
usr13aeiaya: Reboot the computer and start fresh.00:01
usr13aeiaya: then do sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade00:01
usr13aeiaya: Come back and we will help.00:02
Garrett93So, ubuntu has booted, Try Ubuntu or Install Ubuntu?00:02
Jagst3r15anyone know whats up, my resoltuion just crapped out on me. its at like 640 by 480 and unity 3d isnt working00:02
usr13Jagst3r15:  Do you have any clue as to what may have caused it?00:03
Jagst3r15i can't even select a different resoliton00:03
WaffleScratchCan I replace my windows server with Active Directory with a linux server? its only a file server too00:03
romy420Garrett93 ... install00:03
Jagst3r15alot of things usr1300:03
Garrett93install to access this gparted thing?00:03
Jagst3r15ive been playing around with bumblebee and my graphics00:03
usr13Jagst3r15: Can you list them?00:03
christopherbullbeandog: it's still prompting this user for a password with sudo00:03
Jagst3r15I think the issue was with desura00:03
Jagst3r15I installed desura and then I kept getting these errors00:04
Jagst3r15then unity died and i logged out00:04
beandogchristopherbull: hmm, maybe that's not right then.  -_-  just man sudo, it's in there somewhere :)00:04
Jagst3r15then logged in and then my resoltuion is at 604 by 48000:04
usr13Jagst3r15: errors ___________ ?00:04
ceegeyes, waffleScratch. Samba can do AD00:04
christopherbullbeandog: sweet :D00:04
Jagst3r15usr13 im sorry i don't remember a specific error00:04
Garrett93I assume "something else"00:05
Jagst3r15can't I reset unity or something?00:05
usr13Jagst3r15: I'm sorry, I don't have any specific advise  :)00:05
beandogchristopherbull: you're probably better off googling sudo examples00:05
WaffleScratchyay ii'm going to look into this to save all the monies :D00:05
MonkeyDustJagst3r15  try unity --reset00:05
christopherbullbeandog: ah I think it takes a group name, not a username perhaps00:05
usr13Jagst3r15: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit #And send us resulting URL.00:06
Garrett93i'm onto the installation type window, I do see the existing partition layout, including the 200gb free space, this is where I've gotten by myself and managed to destroy windows both times00:07
Garrett93on the free space bit, my options are add... and revert00:07
MonkeyDustGarrett93  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here00:08
Jagst3r15_monkeydust I reset it, then it said compiz has failed or something00:09
romy420gGarrett93, choose 'Install them side by side' when asked how to use the hard drive00:11
Zeerover_the_greI am 12 years old and I'm trying linux for the first time. Is there anything i should know?00:12
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: Lots! :)00:12
Zeerover_the_greLinux Distrobution: Pinguy 11.04 (Based off of Ubuntu 11.4) i just installed some updates00:12
Garrett93MonkeyDust, it says pastebinit is not currently installed00:12
Zeerover_the_greusr13 like how much?00:13
MonkeyDustGarrett93  simply type sudo apt-get install pastebin00:13
NightrayHello there!00:13
MonkeyDustZeerover_the_gre  pinguy is not supported here00:13
Zeerover_the_greJust ubuntu?00:13
NightrayI have noobish question about installation an ubuntu OS on my new computer00:14
Nightrayanyone who wants to help?00:14
Zeerover_the_greBut Pinguy is based off of ubuntu so much that if i looked at the Kernal its all Debian and Ubuntu codes00:14
Zeerover_the_greAsk away nightray00:14
Zeerover_the_greNightray, whats the question?00:15
Garrett93I did a sudo apt-get install pastebinvand it says " E: unable to locate package pastebin "00:15
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: We suggest you install Ubuntu.00:15
Jagst3r15_I think I have to reinstall ubuntu, crap00:15
NightrayI just bought a new computer with 1TB HDD and 90GB SSD. SSD i all on Windows (games etc.. sorry ;p) but I have to make some partitions for Linux and I don't know what partitions I need and with what sizes00:15
MonkeyDustJagst3r15_  run it off a live cd or usb00:16
Garrett93Nightray, welcome to the club00:16
glitsj16Garrett93: the package is called 'pastebinit'00:16
usr13Jagst3r15: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit #And send us resulting URL.00:16
Garrett93Same error for pastebinit00:16
usr13Jagst3r15_: We can help if you give us some information.....00:16
NightrayI want to give 250 GB from that 1TB for linux00:17
Zeerover_the_grethats a good idea00:17
Jagst3r15_brb i cant even open the terminal00:17
Zeerover_the_grei only have 75gb for Pinguy (a Linux distro based off of Ubuntu)00:17
glitsj16Garrett93: you might need to refresh your package manager .. sudo apt-get update .. and try again when that finishes00:18
Zeerover_the_greHow do i look at my Kernel?00:18
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: uname -r00:18
romy420Garrett93, u just booted from cd and then choose 'install'. is this right?00:18
Zeerover_the_gremy name was suppost to be Zeerover the great 12 yr old linux user00:19
Zeerover_the_grebut it didnt fit00:19
Zeerover_the_gresudo apt-get is my favorite tool on linux00:19
Garrett93Romy, yes, i have done so several times, and destroyed a windows partition twice after the run along side windows part didn't work00:19
romy420how exactly did it not work?00:21
Nightraybasicly, if I have an 8GB ram do I need swap?00:21
Garrett93Glits, after running the sudo update, and trying install pastebinit again, i still get the "unable to locate package pastebinit" error00:21
MiguelitoIf anyone has Virtualbox knowledge and would like to help would you msg me - I dont want to sidetrack the channel00:22
romy420also, if you are in that installation environment ... apt will probably not work here00:22
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Garrett93Romy, after clicking the run along side windows, it appeared to run scripts for about 30 seconds, then it produced a message that said "remove boot media and press enter (or something similar)" and when I hit enter it turned off the computer00:22
Garrett93Upon turning back on the computer there was no sign of ubuntu, windows booted as it normally would00:23
Zeerover_the_greI just got pidgin and now im installing Gfire00:23
Zeerover_the_greand this is my first day00:23
Garrett93after that I started to play with partitions, and screwed everything up00:23
romy420Garrett, that's strange ... then u could manually partition00:24
Garrett93Yes, manually partition, that's what i'd like to do00:24
Garrett93should i hit Install Ubuntu again to get back to that step00:25
Skyland_Hackercan i ask her.??00:26
MiguelitoWhats your question Skyland_Hacker00:26
Garrett93Okay, on the screen with the three options, install ubuntu along side windows 7, replace windows 7 with ubuntu (no), and something else00:26
Zeerover_the_greI love linux00:27
romy420Specify partitions manually00:27
Zeerover_the_greand ive only been using it for 1 day as i said00:27
Garrett93should i try the along side option again, or something else00:27
Garrett93that'd be something else, right00:27
bazhang!ot | Zeerover_the_gre00:28
ubottuZeerover_the_gre: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:28
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:28
Zeerover_the_greThanks usr1300:28
romy420Garrett93, which ubuntu version do u have there? is this 12.04?00:28
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: NP00:28
Garrett93Yes 12.0400:28
Zeerover_the_grehow do i go to it though00:28
Zeerover_the_grei just started as i said00:28
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:28
romy420ok ... then it's 'something else' yes00:29
Skyland_Hackercan i ask.?00:29
romy420now u hsould see your partition table and some part of it marked as free or something like that00:29
Garrett93Okay, on the installation type menu, there is the 200 gig free space option00:29
usr13Skyland_Hacker: If it is a question about Ubuntu, yes.00:30
romy420yeah, activate that and then (from memory) it's 'add' or so00:30
Skyland_Hackeri wanna install ubuntu beside windows00:30
Skyland_HackerBisakan saya menginstall unbuntu bersamaan dengan windows.?00:30
Skyland_HackerHow to install ubuntu with windows00:31
Zeerover_the_grealright usr13 thanks for the help i can now go in and out of Ubuntu offtopic00:31
Garrett93yes, add, provides the options, Type for new partition, Primary or logical, partition size in MB, location for new partition (beginning or end), use as (format), and mount point (options)00:32
usr13Skyland_Hacker: Just start the install and it will offer options that will provide for a DualBoot system.00:32
Skyland_Hackeroh, like that00:32
Skyland_Hackercan i see the picture how to install ubuntu with windows.?00:32
romy420here's that logical partition thing so choose that and set the size so that around your amount of ram is left free00:33
usr13Skyland_Hacker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot00:33
Skyland_HackerFor offtopic join #Deface-Zone00:33
romy420format to 'ext4' and mount point '/'00:33
bazhangSkyland_Hacker, dont advertise here00:34
Skyland_Hackerok sorry00:34
Skyland_HackerAnyone have a video for install ubuntu with windows.?00:34
romy420usr13, automatic dual boot configuration crashed00:34
bazhangSkyland_Hacker, youtube.com00:34
romy420forget that :)00:35
Skyland_Hackercan you help me with teamviewer.?00:35
Garrett93okie, so I have the first partition made, logical, 215gb, (with 8gb left free space), ext4 and mount point /00:36
Skyland_Hackeri dont understand about that00:37
romy420ok ... select the rest -> add -> make it as type 'swap'00:37
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romy420nomount point00:37
Skyland_HackerI just understand drive C: D: E:00:37
Skyland_Hackerno about ext sda00:37
bazhang!ot | Skyland_Hacker00:37
ubottuSkyland_Hacker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:37
Garrett93Romy, done00:37
romy420Skyland_Hacker then u are no hacker :P00:38
Skyland_Hackerim hacker from skylandhacker.net00:38
usr13Skyland_Hacker: So you need to expand your understanding to include sda1 sda2 sda3 etc...00:38
Jagst3r15usr13 sorry what should I do with the log?00:38
usr13Jagst3r15: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:38
usr13Jagst3r15: In other words, look at it.00:39
brophatI am upgrading to 12.04 using the alternate CD, and I chose not to use the internet during the upgrade but it is getting 2036 files frm the internet anyway00:39
Zeerover_the_greusr13 is there any aplications i should install to help me (as a beginner) to understand linux more00:39
Garrett93Romy, next should I hit install now00:39
romy420Garrett93, now make sure that hte boot loader will be installed in /dev/sda (if that is your hard drive) and then 'Install Now'00:39
usr13Zeerover_the_gre: no00:39
bazhang!manual | Zeerover_the_gre have a read00:39
Jagst3r15usr13 nothing seems amiss00:39
ubottuZeerover_the_gre have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:39
brophatif it needs to get those files anyway then why am I using a CD? bwahahahaha00:39
bazhang!rute | Zeerover_the_gre and this00:39
ubottuZeerover_the_gre and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:39
Garrett93Yes, it does say that is the case00:40
usr13Jagst3r15: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log |pastebinit #And send us the resulting URL.00:40
Zeerover_the_greThanks ubottu, i guess. i dont quite understand what you just said though00:40
bazhangZeerover_the_gre, read those links.00:41
romy420ok ... this should suffice ... and it will take longer than 30secs .. ottherwise something is really wrong00:41
Garrett93crossing fingers, saying a quick prayer, and pressing install now00:41
romy420good luck00:41
Jagst3r15usr13 is this it http://pastebin.com/ruUBwWZ300:42
brophatcan anyone explain why it is downloading files from the internet when I am using the alternate CD to upgrade. Isn't everything on the CD?00:43
Garrett93Romy, It appears to have worked, following the instructions...location / username etc00:43
romy420Garrett93, yes it asks u these questions while in the background ubuntu is being installed00:43
usr13Jagst3r15: Do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?00:45
Jagst3r15usr13 let me see00:45
Garrett93It appears to be doing so, now, once it completes, if I can still boot windows, I may throw a party i'll be excited. I spent hours trying this before seeking help here00:45
usr13Jagst3r15: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak00:45
amblinAnyone using the Firefox-Next PPA and Google Plus having problems with the notification widget(red box with a number) never reseting to zero after reading notifications?00:46
Jagst3r15usr13 http://pastebin.com/KqukgYh600:46
usr13Jagst3r15: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak00:47
usr13Jagst3r15: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak00:48
romy420Garrett93, i hope it will but now it looks it works, strange though that the automatic version would break it, never seen this and many ppl use dual boot00:48
usr13Jagst3r15: Log out and back in again.00:48
Jagst3r15usr13 it worked =)00:50
Jagst3r15thank you00:50
Jagst3r15what did that do exactly by the way00:50
Jagst3r15like reset the files?00:51
usr13Jagst3r15: Got rid of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file00:51
Garrett93I have a strange feeling it could have been user error, romy, but this has certainly been most successful00:51
Jagst3r15usr13 what put that there, bumblebee?00:52
romy420yeah, there is a lot to learn once u start with linux :)00:52
usr13Jagst3r15: No, it was created by nvidia-xconfig00:52
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Garrett93Yes, it is what my c++ professor will be using during lectures, so I wanted it too just for familiarity00:54
wolfgang_How do i set up my n64 controller via usb adapter to use on ubuntu 12.0400:55
wolfgang_1543 people all afk00:57
Garrett93Romy, the install finished, it is now rebooting00:57
wolfgang_How do i set up my n64 controller via usb adapter to use on ubuntu 12.0400:57
Jagst3r15usr13 I think deleting those files disable glxspheres00:57
bazhangwolfgang_, this is for the wine app? ask for support in #winehq as I said before00:58
wolfgang_bazhang, no i thought the wine app would help me do it00:59
PhoenixzI have Ubunti 11.10 installed on a SATA HD, today I got a SSD drive, yay, installed kubuntu 12.04, and lightning fast, cool.. BUT.. I cant boot both SSD and my old HD, it starts from HD. When both are connected, BIOS won't come up and if I boot from SSD, then connect SATA drive, I can see /dev/sdb1, NOT /dev/sdb2, and it only contains EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi01:00
romy420Garrett93, good, grub should offer both systems in boot menu now01:00
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Garrett93Romy, both windows and ubuntu now successful boot. Can't thank you enough01:00
PhoenixzNow, I guess this is the new EFI (successor to BIOS, right?) thing, but how can I mount my old drive? How can I get my SATA HD to work together with my new SSD drive?01:00
romy420i'mglad i could help :)01:00
Garrett93I'm glad you could too01:01
wolfgang_bazhang, How do i do it?01:01
Garrett93Very successful, thanks again Romy, have a good one01:02
* Garrett93 high fives romy for the help01:02
romy420thank u :)01:02
escottPhoenixz, is your system a bios system?01:03
WaffleScratchsomewhere in the efi bios you should be able to select a first boot hd01:04
wolfgang_well i gota go01:04
Phoenixzescott: I think so, though it does support the EFI that is on my SATA HD, obviously, because I used it for quite some time01:07
Phoenixzescott: Just to avoid some confusion.. EFI is successor to BIOS, IE, if my install is EFI, BIOS wont be able to handle it?01:07
escottPhoenixz, by definition a bios system cannot boot efi01:07
escottPhoenixz, if your system is an EFI system it might (but is not required to) have a bios emulation mode01:07
gdea73I'm having trouble connecting my iPhone 4 (iOS 5.1.1) to my laptop running Ubuntu 10.10; I received the error "Unhandled Lockdown error (-4)"01:08
brophatwhy is my upgrade using the alternate CD needing to download files/01:08
HaltingStateHow do i remove the jiggle animation when minimzing/unminizing window01:08
gdea73I tried running the commands as assessed here (http://goo.gl/oHYTy); however, I received the message "idevicepair: command not found."01:09
escott!ccsm | HaltingState01:09
ubottuHaltingState: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:09
Phoenixzescott: Well, it looked like BIOS so I supposed it was..  Even so, I have used this drive for about 6 months so if it requires EFI, I have EFI :) Even so.. How can I then get this fixed?01:09
gdea73I installed libimobiledevice-utils, but I still get "command not found" when I try to run "idevicepair."01:09
escottPhoenixz, are you certains that the spinning disk is a GPT disk? what does sudo parted -l say?01:10
PhoenixzAnd another thing: With 12.04, first boot, I get desktop, and seems not to respond at all to mouse or keyboard.. First 2 mouse clicks, ok, I get the menu, then it just seems to freeze until I ALT-SHIFT-F12 stop the special effects, now it works.. What might be the problem? On 11.04 I used the same desktop effects w/o problem01:10
Phoenixzescott: Partition Table: gpt01:11
escottPhoenixz, for both disks?01:11
Phoenixzescott: no, the SSD drive says MSDOS.. Maybe that one should use EFI too? In that case, how would I do that? The ubuntu installer CD did not give me the option01:12
escottPhoenixz, are you sure you are looking at the right drive? I thought you said it contains an EFI boot partiton01:12
Phoenixzescott: When I mount and list /dev/sdb1 it shows me /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi01:14
escottPhoenixz, thats a EFI boot partition which should only appear on a GPT disk, and is only useful to an UEFI system01:14
escottPhoenixz, so sdb whatever that is is setup for a UEFI system01:15
Phoenixzescott: riightt.. Well, I only know that I used that disk for 6 months prior.. If I connect both my SSD and SATA drive, the SATA will boot...01:15
Phoenixzescott: so next question is, how to fix this? :)01:15
escottPhoenixz, im at the "i dont believe anything you say" point. so send me the output of sudo parted -l01:16
escott!paste | Phoenixz01:17
ubottuPhoenixz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:17
Phoenixzescott: No need to get rude here.. I'll get you the output..01:17
glitsj16brophat: seems the alternate installer does try to download latest package updates over the web when it detects a connection .. http://askubuntu.com/questions/150127/how-do-i-install-kde-or-xfce-or-lxde-to-an-ubuntu-12-04-system-with-no-internet/150148#15014801:17
Phoenixzescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1113003/01:18
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Phoenixzescott: Also, mounted /dev/sdb1 on my ~/old..     -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 131072 Dec 16  2011 old/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi*01:19
escottPhoenixz, ok. you need to repartition /dev/sda with a GPT table as well as 20MB partition with a fat partition I think the label is EFI. Then you can install grub-efi01:19
brophatglitsj16 ok but I specifically chose the cd cause my wifi sucks wbhahahahaha01:20
escottPhoenixz, sorry its just extremely rare to find someone who has an EFI system that was (a) working and (b) they didn't know it was EFI01:20
brophatit even asked me if I wanted to not use internet and I said no don't use internet01:20
YadraCan dd image a disc which hasn't been mounted yet?01:21
Phoenixzescott: Its not my system, its my office system and it was installed for me, I really have not done anything on install level with this machine, so no I did not know until I got this SSD drive, now I AM installing :)01:21
Phoenixzescott: so, repartiton, or reinstall?01:21
glitsj16brophat: confusing indeed .. does it still try to download when you disable your connection?01:22
escottPhoenixz, yeah01:22
escottPhoenixz, good news is that with an SSD it will take you 20seconds01:22
WaffleScratchyadra: yes, it actually needs to be unmounted to copy properly01:22
Phoenixzescott: errr.. Thats yeah on the repartition, or reinstall?01:22
YadraWaffleScratch: hmm, I can't seem to get it to accept a if=/dev/<device> path01:23
escottPhoenixz, yes you need to repartiton and reinstall, and use gparted on the livecd (or the installed system) to ensure you have a GPT structure01:23
escottPhoenixz, you'll have to say "new partition table" and select the GPT structure not MSDOS01:23
WaffleScratchis it a CD disc or HD?01:23
Phoenixzescott: Perfect, thats what I needed to know.. Thanks a lot01:23
YadraWaffleScratch: it's a USB flash drive01:24
Phoenixzescott: I know all about msdos structure, but EFI and GPT are quite new to me, I'll have to study up a bit again..01:24
Phoenixzanyway, thanks!01:24
escottPhoenixz, its simpler in a way01:24
WaffleScratchwhats the error you get01:24
escottPhoenixz, no extended/primary partitions. dedicated partition for bootloaders (thats this /efi/grub thing you were looking at)01:24
brophatglitsj16  good idea, but hell I am just gonna let it do what it is doing01:27
brophatafraid i will screw it up if I cut off its connection now. I just gotta wait another two hours bwahhahaha01:28
brophatI am connected at an avg of 50 kB/s01:28
brophatwhat is a decent download rate?01:28
glitsj16brophat: indeed .. and on a slow connection it looks like .. decent varies pretty much i guess01:29
usr13brophat: That's pretty decent.01:29
YadraWaffleScratch: yikes, I guess it's working now! (I'm viewing the ascii-ified contents of the volume scroll by in the terminal! xD [because I set no output file])01:31
WaffleScratchaha I done that a few time in a hurry :P01:33
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dalek_how do I remove nvidia proprietary drivers which have been installed manually from command line?01:38
deadmunddalek_: apt-get remove <nvidia>-something01:38
romy420dalek, do the same command again and replace 'install' with 'remove'01:38
deadmunddalek_: There are many packages that contain the nvidia propreitary drivers.  Which did you install?01:38
dalek_deadmund, already tried.. does not work. it was not installed with apt-get. Drivers were installed by nvidia's own intaller, downloaded from nvidia website.01:39
tkeslerHas anyone run into a problem coming out of sleep on a laptop?01:39
deadmunddalek_: Then the only way to remove is figure out what files the installer put where. Do you have a link to it?  Perhaps it has an uninstall01:40
dalek_deadmund, this is the one - http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-173.14.35-driver.html01:40
deadmunddalek_: lemme look at it01:41
brophatok fellas and ladies I am gonna get off this irc to give my crappy connection some room to download01:42
deadmunddalek_: All that download is a binary so I can't read it (humanly read it).  Can you get the name of the driver with sudo lspci -k   ?01:43
abimaelso i updated eclipse and attempted to install ADT plugin and now it says its installed but isnt showing up in plugins or to create new project01:44
Qualiauninstall the eclipse01:45
Qualiause vim01:45
dalek_deadmund, yes. see - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1113027/01:45
deadmunddalek_: reading01:45
deadmundmmmm, I was hoping for more info that 'nvidia'01:45
deadmunddalek_: try this and see what it turns up while we booth google some more.  sudo find / -name nvidia01:46
blahdeblahHi.  I'm trying to be a good boy and learn how to use Unity properly before jumping ship to Mint or Debian or Xubuntu or something.  I've played with Unity on 12.04 for a few days and it's driving me nuts.  Is it possible to do the following?  1. Maximise a window vertically from the keyboard without changing its width, and keeping it at its current horizontal position on the screen.01:46
blahdeblah 2. Change to a specific workspace from the keyboard. 3. Switch to another window of the same application from the keyboard.01:46
blahdeblah4. Turn off the command box coming up whenever Alt is pressed. 5. Show system monitor somewhere in a panel that shows all the time.01:46
deadmunddalek_: I found a site saying you can run sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-<stuff>.pkg.run --uninstall01:47
romy420tkesler, is your hard drive encrypted?01:47
synthmescGreat bolshy yarblockos to you. I'll meet you with chain or nozh or britva anytime, not having you aiming tolchocks at me reasonless. Well, it stands to reason I won't have it.01:47
usr13blahdeblah: You mentioned Xubuntu, so thought I'd let you know that you only have to issue command, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  to use it.01:48
dalek_deadmund, sounds good. I will try that.01:48
deadmundblahdeblah: I don't think you'll find any window manager that will do 1 for you.01:48
escottblahdeblah, (1) sure same way it could be done with compiz (assuming that you could do it with compiz before)01:48
abimaeldeadmund: can i set up ADT with VIM?01:48
deadmundabimael: what is vim ?  (why not ask in android-dev)01:49
deadmundvim the text editor / IDE?01:49
deadmundI have no idea01:49
blahdeblahdeadmund: icewm does it for me now01:49
usr13vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor01:49
deadmundblahdeblah: Cool! :)01:49
blahdeblahAnd i'm pretty sure metacity would as well01:49
deadmundblahdeblah: I cannot help you :(01:50
blahdeblahAfter a bit more digging i found the way to switch & move windows between workspaces from the keyboard, but you can't override the keys used by the panel/launcher/whatever-it-is.  I previously had Win-Number to switch to the workspace of that number.  Any thoughts?01:51
usr13blahdeblah: The command box comes up when you hit Alt-F201:52
Logos01Greetings! I'm currently working on installing an Ubuntu Server (12.04 amd64) instance. I need to add a PPA to my install before the installation actually occurs.01:52
blahdeblahusr13: Something very similar comes up when i just tap Alt.  Google indicates it may be called the HUD.01:52
Logos01Does anyone have experience doing this?  There's no /etc/apt dir.01:53
beandogAre you sure you're on Ubuntu?01:53
Logos01beandog: I am 100,000% sure.01:53
deadmundLogos01: no /etc/apt dir.  You haven't installed yet.  There is no /  directory01:53
Logos01deadmund: / is the root of the installation environment.01:54
usr13blahdeblah: When you hit Ctrl-F2 do you go to Workspace 2  Or, Ctrl-F1 to workspace 1?01:54
Logos01Just like it would be the root of a liveCD environment.01:54
deadmundLogos01: Ahh, so by /etc/apt you mean on the install media01:54
blahdeblahusr13: Ctrl-F1 and Ctrl-F2 appear to do nothing.01:54
Logos01deadmund: Yes.01:55
deadmundLogos01: Looks like that feature is part of hte installer now: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/12561/01:55
usr13blahdeblah: You probably have only one workspace.  (Sorry, but I'm not an authority on Unity, so...)01:55
Logos01deadmund: You're aware I said "server" install, right?01:55
blahdeblahThere's a workspace switcher that shows 4 workspaces01:55
deadmundLogos01: haha, forgot that part.   Mmmm, IDK of a way.  Why do you need the packages installed at install time and not after you first login?01:56
Logos01Because then I wouldn't have installed the system on the FS these packages provide.01:56
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Logos01I'm also in #zfsonlinux. They said to come here for this piece.01:57
romy420blahdeblah, open 'System Settings' -> Keyboard, there u can configure shortcuts to switch to a specific workspace01:57
romy420they're just not configured by default01:58
blahdeblahromy420: Found that. But you can't override Meta+Num.01:58
romy420no u cant01:58
AcidRain2012im back with the same issue that when my eth0 connection is dropped, it fails to automatically reconnect01:58
AcidRain2012can anyone hellp me with this?01:58
deadmundLogos01: I don't know.  Sorry :(01:58
AcidRain2012i have like 50 servers running, and i cant have them dropping until i can come home and manually click on it01:58
Logos01deadmund: Well, I'm not surprised. Thank you for your time though. :)01:59
jesse2Hello.  After applying a theme, it doesnt load automatically..... is there a key combo that i can quickly refresh/restart to load the theme?01:59
usr13blahdeblah: How about Ctrl-Alt-Left or Right arrow?  (Does it switch between workspaces?)01:59
jesse2i think it was alt+f2 and something but i dont recall01:59
* blahdeblah tries icewm --replace on Unity to see what carnage results...01:59
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AcidRain2012i installed wicd, hopefully this will solve this issue02:00
l3dhow would u install a theme on 1202:00
smallfoot-how can i verify that no file on my system has been tampered with?02:00
smallfoot-doesn't canonical sign ubuntu binaries?02:00
usr13blahdeblah: Does Alt-F10 maximise current window?02:00
romy420unity is made for apple users ... i guess u want more freedom :P02:00
usr13blahdeblah: Does Alt-Space bring up context window to do various things with current window?02:01
jesse2Can anyone recomend a site where I can download more themes/window decorations for Unity (Ubuntu 12.04) ?02:02
xanguajesse2: gnome-look.org02:02
usr13blahdeblah: Does Alt-F5 return window to previous size?02:02
blahdeblahusr13: Alt-F10 didn't work, Alt-Space did; I'll switch back to Unity to see about some of the others02:02
jesse2thanks xangua02:02
blahdeblahusr13: Alt-F10 opens the menu the same as F10 usually does02:04
blahdeblahAlt-F5 does nothing02:05
blahdeblahusr13: Found where i can change some of those - trying now02:06
WarriorSlpeople sorry for the lame question, I'm using 12.04 and I wanna know how do I disable the sticky edges of the screen with windows?02:07
a_ozakijoin #platform02:08
blahdeblahusr13, deadmund: I actually found a shortcut to maximise vertically in place.  But pressing it again doesn't toggle, you have to use Alt-F5 to restore it.02:10
IlikeMoosei'm getting a weird message  E: Encountered a section with no Package: header  and apt-get won't work nor will update manager02:10
deadmundblahdeblah: ok :)02:10
deadmundblahdeblah: This is not an issue that strongly concerns me02:10
blahdeblahJust thought i'd let you know that it is possible in Unity02:11
deadmundblahdeblah: ok, thanks :)02:11
blahdeblahMy finger memory is too far ingrained to consider giving up icewm.  Unity is getting better, but still not customisable enough for power users.02:11
obakfahadHello  guys .02:11
obakfahadUnity is cool but not as gnome-shell .02:12
obakfahadIf you want top customize ...then there is no other WM as classic one . Gnome2 .02:13
Diegosani hate both still, and yet gnome fall back still doesnt feel right02:13
wawanis there a way to upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04 ??02:13
Logos01wawan: Directly? Yes. But it's not supported.02:13
Logos01Otherwise, just do do-release-upgrade three times.02:13
Logos01But that's not recommended, IMO, as compared to a full reinstall.02:14
obakfahadIt will broke many things .@ wawan02:14
Logos01They changed top-level directories in 11.10.02:14
jimmy_lo!regular file02:14
escottblahdeblah, shock therapy. you can make those fingers forget in no time02:14
wawanyes i see..02:14
xrealIs there a variable for systems fonts? (/usr/share/fonts/truetype)02:14
Logos01wawan: Did you by any chance make a separate / and /home partitions?02:14
Diegosani did a 10.04 to 10.10 once and it failed so bad lol, then a frest install didnt install the same for some reason, the display drivers were all messed on bootup02:15
wawanso it isn't do easly02:15
obakfahadwawan you can try upgrade opening a new user and of course  ur home partition should be another , not whole one .....02:16
IlikeMoosewhat causes package lists to become corrupt??02:16
obakfahadquit .lol02:16
deadmundIlikeMoose: nonsense (usually network errors) it's an easy fix02:16
IlikeMooseyeah i found sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists* -vf and it seems to be working :) hurray internets!!!02:17
deadmundIlikeMoose: internets are good.02:17
SteevB2Anyone have a suggestion to a good setup for a server setup for a business. It is used pretty much to save, update, and search for invoices.02:18
IlikeMooseinternets r00l!!!! praise al gore!02:18
xworldhey guys I installed osdlyrics in ubuntu 11.10 but its settings is not showing previous time when i used osdlyrics I used to edit the font color and all but now i cant able to do that how to get the setting of osdlyrics02:18
Diegosanall of the internets02:18
obakfahadAnyone have a BLOG ?02:18
obakfahadPlease share !!!!02:18
pooltablehow to lock guest account ?02:19
Diegosanim working a ubuntu 12.04 server with openbox gui, its gonna be so awesome :D02:19
pooltablelock the computer after say 9 pm?02:20
jychello! I have three monitors set up - two are connected to an ATI card, and the third is connected to the internal Intel graphics. how can I enable the third monitor?02:20
Nijiquestion..can i hook concert mics with ubuntu? (shure)02:20
deadmundjyc: I don't think it is possible to enable both onboard and external graphics at the same time (i.e. you can't)02:20
obakfahadjyc , your third one can not be possible because that IS OUT OF WORK WHEN EXTERNAL ATI TEHRE .02:20
Diegosanjyc: some motherboards dont allow this, but it would be in the bios settings if its possible from the one board i have that does that02:21
jycit is completely possible. I have the setup working on Windows02:21
jycI enabled the internal graphics in the BIOS02:21
jycobakfahad: RTFM before using caps, please02:21
deadmundjyc: you have it working in windows?  Well then maybe it can be done.  Most of the BIOS's I02:21
deadmundBIOS's I've ever seen let you turn on one or the other02:22
obakfahadSorry...? what is RTFM ?02:22
deadmundread the fucking manual02:22
obakfahadjyc ?02:22
deadmundbut it's really inappropriate for this channel02:22
obakfahadok ok sorry .02:22
Diegosanim not sure i havent tried linux on my board that does it02:22
jycdeadmund: yea, it's a really unusual option (from what I've read). the monitor itself seems active, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to register it after bootup02:22
deadmundjyc: what does xrandr say?02:23
jycdeadmund: xrandr -q doesn't register it as existing02:23
obakfahadHey guys any one have a linux blog ?02:23
deadmundjyc: not a good sign.02:23
jycdeadmund: yea. I will try some more things and then try to report back - thanks for the the help all02:24
deadmundhe left :(02:24
obakfahadOh . deadmund02:25
obakfahadAre u regular here deadmund ?02:25
deadmundnot in a long time02:25
deadmundabout a year or 202:25
deadmundbut I used to be the BEST02:25
obakfahadthat is more than regular .02:25
obakfahadDo you have a website ?02:26
obakfahaddeadmund ?02:26
deadmundobakfahad: yeah, actually.  I do :)02:26
Dr_willis check delicious.com and the 'ubuntu' tags... ;)02:27
LinuxHack3rSo has anyone heard of a timescale for Valve's Steam Linux release?02:28
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deadmundDr_willis: Why am I looking at this?  http://delicious.com/tag/ubuntu02:28
omlalaI am in the process of wanting to make a bootable USB for a windows friend but first I must format it and the windows help is no help. How do I do it? (I think I want to do it NTFS)02:29
dalek_deadmund, I got the nvidia driver to uninstall.. now I can't get ubuntu's default nouveau nvidia drivers to install properly :(02:29
deadmunddalek_: They were listed as alternatives if I remember you lspci -k correctly.  What is the problem exactly?02:30
prabhai installed on board screen but does not show anything how can i open that software02:30
xworldhey guys how to change the settings of osdlyrics02:30
pooltablehow to lock guest account ?02:30
pooltablelock the computer after say 9 pm?02:30
prabhawill u tell me any commnd02:30
dalek_deadmund, screen res is stuck at 1024x768.. no other resolution except 800x600 available. Can't detect any external display, etc.02:31
deadmunddalek_: what driver is the system using?  what does xrandr say about things?  What is your desired / maximum resolution02:32
Dr_willisLinuxHack3r,  could be next week.. could be next year.. could be next 4 years.. no one knows.02:33
dalek_deadmund, native res should be 1280x800.02:33
LinuxHack3rDr_willis: Yeah that was what I was thinking, but I honestly just read about it today and was wondering if perhaps someone had heard a timeframe. Oh well...good news nontheless.02:34
Dr_willisLinuxHack3r,  if it ever actually happens.02:34
escottpooltable, what do you mean by lock?02:34
pooltablenot log in to the computer at all via guest account02:35
LinuxHack3rDr_willis: Well the clame to have l4d2 running natively, That is a good sign.02:35
deadmundLinuxHack3r: claim, I've seen screenshots.  I think even if their project fails that little bit of code will be leaked02:36
arooni-mobileugh.  i was trying to fix audio problems when playing flash on ubuntu 12.04 64bit by installing pavucontrol;  i changed output setting to something different; now theres *no audio* ... i tried to run pavuadio again but it doesnt load anymore; "connect to pulseaudio failed"02:36
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LinuxHack3rdeadmund: I was wondering that as well. At the lest perhaps we gain l4d2! but I really hope that they will at least port steam and the source games.02:37
Diegosanpooltable: i found this with google http://www.techlw.com/2012/05/disable-guest-account-in-ubuntu-1204.html i presume 12.0402:37
deadmundLinuxHack3r: yeah, we can hope.  The slashdot news earlier today seemed promising02:37
Diegosani get blue videos from flash now, but thats another story02:38
pooltablediegosan thanks02:38
pooltablealso block facebook ?02:38
UndiFineDphoronix has many updates on the subject: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTE0Njc Valve On Linux To Be Presented In Two Weeks02:38
pooltableloog off the computer at say 10 pm to 7 am "?02:39
Diegosani wouldnt know that sorry, but i would think hosts file02:39
LinuxHack3rdeadmund: *Reading now. I was very close to selling my custom built gaming pc because I am so tired of windows. but I may actually keep it just for that. I'll get kubuntu on it soon probably.02:39
deadmundpooltable: check out these packageS: askubuntu.com/questions/68918/how-do-i-restrict-my-kids-computing-time02:40
deadmundpooltable: Ignore the fact that they 'dont work' in 11.1002:40
deadmundLinuxHack3r: I like arch linux :)02:40
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pooltabledeadmund 12.04 here02:40
deadmundpooltable: yeah. likely those claims that the programs don't work aren't really true anyway.  Try those programs02:41
moegreenhey guys..why would root not be able to change the sudoers file? It wont even let me chmod 777 it02:41
LinuxHack3rdeadmund: I like Mountain Lion, but cannot justify an iMac right now;)02:41
deadmundLinuxHack3r: Have you read the insane ars technica review of Mnt. Lion?02:41
LinuxHack3rdeadmund: show me a link? BTW I am in Mountain Lion right now:)02:41
moegreeni need to add a user to the list and i get that the file is read only which it is, but i cant even change it02:42
deadmundLinuxHack3r: http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/07/os-x-10-8/  You have a misleading nick02:42
pooltablealso i get a crash like daily how to fix them ?02:42
dalek_deadmund, xrandr shows - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1113078/02:42
