[01:03] o/ [01:03] whats up people! [01:05] o/ chris4585 [01:06] hey vychune [01:06] how ya doing? [01:06] alright, got a little frustrated earlier trying to put a ps3 controller back together [01:06] ouch [01:07] took it apart trying to fix my sticky joystick, I would have to soldier a new part on for it to work :/ [01:07] but besides that, how are you? [01:07] doing good [01:07] Fedex called me to throw boxes for them lol [01:07] thats good [01:07] o.o [01:08] work in a warehouse? [01:08] so hopefully that job works out [01:08] the memphis hub [01:08] ah cool [01:08] same idea however [01:08] yeah [01:08] watching phi-brain right now though [01:08] got a server job tomorrow probably [01:09] Ubuntu or Debian [01:09] nice [01:09] what would be your choice by the way? [01:11] well, I like ubuntu, and so so with debian.. [01:12] hmm ok then [01:12] brb grabbing a cold soft drink === vychune is now known as omar_afk [01:12] I've never really maintained a big server before, I've done an arch server hosting my own wordpress though, which was surprisingly easy to setup [01:13] debian [01:16] Debian stable makes me sad though. [01:16] sid all the way [01:17] I think** Ubuntu server is the exact same as Debian [01:20] binarymutant, thats pretty much how I feel [01:20] yeah === omar_afk is now known as vychune [01:21] I don't want to search the maintainers files to prove it though [01:21] I think it doesn't really matter so much just whatever is more comfortable, if I really wanted I could setup a fedora server but I'm not that big into fedora [01:21] i thought so but i was suggested to go with debian by cyberanger, wrst , and someone else [01:22] i can't stand fedora [01:22] or suse [01:25] I don't really like them either, mostly for desktop usage, but I'm pretty comfortable using anything that is well documented [01:26] Go with CentOS? :D [01:26] never had a chance to [01:30] i might try that on my first server come to think about it [01:31] what packaging does it use? [01:32] chris4585: on a job i like the system to be familiar [01:32] but at home i'll change it a little as i go [01:33] yeah, thats understandable, I'd go ubuntu or arch personally [01:33] anything debian based for me [01:33] arch i'm not good with yet [01:33] i have to uninstall it soon too [01:34] my mom needs a Winblows box for work [01:37] Arch I wouldn't do with a server, and Cent is redhat community version basically. :P [01:37] ah [01:38] yeah Arch is not for servers [01:39] maybe home servers but not production [01:39] I hear people say that, why is that? [01:39] right [01:39] chris4585, it's too bleeding edge [01:41] ah [01:41] I pretty much get a kernel update every single day [01:41] binarymutant: damn, forreal? [01:42] yeah Arch keeps up with upstream [01:42] brb === vychune is now known as vy_archuninstall [01:42] nah I like bleeding edge [01:42] binarymutant, do you have testing? [01:43] no it's a rolling release [01:43] because I get a kernel update like maybe once or twice a week but that is for 32bit, I every now and then rebuild my pae kernel and use it everyday [01:43] I get them on the regular [01:44] 32bit vanilla [01:44] well I meant the testing repo but I guess that wouldn't affect the kernel updates === vy_archuninstall is now known as vychune [01:44] maybe "every day" is an exaggeration but it's pretty close [01:44] ill do it later cant find my Windows stuff [01:46] I keep both kernels just in case, update regular kernel whenever they come but never use it [01:46] what is pae? [01:47] its 32bit basically but allows me to utilize all 8gbs of my ram [01:47] ooh [01:47] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension yeah started reading after I asked [01:47] wish I had that much ram [01:49] its nice to have, chromium can take nearly 2gbs at times, and on windows it really is nice [01:49] especially when gaming or something [01:50] yeah I bet [01:50] do want [01:52] nice chris4585 [02:20] * netritious wipes brow [02:20] one more windows install to go! lol [02:20] how's everybody [02:21] netritious, do you clone your drives or each individually? [02:22] binarymutant: I clone for backups on my workstations that use winders... [02:22] right now though I am installing in KVM on Debian [02:22] oh [02:22] I just wanted to see if it worked, and it does appear to work... [02:23] yeah [02:23] I have XP 32-bit/64-bit, Vista Ultimate 64-bit, Windows 8 Release Preview 