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mandelmorning all!07:28
mmcchi mandel :)07:32
mandelmmcc, what are you doing here!07:33
mmccmandel, I left you some nice long reviews, feel free to send me angry emails while I go sleep07:33
mandelmmcc, you could have sent me an email instead of waiting, you know that right?07:33
mmccit's only just past midnight here, so I'm just up late catching up. don't get used to it :)07:34
mmccok, actually going now. cheers07:34
mandelmmcc, good night!07:35
JamesTaitMorning all! :)08:41
mandeltea break :)09:19
* mandel back09:52
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ralsinagood morning!11:42
mandelralsina, welcome back!12:33
mandelralsina, I'm off to have lunch, wanna catch up later?12:33
ralsinamandel: yes please12:33
ralsinamandel: buen provecho12:33
mandelralsina, thx, I'll be fast = heat food, eat and let the dog pee :)12:34
ralsinamandel: no rush, don't fall on things, take care ;-)12:34
ralsinamandel: take your time, I forgot I have a call now for about 30 minutes12:42
mandelralsina, I'm back let me know whenever you are free13:21
ralsinamandel: now is good13:21
ralsinamandel: mumble?13:21
mandelralsina, sure, launching the thing13:21
mandelralsina, can you hear me?13:22
ralsinamandel: no, and no red lips13:22
mandelralsina, wierd, I hear you, I see my red lips, see yours.. etc..13:23
mandelralsina, ok13:23
ralsinadobey, hi!13:30
alecuhello all!13:33
ralsinahola alecu!13:47
ralsinaalecu: thought you were on vacations!13:47
alecuralsina: no, I only took yesterday off since Amelia is on winter vacations and nobody could babysit her.13:48
ralsinaalecu: cool!13:49
ralsinaalecu: I am in catchup mode, can we have our 1-1 in about 30'?14:00
alecuralsina: sure14:01
briancurtinare we doing mumble or hangout?14:57
ralsinaI think I may have to skipit14:58
* alecu readies his pirate captain hat14:58
alecuoh :-(14:58
ralsinalet's schedule it for tomorrow same bat-time, same bat-channel14:58
briancurtinsounds good. text standup for now?14:58
dobeyoh, ok then14:59
dobeyif not i'm just going to lunch then :)15:03
mmccCan't connect to mumble here, is it going on?15:03
briancurtinmmcc: doing it tomorrow15:04
briancurtinmmcc: so you have the next 24 hours to figure it out...or else15:04
mmccbriancurtin: Aha, thx.15:04
dobeyi guess that means we're skipping standup too then15:04
dobeysince nobody else is saying anything?15:05
briancurtindobey: EOM before it even started, i guess. enjoy lunch15:08
dobeyok, lunch time15:12
mandelbriancurtin, ralsina, alecu, dobey, stop porting things to python3 and port the to ChinesePython: http://www.chinesepython.org/home.html15:15
mandelif you are lazy, someone is translating python in chinese, as 'import sys' is '載入 系統'15:15
diogobaederWTF (it would be a WTF in any language other than english)15:19
diogobaedermandel, this reminds me of a portuguese version I got for Martin Fowler's "Refactoring" book15:20
diogobaederinstead of "getPrice", for example, it was "lerPreço". Pretty crappy.15:20
briancurtini like that they're still using the super old python.org website look15:20
mandeldiogobaeder, yes, they should not translate IT books.. ins spain is very common, horrible, horrible..15:21
diogobaedermandel, +115:22
diogobaedermandel, everytime someone asks me if there's a portuguese version for an IT book originally in english: http://is.gd/MB9tic15:24
diogobaederlunch time15:25
=== diogobaeder is now known as diogobaeder-lunc
alecumandel: the "latests news" are from Feb 200415:38
alecumandel: and the latest release is based on python 2.1.3...15:38
alecumandel: so, we should keep porting to python3, that already supports all kinds of unicode identifiers15:39
mandelalecu, but but.. we could get so many community contributions from china! I know is the only reason why they are holding back..15:40
alecu(and for mandel and diogo's happiness, non-english books with translated identifiers won't be exclusive to Java)!15:40
alecu"cinco de mayo".índice(3)15:42
mandelmmcc, I updated https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/remove-arc-dispatcher/+merge/116434 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/remove-arc-commsocket/+merge/11643916:05
mandelmmcc, will get https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/remove-arc-commsocket-server/+merge/116440 done later16:06
mandelralsina, alecu, did we completely forget about the stand up?16:06
mmccmandel: ok, looking at dispatcher and commsocket now16:07