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deadmunddalek_: It looks like it thinks your monitor is limited to 1024 x 76802:43
deadmunddalek_: reading...02:43
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dalek_deadmund, it's a laptop screen, native res 1280x80002:43
mobyteHello everyone. I would just like help with some quick problems. First is that my minimize, maximize, and close buttons have somehow shifted to the right of my windows. I was wondering how this happened and how I would switch them back to the left. Also, the text above windows is now bolded for some reason. How would I change both of these back?02:43
deadmunddalek_: try xrandr -s 1280*80002:44
LinuxHack3rdeadmund: Oh now, I have a MacBook pro because I love OS X, but I also very much love linux and would love to be able to use it if it was just a bit more mainsteam, ie professional office programs and gaming. I could do Windows 7 in a VM in Linux just as I do my MacBook and Windows 7 for a few applications, but it is the gaming that gets me. But I used only Linux for about 6 years.02:44
mobyteAlso I can't switch workspaces with my ctrl+alt+arrowkey anymore.02:44
deadmunddalek_: What driver are you using?02:45
dalek_deadmund, none apparently... see here - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1113085/02:46
pleitegeiercan I tell cron somehow to run missed jobs (because system was offline) after next boot?02:46
deadmunddalek_: Did you uninstall the nvidia driver and not reboot?02:46
deadmunddalek_: It does appear to be nothing :P02:46
arooni-mobileugh.  i was trying to fix audio problems when playing flash on ubuntu 12.04 64bit by installing pavucontrol;  i changed output setting to something different; now theres *no audio* ... i tried to run pavuadio again but it doesnt load anymore; "connect to pulseaudio failed"  help?02:46
deadmundpleitegeier: anacron :)02:46
dalek_deadmund, uninstalled, rebooted.. several times....02:46
pleitegeierdeadmund: k, thanks02:46
deadmunddalek_: lsmod | grep nouveau    shows stuff?02:46
deadmunddalek_: I dont' need to see it.  Only let me know that it outputs02:47
mobyteNever mind about the buttons being on the right, I just found out how to switch them back to the left. Still need help with the shortcut thing and the bolded text thing.02:47
dalek_deadmund, it outputs a list of stuff containing "nouveau"02:48
deadmunddalek_: That means the nouveau driver is loaded and being used.  Check this out: http://wienker.org/blog/?p=3202:48
deadmunddalek_: What happened when you tried to just set the resolution you wanted with xrandr -s ?02:49
deadmunddalek_: BTW, your pastebin speed is appreciated :)02:49
dalek_deadmund, it complained that what I wanted to do was impossible02:49
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deadmunddalek_: check out the link to try to add a mode line02:50
dalek_deadmund, I can't work out why I should have to add screen modes manually when it could work it out itself automagically before I had the nvidia's drivers installed :(02:51
zimba12all of a sudden my usb wifi adapter stopped working on ubuntu 12.04 (it's been working till today and it still works on kubuntu on another machine)02:51
deadmunddalek_: different drivers probe the hardware differently.  Some do a better job than others.02:52
zimba12do you know what can cause it?02:52
deadmunddalek_: You can try using a different driver if you want02:52
dalek_deadmund, different driver? such as?02:52
omlalaok I got it the thumb drive is ok to write on. FAT32 is good enough.02:53
mobyteI fixed everything else. Can somebody please tell me how to get back the ctrl+alt+arrowkey shortcut back?02:53
RiXtErhey guys how can I look at how the kernel was compiled if I don't have /proc/config.gz?02:53
zimba12when I unplug it, the kernel crashes with messages like: usb_disable_device02:53
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obakfahaddeadmmund what is that site ?02:56
mobyteI figured out how to fix my problems.. thanks...02:58
deadmundobakfahad: IDK, I googled it02:58
obakfahadNo No... i am asking your blog... dedmund02:58
deadmundobakfahad: not a blog, just a personal site: ednovak.net02:59
omlalawill the amd version work on intel? 12.04 -- I doownloaded it. sorry if it's a stupid question.02:59
deadmundomlala: the term 'amd64' is actually intel and amd processors that are 64 bit'  There is no 'intel64'03:00
omlalathis is an hp computer with intel core inside. tell me which version to use. the regular desktop?03:00
deadmundomlala: In other words, it will work if you have a 64 bit processor.  Even an 64 bit processor is called amd6403:00
omlalathen it'03:00
deadmundomlala: Well I can't tell if you have 64bit or not03:00
omlalathen it's ok?03:00
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deadmundomlala: read what I said and decide for yourself but don't make me repeat myself03:01
omlalai see. how do I tell if this is 64. sorry being on windows is odd to me.03:01
omlala!gnome omlala03:01
omlalaI think I've forgotten everything. heh.03:02
omlalaalso what does "Set a persistent file size for storing changes" mean. Yes, it's optional.03:03
omlalaAnd how do I get ubottu to tell me how to make it load in gnome?03:04
omlalaI'd like it to load GNOME2 rather than UNITY. How do I do that?03:07
romy420omlala ... windows key + break should show u the system information (64?) in windows03:08
omlalathere's a break key? shades of the XT!03:09
romy420i have one, u should too03:09
omlalaI dont see a label "break"03:10
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omlalaBTW I figured out "persistent" and chose 3G. Persistence means I can store on the drive and not just in ram. I mean that's the purpose of using a usb drive.03:11
MiguelitoHmmmm just thought I'd ask this... Anyone have any games either first person or rpg that they would recommend?03:11
pooltablehelp block face book on opera and chrome ?03:12
romy420omlala,, if u just want to install from that usb than persistent is not necessary, but will not hurt either03:12
omlalaI want to play with it. I want to have one that has things like xchat on it. some things that dont exist in the default set.03:13
omlalaBUT I really really want gnome2 instead of unity. How do I do that? Ubottu knows but I cant seem to get the command together.03:14
AcidRain2012how do i make wicd show up in icon tray?03:15
omlala!ubottu omlala03:15
escottomlala, if your hardware is powerful enough a virtualbox install might be preferable to a liveusb. liveusb is more about portability03:15
tchopperMiguelito, Final Fantasy V is a great game.03:15
Miguelitotchopper, and they have it for linux03:15
omlalaSorry I dont know anything about ubottu omlala.... What am I doing...03:15
escott!notunity | omlala03:15
ubottuomlala: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:15
omlalathanks escott03:16
omlalaok good.03:16
omlalaI understand that unity is gnome in disguise but I'm no good at "hide and seek"03:17
tchopperNow I know why I have gnome-shell on here. gnome-tweak-tool installed it.03:17
logostCan anyone direct me to a guide for install/compile mplayer 32 bit on/along side 64 bit?03:17
escottlogost, apt-get install mplayer:i38603:17
AcidRain2012how do i make wicd show up in icon tray?03:17
logostescott, ah simple as that. Nice03:18
cmakenow I know what those .dat files are they are standard FAA file format :) thanks gnu projects03:18
AcidRain2012The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." <-- it says this. but i dont see one that does have it03:18
cmakenot what was those ubin files :)03:18
omlalaOK all looks good for now. thanks to anone who helped me.... it turns out it takes time to extraCT the iso.03:18
pooltablehelp block face book on opera and chrome ?03:22
escottpooltable, iptables + squid03:24
pooltableescott what is that ?03:24
escottpooltable, use iptables to block access to the raw web and force all access to port 80 to go through a squid proxy, then you can blacklist websites03:25
coopGood evening everyone03:25
escottpooltable, its not 100% but it will stop most casual users03:25
cmakeiptables and the older ipchains are a coming for me soon after I finish the last switches up of awk , sed , grep , find not long not long03:25
pooltableescott how do i set it up?03:25
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.03:25
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org03:26
Diegosani just notice the #gentoo has 925 users O.O is it that hard or what lol03:26
djskiddhi, I can't get a Java archive to run as an executible03:26
djskiddDiegosan: it is really hard.03:26
Diegosanive never tried it so l dont know03:27
animus123how to modify the splash screen basically the screen which display during shutdown.03:27
djskiddI was never able to get into the installer since I don't know bash03:27
escottDiegosan, depends on what stage you start the bootstrap. the early stage1 was a pain (and took forever) after stage 3 its on par with ubuntu03:27
djskiddhow do I run a java archive as a program?03:27
maggHello… I'd like to deploy Hadoop to OpenStack cloud. Is there any automatic way to do that? I heard ubuntu has juju and orchestra for that, where can i find any info to do this with my openstack cloud and not the EC203:27
Diegosanme thinks i will try in a virtualbox03:28
Jagst3r15should i remove Nouveau and use the Nvidida provided drivers instead?03:29
djskiddI lost virtualbox when I upgraded from Unity to XFCE03:29
Jagst3r15I think that would be better since then I don't need bumblebee right03:29
animus123where is the splash screen files lo03:30
pbif I wanted to start fillding around with changing my gui. were would be a good place to find a book on it.03:30
pbor a name of a reference would be better yet.03:30
animus123where is the splash screen files located in ubuntu?03:30
Diegosani recently got a quad core and its literally like 4 times faster at virtualboxing than it was with a dual core, but that pc was like 5 years old so03:30
pbtext editing with vim? emacs? hex?03:31
animus123anybody using ubuntu with sis graphic cards?03:32
pooltableescott thanks03:32
romy420pb, install themes?!03:32
pooltablediegosan i like gentoo but like the way ubuntu up date evey thing03:33
Diegosanme too03:33
pbnaw. Ill start by finishing reading my vim handbook.03:36
DiegosanI swaped HD to a new computer with ubuntu 10.04 on it, the original machine had a ATI graphics card and the new machine has a NVIDIA card. I can't seem to fix the flash videos from being blue colored. anyone have any suggestions? I got the NVIDIA drivers up and going03:36
pbromy420, you always hanging about in here?03:36
romy420pb, no not really at least not writing03:37
pbi leave it up in one of my second workspaces. amusing the stuff you learn just by lurking.03:38
pbgoodnight gang.03:38
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animus123need help?03:40
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prateekpi am getting an error svn: Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to PROPFIND request for '/distfun'03:44
prateekpi am getting an error svn: Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to PROPFIND request for '/distfun'03:47
terminhellprateekp: server is sdown then03:47
prateekpohh but when i googled it said it is proxy issue03:48
RiXtErhey guys how can I look at how the kernel was compiled if I don't have /proc/config.gz?03:48
terminhelldisable your proxy then03:48
r3zHow the heck do you install NFS on precise?>03:48
prateekpbut when i do so , i mean when i use internet without it sill shows this03:49
RiXtErNetwork File System03:49
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:49
prateekpcan i check through terminal whether i am using proxy or not03:49
IlikeMooseanyone in here good with unity/gnome problems? when i click on my wireless network icon in the "system tray" and try to search for available wireless networks all i get is a very tiny box, if i restart the pc it works fine, how can i fix this so i don't have to restart the pc?03:49
terminhellidk prateekp , im not sure what profind is03:49
terminhellIlikeMoose: have you tried droping to run level 3 & just killing X?03:50
prateekphey can anybody help me with an error03:50
prateekpi am getting an error svn: Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to PROPFIND request for '/distfun'03:51
IlikeMooseterminhell, i thought killing x would be a bit extreme03:51
Jagst3r15if I install the closed source nivida supported drivers do i need to remove bumbleebee and Nouveau? anyone know?03:51
terminhellIlikeMoose: not as extreme as rebooting...03:52
r3zTons of 503's on the repos03:52
r3zAnyone else having those problems?03:52
Derpianr3z, what repo are you using03:52
Derpianr3z, hm let me try apt-get update03:52
Derpianr3z, what version are you on03:53
r3zJust installed03:53
DerpianI am on 12.04 too03:53
Derpianr3z, why not go into synaptic and see which repo you are using03:53
IlikeMooseterminhell, how do you drop to run level 3, what are the exact commands and how do i restart x afterwards just "startx &" ?03:54
r3zServer install03:54
r3zno gui03:54
terminhellstartx just that03:54
terminhellctrl+alt+F1 , alt-F7 to get back into x if you get scared haha03:54
Derpianterminhell, he's on server03:55
terminhellwhy a gui then?03:55
Derpianterminhell, he doesnt have one I assume03:55
Derpianr3z, try nano /etc/apt/sources.list and change them to another mirror03:55
r3zI think it might be a firewall issue03:56
r3zCHceking the routers03:56
Derpianr3z, check that out. I use the main one03:56
anomalyI admit my ignorance with php as I am learning.  on my webserver, all my plain html pages are fine.  yet, my wordpress and phpmyadmin can work fine for 30mins or so.. then when I load another page or section in it after under an hour of use or so, the page refresh just sits there for a couple dozen seconds.  no errors, forbiddens, denieds.  then say, an hour later it loads just fine like nothing happened.  surely there is something I am missing due to sa03:56
anomalyid ignorance.  either with php or my configuration elsewhere.03:56
Derpiananomaly try #php03:56
terminhellDerpian: he's using unity DE03:56
anomalyDerpian, I did.03:57
Derpianterminhell, how would you know? he's using server. I told him to go into synaptic03:57
Derpiananomaly, wait for a response on there then, this is for ubuntu support03:57
terminhellDerpian: you just said he's using server...03:57
chrisco97I am in need of some help with something03:57
r3zYep firewall03:57
Derpianterminhell, I told him use synaptic and he said he is in server03:57
r3zFYI that is why I cannot see the nfs-kernel-server package I guess03:58
r3zI was like WTF happened to it in 12.0403:58
terminhellim lost now03:58
Derpianchrico97, what do you need03:58
chrisco97I am wanting to install Ubuntu alongside Windows03:59
chrisco97Problem is, I have four partitions pre-configured03:59
chrisco97I have an HP computer, and the HP_Tools is the extra partition03:59
chrisco97I am told if I delete it, it could cause problems.03:59
chrisco97Any idea of what I should do?03:59
Derpianchrisco97, what are the partitions? Are 3 of them for Windows/HP? Then you should make an extended/logical for Ubuntu03:59
terminhellwhat kind of "tools"?04:00
chrisco97I have C, System, Recovery, and HP_Tools04:00
Derpianchrisco97, alright then make a logical/extended partition04:00
terminhellhp_tools & recovery are useless, kill with fire04:00
Derpianterminhell, not for a new user/basic user04:01
chrisco97That is what they say, I do not want my PC messed up though04:01
Derpianterminhell, it can void the warranty04:01
Derpiandepending on the hardware make/manufacturer's warranty rules04:01
chrisco97It says I cannot create a new one04:01
Derpianchrisco97, it won't mess your computer up but if you want it back to factory setting then it won't be the same04:01
terminhellhe's going to be voiding some warranties just by installing linux...04:01
chrisco97I can only have four primary04:01
Derpianterminhell, perhaps04:02
Derpianchrisco97, make an extended/logical partition then04:02
chrisco97I am clicking the new partition button and it gives me that message04:03
Derpianchrisco97, I'd recommend making the partition inside the Ubuntu installer04:03
chrisco97Let me try04:03
chrisco97I am on the Live Session right now04:03
terminhellresize one04:03
chrisco97I already shrunk my main one to give room for the new one04:03
Derpianchrisco97, you must resize one and make it to a logical/extended partition04:04
terminhellextended...or maybe lvm?04:04
chrisco97Could I do that to the HP one?04:04
chrisco97I cannot do that to the main one though, right?04:04
chrisco97Would that not mess it up?04:04
Derpianchrisco97, I'd recommend the largest partition (C drive)04:04
chrisco97I already shrunk it, I have 80gb unallocated now04:05
Derpianchrisco97, it won't mess it up. I wouldn't recommend resizing the HP one because it may be small04:05
chrisco97What next?04:05
chrisco97It is small04:05
Derpianchrisco97, now you make that unallocated into a logical partition04:05
Derpianchrisco97, First make a swap partition04:05
terminhellyou didnt shrink it all the way did you???04:05
chrisco97Just by 80gb04:05
chrisco97For the installation of Linux04:05
terminhellok good04:06
Derpianchrisco97, Make a swap partition. Make that about 1.5x your RAM04:06
Derpianchrisco97, then the rest of unallocated to a / partition04:06
Derpianmake sure that is extended partition first04:06
chrisco97How do I create the swap partition?04:06
chrisco97I have no experience in partioning04:06
DerpianAlright first make the extended chrisco9704:07
chrisco97Do it to the C partition?04:07
DerpianMake sure you check logical instead of primary chrisco9704:07
Derpianchrisco97 on the 80gb04:07
chrisco97One moment04:07
terminhellthe unallocated space04:07
chrisco97It says it is unusable04:08
terminhelli dont think you can use an extended to boot04:08
Derpianchrisco97, take a screenshot (Print screen) and upload it to a site04:08
Derpianterminhell, yes you can04:09
Derpianterminhell, I am on one right now04:09
Derpianterminhell, I use one because I can make many partitions for folders04:09
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Derpianhave you tried clicking add chrisco9704:11
Diegosani think he needs to move that freespace to the end of the drive?04:11
chrisco97The Add button is disabled04:12
terminhellNo, 4 logical partitions already04:12
Derpianprimary* terminhell04:12
terminhellyes *primary04:12
DerpianDiegosan, my extended is at middle of the drive04:12
Derpianchrisco97, can you delete it?04:12
Derpianchrisco97, can you delete the unusable partition?04:13
Derpianchrisco97, that would probably make it say unallocated or something04:13
chrisco97Maybe I should just not install Linux04:13
RiXtErDoes anyone have an idea on how I can see the kernel options if I don't have /proc/config.gz?04:13
animus123please help?04:13
chrisco97I do not want to void warranty or anything04:13
Derpian!best | chrisco9704:14
chrisco97The delete button is disabled as well04:14
ubottuchrisco97: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:14
chrisco97I do not really need Linux, so I guess I will do without it for now04:14
chrisco97Until I get a PC I can override Windows on04:14
chrisco97Or maybe, I could install it through Wubi?04:14
romy420HP won ... lol04:14
Derpianchrisco97, wubi sounds like a great idea for you04:15
chrisco97I love HP, but this is annoying04:15
Derpianchrisco97, I recommend putting your partition back the way it was04:15
romy420they are all the same04:15
chrisco97Since I have no other option due to HP's methods04:15
chrisco97Thanks for the help! :D04:15
romy420do u have recovery dvd?04:15
Derpianchrisco97, your welcome.04:15
chrisco97Well, I will go now. ;)04:15
Derpianromy420, they usually do not give those anymore. they give partitions04:15
Diegosancheck youtube for videos, sometimes some kid made a howto video04:15
romy420i know, u must create them yourself04:15
Derpianromy420, yeah you can with the partition.04:16
romy420but nowadays even this is not possible in some cases04:16
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IlikeMoosecool, i killed the xorg process, and it automatically restarted kicking me out of run level 3 and throwing me right back into x04:16
DerpianIlikeMoose, everything all sorted out now?04:16
romy420if u can create them u can wipe the hd afterwards04:16
terminhellHe has too many primary partitions04:16
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Derpianterminhell, he could have deleted the unusable and made an extended04:16
romy420who would know if u needed the guarantee, u would reinstall windows04:16
terminhellhe could have 3 primarys and 1 extended...04:17
DerpianOH yeah that is right04:17
Derpianor you could have one extended only I believe.04:17
DerpianHP is silly04:17
Derpian4 primary partitions, clever clever04:18
terminhellsooo he's gonna have sack one of them =/04:18
romy420my toshiba is not better04:18
romy420same stuff04:18
DerpianI use a Lenovo Thinkpad T420 and Windows 7 puts 2 partitions (Boot and C:\). Lenovo put a Recovery. I have an extended for my Xubuntu install.04:18
DerpianWell he's using Wubi04:18
DerpianHonestly, wubi fit his description04:18
romy420i removed windows :)04:18
Derpianromy420, good on you. I need it for some things.04:18
akemDerpian, recover, system, data and ?04:19
Derpianakem, the other one is an extended with my Xubuntu install. Swap /home and /04:19
romy420Derpian, i can understand that04:19
akemha ok.04:19
romy420so it boots from a logical partition?04:20
Derpianromy420, yep!04:20
terminhellim pure boot with Arch, but my partition scheme is simpler than most would like haha04:20
Derpianromy420, has GRUB like normal!04:20
romy420i see04:20
DerpianI like Extended/Logical for GNU/Linux. If I ever want all my folders as partitions, I can do so04:21
terminhelli like LVM for some things04:21
tchopperI finally figured out that Unity 3D was slowing a lot of things down on me.04:21
Diegosan4:20 8-)04:21
tchopperI switched to 2D and I'm not getting random freezes anymore.04:22
L3toptchopper: lspci -nn | grep VGA if you dont mind04:22
terminhellhurray tchopper04:22
Derpiantchopper, That's why I use XFCE04:22
romy420tchopper, that depends on your hardware04:22
romy420my desktop runs unity just fine and fast, my slow notebook ... not so nice04:23
tchopperlspci -nn | grep VGA gives me this:04:23
tchopper02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [GeForce GTX 460M] [10de:0dd1] (rev a1)04:23
DerpianNVIDIA, there you go04:24
tchopperI was surprised to hear about Linux Torvalds flipping NVIDIA off. This notebook is from an Ubuntu vendor. I would think they'd choose Ubuntu-freindly hardware.04:26
Derpiantchopper, system76?04:26
tchopperYes, System76. It's a Serval Pro 6. I got it about a year and a half ago.04:28
terminhellLinus has good reasons to hate nvidia04:28
terminhelland a lot of others too04:28
terminhelli watched that entire vid04:28
terminhellthe hypocrisy being that nvidia relies heavily on linux to make proprietary drivers................04:29
romy420what is bad about them?04:29
terminhellthat they then refuse to support the very thing that helps them04:30
Derpianromy420, what terminhell said ^04:31
romy420i have/had problems with ati too ... u say nvidia is worse?04:31
Derpiantchopper, I don't understand why they choose NVIDIA. Why not Intel? It's fine for what system76 aims for (Home use and some business use)04:31
DerpianATI isn't an angel04:31
DerpianThe only ATI I got working OOTB is one on my Thinkpad T4104:32
terminhellATI used to be worse04:32
DerpianTrue ^04:32
Derpianwe probably should be talking in #ubuntu-offtopic04:33
tchopperSystem 76 starts with notebooks from Sager. Most of theirs seem like gamer machines. That explains the high-end graphics.04:33
terminhelli think ops are sleeping, they usually interject a lot sooner haha04:33
romy420you're right, doesnt belong here04:33
tchopperIs System76 off topic?04:34
Derpiantchopper: only if we are talking about the cool new one instead of support with them04:34
romy420yesterday the updates messed up my boot and it has to with ATI :)04:34
Derpianromy420: what card?04:35
romy420FirePro V4800 equals radeon 5670 i think it was04:35
Derpianromy420 ah04:35
tchopperRight now I'm torn. Unity 2D doesn't have random freezez, but I'm notiicing a lot of missing features. It also completely messes up YouTube videos when you try to go fullscreen.04:35
romy420i always boot into black screen after install and also after kernel updates04:36
Derpiantchopper: why not try XFCE04:36
Derpianromy420: why not always do that?04:36
Derpiantchopper: is your machine a desktop?04:36
romy420do what?04:37
Derpianromy420: boot to Terminal04:37
terminhellor gnome-shell, kde, etc, tons of other options. OR go really geekcore and use a tiling wm04:37
tchopperDerpian: I'm using a notebook from System76.04:37
Derpiantchopper: the newest laptops for system76 dont use nvidia but some of the desktops do04:37
Derpiantchopper: that is what I asked04:37
Derpianalso romy420: I thought you said you boot to terminal, not blank screen. sorry lol04:38
terminhelli do it04:38
terminhelland startx manually04:38
paulus68squid when I define in squid that for instance google.com is not allowed in the standard logfile but all these entries needs to be logged in a seperate log squid writes the same info to both files? any thoughts on how to solve this?04:38
terminhellwhen i want a gui04:38
romy420no, not to terminal. the screen just gies black. this is a bug and can be fixed by adding 'nomodeset' to the kernel boot options and then forcing LINUX_GFX_MODE in /etc/default/grub04:38
DerpianI don't currently. I'm using an intel graphics04:38
tchoppergnome-shell 2D was fine too, I tried that earlier. I'll have to give full gnome-shell a shot.04:38
terminhellgoodnight all04:39
judg3Night terminhell04:39
romy420terminhell, i always want a gui ... godnight04:39
Derpianromy420: Alright, what DE do you use04:40
romy420DE? pls help me out04:40
Derpianromy420: Desktop environment04:40
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!04:40
Derpianwow i thought that shows the definition of a DE, haha.04:40
romy420ah ... now unity on the pc and gnome3 on notebook04:41
Derpianromy420, what is the computer with the ATI04:42
romy420both :) i ofund that the firepro (pc) works better with the ati driver and on the notebook i just have the radeon module04:42
IlikeMooseIdleOne, thanks that seemed to work much easier although it spit out some errors that said i should file a bug report04:42
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Derpianromy420: I honestly just recommend XFCE, not sure if you will have issues or not with the ati updates but I'm sure the chances are less04:44
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romy420Derpian, i think it actually the boot issue happens way before that. i did not try xfce for a long time ... way back i did not really like it04:45
Derpianromy420: alrighty04:46
IlikeMoosehow do you change the hostname for a system?04:47
romy420it just seems as if the graphics mode for the framebuufer device is not set correctly, because when i set the variable in the grub configuration it works just fine but some noob might find that not so funny ;)04:48
DerpianAnybody have an idea how much space would be taken up if I installed everything in the repos04:49
romy420IlikeMoose, the hostname is defined in /etc/hostname, you can edit this file04:50
IlikeMooseromy420, thanks04:51
romy420ok ... i'll go sleep now ...bye04:51
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paulus68squid when I define in squid that for instance google.com is not allowed in the standard logfile but all these entries needs to be logged in a seperate log squid writes the same info to both files? any thoughts on how to solve this?04:58
SteevB2can you run a smaba server in virtual box then access it on the same machine. Im jsut asking because im messing around with configuring a server. So im running ubuntu server in a virtual machine04:58
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Ryan__anyone having trouble with ubuntu 12.04lts and ati 6670 cards?05:01
WhatWhereAmIanybody have luck trying to install wine on amd64 from a repo? https://gist.github.com/318627205:10
maggim trying to install the unity-webapps-preview package05:13
maggwith this:  sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-preview05:13
magghe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:14
magg unity-webapps-preview : Depends: signon-plugins but it is not going to be installed05:14
maggbut that happens...05:14
magghow do i fix this error05:14
Diegosani want iceweasel web browser but ubuntu wont let me05:14
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lyleanybody have luck trying to install wine on amd64 from a repo? https://gist.github.com/318627205:16
kanupatarhi guys, I have a doubt on one driver build.I have a source file suppose  a.c for a device a and I have the make file for it to build to get a ko like a.ko.in the a.c , I have a call to another file b.c.my question is how can i build b.c with a.c to make it as a.ko ? I have the sample makefile to share you guys   a-y = a.o b.o obj-m += a.o make -C /linux- ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnue05:17
Anon025do any girls in here mind if i talk to them about their jeans brands alot05:18
smallfoot-Anon025, its the wrong channel for that05:19
smallfoot-what do you need to know about girls jeans brands?05:19
smallfoot-if she wants Citizens of Humanity, its gonna cost you a lot05:19
tchopperIlikeMoose: Make sure you also update the hostname at the top of /etc/hosts and when you are done, run sudo service hostname restart05:20
magn3tsIs there a *good* reason that usb-creator-gtk refuses to use anything but ubuntu isos?05:21
Spectacle_KHow do I manually edit my repositories? Where are the repos located?05:22
Spectacle_KI'm running Ubuntu 12.04.05:23
smallfoot-Spectacle_K, /etc/apt/sources.list05:25
Spectacle_KWhere is /etc located?05:25
Spectacle_KHow do I get there?05:25
smallfoot-in the root of the file system05:25
FyodorovnaSpectacle_K, here is a wiki as well.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu05:25
smallfoot-$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list05:26
smallfoot-you can reach by running 'software-properties-gtk' too05:26
RiXtEranyone know where I'd find logs for libnss_ldap?05:26
smallfoot-RiXtEr, perhaps /var/log/05:26
RiXtErI don't see anything there right off... any certain file?05:27
smallfoot-no idea05:27
Spectacle_KMy repo list is empty?05:27
Spectacle_KIsn't there supposed to be stuff written in there?05:27
druRiXtEr: looks like the log file is specified in /etc/ldap.conf - add a directive like "logdir /var/log/libnss-ldap.log"05:33
RiXtErdru, thanks!05:34
drumight need to specify a debug level too "debug 0" - some suggestion that not all the client libs support it outside of being specifically compiled for debug data05:34
druheh, if that helps , you're welcome05:35
paulus68squid when I define in squid that for instance google.com is not allowed in the standard logfile but all these entries needs to be logged in a seperate log squid writes the same info to both files? any thoughts on how to solve this?05:38
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tchopperpaulus68: You could try asking in #squid05:41
paulus68tchopper: #squid is most of the time sleeping :(05:42
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sad301Hellow :-)05:46
* audrianore shrugs.05:47
audrianoreWhat time is it? :/05:47
GirlyGirlHi, I have Kubuntu 12.04 and Windows dualbooted. I recently replaced windows 7 with Xp, thus grub is no longer in MBR, anyone knows how I can restore the Grub bootloader without a livecd. In w7 I could boot ubuntu with easybcd but this doesn't work on XP05:49
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smallfoot-why u replaced win7 with winxp? winxp sucks!05:50
audrianoreGirlyGirl, unfortunately, you must use LiveCD, or LiveUSB to re-install the Grub bootloader.05:51
GirlyGirlsmallfoot-: That's my problem concerning os's that I chose05:52
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smallfoot-but winxp is going EOL (end of life) soon in a year or two, then you wont get any updates, not even security updates05:52
GirlyGirlaudrianore: Actually there are things that add linux boot entries to xp's bootloader like Android X86 and even WUBI so it mus be possible05:52
GirlyGirlsmallfoot-: I know05:53
audrianoresmallfoot-, true.05:53
smallfoot-GirlyGirl, wubi doesn't boot a ext4 partition, it just runs an .exe file that loopmounts a virtual image05:53
audrianoreOh, you mean you want to add Ubuntu to Windows boot loader, right?05:53
GirlyGirlsmallfoot-: I'm using it till then , after that I have a server 2003 license to last me till 201505:53
GirlyGirlsmallfoot-: By then I'll have fully migrated to KDE / Kubuntu environment for the stuff that I need Windows for05:54
audrianoreGirlyGirl, that's only available if you install Ubuntu via Wubi.05:54
Diegosani still <3 XP even tho its sucks05:54
smallfoot-Diegosan, the font rendering in xp makes my eye bleed05:54
Diegosanits good at 1024x768 :P05:55
audrianoreHahaha, the old standard resolution. :D05:55
Anon615this may be weird but i have crazy obsession with women in jeans especially certian brands is there anyone i can talk about it with05:55
smallfoot-doubt so, but i run 1920x120005:55
GirlyGirlsmallfoot-: Diegosan Enable cleartype and use Segoe UI font and its as good as w705:55
smallfoot-Anon615, this is the wrong channel for that05:55
smallfoot-Anon615, u can pm me lol05:56
judg3Anon615: This is the wrong channel for that05:56
smallfoot-GirlyGirl, thanks05:56
audrianoreAnon615, were you talking about your fetish? -_-05:56
GirlyGirlAnyways is there a small download that I can use instead of an Ubuntu disk for restoring grub?05:56
GirlyGirlI just need to chroot into the ext4 partition and I know how to do the rest05:57
Anon615yes but its easier to talk about in private with someone05:57
audrianoreGirlyGirl, never heard of it before.05:58
GirlyGirlaudrianore: Heard of what?05:58
Anon615sorry everyone05:58
audrianoreGirlyGirl, small download that you can use instead of an Ubuntu disk for restoring grub.05:58
FyodorovnaGirlyGirl, you might gtry this to boot it then do the grub from the desktop  http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/06:00
MackAsagaTime to sleep.06:01
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brophatanyway to have the dash not show all the recent stuff?06:18
audrianoreWhat Ubuntu version, brophat?06:18
audrianoreYou can do it from System Settings > Privacy06:19
smallfoot-yeh, i dont like unity, i think its dumb lol06:19
brophatok thanks06:19
audrianoreYou're welcome.06:19
smallfoot-i install gnome-session-classic, then ubuntu is like 11.0406:20
smallfoot-or 10.10 or whatever, before unity lol06:20
audrianoreHahaha yeah, you don't like XP, and you don't like Unity, what do you like the most?06:20
brophatbuitiful is that new on 12.04 audrianore?06:22
audrianoreWhat, the privacy setting, brophat?06:23
audrianoreHello, islandmonkey.06:25
islandmonkeyHello there.06:25
dragonbao8891so many people06:31
audrianoreAround 1500 people here, and all I see is join/part messages.06:32
islandmonkeyCrikey, no questions in 10 minutes?06:35
islandmonkeySince I joined06:35
Derpianthis is an english channel and I think most the users are from the US06:35
DerpianEST it is 2:36 AM06:36
audrianoreMaybe, not for me, hehe.06:36
islandmonkeyBST it is 7:36 AM06:36
audrianoreOh, it's 1:36 PM here.06:36
bluebomberIs there anyway that I can change the settings for the ALT-PRTSC (takes a screenshot of the current window) so that it does not include the window's border or menubar?06:36
Derpianin the US, most people are sleeping right now06:36
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
audrianorebluebomber, no, i think.06:37
islandmonkeyAnd everyone is just about to wake up here in the UK.06:37
islandmonkeyNot of course, at once ;)06:37
bluebomberaudrianore, the command I want is $ gnome-screenshot -wB06:39
bluebomberaudrianore, I'm trying to hack together a custom shortcut...06:39
paulus68squid when I define in squid that for instance google.com is not allowed in the standard logfile but all these entries needs to be logged in a seperate log squid writes the same info to both files? any thoughts on how to solve this?06:39
audrianorebluebomber, okay. Do you have gconf-editor, or ccsm?06:39
audrianoreWow, he quit when I was about to answer him.06:39
audrianorebluebomber, okay. Do you have gconf-editor, or ccsm?06:41
audrianorebluebomber, okay. Do you have gconf-editor, or ccsm?06:43
alazare619why is koffice not in ppa?06:43
alazare619repository **06:43
IlikeMoosequestion, does anyone know of a good program to convert a .pdf to a txt file ?06:43
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
beataRight. I'm having an issue with firewire disks, pulled out an old liveCD to double check. Works under 8.04, worked once on 10.04 but generally fails; fdisk -l /dev/sdb: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table. 10.04 with the backported 3.0.0 kernel ends up with hung kworker tasks.06:49
scottjis there a way to force gtk3 apps to use gtk2 theme?06:50
paulus68IlikeMoose: perhaps this might be usefull http://www.shibuvarkala.com/2008/11/howto-convert-pdf-to-txt-in-ubuntu.html06:56
IlikeMoosepaulus68, thanks, just found that a few minutes ago06:57
IlikeMoosei should have tried google before wasting the channels time06:58
paulus68IlikeMoose: no worries06:58
IlikeMoosepaulus68, do you read pdf's on any handheld devices?07:00
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
=== sickly is now known as thomas
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
paulus68IlikeMoose: no sorry07:10
namoamitabuddhaIs there any good music player?07:10
namoamitabuddhaDoes it support for increasing/decreasing the speed?07:11
deepspeedI don't think so.07:12
audrianoreOh you were looking for that feature? Why not try VLC?07:12
deepspeedThere are several music players, and there are also players that can manipulate the speed of playback.07:12
deepspeedlike playitslowly07:12
deepspeedand some others.07:12
namoamitabuddhaDoes moc support that?07:12
deepspeedgoggles music manager, amarok, banshee, VLC, and deadbeef are all on my system.07:13
deepspeedI find them all pretty decent.07:13
=== thomas is now known as porky
namoamitabuddhaVLC is on my system, but I do not know the key binding.07:13
audrianoreOpen the preference, you can set the key bindings.07:14
namoamitabuddhaSee, [ and ]07:15
namoamitabuddhajust like mplayer07:15
namoamitabuddhabut I cannot see the speed in the program.07:16
=== OptiWork is now known as OptiCali
andromedohola  hola07:18
andromedobuenas  noches07:18
andromedocuantos linuxeros por aqui?07:18
andromedoalguien que   utilize linux para hacer produccion musical?07:18
andromedoningun linuxero productor o ingeniero de  audio por aqui?07:19
sarujiHey guys, about to buy a thinkpad x230t laptop and have a choice for Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2200 or Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 AGN which one would work better with ubuntu 12.10?07:20
scottjXorg is really fast for me in Ubuntu 12.04 with xvideo and xrandr working great, but when I use Debian neither of those work and everything is laggy. I have xserver-xorg-video-radeon/ati installed on both, no xorg.conf in either, and no fglrx in either, both appear to be xorg 1.11. Can anyone think what else might be different that I should check?07:20