64-bit, next is win7 [02:23] what about win8? [02:23] netritious: o/ [02:24] how's it going vychune? [02:24] binarymutant: I mentioned that ^^ [02:24] oh ya I see [02:25] my eyes roll back in my head everytime I read windows sorry [02:25] lol, np [02:25] that happens to me when I read arch lol [02:25] j/k, j/k [02:26] roflcopter [02:27] LOL [02:27] I still don't get the anti-windows sentiment. It's an OS. People use it. I like making money supporting it and hope to make money one day supporting linux too. It's really that simple for me. [02:28] I'm apathetic if it works. [02:28] I'm not anti windows, I just don't use it [02:28] I'll try Bubble Pink Penguin BSD if it just works. [02:28] it's super overrated too [02:29] With that I agree...windows is a dying platform. [02:29] netritious: installing win xp myself [02:30] vychune: slowest of them all, but works best in KVM comapred ot the other versions. [02:30] installing on an old optiplex [02:31] Ah the optiplex. Man I've done some crazy upgrading on those, the orginal Pentium versions anyway. [02:32] Once upon a time there were PCI slot upgrade CPU packages, so upgraded an optiplex with Pentium 120MHz to PII 400MHz. [02:33] vychune: ^^ My only real experience with an optiplex [02:33] binarymutant: Linux flavors (ubuntu and debian) have been flawless under KVM, and Debian is flawless as the host. [02:33] yeah I wouldn't expect it any other way :D [02:34] When I say flawless, I literally mean I have had 0 problems with Debian as a host OS for KVM. [02:34] or as guests. [02:35] After I get another win7 lic I'll start adding more distro's to the box for testing. [02:35] KVM? [02:35] kernel virtual manager... [02:35] I think [02:35] idk the acronym [02:35] Kernel Virtual Machine (I'm not 100% positive on that, but pretty sure) [02:36] the linux version of hypervisor [02:36] *Kernel-based Virtual Machine ref: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page [02:37] yeah, what binarymutant said [02:37] what's windows hypervisor thing called? [02:37] what's funny is that is so misleading...I used to think that it was container tech, not an actual hypervisor [02:37] i thought it was just 'hypervisor' but it's not.. [02:37] Hyper-V [02:37] ah yeah [02:37] that one [02:38] idk know anything about Hyper-V [02:38] at least you know it's name :P [03:11] yes, well I know lots of stuff :P [03:12] got a little distracted...had one of those half-priced sonic shakes [03:13] LOIL [03:24] ahhhhhhh late night ric [03:24] *rice [03:27] im gonna turn in tonight guys [03:27] o/ [12:05] netritious: ping [13:05] wrst: pong [13:06] netritious: sent you an email i think is interesting [13:09] netritious: i know you have been spearheading an renewed effort with the loco so wanted to get that to you and get your thoughts [13:12] wrst: I'm mulling it over. I think becoming official is a dead issue. No one has or can put in the time that's needed to "get 'er done" or we would actually be official. [13:13] netritious: i tend to agree [13:13] i guess my question is there any use in even responding to that? [13:13] On the other hand, having an actual Ubuntu evangelist reach out is new [13:14] i'm wondering if we might should craft an email explaining that to him, and also our unique geographical issues etc? [13:14] idk, something we can talk about in the meeting maybe? [13:15] yes i think that is what I'm thinking [13:15] also I'm not for sure if we have enough "love" for ubuntu either for it to be worth while? [13:16] and that's another issue altogether...I use to be an evangelist myself (unofficial of course) but not so much anymore... [13:16] Ubuntu isn't magic [13:16] me either netritious, I am really just a whatever gets the job done type person [13:16] doesn't solve world hunger, or address most of the poeple in this group anymore (arch) [13:17] no it is however great for say my mom, someone seeking a windows alternative etc etc [13:17] we need a TLUG or something [13:18] to be honest i don't feel its particularly good for enterprise, on the server I would go with debian and for desktop use I think i would likely go possible opensuse so I'm way off the reservation there [13:18] netritious: i can't argue with that at all [13:21] Ubuntu is magic, they got Steam [13:21] :P [13:21] idk, still thinking it over. For server I'm with you....Debian for me. I'll get to try more distros here shortly (next few weeks) but Debian has been