
mokmeisterJust looking at OMGUbuntu there and thinking Ubuntu is really set to take off!19:12
mokmeisterIt has so much going for it these days it more than matches other commercial OSes, it's unreal really19:12
mokmeisterKudos to all those who work so hard making Ubuntu what it is.19:13
mokmeisterIt's great to be part of something special!19:13
mokmeisterMakes me feel kinda good inside using this OS.19:14
airurandonice one mokmeister19:16
mokmeisterIndeed! Only saying it like it is! :D How are you airurando?19:21
airurandogood now mokemeister, and you?19:40
zmoylaneach new version of windows seems a little worse and a little more restrictive.  their loss is linuxs gain.  ubuntu is the starting point for many looking at linux.19:41
airurandohi zmoylan20:03
zmoylanhi airurando, all well?20:04
airurandoand with you?20:04
zmoylangetting by.  hip gradually getting better.  mostly trying to walk as much as possible to build up lost muscle.  down to one crutch.  only symptom left is insomnia20:05
airurandoto the first part good20:06
airurandoto the second bad20:06
mokmeisteryes, things are good, thanks for asking .20:06
mokmeisterhi zmoylan20:06
zmoylanhi mokmeister20:06
mokmeisteryeah, Windows 8 seems to be getting fairly mixed reviews20:06
airurandoif you get more and more excercise I'd hope the insomnia might go away.20:06
mokmeisterGlad it won't be bothering me!20:07
mokmeisterexercise is key20:07
zmoylanwhen they're already dissing it on prime time sites like the bbc it cannot be good for ms.  ms's loss is linuxs gain.20:07
mokmeisterstill hard to do if there's pain. Harder to sleep as well I'd imagine20:07
mokmeisterBBC? I didn't see that20:07
mokmeisterI read the Gartner guy's report on Win 8, what did he say again, "in a word, bad..." ow!20:08
mokmeisterEven though he said that about the desktop experience rather than Windows 8 as a whole. He felt the experience was good on tablets etc.20:10
mokmeisterThanks for the link20:10
zmoylanthe problem is that all the oses are obsessed with a one size fits all interface because of tablets.  this is not a good thing imo.  with ubuntu you can use unity or install xubuntu or lubuntu and use a traditional ui.  linux=choice20:12
mokmeisterI saw that on the register20:12
mokmeistertrue, the beauty of linux in general. Choice.20:13
mokmeisterUse it the way you want, not the way you are told to use it20:13
mokmeisterSpeaking of the register and openness etc., came across some sad news on the Register today: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/07/26/andre_hedrick/20:14
mokmeisterOnly for Andre we might not have had any choices in the hw we use.20:14
zmoylanand it'll run on anything from a raspberry pi to a beowulf cluster or ibm mainframe and everything in between.20:14
zmoylansaw that.  one of the heros who's name will be remembered by so few.20:15
mokmeisterKids are looking for hot chocolate before bedtime, better go and attend to their needs! ;)20:17
zmoylanwe need something like the andre hedrick award for open hardware.  nvidia need not apply, or should be given a booby prize20:17
zmoylanhot chocolate in summer.  phew! :-)20:18
mokmeisterYes, indeed, they love their hot chocolate, all year round!20:43
mokmeisterThey weren't overly happy there were no marshmallows left! ;)20:44
zmoylanoh the hardships they must face! :-D20:44
zmoylanfor me as a kid it was cocoa and slice of white turnover loaf bread to go with it on  cold nights.20:46
zmoylanhi, all well?20:51
czajkowskiyeah all good20:51
zmoylansorted your irc problems?20:52
czajkowskinot harassing ubuntu sever folks20:52
zmoylanbecause tomorrow is sysadmin day? http://sysadminday.com/21:03
mokmeisterI like the idea of andre hedrick award, nice one! Twould be nice to see something like that happen.21:11
mokmeisterI like to think those hardships my kids have to face, *every* day, are character building!21:12
mokmeisterAt least they'll be able to face the world, chin up, when there's no marshallows left!21:13
mokmeisterWith that said, it's time for me to hit the hay. G'nite all.21:13
zmoylanwell as a parent you get to use those iconic lines that made us as kids think.  my mothers great line was 'don't come running to me when you break a leg' :-)21:13
mokmeisterhehehe, indeed!21:13

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