knytmareUse English please07:20
JeffsiHello, I installed ubuntu through wubi but it gave me errors so i removed it. The grub part was left on and now I am unable to boot in to windows. When booting i am given a grub recover type prompt (i don't remember exactly what it was called). I am now stuck and unsure on how I may be able to recover the original MBR or at least get in to windows.07:21
masoudyJeffsi, you need a windows dvd07:22
geirhaJeffsi: By remove, do you mean you uninstalled it? The uninstaller should've fixed up the boot manager.07:22
timfrost!en | andromedo07:23
ubottuandromedo: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:23
knytmareJeffsi: use ur windows installer to recover the boot.ini of windows07:23
JeffsiI opened up wubi and hit uninstall (i think i may have done this wrong). Also the only windows dvd i have are xp and vista07:23
Jeffsineither of which have worked (I have 7)07:24
sarujiHey guys, about to buy a thinkpad x230t laptop and have a choice for Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2200 or Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 AGN which one would work better with ubuntu 12.10? anyone?07:24
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
namoamitabuddhasaruji: Ubuntu 12.10 is not stable now.07:25
masoudyJeffsi, search google about "how to recover windows MBR", it's a common problem. but I think you'll need a windows 7 dvd after all07:25
=== cri is now known as naotemp
Jeffsimasoudy:  is there any alternative?07:26
Jeffsii think my windows disks too scratched and will no longer boot07:26
sarujinamoamitabuddha: sorry i mean 12.0407:26
namoamitabuddhaJeffsi: Use grub2.07:26
masoudyJeffsi, you can use the grub to boot windows, "chainload it"07:26
knytmareJeffsi: I cant recall since it happened to me b4 like 2001 ago :x cant remeber, u just need to fix the boot ini so i think, if you try to use any windows installer and use the start up repair07:26
auronandaceJeffsi: ask in ##windows07:26
sarujinamoamitabuddha: or any other version of ubuntu from previous versions07:26
knytmareJeffsi that should fix it, but you will need a win7 installer, so i sugget reinstalling ubuntu then fix ur mbr there07:27
pnormanI upgraded to 12.04 but it seems to of broken my munin server setup. There is no longer a symbolic link to the munin conf file in the appropriate apache conf directory. I tried running dpkg-reconfigure munin but it didn't fix it. Any suggestions?07:28
Jeffsiknytmare: to be honest i don't want ubuntu on my main drive anymore, ill throw it on a flash drive. For now I just want my windows os working again07:30
auronandaceJeffsi: ask in ##windows07:30
knytmarethen use a pendrive :x07:30
robertzaccourhey yall07:32
knytmarejeffsi use a pendrive if you dont want to install it, then you can fix the mbr errors there, i no longer use windows except for gamin so i can recall how to how--but your problems seesm to be simple, use google to look any win 7 bootsec.exe file then or any auxillary of it then copy paste is to you win drive then problem solve07:32
knytmare*i cant --- sorry about the mistypes need to go now--- office hour is over :x07:33
knytmarejeffsi google holds the answer :x07:34
dape8708hello, well seems like i'm stuck with unity 2d on my acer laptop with intel hd3000 and GF108 GeForce GT 540M so ive read some tutorials online but i'm not sure its safe to go ahead and fall back to an old nvidia driver..07:35
dape8708any advices on how to proceed with safety in mind?07:35
robertzaccourhey ubottu07:36
BotaniCari0m installing ubuntu 12.04 on a RAID+LVM  , mount shows me i have /dev/mapper/DIG--RM2B-root , but i can't instal GRUB on it, is there a way to find a suitable location for GRUB ?07:41
Jeffsithank you for the help, i ill try to repair my windows 7 disk or ask a neighbor tomorrow07:42
ResQuedoes the standard 64bit ubuntu 12.04 LTS cd iso have UEFI support build in?07:42
robertzaccourIs there any software for Linux I can use to make Android apps?07:42
aLeSD|hi all07:43
ResQuei need to boot the cd from mac efi, so i can compile and install 64bit efi grub07:43
dayrobertzaccour: all you need is the right compiler07:43
aLeSD|what's the name of the app that monitorize the chashes ?07:43
aLeSD|I'd like to deactivate it07:43
auronandaceResQue: just so you are aware: efi and uefi are different07:44
ResQueauronandace: thanks auronandace, i am aware07:44
robertzaccourday, do you know how?07:44
dayrobertzaccour: nope. never wrote a program for android07:45
ResQueauronandace: the reason i am asking here, is in the last version of ubuntu there was a serious bug and i wanted to make sure that everything is ok and that efi boot support is built in to the default 64bit 12.04 LTS07:45
auronandaceResQue: i've never used efi or uefi so i wouldn't know sorry07:46
ResQueauronandace:  no worries07:46
robertzaccourday, I was hoping there was some step by step software creating tool07:46
robertzaccoursomething simple07:46
dayrobertzaccour: did you check this out: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html07:47
ResQuethe dvd has nearly downloaded so i will have a look in the iso, should be a few efi files in there if it is07:47
robertzaccourday, looks complicated. I was hoping for automated templates with different layouts and easy drag/drop/text customization07:48
robertzaccourday, thanks anyhow though. I'll look into it after I wake up.07:49
dayrobertzaccour: im pretty sure it will take some time ;) programming isnt drag and drop :P07:49
robertzaccourday, yeah, but it would be nice to have automated templates like that available. I would love to make my own apps quickly and easily07:51
=== _skpl is now known as {-_-}
Erwynrobertzaccour: future is in web applicaton on mobile devices08:04
Erwyngo html5/javascript08:04
Erwynwith stuff like backbone/ember and so on…08:05
robertzaccourgoin to sleep08:06
robertzaccourlater yall08:06
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
obakfahadHI ?08:11
=== will_ is now known as Guest2430
Guest2430hi, i am trying to edit my sources.list, and its read only, I also have no option to change cmod or any type of perms08:14
rajumohtry with sudo08:15
DJonesGuest2430: you need to use either sudo or gksudo to modify your sources list, so sudo nano .... or gksudo gedit ...08:15
Guest2430can I add a repo in terminal?08:15
dayGuest2430: with nano :P08:16
hydrox24My canon MP640 isn't working properly, ubuntu can detect it over the network and i have drivers that I know work, but when I print anything, e.g. a test page, the job completes after a few seconds without the printer giving ANY indication.08:16
Guest2430ok, much thanks08:16
smallfoot-Guest2430, /etc/apt/sources.list08:16
smallfoot-Guest2430, $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:16
dayguest2430: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:16
smallfoot-I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell and I'll die by your hand which I love so well08:16
Guest2430i shall try that08:17
=== Thor^^_ is now known as Thor^^
ocxwhats a good open source ERP software to be installed on linux?08:23
ocxsomethign stable and reliable08:23
ocxany ideas08:23
indigoferalHi, am encountering a very strange problem with ubuntu 12.04 on a nvidia card based 64 bit laptop. Problem is being described below08:24
ResQuewhen i try to boot 64bit efi 12.04 i get the error "error prefix is not set"08:24
ResQueanyone have an idea of what this means?08:24
indigoferalThe machine is dual/ triple boot enabled - wincedows, linux os 1 and linux os2 -swap and a separate /home08:25
hydrox24ResQue: can you say at what stage you get this error?08:25
indigoferalit was running linux mint since the first install in 2010 - with no problems (64 bit version). A few days i tried to install ubuntu - i did this on the second partition set aside for a second linux os. This worked fine but it crashed the original install08:26
ResQuehydrox24: it is the first message that appears, so i am guessing the boot stage, maybe before the kernal boot as it happends stright away. but as there is no grub on the dvd it is hard to tell. nothing else appears on the screen before the error message (text or images)08:26
indigoferalThen i spent 10 hours yesterday trying ti reinstall with various boot flags and also trying to reinstall nvidia drivers and also trying to configure xorg.conf08:27
ResQuehydrox24: i get this error message when booting from the 64bit 12.04 install cd, i can happly boot the already isntalled 32bit version of 12.04 from grub no issues08:28
indigoferalnothing worked, every single time it would install succesfully and when i tried to login it would reach the login screen and after loggin in it would just flash back to the login screen. The xorg error was  Fatal Error "no screens found"08:29
hydrox24ResQue: Are you sure that the computer is 64-bit (I have made this mistake before)08:29
hydrox24!ask | sophtpaw08:30
ubottusophtpaw: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:30
hydrox24sophtpaw: Hi!08:30
ResQuehydrox24: 100% and i check the EFI version as well, its efi 64bit08:30
ResQuehydrox24: its a macbook pro, i used the ioreg command to confirm08:30
sophtpawquestion: I'm running xfce on a laptop. I presumed that the lighter the window manager the less the laptop would have to work, which in turn, I further presumed, equals a cool laptop. Can anyone confirm this hypothesis?08:30
sophtpawI previously tried kde and gnome and my feeling is that xfce is making this laptop run hotter than either and considerably heavier window managers, kde and gnome. kde seemed to make my laptop run the coolest. Would appreciate some feedback and advice - thank you.08:31
dape8708sophtpaw, could be but make sure you tweak power management settings anyway08:31
fidelsophtpaw: powertop could be interesting08:31
fidelsophtpaw: if you have some kind of hybrid gfx (i.e. optimus) - and dont use the powerful part - consider disabling it. that should result in longer battery & cooler device as well08:32
hydrox24ResQue: ahh, well I would be following a tutorial for your specific Mac model, they can be a huge pain, especially with EFI.08:33
sophtpawfidel, that sounds promising. how/where do i find and disable this, please?08:33
sophtpawfidel just apt-get installed powertop (previously uninstalled)08:34
TanebI'm trying to get WiFi on my computer but the wireless thing isn't showing up in lspci08:34
fidelsophtpaw: regarding gfx - well check what gx you are using in the first place and if its a hybrid one08:34
ResQuehydrox24: guess i will have to look in to this further08:34
ResQuei cant even find a difinitive answer on what the error message even means, maybe something to do with efi variables08:35
hydrox24Taneb: make sure that the card is well seated, try googling for the driver (I'm short on time now, sorry.)08:35
sophtpawfidel, yes, can you tell me how, sorry.08:35
Tanebhydrox24, the card is well seated and the CD that came with it has a Linux driver that doesn't work?08:37
fidelsophtpaw: no ... but you should easily be able to cover that first step yourself if you spend some minutes searching ;)08:37
TanebI follow the instructions but it ends with...08:40
linuxuz3rhow do i know what version of ubuntu im running?08:40
llutzlinuxuz3r: lsb_release -a08:40
Taneb"ifconfig ra0 inet YOUR_IP up"08:41
TanebWhich errors because there is no device ra008:42
sophtpawfidel I type sudo powertop and get output, but don't know how to interpret it08:43
sophtpawfidel, can you say more about optimus?08:44
sophtpawhybrid gfx?08:44
ocxwhats a good open source ERP software to be installed on linux?08:54
Tm_Tocx: this is not a good channel for making polls like that, you may try #ubuntu-offtopic or other linux or erp related chat channels instead08:55
=== TheFuzzball_iOS_ is now known as TheFuzzball_iOS
chroothi, anyone installed raid on ubuntu?08:55
chrooti am interesting with a single pc or laptop, can i install raid on my machine?08:56
Tm_Tchroot: yes08:56
chrootTm_T: is it possible install raid on my laptop?08:57
Tm_Tchroot: you undestand what raid is?08:58
chrootTm_T: a little,08:58
Tm_Tif your laptop isn't having multiple hard drives, I'm unsure what you're trying to do and how I could help you best (:08:59
KpucHey does anybody know the "alt+tab switch" bug in ubuntu 12.04? Is there any solution about this?08:59
chrooti heard it store you data on serveral harddisk, so you can retrieve your data concurrently08:59
chrootam i right?09:00
InstantKrimsonhow many disks do you have in your laptop?09:00
chrootone 500G09:00
InstantKrimsonraid requires at least 2 disks09:00
chrootso , it is impossible to achive that09:01
InstantKrimsonat least hard... :-)09:01
InstantKrimsonyou'd still probably get better performance with a SSD disk09:02
DJoneschroot: Are you able to put two physical hard drives in your laptop, not just 1 drive partitioned into 209:02
InstantKrimsonand less noise and heat (can be a big problem with a laptop=09:02
bindibyebye batterylife09:02
dodo I need to run an anti-virus software on Ubuntu?09:03
DJonesdo: Generally no09:03
DJones!virus | do09:03
ubottudo: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:03
chrootDJones: no09:03
doso you say that I'd be safe with a good firewall?(I have one in my router,but should I run it on the PC also?)09:05
DJoneschroot: Raid needs a minimum of two drives, so if one fails, the others still have the data on09:05
chrootdo: you don't need anti-virus, i use ubuntu for some time, and there is no virus problem.09:06
chrootDJones: yes, is it a little faster when using raid than normal?09:06
InstantKrimsonDJones & Chroot: or you use both disks to increase performance09:06
InstantKrimsonbut you are more vulnearble to disk failures09:07
DJoneschroot: I don't use raid, so I can't compare how speed is affected/improved09:07
chrootDJones: I mean with raid, your data is distributed on several disks, so when retrieve your data, it is concurrency.09:07
InstantKrimsonwith 3 disks you can have both performance and reliability09:07
InstantKrimson3 disks or more09:08
chrootInstantKrimson: yes, agree.09:08
InstantKrimsonI have raided 4 disks, got a very noticable perfomance increase (from about 40 MB/S on one disk to about 90 MB/S with all 4)09:09
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
chrootInstantKrimson: wow!09:09
chrootInstantKrimson: you must have a server machine.09:09
InstantKrimsonbut if you only have 2 disks and make a RAID 1 (mirroring), the performance increase is barely noticalbe09:09
chrootInstantKrimson: yeah.09:10
InstantKrimsonif you use RAID 0 (striping) you can get good performance, but if just one of the disks fail, ALL your data is lost (since half of all your information is on each disk)09:11
chrootInstantKrimson: the broken possibility is very high with raid0?09:12
InstantKrimsonthat depends on the disks... :-) In my experience, diskfailures are not that common if you only use the disks for about 3 years...09:14
InstantKrimsonBut if we contrast that with RAID0, either disk can break and you still have all your data(since each disk has a complete copy of all files)09:14
||arifaXInstantKrimson: there is also a problem with "old" raid5 disks. if one fails data has to be recoverd from the other disks. often (when disks are same age) the others have errors too and recovery will fail.so if you are able to mirror and then raid would be the best choice09:15
chrootInstantKrimson: understand09:15
InstantKrimsonRAID 10?09:15
InstantKrimsonbut you also loose 50% of disk space I think09:17
InstantKrimsonbut if it's mission critical, that can certainly be worth it09:17
||arifaXthat's true and always have a 3-2-1 backup, too09:17
||arifaX3 copies in 2 locations 1 offsite09:18
InstantKrimsonyupp, never put all your eggs in one (RAID) basket09:18
indigoferalHi, am encountering a very strange problem with ubuntu 12.04 on a nvidia card based 64 bit laptop. Problem is being described below09:18
indigoferalThe machine is dual/ triple boot enabled - wincedows, linux os 1 and linux os2 -swap and a separate /home09:18
indigoferalit was running linux mint since the first install in 2010 - with no problems (64 bit version). A few days i tried to install ubuntu - i did this on the second partition set aside for a second linux os. This worked fine but it crashed the original install09:18
indigoferalThen i spent 10 hours yesterday trying ti reinstall with various boot flags and also trying to reinstall nvidia drivers and also trying to configure xorg.conf09:18
FloodBot1indigoferal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:18
indigoferalnothing worked, every single time it would install succesfully and when i tried to login it would reach the login screen and after loggin in it would just flash back to the login screen. The xorg error was  Fatal Error "no screens found"09:18
indigoferalSorry about that, long question, did not want it to be fragmented09:18
troulouliou_devhi where are the opncl libs in the repos ?09:22
ThinkT510!find opencl | troulouliou_dev09:25
ubottutroulouliou_dev: Found: opencl-headers, openclipart, openclipart-libreoffice, openclipart-openoffice.org, openclipart-png09:25
chroothi, dose kvm support load balance in ubuntu ?09:25
troulouliou_devThinkT510, so i just hae the headers ?09:25
ThinkT510troulouliou_dev: not sure sorry, thats all the search brought up09:26
troulouliou_devyeah thanks wonder where the libs are , maybe shipped with the nvidia driver09:26
ThinkT510troulouliou_dev: unless opencl is named differently in the repos then thats all there is09:27
blackshirtgood evening09:28
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
=== Kitarst_ is now known as Kitar|st
boumashould i install the boot loader on sda or sda1? with win7 on sda2 and sda3. which is recomended ?09:41
cfhowlettbouma: usually just put it on sda09:41
Churchbouma: with both win7 & linux i usually use windows bootloader to chainload linux bootloader from sda109:42
cfhowlettluko: greetings09:42
bcaoI ways put it on sda09:42
Churchso that even if windows fsck up and reinstall bootloader in mbr (or sda in this case), i can still boot linux just fine09:42
Churchtry googling "windows 7 linux dual boot bcdedit"09:43
Churchin general it involves geting with dd copy of boot record from where linux bootloader is installed in and configuring it in windows bootloader using bcdedit09:44
fircxHello guys can someone please help me with dual monitor configuration ? I install the Nvidia driver and than In nvidia x server setting i configured displays but one is white blank and i cant move the applications09:50
fircxwithout a Nvidia driver it worked fine but with driver enabled everything works smoother09:51
fircxbut not the second monitor09:51
fircxmy ubuntu version is 12.0409:52
fircx3.2.0-27-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 6 14:25:57 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:52
golden_fish"stat dict" has no defult dictionary i need one, where would i get one that work for real09:55
chrootis hi, i find firefox took too muck mem and cpu in ubuntu?09:55
chrootis that normal09:55
golden_fishthere are some dictionary that not working http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdxf/files/dicts-stardict-form-xdxf/09:56
fidelchroot: that might depend on what pages you visit , what plugins you use and several other aspects09:57
fidelhow about just testing another browser if you think FF is resource-hungry for you?09:57
golden_fishhow to make starDict work09:57
golden_fishthe dictionary list are empty09:58
chrootyes, but nomaly, it took 12% cpu and 5.6% mem09:58
chrootfor normal pages09:58
chroothow about yours09:58
fidel!enter > chroot09:58
ubottuchroot, please see my private message09:58
fidelchroot: you cant compare procentual cpu usage values without even knowing my box specs09:59
golden_fishneed help here !09:59
fideli.e. i am working on a 2,8ghz intel xeon, with a virtualized ubuntu via vmware - how will this value tell you anything compared to your machine  - using other hardware and partly other software09:59
Aca_flossHello everyone.10:00
fidelchroot: in short - dont compare cpu usage ;)10:00
Aca_flossI have one question.10:00
golden_fishneed help here /!\10:00
fidel!patience > golden_fish10:00
ubottugolden_fish, please see my private message10:00
Aca_flossWhat's difference between GTK+3 and GTK3?10:00
golden_fishokay , sorry10:01
yusufalibozhi anybody can see my message?10:01
golden_fishi can10:02
Aca_flossPlease help me.10:02
Aca_flossWhat's difference between GTK+3 and GTK3?10:02
fidelAca_floss: how is that question ubuntu-specific? just wondering10:03
MyrttiAca_floss: its the same thing10:03
Aca_flossMyrtti: Thank you.10:03
MyrttiAca_floss: gtk3 and gnome3 are diffe....10:04
PizarroNETHi all10:10
feearHey all10:11
PizarroNETWe are a small company with overseas branches. We ant to share files among us and with external customers. Is it possible to use Ubuntu Server Cloud to deploy in each office server so we all can share the same file system or something? Thanks.10:11
incogyes, hello10:12
PizarroNETincog: is there any document expanding this?10:13
PizarroNETincog: I've read all the Ubuntu Server Cloud page and features, but for me it is still unclear what is it for?10:13
PizarroNEThello again10:15
PizarroNETso is it possible?10:15
DJonesPizarroNET: Its a bit quiet here at the minute, it may take a bit for somebody to answer10:16
PizarroNETincog: Judging by your last comment, "so is it possible?" I think you might be interested in this: http://linuxforniggers.us/download10:16
PizarroNETWhat is that link?10:16
LjLPizarroNET: how about not linking to such stuff10:17
PizarroNETLjL: It was sent to me by incog10:17
LjLPizarroNET: yeah, i figured. however next time please report stuff like this in #ubuntu-ops instead of propagating it here :)10:18
DJonesPizarroNET: They've already been removed from teh channel10:18
PizarroNETLjL: ok sorry, I did so so the op of this channel takes action10:18
LjLPizarroNET: alright10:18
DJonesPizarroNET: They sent it to me as well10:18
PizarroNETDJones: ok thanks, I found it really offensive10:18
golden_fishi need to change the owner of a folder and the sub folder in it to me ?10:18
xroHi, is there a way t get multitouch with ubuntu 12.04 and unity?10:18
OerHeksxro it should be possible, maybe #ubuntu-touch can help10:20
xrook... i'll take a look... tank you10:21
yahooshuais there a shortcut key for 12.04 which spreads all windows?10:22
geirhayahooshua: super + w   iirc10:23
ThinkT510yahooshua: hold down the super key (windows logo) to see the shortcuts10:24
yahooshuageirha: awesome thanx. Why isn't that on the overlay when you hold down super? or is it?10:24
yahooshuait is10:24
yahooshualol must be late10:24
carl1Any examples about creating unity menus without using GApplication?10:26
chroothi, anyone who use usernet or ever used?10:27
golden_fishi will go now, brb10:28
DJoneshucsy: You need to explain what the problem is first, so that people know what you need help with10:30
hucsycan you read my words in Japanese10:31
prakHello everyone, Can anyone help me on setting TWO NIC cards on my ubuntu 12.04 machine10:31
hucsyi m sorry10:31
hucsycan you read my words in Japanese  ¤ÎÁ¼¤¤10:33
Xabsterhucsy: what is the problem?10:34
hucsysomeone said£¬ cant read my japanese words10:34
Xabsterthat's because you didn't write any10:34
Xabsteralso, your sentences have garbage characters in them10:35
hucsyi dont know how to Solve10:36
Xabsterwhy don't you use a decent client?10:37
Xabsterand why are you in ubuntu asking this stuff?10:37
Xabsteryou're on a windows pc, no?10:37
AdvoWorkhi there, if i click on say home(folder) i'm looking for the location bar so I can physically type in a location. Any ideas please? i'm on 12.0410:37
=== jason is now known as Guest80119
fidelAdvoWork: talking about nautilus/ thunar or ?10:38
AdvoWorkfidel, that i'm not sure, any idea how I find that out?10:38
fidelAdvoWork: you dont know what app you are using?10:38
fidelAdvoWork: if so - shame on you -> click help -> about ;)10:39
AdvoWorkfidel, its just the default file browser on a new installation, so i assume nautilius?10:39
Guest80119hi what comand do i use if i want to delete a directory which is not empty?10:39
fidelGuest80119: basically 'rm' - but read the man page for the needed parameters,. starting point: man rm10:39
fidelhucsy: what is your native language?10:40
fidelhucsy: and is your problem ubuntu-related or not?10:40
fidel!cn > hucsy10:41
ubottuhucsy, please see my private message10:41
AdvoWorkfidel, so any ideas? its nautilis 3.4.210:42
hucsy= =10:42
fidelAdvoWork: rephrase your question - and lets see ;)10:42
hucsyi am going to leave10:43
hucsyit s too difficult to solve10:44
blackshirti'm too10:44
hucsythank you10:44
blackshirtGood luck10:44
Guest80119its in the root directory i tryed i have used the following command: sudo rmdir [directory name] and it sayed directory is not empty.10:44
blackshirtyou can't do it10:45
fidelAdvoWork: seems like you might need to use gconf editor ro enable a user-enterable path inside nautilus10:45
fidelat least that was the result of a quick search10:45
blackshirtguest80119, use rm instead10:46
dayGuest80119: rm -r should work10:47
dayGuest80119: just be careful not to remove everything10:48
blackshirtuse with carefull10:48
BluesKajHiyas all10:48
Guest80119thank you day it worked10:48
golden_fishokay, i am here.10:48
blackshirtHey blueskaj10:48
fidelGuest80119: just as hint - i pointed you to the man-page to avoid just blindly copy&pasting commands directly from irc10:48
fidelyou shouldn never enter commands and dont understand at least partly10:49
BluesKajhi blackshirt10:49
Guest80119ohk thanks.10:49
fidelso - a good way would be to actually read the man page - which should explain the basics of rm - and then if you consider issues with it - ask further inhere10:49
fidelfeel free to trust random ppl - but i wouldnt suggest it ;)10:50
golden_fish"stardict" software has no dictionary. i download "stardict-comn_sdict05_eng_arabic-2.4.2 (1).tar.bz2" but i can't add it to the software10:54
fidelgolden_fish: it might help to write a small summary which mentions all relevant parts of your problem10:56
fidelnot just snippets10:56
golden_fishfidel : okay10:57
Nils_erikhello, the integrated webcam on an Acer Aspire 7000 (AcerOrbiCam) displays the picture upside down in Precise, even when prepending LD_PRELOAD lines for either v4l1compat.so or v4l2convert.so; also v4l2ucp has no option to flip vertically as shown on the screenshot on this AskUbuntu page: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126765/skype-video-not-working-after-upgrade-from-11-10-to-12-04 what other options do I have?10:59
kurtwp_can someone point me to a good how-to that will explain how to stream ubuntu server logs to a central syslog server11:01
Dr_WillisNils_erik:  You could use 'webcamstudio' (not in the repos) and use its virtual webcam feature to do all sorts of neat tweaks and effects to the real webcam stream. :)11:01
Dr_Willisa little over kill..but Webcamstudio has a Lot of neat features11:01
Dr_Williskurtwp_:  perhaps some info at -> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/centralized-logging-web-interface11:02
Nils_erikDr_Willis: I'll check that out, thanks11:03
Dr_Willisguide seems a little old.  for 10.04.11:03
Dr_WillisIve seebn other guides over the years on centeralized logging servers and even having the logging server be 'hidden' from the rest of the lan. (not sure how that worked) To keep it more isolated11:04
golden_fishfidel : i solved the issue , thanks11:04
Dr_WillisNils_erik:  also a PDF/guide (not looked at it yet) --> http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/resources/white-papers/centralised-logging-rsyslog11:05
Nils_erikDr_Willis: wrong person for the syslog thing :)11:05
Dr_Willis;) History buffer is allready gone past the top..11:06
=== pb|sleep is now known as pb|away
Dr_Willishttp://www.ws4gl.org/  Hows that. :) WebcamStudio11:07
Nils_erikDr_Willis: yep found it, installing it as we speak :)11:07
Dr_Willisi recall it taking a bit of twiddling with to figure out how it works. :) not used it in ages. but at one time  i used it as a virtual webcam to broadcast my real webcam with a news ticker, or other info at the bottom. :)11:08
mtrgwhy isn't aircrack in ubuntu's repo?11:08
golden_fishfidel : i have atheros wireless adabter, it range is too short, can you help. coz that not happen in win 711:09
Dr_Willis!info aircrack-ng11:09
ubottuPackage aircrack-ng does not exist in precise11:09
HganavakCan someone please link me to a guide on installing Mono or w/e the minimal Software possible is to compile and run C# programs11:10
golden_fishDr_Willis : is this site for me ?11:10
becca2is a vnc viewer built into ubuntu?11:10
Dr_Willisbecca2:  There used to be Vino built into gnome. Theres numerous vnc servers/clients you can use.11:11
HganavakCan someone please link me to a guide on installing Mono or w/e the minimal Software possible is to compile and run C# programs11:11
golden_fishcan some one please tell me why me atheros wireless in ubuntu only have low range signal ???11:12
Dr_WillisHmm. cant seem to find a default vnc client now. Used to be called Vino, or Vinigre.  I always use tightvncviewer or other vnc viewers11:13
becca2is there a command just to update the software repository listings?11:14
Dr_Willissudo apt-get update11:14
Dr_Willisupdates the list of software.11:14
becca2dr_willis: thanks11:15
golden_fishDr_Willis : do you have any idea why my wireless have a low range signal in ubuntu only11:15
Dr_Willisgolden_fish:  Not really.11:16
Dr_WillisSometimes the drivers are quirky. Id check the forums and askubuntu.com and the bug reports about your Exact wireless chipset/device.11:16
Nils_erikDr_Willis: no dice :( the darn thing won't flip the picture11:16
Dr_WillisNils_erik:  Hmm. I definatly recall flipping my webcam live stream all over the place.. the grandson loved it...11:17
Dr_Willisand dozens of other effects11:17
Nils_erikDr_Willis: oh... there is a flip, but it's an horizontal one...11:20
Dr_Williswow. that was too easy to install the .deb of webcam studio via the browser. :) click .. open with  Software center.. enter pass..11:20
kristenbbI'd like to sync two remote folders. They contain quite a large number of small files, such that rsync behaves really poorly. What other solutions do I have ?11:20
Dr_WillisNils_erik:  you want to rotate it 180 perhaps?11:20
Dr_WillisHmm. Webcamstudio does not like my Java version.11:21
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:21
mtrgdid anyone answer my question11:21
Nils_erikDr_Willis: might work... though if I need webcamstudio running in the background anyway just to get a correct picture in skype, that's not gonna fly11:21
mtrgi wonder why aircrack-ng isn't in ubuntu's repository. should i enable any?11:21
Dr_WillisNils_erik:  its a virtual webcam - thats how it works. ;011:21
Dr_WillisWhy has aircrack-ng been dropped from 12.04? - Ubuntu Forums11:22
Dr_Willissilly google..11:22
mtrgthat's ugly from google11:23
Dr_Willis(From Debian) RoQA; unmaintained, RC-buggy, NPOS11:23
Dr_Willisit does seem to get added back into 12.1011:23
mtrgstupid reason imo11:23
mtrgshould we also drop mixxx? because it doesn't belong to the dev team11:24
Dr_WillisUnmaintained is unmatained..11:24
Dr_WillisNo idea what RoQA or NPOS means..11:24
mtrgah, aircrack-ng is unmaintained by its own devs?11:24
Dr_WillisNo idea. I dont use the app.. I just googled an answer for you. ;P11:24
Nils_erikDr_Willis: thanks anyway, I'll just tell the customer his webcam is toast11:24
Dr_WillisThe most likely to reason to drop a package I believe it is because of a dependency that does not get updated and stops the package from being built for a specific release.11:25
habibHey everyone. after instalation of ubuntu i used it for like a week and then some day i tryed to start my pc and it said "insert bootable disk and press any key" i can't c HDD in BIOS and HDD led started to always be on. did someone face such problem?11:32
Sculptor_please check HDD connection from cabinet11:33
Sidewinder1habib, Sounds like a hardware problem with the HDD. Maybe boot to LiveCD and run some didk utilities.11:33
habibSculptor_, cabinet? what is it?11:33
Sidewinder1And that.11:33
habibSidewinder1, i've tried disk utils and it can't c HDD11:34
habibi checked cables11:34
habibit's ok11:34
zcoobHi, i installed ubuntu 12.04 via FAI and it worked fine so far ( installed packages are "ubuntu-desktop", "unity", "unity-lens-applications", "unity-lens-files" ). however i don't have any icons in my top bar for logout and such. anyone know how to fix this?11:34
zcoobam i missing packages?11:34
Sculptor_@habib , where HDD is attached11:35
ThinkT510zcoob: what is fai?11:35
zcoobhttp://fai-project.org it is called fully automatic installation11:35
habibi've changed these cables with new and the same problem. changed sata ports onboard and nothing changed11:36
ThinkT510Sculptor_: i've never heard anyone call it a cabinet before11:36
zcoobit's used to install multiple clients without doing much and administrating them from one server11:36
habibyeah i didn't too11:36
habibcan it be ubuntu issue? or is it just hardware?11:36
Sculptor_then what u called it11:36
Sculptor_cabinet contain all devices mother board & all11:37
Guest80119is this normal i just install iHRS 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:37
zcoobhabib does your hdd start, like does it making a sound as it was running?11:37
Sculptor_try 2 boot from cd11:37
ThinkT510Sculptor_: case11:38
zcoobif bios can't find it it's probably a hardware defect though11:38
Sculptor_or check from BIOS setting HDD is detected11:38
Sculptor_or not11:38
habibzcoob, i can't hear actually. Sculptor_ i did. nothing's there11:38
Guest80119is this normal i just install iHRS 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:39
zcoobwell habib, put your hand on the hdd and see if it's running or not11:39
zcoobif it isn't its probably broken11:39
habib:) oh sh11:39
Sculptor_@habib from BIOS ur HDD is detected or not?11:40
zcoobit's not11:40
zcoobhe said that in the beginning i believe11:40
habibnot detected11:40
Sculptor_the it is issue with ur HDD11:40
Sculptor_HDD must detect in BIOS11:41
inbitado34have a problem with network, when i go sudo it says:  sudo: unable to resolve machine (the name of it)11:41
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.11:41
xroHi, is there someone that could help me to configure multitouch?  mtdev-test show me event with 1finger but nothing with more...11:41
Guest80119is this normal i just install iHRIS(Human Resource Information System) 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:42
Guest80119I have just install iHRIS(Human Resource Information System) 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:42
Sidewinder1!repeat | Guest8011911:43
ubottuGuest80119: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:43
fidelinbitado34: sounds like a name-resolution issue11:44
Dr_Willis!info ihris11:44
ubottuPackage ihris does not exist in precise11:44
Sculptor_@inbitado34 make entry in the host file that is hostname localhsot11:44
Guest80119I have just install iHRIS(Human Resource Information System) 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:44
kristenbbI'd like to sync two remote folders. They contain quite a large number of small files, such that rsync behaves really poorly. What other solutions do I have ?11:45
ThinkT510Guest80119: stop repeating11:45
fidelGuest80119: dont repeat and consider a more detailed question11:45
fidelGuest80119: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html11:45
* Dr_Willis wonders if anyone else has even heard of IHRS befor now...11:45
Sidewinder1Not I..11:45
MonkeyDustwe're here to learn....11:46
Dr_WillisSeems its not in the repos..11:46
fidelkristenbb: why do you think rsync behaves poorly?11:46
fidelrsync is designed for that task ;)11:46
inbitado34Sculptor, ok11:46
inbitado34i'll try11:46
Sculptor_@ inbitado34 it works11:47
kristenbbfidel: rsync is fast because it compares files and only transmits them when required. However here not a lot of files are changed, but over a very large number of files. So it takes a few hours just to end up sending a few bytes11:47
kristenbbit loses too much time checking the whole folder11:47
OerHekskristenbb, any OS will take a lot of time to copy a large numbers of small files, so it is not rsync specific. zip them or use a compression option.11:48
kristenbbOerHeks: I'm not copying a large number of files11:48
HfuyI'm trying to boot Ubuntu from a flash key as a test OS on some suspect hardware, using the procedure described on ubuntu.com "create a USB stick on windows."11:48
xroi'm i the only one that try to configure multitouch? is there some doc somewhere?11:48
fidelkristenbb: i agree to OerHeks ...your setup is the problem - not the tools ;)11:48
kristenbbOerHeks: only a few ones were modified, it's just that they're inside a huge folder.11:48
Dr_Willisxro:  checked the forums and askubuntu.com yet?11:49
Sculptor_@inbitado34 after make the entry in hostfile the u run the command /etc/init.d/hostname reload or log off and login again. Then check it11:49
kristenbbfidel: so what can I do ?11:49
HfuyI've made the stick and tried booting from it, and I see a Ubuntu logo briefly, but then it drops out to a text display ending with "can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" and an (initramfs) prompt.11:49
HfuyAny suggestions?11:49
Dr_Willishow did you make the stick? did you check the md5sums of the iso/cd/stick?11:50
inbitado34Sculptor, i edited /etc/hostname, added:  localhost  below (the host name) is it that ?11:50
xroDr_Willis, i found some docs about ginn and mtdev... but it looks like there is no event when i use more than ne finger (ested with mtdev-test)11:50
HfuyUsing this procedure: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows11:50
HfuyI'm not aware that I checked anything.11:50
OerHekskristenbb, to and from what partition type ? ntfs ?11:51
HfuyLooking more closely, this may be by design. I'm apparently in a shell called BusyBox
kristenbbfidel: no, ext4, but that can be changed if ntfs has a nice solution for that11:51
Hfuy"Help" produces a list of available commands.11:51
Dr_WillisHfuy:  try some of the tools from the PenDriveLinux web site.11:51
kristenbbOerHeks: sorry, this was meant to you ^11:52
Dr_WillisHfuy:  it dident boot properly. it dropped back to busybox .. so somthing dident get put on the usb right.11:52
HfuyI have to say I tend to use windows to avoid all this BS.11:52
HfuyThis is really a great advertisement for linux - it doesn't even boot!11:52
OerHekskristenbb, ntfs would give you less perfomance, ext4 is fine11:52
Guest80119I have just install iHRIS(Human Resource Information System) 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:52
Dr_WillisHfuy:  its possible your CD download is bad.. so your generalization is incorrect.11:52
kristenbbOerHeks: it still takes a few hours checking the whole directory, just to end up sending one or two files11:53
ThinkT510Hfuy: complaining doesn't get you help faster11:53
kristenbbOerHeks: what other solutions could I deploy?11:53
HfuyAnyway, the purpose of all this is to evaluate whether the ethernet hardware on this motherboard is bad, or whether it's a windows problem.11:53
HfuyCan I do anything  about that from here, or should I try another approach?11:53
Dr_WillisHfuy:  Theres mini linux disrtos like TinyCorelinux (10mb) that can check that.11:54