rock solid for me on the server front, everything from FDE to RAID to VM to LAMP. [13:22] lol good point there binarymutant [13:22] yes and i think binarymutant hit the nail on the head i think ubuntu seems to be going more the way of the home machine, with the software center etc etc and nothing wrong with that, but I just don't see them being a business solution on the desktop if anyone is interested in going that direction [13:22] and at one time they were going to be a corporate desktop and they are just so far from that [13:23] oh btw binarymutant, there /are/ some differences between ubuntu server and debian ;) [13:23] besides juju? [13:23] yes, besides juju [13:23] binarymutant: debian "gets in the way" less IMO [13:23] and bayoubou or whatever it's called [13:23] byobu [13:24] yeah that [13:24] screen profile [13:24] * netritious knew the name of that too :D [13:24] lol [13:25] wrst, as for corporate desktop I think it all depends on the business's in-house software [13:25] binarymutant: yes and for the most part that means windows [13:25] remotely unlocking LUKS encrypted volumes is my biggest gripe with ubuntu server. works OOTB on debian. [13:25] yeah around here [13:26] wrst, Tennessee is pretty much locked-in to MS software. I don't really understand it but hey [13:27] I always thought we wouldn't be bc of the "Innovation Valley" and our 2 universities [13:28] and Scripps [13:28] binarymutant: yeah i don't see that changing anytime soon either [13:28] because when someone goes to Best Buy, or any other retail chain to buy a computer, it comes with windows [13:29] netritious, if a business is going to best buy for the desktops they've got a lot of problems [13:29] Windows 8 I think will be very much like vista, and we will hear all this year of the linux desktop stuff and all the people really irritated by win 8 will go to mac :) [13:29] wrst, agree [13:29] oh i didn't know the scope was just business [13:29] ah yeah for home users I understand why [13:30] netritious: even with the scope being business i think you are still correct, people are already familiar with windows because of that machine they got at best buy and it just makes sense for them not to have to learn a new OS at work [13:30] but there are some companies that will use a linux desktop [13:30] they shouldn't have to learn any OS, most ppl aren't techs [13:30] Lowes and Sherwin Williams are two I'm thinking of right off the top of my head [13:30] binarymutant: if the interface is different many people will freak out beyond belief [13:31] that and when you walk in the door it's "can you use windows and word? access? Adobe suite? None of which are available for linux. An alternative maybe, but not those products. [13:31] exactly netritious [13:31] right bc their HR is ... dumb [13:31] netritious: if people really want linux on the desktop it starts with apps and as we go more web app crazy that might help but you are correct [13:32] My last employer, when interviewed by the admin, I was asked... [13:32] "Can you code PHP?" Why yes I can. [13:32] "Can you write SQL queries for MySQL?" Why, yes I can. SQL is SQL. [13:33] "Can you manage our company web sites on IIS?" Why, yes I can. [13:33] Which is why I got the job. My point is, LAMP never entered the conversation with a "veteran" admin. [13:34] no offense but I'd say that company is doomed [13:34] nah, celebrating their 75th anniversary this year (sorry for spelling) [13:34] paying 2k+ for server side software that's no enterprise ready/scalable [13:34] they must be making money on something that doesn't require tech [13:35] dude, it's crazy what tech they have...fiber to each desktop and server, and an HP blade server. [13:35] and an IBM iSeries5 [13:36] sure and that costs much [13:36] x86 dropins cost little [13:36] look at any enterprise, they aren't using windows [13:36] amazon, google, even MS itself was running linux for it's search engine (pre-bing) [13:36] look, I agree with you belive it or not. Even though Windows is my primary desktop OS I still agree. [13:37] * wrst sings the preference song [13:37] right so if a mid size company says windows only, I say they're crazy [13:37] Cost was the primary motivator for me experimenting with linux in the first place. LAMP just makes sense to me for web dev. [13:37] it's like saying money doesn't matter [13:37] netritious, exactly [13:38] meh preaching to the choir :P [13:38] The setup I have right now cost a fat whopping $600. All in hardware. I am still using it all today, minus one bad 160GB SATA drive. [13:39] brb [13:39] kk [13:39] ^^but that was only after discovering that a similar solution in winders was going to cost me around 10g's, half of which was in software licensing. [13:40] netritious: wow [13:40] wow! [13:40] that's why most people use a LAMP setup i suppose :) [13:40] well, take for example Hyper-V. Dumb. I would buy VMware before investing in Hyper-V. [13:41] oh wait, I can run ESX for free with an OpenFiler backend and iSCSI. [13:41] *ESXi [13:42] we have a windows server here, and I must say I hate it, had print spooler problems, and went to restart the service well finally got it restarted but the restart the service didn't work etc just a real pain sometimes, but probalby also because i don't fully get how windows server works either [13:42] Or, I can run KVM/Qemu without all the proprietary limitations in VMware products. [13:42] yep [13:42] and free virtualization is gold [13:43] yeah I used to sell those stupid stickers [13:43] poor wrst...having print server issues with winders :/ that's gotta suck. [13:44] binarymutant: what stickers? [13:44] well they have mysteriously resolved themselves [13:44] with a reboot wrst? [13:44] netritious: that's something I like about linux if it works it works, if its broken you gotta fix it! [13:44] no a reboot didn't work [13:44] what are they called, the ms license stickers [13:44] * netritious was laughing inside after typing that ^^ [13:44] oh yeah, the COA [13:44] coa's ye [13:44] s [13:45] Certificate of Authenticity [13:45] it's been forever* [13:45] <-- just has a decent memory [13:45] most people think it's not added into the cost but it is [13:46] yeah, I wish I could get an AMD laptop that sells for $350 for $250 and without winders :/ [13:46] dell does that I think [13:46] yeah it's been in the news lately [13:46] but I think they have some sort of deal with nvidia [13:47] I think shuttleworth even is quoted as saying "5% of all PC's shipped in 2013 will have Ubuntu installed" [13:47] nvidia and intel are the only gpu's I've seen on dells [13:47] well netritious they are working hard in india i mean that's a huge population base [13:48] netritious, I'd say shuttleworth is right [13:48] now that you mention it binarymutant that sounds accurate [13:48] about the nvidia/intel/dell comment [13:48] yeah [13:48] he would know [13:49] wrst: India has a huuuuuge population true. [13:50] and they are pushing there and in china so it could happen i suppose [13:51] It very well could. I hate the fact that UEFI is going to disrupt some of the momentum though. Not with Ubuntu, but with other linux distros. [13:51] I think ARM will change that in a big way as it's seeing more action in the consumer market. [13:52] yeah a lot of these hard core stallman peolpe will just have to get over themselves with uefi pay the 99 bucks and go on :) [13:54] there are ways around uefi i think [13:54] I'm about over Adobe products. I still don't know how to do half the things I do in DW or Photoshop in other OSS alternatives though. Will take a lot of getting used to. [13:54] But when MS kills updates for Win7 it will be gone for good on my desktops. [13:55] binarymutant: i'm sure people will find ways around it :) [13:55] netritious: so no win8 for you? [13:55] I stopped using winders server over four years ago. [13:55] wrst, arch wiki has a lot about it [13:55] Maybe wrst, will wait for the reviews to come in. [13:56] but I seriously doubt it. ARM is almost powerful enough. When dual/quad CPUs become more common I'll invest in that hardware instead of x86. [13:56] netritious: i have tried it soem and not just to bash it for bashing it but if people think gnome-shell and unity are way off, they look like ultra traditional desktops compared to win 8 [13:57] <- doesn't know what win8 looks like [13:57] I suppose it relies heavily on composite [14:00] there will be a developer revolt with the release of win8 [14:00] MS has changed so much with metro and obsoleted just about every other dev tech they currently support [14:01] yeah netritious i just don't understand what they were thinking really [14:02] isn't it still the nt kernel though? [14:03] the win8 screenshots I'm looking at don't look different. Just heavy on the composite [14:03] binarymutant: its different, no