
Barnabasmain menu->settings->settings manager00:01
Barnabasclick the keybord icon00:02
Barnabasselect the keyboard layout you prefer00:03
David-Ankei0: you can also select locale before you login00:05
douglasMy dvd player reads DVDs and mounts if they have data on them but I can't get any of my burning software to acknowledge a blank dvd.. Any suggestions?00:05
David-Ankei0: (oh autologin) un-auto an select, then auto again, should be remembered between logins00:06
nkei0David-A, That doesn't work, tried it already.00:16
David-Aok, barnabas' advice should work for keyboard, if you want change default locale (encoding, date formats, etc), try edit /etc/default/locale00:24
nkei0gonna try rebooting, brb00:26
nkei0David-A, Thanks, that worked!00:33
nkei0And now, I go to sleep.00:34
xubuntu031who can tell me default root password of xubuntu 12.04 pls ?00:34
holsteinxubuntu031: on the live CD?00:34
holsteini thought it was blank00:34
holsteinxubuntu031: theres no root account.. you "sudo"00:35
xubuntu031i install it on my HP-Mini with my new user00:35
holsteinif you'd like a root shell, you can do in a terminal sudo -s00:35
holsteinyou'll use your user pass00:35
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:35
xubuntu031ok thanks00:35
xubuntu051how to disable sudo in xubuntu 12.04 ?01:04
GridCubedisable sudo?01:06
GridCubemake a new user and dont add him to the sudoers list01:06
xubuntu051so how with current user ?01:07
GridCubemake a root account and take yourself from the sudoers01:07
GridCubeyou cant just take yourself from the sudoers, theres not root account01:07
xubuntu051%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL << DONE :x01:12
Unit193GridCube: Remove the group would be better.01:14
GridCubemmm but if he doesnt create a sudoer then the system can not be administrated=01:16
Unit193The concept is the same.01:19
nkei0Hola.  I can't seem to get autologin to work in 12.04.  I've already edited my /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to look like it says on the FAQ page.01:31
Unit193Is this a upgraded Xubuntu?01:32
nkei0I've also unchecked the box to ask for a password on login under the users and groups settings.  Nothing happens when it tries to login that I can see.  Just fails.  Have to login as a guest and then change back to asking for a password to login.01:32
nkei0well fresh, with all updates applied.01:32
nkei0any ideas?01:36
Unit193Well I know the info on the FAQ work, I've set them and tried it.01:37
GridCubei use that settings01:37
nkei0Is there something I'm forgetting?01:37
GridCubeand they work01:37
Unit193Only think I can think is rebooting, but I'm sure you did. :P01:37
GridCubecan we see your lightdm.conf=01:38
nkei0Something outside of those, maybe?  Also, I never "log off" always reboot01:38
nkei0want me to pastebin it?01:38
nkei0I've tried it with the autologin stuff at the top and then the way that it is now to no avail01:41
nkei0Do you think I should capitalize the J in justin?  That shouldn't be an issue, when i'm in terminal it shows up as just "justin"01:42
GridCubeno it should be like you use it01:43
nkei0I have no idea how to use dmesg, do you think it might tell me what's going on?01:44
Unit193dmesg is the kernel ring buffer, tells you nice logs of what's going on.01:45
nkei0so it would work?01:46
GridCubemmm, try this, go to your home folder, press ctrl-h and look for .ICEauthority and .Xdefaults and delete them, when i have problems with logins doing that always helps01:46
nkei0omg this laptop is so slow :(01:46
nkei0They don't exist.01:47
GridCubepress ctrl-h01:48
GridCubethey are hidden01:48
nkei0Yep.  Don't exist.01:48
GridCubedo a ls -a .I* .X* on a terminal01:49
nkei0no such01:49
GridCubei dont understand01:51
nkei0saw something on dmesg01:51
nkei0don't know but it might affect it, let me pastebin01:51
nkei0What happened was I set the User settings to not ask for a password on login under my username.  I edited the .conf file.  I rebooted.  Didn't log in, so I had to login as a guest and change to ask for a password to be able to login.01:53
Unit193GridCube: Could kill .cache/ :P01:53
nkei0I've used autologin before.  I just don't know how.01:55
nkei0The problem was that my locale was being dumb and I couldn't figure out how to change it so I had to manually log in every time to set my locale.  (since fixed)  So now I want to auto again.01:55
nkei0Is there somewhere I need to put my password in anywhere or anything silly I'm missing?02:02