mandelherb, i just read the backlog, no standup :P16:08
mmccmandel: not important but for future reference, -retain returns self, so you can do foo = [inFoo retain];16:11
mmccand interestingly, they've now marked all those ref counting methods as "Obsolete"16:12
mandelmmcc, since when?16:13
mandelmmcc, oh, and one question, you still have the 10.6 machine around, right?16:13
mmccmandel yes I have it around, why?16:14
mmccmandel: I'm not sure when they changed the docs. Might even have been yesterday16:14
mandelmmcc, because is the only one we have to test it work in 10,6 :)16:14
mmccanyway, obsolete != deprecated, just discouraged16:15
briancurtincrap. LP is still showing prerequisite changes in this diff. that's helpful...16:15
mmccmandel: right. for arc removal, I'll have to test with the last branch though since the test bundle doesn't link unless everything is non-arc16:15
mandelmmcc, yeah, lets keep moving this way but not in a rush, ralsina will talk in the techleads meeting about if we should ignore 10.6 or not16:15
mandelmmcc, yes, I know, but I though doing all these mini branches was better for the reviewers :)16:16
mmccmandel: no, it's good - I'm not complaining16:16
mandelherb, we are old schoole, look what twisted has now: from twisted.internet import inotify16:17
mandelsorry herb, ignore the last message16:18
* mandel curses at his tab16:18
mmccmandel: do you just hit tab after every word?16:19
mandelmmcc, no, but in this case I did for some reason, I wanted just to do 'he'16:20
mandelI don't understand how I work sometimes..16:20
alecumandel, mmcc: I'm thinking of updating to 10.8. Any reasons I shouldn't?16:21
mandelalecu, bugs, but it would be nice to have an intrepid soul so that we run our tests there :)16:22
mandelalecu, I might wait 'til 10.8.116:22
mmccalecu: fear of the unknown?16:22
mmccbut mandel pointed out you can do dual boot if you want16:22
mmccso far I've been hearing that 10.8 is reasonably stable, compared to 10.7.016:23
alecuok, here I go.16:23
alecubtw: this is just awesome:16:23
alecuTwitter is currently down for <%= reason %>.16:23
alecuWe expect to be back in <%= deadline %>16:23
mmccheh, I saw that too.16:23
mandelalecu, maybe the use gtalk as a backend..16:24
alecumandel: lolz16:24
mandelif youtube and reddit go down the internet might be as productive as it has never been before..16:27
mmccmandel: just read your comment in remove-arc-commsocket about self.sockRef being a property. You're right of course, sorry about the confusion. Another reason I don't like properties and dot syntax in ObjC - it confuses old timers like me :)16:35
mandelmmcc, no problem, I had to think several times about it16:35
mandelmmcc, lets remove them as a design decision in a later step :)16:36
mmccyeah, my complaint is that there's no way to know when you're looking at an assignment if it's going to call a method somewhere or not. You have to go poke at the header file to see if it's a property and what kind of property it is16:36
mmccthe code looks nice like python but you can't assume it does what you think it should:\16:36
mandelmmcc, well in python you could also have a property, but having properties with side effects are not good and with arc they do16:37
mandelmmcc, as in, var is retained etc..16:38
mmccright. in python you don't have to worry about what a property call is doing to memory management16:39
mandelyep yep16:41
mandelok, EOD for me I have started rugby training already :-/16:42
mandelmmcc, see you tonight if you are still up :)16:42
mmccheh alright mandel, don't count on it :\16:43
mmcchmm, no way to just poke at what certs pyOpenSSL sees by default? I can get_cert_store but the X509Store object it gives me only lets me add17:01
mmcccontext - we are currently just shipping PEM files and loading them from somewhere (/etc/ssl on linux, Common AppData on windows). dobey says I shouldn't just put them in XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which makes sense since we're putting them in a global place on other platforms, but we can't write to the osx global config location without escalating privileges, which isn't OK in a sandbox…17:05
mmccwe can add certs programmatically, but I wanted to have a way to see which ones we need to install that way17:06
mmccin the above, adding programmatically means saving them to the system keychain.17:07
dobeycan we not just load them from the .app internally?17:09