start button for one thing! [14:04] uh.. I must be looking at the wrong thing [14:04] all a bunch of flat looking squares [14:04] this one has a start button [14:04] and will probably be great for a tablet but not for a desktop [14:04] binarymutant: there is no more start button [14:04] unless you hack it somehow [14:05] earlier releases had a start button but they decided you didn't need that [14:05] ppl must have posted up that [14:05] don't get me started on all the crap I already strongly dislike about win8 [14:05] binarymutant: here is an example: http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/14/3084563/windows-8-desktop-ui-screenshots-no-aero [14:06] binarymutant: the original Developer Release did have a start button, but it just took you back to that tiled metro screen [14:07] which was stupid IMO [14:07] and binarymutant here are you some more ugly screenshots: http://winunleaked.info/threads/290-Windows-8-RTM-on-the-way?p=8240#post8240 [14:08] brb [14:08] lol watching the Jan2012 demo for it, "the tiles are alive" [14:09] they're really betting people are only going to use tablets [14:11] and hack off likely their largest userbase? corporate desktops? [14:11] yeah [14:11] makes no sense but more power to them [14:11] they must be really threatened by android and ios [14:12] the MS store, yeah android and ios are cutting into their profits [14:13] binarymutant: i know people say linux is fragmented and they are correct but microsoft seems to be a fragmented company [14:14] linux is fragmented? [14:14] none of the win8 videos I'm seeing are using a desktop. All tablets [14:15] urgh it has that side menu like unity [14:15] thats gross [14:17] windows is definitly not my cup of tea. [14:17] IMHO win8 is not very productive as a desktop OS [14:20] binarymutant: I know you would argue no winders OS makes a productive desktop :D [14:20] I have no problem with windows itself [14:20] netritious: it totally changes your work flow even more so than gnome-shell did [14:20] just the windows paradigm bothers me [14:20] i'm curious about win8 in a multi-monitor environment also [14:21] wrst: I'm currently just running in KVM/qemu [14:21] so no way to check [14:21] netritious: i had it installed in vbox but the video support was pretty poor so i doubt multi monitors would have worked [14:21] binarymutant: I get that...me too. Right now though it's helping me to pay the bills. :/ [14:22] you gots to haz money! [14:22] netritious, I was also being negative about unity [14:22] oh and the layout? [14:23] yeah the popups depending where your mouse is [14:23] that's very annoying no matter what the underlying OS is [14:23] popups=bad [14:23] ; [14:29] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9Fczo6E5gE [14:30] http://imgur.com/a/iuf1r#0 [14:30] binarymutant: ^^ current win8 release preview [14:31] is that the login? [14:31] what is that? [14:32] well, the first screen is meant to be pretty i guess as it serves no real function IMHO [14:32] oh [14:32] you have to "slide" it out of the way to get to the login screen [14:32] that's just gross http://imgur.com/a/iuf1r#3 [14:32] after login you see the metro interface witht he tiles [14:33] yep, I totally agree. MS seems to be taking direction from school children or something. [14:33] lol or from unity [14:33] ** same thing [14:34] unity I am getting used to. [14:34] can't take it's side menu [14:34] if you only had a choice between unity and win8, which would it be binarymutant? :D [14:34] a reformat [14:35] rofl [14:35] a boat anchor lol [14:36] honestly I could prolly only use awesomewm or dwm [14:36] nowadays [14:37] I used gnome a few months ago and freaked out [14:37] lol [14:39] yeah I can't use the mouse anymore lol [14:45] what to do while compiling a large project? [14:47] hm, idk. read? [14:48] hm [14:48] early lunch, brb [14:49] it's sys admin day fyi [15:44] crap xbmc is so big my /tmp folder runs out of space compiling it >:( [16:05] binarymutant: you need a bigger /tmp [16:06] is it a seperate partition? i had mi8ne setup that way and it was always running out [17:23] wrst, I have everything on one small partition except for /home [17:24] hmm oh so its filling up your / partition [17:35] yeah [17:35] oh err [17:35] actually /tmp is it's own partition [17:36] but I'm building it in /home now [18:20] Are you not using LVM? :_D === me is now known as Guest2124 [20:39] hello Guest2124