso that the videos are stored in the /ubuntonair channel17:53
jcastroAh ok17:53
jcastrowe're joining in17:53
jcastrowhat URL do I give speakers?17:53
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: whats the link man?17:53
bkerensafor the hangout17:54
jcastrothere's the logo for the title thing17:54
bkerensajcastro: can u invite me in17:54
popeynice, chrome blew up17:55
czajkowskiits been rather ill all day17:56
SergioMeneseshello guys!17:58
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: invite robert.carr@canonical.com directly please17:59
MrChrisDruifjcastro; where is ubuntu on air being done?18:00
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: that link doesnt work18:01
bkerensaI dont think were live yet18:01
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: we have 13 viewers18:02
bkerensayes but the live link is not working18:02
bkerensacan u pastebin the widget please18:02
bkerensaits under embed18:02
JoseeAntonioR<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vRegWI99TS0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>18:02
MrChrisDruifhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRegWI99TS0 <= for viewing in Youtube18:03
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: I can't seem to be able to enable comments, one sec18:04
jcastrobkerensa: mute if you are typing18:04
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: if we can't figure it out, link to OMG18:05
JoseeAntonioRok, onse sec18:05
jcastrojust link to the omg comments18:05
bkerensajcastro: I have been muted this whole time18:05
jcastrosomeone needs to mute!18:05
jcastrothey work!18:05
mhall119jcastro: how can I join?18:06
MrChrisDruifWhere's the hangout? ;-)18:08
mhall119MrChrisDruif: http://ubuntuonair.com/18:08
jcastrosomeone invite mhall18:09
jcastroand langasek18:09
jcastroI don't have time to do IRC and ask barton questions. :)18:09
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: can u invite mhall11918:10
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: are comments enabled on ubuntuonair.com yet?18:10
popeylots of chatter in #ubuntu-on-air18:15
popeymaybe put the link in the channel?18:15
popeyi dont have ops18:16
JoseeAntonioRone sec18:16
JoseeAntonioRsomeone's breathing and not muted :P18:27
jcastrowho is breathing loud?18:28
ogasawarajcastro: can you hit me with the link to the hangout18:28
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: ^^18:28
MrChrisDruifjcastro; can you put the current speaker on main stage?18:29
ogasawarahrm, /me is having trouble joining the hangout...18:29
SergioMenesesMrChrisDruif, the host can do it18:30
SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, I guess18:30
MrChrisDruifSergioMeneses; Jorge is one of the hosts ;-)18:30
jonoimbrandon, can you join #ubuntu-meeting ?18:33
czajkowskiwhats the clicking on the on air18:54
czajkowskireally cant hear Robert :/18:54
MrChrisDruifHe's finally audible18:55
czajkowskirather up close and personal view but at least I can hear him :)18:56
SergioMenesesmmm.... I have to work I'll let xchat on18:58
jonojcastro, can I join?19:03
jcastrosomeone invite jono19:03
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: ^^19:03
JoseeAntonioRI'll invite him19:03
* ogasawara has to drop off ubuntu on air, thanks guys!19:22
jonojcastro, bkerensa, JoseeAntonioR, mhall119 good work19:58
* jono lunches19:58
bkerensadamn I need lunch soon19:59
marcoceppiHP Cloud, 2012-07-26 16:01:14,716 ERROR 'MachineProvider' object has no attribute '_cached_contraint' ? during a deploy20:01
marcoceppiWrong room20:01
JoseeAntonioRyay, we're done20:03
jcastrolet's keep the site running over the weekend20:05
jcastroand then switch to popey's thing at the end?20:05
jcastrothen we'll sort something more solid for next time20:05
popeyfine by me20:05
popeyjust copy the page / content over20:05
bkerensajcastro: Sergio from Ubuntu-CO had a great idea... Ubuntu on Air Espanol!20:06
JoseeAntonioRI discussed that long ago with Dante from Ubuntu-PE and him20:15
=== fenris is now known as Guest85355
JoseeAntonioRvideo is now up20:17
=== jono is now known as Guest1847
SergioMeneseshello guys!21:44

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