HfuyEuhh. If I can't get Ubuntu to work, I don't fancy my chances elsewhere.11:54
kristenbbOerHeks: just for reference, the folder is composed of a few hundred thousands files11:54
Dr_WillisHfuy:  or dozens of other live cd/recovery/hw testing disrtos out.11:54
Dr_WillisHfuy:  your logic is invalid again..11:54
HfuyI could put windows 7 on a spare disk#], but that'll take hours.11:54
ThinkT510Hfuy: if you are just testing it you don't need to install a whole-blown distro11:55
HfuyI just need to see if the LAN port lights come on, is all.11:55
Hfuyanyway the size isn't really the problem11:56
xroSo, it looks like Ginn is the11:56
Dr_WillisGotta love it when people spend more time complaining then trying to fix their issue..11:56
Guest80119I have just install iHRIS(Human Resource Information System) 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.11:57
Sidewinder1Hfuy, Maybe my Dells are different but my LAN lights stay on even if the machines are off; if there's a cat-5 plugged in.11:57
fidelGuest80119: you are still repepating the same over and over11:57
Dr_WillisSidewinder1:  i was just thinking that also.. or at least the router lights blink some.11:57
xroSo, it looks like Ginn should be use to do multouch with ubuntu 12.04, right?   if mtdev-test show me event when i use 1 finger and nothing with more than 1, it ooks like i have a driver issue, right?11:57
MonkeyDustDr_Willis  swearing is the only language that computers never fail to understand11:57
Dr_WillisGuest80119:  at least correct your spelling mistakes if you are going to repeate the same thing for the next 5 hrs. :)11:57
fidelplease consider not just repeating - think why you get no answer. There is either no one available knowing a solution - or your basic question is unclear (which gets my vote)11:58
kristenbbfor example, how does svn work ?11:58
fidelits impressive how hard it seems to even ask for help11:58
HfuySO anyway - is there any prospect of fixing this ubuntu flash disk, or should I throw it in the bin and try something else11:58
fidelkristenbb: svn is a version-control system11:58
fidelif that gives you a first idea about it11:58
kristenbbfidel: yes it is.11:58
kristenbbfidel: I meant, how does it know which files were modified ? There's some kind of checksum, but how is it updated?11:59
kristenbbfidel: My question was how to make rsync faster11:59
ThinkT510Hfuy: if theres nothing wrong with the flash disk you don't need to throw it in the bin11:59
OerHekskristenbb, i think the last modified date/time is used ?11:59
HfuyThinkT510: well, metaphorically12:00
uriol_i have installed wubi on windows12:00
fidelkristenbb: try #rsync in addition12:00
uriol_but when i start it appears 2 grub menus12:00
kristenbbOerHeks: can I know which files were modified since the last rsync or svn update without looking through them all ?12:00
Dr_WillisHfuy:  i mentioned trying some of the many Other tools at the Pendrivelinux web site.12:00
fidelkristenbb: i doubt you'll be able to heavily tweak that...but good luck12:00
Sculptor_@inbitado34, sorry please donot make changes in hostname file12:00
HfuyDr_Willis: I can try that, but if Ubuntu, the World's Easiest To Use Linux Distro can't even boot, I'm not sure how confident I am.12:01
Sculptor_@inbitado34, path is /etc/hosts. In this file entry must like this hostname localhost12:02
Dr_WillisHfuy:  whatever.. you want to rant all day.. have fun.12:02
HfuyCan we fix what's wrong with ubuntu, or what12:02
Dr_WillisHfuy:  youve not shown its not a bad iso file.. or any other tests. so go check the md5, try other tools. try the flash on other pcs.12:02
HfuyCheck the what now?12:02
Dr_Willis!md5 | Hfuy12:02
ubottuHfuy: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:03
OerHekskristenbb, " find <some_dir> -newermt '2012-1-1' -and -not -newermt '2012-7-27'12:03
Dr_WillisI always use torrents to get the iSO files. seems i rarely have bad files via torrents. since they sort of self check :)12:03
=== ninjak_ is now known as ninjak
kristenbbOerHeks: but that would look through all the files, right ? If there are a few hundred thousands, if would take some time too...12:03
Anandahow can i delete 1 grub12:04
OerHekskristenbb, so be it.12:04
Guest79517a good program to editing video? i need only cut and mute setting12:04
HfuyOh screw this noise. I can redownload it if you think that might help, but I can't see how it will.12:04
Dr_WillisIve said to CHECK the MD5 SUM several times now...12:04
kristenbbOerHeks: the best option would be that everytime a file is modified, it says so to a process which keeps track of modified files, so that the modified files are sent. Is that not possible ?12:05
fidelGuest79517: my video-notes contains: openshot, pitivi, flowblade, novacut and kdenlive12:05
fidelmaybe usefull as srtarting point12:05
HfuyI have ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso; apparently the checksum should be d791352694374f1c478779f7f4447a3f12:05
OerHekskristenbb, i think you can script that.12:06
Guest79517fidel: ok i try these12:06
jonataaraujoBom dia h-lera12:07
=== sergio is now known as Guest22356
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:07
HfuyMy download appears to be in good order.12:07
HfuyThe MD5 sum begins in d79135 and ends in 7a3f.12:08
kristenbbOerHeks: how ?12:08
Dr_Willishow did you check the md5sum? if its good. then try other tools at the pendrivelinux site.12:08
HfuyWhat do you mean by "tools"12:08
Hfuytools to put the ISO on the flash key?12:08
Dr_Willisyes. Pendrivelinux site has a collection of such tools.12:08
MonkeyDustHfuy  what have you used to create the bootable usb stick?12:09
OerHekskristenbb, i would use grsync & rsync, this can do the incremental backup for you, and it will take some time too.12:09
HfuyThe thing recommended on the Ubuntu site.12:09
Dr_WillisHfuy:  and aparently that dident work.. so....12:09
HfuyThis: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows12:10
fideljonataaraujo: try: /j #ubuntu-br12:10
Dr_WillisI tend to use the YUMI tool at pendrivelinux.com12:10
MonkeyDustow... windows... no wonder it doesnt work....12:10
HfuyI used "Universal USB Installer", from pendrivelinux.com12:10
Dr_Willisso try one of the other tools at pendrivelinux.com perhaps.12:11
* Hfuy hates linux12:11
Dr_Willisspend less time ranting....12:11
HfuyI'll rant while it downloads, if that's OK12:11
Dr_WillisNot really.12:12
mydogsnameisrudyhard to learn new things12:12
Hfuyshould I select Ubuntu 12.04 for "ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso"12:13
Sculptor_any one know how to configure pidgin12:13
HfuyHonestly this seems to be exactly the same as the last one.12:13
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BluesKajwell, with windows we pay for convenience , with linux we have to work a little for it , but the reward is worth it .12:13
zcoobSculptor_: that is a really vague question, can you elaborate on what exactly you want to do?12:13
kandinskiI have this dvb-t stick and ubuntu 12.0412:13
HfuyBluesKaj: so far, linux seems to be a program that makes my computer say "can not mount /dev/loop1 on cow", which isn't much of a reward.12:14
HfuyIt's not even in good English.12:14
kandinskilsusb says AF9015/AF903512:14
HfuyI mean.... "cow"?12:14
kandinskicopy on write12:14
kandinskican anybody point me towards a good howto for watching DVB on 12.04 using a AF9015/AF9035 usb adapter? Thanks.12:15
BluesKajHfuy:  there's a solution , some research is required , that's all.12:15
usr13FYI, you can just google the checksum12:15
HfuyI checked the download.12:15
HfuyIt's cherry.12:15
fidelkandinski: are you looking for the basic driver/firmware or for apps being able to handle dvb-t?12:16
usr13Hfuy: So what is the problem?  (Sorry but I'm a latecomer to the issue.)12:16
Hfuyusr13: I'm attempting to use a linux USB stick to check whether a problem on my machine is hardware or OS (usually it runs win7)12:16
Dr_Willismany of those tools try to set up Live-cd systems and can do things wrongly. I tend to just Image the ISO directly to the flash for installing.  I forget what tool i used as a 'dd' replacement on wndows.12:16
MonkeyDustusr13  he can't get to create a decent bootable usb stick12:17
usr13Hfuy: Do you have a problem booting the media? Ok, I see, check the BIOS settings.12:17
HfuyI followed the instructions on help.ubuntu.com to create a USB stick, but it bombed out halfway through boot with the error "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" and an (initramfs) prompt.12:17
HfuyTo be fair, this sort of flakiness is not unexpected from Linux :)12:17
kandinskifidel, both12:17
Dr_WillisIf you are just going to use it for a 10 min test.. I would have used TinyCoreLinux.  since it would take it all of like 30 sec to download and copy to the flash.12:17
HfuyI'm now in the process of making another USB stick using a very slightly different (but frankly almost identical) USB stick installer.12:18
kandinskiI have found this: http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/EzCap_DVB_T_Stick seems hard work12:18
rajumohcan 3.4 be considered stable enouf to be installed on ubuntu 12.04 ?12:18
Dr_Willisrajumoh:  you meak 3.4 kernel?12:18
rajumohDr_Willis: yeah, the same12:19
usr13Hfuy: If you have verified the ISO, then you have two more issues, 1) Properly burning the ISO image to the USB device.  & 2) Configuring the BIOS settings to the point that the PC will actually boot a USB device, (and sometimes that takes some doing...).12:19
fidelkandinski: i used me-tv in the past and now kaffeine12:19
Hfuyusr13: oh that I can do.12:19
kandinskifidel, thanks12:19
ThinkT510rajumoh: only the kernels in the repos are supported, run your own kernels at your own risk12:19
HfuyI've booted windows off USB sticks in the past (it's a pain, but it can be done).12:19
fidelboth worked pretty good as viewer-apps after having setup the basic firmware for my dvb-t device in the first place12:19
Dr_Willisrajumoh:  doing such things would be at your own risk. Ive no idea how stable the newer kernels are. I imagine the act of getting the kernel on the system would be the big poteitial issues.. Not the actual kernel.12:19
kandinskido you know if the driver is in any ppa?12:20
HfuyThis USB installer seems to be taking a lot, lot longer than the other one. It's using 7zip to unpack the ISO.12:20
Dr_Willisrajumoh:  i do belive theres some Unoffical newer kernel ppas also.12:20
usr13Hfuy: Ok, if you properly solve those other two problems, you will be successful.12:20
AndChat382025nobody know12:20
Dr_WillisAndChat382025:  know what?12:20
Hfuyusr13: Well, I used the thing that was recommended on ubuntu.com to build the USB stick. But again, this is linux. Don't expect too much...12:20
thermostatEasy USB Installer?12:21
usr13Hfuy: On the contrary, expect a lot.12:21
fidelkandinski: i am using another dvb-t device so no idea what driver you need in the first place -. cant help you on the driver/firmware part12:21
Dr_Willis loose the attitude would be more helpfull12:21
thermostatI use that for everything, never had a hiccup12:21
HfuyStill, at least Ubuntu 12.04 Wascally Wabbit or whatever it's called will actually FIT on a four gig USB stick, which windows 7 wouldn't.12:21
usr13Hfuy: That may be the problem, if you downloaded a compressed image....12:21
rajumohDr_Willis, ThinkT510 : does not ubuntu have a place where it releases if a kernel has reached enough stabilty to be tried on ?12:22
kandinskifidel, thanks12:22
Hfuyusr13: I let the installer tool download the image.12:22
Dr_Willisrajumoh:  ive not needed to do that. So not sure.12:22
usr13Hfuy: Usually that is not the case, you just end up with an ISO image, (not a compressed ISO).12:22
thermostatIt's best to dl the ISO yourself12:22
HfuyOther than trivial selection of files and so forth, I have had very little involvement in this process. I just followed the instructions.12:22
ThinkT510rajumoh: not sure what you mean, but the kernel it is released with is the only one that recieves updates and support12:22
HfuyBut again, this is linux, so just following the instructions is... not... usually very effective.12:23
Dr_Willisbut ranting on Irc is..12:23
* BluesKaj throws Hfuy a crying towel12:23
fidelignore ole ole12:23
usr13Hfuy: I've not done it on MS Windows, only on Linux so I'm not really familiar with the process for doing it on a MS Windows machine, but I'm pretty sure the instructions are correct, they are tried and proven.12:23
rajumohDr_Willis, ThinkT510 : ok,  thanks12:24
MonkeyDustHfuy  what usr13 says... and used by many12:24
Dr_Willisrajumoh:  you could test out 12.10 if you want to see if the newer kernel versions work. Not sure what verson the latest 12.10 release is using.12:24
Hfuyusr13: well, clearly not.12:24
HfuyI don't even really understand what the error means. It's trying to mount /dev/loop1 on /cow. Whatever any of that is.12:25
Dr_Willisfile witten incorrectly, or read error on the flash drive..12:25
Hfuymounting /dev/sda on /mnt/mydisk would make sense.12:25
Dr_Willisits not mount things like that.. its using special live-filesystem setups12:26
HfuyWhatever. It's not something I can fix, I assume.12:26
HfuyIn any case I'm now 68.5% through making another usb stick.12:26
rajumohDr_Willis: was doing the same :-)12:26
Dr_WillisVerify iso.. try other tools.. try pendrive on other machines.12:26
HfuyI don't have any other machines that don't have their disks plugged in.12:26
Dr_Willisive defainatly had USB flash drives work on some machines.. and not others..12:27
HfuyThis one is in pieces on the desktop. I'd never trust linux with drives I actually care about.12:27
usr13If you have problems burning the ISO to a media device, there are three issues at play, 1) The integrity of the ISO, 2) The burning software, & 3) The media device, (could be defective).12:27
Dr_Willisbut not so much in  the last few years.. some older ones were very picky12:27
Hfuyon a purely technical level, booting from USB is tricky in itself, regardless of OS.12:27
usr13Hfuy: You might try another USB stic,12:27
thermostatDownload the .iso from the site. Plug in a new empty USB drive. Open Easy USB Installer, choose the distro version, select iso. Select drive letter.12:27
HfuyWindows by default is set up to disallow it.12:27
thermostatThat's it12:27
Hfuythermostat: that's more or less what I did.12:27
HfuyAnd it didn't boot.12:27
ThinkT510Hfuy: you don't need to unplug harddrives to use a liveusb/cd and the liveusb/cd won't touch your harddrive unless you specifically told it to12:28
thermostatNot more or less12:28
usr13Hfuy: The BIOS is set to disallow it.12:28
HfuyThinkT510: People say that, I don't trust it.12:28
Hfuyusr13: well, that too, but windows is internally set up such that the installer will not let you install it to USB devices.12:28
HfuyYou can, by unpacking the installer and hacking on text files, persuade it to do so. But it's tricky.12:28
HfuyI only got it to work once.12:28
usr13Hfuy: ThinkT510 is correct, you don't need to unplug devices, you only need to look at BIOS settings for proper choices.12:29
Hfuyusr13: This is work data on big RAIDs. The last thing I need is some linux daemon deciding they all need formatting.12:29
usr13Hfuy: This is not a MS Windows issue.12:29
DanielHolthWill someone with AMD64 do the following: install python-keyring and then "python -c "import keyring"12:29
Lloirwhy DanielHolth12:30
DanielHolthit core dumps for me12:30
HfuyNo, usr13, it's not.12:30
ThinkT510Hfuy: seriously, if you're worried about formatting things accidentally then you simply don't know what you're doing12:30
usr13Hfuy: They will not all be formatted unless you select an option to do it.12:30
HfuyI'm not worried about me formatting things accidentally.12:30
HfuyI'm worried about linux being incompetent.12:30
HfuyAnd based on my experience so far today, I'd say that fear was justified.12:30
* Dr_Willis is more worried about pointless trolling.12:30
usr13I think he is missing an f and the f and h are transposed.12:30
fqqvHow can I make the icon not wiggle on the  when I close/open a window ?12:31
fidelyou guys are feeding them way to long12:31
usr13No, seriously, he is just scheptical, and that is a natural thing....12:31
HfuyTwo minutes thirty till this unpack is done.12:31
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Dr_Willisfqqv:  i belive ive seen some tweaks for that in Either MyUnity or Ubuntu-tweak12:31
OerHeksfqqv, use my-unity to tweak that behaviour12:32
Sidewinder1Hfuy, I think you originally stated you just wanted something to check LAN connection; then, with all due respect, why not just use a LiveCD? Seems a lot more simple than installing to a USB stick.12:32
fqqvDr_Willis, OerHeks  Thanks, I'll check it out12:32
HfuySidewinder1: The machine lacks an optical drive.12:32
usr13He is having a problem and not sure what it is.12:32
HfuyAnd so does this netbook.12:32
HfuyOr I would have.12:32
ThinkT510Sidewinder1 +112:32
Dr_WillisSidewinder1:  or just use TinyCoreLinux like i suggested. :)12:32
Sidewinder1Hfuy, OIC.. :(12:32
HfuyIn any case, I'm not sure that would have made any difference.12:32
HfuyThe boot process seemed to have some sort of intrinsic problem built into it. I don't know if this new version will solve it.12:33
Dr_WillisFaulty reasoning is faulty.12:33
usr13Hfuy: That's ok, USB installs work just fine. In fact, I prefer USB install.12:33
Hfuywell it didn't work fine or I wouldn't be here.12:33
Dr_WillisYes.. a bad iso download points to Intrisic problems of the OS..12:33
HfuyIt fell over halfway through boot.12:33
usr13Hfuy: No, it works fine, you just have an issue or two to work out.12:33
HfuyAlthough to be fair, it did pop up a Ubuntu logo at the right resolution for the display for a few seconds, which is impressive.12:33
usr13Hfuy: You'll get it if you try.12:34
Hfuylinux now understands widescreen displays! yay! progress!12:34
icerootHfuy: linux has nothing to do with a display12:34
HfuyI wouldn't mind having a ubuntu flash key that works as I'd like to try it on this laptop, since it currently runs windows 7 and is appallingly slow. I don't know if there's any particular reason Ubuntu would be faster, but it's worth a try.12:35
pbwindows = bloat.12:35
Dr_Willisless ram ussage. less cpu ussage.12:35
HfuyOkay, it's finished building the USB key again.12:35
HfuyLet's try this one more time.12:35
Dr_Willislightest variant of Ubuntu would be the "Lubuntu"  version.12:35
* Sidewinder1 Crosses his fingers..12:36
pbDr_Willis, whats the install size for lubuntu? 5gb?12:36
Dr_Willispb:  i think it can fit on a 4gb flash.12:36
HfuyI tend not usually to put linux on laptops unless there is a specifically tweaked version for that exact laptop, though.12:36
Dr_Willisbut moar is always better.12:37
HfuyOtherwise you find half the hardware doesn't work.12:37
Dr_WillisHfuy:   i find that statement totally false.12:37
islandmonkeyHfuy: Same here12:37
Dr_Willisand i cant even think of the last laptop-make specific disrto ive seen.12:37
islandmonkeyNo whoops12:37
HfuyOkay, I can "continue to boot from first HD" or "linux distributions ->"12:37
islandmonkeyI meant Dr_Willis12:37
MonkeyDustHfuy  read this at some later time http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/12:37
HfuyOkay, loading linux.12:37
fidelDr_Willis: full ack12:37
mydogsnameisrudysounds like Hfuy is an expert on all linux installs12:38
HfuyOK, purple screen with Ubuntu logo.12:38
Dr_WillisI do recall seeng the Android 4.0.4 x86 having some differnt versions for Differnt Netbooks.12:38
HfuyDon't get too excited. It did this before.12:38
islandmonkeyCome on! Come on! Come on!12:38
Hfuy...and I've got a desktop.12:38
Sidewinder1Imagine that...12:38
HfuySomeone tell ubuntu.com their pen drive installer doesn't work.12:38
HfuyThat was not, I'm sure you'll admit, a great introduction to the OS.12:39
fidelor pebcac ? ;)12:39
Dr_WillisHfuy:  its not THEIR installer.. as you said.. it came from pendrivelinux.com12:39
HfuyWell someone should tell them anyway.12:39
HfuyYUMI seems almost identical, but it worked, whereas the one they recommed didn't.12:39
pbif you get in line im sure the wait won't be long12:39
HfuySome would consider this a problem.12:39
Dr_Willisreport it to the pendrivelinux.com site then.12:39
ardvarticusHey, my new install of 12.04 thinks my PC is a laptop… any way to fix?12:39
HfuyAmazingly, it's configured the correct screen resolution automatically.12:39
Dr_Willisardvarticus:  clarfify what you mean.12:40
ardvarticusIt's on a NVidia 550GTX and I've installed the closed NV Drivers12:40
roastedDoes anybody know the command line equivalent of what you see in update manager to upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu?12:41
ardvarticusUnder displays, it says it's driving a laptop screen12:41
ardvarticusIt's not detected the other monitor12:41
iceroot!upgrade | roasted12:41
MonkeyDustroasted  depends on your current version, i guess12:41
ubotturoasted: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:41
ThinkT510roasted: do-release-upgrade12:41
arakg'day all. After having been away from my computer for a few hours, with it running, the "unlock" window doesn't appear and it's only a black screen but the programs are stil running (music is playing). I tried to kill the gnome-screensaver, but that failed to do the trick. Starting unity from the CLI got the default background back, but no windows are visible, no menus are available. The mouse cursor is the only thing available to me. How do I restart X, Unity12:41
Sidewinder1Hfuy, And please remember, if later down the road something does not function to your complete satisfaction you can always demand your money back. ;-)12:41
Dr_Willisardvarticus:  how are the 2 monitors connected? same card?  You did reboot after installing the nvidia-drivers?  You ran the nvidia-settings tool after a reboot?12:41
ardvarticusNm, got it, I just needed to set up the NV server12:41
roastedThinkT510: thanks. I'm seeing in update manager no entry for the new version. I'm on 10.04 and want to upgrade to 12.04.12:41
Dr_Willisardvarticus:  ;)12:41
ardvarticusWoooow, I like multii-monitors on ubuntu.12:42
ThinkT510roasted: wait till 12.04.112:42
islandmonkeyHfuy: And your statutory rights will not be affected ;)12:42
MonkeyDustroasted  august 2312:42
roastedThinkT510: too late. already hired to dot he job. :P12:42
Dr_Willisroasted:  i think thats on hold like ThinkT510  mentioned.. to allow more 'testing' of the upgrade path.12:42
roastedMonkeyDust: and here on site.12:42
ardvarticusAlthough now displays reports it's a 3600x1080 :D12:42
fidelroasted: try: do-release-upgrade -d12:42
roastedoh, crap12:42
roastedfidel: what's the -d?12:42
Dr_Willisroasted:  its doable.. but i always do clean installs..12:42
fidelroasted: guess what ;)12:43
Dr_Willisardvarticus:  now you can have wide wide wide wallpaper12:43
roastedDr_Willis: same here, but I'd rather TRY an upgrade and see what happens. It's an LTSP server. LTSP devs confirmed the upgrade works great.12:43
Dr_Willisroasted:  that means its sure to fail. ;P12:43
roastedDr_Willis: doubt it. Smart group of guys over there.12:43
roastedDr_Willis: would bet my car they're correct, easily.12:43
Dr_WillisGo for it... ;P 'famous last words'12:43
fidelroasted: i upgraded about 8 boxes from 10.04 to 12.04 - worked for most boxes without any issue - and some had minor issues forcing me to fix it afterwards12:44
ardvarticusWow, Ubuntu. Just… ubuntu.12:44
fidelbut overall the update did not compelty fail on any of those boxes12:44
roastedfidel: sounds good. You updated through do-release-upgrade -d?12:44
Dr_Willisardvarticus:  all ubuntu-uie goodness..12:44
ardvarticusI've not used it since like 2008… it looks so polished and shiny now!12:44
fidelroasted: yep - consider starting by: man do-release-upgrade if you need more infos about the parms12:44
ardvarticusAnd OSX-y12:44
Dr_WillisI dont find it OS-Xy at all...12:45
roastedfidel: cool, sounds good.12:45
roastedardvarticus: as somebody who also uses OSX, I'd disagree. :D12:45
roastedfidel: good to know you tried that exact thing :P12:45
fidelroasted: as always: backup the important files first12:45
islandmonkeyardvarticus: In what way?12:45
roastedfidel: trying to think of configs worth backing up before I pull the trigger....12:45
Dr_Willisroasted:  but it has Icons and a menu! just like OS-X ! :012:45
roastedfidel: so far I can only think of dhcp configs and whatnot...12:45
Sculptor_pidgin is chat client. Any know how 2 configure it12:45
roastedDr_Willis: oh, silly me! I forgot EVERYTHING is OSX like. *facepalm*12:45
Dr_WillisSculptor_:  Use its settings menus?12:45
Dr_Willisroasted:  even my Geos-64 stole ideas from OS-X ;12:46
ardvarticusThe settings menu does look a bit familiar, yeah12:46
roastedardvarticus: if that's the case, Windows 7, Windows 8, XP, and Android look like OSX too.12:46
Hfuy-where were we12:46
fidelall os-/gui designers are stealing from each others - thats pretty old history. so lets rephrase: they all look like modern UIs ;)12:46
bb42hi, what mp3 player would you suggest for use without x env.?12:46
Hfuy-how do I go about finding out if this thing thinks it has a working LAN port?12:46
Sculptor_@Dr_Willis I configured it but it shows msg unable to connect12:47
ardvarticusBut I don't know, it's maybe because it's got a really nice icon-rich UI with a *nix monster hiding inside12:47
Sculptor_our domain under the gmail.com12:47
Dr_Willisbb42:  theres several in the repos. it depends on your needs.12:47
islandmonkeyAnd so do you look like OS X. So does your home, so does the sky, so does, everything!12:47
ThinkT510Hfuy-: you'd need to trust it enough to plug in an ethernet cable12:47
bb42I'm struggeling between cmus and mp3blaster12:47
Dr_Willisislandmonkey:  my dog looks like 'FireFox' - since hes a Pomerianian. ;P12:47
Hfuy-I've don ethat12:47
fidelHfuy-: replace your MS cmd: ipconfig with ifconfig12:47
Dr_Willisbb42:  so install both.. try them out.12:47
Sidewinder1Sculptor_, I used to use Pidgin; found that it lacked some functionality. I then upgraded to X-Chat and haven't looked back. You may wish to have a look at it.12:48
fidelthat should output your config - then try to ping as you would do in the MS-world12:48
ardvarticusAlso, my dock's on the LH side of the screen so it looks kind of like the ubuntu bar12:48
bb42but I'm unsure because I need something which needs as less system ressources as possible but can play mp3music12:48
Hfuy-where do I get a shell12:48
fidelHfuy-: c'mon12:48
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:48
ardvarticusOh, and the ubuntu software store thing!12:48
Dr_Willisor ctrl-shift-t12:49
Sculptor_@Sidewinder1 Can I configure gmail account with xchat12:49
ThinkT510Hfuy-: are you on the desktop?12:49
Dr_Willisi think. or was it alt-ctrl-t12:49
Hfuy-Yes, I don't actually have an "applications" menu.12:49
Dr_Willisor tap the 'alt' key then type 'term' and it should show up..12:49
ThinkT510Hfuy-: press the super key and type terminal12:49
Dr_Willistop left BIG button is a launcher menyu thang. :) the Dash..12:49
Dr_Willisgee like 5+ ways to get a terminal going.12:49
Sidewinder1Sculptor_, I'm not sure; I've never tried but the answer is probably yes.12:49
ThinkT510Hfuy-: super = windows logo key12:49
Hfuy-I have workspace switcher, system settings, Ubuntu One, Ubuntu Software Center, LibreOffice Impress, Calc, and Writer, Firefox, HomeFolder, Install, and Dash Home.12:50
Sculptor_@Sidewinder1 thanks12:50
Sidewinder1My pleasure,..12:50
bb42Dr_Willis: Will do so.)12:50
Hfuy-Holding windows logo and typing "term" gets me "search music collection"12:50
ThinkT510Hfuy-: the terminal is the first thing i usually add to the unity bar12:50
Dr_WillisDash has  search field at the top.  type in 'term' and several terminals icons show up.12:50
Sculptor_@Sidewinder1 what is best client chat for ubuntu instead of empathy12:51
Dr_Willistap 'super' type 'term' in the search field..12:51
Hfuy-Right, OK, got a terminal.12:51
ardvarticusI like colloquy. I don't think it's in the software centre though12:51
icerootSculptor_: the one you like most12:51
Sidewinder1Sculptor_, As I said, I use X-Chat.12:51
MonkeyDustHfuy-  ok, you managed to boot it, now get familiar with it, like we all had to12:51
Hfuy-I have no wish to get familiar with it, I just want to find out if the LAN hardware on this motherboard is working.12:51
pbpigeon ?12:51
Hfuy-Typing "ifconfig" lists only "lo".12:52
Hfuy-Is it possible there's a driver issue?12:52
Dr_WillisHfuy-:  for a Wired network card?12:52
Hfuy-These boards use some sort of fairly common Marvell LAN chip.12:52
fidelso you want to use something you dont know & understand ...sounds promising ;)12:52
Dr_WillisIve rarely needed or seen extra drivers for Wired Nics12:52
ThinkT510Hfuy-: can you pastebin the result?12:52
roastedfidel: got resolv backed up, smb.conf, ltsp chroot, lts.conf, dhcp config... no idea what else I could need...12:52
Hfuy-the result of what?12:52
ThinkT510Hfuy-: ifconfig12:52
mofaphHi, all. What is the use of /lib/init/rw?12:53
ThinkT510Hfuy-: lspci would help too12:53
Hfuy-I get one result "lo" "link encap: local loopback"12:53
Dr_WillisDouble check the cables also. :) make sure the dog/cat/kids havent chewed on them.12:53
Sidewinder1Hfuy-, Open Firefox; 'touch' an outside web page like CNN.com. If it resolves, there's a pretty good chance that your LAN/router are working.12:53
Hfuy-I can't pastebin anything. The LAN hardware on this PC doesn't work. That's why we're here.12:53
ThinkT510Hfuy-: type lspci12:53
Hfuy-If I open firefox, I get a "server not found" on start.ubuntu.com12:53
ThinkT510Hfuy-: can you see your ethernet there?12:54
Hfuy-wait one12:54
Hfuy-oh god, there's craptons of it12:54
Hfuy-I assume I'm looking for "marvell ethernet something something"12:54
Sidewinder1Hfuy-, Not a good sign.12:54
Dr_Willis lspci | grep net                 should show what NIC you have.12:54
Hfuy-can't type a pipe12:55
Hfuy-bad keymap12:55
pbdude this laptop your working on sounds like a pos..12:55
Hfuy-I can type a pipe here12:55
Hfuy-just not on ubuntu12:55
ThinkT510he said he's on a desktop12:55
Hfuy-so which OS is the POS :)12:55
pbeven worse12:55
Hfuy-(you rather walked into that one, sorry)12:55
=== Jason is now known as Guest91868
Dr_Willislook at the lspci output then for the network Line..12:56
Hfuy-ok, I found it12:56
Hfuy-lspci grepped for "net" outputs nothing12:56
Dr_Willis$ lspci | grep Net12:56
Dr_Willis07:01.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2500 Wireless 802.11bg (rev 01)12:56
Hfuy-I get nothing12:56
ThinkT510Hfuy-: then it is likely a hardware issue12:57
pbmy desktop is like 10 years old.. I booted up ubuntu without an issue. using legacy hardware.. its not the OS.12:57
Dr_Willischeck 'dmesg' command output at the end.. may be some error/infos12:57
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Dr_WillisHopefully the NIC is not disabled in the bios. ;)12:57
Hfuy-it's not12:57
Hfuy-I tried that a lot12:57
Hfuy-first thing I checked.12:57
Hfuy-It's behaving as if that were so, though.12:58
Hfuy-should I grep dmesg for net, perhaps12:58
Dr_Willisjust look at the end of the output12:58
Dr_Willisyou cant do a | so you cant really grep easially. :)12:58
Hfuy-I found the pipe character. It's a shifted #.12:59
* DebolazW decides he needs to learn about preseeding.12:59
Hfuy-The only instances of "net" in dmesg are "audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled"12:59
Hfuy-and "bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3"12:59
ThinkT510Hfuy-: by default ubuntu uses american keymap (mine is uk)12:59
Hfuy-Yes I noticed.12:59
Dr_Willis[    3.252067] r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded12:59
Dr_WillisHmm.. soundding more and more like the NIC is totally unseen by the OS/system13:00
Hfuy-Checking BIOS settings one last time.13:00
Dr_Williseven if it was unplugged it would still show up in dmesg/lspci13:00
Hfuy-in bios, "Marvell LAN1: Enabled"13:01
Hfuy-LAN Boot ROM is disabled, but that should be fine, right?13:01
Dr_Willisthat woule be to boot from LAN. so id think that would be off.13:02
Hfuy-it is.13:02
Dr_Willisdoes it say/mention the exact marvell Chipset?13:02
Hfuythe Asus download page for this mobo offers "MarvellYukon_Ethernet_V111053_Windows7"13:04
HfuySo I guess it's a Marvell Yukon13:04
HfuyIs that supported by default in Ubuntu?13:04
HfuyEven if not I would expect it to appear in lspci13:04
Dr_Willisi cant recall ever seeing a wired nic that wasent supported..13:04
Hfuywell presumably it's possible.13:05
ThinkT510Hfuy: yeah, it would appear in lspci even if there wasn't a driver for it13:05
shomonhi, on ubuntu if I want users to be able to log in with the same users/passwords over a local wifi network.. how do I set it up?13:05
HfuyYou know, this network flakiness only occurs when I plug the suspect LAN hardware into the router.13:06
Dr_Willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/161507/marvell-yukon-ethernet   shows that card may use the sky2 module. O13:06
HfuyDoes that mean it should be supported13:06
Dr_Willisdepends on the exact chipset..but id say yes.13:06
HfuyAnd even if it wasn't supported, it should still show up in lspci.13:07
ThinkT510Hfuy: i'd expect it would appear just as unknown13:07
j0llyHi im running ubuntu in efi mode from a macbook.. everyrhing smooth but ive seen kernel start with efifb than after kms load i915 intel the console switch to inteldrmfb with a flikwring of the screen... how could i boot the kernwl with intel efi driver from beginning?13:07
j0llyHave to compile intel driver oe something in the kernwl statically?13:08
Dr_Willisgoogling some more -> Yukon 88E8052 ethernet card driver called sk98lin13:08
j0llyOr just blccklist something?13:08
Dr_WillisHfuy:  check dmesg command  befor you plug the cable in. and a few moments afterwards...13:08
Dr_Willisthere may be some info messages at the end.13:08
Hfuyright now, after boot, the end of dmesg is all about "drm noveau 0000:04:00:0: PMFB4_SUBP1 0x037f0040" etc13:09
Hfuyand sound stuff13:10
Hfuyit found the nvidia sound hardware13:10
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Dr_Willisthats  Noveau - nvidia driver stuff for the video.13:10
ThinkT510Hfuy: nouveau is for graphics13:10
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Dr_WillisI forget the command to watch dmesg output in real time...13:10
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ThinkT510tail -f13:10
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Dr_Willistail -f /var/log/dmesg     ;)13:10
HfuyI just plugged in the LAN cable and no new dmesg stuff appeared13:11
Dr_Willisand then as you plug/unplug/do stuff - new messages should appear.. if Nothing changes on plug insertion/removal.. well.. i would say that points to a bad NIC/port13:11
ThinkT510i concur13:11
shomonhow do you set up ubuntu on many machines so that all users can log in on all machines?13:12
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Dr_WillisI cant think of any other tests.. then to try a radiaclly differnt disrto like TinyCorelinux that Might  be doing somthign differnt/see it. (its only a 10mb disrto)13:12
Hfuyhonestly guys I got the same results in windows13:12
Hfuywhich is a WILDLY different OS.13:12
Dr_Willisthen i guess we can safely say 'Hes Dead Jim!'13:13
HfuyI tend to agree13:13
* Hfuy calls the supplier13:13
Dr_Willisbecause we all know windows is perfect.. :)13:13
ChromeboyHi guys, just wondering what the best way to upgrade from 12.04 -> 12.10 is? I don't really want to have to burn any discs and note that I'm operating inside virtual box... can I do it straight from the terminal?13:14
SolomonGrundyOOOOOHHHHhhHHHH SNAP!!!!13:14
jpdsChromeboy: #ubuntu+113:14
MonkeyDustChromeboy  ask in #ubuntu+113:14
Dr_WillisChromeboy:  you dont need to burn disks for virtualbox.. it can boot ISO files....13:14
Dr_Willisbe best to test 12.10 in a clean install in vbox i imagine. :) first.13:15
Chromeboy@Dr_Willis yeah your probably right13:15
shomondoes anyone know how to set up user management across a lan in ubuntu?13:15
SolomonGrundyWhat would I do to upgrade from 32-bit Ubuntu to 64-bit Ubuntu?13:15
Chromeboythanks :)13:15
shomonplease :S13:15
ThinkT510!es | administrador13:15
ubottuadministrador: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:15
ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: you don't, you reinstall13:16
compdocHfuy, Ive had to add pci network cards to a lot of systems that had the onboard ethernet fail13:16
SolomonGrundyWould it be worth the leg-work to upgrade to the 64-bit version?13:17
ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: not in the least13:17
j0llySo how could i start the kernel use the inteldrmfb instead the generic efifb driver? Without switch in the middle of boot process?13:17
ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: just reinstall13:17
SolomonGrundyI understand that, but would it be worth it to wipe out my 32-bit to install 64-bit?13:18
ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: oh sorry, depends on how much you want 64bit13:18
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ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: and how easy you find setting up ubuntu13:19
kristenbb I'm trying to find where the nx sessions are kept. My client offers to create new ones, but not delete existing ones.13:19
SolomonGrundyI haven't been able to find a solid reason to switch.13:19
ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: if you need it then go for it, if you just want it and it won't be too much hassle then go for it13:20
SolomonGrundyAny significant changes between the 32-bit and 64-bit?13:20
ThinkT510SolomonGrundy: from a users perspective they are identical13:20
Dr_Willisive found my video reencding a bit faster in 64bit.13:21
Dr_Willisand really cant find many reasons to Not go 64bit on 64bit hardware.13:22
ThinkT510Dr_Willis +113:22
Dr_Williseven my netbook is somehow 64bit ;)13:23
Dr_Willisi think its sort of a fake 64 bit.. but i was suprised my 64bit flash worked on it.13:24
ocx_whats a good open source ERP software to be installed on linux?13:26
shomonfor varying definitions of "good"13:26
KiteHawkVTiger seemed to be pretty cool crms13:27
BotaniCarisn't vtiger a CMS ?13:27
shomoncrm is different though13:27
shomonwe are using tryton to process product lists, prices, storage, times...13:27
shomonand produce reports13:27
shomonso more erp13:27
shomonit does appointments and contacts too though I think13:27
BotaniCari'd try OpenBravo if you need a ERP13:27
KiteHawkDrupal web based erp too13:28
karthick87I have created useraccount from terminal. But it is not showing home folders for that newly created user account. I have created it using "useradd -m -s /bin/bash username".. But when i view it from terminal using ls /home/username it is empty i am not able to find Desktop, Music, Pictures fodler..13:28
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MonkeyDustwhoever asked for ERP: http://www.openerp.com/13:29
kazim59is the left sidebar really sticky in 12.04, or is it a bug I am facing?13:30
ThinkT510kazim59: sticky?13:30
MonkeyDustkazim59  it's sticky13:30
kazim59ThinkT510: like in 11.10, it used to slide out of view, making all the space available13:30
kazim59MonkeyDust: okay.. you never know when unity has got a feature, and when its a bug13:31
ahoneybunYou mean autohide and window dodge?13:31
ThinkT510kazim59: oh, isn't that configurable13:31
MonkeyDustkazim59  sarcast;)13:31
