
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tkamppeterI have some problems with a new Intel HD graphics PC09:56
mlankhorstwhat kind09:56
tkamppeterThe mobo has only HDMI and DisplayPort output, but xrandr shows also a VGA output which is limited to 1024x768 and fully automatic startup falls aways into 1024x768.09:56
tkamppeterHow can I makethe login screen 1920x1080?09:57
mlankhorstyou can change it after login?09:57
tkamppetermlankhorst, yes, after login I can configure my desktop's resolution with the "Displays" part of th system settings.09:58
tkamppetermlankhorst, so principally the resolution is supported. Driver is the intel driver.09:59
tkamppetermlankhorst, xrandr output with the manually configured desktop: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1113490/10:00
mlankhorstgreat, VGA-1 connected..10:01
mlankhorstxrandr -q --verbose ?10:02
tkamppetermlankhorst, /var/log/Xorg.0.log -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1113491/10:02
tkamppetermlankhorst, this is really strange, the mobo has no VGA connector.10:03
tkamppetermlankhorst, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1113495/10:04
mlankhorstunsurprisingly no edid data, anything in dmesg?10:05
tkamppetermlankhorst, there is EDID data in theXorg.0.log10:06
mlankhorstok make a bug to xorg so it attaches all relevant logs, and additionally attach a log booting with drm.debug=0xe?10:08
mlankhorstyou can add a workaround by disabling vga-1 in xorg.conf but you're probably more interested in the proper fix :)10:08
tkamppetermlankhorst, nothing found in dmesg, but I do not really know what to search for.10:08
tkamppetermlankhorst, next problem is that the mouse is not going smoothly.10:09
mlankhorst :s10:12
tkamppetermlankhorst, is thee a workaround for the time being until the problem gets fixed? For example entries in xorg.conf10:15
jcristauon the kernel cmdline10:20
tkamppeterjcristau, what does this mean exactly? And where do I edit the kernel command line in the GRUB config?10:22
jcristauit means disable VGA1, and GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub10:25
tkamppeterjcristau, thank you, will try.10:29
tkamppeterjcristau, I havetried it, edited /etc/default/grub as you told and afterwards run "sudo update grub", rebooted and still 1024x768.10:48
tkamppetermlankhorst, bug 102986510:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029865 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Intel HD graphics: Starts always with 1024x768 resolution on a 1920x1080 monitor (HDMI and DisplayPort)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102986510:49
tkamppetermlankhorst, how do I boot with drm.debug=0xe? Is this a kernel CMD line option? Where do I find thelog after the reboot?10:55
tkamppetermlankhorst, how do I disable vga-1 in xorg.conf?10:56
mlankhorsttkamppeter: yeah add to grub and collect from syslog or dmesg11:03
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
tkamppeterjcristau, your trick with the kernel command line works. Thank you!11:24
tkamppeterjcristau, false alarm, with thekernel cmmad I got the rare case of correct hi-res login screen only once. Now it is rock solid 1024x768 again.11:43
tkamppetermlankhorst, bug report update with syslog with drm.debug info.11:43
mlankhorsttkamppeter: oh i asked11:56
mlankhorst13:53 < ickle> mlankhorst: temporary bug early in 3.5 cycle, to accommodate kvm switches we tried to probe the crt and missed that the fallback from that 11:56
mlankhorst               would accidentally decide the display was connected11:56
mlankhorstso I guess upgrading kernel will fix it11:56
tkamppetermlankhorst, what do you mean with "oh i asked"?11:58
mlankhorston intel-gfx about it11:58
AzelphurAnyone know of a way to trick the system into thinking there is a second monitor (in a typical dual screen/twinview setup), when there is in fact no physical monitor present?17:24
Azelphurthe goal being to do that, then use VNC to connect to the second fake display, and use my android tablet as a second monitor. :)17:24
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Prf_JakobRAOF: Sorry, to bother you again, is there a easy way I can try out the system compositor?18:40

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