mmccdobey: hmm. yes, I guess so. Why don't we do that on Windows?17:11
ralsinammcc: on windows we put them inside our app, more or less17:13
mmccralsina: ok, I guess that's what Common AppData means, even though it's not actually with the other files? Definitely still catching up here on windows distribution :)17:14
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ralsinammcc: I suspect we were following some convention of other. That part was not done by a real windows developer :-)17:15
ralsina(meaning, I did it)17:15
mmccralsina: heh, ok. So if just loading the cert files from within the app's Resources file is OK, that's a nice easy fix17:16
ralsinammcc: yes, it's not meant for general usage anyway, so whatever works17:16
dobeyit would be nice to use the standard system conventions though, and avoid shipping any certs at all17:21
dobeybut, yay cross-platform is pain17:21
mmccralsina: not meant for general usage?17:21
ralsinammcc: not for other apps17:21
mmccralsina: oh, ok17:21
* briancurtin pharmacy/lunch17:41
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
* briancurtin back18:22
dobeybbiab, gotta run an errand19:29
mmccjust noticed that the recent filesystem_notifications refactoring is installing the default reactor too soon again. so I'm going for lunch now…19:30
mmccgoing to try to make it a working lunch19:31
mmccbut will be ask for a bit getting there19:31
ralsinammcc argh19:58
ralsinathat bug will never die19:58
mmccralsina: yep.. the design decision that keeps on givin'20:10
dobeyralsina: if only we could just drop twisted. et voila, no more default reactor :)20:59
* dobey is having plenty of not-fun at the moment with twisted :-/20:59
* mmcc is right there with you21:01
dobeythanks to the fun of __import__21:01
ralsinadobey: if wishes were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry christmas!21:01
* ralsina knows that's not how that goes21:01
dobeyif wishes were candy and nuts, there wouldn't be a christmas21:02
ralsinadobey: it seems like you need to get in touch with a guy in korea: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/07/the-ips-lcd-revolution.html21:02
dobeyyeah i know, right21:03
dobeyoh wait21:03
ralsinaalso, looks like I need to go parenting21:03
dobeythose are 27"21:03
ralsinadobey: but this is what you really really want: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=429841521:03
dobeywell, on something that doesn't suck so much power, weigh 35 lbs, or be so thick21:05
dobeyi want the new panasonic display, really21:05
mmccI knew someone who had one of those IBM suckers. He said it was hard to use anything else after he got used to it21:05
dobeyit is21:06
dobeysame reason i kept my SGI 1600SW for so long21:06
dobeyand it's still sitting in the closet. totally need to sell it21:06
dobeygive me OLED21:10
dobeyanyone know how to make __import__ not break the world?21:12
mmccdobey: what's the symptom?21:20
* mmcc promises nothing21:20
dobeytwisted imports not working from something which i'm __import__()ing21:21
mmccdobey: am I missing something or should that be globals(), locals() ?21:24
dobeymmcc: i don't know; but same error happens either way, or if they are None21:24
mmcchrm ok…21:25
mmccwild guess: is it a relative import name clash? is it looking for twisted.scripts in devtools.runners.twisted.py?21:27
dobeyoh, maybe; but i changed level to 0 and still failed :(21:27
dobeyindeed, renaming got past that issue21:29
dobeymmcc: thanks21:31
mmccdobey: hey, sure. always glad to help with some wild guessing21:31
dobeyalright, off for now. have a good evening all21:37
mmccfor the u1client tests, does trial just run each test in a thread? is there a thread pool with a set size?21:45
mmccI ask because I'm running the full test suite and it's dying with 'too many open files' right around when it's launched about 250 threads, which makes me very suspicious of a number of things21:47
mmccthat is, many hundreds of the tests fail because of errno 24, too many open files.21:49
mmccin other news this confused me:  from ubuntuone.platform.filesystem_notifications.monitor import (21:55
mmcc    linux as filesystem_notifications21:55
mmccbecause I first saw filesystem_notifications.FilesystemMonitor in the code and couldn't figure out where that was coming from.21:55
mmccok, I've fixed that reactor issue, need to test it on windows to be sure, then I'll propose it22:05
mmcctime to go for now22:05

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