kazim59ThinkT510: no idea, just spent 4 min on 12.0413:31
MonkeyDustkazim59  try MyUnity13:31
Smilexdoes the ubuntu repo have mysql workbench on it?13:32
ThinkT510kazim59: check the settings, i'm pretty sure you can set it to autohide13:32
kazim59ThinkT510: sure thanks13:32
kazim59let me first experience it this way... :-)13:32
ThinkT510!info mysql-workbench | Smilex13:33
ubottuSmilex: mysql-workbench (source: mysql-workbench): MySQL Workbench - a visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.2.38+dfsg-3 (precise), package size 11430 kB, installed size 37917 kB13:33
KiteHawk12.04 runs really slow how can we disable unity?13:33
kazim59yes there is an option13:33
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ThinkT510Kitar|st: install another desktop13:33
SmilexThinkT510: ok, thanks13:34
ThinkT510Smilex: no worries :)13:34
SmilexThinkT510: wait, can I private msg ubottu to get information from the ubuntu repo like that?13:35
kristenbb I'm trying to find where the nx sessions are kept. My client offers to create new ones, but not delete existing ones.13:35
ahoneybunkazim59,  are you talking about autohide?13:35
ThinkT510Smilex: indeed you can13:36
kazim59ahoneybun: yes, I found it13:36
ThinkT510!msgthebot | Smilex13:36
ubottuSmilex: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:36
kazim59but I think I decreased the size to 32... and that's better.13:36
kazim59better than autohide13:36
ahoneybunkazim59, good, silly freenode I saw your message like 5 mins ago but had to register in the chatroom! lol13:37
kazim59ahoneybun: lol13:37
ahoneybunkazim59, now I was too late lol13:37
SmilexThinkT510: thanks, need it to help a friend13:37
kazim59ahoneybun: all credit in my finding goes to you13:38
ahoneybunkazim59, I was not here lol13:38
j0llyHey what about video driver in efi mode? How could i boot with intelfb instead generic efifb? Have to rwcompile?13:39
ahoneybunj0lly, darn you UEFI13:40
ahoneybunmarkdark_, hello!13:40
ahoneybunmarkiv, hell!13:40
KiteHawkbest soundcard for recording and compatibility with ubuntu 12.0413:40
ahoneybunKiteHawk, I'm sorry I can not recommend you one as I do not do that.13:42
Hfuythey're refusing to trans-ship the replacement board13:42
j0llyahoneybun, well this is good also for non efi.. how could i use inetlfb instead vesagb?  4 me ia more impo the 1 question... heje13:43
ahoneybunHfuy, language please13:43
HfuyWhich language?13:43
ahoneybunHfuy, cursing13:43
HfuyOh, please. Aren't we all grownups?13:43
ThinkT510Hfuy: channel policy13:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:44
ScottHarrisonHfuy, no, not everyone here is an adult. It's also beside the point, foul language isn't a sign of maturity... quite the opposite.13:44
HfuyI don't HAVE a family, so you'll have to overlook any minor transgressions.13:44
ScottHarrisonHfuy, "minor transgressions" are fine, just accept the channel policy when you have been informed of it.13:45
HfuyI've said far worse than that, in any case!13:45
ThinkT510Hfuy: the point is you don't need to13:46
ahoneybunHfuy,  "Please be considerate of everyone and keep all the Ubuntu IRC channels friendly places for everyone. This means that you should avoid any language which may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such language."13:46
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Guest80119I have just install iHRIS(Human Resource Information System) 4.1.2 an when i link my mange page it displays this :Site update in progress. We will wait a few moments before retrying.13:46
HfuyYou need to be a bit careful about that - almost anything can be considered offensive by someone.13:47
MonkeyDustGuest80119  linux has HRM programs too13:47
ahoneybunj0lly, even though I have a UEFI BIOS I do not fully understand a lot of it13:47
ScottHarrisonHfuy, you're quickly heading in to troll territory...13:48
ahoneybunHfuy, try I think it mostly covers cursing though, just treat as if there are child in here. There are child/teen GNU/Linux users13:48
Hfuywell, that's really their parents' problem, not mine.13:48
Guest80119not HRM iHRIS.13:48
ahoneybunHfuy, no it is your problem as you joined this IRC room and agreed to the policy when you did13:49
ScottHarrisonahoneybun, ignore the troll?13:49
j0llyAhoneybun, me neiher thats why i want to learn.... bjut this seems a basic kernel and bootup thing... how could i use a drivwr instwd other at startup?13:49
HfuyI'm afraid not, but if you don't want to discuss it, that's fine.13:49
dayshit im 1min 2 late13:49
ThinkT510!language | day13:49
ubottuday: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:49
ahoneybunScottHarrison, maybe I should. I think I'm becoming a problem myself.13:50
indigoferalThinkT510, would it be right to assume that you have a lenovo thinkpad t510 ? if yes i have some questions13:50
DebolazWCan the content of an ubuntu ISO be rewritten simply by mounting it rw? (Given that they are hybrid isos)13:50
ThinkT510indigoferal: indeed13:51
HfuyDefault ubuntu desktop is quite pretty.13:51
HfuySort of... splodgey red-purple?13:51
ahoneybunDebolazW, I believe the hybrid isos are for using the dd command13:51
indigoferalIs yours a 64 bit machine13:51
ThinkT510indigoferal: yes13:52
DebolazWHfuy: Default ubuntu desktop is one of the uglier things I've seen in life. Purple wasn't pretty back in the XP days, and it haven't grown more attractive since then.13:52
HfuyIs grep case-sensitive?13:52
ahoneybunj0lly, I'm not sure I could not get WIndows 7 and Ubuntu to dual boot on my UEFI machine so I just used wubi13:52
ThinkT510Hfuy: yes13:52
HfuyDebolaz: It's prettier'n Windows 7.13:52
karthick87I have created useraccount from terminal. But it is not showing home folders for that newly created user account. I have created it using "useradd -m -s /bin/bash username".. But when i view it from terminal using ls /home/username it is empty i am not able to find Desktop, Music, Pictures fodler..13:52
indigoferalThinkT510, i have had a major issue, will pastebin the whole thing in a bit and look forward to your comments13:52
avelldirollHfuy: yes, except if you add the -i flag13:52
ScottHarrisonDebolaz, I don't mind it. Definitely better than some others I've seen.13:52
ThinkT510indigoferal: can you post lspci?13:53
DebolazWScottHarrison: That there are worse things doesn't mean something isn't ugly. But don't get me wrong, Unity is exceedingly pleasant to use functionality-wise, I'm talking purely about the visual aspect.13:53
ScottHarrisonkarthick87, have you tried logging in to the account? I can't say that's the issue but it may help.13:53
Hfuyso "lspci | grep -i net"13:53
indigoferalam away from the machine but will link to th graphics card as well13:53
HfuyI once put Compiz on a laptop.13:54
HfuyBefore windows 7 and the Aero stuff, that did raise some eyebrows.13:54
ScottHarrisonDebolaz, well, I won't say the default is "pretty" but I don't rush to change it whenever I do a new build. As for Unity, I agree, it's excellent.13:54
HfuyI quite like it.13:54
cheryl_Hi, having a problem installing spotify using wine, can anyone help plse? I get this error "The file '/home/cheryl/Downloads/Spotify Installer.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit."13:55
HfuyBetter than when Ubuntu used to mean "brown"13:55
DebolazWOne of my main difficulties when trying new distros is that I don't get to use Unity on them. (In most cases)13:55
DebolazWHfuy: Debatable.13:55
HfuyYou have to wonder if the person who made the "brown" decision had eyes.13:55
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DebolazWHfuy: I'm not arguing that brown was better…. But I'm not convinced purple was a step up.13:55
HfuyIt seems to opt for rather softer text antialiasing than windows does.,13:56
HfuyI'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.13:56
HfuyPerhaps I'll try it on this laptop.13:57
HfuyDoes it come with an IRC client?13:57
DJonesHfuy: Yes, xchat or irssi for command line13:58
ThinkT510Hfuy: not sure, i just install xchat13:58
DJonesxchis GUI based13:58
MonkeyDustirssi <313:58
grefterirssi ftw!!!13:58
Hfuyit's telling me to use apt.13:58
* Hfuy is afraid of apt13:58
greftergui chat..sooo...windoze!! :D13:58
MonkeyDustapt is the 'installer' in ubuntu13:58
ThinkT510Hfuy: sudo apt-get install synaptic13:59
ThinkT510Hfuy: synaptic is better13:59
HfuySynaptic is just a front end to apt, isn't it?13:59
ThinkT510Hfuy: yes13:59
HfuyThen it has alllll the same problems.13:59
giteshThanks to <b636bc7ca>  & <JessicaW> Finally I could start Internet connection on my server with pppoeconf, today :)13:59
ThinkT510Hfuy: if you want super simple though you could use the software centre13:59
Hfuyanyway, "unable to locate package xchat"13:59
grefterapt-get install irssi14:00
ThinkT510!find xchat14:00
ubottuFound: xchat-gnome, xchat-gnome-common, xchat-gnome-indicator, xchat, xchat-common14:00
ThinkT510Hfuy: its there14:00
Hfuywould I need a network connection for this14:00
ThinkT510Hfuy: yes14:00
giteshCan I have a GUI for ubuntu-server 12.04 ?14:00
Hfuyyes? no?14:00
grefterwhy would you need a network connection for the internet?14:00
ThinkT510Hfuy: yes, it downloads the ackages from the repo14:00
eziois there any way to make dd not continue forever?14:00
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HfuyThat's a grossly unhelpful error message, then.14:01
eziowhen copying from dev zero14:01
Hfuyit also says "you will have to enable the component called "universe""14:01
Hfuywhat does that mean14:02
indigoferalThinkT510, problems and associated details pastebinned here description of problem - http://pastebin.com/QZCYMGJ0 - t510 xorg fatal error - no screen found, xorg.conf.failsafe http://pastebin.com/f5UhBF66 -Graphics card  and other details - http://pastebin.com/wgrprGPS14:02
MonkeyDustHfuy  that's a software source14:03
Hfuyhow would I enable a component called universe then14:03
HfuyCan't I just download an installer from somewhere and run it!?14:04
ThinkT510indigoferal: what was on /home14:04
HfuyHow do I become root, here14:05
ThinkT510indigoferal: if it was already used from another install it most likely had a xorg config that conflicted/overwrote the default config14:05
HfuyI can't stand all this you-don't-own-your-own-computer "sudo" stuff14:05
indigoferalyes it was from another install - but where is the xorg strored in the home ??14:06
Therion87It's for your own good14:06
Sidewinder1Hfuy, sudo for non-graphical programs; gksudo for GUIs.14:06
ThinkT510Hfuy: with that kind of mentality perhaps you should go back to windows14:06
stevanrfor you own computer good14:06
Hfuyoh don't worry14:06
Therion87Sudo prevents you from messing stuff up and things from gaining root access that shouldn;t14:06
Hfuywindows is chasing linux in that regard14:06
Hfuybloody user access control14:06
SolomonGrundyroot access is like asking your older brother if you can play his games.14:06
Hfuythat gets switched off first, I can tell you14:06
Therion87If you want to be root in terminal permanently then type sudo su14:06
HfuySudo prevents nothing. I've had apt hose systems. There is no security.14:07
SolomonGrundysometimes he just says 'no. f**k off.'14:07
nemohrm. http://askubuntu.com/questions/166172/hedgewars-for-ubuntu-12-04 - wish I could tell this user he probably just needs OpenGL which most likely can be solved by installing the nvidia or ATI driver in jockey14:07
Therion87You name in terminal will turn red14:07
nemobut unfortunately he never filed a bug :(14:07
ThinkT510Therion87: thats not the way to do it14:07
nemoso I shall not be able to help him14:07
indigoferalwincedows are the only folks i know who allow one to install software that can wipe out everything just by running a measly executbale14:07
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Hfuyindigoferal: strictly speaking only if you're an admin.14:07
HfuyBut then you should be an admin as otherwise the machine becomes a pain to use - just like linux.14:07
indigoferaltell that to the iranians14:07
Hfuywhy does it say "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$"14:08
genii-aroundThe basic idea is... if you have to ask how to get permanent admin/root and already don't know how, are you really prepared for the repercussions of a bad or mistyped command?14:08
SolomonGrundyI recently switched to Linux. I admit it was more or less for all the eye-candy stuff, but under the hood this runs much better than 'lose'-dows.14:08
marcos_Ola Pessoal, estou com um pequeno problema aqui e não estou conseguindo resolver14:09
fidel_!en > marcos_14:09
indigoferalnot really - the primary uses however noob is allowed admin access - the chances of such a user running a malicious programme is very remote - its difficult to find something so malicious for linux , not so for windows14:09
ubottumarcos_, please see my private message14:09
fidel_!es > marcos_14:09
indigoferalHfuy, because its a live session of ubuntu14:09
Hfuyis there no way I can download an installer and move it over onto the no-network PC on a flash key or something14:09
Hfuyor is this like Steam, where you HAVE to have a network connection14:10
indigoferalHfuy, use apton14:10
indigoferalinstall the programme in your live session14:10
indigoferaluse apton to create an iso14:10
fidel_Hfuy: in theory its possible to move a single .deb to another host - if he has all dependencies14:10
Dr_Willis Hfuy  totally depedns on what you are installing also.14:10
marcos_i+ marcos14:10
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:11
indigoferalthen you can extract the packages in your non net box and run dpkg -i *.deb to install the packages14:11
fidel_Hfuy: but basically you should always stick to apt via online/local sources14:11
indigoferalfidel_, in practice its very easy14:11
indigoferalsee the bot agrees with me14:11
Dr_WillisI always set up an apt-cacher-ng server on my home lan. :) that way its very quick to install apps on other boxs on the lan.14:11
marcos_aguem aqui fala pt14:11
fidel_marcos_: we dont speak spoanish inhere14:12
fidel_marcos_: the bot send you a private message in spanish14:12
fidel_consider reading it14:12
indigoferalThinkT510, ?? so you think the problem is xorg in my /home - so where would it be located14:12
islandmonkey!es | marcos_14:12
ubottumarcos_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:12
Dr_Willisindigoferal:  xorg.conf is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:12
SolomonGrundyDifference between trolling and sarcasm can be explained in the example of this one sentence: "Windows is getting a new update."14:12
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indigoferalDr_Willis, yes thats what i thought but have a huge problem installing on a thinkpad t 510 , who luckily is here him/her self "-)14:13
indigoferal:-) i mean14:13
cmakeI am just curious I know you can read all the man pages online. But I am pretty sure all of the ones for my distro are kept in /usr/share/man in a .gz format. But when I open one it is in a format not readable with a standard gedit program very well.. so I guess I am asking what the man and info tools do ... do they just go to this directory and unzip/extract the particular command page then translate it to a readable format....14:13
ThinkT510indigoferal: i'd guess its some conf file that is overriding the normal setup14:13
indigoferalyeah, thats what i think - so am going to delete all the conf files and leave only the data and do a clean install14:14
ThinkT510indigoferal: does it have an .xinitrc?14:14
cmakeIf so how I am assuming there is a program that I can uses other then man / info that would allow me to convert these man pages to html or text14:14
B0g4r7cmake, using the "man" program is the usual way to read manpages.  If you want to decompress the files and look at them directly, you would probably use the gzip or gunzip program to decompress them.14:14
indigoferaldon't have that machine so not sure ? but sounds familiar14:15
cmakeI understand that but is there away to manually convert them to text , html , postscript , pdf ,...etc14:15
indigoferalDr_Willis, in case you are interested in the problem - description of problem - http://pastebin.com/QZCYMGJ0 - t510 xorg fatal error - no screen found , xorg.conf.failsafe http://pastebin.com/f5UhBF66 - , Graphics card  and other details - http://pastebin.com/wgrprGPS14:15
B0g4r7cmake, well if you gunzip them, the files are text inside, just like they appear when reading them using the "man" program.14:16
cmakebut they have some syntax characters not exactly like reading them through man or info ... Also that won't allow me to create a pdf , ps , or other file14:17
Dr_Willistheres man2pdf and other tools..14:17
Dr_Willistheres many web sites that also have the man pages on them  for online reading.14:18
sipiorcmake: process them directly with groff, if you like. try the "-T" switch and output PostScript.14:18
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Dr_Willissipior:  :) i was tryign to rember what they were formated with.. been years since i messed with *roff14:18
cmakeI always wonder what groff was is that just a program that converts text to ps or pdf14:19
Dr_Willistroff, nroff, groff, ;) old skool word processing.14:19
Dr_Williscmake:  its an old wordprocessing system/typesetting/documention system from like 20+ yrs back.14:19
B0g4r7cmake, mm, I suppose they do.  I guess you could do something like "man 8 cat > output.txt" to get text output from man...14:19
Dr_Willissimiler in how TeX works.14:19
B0g4r7Well, bad example as there is no manpage 8 for cat, but you get the idea I hope.14:20
ScottHarrisoncmake,  http://tldp.org/docs.html14:20
cmakenever mind man groff tells me :)14:21
cmakedoes man uses the local man pages or does it go online and download them when  man xxxx14:21
Dr_Willisman -t man | ps2pdf -  > man.pdf14:21
h00kcmake: local man pages14:22
Dr_Willisive seen some mini-disrtos that reroute to online ones. :)14:22
cmakegotch hook , DR_W*14:22
Dr_Willisive had seen big thick books  of printed man pages. in some old computer labs:)14:23
roastedSo... I opted to remove obsolete packages during my ubuntu upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04... and now it crashed and I see a flashing cursor, black screen. Nothing else.14:23
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | roasted14:23
ubotturoasted: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:23
indigoferalroasted, +1 to what Dr_Willis says14:26
roastedDr_Willis: I didn't reboot. I was actively in the OS logged in as my administrator user when this happened.14:27
roastedDr_Willis: I have tow onder if GDM was part of the obsolete packages (or gnome 2 for that matter) and it nuked them when I said "go"14:28
roastedDr_Willis: I can SSH in, but what I'm afraid of is rebooting it via SSH if the upgrade is still happening.14:28
cmakewould this http://www.linuxmanpages.com/ have all the man pages you could ever install currently. Or what I am saying is this the most up to date complete man pages currently for online reading14:28
Gallomimia_wow lots of great updates lately14:29
animus123how to convert .rpm package into .deb package?14:29
sstaanimus123: alien14:30
ThinkT510animus123: you don't14:30
DJones!alien | animus12314:30
ubottuanimus123: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)14:30
x-iphi, a question ... the source code from the ubuntu installer, is open source ?14:30
B0g4r7animus123, look at the "alien" tool maybe.14:30
HfuyAn average human might expect gzip to be the compressor, and gunzip to be the decompressor.14:30
animus123okkk thanks allllllllllll....14:30
ThinkT510animus123: what pckage are you wanting to install?14:30
Jef91I've install libreoffice office on Ubuntu 64bit and the spell check doesn't work. It works fine on my 32bit system though :(. Ubuntu 12.0414:31
B0g4r7Jef, did you let it download and install the language packs to wanted to at install time?14:31
shaneohey guys im trying to allow apache2 to use cgi. Where might i find srm.conf?14:32
LilOk guys. I have a wierd problem. I have an ubuntu and windows machine in my network, with samba setup. When transfering files it is extremely slow (180KB/s), however.. If I just upload the file via. FTP i get 6-8MB/s... what the hell could be causing the regular transfers to be so slow?14:32
animus123ThinkT510:actually i have jre .but i just wanted to do some experiment on converting .rpm jre package to .deb java.hence.14:32
Jef91No B0g4r714:32
Jef91I just did sudo apt-get install libreoffice14:32
Dr_WillisLil:  transfers slow both ways?14:32
Jef91just like on my 32bit system14:32
roastedDr_Willis: I wonder if I should just reboot it and hope for the best? I'm SSH'd in and tailing syslog and seeing nothing.14:32
x-ip Lil i would suspect about machine name resolution14:32
animus123ThinkT510:that ,the converted package does really install or not?hence i asked.14:33
LilYes, both ways.14:33
Dr_Willisroasted:  dident you bet your car this would be no problem? ;)   I have no idea honestly. I tend to do clean installs.14:33
B0g4r7Jef91, Yeah, you might try that.  Open the "Language Support" control panel thing and see if it asks to install them.14:33
viddyroasted: just check top/ps to figure out if its doing anything :i14:33
roastedDr_Willis: yeah, but I have two cars, one being on its last leg. Guess I left out some info in that car bet. :P14:33
ThinkT510animus123: it might, but i would highly advise against it14:33
Jef91B0g4r7 any idea how to do it via the command line? I installed from a minimal CD14:33
Lilx-ip; Not totally sure what you mean by "machine name resolution" ?14:34
galaxyjest ktoś ?14:34
LilWhen I connect via. FTP tho.. i'm using the direct local IP14:34
B0g4r7animus123, I would recommend you just get the binary JRE installer from oracle.com rather than trying to use an rpm.14:34
x-ipLil, when you share something using samba, you use machine names to connect to a resource14:34
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B0g4r7Jef91, I'm afraid I don't.14:34
galaxyjak zmienić wygląd na zwykły ubuntu ?14:35
Dr_Willisanimus123:  theres manyu other ways to install java. theres ppa's and some scripts out to help.14:35
DJones!pl | galaxy14:35
ubottugalaxy: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:35
B0g4r7It's probably some pagkage name alias you'd "install" with apt.14:35
Dr_Willisanimus123:  point is. You defainatly dont want to use a java RPM ;)14:35
roastedIs there a way to gently reboot Linux without using the "do what I tell you" sudo style? I ask in reference to this... I want to reboot it, but if it's still running the upgrade process, I don't want to sudo it to force it. If I can get it to reboot IF its idle, that'd be nice... Any ideas anybody?14:36
animus123Dr_Willis:ofcourse!! but i already said,i have java in my laptop.i just wanted to do that experiment.that's all.14:36
Dr_Willisroasted:  id check the htop/ps  output . and see whats running.   its possible the upgrade tool is showing some dialog/yes/no thing you are somehow not seeing.14:37
animus123Dr_willis:i have java and installed it from tar.gz package.and also eclipse package...14:37
roastedDr_Willis: only PS output is tail, ps, bash. That's it.14:38
roastedDr_Willis: htop is not installed, installing quick.14:38
Lilanyone? :/14:38
shaneocould someone please assist me with finding srm.conf for apache214:38
shaneoso that i may enable cgi on my web server14:39
roastedDr_Willis: htop reveals a lot of "/usr/bin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon" entries.14:39
indigoferalLil, plz repeat again oyour ?14:39
indigoferal* your14:39
LilI have an ubuntu and windows machine in my network, with samba setup. When transfering files it is extremely slow (180KB/s), however.. If I just upload the file via. FTP i get 6-8MB/s... what the hell could be causing the regular transfers to be so slow?14:39
HachyaLil: you don't have a limit for the bandwidth being used via the file sharing server?14:41
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LilNo, I don't think so.. and that doesn't really make sense, why would it be so much quicker via. FTP if that were the case?14:41
Hachyalike each server should have some ratelimiter of sorts, which is the first place I'd look, like max rate, w/e14:41
Dr_Willisroasted:  no mention of 'dialog' in ps output eh?  how brave do you feel? ;)14:42
Hachyawell, like I said the only thing i can think is that one has a ratelimit set14:42
Hachyaand the ftp doesn't....14:42
roastedDr_Willis: nope, now I just see htop, htop, tail, bash, ps.14:42
Lilis there a way to limit the speed via. samba?14:42
HachyaLil: I'm sure there's something I have messed with it though....14:43
roastedDr_Willis: it'd be nice if there was a gentle shutdown, meaning... if it's in a dialog box waiting for user interaction, or in the middle of something it can't interrupt, then it cancels the shutdown/reboot..............14:43
roastedDr_Willis: bingo. the server is back to login screen, CLI styule.14:43
roastedDr_Willis: just going to reboot, says reboot required...14:44
LilHachya: I will keep looking around. Thanks for trying..14:44
animus123B0g4r7:thanks friend....14:44
roastedDr_Willis: boot screen looks like it'll enduce a seizure - constant flashing, no movement. Nice :D14:47
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animus123Dr_willis:hey would you solve my one more problem?14:47
animus123Dr_Willis::hey would you solve my one more problem?14:48
ThinkT510animus123: he can't if you don't say what the problem is14:49
animus123ThinkT510:i have a laptop.which has sis built in graphic card.so i downloaded the driver for sis. & it provided the specific resolution suitable for my laptop.but when i started to shutdown my laptop,instead of shut down splash screen a different colors of strips was appearing.it looks so weird.hence please help.14:50
LilHachya, after a little more testing.. its only really slow when writing to the samba server14:50
ThinkT510animus123: i've never used sis graphics sorry14:51
roastedDr_Willis: took forever to start up, but I have a GUI :D14:51
HachyaLil: odd....14:52
animus123ThinkT510:but atleast you heard this problem,didn't you?14:53
indigoferalanimus123, i have the same problem with nvidia installed / not installed - am not sure so would also be happy to know what the solution is :-)14:54
ikonohow do i get wireless to work with an acer travelmate 5320? (12.04)14:54
auronandaceanimus123: its harmless14:54
indigoferalcould be that nosplash is selected and the boot up process is confused / or viceversa "splash enabled"14:55
indigoferalikonia, more details of which version of linux and what exactly is not working14:55
indigoferal* ikono i mean14:55
animus123auronandace:yes!! it is harmless!! but it look so weird friend.hence14:55
ikonoindigoferal: ubuntu 12.0414:55
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ikonowireless is not working, at all14:55
ikonoi have BC431114:56
animus123indigoferal:then!! did you solve this problem??14:56
indigoferalanimus123, nope, that was / is a minor problem in a the dark shadow or a major fatal error problem14:57
indigoferalwill only know if that persists when i do a clean install coming monday so won;t be able to tell you till then14:57
indigoferalikono - does the acer have an hardware lock- also what exactly is not working with the wifi ?14:58
ikonohardware lock? do you mean wifi-button?14:58
ikonoit's not recognized by the network manager. at all. only wired and mobile broadband is working.14:59
ikonoand when i press the wifi button on the laptop, the LED doesn't light up.15:00
indigoferalcheck in system settings for restricted drivers15:01
ikonothey're activated15:02
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Onixsits more of a soft-switch15:02
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ikonosoft-switch? :)15:02
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got an external USB hd that isn't being detected, any idea how I can get it back/fix it?15:02
catcherHello, I'm experiencing a known bug in Unity/compiz (application switcher segfaults). I'm seeing that there are fixes in a couple branches, but I'm not sure how to switch to them. Also, I'd like Ubuntu Update Manager to still work on my Unity. How can I make this work?15:03
OnixsIs that HP?15:03
animus123indigoferal:well i just made conversation with one of the xorg fellow!!! and he said,whatever the problem you facing that's not comes in xorg.is that right?15:03
indigoferalikono , is it now working ??15:03
ikonoindigoferal: what do you mean?15:03
francisco123alguien que hable spanish15:04
Onixsikono HP?15:04
ikonoacer travelmate 532015:04
ikonothe chipset is broadcom, BC431115:04
indigoferalanimus123, interesting - thats my take too - the problem emanates from /home but xorg is confused and crashes the system - so it may not be an xorg problem but is certainly a problem they get affected by - but they have no solution - which actually is now seeming far more simpler than the xorg reconfigure thingys15:05
indigoferaliknono - do you have functional internet ?15:05
indigoferalif so check synaptic for the driver and see if some drivers need to be installed ?15:05
Onixsikono soft-switch is software driven15:06
DJones!es | francisco12315:06
ubottufrancisco123: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:06
indigoferalproblem with vanilla ubuntu is that sometimes restricted driver don't come easily15:06
roastedHello! Upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04...now I can't log in. Just flips right back to the login screen. Any ideas?15:06
ikonoindigoferal: i have the drivers presented in synaptic15:06
ikonoinstalled. still, no luck.15:06
in^how do I get a 2d session using vncserver?15:07
ikonobc-fwcutter, firmware-b43 etc.15:07
indigoferalhmm, you will have to wait a bit i gtg will be back soon15:07
in^i get a desktop, menus or launch bar15:07
in^*no menus or launch bar15:07
indigoferalbut meanwhile google on ow to enable the driver - am sure this is a common problem15:07
animus123indigoferal:do you know expert.who can solve this problem??15:09
in^how do I get a 2d session on 11.10 using vncserver?15:09
in^i get a desktop, but no menus or launch bar15:09
Dr_Willisin^:  depending on how you start the vnc server. you can tell it exactly what desktop to load.15:12
in^@Dr_Willis: using command line vncserver :2,  is it something in ~/.vnc/xstartup?15:13
Dr_Willisi always tend to use the most minimal window manager/desktop i can for vnc.15:13
thiebaudeanimus123, maybe ask here, http://askubuntu.com/15:13
animus123thiebaude:okk thanks..15:14
Dr_Willisin^:  that script is ran by default to run the desktop. if thers some error. have the xstartup script just launch a terminal at the end. and try running the  destkop from that terminal to look for errors15:14
thiebaudeyour welcomed15:14
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animus123thiebaude:well, do you facing same problem?15:14
Dr_Willisin^:  and be sure you are not spawning more and more vnc servers by mistake. :) kill the ones you dont need15:14
thiebaudeanimus123, no, I don't have that problem15:15
in^Dr_Willis: I am killing in between sessions... so once the terminal is up try gnome-session from command line?15:15
Bertoquick crapshoot - what's the best/easiest video editor for Ubuntu 12?15:16
Dr_Willisin^: im not sure what the correct command is for unity, unity2d, or gnome0-shell15:16
thiebaudeanimus123, where did you install your graphics driver from?15:16
BertoJust need to mix a few videos from ipad, add a watermark, and splice in a couple of screens with text15:16
in^Dr_Willis: thanks15:16
Dr_WillisExec=gnome-session --session=ubuntu15:16
Dr_Willisseems to be in the ubuntu.desktop file.. so im guessign the command would be 'gnome-session --session=ubuntu'15:17
animus123thiebaude:to usr/lib/xorg/modules/driver..and xord file :root/etc/x1115:17
Dr_Willisgnome-session --session=ubuntu-2d15:17
thiebaudeanimus123, i mean did your download from a website?15:17
compdocin^, its all in how you setup your .vnc/xstart   file15:17
Dr_Willisi tend to just use icewm, or jwm, or some other minimal setup for VNC15:18
animus123thiebaude:just wait a sec!!15:19
pbguys a little vague and probably incorrect wording. but what is the common problem ubuntu users see when booting, dealing with the encryption mounting15:21
pbfigured id ask before I restarted and wrote it down personally15:22
animus123thiebaude:why do you want that website?15:22
pbunable to mount. waite skip or mount manually15:22
thiebaudeanimus123, just wondering .15:23
animus123thiebaude:since you don't have that problem!!15:23
ccowanIs there an applicaton framework like PhoneGap for Linux Desktop applications? I know this sounds like a weird question but I'm a web developer and there are a few applications I would like to create that would fit better in a desktop model then in a browser.15:23
thiebaudeanimus123, did you look in Additional Drivers to see if your driver was there?15:23
pbfound it.15:23
erik__favorite program minitube still nog working on 12.04 but did fine on 11.10 (on 4 different machines). Also video editing nog working in 12.04. I thing i am going back to 11.10. Anybody else experience the same?15:24
Dr_Willis'video editing' works here.. ;) but i imagine it depends on your app.15:25
animus123thiebaude:yup!! i looked.but no drivers available!15:25
leoleonhello, i´m trying to install ubuntu server 12 but i cannot do it because during the installation its appering a blue or purple display15:25
nishttal2hi.. my program uses several libs (.so) files that are in my home directory.. i am able to build fine by telling the make file to look at the folder for libs.. but when I try to run its complaining that it couldnt find the libs.. do I HAVE to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or is there another way?15:26
animus123thiebaude:actually the main problem is that,sis never provide drivers for linux?it only supports to windows not linux...hence15:26
erik__Dr_Willis, tried all the programs including openshot, but all crash after 10 minutes or earlyer. On 4 different machines, 2 with ubuntu en 2 with xubuntu 12.04. There suppose to be a bug in Gstreamer?15:26
thiebaudeanimus123, i heard a few yrs back that it was hard to get a driver for that card, i seen that somewhere back then15:27
ccowanLooks like App.js fits the bill15:27
animus123thiebaude:yes!!! very hopeless card that is!!15:27
thiebaudeanimus123, thats the only problem is when you log out?15:28
animus123thiebaude:did you ever use windows?15:29
thiebaudeanimus123, for a long time, i still dual boot with win 715:29
thiebaudesince dos,lol15:29
animus123thiebaude:i left windows,nearly 3 month before115:30
animus123thiebaude:ubuntu is best in everything??15:31
thiebaudeanimus123, i agree15:31
animus123thiebaude:which version of ubuntu you are using?15:31
animus123thiebaude:wow!! i too!!15:32
animus123thiebaude:unity interface is awesome!!15:32
thiebaudeactually i use unity15:33
animus123thiebaude:would please tell me which graphic card driver your are using?15:35
thiebaudeanimus123, you want to go to #ubuntu-offtopic so we can talk?15:35
thiebaudeanimus123, on the desktop i use nvidia, on the laptop i use amd15:35
Dr_Williserik__:  sounds like you got some deeper issues going on.  ive messed with Openshot a lot and never crashed.15:36
ken__quick question if I may, the other day I had a problem with the screen blinking out suddenly and not coming back up, kept doing this except in windows, when I was able to boot into ubuntu I qucikly check fglrx info and it gave me command not found, I checked extra drivers and none were activated so I activated one of them and got catalyst, now there is staying power for the monitor, however when I checked fglrxinfo it gave me a screen:0 and dis15:36
ken__play: 0 what does that mean.15:36
erik__Dr_Willis, how would that be possible on 4 different machines?15:37
ken__and why did it affect everything else like live cds and text screens etc15:37
ken__except windows15:37
erik__Dr_Willis: did you also use openshot on 12.04, because on 11.10 i had no problems15:38
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roastedWhat exactly does "initramfs" mean? I'm working on an LTSP server and when the clients boot, they grab an IP and boot fine via PXE, but then they end up @ initramfs...15:40
Azerus Hey, I have a 3TB drive that I am trying to create a partition using GPT on Ubuntu 8.04, can anyone assist me? It's not letting me create the partition with the remaining free space, it always leaves 2TB unallocated.15:41
islandmonkeyroasted: I believe it is used by the kernel to start up init (the mother of all processes).15:41
roastedislandmonkey: hmm, I wonder what on earth is happening then.15:41
MonkeyDustroasted  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Initramfs15:41
guiltyundertakerAre there any software related limitations to Lubuntu as compared to Ubuntu?:)15:41
giteshCan I have 3 OS on a system? How do I make free space from ubuntu-server 12.04?15:41
roastedMonkeyDust: whoa, first line - specifies 2.6 kernel series. What about 3.X kernel series?15:41
MonkeyDustguiltyundertaker  no, lubuntu is ubuntu with a different jacket15:41
guiltyundertakerThanks MonkeyDust!15:42
ken__has anyone checked out zorin os15:42
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MonkeyDustroasted  i guess you should read: "as of the 2.6 series"15:42
ken__its an Ubuntu derivative from Ireland15:42
roastedMonkeyDust: oh :/15:42
islandmonkeyken__: Yes I have. It's okayish.15:43
roastedMonkeyDust: just found out NBD was not running. I think NBD is related to LTSP functioning...15:43
MonkeyDustken__  there's the channel #zorinos15:43
DJonesken__: I think Zorin OS has its own IRC channel15:43
ken__yes I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 Unity15:43
ken__I just heard of zorin os15:43
ken__anyway even though I activated fglrx the gui says it is unactived still maybe a bug, and fglrxinfo gives me screen 0 and display 0 is that normal15:44
roastedMonkeyDust: that was it. bingo. NBD wasnt running.15:45
roastedQuestion - I upgraded to 12.04 from 10.04, and the login screen is flickering like a disco ball. Anybody else ever see that?15:51
islandmonkey!nomodeset | roasted15:58
ubotturoasted: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:58
jrgpis tehre a default root/ubuntu user password on the precise livecd? i installed ssh but like a tard i forgot to set the root password and i want to ssh into it and i dont have physical access to the machine right now15:58
killeron running cod i get (under wine) "fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x21cf670,0x00000000), stub!"15:59
glitsj16jrgp: livecd uses 'ubuntu' as username with a blank password i believe16:03
exutuxhey guys do you know why gwibber doesn't show private message that i receive on facebboK?16:05
giteshIs there any way not to start network configuration automatically while booting up?16:06
giteshI am with ubuntu server 12.04 LTS16:07
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Moogshey ahas anyone solved the spideroak challenge today? https://sotss.spideroak.com/ .. i was needing help16:08
jragonFlash videos start playing at 10x speed, then arround 2 minutes in they slow back down to normal. I'm using chrome.16:09
killerhi...how do i enable s3tc in driconf?16:15
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leoleoni installed ubuntu on virtualbox but i cant connect on internet, what do i need to do?16:19
leoleoni installed ubuntu on virtualbox but i cant connect on internet, what do i need to do?16:20