nkei0omfg this is annoying.02:07
nkei0brb attempting to autologin02:21
nkei0no luck :( did you guys find anything on my autologin issue?02:39
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baizonand bye :)05:24
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koegshey there, i just upgraded one pc from 11.10 to 12.04 and window-tiling does not work, any hint what to check?08:20
koegsoh, i still need to install xfce 4.10 :D08:22
Wazhaicould someone help me?08:38
MathsterkWazhai: yup08:40
Wazhaii have a problem with thunar08:40
Wazhaion two different computers08:40
Unit193Care to share?08:40
Wazhaione is a virtual pc and this one is xubuntu installed08:41
Wazhaithe other one has mint 13 xfce edition and this one has ubuntu08:41
Wazhaiand i can't copy files or folders in some cases08:41
Wazhaiin most actually08:41
Wazhaiif i try to copy a file from within my home folder08:42
Wazhaito somewhere outside it08:42
Wazhaii can't08:42
Wazhaithe paste button is grayed out08:42
Mathsterkdo you got rights to edit that folder?08:43
Wazhaii'm not sure08:43
Wazhaibut i'm an admin user08:43
Wazhaiactually i can copy just fine from other places to my home folder and its subfolders08:44
koegsmost likely you are not allowed to write files in that folder08:45
Wazhaiwhy not?08:46
Wazhaii'm trying to put a theme in usr/shared/themes08:46
koegsyes, you are not allowed to write there :)08:46
Wazhaiis it possible to do at all?08:47
koegseither in a terminal with "sudo cp -r ..." or you start thunar as root with gksu (personally i would not recommend that)08:47
koegsOR you just put it in ~/.themes :)08:48
Mathsterkstarting thunar as root is a bad idea :P (you can i.e delete an important file in an accident or something)08:48
Wazhaii'm not that stupid to do that08:48
Wazhaii actually want  to put a theme there08:48
koegs/usr/share/themes is used to make the them available to all users08:48
koegsif you just want to have it on your own, just use ~/.themes08:49
Wazhaido i start a root thunar with sudo thunar?08:50
MathsterkWazhai: yes, but i reccomend you use "sudo cp -r file_or_folder"08:51
Wazhaiwhat is the difference?08:52
Wazhaicp = copy?08:52
Wazhaioh i get it08:52
Wazhaiinstead of opening it i just copy what i need08:52
xubuntu686hello, can anyone help me out with my installation of xubuntu?10:51
koegsdid you ask anything, yet?10:57
xubuntu686i need to get my wireless working on my hp dv500011:02
xubuntu686its using broadcom corporation bcm431111:03
xubuntu686but I think the default driver installed isn't compatible11:03
xubuntu686I can't use the switch on my laptop to turn on the wifi11:03
xubuntu686ill give it a go11:04
xubuntu686hello, i can't find firmware-b43-installer in the ubuntu software center11:33
xubuntu686where do i find it?11:34
astraljavaxubuntu686: You could try in terminal: `sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer`11:40
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Guest34274have a problem becouse cant change default language on xubuntu...13:11
Guest34274i changed /etc/enviroment and /var/lib/locale/.../local on polish but and make dpkg-reconfigure locale and was ok but default language still is english13:12
Guest34274i made system-settings-language support and chanage language on polish but still dont work.. was restart system too13:13
Guest34274whats the problem of it?13:13
Barnabasyou probably have to change the language in the settings menu13:14
Barnabasmain menu->settings->Language Support13:14
Guest34274i done it as first13:15
Guest34274but it dont work13:15
Guest34274maneus thunderbidr and chromium have in englis event when i have installed polish pacages with language to this app13:16
Guest34274i Language support have polish as default and as second chinesse language but cant remove it... chines isnt mark as instaled lang but is there and i dont know why too13:18
GridCubeGuest34274, when you log in theres a language option on the screen that ask your user and password, have you changed that too?13:18
Guest34274GridCube: yes... os ask about pass when i changed lang in "Language Support"13:19
Guest34274GridCube:  second problem is thah blueman of bluettoth always is enable... when I log into os... i dot know is any way to stay "disable" to start bluettoth when i want not always13:21
Guest34274GridCube:  debian dont had this problems13:21
Guest34274will be right back13:22
GridCubeGuest34274, i would not know about that one, i dont have bluethoot13:24
