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StevenKRAOF: Finally got around to filing a bug.05:33
RAOFStevenK: About what in particular?05:33
StevenKRAOF: My Nvidia display corruption, remember?05:34
RAOFOh. That one :)05:35
RAOFSo many bugs!05:36
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xnoxso, I have uploaded an SRU and it has been accepted into -proposed, but one bug # was not mentioned in the changelog, and has not been mentioned in the changes and therefore is not in the sru-report. Is there any way to mark that bug as fix-committed and get the same comment and ideally manually add it to the sru report?08:50
xnoxbug 94675808:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946758 in mdadm (Ubuntu Precise) "Format string overflow in Monitor.c:check_array" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94675808:51
xnoxis part of the mdadm sru.08:51
tkamppeterI havesome problems with a new Intel HD graphics PC09:04
tkamppeterThe mobo has only HDMI and DisplayPort output, but xrandr shows also a VGA output which is limited to 1024x768 and fully automatic startup falls aways into 1024x768.09:06
tkamppeterHow can I makethe login screen 1920x1080?09:07
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evmpt: it does seem suspicious that the 12.04 and 12.10 lines are so closely mirroring one another
mptev, it's a 2-or-3-day trend now, so that rules out a mistake in calculating from the day fraction, right?10:25
mpt(Would be a lot easier to see this if there was only one data point per day, ahem)10:26
evmpt: there is only one data point per day. Mouse over the graph10:27
evbut yes, I still need to fix the axis10:27
mptev, sorry, I meant axis tick mark10:27
mptev, so in order from source to destination, possibilities: (a) fixes in Q, and to a lesser extent SRUs in 12.04, really have made Ubuntu more reliable the past couple of days10:28
mpt(b) something changed in the client the past few days (did it?)10:28
mpt(c) there's a date-specific problem that makes the client less likely to report errors10:28
evb> nope10:28
mpt(d) there's a network problem between clients and the data center10:29
mpt(3) there's a date-specific problem that makes the server less likely to accept error reports10:29
evyeah, I think we need more data before we know which of these it is10:29
mpt(f) something changed in the server the past few days (no, since there hasn't been a rollout)10:29
evif you turn off the 12.10 line, the 12.04 line shows quite a bit more variability10:29
ev(you can click the circles in the top right)10:30
mptIt's smaller than the drop from the 19th to the 20th10:30
evyeah, true10:31
mptso I concur with the need for more data :-)10:31
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Sweetsha1kmpt: did you get my reply wrt fonts in libreoffice btw?12:46
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mptSweetshark, yes thank you. I'm planning to discuss it further today.12:47
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mdeslaurinfinity: FYI, I'm stealing your mono merge to get a security fix12:53
Sweetsharkmpt: great12:54
infinitymdeslaur: Sure, it's a simple merge, go nuts.12:55
infinitymdeslaur: Or I could do it right now.12:55
infinitymdeslaur: If you don't want TILM. :P12:56
mdeslaurinfinity: I'm uploading it as we speak12:56
infinitymdeslaur: Alrighty.12:56
mdeslaurinfinity: but I'm using your gpg key, so you'll still be TIL :)12:56
infinitymdeslaur: Suuuure you are.12:56
mdeslaurhehe :)12:56
infinityThanks for the reminder that I need to get that change committed to Debian, though.12:57
infinityWe really shouldn't be carrying the delta.12:57
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smoserjodh, i have a upstart job named 'cloud-config', is it silly/wrong/ok that that job would emit 'cloud-config' ?14:19
jodhsmoser: that's fine. Make sure you include 'emits cloud-config" in the job to ensure 'initctl check-config' works of course.14:20
smoserto ensure?14:21
jodhsmoser: it means that you'll get sane results from initctl2dot (and it means that 'initctl show-config' is parseable too).14:24
smoserok, thank you.14:24
smoser'emit cloud-config' added.14:24
smosererr.. emits14:25
smoserjodh, SpamapS i wonder if either of you have any experience with 'runit'14:31
smoserit seems it doesn't interact well with upstart if installed via cloud-init.14:32
smoseri run an instance with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1113891/ as userdata.14:33
SpamapSsmoser: there are two components of runit. One of them is a pid 1 replacement, and that definitely does not work with upstart14:33
smoserand then it seems to stop boot once runit is installed.  --verbose log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1113895/14:33
smoseroh. wow.14:34
smoseri didn't realize it was a pid 1 replacement.14:34
SpamapSwell the other bit is just a daemon14:34