leoleonhelp me16:20
auronandaceleoleon: virtualbox should take care of it automatically16:21
auronandaceleoleon: you shouldn't need to take care of anything16:21
leoleonyes, but how can i use internet?16:21
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jragonFlash videos start playing at 10x speed, then arround 2 minutes in they slow back down to normal. I'm using chrome, on firefox it works fine16:22
auronandaceleoleon: what do you mean? just open a browser16:22
kyle__Does anyone know what the rational was for moving from vinarge to remmina in 12.04?16:23
leoleonyes, i did it but it´s loading and never connect to any website16:24
auronandaceleoleon: does the host os have access to the internet?16:24
leoleonyes, I am connecting with my anfitrion machine16:25
OerHekskyle__, much better software > http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/remmina-to-be-ubuntus-new-remote-desktop-app16:25
leoleonauronandace: yes, I am connecting with my anfitrion machine16:25
auronandaceleoleon: i have no idea what anfitrion is16:26
kyle__OerHeks: Really?  Because it seems piss poor at figuring out how to scale and how to build the window so it's actually, you know, ON the screen, instead of half off of it.16:26
leoleonauronandace: it´s the machine where I installed virtualBox16:27
kyle__OerHeks: vinarge had a few ugly regressions awhile ago that gave it slow screen refreshes, but I thought those were fixed.16:27
OerHekskyle__, Vinagre poor scaling performance was the most common issue.16:27
MCl0vincan someone please help me , i keep getting crash everytime i try to do something16:27
ubuntuhelp_hello, i am having problems. i had recently installed ubuntu 12.04 on my windows 7 system via livecd, however now i cannot boot up into it, says grub disk boot error with uuid.16:28
codingmanMCl0vin: probably a reinstall is necessary16:28
kyle__OerHeks: I recall that.  Maybe it's just the interface layout needs (massive) fixing on this one.  But the fact that there's no checkbox to scale by default, and it requires me to manually scale the remote screen to make it fit right is aggravating.16:28
ThinkT510MCl0vin: define something16:28
ubuntuhelp_i tried boot repair and it gives me the same issue and now windows will not load as well16:29
MCl0vincodingman, done that 3 times already16:29
MCl0vinThinkT510, as my laptop boots16:29
leoleonauronandace:I installed virtualBox on  Windows 7 and the internet works but ubuntu doesn´t work because morzilla cant open any website16:29
codingmanMCl0vin: same disk?16:29
ThinkT510MCl0vin: you could be a little more descriptive16:30
MCl0vincodingman, yes, but i didn't had this issue with 10.0416:30
ThinkT510!nomodeset | MCl0vin16:30
ubottuMCl0vin: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:30
ubuntuhelp_Can someone please help me?16:30
LoT!HELP | ubuntuhelp_16:31
ubottuubuntuhelp_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:31
indigoferalubuntuhelp_,  someone may not be here16:31
MCl0vinThinkT510, sorry , yes every time i start my pavilion dv7 hp laptop , and i am running 12.04 . i get the crash report detected and every time its for a different thing16:32
bgamariIs anyone from Canonical's Certification services in the house?16:32
MCl0vinThinkT510, " sorry, ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error"16:33
ThinkT510MCl0vin: a different thing each time?16:33
leoleonauronandace:I installed virtualBox on  Windows 7 and the internet works but ubuntu doesn´t work because morzilla cant open any website16:33
leoleonI installed virtualBox on  Windows 7 and the internet works but ubuntu doesn´t work because morzilla cant open any website16:34
auronandaceleoleon: i've never had a problem in virtualbox, what network card are you using?16:34
MCl0vinThinkT510, right now as i am "trying' to explain to you my issue , i got it " /usr/lib/telepathy"16:34
MCl0vinThinkT510, i can't recall every incidence :) sorry16:35
ThinkT510MCl0vin: hmm, how are you installing ubuntu?16:35
killerhow 2 enable s3tc in intel graphics16:35
MCl0vinThinkT510, DVD/usb , and i tried 3 times , different media16:36
MCl0vinyes every time i check the md516:36
MCl0vinnow i go the application Compiz has closed unexpectedly16:37
ThinkT510MCl0vin: ah, read my mind :)16:37
ThinkT510MCl0vin: so you actually can boot?16:38
whoeverhi all i am trying to hide the keyboard icon since i have created shortcut keys can someone assist ?16:38
MCl0vinThinkT510, i am chatting with you from the laptop16:38
ThinkT510MCl0vin: ok, what have you installed? any ppas?16:39
leoleonauronandace: where can i see that16:39
whoever i have trid gcon.editor>gnome setting"> keyboard disable16:39
whoeverand no luck16:39
auronandaceleoleon: in the vm settings16:39
alice\server irc.rizon.net16:40
auronandaceleoleon: the default should work fine though16:40
indigoferalwhoever, where is your keyboard icon16:41
=== porky is now known as thomas
whoeverindigoferal: taskbar by the clock16:41
indigoferalwhoever, if its on the tool bar , just rightl click on it and say quit16:42
MCl0vinThinkT510, http://pastebin.com/bZSMEThT16:42
Kamranhi there16:42
indigoferali mean remove16:42
roastedI'm running dual NICs on my server - eth0 and eth1 - I'm finding eth0 is being a brat. The network configs are IDENTICAL (except, of course, different IP) but eth0 is non-pingable and non-SSHable while eth1 is fine. If I do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, it comes back with failed to bring up eth0 - yet ifconfig still shows eth0 existent....16:42
indigoferalwhat DE are you using - most have a way of enabling panel options / disabling of apps inside the panel16:43
leoleonubuntu shows me a message that says: wired network disconnected16:43
kyle__roasted: existant and working are different animals.  How did you configure them?16:43
roastedkyle__: through /etc/network/interfaces.network manager is disabled.16:43
whoeverindigoferal: i tried that and there isn't a quit option just my layouts, show keymap, and show keyboard options16:43
indigoferalyes, am seeing that - just a sec will tell you how16:44
leoleonauronandace:ubuntu shows me a message that says: wired network disconnected16:44
kyle__roasted: Good.  Network manager is a peice of s***.  pastebin your interfaces16:44
whoeverindigoferal: and there is not an option to not show the icon under options16:44
ThinkT510MCl0vin: so any ppas?16:44
whoeverindigoferal: it is 12.04 if that matters for any reason16:45
MCl0vinThinkT510, not familiar with what ppas16:45
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:45
roastedkyle__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1114098/16:45
ThinkT510MCl0vin: did you only install from the repos?16:45
MCl0vinThinkT510, yes sir16:45
ubuntuhelp_Hello, I am having problems booting Ubuntu 12.04 after installing LiveCD, It would boot straight into windows 7. After running LiveCD in Trial mode I ran Boot-Repair I am now running issues will not start up Windows 7 and gives me error unknown file system rescue grub, does anyone know how to fix???16:45
roastedkyle__: this server is an LTSP server. I just upgraded it to 12.04. LTSP works fine. The LTSP clients on the 17 network are fine, 18 network are fine. The problem is, 17 doesn't get any external connection for some reason. If I ifconfig eth1 down (taking 18 offline) the 17 network gets 0 outbound access.16:46
ThinkT510MCl0vin: so you haven't added any software from outside the repos?16:46
roastedkyle__: it's as if the 17 network relies on 18.1 for its gateway, even though the 17 network has its own gateway to work from....16:46
indigoferalno which Desktop environment - Cinnamon, mate, kde xfce etx, yes it matters because each have a diffeent way of managing the panel16:46
kyle__roasted: Does the 18 interface need a gateway?16:46
kyle__roasted: I think it's trying to give you two default gateways.  Try commenting out one of them, and restart the networking.16:47
roastedkyle__: 17.2 is in its own 48 port switch. 18.2 is in its own 48 port switch. each switch is 17.1 and 18.1 respectively.16:47
indigoferalGo to cinnamon settings there you will find the option to turn keyboard off16:47
roastedkyle__: the switches are segregated so the traffic between the two labs (aka the two switches) doesn't cross... mostly for balance.16:47
* kyle__ nods16:47
indigoferalCinnamon settings - applets16:47
roastedkyle__: so you believe despite two  nics and despite two switches... 1 gw?16:48
kyle__roasted: I had two nics on my LTSP server, but only one of them was doing ltsp.  Sadly I wiped it the other day.  Trying to find the interfaces file16:48
MCl0vinThinkT510, i don't really think so, but how can i make sure16:48
ThinkT510indigoferal: cinnamon and mate are not supported on ubuntu16:48
whoeverindigoferal: gnome unity16:48
kyle__roasted: Yes.  Remember the gateway is only necessary for traffic outside of your local subnet (at least with the netmasks you provided)16:48
ThinkT510MCl0vin: checking your sources list16:48
indigoferaloops ?16:48
roastedkyle__: I commented out 18.1 Gw in the interfaces file... pinging 17.2 and 18.2... both failing...16:49
roastedkyle__: and yes I restarted the network service.16:49
kyle__both failing now?16:49
roasted17 was failing originally all along16:49
roastedI took 18.1 out, which 17 was relying on16:49
roastedlet me reverse it... disable 17, open 18. I bet it works.16:49
kyle__roasted: Are you doing ping <ip addr> or ping -I eth0 <ip addr>16:49
roastedkyle__: I'm pinging from my laptop via two terminal windows.16:50
whoeverindigoferal: talkin to me ? 'oops'16:50
kyle__roasted: Ah ok.16:50
roastedkyle__: commented 17.1 gateway. 17 still does not work. 18 now works.16:50
roastedkyle__: 17 never worked though...16:50
indigoferalyes, solution given but for the wrong DE16:50
roastedkyle__: whether or not the 17 gateway is commented.... still never worked. moot action it seems.16:50
ThinkT510MCl0vin: can you pastebin your: /etc/apt/sources.list16:51
cmakehow much does it cost to become posix compliant certified.16:51
kyle__fsck.  I didn't back up /etc/network before I whiped it.16:51
cmakefor a command or an os16:51
kyle__roasted: What happens if you manually config the interfaces?16:51
roastedkyle__: I wonder if these switches are configured properly to work in the way I want them to.16:51
roastedkyle__: er... am I not manually configuring them?16:51
bgamariIs anyone from Canonical's Certification services in the house? (sorry for the repeat, internet died)16:51
kyle__roasted: Not really.  Try configuring them with ifconfig or ip from the command line :)16:52
OerHekscmake, nothing, this is ubuntu support only.16:52
kyle__Back like real men did before my beard turned white. ;)16:52
roastedkyle__: not entirely sure I follow. I was just doing sudo nano to the interfaces file.... *shrug*16:52
roastedkyle__: are you talking the switches, though16:52
kyle__roasted: its reading your config file and configuring the network for you.  I mean really do it yourself16:53
kyle__roasted: ifconfig eth0
roastedkyle__: gotcha16:53
csilkUsing 12.04 on a Samsung laptop. Changing the brightness makes the scree flicker constantly and locks UI up. I tried to report the bug via ubuntu-bug but it tells me that I need to seek support first.16:54
MonkeyDustbgamari  on ubuntu.com, below, you find how to  contact canonical16:54
roastedkyle__: k, ran that as root. still unable to ping (tho I didnt reboot net service). I assume that's needed?16:54
roastedkyle__: or do I need to run through the whole sha-bang of netmask, etc?16:54
MCl0vinThinkT510, http://pastebin.com/UKuNngNT16:54
HfuyI am now coming from you live and direct from a Ubuntu flash key via the freenode web chat because there is no IRC client.16:54
* Hfuy taps the mic16:54
trijntjeis there a way to view the grub kernel parameters the currently running system was started with?16:55
HfuyIs this thing on?16:55
kyle__roasted: No you dont' need to restart networking... yes but in the netmask adn such.  Just to make sure16:55
roastedkyle__: also, I AM running dhcp on this box... not sure if the dhcp config matters in this situation. I would GUESS I'd only be working with the interfaces file anyway.16:55
ThinkT510MCl0vin: yeah, thats fairly standard16:55
roastedkyle__: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask                ???16:55
kyle__roasted: dhcp is pretty resilliant.  It shouldn't care16:55
ThinkT510MCl0vin: are you using xfce or unity?16:55
kyle__roasted: Yup.16:56
MCl0vinThinkT510, xfce16:56
roastedstill no dice16:56
MCl0vini don't like unity16:56
ThinkT510MCl0vin: good choice, my favourite16:56
kyle__roasted: What does netstat -rn tell you?16:56
roastedkyle__: I'm trying to troubleshoot/configure this tot he point where I can definitively say the switch is not configured properly.16:56
roastedkyle__: I don't have access to the switch... so I can't fix that part, but if I'm going to blame it on that, I want to be positive.16:56
roastedkyle__: sec.16:57
glitsj16csilk: are you by any chance running packages from the 'Linux On My Samsung' PPA? If not, might be worth a look, works 100% here for some time now16:57
kyle__roasted: OK.16:57
ThinkT510MCl0vin: you using compiz with xfce?16:57
HfuyWhy would it know what the MAC address of the ethernet hardware was, but not be able to detect a connected cable?16:57
roastedkyle__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1114126/16:57
csilkglebihan, used to, this is a clean install now. Those packages never worked for me anyway.16:57
MCl0vinThinkT510, i don't even know what compiz is :)16:57
HfuyOh. Er, oops.16:57
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz16:57
* Hfuy plugs the cable in, looking a bit sheepish16:57
=== sins-_n is now known as sins-
csilkglitsj16,  used to, this is a clean install now. Those packages never worked for me anyway.16:58
roastedkyle__: I'm not seeing 17.1 there... should I be?16:58
HfuyWell, this is amazing. Linux, on my laptop, with no prep, and everything seems to work!16:58
MCl0vinThinkT510, also i have a blue film on top of my video s16:58
MonkeyDust!yay| Hfuy16:58
ubottuHfuy: Glad you made it! :-)16:58
kyle__roasted: If that was the interface you left a default route on, yes.16:58
HfuyCan I get skype16:58
MCl0vini.e. youtube16:58
ThinkT510MCl0vin: what is the output of: ps aux | grep comp16:58
roastedkyle__: soo... are you suggesting I SHOULD be seeing 17.1 AND 18.1 there?16:58
HfuyMonkeyDust: don't get too excited. I still don't have an IRC client, and I don't think the bluetooth is working.16:59
MonkeyDustHfuy  yes, but it's third party, you have to activate the partner repo16:59
ThinkT510MCl0vin: the blue tint is a flash issue, change the settings for hardware accelleration16:59
HfuyI also had to go through an irritating, pointless bit of shenanigans to get the wireless ethernet to work, too, as it seems Broadcom provide a binary driver.16:59
kyle__roasted: Only one should be the default gateway.  If there is more than one, one should be default,a nd the other should be restricted to the other network.16:59
HfuyI don't care about this, but it made me go through shenanigans anyway.16:59
csilkglitsj16,  I can't find the ppa to add?16:59
glitsj16csilk: too bad, perhaps it's worth another shot as there have been some changes and more machines supported for precise16:59
HfuyI don't suppose "apt-get install skype" is going to get me very far, eh?16:59
kyle__roasted: That said, if they're up at all, even without a gateway _any_ gateway, things on the 18 and 17 networks should be able to ping those interfaces16:59
roastedkyle__: maybe instead of using and, I should have the REAL default network gateway? which I think is or is that incorrect?17:00
ThinkT510!skype | Hfuy17:00
ubottuHfuy: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:00
csilkglitsj16, what's the ppa address I should add ?17:00
kyle__Hfuy: Probably not.  YOu need to download it from their site.17:00
kyle__Thanks ubottu17:00
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:00
MonkeyDustHfuy  it will, after you activate its source, the partner repo17:00
MCl0vinThinkT510, http://pastebin.com/hV4GkRF317:00
glitsj16csilk: https://launchpad.net/~voria/+archive/ppa .. that page has a link to the user forum on it17:00
roastedkyle__: yeah is the entire network gateway....17:00
kyle__roasted: Yes.  The real one would be useful.  Then iut should also be the only one.17:00
ThinkT510MCl0vin: yeah, looks like compiz is running17:00
HfuyI assume there is an IRC client of some kind for linux. No wait, it's IRC, there'll be two hundred.17:00
roastedkyle__: should that gateway be listed twice, under each interface in the interfaces file?17:01
kyle__roasted: No, just once.17:01
ThinkT510MCl0vin: you using any fancy settings? desktop cube or anything?17:01
MonkeyDustHfuy  xChat and irssi are the most popular IRC clients17:01
roastedkyle__: doesn't matter which interface?17:01
HfuyMonkeyDust: apt-get install xchat gets me a "not found"17:01
MonkeyDustHfuy  try xchat-gnome17:01
xyzodiacInstall irssi ;)17:01
kyle__roasted: Shouldn't.  It's the default, should be used for all.17:01
MCl0vinThinkT510, nope sir17:01
roastedkyle__: what about the dhcpd.conf which has entries for 18.1 and 17.1?17:01
kyle__irssi, inside a screen.  That's the way to do it.17:01
Hfuyirssi works.17:01
ThinkT510MCl0vin: hmm, how about: ps aux | grep xfwm17:02
HfuyIs this thing using a GL compositor for the desktop, by default? It tears.17:02
kyle__roasted: dhcp should be serving the real gateway as well.17:02
xyzodiacKyle__: Without a doubt!17:02
HfuyWhereas Aero didn't.17:02
roastedkyle__: k, let me give this a shot....17:02
roastedkyle__: appreciate your time17:02
csilkglitsj16, I'm still not clean what the ppa address is that I need to add. Is it the launchpad url?17:02
kyle__roasted: No problem.  Also, you know there's an ltsp channel on freenode where some of it's developers hang out, and will help you?17:03
kyle__roasted: I never would have gotten my funky fat-client setup working without them.17:03
rkubei am facing complete freeze in 12.04 LTS not even sysrq keys work.Any bugs already in ?17:03
roastedkyle__: yeah, they're a fantastic group of guys - but last I was in there there wasn't much traffic, so since I began to think this was a network/ubuntu issue, I came here17:04
MCl0vinThinkT510, nope , only return one line which is my grep command17:04
bgamariMonkeyDust: Sadly there is no email address17:04
* MCl0vin need to go drop the cosby boys at the pool and come back!!17:04
kyle__roasted: Could be a summer issue, I think most of them work for school districts17:04
roastedkyle__: also, the entries in the dhcpd.conf file are option-routers-,, etc... do I really need to put the external gateway there?17:04
ThinkT510MCl0vin: in that case you are definitely running compiz of xfce17:04
roastedkyle__: as do I. ;)17:04
usr13Hfuy: xchat *should* be in the repositories.17:04
HfuyHoly hell, even sound works!17:04
=== onoros is now known as oneiris
glitsj16csilk: no, you need the info posted on that page, 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:voria/ppa' .. it'll ask for confirmation (as a sidenote for ppa's knowledge of the ppa-purge command is always nice in case you want to easily downgrade later on or remove those)17:04
HfuySound working OOB on Linux! That thud you just heard was my jaw hitting the floor!17:04
roastedkyle__: I guess I'm second guessing it because it says option-routers, and not "GATEWAY"17:04
kyle__roasted: Yes!  You need the real gateway there isntead of those.  you're not doing natting or routing through your ltsp box right?17:04
ThinkT510MCl0vin: i find compiz rather buggy myself with xfce so that may be the cause of the crashes, difficult to say really17:05
bgamariMonkeyDust: The contact information is actually rather aenemic17:05
MCl0vinThinkT510, show me how i can turn it off please17:05
roastedkyle__: the two 48 port switches are plugged right into the core fiber switch. So if you're on an LTSP box, you hit the 48 port switch, then the gateway to hit youtube or whatever. Period.17:05
MonkeyDustbgamari  they probably don't want to be contacted directed, which is perfectly understandable, or everybody would write emails to ask where 'any key' is17:05
ThinkT510MCl0vin: you could try using xfwm (xfce's default) instead17:05
roastedkyle__: we did that to minimize the amount of hops LTSP users would be doing since thin clients would likely benefit from less hops/cross traffic of other labs, laptops, etc.17:05
ThinkT510MCl0vin: sure: xfwm4 --replace17:05
HfuyClock's an hour out.17:06
rkubei am facing complete freeze in 12.04 LTS not even sysrq keys work.Any known bugs?17:06
kyle__roasted: Yea.  Use the gateway where is says router.  That's what you want.17:06
usr13Hfuy: Did you select wrong time zone?17:06
ThinkT510Hfuy: when was the last time you used linux? the 90s?17:06
MCl0vinThinkT510, is that it17:06
bgamariMonkeyDust: Fine, but requiring anyone wanting to get in touch with a department other than sales to be a "partner" is a bit insane17:06
h00krkube: I'd start with a memory test17:06
HfuyI didn't select a time zone, so it defaulted to UTC. Since I'm about 40 miles from Greenwich it would have been right, except we're in summertime now.17:07
ThinkT510MCl0vin: should be, did your window decorations change?17:07
MonkeyDustHfuy  kindly explore this new system, but don't tell us everything you do or don't find, we all had to learn it17:07
usr13Hfuy: tzselect17:07
MCl0vinThinkT510, yes17:07
HfuyMonkeyDust: don't get too excited, I haven't tried closing the lid yet!17:07
rkubeh00k:its all clean17:07
roastedkyle__: what is the correct command in 12.04? sudo service networking restart   ?17:07
ThinkT510MCl0vin: there you go, your now using xfce's window manager17:08
csilkthanks glitsj16 , trying now17:08
HfuyOK, seems likely bluetooth isn't going to work.17:08
kyle__roasted: I think so.  going the /etc/init.d/networking route makes it wine more than with other init files.17:08
HfuyBut in general: 8/10 for good effort to the penguin!17:08
bgamariMonkeyDust: The options are PR (which is exclusively for press inquiries, evidently), sales (which brings one to a broken form), or OEM services (which requires one to be a partner)17:08
roastedkyle__: gah, can't ping either interface now from my laptop17:08
kyle__roasted: But you could when you manually ran ifconfig?17:09
MCl0vinThinkT510, well, will give it a try for a day or two , i have added you to my "fav list" heheh17:09
roastedkyle__: is it possible that's how it's SUPPOSED to be? they're on 10.52.17.X and 10.52.18.X with subnet. The main network that I'm on with my laptop is 10.52.X.X with subnet17:09
glitsj16csilk: crossing fingers, no need to thank me, the dev did all the work17:09
HfuyWhy would it say "bluetooth is disabled" when this is not the case?17:09
ThinkT510MCl0vin: glad to help :)17:09
kyle__roasted: I suppose, but I've always been able to ping the system.  Never tried it with 12.04 though.17:09
kyle__ltsp with 12.04 that is17:10
roastedkyle__: I wonder if I open the subnet to match if it would hcange things17:10
somnathon my system can show some error17:10
kyle__Coudln't hurt.17:10
HfuyIt claimed to install irssi, but it doesn't seem to have put an icon for it anywhere.17:11
MonkeyDustbgamari  maybe here http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact17:11
MCl0vinThinkT510, you are not done yet :) i have few of them17:11
ThinkT510Hfuy: irssi is a terminal client17:11
MCl0vinThinkT510, doing an update and i got 'Replace your changes in '/etc/gnome/defaults.list' with a later version of the configuration file?"17:11
HfuyThinkT510: Ohh, I see. welcome back to the 1980s!17:11
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
MCl0vinThinkT510, i also have two issue that are bugging me17:11
bgamariMonkeyDust: This is the page I was referring to sadly17:12
Hfuy_irssiWow, it's like something out of the original Tron!17:12
xyzodiacHfuy_irssi: "Welcome back to the 1980's" lol'd17:12
usr13roasted: That will only give you 31 IPs in your subnet.17:12
MCl0vinThinkT510, i am using wireless to my wifi ... i LED in my laptop keeps blinking bule/Amber and its bugging me17:12
roastedkyle__: this networking restart command is bipolar as can be. I just set each subnet in the interfaces file to, but only ONE of them caught on when I rebooted the service *facepalm*17:12
roastedkyle__: actually, correction - NONE changed with sudo service networking restart. If I did /etc/init.d/networking restart, ONE changed, the other interface did not.17:13
xyzodiacTerminal IRC clients are nice though, I can acess mine anywhere just with ssh.17:13
ThinkT510MCl0vin: wifi works though?17:13
HfuyI found something else that doesn't work - the keyboard screen brightness controls. They sorta-kinda work. The brightness flickers up and down rapidly. You can sort of control it, but it's buggy.17:13
MCl0vinThinkT510, yes17:13
roastedusr13: I just meant the IP's for the interfaces. The actual DHCP scope that Ubuntu is still running is left at, giving me... eh... .5-.254 worth of a range that I have it set upt o be right now17:13
MCl0vinThinkT510, for the blue tint should i follow this http://askubuntu.com/questions/117127/flash-video-appears-blue/131040#13104017:13
kyle__roasted: That's just strange.  I'm wondering if it's something obvious about the interfaces file we're both missing.17:14
HfuyWoooah! It mounted the NTFS boot disk!#17:14
HfuyIs that by design?!17:14
ThinkT510MCl0vin: i stay away from ppas17:14
usr13roasted: I misread anyway, you said  I don't know how many that is...17:14
genii-aroundusr13: A lot17:14
usr13genii-around: Yea...17:14
ThinkT510MCl0vin: just change the hardware acelleration settings in flash settings17:15
kyle__OK.  Strange.  the dhclient.conf file requests the hostname, domain name, and ntp server (among other things), but doesn't seem to be using any of it.17:15
MCl0vinThinkT510, not following you dude17:15
lotuspsychjehowto fix that corrupt mouse pointer problem at first time boot?17:15
roastedkyle__: I don't know man. This is beyond frustrating... even more frustrating that I can't get access to the switches, so who knows if its the switch thats bad or what17:15
ThinkT510Hfuy: ntfs has had read/write support for years now17:15
usr13I guess it would be 7,87417:15
roastedkyle__: just rebooted the server - hanging @ waiting for network.......17:15
HfuyThinkT510: Yes, but this is slightly scary. It seems to be able to read all of the user areas on the laptop's boot disk, which is supposed to be protected.17:15
ThinkT510MCl0vin: launch a flash vid, right click the vid and pick settings17:16
kyle__roasted: Ugh.17:16
MonkeyDustbgamari  below on that page, you find the address in London, you could write a letter17:16
ThinkT510Hfuy: what?17:16
MonkeyDustbgamari  or send a fax17:16
pheonixash83Hfuy: is taht a win7 or xp ntfs disk?17:16
trijntjeis there a way to view the grub kernel parameters the currently running system was started with?17:16
usr13Hfuy: Win7, yea, slightly scary17:17
HfuyIt shouldn't, really, be offering me access to (what would be) C:\Users\Whoever17:17
pheonixash83by defualt the data is not encripted17:17
lotuspsychjei got a corrupt mouse pointer at boot, howto fix this? after a second reboot, its gone17:17
usr13Hfuy: WHy wouldn't it?17:17
pheonixash83just protected from system users17:17
HfuyAlso, where has it mounted this device? It isn't in /mnt17:17
usr13Hfuy: if you have the partition mounted, it's mounted.  That's it.17:17
ThinkT510Hfuy: unless windows encrypted it then anyone can access it from live media17:18
MCl0vinThinkT510, disable or enable acceleration17:18
genii-aroundusr13: 2046 , it works out to same as /2117:18
usr13Hfuy: mount17:18
roastedkyle__: we finally came online. If I try to ping externally, "no network available"17:18
ThinkT510MCl0vin: disable i think17:18
Hfuyusr13: no such.17:18
usr13Hfuy: If you issue command "mount"  it will tell you where evertying is mounted.17:18
roastedkyle__: online meaning, it booted and Im logged in. bad terminology there.17:18
HfuyOh, OK.17:18
usr13genii-around: Oh, ok.  Thanks info17:18
ThinkT510Hfuy: the default mount directories are in /media/17:19
HfuyI have /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sda2 which are presumably the USB key and the SSD, but I don't know which is which17:19
kyle__roasted: And is there one route now, and it's the default gateway?17:19
usr13Hfuy: df  will also tell you pretty much same17:19
kyle__Hfuy: fdisk -l should help a bit.  It will tell you the sizes17:19
roastedkyle__: I have the gateway listed under the 17 network in the interfaces file, and that's it.17:19
roastedkyle__: but 17 failed before. I wonder if I drop under 18, and remove it under 17, if it'll work17:19
usr13Hfuy: sudo fdisk -l17:19
MCl0vinThinkT510, that worked ...thank you a lot sir17:20
ThinkT510MCl0vin: no worries17:20
HfuyI just did df -h17:20
HfuyI remember that from last time I did any serious linuxing, which was a few years back.17:20
ThinkT510MCl0vin: if anyone says to install a ppa to fix a problem then be suspicous17:20
lotuspsychjeanyone knows howto fix this kinda mouse pointer corruption? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/92473709/IMAG0011.jpg17:20
Hfuy(red hat 9. oh, the pain)17:20
roastedkyle__: I would think if the gateway under 18 works, but when it was under 17 it didnt work, that the switch config wasn't right17:20
HfuyWhat's /dev/loop017:20
roastedkyle__: would you agree?17:20
pheonixash83loopback device i believe17:21
HfuyOh, wait, of course - it won't have mounted the boot device as one device, it's linux, we'll have a temp area, a root area, etc.17:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:21
usr13RH-9 was 2003, ran kernel 2.4.20-817:22
pheonixash83Hfuy: what are you actually tring to do??17:22
HfuyFix bluetooth if I can17:22
Hfuyit's not the end of the world17:22
pheonixash83hfuy: bluetooth on windows or linux?17:22
cmakeof course to convert man pages to text just man xxx > xxx.txt ; then do whatever program converts text to pdf , ps ,..etc groff :) simple17:22
usr13Hfuy: What?  mounted boot device as ____?17:23
Hfuyusr13: well, Windows mounts the boot device as c: (invariably); I was wondering where my 4GB flash key was mounted. But it sort of isn't, this being linux.17:23
islandmonkeyWhy is my update manager coming up with a distro upgrade?17:23
HfuyI wanted to find out how much space was left17:23
usr13Hfuy: It all depends on what mount points you set up in the /etc/fstab file.  (Unless it's a USB device that you prefer to mount and umount on the fly).17:24
HfuyI didn't.17:24
HfuyIt's a flash key with the ubuntu install on it.17:24
pheonixash83hfuy: for a graphic display I swear by gparted17:24
usr13Hfuy: du17:24
ThinkT510Hfuy: df -h17:24
Hfuytell me there's a GUI way to do it, puhleease.17:24
ThinkT510Hfuy: gparted17:25
roastedkyle__: watched it fully boot this time - after it hangs with waiting for network configuration, it eventually says, booting without full network configuration...17:25
islandmonkey12.04.1 isn't out yet17:25
HfuyIt's mounted the laptop's internal SSD as two partitions, the main one and the manufacturer's system recovery partition, which is fine and expected.17:25
usr13*df* is what I ment...17:25
HfuyBut I don't seem to have a disk representing the boot device.17:25
usr13Hfuy: You mean /boot/17:25
ThinkT510Hfuy: select the device from the dropdown list in the top right of gparted17:26
HfuyI don't know. If I put files there will they appear on the flash key?17:26
usr13Hfuy: You can place it on a separate partition if you choose to.17:26
Hfuyit's just that I don't want to (perhaps) install linux on the main 128gb SSD and not have access to it17:27
lotuspsychjehowto hide users at login screen?17:27
Hfuythat would suck.17:27
islandmonkey*assumes that the update manager thought updates were distro upgrade updates*17:27
usr13Hfuy: Yes, anything you put on a mount point goes on the disk it is mounted on. yes17:27
yacin_hiiiiii..can any one know how to increase ubuntu partition17:28
ThinkT510yacin_: use gparted from a livecd17:28
Hfuythe only 4GB device I see in df -h is /dev/sdb117:28
usr13Hfuy: Wait, I don't think I'm understanding your questions?  Are you planning a Linux install?  ... or are you trying to customize an existing one?17:28
HfuyIt says it's mounted on /cdrom for some reason17:28
islandmonkeyyacin_: Use gparted17:28
ThinkT510usr13: he has booted from a usb17:29
usr13Hfuy: What is mounted on /cdrom ?17:29
Hfuyusr13: /dev/sdb117:29
yacin_gparted ???17:29
yacin_how to install it ??17:29
usr13ThinkT510: Oh, I see.  He is only contemplating the install... Ok.17:29
HfuyWhich is the only 4gb device on the system, and therefore must be the flash key.17:29
HfuyWhy on earth is it /cdrom17:29
usr13Hfuy: sdb1 is the first partition on the second drive17:29
ThinkT510yacin_: you use it from a livecd, no need to install it17:29
HfuyAnyway, that's not important. Why would bluetooth not work?17:30
usr13Hfuy: sda1 is the first partition on the first drive17:30
ThinkT510Hfuy: maybe pastebining the output will help us help you: df -h17:30
yacin_yeah there it is ?17:30
usr13Hfuy: Maybe because it's dissabled?17:30
Hfuyit's OK, I think I have the disk situation under control.17:30
usr13Hfuy: (turned off)17:30
HfuyWell, it reads as disabled, and it won't enable. And no, the "airplane mode" switch on the laptop is not on.17:31
yacin_i have windows 7 with xubuntu in my computer i can minimise windows partition17:31
HfuyI can slide the little switch to cover "off", but it just flicks back.17:31
HfuyAnd it says "bluetooth is disabled"17:31
usr13Hfuy: What do you need blue tooth for at this point?17:31
HfuyProving it works.17:32
HfuyI use it to communicate via my cellphone.17:32
usr13Hfuy: I see.17:32
kyle__roasted: Was afk, what did I miss?  Did it work?17:32
usr13Hfuy: Well, I use wifi17:32
ThinkT510Hfuy: sudo service bluetooth restart17:32
roastedkyle__: no :(17:32
kyle__roasted: fsck.17:32
HfuyThinkT510: Done. stop/waiting, start/running, process 838717:32
usr13ThinkT510: or sudo service bluetooth start17:32
roastedkyle__: if I ping, network is unreachable.17:33
roastedkyle__: I'm particularly disturbed by the errors I get when firing it up. "booting without full network configuration"17:33
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roastedkyle__: I fund some bug reports referring to it being gdm or lightdm related. er, uh, what? a DE effecting the network?17:33
sardonyxhttp://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/Arch-newb/Screenshot-1-10.jpg   <--- at the very bottom of this screenshot, does anyone know what program that is?  It looks like an "enhanced" top or something17:34
HfuyHoly expletive deleted, the battery monitoring works! I wasn't even aware linux knew about battery monitoring!17:34
usr13Hfuy: Why wouldn't it?17:34
Hfuyusr13: well, you know.17:34
ThinkT510Hfuy: where do you come from? the past?17:34
kyle__roasted: Yea, but you know ubuntu.  They like to break the strangest things to make anything else easy.17:35
usr13Hfuy: Yea, I do know  :):):):)17:35
roastedkyle__: gotta love it.17:35
killeri use bcm4312 wireless card and broadcom sta drivers ....and i m not able to connect ubuntu to adhoc created by my friend17:35
kyle__roasted: We'd all use debian instead, if they'd update to Firefox 3.0.17:35
Hfuystill no joy with bluetooth, although the command service bluetooth restart reported it was running. The control panel applet for it still says "off" and won't go on.17:35
roastedkyle__: lol.17:35
MCl0vinThinkT510, are you still around17:35
roastedkyle__: but, that might make it unstable!!117:35
usr13killer: some of the broadcom chips are not fully supported.17:35
ThinkT510MCl0vin: indeed17:35
roastedkyle__: http://www.totalcomputersusa.com/2011/10/ubuntu-11-10-booting-system-without-full-network-configuration/17:36
usr13Hfuy: Well, it might work after full install.17:36
MCl0vinThinkT510, if you don't mind, i am having an issue with my sound17:36
ThinkT510MCl0vin: what sort of issue?17:36
Hfuydmesg | grep -i blue talks a lot about bluetooth17:36
HfuyHCI device and connection manager initialised, etc17:36
MCl0vinThinkT510, when i plug my headset , i still hear from the laptop and the headset17:37
kyle__humid: Like usr13 said, after a full install.  An apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade will get you all the latest drivers and goodies, as well as any vendor specific stuff it sees you need.17:37
MCl0vinThinkT510, i want it to mute when i plug in my head set17:37
usr13kyle__: what version is he using?17:37
Hfuyusr13: that's a bit fail.17:37
ThinkT510MCl0vin: hmm, thats odd, never happened to me17:37
kyle__usr13: No idea.17:38
usr13kyle__: apt-get dist-upgrade is deprecated17:38
usr13Hfuy: Please disreguard dist-upgrade17:38
HfuyI try never to use apt anyway.17:38
swis it possible to check if a domain name is registered via command line?17:38
HfuyI've had it destroy far too many installs.17:38
usr13Hfuy: Why not?17:38
usr13Hfuy: I think you are confused17:39
roastedkyle__: post 9 seems to be popular - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/81144117:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Fix released]17:39
HfuyI find it very rarely works, if it does work it half-does the job (not assigning mp3s to an mp3 player, etc) and WAY too often it breaks the whole OS.17:39
MCl0vinThinkT510, crash report detected17:39
usr13Hfuy: By all means, use apt17:39
kyle__roasted: I'm reading these with disbeleif.  How cound this get so wacky?17:39
HfuyI've already tried a few things - "apt-get install xchat" and it just errors out.17:39
roastedkyle__: not sure :(17:39
usr13Hfuy: Sorry, but you have been mislead about apt17:39
ThinkT510MCl0vin: great, which one this time17:39
roastedkyle__: maybe I should have just done a fresh install. gah.17:39
MonkeyDustHfuy  that's because mp3 is not 'open'17:39
genii-aroundsw: If you do a: whois domain-name      and it tells you it's not registered to anyone, it's probably available17:40
HfuyCouldn't care less.17:40
genii-aroundsw: You'll need the whois package installed, of course17:40
usr13Hfuy: You are on a live USB device, installing applications is for after the install.17:40
Hfuyanyway, is this BT issue likely to be fixable?17:40
MCl0vinThinkT510, '/usr/bin/totem' i was watch a movie and it crashed17:40
kyle__roasted: baslpheme!  A fresh install?  Your goal is to have one server that's seemlessly run at least 8 versions without a fresh isntall17:40
roastedkyle__: I hear you.17:40
roastedkyle__: some sources indicate the symlink script during the upgrade failed17:41
usr13Hfuy: What does BT mean?17:41
ThinkT510MCl0vin: urgh, totem is sub-par in my opinion, i use vlc or mplayer17:41
roastedkyle__: hence post 9 in that link17:41
HfuySorry - bluetooth17:41
MCl0vinThinkT510, i thought that was mplayer17:41
HfuyI mean, this looks kinda worky: http://pastebin.com/t5aUeVVs17:41
ThinkT510MCl0vin: no17:41
usr13Hfuy: You should do an install, see if it works then. Ok?17:42
MCl0vinThinkT510, i have vlc17:42
HfuyWell, there's a windows install on this thing I don't want to lose.17:42
swgenii-around: cheers. really looking for something that I can do 'whois domains.txt' and it'll print a simple one liner: '$domain is (not) registered'17:42
kyle__roasted: Did it work for you?  Did you try it?17:42
swgenii-around: any ideas?17:42
usr13Hfuy: Just resize the partition(s) to make room for the Ubuntu install.17:43
usr13Hfuy: The installer will do it for you.17:43