Guest34274i must go ... will back evening14:12
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xubuntu465i am student pursuing mtech in india14:45
xubuntu465i have lenovo g570 64 bit dual core laptop14:46
xubuntu465and ubuntu 12.04lts installed on it14:46
xubuntu465it hangs frequently14:46
xubuntu465can anybody suggest some other linux version?14:47
bazhang!lubuntu | xubuntu46514:47
ubottuxubuntu465: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:47
holsteinxubuntu465: i would try a different kernel.. i would check for and apply all updates.. i would also look at the graphics driver, though i would think that would have an intel GPU14:48
xubuntu465gpu is intel one14:51
xubuntu465my need is basicaaly shell commands and coding in c language14:51
koegsi would suggest xubuntu instead of ubuntu :)14:52
holsteinxubuntu465: you are using xubuntu 12.04?14:53
xubuntu465no,thats just my name on this chat14:53
xubuntu465my name is Apoorve14:53
xubuntu465xubuntu which version?14:53
koegsxubuntu465: so you are not even using xubuntu and asking for a different linux distro in the Xubuntu Support Channel? :D14:54
xubuntu465but, what else is the solution then, ubuntu 12,04lts hangs up in this hardware config14:55
xubuntu465i know less about kernel compatibility with this hardware config14:55
holsteinxubuntu465: this is the support channel for xubuntu.. if you are running ubuntu, we need to get you there14:56
xubuntu465ok,never mind14:56
holsteinxubuntu465: i typically suggest trying live CD's.. you can boot those up and not change your current setup.. this allows you to troubleshoot with different kernel versions easily14:56
holsteinyou can also try and see what triggers the hang... and check for and apply all updates in the update manager or where ever else you are comfortable doing that14:57
xubuntu465thats nice of you holstein14:58
xubuntu465i will make iso copy of xubuntu and boot from cd14:58
xubuntu465thank you holstein and everybody else for consideration14:59
holsteinsure.. enjoy xubuntu465 !14:59
tracexhi guys16:18
tracexanybody on?16:19
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:19
tracexnice one, so.. somebody from italy?16:21
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:21
pleia2(and if you're just looking to chat, you're welcome to join #xubuntu-offtopic :))16:22
tracexthanks guys C:16:22
livingdaylightjust installed xubuntu via alternate disc - very long process!16:56
livingdaylightmaybe should ve gone via the live 'desktop' disc16:57
livingdaylightwhen using USC keep getting "debconf on xubuntu" dialog pop up. Is this an error in installation, or can that be remedied?16:58
livingdaylightis anyone here?17:18
xubuntu495salut tt le monde18:22
tracexhi guys18:32
tracexi have to delete an Ubunt Grub, someone can explain me how to do? Im a Newbie, using Linux since yesterday18:34
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GeekAdminHi. I tried installing Xubuntu on an old gateway laptop, but when I try and load the disc, it freezes when loading up. (The little bar that  moves freezes).  I then tried installing the alternate copy. It installed just fine, but when I try and load it for the first time, it does the same thing. (Freezes when loading up).  Any way around this?20:26
GeekAdminI decided to use "gnome-classic with no effects", which is working fine, but is very slow. Would xfce be signifigantly faster than gnome classic with no effects?20:26
Unit193What are the system specs?  You should remove the boot option of "quiet splash"20:29
GeekAdminits 480 megs of RAM and 1.4 ghz processor. Old gateway laptop20:31
GeekAdminUnit193:  how do I remove the option of quiet splash?20:32
Unit193Yikes.  Hold left shift while booting, and when the grub menu pops up, hit e20:32
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:32
GeekAdminUnit193:  I will try that20:36
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xubuntu856hey guys i got a quick question. im installin xubuntu on my laptop, the problem is i think it just stopped. its been on the installing system for about 2 hours, cd rom light isnt on and the hdd light isnt on either. any ideas?21:39
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Tagor_la_PieXubuntu on Gericom Silver Seraph, is it possible ?22:18
Unit193What are the specs and what is it?22:20
Unit193(Coming up with  a car here...)22:20
Tagor_la_PieIt's a netbook with 11 year old :)22:24
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