SpamapSsmoser: in the past it did a dpkg-divert of /sbin/init14:34
SpamapSsmoser: but I think the one installed there is the "safe" one14:35
SpamapSsmoser: but looks like nobody has tested it on Ubuntu in a while ;)14:35
SpamapSgrep: /etc/inittab: No such file or directory14:35
smoseryeah, i saw that bug figured it was just the postinst script not working right.14:36
smoserbut basically the install of it stops further events from happening.14:36
smoserie, my cloud-final.conf never runs.14:36
smoserSpamapS, you interested in looking at a system really quick? (i'm fine if the answer is no)14:37
SpamapSsmoser: yeah I'll poke it. This feels like bug triage to me. :)14:39
* SpamapS plans on spending all day on triage to help us catch up14:39
SpamapSsmoser: security groups14:40
smoserSpamapS, ? you should be able to get in14:40
SpamapShanging at connecting14:40
xnoxslangasek: bug #94675814:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946758 in mdadm (Ubuntu Precise) "Format string overflow in Monitor.c:check_array" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94675814:41
xnoxslangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/mdadm14:41
smoserSpamapS, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1113904/14:41
smoseri can get in from here.14:42
smoserthat is weird.14:42
ScottKbarry: Bug #1029640 looks to me like a good one to get fixed before 12.04.1.  Checking to see if you agree?14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029640 in python2.7 (Ubuntu Precise) "Bad characters in Python logger output when using rsyslog" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102964014:44
SpamapSsmoser: totally. I'm bouncing off my ec2 instance in us-west-1 and its working14:45
smoserSpamapS, thanks.14:48
xnoxinfinity: wanna talk about e2fsprogs? =)14:52
barryScottK: looking14:55
barryScottK: yes, it would be nice to have a test case for the sru15:00
ScottKThat's what I'm waiting for before I upload.15:00
infinityxnox: Not really, but I suppose we should. ;)15:11
xnoxinfinity: lol =))))15:12
infinityxnox: Make me some coffee, please, I'll be with you shortly.15:12
xnoxinfinity: ok. here or mumble?15:12
infinityIRC's fine.  Let me go get some waking up done.15:14
ScottKYou can tell a spec's going well when the diff is:15:24
ScottK- Work items for quantal-alpha-3:15:24
ScottK+ Work items for ubuntu-12.10-beta-1:15:24
infinityScottK: Oh, regarding our bug log argument.  If you're happy with better trumping perfect for now, poke me on the weekend when I'm not hip-deep in glibc, and we can make backports less sad.15:27
ScottKinfinity: Great.  I'll try to remember to do that (being ancient and all, no promises)15:27
infinityScottK: It's actually fairly trivial to go the easy route (as in, no code changes, just a quick tweak to chroots, times X releases, times Y arches)15:27
infinityAt least, assuming that pins can override NotAutomatic's anti-pin.15:28
infinityIf not, then we need to think harder about it.  Or try to implement perfection.15:28
infinityBut, my assumption is that pinning the pocket to 500 will override the 100 it's getting automagically.15:29
infinityWe'll experiment and see a bit later.15:29
ScottKGreat.  Have fun with the glibc.15:29
ScottKIt'd be trading unusable for suboptimal, so it's not a hard choice.15:30
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xnoxScottK: well, tbh it has more progress implementation wise than it ever had...15:34
ScottKxnox: Certanly.  I wasn't meaning to pick on anyone.15:35
ScottKI just thought it was ironic.15:35
dobeybarry: is libpeas stuff using python3 yet? or do you have a timeframe for that?15:35
xnoxplus we did mile-stones before the schedule got changed (e.g. the alpha-3 got moved by -1 week)15:35
xnoxScottK: yeah it is funny though =)15:36
barrydobey: afaik, libpeas should be good to go15:36
dobeybarry: are gedit/rhythmbox/etc using it with python3 already then?15:36
barrydobey: those clients afaik have not yet been ported15:37
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dobeybarry: will rhythmbox be soon? our plug-in for it is in python, so wondering when i need to get it working under python3 by15:38
barrydobey: it's not the next thing on my list, and i'm pretty well booked up until mid-aug.  any way i can help you or someone else to take that on?15:39
dobeynot sure, i don't really have time to do it either. :-/15:40
barrydobey: yeah.  i'd love to see some community contribution around this, but i'm not sure how to help that happen15:43
dobeynot sure exactly either, at the moment. :-/15:44
dobeyneed to get lunch now though. bbiab15:46
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oly_hi, got a small packaging issue, i am packaging a mixed python / c program got everything working fine but i get an error complaining the .pyc files where included how do i stop dpkg-buildpackage creating these ?21:32
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