HfuyLike I'm going to trust a linux installer with my windows install :)17:43
usr13Hfuy: sure, works fine.17:43
MonkeyDustnever trust windows, you're right17:43
usr13millions have done it without issue...17:43
MCl0vinThinkT510, another crash' /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk17:43
kyle__Hfuy: Good thinking.  Wipe the drive, install ubuntu, install virtualbox, trust virtualbox with the windows install.  Much safer.17:43
ThinkT510Hfuy: if you're so worried use another disk17:43
kyle__Hfuy: I refer to that as, "a vm condom"17:44
Hfuyalso: no skype under linux.17:44
roastedkyle__: trying now17:44
usr13Hfuy: But if you have critical files and are worried, do a backup of them first.17:44
HfuyThat's sort of a blocking issue.17:44
ThinkT510MCl0vin: i have no idea what is causing all these crashes for you17:44
usr13Hfuy: Skype works fine17:44
MonkeyDustskype works here, too17:44
ThinkT510MCl0vin: use a lot of flash?17:44
MCl0vinThinkT510, thinking to switch to Windows17:44
usr13Hfuy: Blocking?17:44
Cantidedownload version 4 of skype from their website17:45
Cantidemuch better than 2.2 beta or whatever was in the repos >_<17:45
ThinkT510MCl0vin: your choice17:45
MonkeyDustMCl0vin  windows is expensive, slow and dangerous17:45
usr13... to be used sparingly17:45
HfuyCantide: the ubuntu.com site gives exactly the opposite advice.17:45
MCl0vinMonkeyDust, are all what i am having with 12.04 is not!!!17:45
kyle__MonkeyDust: Hence the vm condom for windows usage.17:45
HfuyMonkeyDust: : at least your bluetooth works, though.17:46
CantideHfuy, why? I downloaded it and it works really well17:46
usr13kyle__: Yea, that's the way to run MS Windows, vm17:46
* kyle__ shrugs. I haven't had any undue hardships with 12.04.17:46
ThinkT510MCl0vin: i haven't had an issue with 12.04, you don't seem to have an odd setup so i don't know why you are having these crashes17:46
usr13kyle__: That way, you can fire it up whenever you want/need.  (whenever that is....??)17:46
MonkeyDustHfuy  it does, out of the box17:46
kyle__usr13: I have one sad little usb tv capture card that only works in windows.  That's the only system that runs it physically.17:47
roastedkyle__: I'm getting errirs saying these are the sam efiles! when I move them.17:47
roastedfricken adljf;dslkja;lsdjf;laksjdfkl;ajskl;dfa17:47
MonkeyDustHfuy  as does all the rest, only may old canon scanner is a pain17:47
Hfuywhat does what out of the box17:47
kyle__roasted: O.o17:47
Hfuyoh, that's another thing17:47
usr13Hfuy: Bluetooth works.17:47
Hfuyhaven't tried that17:47
Hfuywell it doesn't17:47
HfuyI can ask my phone to scan again if you like, but it isn't there.17:47
ThinkT510Hfuy: please tell us you don't have a lexmark17:47
killerhow do i check that my wireless card/ driver supports to connect to adhoc or not ( i want to connect to adhoc)17:47
* Hfuy makes a face17:47
usr13Hfuy: Ok, I'm wrong. It doesnt' work.  You better go back to MS Windows.17:47
MonkeyDustHfuy  overall, everything has always worked liked a charm (except that scanner)17:48
HfuyGod no. Canon iX655017:48
HfuySee, this is where I start getting exasperated with linux people.17:48
HfuyBluetooth is not working here.17:48
HfuySaying it works does not make it work.17:48
HfuyRefusing to believe it does not make it not so.17:49
ThinkT510Hfuy: are you still on a live system?17:49
usr13Hfuy: ix6550 ? is that right?17:49
MonkeyDustHfuy  use blueman17:49
Hfuyyou mean booting from USB? Yes.17:49
Hfuyusr13: yes.17:49
ThinkT510MonkeyDust +117:49
usr13Hfuy: Don't see that model17:49
kyle__Hfuy: Two, or three? of us have already told you, when you do a full install you'll get all the latest drivers etc, and then it will probably work.  No garuntee. but probably.17:49
HfuyOh god. CUPS.17:50
HfuyThere are whole rants online about this.17:50
MonkeyDustHfuy  makes you feel less lonely with yours ;)17:50
ThinkT510Hfuy: there is also gutenprint17:50
Hfuythe first question is "enter device URI."17:51
HfuyURI? To a printer? I don't know! "PRINTER"?17:51
kyle__Hfuy: there are also whole rants against evolution, the ACLU, and the catholic workers union.17:52
usr13Hfuy: firefox localhost:63117:52
roastedkyle__: yep, nothing happening over here.17:52
MonkeyDustthere are rants against every system and every person17:52
kyle__roasted: Hum.  :/17:53
kyle__MonkeyDust: Don't forget fictional people.  Rants against them to.17:53
HfuyA username and password are being requested by http://localhost:631. The site says: "CUPS"17:53
MonkeyDusttwitter and facebook are online toilet doors17:53
usr13Hfuy: Sure17:54
douglMonkeyDust, without the germs and smell.17:54
usr13Hfuy: But no use to configure the printer now... wait till you get your install done.17:54
genii-aroundsw: After scanning the manpage for whois, does not look like it takes a file containing a list as an argument. Also does not take multiple domain-names in the single command. If you wanted some one-line result from say: whois myname.com     with a yes-or-no type result, shois myname.com | grep status   might work. Probably results in either available, just return to command prompt.17:55
HfuyI'm not going to install at all unless I can get bluetooth and print working.17:55
usr13Hfuy: Any configurations you do now are pointless.17:55
genii-aroundsw: Aplogies on lag, work required  me for an extended period17:55
usr13Hfuy: Well, then don't install anything.  No one is forcing you to do anything.17:55
HfuyIf they were pointless, I wouldn't do them.17:55
kyle__Hfuy: Then use the printer control panel under system settings, and stop being a troll.17:56
usr13Hfuy: What?17:56
HfuyI did17:56
HfuyIt asked me for a URI to the printer.17:56
usr13Hfuy: You are not making any sense17:56
HfuyWhich is nonsensical.17:56
usr13Hfuy: You are nonsensical17:56
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HfuyI appreciate that "discovering things that linux doesn't do very well" is effectively trolling in a linux channel, but there's not much I can do about that.17:57
kyle__Hfuy: If it's a network printer, then yes, you may need to type in a URI, if it's locally attached, choose it.17:57
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graftservice discovery usually finds printers on the network for me17:57
HfuyChoose it how?17:57
kyle__Hfuy: You haven't discovered anything, only your own inability to think or take directions when asking for help.  I've been printing from cups for a long time, never had any problems.17:57
SolarisB1yme too17:57
tqrstany idea what might cause 'htop' to show up with only one column instead of taking up the full width of my terminal? 'top' works fine. htop used to work properly until about a week ago, and I'm not quite sure what changed in between.17:58
kyle__Hfuy: Is it a USB printer?  A network printer?17:58
PhoenixzOn 12.04, I want NOT to have to enter a PW for sudo, tried myuser ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL, myuser ALL =  NOPASSWD: ALL, nothing works.. what is wrong here?17:58
usr13Hfuy: If you do a linux install first, you can discover things that don't work very well, but right now, you are just quibling over stuff that is mostly not relevant.17:58
HfuyUSB. Locally attached.17:58
Hfuyusr13: Great linux attitude! Doesn't work? Obviously not relevant then!17:58
graftHfuy: do you have drivers? a PPD file?17:58
HfuyBelieve me, printing is relevant.17:58
usr13Hfuy: That is not what I said.17:58
kyle__Hfuy: And in "Devices" does it show LPT Enter URI and Network Printer?17:59
PhoenixzIt keeps asking for password on sudo17:59
kyle__Hfuy: Does it show anything else?17:59
SolarisB1yPhoenixz: im having the same issue17:59
usr13Hfuy: The USB drive that you are suing is *not* a full install.  It is *not* fully functional.  DO you undertand?17:59
ThinkT510Phoenixz: believe me, you don't want to do that17:59
HfuyIn the "devices" panel of the "new printer" dialog, I get "enter URI" and "network printer."17:59
SolarisB1ywhy not? ThinkT510 ??17:59
kyle__Hfuy: Sounds like the live cd doesn't have the usb-printer drivers then.18:00
QubitSmugglerphoenixz, it is always going to ask for a password on sudo18:00
graftPhoenixz: yeah, that's a bad idea... but check to see if there are other rules after that18:00
ThinkT510SolarisB1y: why not just let anyone have access then?18:00
SolarisB1ywho else is in my house?18:00
HfuyIt's not a liveCD. It's a USB key derived from exactly the same ISO that I'd use to create an installer.18:00
jonataaraujoOla, só vejo americano, algum brasileiro aquiii ????18:00
kyle__Hfuy: Either that, or: 1) printer is off 2) priter isn't plugged into the computer 3) usb port is bad18:00
usr13Hfuy: Again:  The LiveUSB you have booted to is *not* a full install and so there are some limitations.18:00
SolarisB1yi think it goes for where you are... of course if this is a shared environment then great - but having to type a sudo password in my house over and over and im the only person with a key is pointless..18:00
kyle__Hfuy: Thats the live cd off of USB.  Same groceries, different bag.18:01
PhoenixzThinkT510: Believe me, I want to do that, and yes, I am aware of the risks.. I need it to work, something has changed because this worked on 11.04 w/o problem18:01
SolarisB1yif someone DID break in - then trust me - sudo is of no help at this point..18:01
ThinkT510SolarisB1y: if the box is on the internet then anything you run that uses sudo will have full access to your box18:01
SolarisB1yi use permissions properly18:01
SolarisB1ythings that i run on the net are properly sandboxed18:01
graftPhoenixz: make sure your rule is the last in the file18:01
usr13ThinkT510: Good reason to use strong passwords and change often.18:01
roastedIs it true that beginning with 12.04, the preferred method of networking is to use network manager instead of the interfaces file? I find this strange for server users who want the desktop GUI.... can anybody attest to this?18:01
SolarisB1ywww-data has no sudo privs18:01
SolarisB1ythas about it..18:01
ThinkT510usr13: indeed, which is why i said don't set sudo to not use a password18:02
kyle__SolarisB1y: www-data shouldn't have any sudo privs.18:02
SolarisB1yofcourse not..18:02
usr13ThinkT510: Good advise.18:02
graftroasted: i feel like network manager has been preferred for a while18:02
SolarisB1ywhich is why im saying is it really a big risk for me in my sitution? or does it depend on the circumstance on "not disabling sudo password"18:03
MindALotUsing additional drivers: ATI/AMD graphics driver (not post-release udpates) - I can play wine games and what not.. however, I can no longer see the output from ctrl-alt-f1.  I can blind log in and enter commands, but not see them.  Any ideas where I should look for a solution? (google failed me, couldn't find the correct search words)18:03
roastedgraft: networkmanager has certainly gotten better, but I never would have thought it'd be "better" to use for a server................18:03
SolarisB1yespecially since it is granular - for user or groups.. its not like it has to be global18:03
graftroasted: server with a GUI seems an exceptional use case18:03
Phoenixzgraft: good suggestion, will check.. thanks!18:03
MonkeyDustSolarisB1y  type /nick [correct name]18:03
kyle__humm.  Maybe then.18:04
SolarisB1ythats not what i need to do18:04
SolarisB1yi need to ghost my home name18:04
SolarisB1yand then do that..18:04
Phoenixzgraft: that was the problem, thanks!18:04
SolarisB1ybut im lazy today =)18:04
usr13a server with a GUI makes little to no sense to me.18:04
roastedgraft: I'll give network  manager a shot.18:04
roastedusr13: well, not much choice in the matter here, as it's what's set up - I'm just here upgrading it.18:04
SolarisB1yMonkeyDust: what was the origin of that comment anyway? you don't like the B1y? =)18:04
usr13roasted: Well, you could always unintall the GUI apps, (at any time).18:05
graftroasted: seems like on a server you'd want to just stick with the interfaces file... network manager requires you to be logged in to have a connection18:05
graftroasted: so if you do a remote reboot, you're kind of screwed18:05
usr13roasted: One needs to be careful with servers and one of the best security features is to not have un-necessary software installed.18:06
SolarisB1ywhy would network manager not bring up network on a remote reboot? assuming the run levels all start properly18:06
usr13graft: Good advise18:06
zykotick9!runlevel | SolarisB1y18:07
ubottuSolarisB1y: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.18:07
SolarisB1yzykotick9: thanks in this case runlevels/upstart events - whatever18:07
kyle__SolarisB1y: runlevels are arbitrary in other words.18:08
SolarisB1ywhy would network manger not start the network at the proper time?18:08
=== _rooot is now known as rooot
SolarisB1ykyle__: thanks - aware... i use a lot of distros so it may be force of habit more than anthing else...18:08
zykotick9SolarisB1y: typically you'd use N-M for wireless, and that typically only connects upon login, not at boot... "N-M is fail" in my opinion (for server it's ridiculous)18:09
SolarisB1yagreed - i guess that makes me more so not a fan now18:09
kyle__SolarisB1y: Same here.18:09
SolarisB1yi generally would default to interfaces file anyway for a server - only reason i run nm at home is because ubuntu one seems to demand it18:09
kyle__zykotick9: there was another good manager for wireless I read about the other day.  SUpposedly better than NM, non intrusive, and beleives you should deal with your wired connection yourself.18:09
kyle__SolarisB1y: Yes, that was it.  Haven't played with it yet.18:10
zykotick9kyle__: do you mean wicd?  consider that deprecated :(.. which makes me very sad (as i use it on my netbook)18:10
ajudaeui cant load my php page whoi can i resolved18:12
HfuyIt seems printing would require a PPD file from Canon that I don't think they provide, so that's a no.18:15
HfuySkype's downloads don't offer one for 12.04; the most recent is 10.something. Should I get that instead?18:15
kyle__Hfuy: You use a PPD, or print generic postscript or PCL to it.18:15
=== angela is now known as Guest45964
kyle__Hfuy: Or grab the OSX driver, unzip it, and find the ppd in it.18:15
roastedkyle__: so, I removed the info from thei nterfaces file, fired up network manager.............................................. now 17 works, 18 does not.18:16
=== Guest45964 is now known as angela-
roastedkyle__: I heard a few people say (LTSP devs included) that beginning with 12.04 Network Manager was the preferred way tomanage your network, at least in the desktop version, which is of course what I'm using.18:16
HfuyCanon do have a download for "debian and redhat."18:16
HfuyShould I get the Skype installer for 10.04, or will that not work?18:17
kyle__roasted: and still just one route?18:18
kyle__Hfuy: Try the linux-static-binaries if they have it.  Otherwise, yes try the 10.04 binary.18:18
=== Ozone is now known as Topol
Hfuythere is an option called "static"18:18
HfuyOK, got that. Opening it with "archive manager"18:19
HfuyEr. No installer. What's the procedure?18:20
roastedkyle__: er, what? you mean only ONE interface set up with the gateway?18:20
kyle__roasted: only one gateway set.18:20
roastedeach interface in network manager has the gateway listed.18:20
roastedtried 17.1 and 18.1, then changed both to made 0 difference18:21
kyle__Did you list the default gateway both times?18:21
roastedkyle__: yes on each interface, gateway is listed.18:21
HfuyHmm. I can run "skype" (which is presumably the executable), but nothing appears to happen.18:22
TopolWho uses Docky here?18:22
Hfuyoh hm18:23
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Hfuy"error while loading shared file libXss.so.1"18:23
Hfuyor something like that.18:23
ubuntuN00Bis ubuntu easy to install??18:23
TopolubuntuN00B: You talking about dual-booting? The yes18:24
=== HardFu_ is now known as HardFu_|AFK
roastedkyle__: k, so here's the basic synopsis I'm facing. My laptop CANNOT PING the server 's eth1, I can only ping eth0. eth1 is 18.2, and eth0 is 17.2. However, the server can ping my laptop via 18.2....18:24
roastedkyle__: how can a ping work one way?18:24
TopolIf you USB boot it say from bios, you can create a user and password and start the GUI with "startx"18:24
ubuntuN00Bhow long does it take?18:24
angela-try wubi ubuntu ferry easy install in windows18:24
TopolAn hour or less18:24
TopolIf you dont like Unity, try Xubuntu for XFCE or Kubuntu for KDE18:25
TopolI use 10.04 with GNOME18:25
kyle__roasted: You did a dist-upgrade right? And are you sure there's no lameo firewall running by default?18:25
TopolBut thats just me18:25
roastedkyle__: dist-upgrade? no, I did do-release-upgrade -d18:25
Hfuyis there an easy fix for the error "error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"18:25
roastedkyle__: LTSP devs said dist-upgrade could break things, do-release-update -d was the safe and logical way to go18:26
roastedkyle__: hmm, looks like google says it HAS to be a firewall, somehow18:27
kyle__roasted: That's what I meant to say.  Hum.  I'm really tempted to say, switch problem.18:27
roastedkyle__: same here bro18:27
roastedkyle__: network manager, to be honest, looks pretty nice now. It's working beautifully.18:28
TopolubuntuN00B: Do you still use Windows?18:28
roastedkyle__: that said, I have to wonder why 17 work snow and 18 doesnt, remember before 17 didnt work and 18 did18:28
kyle__roasted: I'm wondering if there is maybe eitehr a loopback going on, or the spanning-tree type looback protection goning nuts.18:29
kyle__Both things would need the network admin to poke the switch.18:29
kyconquersI am trying to mount a folder from a 11.04 system to a 12.04 system. so far I am not having any luck. I can access the source on the local network using it's host name but can't when I change networks (the destination is on a laptop).18:30
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SolarisB1yi know by default the ufw/iptables setup blocks icmp requests18:31
SolarisB1y@ kyle__  and roasted18:31
SolarisB1yits easy to tell. - traceroute -n <IP>18:31
SolarisB1ylook for !X18:32
kyconquersas of yet I am having trouble mounting it just through the local network, I am using sudo mount <host_of_source>:<source_folder> <destination_folder>18:32
kyconquersSolarisB1y, on the destination box right?18:32
SolarisB1ykyconquers: from a working box to the not responding box yes18:32
Guest21581Hi everyone, Anybody able to offer advice as to why you tube plays some video's without problems and others it shows a plugin error, it gets better if I disable shockwave flash plugin. I have tried to update the plug ins and/or disable them all and it keeps selectively playing some but not others?? thank you18:33
SolarisB1yif !X pops up it's admin prohibited which generally maps 1:1 to ICMP rules on the firewall18:33
SolarisB1yor ACL on an intermediary device - but thats probably not ur issue18:33
kyconquersI do not see a !X18:34
SolarisB1ythen it probably isn't administratively prohibited18:34
SolarisB1ykyconquers: that wasn't for you - it was for roasted18:35
SolarisB1yand not getting response from ping etc.18:35
kyconquersthe error I'm getting is wrong fs type.18:35
kyconquersSolarisB1y, oh sorry.18:35
SolarisB1ykyconquers: that error is generally true =)18:35
SolarisB1ykyconquers: what is "it" an NFS mount or Samba or such?18:36
kyconquershow would I find out?18:37
SolarisB1ydid this mount point ever work or is something new you are setting up? if it's a remote mount do you have access to the system serving it?18:38
kyconquersthis is something completely new and I have full access to both.18:39
SolarisB1ygreat - ok - so you know it's a remote mount - because you are using remote mount options.. so may i assume you setup the remote side?18:39
kyconquersI thought it was like scp where it would prompt me for a password but I did not have to do anything to the source before hand.18:41
roastedkyle__: fun fact - remember how I was getting the "waiting for network......" error, followed by "booting up without full networking" ?????18:41
SolarisB1ywell no generally - what is your aim?18:41
roastedkyle__: if I disable the entries in interfaces file, but enable netowrk manager............................... it's fine................18:41
roastedkyle__: I'm beginning to wonder if network manager is a little more deserving of some credit in regardst o how it works *shrug*18:42
* SolarisB1y coughs **no**18:42
Gabrielmx_xAnyonem know how to connect xchat with ICQ chat?18:42
usr13kyconquers: You said you changed network?18:42
kyconquersSolarisB1y, I am going to turn the source into a dev box so I can share files and things through it as well as proxy through it.18:42
killer_why can't i connect to windows created adhoc18:43
kyconquersI have a desktop and two laptops.18:43
usr13killer_: No reason why you shouldn't18:43
SolarisB1ykyconquers: decide how you want it to work.. do you want the desktop to share files out for the laptops to connect to?18:43
kyconquersI am test this on one of my laptop18:43
SolarisB1yok - what do you need to share? what will you do with the files on the remote share? what type of files?18:44
usr13killer_: As long as you know how to connect to another adhoc node.18:44
kyconquersSolarisB1y, no I have a dev box just for this and I want to acces a folder on both laptops and my desktop18:44
=== HardFu_|AFK is now known as HardFu_
SolarisB1ygenerally nfs/samba are sufficient - nfs just works - samba.. is samba.. but the linux guys did what they could to make it a solution..18:44
SolarisB1ythen theres other stuff like iscsi - and more - so it's on you.. what do you require18:44
usr13kyconquers: Can you ping the IP?18:44
kyconquersusr13, yes all four are on my local network18:45
SolarisB1yheh - setup a sharing solution before you worry about that afaik..18:45
usr13kyconquers: All 4?18:45
SolarisB1ylol i thought you were actually connecting to an existing share..18:45
kyconquersSolarisB1y, mostly music and stuff. but I also want to do word documents (or libbre equivalent)18:46
SolarisB1ykyconquers: what OS are all the systems?18:46
SolarisB1yall linux kyconquers ?18:46
njaHi all18:46
kyconquersright now the dev is ubuntu 11.04 all others are 12.04 but I want to change the dev to debian18:47
SolarisB1ycheck out how to install and configure an nfs-server - and how to update the exports file and let me know if you have any questions18:47
usr13kyconquers: I thought you said that you were trying to mount *a* folder from a 11.04 system to a 12.04 system"  What do you mean "all four of them"?18:47
SolarisB1ykyconquers: take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo18:47
SolarisB1ynfs is rather generic across versions - the install and setup usually stays the same (but it is ubuntu..)..18:48
kyconquersusr13, a folder from my dev box (1) to my two laptops (2,3) and my desktop (4)18:48
nja12.10 needs to get more syncronisation features.18:48
kyconquersthanks SolarisB1y18:48
jariflesup ppl from all over the world i dont know18:48
usr13kyconquers: Ok, well, you are all over the place with this issue.  You need to read some documentation.18:48
SolarisB1ykyconquers: sure - and it takes only a few minutes - no need to over complicate anything =)18:48
SolarisB1yi think he thought it worked like scp usr13 .18:49
njaPerhaps we could use Ubuntu One to link with software centre, user accounts and system settings.18:49
SolarisB1yso he didn't know what he had to setup for a remote filesystem share of $any kind18:49
usr13SolarisB1y: Yea, it wasn't making much sense to me...18:49
kyconquersSolarisB1y, will I be able to use it if I change my dev-box to debian?18:49
sw!rules > jarifle18:49
ubottujarifle, please see my private message18:49
kyconquersor does this mean I should keep it ubuntu?18:50
SolarisB1ymaybe your on a different level of understanding for filesystems..18:50
pblol strd out!~18:50
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SolarisB1ykyconquers: nfs works doesn't matter just dont install windows or anything18:50
SolarisB1y*nix has a thing for adhering to protocols well  - there is generally little breakage between standardized implementations on how services should speak on *nix atleast..18:50
kyconquersSolarisB1y, ok that woun't be a problem. thanks again.18:51
SolarisB1ynot so much for m$ - i mean - look what they did to ldap...18:51
kyle__SolarisB1y: Unless you're talking about OSX and NFSv4.18:51
SolarisB1ykyle__: heh..18:51
IUCgood evening everyone i have a question i have a major problem on my server  i checked documents but i cant find a solition18:51
pbjust got back from an office were during a storm last night his /system32 got corrupted... and fried the cd rom somehow.. ouch bad run of luck.18:51
IUCoot@shellmix:~# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart18:51
IUCSyntax error on line 48 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost:18:51
IUCInvalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration18:51
IUCAction 'configtest' failed.18:51
FloodBot1IUC: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
IUCThe Apache error log may have more information.18:51
SolarisB1yfix your apache typo..18:51
SolarisB1yrun configtest _before_ restarting IUC18:52
SolarisB1ySyntax error on line 48 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost look at the line you most likely just edited on line 48 in the file they told you about there..18:52
IUCwell i tried to fix from webmin but still apache cant get up18:52
SolarisB1yew webmin?18:52
IUCyes i am using webmin for free18:52
SolarisB1yi wouldn't use it at all..18:53
IUCi am far from local serverat the moment18:53
usr13IUC: Is this a Ubuntu system?18:53
SolarisB1yssh access?18:53
IUCusr yes ubuntu 12 server18:53
IUCport 2218:53
SolarisB1yso ssh in and fix the typo18:53
zykotick9!webmin | IUC18:54
ubottuIUC: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:54
SolarisB1yafaik webmin always had that probably anywhere you install it lol18:54
usr13IUC: If you used webmin to configure apache, that is more-than-likely your problem.18:54
SolarisB1yred hat - debian doesn't matter18:54
IUCubottu do you have a better free web interface offer instead of webmin18:54
ubottuIUC: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:54
usr13ubuntu 12?18:54
IUCwell i am not :)18:55
usr13IUC: lsb_release -r18:55
IUCyeps 12.04 lts18:55
IUCRelease:        12.0418:56
MindALotanyone know how to disable vesafb on ubuntu ?18:56
IUCthis is where i download from18:56
MindALotI read that I can pass vesafb.nonsense=1  to grub... but I don't know how to do that specifically18:56
usr13IUC: If you install webmin on your 12.04 server then you will more-than-likely have problems.  Problems that webmin can't fix, ones that *you* will have to fix.18:57
IUCusr13 i am what exactly i am trying to do at the moment18:58
IUCpico /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost18:58
usr13IUC: What did you download from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server ?18:58
IUCubuntu 12.04 lts what else :)18:58
usr13IUC: webmin18:58
usr13IUC: At any rate, what does the log say?18:59
IUCuser13 hold on a minute please eh i am trying to find the damn bug18:59
usr13IUC: Bug?  What are you talking about?18:59
ffejI have a USB memory stick.  It is a bootable UBUNTU live, but it went south during an update.  Specifically, it ran out of room.  I would like to now completely erase everything on it and make it a *current* bootable UBUNTU live device.  I know there is one or 2 terminal commands to do this but I can't find them anywhere.19:00
roastedQuestion - is there a way in 12.04 to create a link that points directly to a samba share? I used to create a"location" shortcut but that feature is now missing in 12.0419:00
usr13IUC: pastebinit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost19:00
pbmisstype sorry19:01
=== pb is now known as pb|cod_away
ffejI have a USB memory stick.  It is a bootable UBUNTU live, but it went south during an update.  Specifically, it ran out of room.  I would like to now completely erase everything on it and make it a *current* bootable UBUNTU live device.  I know there is one or 2 terminal commands to do this but I can't find them anywhere.19:03
Charbelhi, i just installed ubuntu 11.10 and i installed firmware installer for my broadcom 4311 wireless but when i run ifconfig wlan0 up i get wlan0: error fetching interface information: device not found and when i run ip link set wlan0 up i get Cannot find device "wlan0" anyone can help plz ?19:03
kyle__O_o holy crap.  Ubuntu finally has a dirt simple ldap authentication setup.19:04
IUCuser13 here http://pastebin.com/kHFVbbBS19:04
kyle__Admittedly I hadn't tried since 9.04.19:04
IUCbesides that ispconfig doesnt works on 8080 or 8081 either19:05
IUCwebmin sucks & ubuntu sucks!19:05
SolarisB1ythe new generation of people that can't fix what they break and get mad at the older generation who built it correctly19:05
pozic_Why isn't there a source package for everything which is open-source?19:07
IUCusr13 got any idea about the error?19:07
kyle__IUC: Um.  You realize that webmin was made as a crutch to let web-designers who knew nothing about running a system deploy their own pages.19:07
_sarah___usr13: run sudo rm -rf /19:07
pozic_The property that apt-get -b source packagename gets and builds packagename for all packages doesn't hold.19:07
ubottualfo-77: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:07
kyle___sarah___: Ahhem.   That's not nice.19:07
IUCumm i am so far from couptng and programming for long years kylie i had 2 heart attacks 2 brain blooding stand on my heart at the moment Diabetic +HT patient here19:08
_sarah___wow pops the fuq outta here19:08
_sarah___later d-bags19:08
ThinkT510pozic: what are you trying to get source of?19:08
aetas-dkHI everyone. Could anyone help me figur out a problem. I can connect to my ubuntu 12.04 server using ssh, but no other connection is possible19:08
pozic_ThinkT510: not of importance for this question.19:08
ultamatumhow do i actally install ubuntu19:09
IUCateas-dk welcome to club yet another victim of ubuntu we see here :)19:09
QubitSmugglerput the cd in the tray19:09
kyle__ultamatum: download the iso, burn it to a cd, boot off the cd?19:09
QubitSmugglerand click the buttons19:09
pozic_ThinkT510: it's a package which Ubuntu distributes and which I can also download as source from the upstream source.19:09
aetas-dkthanks IUC :)19:09
ultamatumi have it set up on my other computer and its got a selection screen19:09
Pe1000b@find le pyromane19:10
pozic_ThinkT510: in fact, according to the rules of the GPL, I should be able to obtain source.19:10
usr13IUC: No idea.19:10
aetas-dkIUC: Have you had any experience with the problem?19:10
|Anthony|i want to set ulimit -n unlimited but don't know how19:10
IUCateas nope not yet19:10
IUCusr13 ok thanks19:10
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html19:10
ThinkT510pozic: thats lovely, what's stopping you19:10
|Anthony|when i set /etc/security/limits.conf to any number ulimit -n still shows 102419:10
ultamatumi have it set up on my other computer and its a selection screen up just now and when i click install ubuntu it just comes up a flashing light then every so often it comes up a big white flash please help19:10
|Anthony|where is it storing this info19:11
pozic_ThinkT510: yeah, I should totally go and sue Canonical.19:11
tgm4883Where can I find the short GPL v3 blurb that goes in the top of each file of an application?19:11
IUCstill have a problem with damn ubuntu ateas19:11
aetas-dkIUC: Okay, thx anyway :) Same problem?19:11
ultamatumi have it set up on my other computer and its a selection screen up just now and when i click install ubuntu it just comes up a flashing light then every so often it comes up a big white flash please help19:11
IUCateas no  here is my problem n.com/kHFVbbBS19:11
OptimizedCoderQuestion abt partitioning (gparted) - I'm running a Wubi install - I recently added a new hdd19:11
OerHeks|Anthony|, still your java issue what needs more than 1024 open files?19:12
OptimizedCoderUnder gparted I see three devices sda sdb and sdc19:12
IUCSyntax error on line 48 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost:19:12
ultamatumsame i am running a wubi thing on a disk i bought the disk online19:12
OptimizedCoderI'm thinking sdc is the new hdd I added - how do I make sure that it indeed was the last added hdd?19:12
OptimizedCoder\like form dmesg / equivalent?19:12
IUCsorry for that19:12
|Anthony|lol OerHeks yes... getting frustrated with the program devs suggestion that i increase it to 65k19:12
submanI seem to be having an issue with Firefox locking up and taking up a huge amount of CPU.  When looking in System Monitor, every running process shows 'Waiting Channel' as 'poll_schedule_timeout' is this normal?19:12
IUCits over heat here arround 35 C so hot19:13
IUCmany laptops and pc and systems working on my room19:13
OptimizedCoderAny ideas y'all?19:13
aetas-dkIUC: L'll take a look19:13
IUCok thanks for help19:13
kyle__subman: what do you have open when that happens?  How much ram do you have?19:13
ThinkT510OptimizedCoder: you could compare the size19:13
OptimizedCoderThinkT510, All ar unfortunately the same size :(19:13
submankyle__, 8 GB RAM.  Do you mean what programs or pages open19:14
OptimizedCoderbut being pedantic19:14
OptimizedCoderthere must be a way - to see the last added device right ?19:14
ThinkT510OptimizedCoder: what are on the other 2 disks?19:14
kyle__OptimizedCoder: dmesg should tell you, also, you could check previous boots in  /var/log/messages, see what the UUID of the old drive is?  I think it shows up in there.19:14
OptimizedCoderThinkT510, data19:14
kyle__subman: pages.19:14
OptimizedCoderkyle__, hmm - let me chk them19:14
ThinkT510OptimizedCoder: is the 3rd free space19:14
kyle__subman: Although with 8GB of ram, I'm tempted to say, adobe Flash.19:14
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OptimizedCoderThinkT510, I'm guessing so - since i got it from our IT folks19:15
submanThe page that seems to give me an issue is running some sample code on codeacademy.com.  I hit the 'Run' button and boom, FF freezes solid.19:15
ThinkT510OptimizedCoder: gparted will show you if any partitions are on it19:15
submankyle__, The page that seems to give me an issue is running some sample code on codeacademy.com.  I hit the 'Run' button and boom, FF freezes solid.19:16
kyle__subman: Wow.  Does it ever come back with that window saying a script is making it unresponsive?19:16
kyle__subman: What does it do in opera or chrome?19:16
submankyle__, Nope.  CPU goes from 4% to 50%+ and just hangs19:17
submankyle__, I'll try that same page in Chromium19:17
kyle__subman: Strange.  How far into it does it happen?  I've gone through the first two "lessons"19:18
Raydiation_i installed ubuntu 12.04 and it didnt find my fedora installation. any convenient way to add it to the grub list?19:18
|Anthony|if i uncomment session    required   pam_limits.so from /etc/pam.d.su, will i need to fully configure /etc/security/limits.conf?19:18
submankyle__, I'm JavaScript Fundamentals>FizzBuzz Section 1/3 #5 Counting down,down,down19:19
Raydiation_haha, just needed to mount it and run update grub19:19
zykotick9Raydiation_: start by trying "sudo update-grub" and see if it get auto-added.19:19
Raydiation_zykotick9: had to a19:19
Dr_WillisRaydiation_:  try rerunning 'sudo update-grub' if that fails to install it. You could edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom to add an entry to boot the other os.19:19
Raydiation_mount the partition19:19
kyconquersSolarisB1y, I followed the instructions but am getting a access denied error.19:20
kyle__subman: Does it do that with your code in there, or the default input window?19:20
submankyle__, It does the very same in Chromium!  An unresponsive script window comes up though.  Not in FF.  Default input window, modified script as per the lesson.19:21
submankyle__, Chromium goes to 80%+19:21
|Anthony|anyone have input?19:23
kyle__Wow.  I haven't clicked through far enough to get to fizzbuz.  But wow.  I'm affraid you'll need to send them an email.  It's their javascript.19:23
kyle__|Anthony|: mouse and keyboard here.19:23
|Anthony|lol kyle__19:24
submankyle__, Yeah, thought so.  I'm just doing that very thing right now!  Thanks for the confirmation though.  Too bad as it is a pretty good resource!19:24
|Anthony|but seriously19:24
kyle__|Anthony|: Ooh, about your question.  limmits.conf is a different animal.19:24
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VanKushDr_Willis: I finally found what was wrong with KDM yesterday. Since LightDM uses own config to populate the session list, it created a ton of dummy profiles in place from which KDM populates its own list... renaming those fixed the issue19:24
kyle__subman: Yea, looks cool.  Similar one for ruby on this site http://www.codeschool.com/courses19:25
|Anthony|basically i want to set ulimit -n unlimited19:25
kyle__;) have to plug my favorite language19:25
|Anthony|and have it work as expected19:25
|Anthony|modifying limits.conf the changes aren't persistent19:25
kyle__|Anthony|: Umm.  Err.  I thought ubuntu didn't set ulimits by default...which would make them unlimmited.19:25
kyle__Dammnit, I keep putting two mms when I write limmit.19:26
|Anthony|ulimit -n 102419:26
|Anthony|that's the default19:26
kyle__|Anthony|: Oh.  Well, why don't you want to set that in /etc/security/limits.conf?  That's the right place for them.19:27
|Anthony|despite the fact that i have nofile 204819:27
|Anthony|i did19:27
kyle__|Anthony|: And it didn't respect it?19:27
|Anthony|tbh i set the hard @ 204819:28
|Anthony|that was all i defined there though19:28
|Anthony|not a soft19:28
|Anthony|@anthony        hard    nofile          unlimited19:29
|Anthony|is what i would like to have19:29
kyle__|Anthony|: What was your syntax?  Because I jsut set it, sshed in, and it worked for setting it to a numeric.19:29
|Anthony|but i dont think ulimited is a valid value19:29
kyle__Testing for "unlimited" now.19:29
OptimizedCoderkyle__, http://pastebin.com/WWRhG8im19:30
OptimizedCoderkyle__, How do I know from here which was the last added disk ?19:30
jefkinI have a php 5.3.10 source build problem for ubuntu 12.04  -- I found a parallel issue -> from aways back  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/837049 ... if this isn't the right place to ask, could someone clue me into a better place?19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837049 in php5 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "php5 FTBFS (amd64 only)" [Medium,Fix released]19:31
aetas-dkHI everyone. Could anyone help me figur out a problem. I can connect to my ubuntu 12.04 server using ssh, but no other connection is possible19:32
|Anthony|aetas-dk, sudo ufw status19:33
trismjefkin: it would be more helpful to pastebin the output when you build so we can see the error19:33
kyle__OptimizedCoder: Were both discs in when you botted?19:33
jefkintrism: ok, comming :)19:33
zykotick9aetas-dk: what service(s) are you failing to connect to?  are ports forwarded?19:33
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kyle__|Anthony|: Hu.  You're right.  It's not taking it.  I thought - was supposed to mean it didn't set a limit.19:34
OptimizedCoderkyle__, Actually 3 disk - I already had 2 disks - the 3rd disk was added in - all unfortunately 160gigs19:34
aetas-dkmember:zykotick9, well I can see it on my network, but not connect19:34
kyle__OptimizedCoder: Added after boot time, or before boot time?19:34
