
TakyojiWhat would be some recommendations of bringing life back to a LoCo team that's been inactive for years?00:18
TakyojiI hope LoCo teams in general haven't died down00:25
TakyojiBecause this year is becoming a big turning point for Linux.00:25
TakyojiValve, Unity3D, and many many individuals are taking Linux as serious business. Valve and Intel are collaborating on drivers, I believe Broadcom released the source code of their drivers this year (or last), ATI is being proactive with quality open source drivers for Linux00:27
TakyojiValve is even devoting a whole presentation at SIGGRAPH (largest computer graphics conference) about Linux with high-performance OpenGL00:27
TakyojiRaspberry Pis are constantly being sold out and back ordered, and getting news coverage.00:27
TakyojiUbuntu is repeatedly being cited as an inspiration for taking Linux seriously.00:28
TakyojiIt's time for everyone to get active. We've got a wave of new potential Ubuntu users coming; Microsoft made another screw up to our advantage again (Windows 8), let's not let the opportunity pass.00:29
TakyojiOr moreso: not let the opportunity pass AGAIN00:29
TakyojiDoes no one agree? xP00:44
locodir-userboas ppl05:29
locodir-useralgem me pode ajudar numa coisa??05:29
locodir-userqueria instalar o ubuntu 12.04 num desktop mas nao consigo porque o ecran congela na instalação05:30
locodir-usersupostamente e por causa da grafica.05:30
locodir-usergeforce 8500gt05:30
locodir-usercomo é que consigo ultrapacar isto?05:31
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septoxis the microblogging part of the loco-directory still active ?13:25
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