|Anthony|kyle__, something about pam.d/su19:34
OptimizedCoderkyle__, before19:34
zykotick9aetas-dk: connect using what?19:34
aetas-dkmember:identifier:|anthony|, Status: inactive19:34
m1chaelanyone have any idea how to stream google talk / skype out to an icecast server?19:34
aetas-dkmember:zykotick9, I have tried both smb, and afp. afp usually works. Im running a LAMP19:35
kyle__OptimizedCoder: Um.  Strange, I don't see any info in there.  Is there anything on the new drive?19:35
OptimizedCoderkyle__, Shouldn't be19:35
zykotick9!lamp | aetas-dk this sorta LAMP?19:35
ubottuaetas-dk this sorta LAMP?: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:35
jefkinmake failure -> http://pastebin.com/C211fdBf19:36
kyle__OptimizedCoder: Then just type fdisk -l, and the one with no partitions should be it.19:36
OptimizedCodercan I just mount /dev/sdc1 <location> to try and see if it is accessible?19:36
trismjefkin: which ubuntu version are you on?19:36
kyle__OptimizedCoder: if there's nothing on it, there might not BE a 1 partition.19:36
sassergood luck to all of them groupcat ;)19:36
jefkintrism: 12.0419:37
kyle__OptimizedCoder: But then again there might be.  Give it a shot.19:37
aetas-dkmember:ubottu: the Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP - however I have modifed it to be able to use it with my mac, so I could do timemachine backup19:37
kyle__I need to go forrage for food and coffee.  Be back later.19:38
OptimizedCoderkyle__, http://pastebin.com/Kaaw7wXa -> I'm not sure which is the new one now sda1/sdc119:38
OptimizedCoderkyle__, How do I know where my /dev/loop0 comes from (using WUBI) - through /sda1 / sdc119:38
jefkintrism: I see on that bug I mentioned earlier 837049, the last poster from a few months ago seemed to hit the same problem as I just did.19:38
OptimizedCoderkyle__, how do I get that info?19:39
joel135Hi, I'd like to set horizontal and vertical mouse speed separately. How do I do this? The reason I want to do it is my pointer moves really fast vertically when the aspect ratio of my desktop is low (e.g. http://goo.gl/JYcJG)19:41
trismjefkin: we have a bunch of libtool patches in the package, I'm not sure which (if any) work around the issue, I'll see if I can reproduce it and figure it out19:42
jefkintrism: also, note, after running into the CDPATH part in that bug, I -- on my own, hacked the libtool to add a lt_unset='unset' ... in order to get past the line 481.19:42
jefkintrism: but that didn't actually solve the problem :)19:43
OptimizedCoderHow do I know where my /dev/loop0 comes from (using WUBI) - through /sda1 or /sdc1? How do I tellthis?19:43
jefkintrism: do those patches come with the package itself? -- or is there a place I can download them?19:44
trismjefkin: apt-get source php5; they are in debian/patches/19:45
jefkintrism: lol just found them :D19:45
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jefkintrism: the bug says amd64 only, and I'm not sure what my processor is on this box, but I'm thinking that you may not be able to reproduce if that is a real condition for the failure19:55
beandogjefkin: lscpu19:55
The10thDragonn ?19:56
prashantjCan you explain ?19:56
trismjefkin: yeah I haven't been able to reproduce it yet (I am testing on amd64 though)19:56
OptimizedCoderGot all my answers! Thanks y'all19:57
djskiddhi, how do I allocate more memory to Minecraft? I have 1024MB avail, want to allocate 750MB to Minecraft in XUbuntu19:59
jefkinbeandog: thanks, trism: http://pastebin.com/zefH3Yrg19:59
tinmanis any one else having issues with ubuntu slowing down your  internet connection?19:59
testuserdjskidd: set it in the start up java command line20:00
testuserI can't remember the argument, but you can tell it how much to use20:00
djskiddso far my command in Guake is java -jar minecraft.jar20:00
djskiddwhat else do I put in?20:00
mbroadstis anyone aware of a ppa for a newer version of connman, preferably 0.79+20:00
cookie4270djskidd: java -Xmx750M -Xms750M -jar minecraft.jar20:01
testuseryou can google it for more detail20:01
testuseranyone know anything about java-6-openjdk not fully installing properly?20:01
testuserI have missing files in the headless package20:01
testuserwhen doing an MD5 comparision20:01
The10thDragonnreinstall shud fix it20:01
testuserI did aptitude reinstall20:02
djskiddhow can I do a shortcut to that command?20:02
testuseranything else?20:02
djskiddlike I doubleclick something, and it will automatically execute that command?20:02
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The10thDragonnkidd right click it make sure its executable20:03
The10thDragonnread instruction for java make sure did everthing step by step20:04
usr13testuser: Why are you using aptitude?20:04
djskiddhow do I mark the jar as executable20:05
The10thDragonnone thing i learned about linux you cnt skip any instructions -_- or it wnt wrk right20:05
tensorpuddingdjskidd, you don't20:05
djskiddtensorpudding, then what do I do?20:06
testuserusr13 apt-get reinstall20:06
testuserdid nothing20:06
Dr_Willisi belive the minecraft faq/docs discuss how to start it up20:06
tensorpuddingdjskidd, maybe nautilus requires it to be now, i don't know, you right click and check out properties20:06
testuserI mean it typed it out20:06
rhizmoewow, i think i found a comparison of window managers that isn't riddled with spelling errors and txtspeak20:06
Dr_Willismake a shell script to laucnh it. then a launcher to run that script would be a common way20:06
Dr_Willistxtspeak? ;)20:07
djskiddI get this: "The file '/home/djskidd/minecraft.jar' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit."20:07
b0nghitteron ubuntu server 12.04, how do i stop the screen from going blank after a few min?20:07
Dr_Willis!permissions | djskidd20:07
ubottudjskidd: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions20:07
testuserusr13 any suggestion how to reinstall then?20:07
Dr_Willisyou want to give minecraft addational options when launched i belive.20:08
usr13testuser: It has been my experience that reinstalling usually does not fix anything.20:08
usr13testuser: but just apt-get remove or apt-get purge and then apt-get install20:09
usr13if you must...20:09
glebihantestuser, with apt-get, to reinstall you have to use "apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>"20:09
testuserah okay20:09
testuserI did that20:09
testuserresult was this20:09
testuserdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openjdk-6-jre-headless_6b24-1.11.3-1ubuntu0.10.04.1_amd64.deb (--unpack):  trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk', which is also in package default-jre-headless 1:1.6-43ubuntu220:10
prashant_123456where can i get free shell account i have tried shellmix.com and freelinuxconsole.info all waste of time any suggestions ?20:10
OerHeksprashant_123456, you waste your time here, this is ubuntu support only.20:11
prashant_123456OerHeks, ok20:11
prashant_123456OerHeks, sorry20:11
testuserglebihan or usr13 any ideas on that error? or how to get around it?20:12
b0nghittersetterm -blank 0 did not error, but -powersave off says invalid argument20:12
OerHeksprashant_123456, try #ubuntu-offtopic20:12
b0nghitterand the help says to use on/off etc20:12
rsajdokIs it possible to set workspace switcher on top panel in the unity?20:12
prashant_123456OerHeks, thanks20:13
Dr_Willisrsajdok:  theres some indicator-applets that put a menu or icon in the top panel to change work spaces  - saw them in the list of indicator-applets on askubuntu.com20:13
rsajdokDr_Willis: thanks :)20:15
testuserno one have a clue about that error?20:15
testuseror how I can resolve it to fix the installation?20:15
Dr_Willistestuser:  you are installing 2 packagtes that seem to both want to install the same file. so either remove the one you dont need.. or move/rename the file  as a nasty work around perhaps.20:16
testuserthat is going to be fun20:16
blitzwhat does Run as root is not need, just append self into 'disk' group and relogin. mean20:17
blitzhow do I append myself into the 'disk' group20:17
beandogsudo gpasswd -a username disk20:17
beandogthen su - username20:18
Dr_Willisdont forget teh -a ;)20:18
beandogor just log in and out20:18
blitzrelogging is easier20:18
beandogout and in.20:18
blitzI don't think it worked20:19
beandogrun groups20:19
beandogsee what it says20:19
blitzblitz adm disk dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare20:20
diverdudeAre repo apps being code reviewed?20:20
blitzdisk is under my groups20:20
DMASSHey everybody,   I hope someone can help cause Im out of ideas.  Im trying to communicate with an RS-232 device via a KeySpan USB to Serial adapter from a simple bash script to be run by cron.   If i use screen I can communicate with the device with no problems, but if I try to echo"mycmd" > /dev/ttyUSB0, I get nothing.  Ive checked dmesg and lsusb and everything looks fine. Ive also veryified baud stop bits etc, with stty. I have found simular issues online 20:21
DMASS nothing actaully solved my problem. Anyone have any suggestions?   Oh ya,  Ubuntu Server 12.0420:21
blitzok it's working, thanks20:21
rhizmoei like how nobody actually describes what xmonad/awesome offer20:22
jefkintrism: sweet! ... applied all the patches that had 'LT' in a lib tool context, in them, then all that had lt_ a few CVE's that were missing but finally, ran  debian/patches/001-libtool_fixes.patch and that has me building... a big old  WOOT!20:22
beandogDMASS: it's a stab in the dark, but I wonder if there's a missing kernel module20:22
rhizmoenobody blogging about that kind of thing, that is20:22
DMASSive done modprobe just to be sure20:22
jefkintrism: should I get you the list of all the patches I applied?20:22
beandogDMASS: well there's ones for serial devices, plus also usb20:23
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beandogDMASS: anyway, I dunno.  I'm just guessing.20:23
beandogbut that's the first place I'd look20:23
beandogalthough if you already have the /dev file, then it's probably in there.20:23
beandogDMASS: there's some apps to see what's going over the wire on USB though .. also need kernel modules, probably usb monitor at the very least.20:24
DMASSbeandog:  ya, I have verified that the KEYSPAN modual is there and the usbserial as well;  thanks for the suggestion Ill take any thing right now20:24
DMASSbeandog: any suggestions for a USB sniffer?20:25
trismjefkin: excellent, if you have a list available for pastebin I'd be interested in looking, but otherwise don't worry about it, happy you got it compiling20:25
beandogDMASS: no, dunno, just know that they're out there20:27
beandogDMASS: also looking at the kernel config, I'm not sure everything is in there.20:27
beandogDMASS: lemme check something real fast ... gimme a few20:27
TylerKG123Anyone here know why my computer won't mark things as executable?20:27
TylerKG123I have the latest Xubuntu, that's all I know;20:27
guntbertDMASS: as far as I know  wireshark will sniff usb too20:28
TylerKG123I'm a Linux noob20:28
beandogDMASS: also, http://sewelldirect.com/support/usbtoserialsupportlinux.aspx maybe?20:28
TylerKG123Bean, do you know how to fix my issue?20:28
ceegesnoopy is a usb sniffer20:28
guntbert!patience | TylerKG12320:28
ubottuTylerKG123: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:29
DMASSbeandog: awesome, I have not seen that page yet somehow20:29
insanoIs there any conversor for rmvb video?20:29
beandogDMASS: I just googled for linux debug usb serial20:29
TylerKG123Well, Ubot and Gunt, I'm just a bit aggravated because I just can't get it to work. I've checked all the forums, and I just don't know why it doesn't work! The only program outside of Software Center I got to work is Skype.20:30
DMASSbeandog: this has become one of those issues were you get sucked in to thread after thread and Im sure ive lost the forest through the trees20:30
beandogDMASS: okay, wow, I think I found a major hole here20:30
beandogDMASS: How do you feel about building your own kernel? :)20:30
beandogDMASS: need to flip on usb verbose debug messages, usb announce new devices, and a few more20:31
beandogDMASS: at the very *least* those will give you more system output20:31
insanoIs there any conversor for rmvb video?20:31
DMASSbeandog: ive never done it but everybodys gotta start somewhere20:31
beandoginsano: ffmpeg should do it20:31
beandogDMASS: don't let it scare you, it's not bad.20:32
DMASSbeandog: thanks, ill start googling20:32
beandogDMASS: I don't now how to do it in ubuntu, but I can tell you which options to flip on20:32
DMASSyes please20:32
beandogDMASS: I'll PM yah20:32
insanobeandog, I've been googling it, but I didn't found anything to convert to RMVB20:32
cmakeis there a differences in man and info on a certain command or do they both access the same data ?20:32
beandoginsano: oh, *to* rmvb?  I dunno20:32
cmakeinfo diff and man diff looks to contain nothing really different20:33
insanobeandog, That's the problem, I need it...20:33
guntbertcmake: often they are different, in many manpages you read "full documentation is to be found in info20:34
cmakeman info  info man :)20:34
insanoOther OSs have it, but Ubuntu doesn't have one20:34
cmakeso info usually contains all the man page information and more. So man is just really a subset of info ?20:35
insanoI've been googling it, but I didn't found anything to convert to RMVB. Anyone knows?20:35
beandoginsano: windows software?20:35
beandoginsano: wait, what do you mean other OSes20:36
guntbertcmake: as far as I know  they are maintained separately, but I never got the hang of info :)20:36
rhizmoes'pose i have to log out to switch DEs20:36
insanobeandog, Mac OS and Windows...20:36
guntbertrhizmoe: yep20:36
beandoginsano: oh, okay.  yah, use one of those I guess20:36
insanobeandog, Yeah, I'll have to do it...20:37
vbn_insano: what u looking for...?20:37
cmakeis there online info docs like the linuxmanpages website20:37
insanovbn_, how to converto to rmvb...20:37
MonkeyDustcmake  http://linuxmanpages.com/20:38
MonkeyDustcmake  oh, you referred to that20:38
cmakethose are the man pages20:38
cmakebut is there an info page website if they are truely different information20:39
beandogwhat package has kernel sources20:39
beandogcan't remember.20:39
cmakeand which can out first man info or where they both in the old unic's versions to begin with20:39
beandogthere we go20:40
guntbertcmake: please keep in mind that this channel is for ubuntu support only - you may have better luck in #ubuntu-offtopic or in #linux20:41
beandogcmake: ask in #ffmpeg or #libav20:41
giikerpardon my ignorance, but does Ubuntu offers some kind of app sandboxing by default?20:42
Dr_Willisgiiker:  apparmour perhaos sort of fits that definition. but its not really the same as a sandbox i guess..20:42
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor20:42
beandoggiiker: sandbox or root jails?20:43
giikerDr_Willis:  what about SELinux?20:43
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TexNixkinsano : ffmpeg has reverse-engineered suport for the .rmf real media format ... have you tried it to see if it works20:44
jefkintrism: here-> http://pastebin.com/meUwitia  and thanks a bunch for getting me pointed in the right direction!20:44
giikerbeandog: sandbox, you know sandboxing for applications.20:44
beandoggiiker: k just making sure20:44
giikerbeandog: np thanx20:44
brophatwould someting like improvements in my wifi driver get updated during a regular update?20:46
kyle__Fed and watered20:47
giikerDr_Willis: I think you were right, apparmor is a security module for the kernel (per Wikipedia) ans SELinux (per Wi...) is a framework based inLinux Security Modules. Thanks20:47
kyle__brophat: Maybe.  Depends on if there's been an update to the kernel-driver20:48
goddardif i am logged in over ssh how can i copy files to my local machine?20:48
brophatkyle_  you know of some good docs for me to learn about all this driver stuff20:48
QubitSmugglerbrophat: lions commentary on the unix operating system20:49
guntbertgoddard: best use scp from your local machine20:49
kyle__brophat: About which drivers get updated?  Not really.  To understand how it all works, what QubitSmuggler said.20:49
brophatkyle__ so in the event a significant improvement in my wifi driver occurs, that will be something that gets incorporated automatically with an update? as apposed to me having to do it manually?20:51
b0nghitterhow do i stop bind from logging to syslog? i googled and there is no answer except how to start logging, and "rndc querylog" which i did and it does not work20:51
brophatQubitSmuggler thanks I am gonna check it out20:51
kyle__brophat: Yes.20:52
b0nghitteri used dns server during the ubuntu server install20:52
b0nghitterwhere does ubuntu put whatever is causing it to log to rsyslogd?20:52
kyle__b0nghitter: hint, look in /etc for anything that might be named rsyslog.20:53
* kyle__ coughs /etc/rsyslog.conf20:53
b0nghitterkyle__, ive looked through /etc/rsyslog.conf, /etc/defaults/rsyslog and /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf20:53
b0nghitteras i said, i googled and it does not say how to turn it off20:54
kyle__b0nghitter: Ooh ok.  So, what part isn't clear?20:54
brophatkyle__ yeah cause my wifi card has that imfamous rt3090 chipset, but I think with an update it got a little bit improved. But there is an entire rt2x00 project  http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page  so I am wondering what is taking so long, and also given the fact that ralink is working with linux.20:54
kyle__You want to turn off the syslog?20:54
b0nghitterther is NOTHING about logging in any of those files20:54
b0nghitterno, read up20:54
guntbertb0nghitter: the file will be in /etc/rsyslog.d/20:54
b0nghitteri looked through /etc/rsyslog.d/ 20-ufw.conf      50-default.conf  postfix.conf20:55
kyle__b0nghitter: It's not a first match type system like you may be used to, it's a little, funky.  If you just want to turn it off, i beleive service rsyslog stop will do20:55
b0nghitteri need to stop bind flooding my syslog with bs20:55
kyle__brophat: Ugh.  Sorry dude :/20:55
insanoTexNixk, how do I do that?20:56
kyle__b0nghitter: Errr, my bind logs almost nothing.. look in your config file to see if it's got verbose or debug on or somesuch20:56
b0nghitterthose 3 files are the only ones in /etc/rsyslog.d/20:56
b0nghitterits set to whatever ubuntu server 12.04 does by default20:56
b0nghitterwhich is why im asking in here20:57
kyle__b0nghitter: Which file is it writing to?  I think it just writes to /var/log/messages unless there's a rule specified for it.20:57
romy420b0nghitter: it's in the bind config files: http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch7/logging.html20:57
b0nghitter in /var/log/syslog20:57
kyle__b0nghitter: You see, ANYTHING can write to the syslog system, and if the syslog system has a rule, it seperates those logs out to another file; if it doesn't, it puts it in the default syslog file.20:58
goddardguntbert: yea what command cause so far it doesn't work20:58
brophatkyle__ well the wifi is working satisfactorily sometimes now20:59
goddardguntbert: because i wanna copy the file using sudo20:59
goddardonly root has the permissions20:59
kyle__brophat: I used to have a broadcom card with hellish issues.  I had to manually set the rate with iwcofig on the device, AFTER it connected, to make it stable.  Dunno if something like that will help you, but I remember it driving me to hock the laptop for <%60 what I paid for it when it was 2 months old.21:00
b0nghitterromy420, the first thing i did was look through /etc/bind/named.conf, /etc/bind/named.conf.local, and /etc/bind/named.conf.options21:00
margoHi. Can anybody recommend an online tutorial/page to get started with python programming?21:00
guntbertgoddard: in that case I'd copy the file on the server into my home dir and then comes scp21:00
kyle__b0nghitter: Is there anything in /etc/defaults for it?21:01
Boogeymanwhy the hell is the random in Rhythmbox anythimg but random?21:01
kyle__Boogeyman: Prove it's not random21:01
brophatkyle__ nothing worse than a shitty wifi driver21:01
ejvanyone here good with iptables? trying to remove this rule with: sudo iptables -D INPUT 1, and it does nothing: 1       36  4316 DROP       all  --  *      *
kyle__Boogeyman: Sorry, that's a troll math question :) But not using rhythmbox I've not seen it.21:01
Boogeymanof course i'm exagerating, but out of 10,000+ songs, i've heard quite a few of them multiple times, and it seems to like to play the same bands/compilations21:02
b0nghitter/etc/defaults/rsyslogd only has RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-c5", and /etc/defaults/bind9 has RESOLVCONF=no, and OPTIONS="-u bind"21:03
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brophatkyle__ yeah cause there is no such thing as random bwahahahah21:03
kyle__b0nghitter: what about for bind or named?21:03
goddardguntbert: ahh ok21:03
brophator at least can't be generated by humans21:03
kyle__Ooh, nevermind, reread.21:03
b0nghitterno, only /etc/defaults/bind921:04
insanoI've been googling it, but I didn't found anything to convert to RMVB. Anyone knows?21:04
kyle__brophat: You have to watch a sequence forever to see if it repeats.21:04
kyle__b0nghitter: how quickly are the logs growing?  Slow enough a logrotate entry would fix it?21:04
brophatkyle__ humans can not create a true random generator21:04
brophatthe best humans can do is create a very non predictable generator21:05
kyle__brophat: when we were dating, my wife had a "white noise" machine.  It had a random period of something like 14 minutes, and damnit, if it didn't ALWAYS wake me up when it started to repeat.21:05
brophathaha ok21:05
TexNixkinsano : did you notice my earlier post ?21:06
TexNixkabout ffmpeg ?21:06
b0nghitterits clobbering the syslog with "query (cache) 'blah.com/A/IN' denied and reverse lookups21:06
insanoTexNixk, yeah, how do I do that?21:07
insanoTexNixk, I google it, but found nothing21:07
TexNixkffmpeg is open source software ... you can just google it21:07
guntbertbrophat: back to ubuntu support please21:08
kyle__b0nghitter: Does this help? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-enable-dns-linux-unix-server-logging/21:08
TexNixki believe sourceforge hosts it21:08
TexNixkit's multi platform21:08
insanoTexNixk, I have it installed21:08
b0nghitterthat was one of my google results, which is where i got rndc querylog from21:08
kyle__b0nghitter: Ahh.21:08
romy420b0nghitter: this page contains info for configuring bind's log level: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto21:09
insanoTexNixk, I tried to use it to converto to rmvb, but it didnt work21:09
TexNixkok ... try ffmpeg -i inputFile.ext -sameq outFile.ext21:09
mintcan anyone help me setting up a parititon?21:09
TexNixkwhere inputFile is the file youwant to eonvert & outFile is the name you want for the output21:10
TexNixkuse .rmf for the file extension of the rmvb file21:10
b0nghitterromy420, that was another one of my google results, and i looked through the named.conf named.conf.local and named.conf.options files, neither of them contain anything about logging21:11
b0nghitterwhich i expected to see at least somewhere21:11
XiRoNHi how, can I check the file owners of a specific folder21:11
romy420maybe u have to add it, although it should be there, that's right21:11
TexNixkrmvb is similar to the mpeg4 10 format sillar to x26421:12
mintcan anyone help me setting up partitions?  i'm at the partition screen for the installer...21:12
guntbertXiRoN: ls -l /path/to folder shows the files,  ls -ld /path/to/folder shows the folder21:12
ZeeroverCould I have help, theres 3 web browsers i want to try out Web (Epiphany), Links, and Midori. Could any of you help me figure out how to install them under a .deb file?21:12
insanoTexNixk, OK, let me try it21:12
Dr_WillisZeerover:  if they are not in the repos. find a PPA for them.21:13
adeemint: create a root partition and a swap21:13
Dr_Willis!info links21:13
ubottulinks (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-1 (precise), package size 448 kB, installed size 1087 kB21:13
ZeeroverDr_Wills I cant even find the download links for them21:13
Dr_Willis!info midori21:13
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3408 kB21:13
Dr_WillisZeerover:  no need to.. use the pacakge manager...21:13
ZeeroverBe right back I have to take the garbage21:14
guntbertZeerover: try links2 instead· it is in the repos too21:14
Dr_WillisZeerover:  this is not like windows where yoi just download instllers. ;)21:14
b0nghitterahhhhh, i guess i should have read the small print... "If no logging option is configured for the default option is: "21:14
insanoTexNixk, http://pastebin.com/r1zugqYP21:14
Zeeroverguntbert i meant to say Links2, thank you though21:14
mintAdedioR: no idea, what root is, im new21:15
SolarisB1yhey guntbert hows it going man21:15
b0nghitteri have to add a logging section in named.conf.local21:15
romy420b0nghitter: then i was guessing right :) just add what u need21:15
QubitSmugglerroot is the highest level of priviledge21:15
b0nghitteryes, ty for your patience21:15
insanoTexNixk, It does not recognize the output format21:16
TexNixkinsano instead of .rmvb use .rmf ... i think that's the registered extension for rmvb content21:17
oXisI have a problem21:17
Dr_Williswhy would you need rmvb or rmf these dayas?21:17
QubitSmugglerwhat is it/21:18
oXisI have an hp dv5 laptop with media touch keys21:18
insanoTexNixk, I tried rmf and didnt work, so I tried rm and it worked.21:18
insanoTexNixk, But give an error21:18
adeemint: than Google it... and next time write my name instead of AdedioR...21:18
oXiseverything went great until I updated the drivers21:18
oXisnow the sound is always changing21:18
TexNixkyeah Dr_Willis has a point ... rmvb is about the same as x264 ... & x264 is the thing now days21:19
oXisI don't know how to explain it21:19
oXisthe black sound box is always appears and disturbing me21:19
QubitSmugglernothing else, no spills or anything21:19
oXisHow do I fix it?21:19
romy420mint: will ubuntu be your only operating system? or is windows there too?21:20
insanoDr_Willis, adobe pdf can handle videos , right? But in linux, it's the only format that it can handle.21:20
Dr_Willispdf videos?21:20
oXishelp me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:21
zykotick9insano: embedding videos in pdf seems insane to me...21:21
mintshould the boot partition be ext2 or 4?21:21
insanoDr_Willis, TexNixk I'm making a presentation in beamer, so I need to make it play the video during the presentation21:21
Zeeroveralright im back21:21
bekksmint: It doesnt matter, basically.21:21
insanozykotick9, yeah, that's my nickname21:21
QubitSmuggleroxis i have no idea, look for new drivers21:21
adeemint: ext4, never use ext2 nowdays21:21
adeebekks: journaling... yes, it matters21:22
oXisI can't change the volume21:22
mintadee: ive read that journaling is not good for boot partition?21:22
zykotick9adee: actually ssd drives are a good ext2 use case21:22
romy420mint: ext2 is a bit safer21:22
beandogmint: that's true.  you don't need it.21:22
romy420for /boot !21:22
bekksadee: How often does /boot change, and which amount of data is changed there? It doesnt matter :)21:22
adeemint: SSD? HDD?21:22
minthdd, mechanical21:22
insanoLatex beamer make the output file in pdf, so I've no option.21:22
Zeeroverim running ubuntu 11.04 do any of you know how to get Midori, Epiphany, and links2 browsers on my PC?21:22
adeebekks: but when it changes and something happens, you have to fsck......21:23
dankestHow do I transfer my SSL keys from one apache server to another?21:23
guntbertZeerover: sudo apt-get install midori epiphany links221:23
zykotick9Zeerover: "sudo apt-get midori ephipahy links2" maybe?21:23
zykotick9guntbert: lol - fail on my part ;)21:23
ZeeroverThank you guys21:23
Dr_Willisi cant recall ever seeing a PDF file with embeded videos...21:24
bekksadee: The same thing applies to a journaled filesystem - you have to fsck after replaying the journal.21:24
romy420mint: will ubuntu be your only operating system? or is windows there too?21:24
adeezykotick9: ext2 is never a good choice in 2012, in SSD use btrfs21:24
Dr_WillisZeerover:  the software-center should be fairly easy to figure out.21:24
Dr_Willis!manual | Zeerover21:24
ubottuZeerover: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:24
TexNixkinsano : let me give it a try ... brb21:24
zykotick9adee: vtrfs you're funny21:24
ZeeroverThank you so much Dr__Willis21:24
bekksadee: btrfs does not have a reasonable stable fsck. :)21:25
zykotick9bekks: +121:25
adeebekks: reasonable?21:25
insanoTexNixk, OK21:25
bekksadee: And still, you can kill your btrfs when filling it up to 100%. 'nuff said for disabling it as an alternative to ext4.21:25
zykotick9bekks: +221:26
bekksadee: The fsck code for btrfs is highly experimental.21:26
adeezykotick9: vtrfs? funny...21:26
zykotick9adee: that's called a typo21:26
adeebekks: i'm not sure that's true anymore.21:27
mintafter i make a boot parition the rest is greyed out? it wont let me make any more paritions21:27
adeemint: probably used up all your free space?21:28
romy420i guess he did21:28
bekksadee: Unless it is called "rock stable" by the kernel devs, I'd not call it "stable" or recommend it to others.21:28
mintadee: no, i have a 600gb21:28
minti see 318021MB free space21:28
ZeeroverWow, when i got Links 2 i though i'd get more of a UI but i dont know how to search a page on it, so im going to read a tutorial21:28
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Guest76280speaking spanish21:29
mintshould ive created a new parition table along side my windows one?21:29
mintim making these paritions under the same table as 3 windows partions21:29
bekksmint: You cant create multiple partition tables. :)21:29
adeebekks: Oracle released the new Unbreakable L. where it supports it... on big production servers21:30
guntbert!es | Guest7628021:30
ubottuGuest76280: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:30
bekksadee: THEY support it, no one else in the world does that without endangered by heavy firearms.21:30
mintso what the heck... is there any order which the partions need to be made in?21:30
mintall i did was create a primary boot partitons @ begining location with ext221:31
adeebekks: I use it since Linux 3.4 on several systems and it survived USB-stick-root unplugs and resets many times....21:31
mintmount point set as /boot , and now cant create any more partitions21:31
Boogeymanok, in xchat, the green ball next to the nick is ops, whats a red ball?21:31
QubitSmugglermint, how many partitions do you have?21:33
mintQubitSmuggler: 3 ntfs21:33
adeemint: how many primarys you have? 4?21:34
zymasterHey guys I have a question that's a little off topic and really involves a network setup and not that much to do with ubuntu. So anyway I am going to get a couple public ips from my isp. I'm considering doing it this  way. I will have a line coming straight into my modem. My modem will have two outputs. One going into an ethernet switch, and one going into a wireless router. The wireless router will run my home network and will use 21:34
mintAdedioR: i believe only 1 in windows21:34
QubitSmugglermint you can only have 4 primary partitions21:34
adeemint: is it hard to use my name in a reply?21:34
zymasterThe ethernet switch will then go into my servers. They will all be running ip tables as a firewall and have their own public ip. I am curious will this work? and will iptables provide a sufficient enough firewall for each server21:35
Dr_Willismint:  look at fdisk -l output to be sure.21:35
adeemint: give us the exact partition numbers and types please....21:35
alankilazymaster: someone has to say this, so your first message was cut around the irc 500 character limits at 'wireless oruter will run my home network and will use'.21:35
guntbertzymaster: this is definitely the wrong channel - try ##networking  maybe?21:35
mintAdedioR: what do you mean numbers? the sizes?21:36
mintadee: what do you mean numbers? the sizes?21:36
zymasterok thanks guntbert I always end up with questions that i cant figure out which channel to ask them in. (:21:36
zymasterchannel ##networking21:36
adeemint: how many & primary/extended21:36
QubitSmugglerzymaster, pm21:36
zymasterforgot / ):21:37
mintadee: it doesnt show, i would have to look in windows i think21:37
mintadee: is there any way in terminal to check?21:37
adeemint: fdisk, cfdisk or some other partitioner should tell21:37
adeei'm sure that crappy Buguntu installer won't show that21:38
andrewxtheres a command to paginate text: 'cat text | page' but its not called page, what is it?21:38
romy420mint: u may want to go one step back in the setup and choose the automatic install 'side by side' with windows21:38
Dr_Willismint:  'fdisk -l'21:38
klj613is it possible to install skype via command line in a stable way? (put in a script for whenever i need it). google isn't being friendly atm21:38
mintromy420: i tried that last time, but it didnt let me specify the size of the partition...21:39
guntbertandrewx: less21:39
zykotick9zymaster: does /channel work?  i use /join or /j21:39
andrewxdon't think so...21:39
mintRommeras: it made a 300gb linux install21:39
romy420i see21:39
mintDr_Willis: im not in windows21:39
Dr_Willisandrewx:  you mean put a form feed every 80 lines?21:39
andrewxthat slows me down to one-line-@-a-time21:39
Dr_Willismint:  fdisk -l is NOT a windows command...21:39
andrewxthat would be nice :)21:39
DanielHoffmandoes anybody know how to set up a username/password system in squid3?21:40
mintDr_Willis: well it doesnt work in terminal21:40
Dr_Willisrun it as root... sudo fdisk -l21:40
zykotick9andrewx: less or more?21:40
Dr_Willispastebin the output..21:40
TexNixkinsano : ffmpeg works fine for the older rm formats but does'nt seem to support the newer rmvb format21:40
qwetnastrange issue with ubuntu and ssh...  I cant find a reason this is happening or a fix so I throw it out to you guys21:40
andrewxless, more both single-line you21:41
xinbenlvthis is the first time21:41
mintDr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/B95GiYiw21:41
qwetnai have loaded up 12.04 and now when I ssh from that box to an external unit the connection closes without even a key exchange21:41
xinbenlvi use irc21:41
qwetnaany thoughts?21:41
zymasterzykotic it doesn't I just keep forgetting commands21:41
beandogqwetna: ssh -vvv21:41
DanielHoffmanreinstall ssh?21:41
insanoTexNixk, its OK21:41
mongyTexNixk, tried compiling latest?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095  easy peasy21:41
TexNixki've found several references on mencoder being able to support rmvb ... but i'm not using mencoder21:41
zykotick9andrewx: but don't use cat unsecarity.. "less /path/to/file"21:42
xinbenlvqwetna: hey21:42
qwetnaok i got an output for the -vvv21:42
qwetnai assume you dont want it pasted in the window21:42
zykotick9!tab | zymaster21:42
ubottuzymaster: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:42
insanoTexNixk, where can I found it?21:42
beandogqwetna: no, look at it, should give you clues21:42
jmrogqwetna: You cant put it up on a pastebin, too.21:43
guntbertandrewx: 'less' definetely doesn't "single line" you - it is the better 'more'21:44
qwetnapastebin: http://pastebin.com/kUPX2tbP21:44
TexNixkinsano : just a sec ...21:44
andrewxI want da entire file! but screen-@-a-time21:45
zykotick9andrewx: s/unsecarity/unnecessarily/ sorry brain-fart21:45
bekksandrewx: press enter being in less.21:45
zykotick9andrewx: up down arrow in less!21:45
bekksandrewx: Then use space instead :)21:46
andrewxCan't a clever person make a script that would screen-inate a text file?21:46
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andrewxanywho.. thanx21:46
zymasterOh thanks ubottu21:46
qwetnanothing jumps out at me as partcularly wrong.... thoughts?21:47
guntbertandrewx: use pgdn/pgup in 'less'21:48
beandogqwetna: me neither.  could be dropbear dropping you for some reason, check the config options21:48
insanoTexNixk, I got an example from a forum21:48
insanoIt worked21:48
insanoTexNixk, thanks a lot21:49
jmrogqwetna: You've connected via ssh prior to upgrading to 12.04?21:49
qwetnai was on 10.04 and it worked fine21:49
jmrogqwetna: How did you upgrade?21:49
qwetnaa clean wipe21:49
insanoBut if you found something better let me know21:49
mintanyone know how to move the screen picture?  my desktop is cuttoff in the corner?21:49
qwetnaso less upgrade and more reinstall21:49
jmrogqwetna: And how were you authenticating on the ssh server previously?21:49
insanoTexNixk, But if you found something better let me know21:49
TexNixkinsano : great ... hope all goes well from here21:50
* NictraSavios thinks that when we have to ask "How did you upgrade", It means that someone should spend a few months making upgrade actually work...21:50
insanoTexNixk, so do I21:50
andrewxyeah, perfect,lol.21:50
jmrogNictraSavios: No argument there!21:50
zykotick9NictraSavios: with a 6 month release cycle - that's impossible...21:51
qwetnausername and password with standard key exchange21:51
qwetnanothing special21:51
beandogqwetna: whats the dropbear config look like on the server21:52
qwetnasee thats the tricky part.. its a wireless device and not a configurable server so i dont know21:52
beandogwhose server is it?21:52
beandogdo you have rights to admin it?21:52
NictraSavioszykotick9, Why not? We upgrade packages all the time. What exactly goes wrong with the big updates? Whatever the specific issue is should be fixed.21:53
qwetnait is a wimax device and i dont really have admin rights to it21:53
zykotick9NictraSavios: don't upgrade - problem solved...21:53
beandogoh so it's running as embedded21:53
beandogI dunno then21:53
qwetnaits a radio on a chip21:53
qwetnawith you21:53
NictraSavioszykotick9, Impossible for a modern operating system.21:53
qwetnaunfortuantly they swear its not their device that is doing it21:53
beandogthe server isn't giving much information on what's happening21:54
zykotick9NictraSavios: not all "modern" OSes have this issue21:54
beandogqwetna: you could try using dropbear's ssh client21:54
NictraSavioszykotick9, Because not all modern OS's are made by free software developers21:54
NictraSavioszykotick9, The ones that are usually face issues like this due to their small development teams.21:54
zykotick9NictraSavios: lol ubuntu isn't even close to free...  <OT> best of luck with your issue21:55
davidgilmourHello, I've just added this line to the crontab. */5 * * * * "php /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/checksales/index.php". However it seems the task is not running every 5 minutes at all. Any ideas?21:55
beandognot even close to free?  Sir, you are mistaken.21:55
beandogthat or trolling.21:55
guntbertNictraSavios: back to support please :)21:55
qwetnaworks fine with putty on a RDP but we tend to use ssh to get into the networks because it is lightweight enough to work on a cell phone when you are mobile21:55
qwetnabut thank you for your help21:55
NictraSavioszykotick9, Really? I downloaded it.. seemed free. OH your a Gnutard. Pfft, good luck with al of your issues.21:55
scisteffanHello, where would be the best place to ask about setting up nameservers and an email server on ubuntu?21:55
NictraSaviosguntbert, Okay :D21:55
beandogqwetna: you gonna try dropbear?21:56
qwetnaprobably will yes21:56
beandoggood luck21:56
beandogtry putty if that doesnt work21:56
qwetnadumb quetison but putty doesnt have a command line interface does it?21:56
beandogdon't remember21:57
qwetnaif I can avoid a gui im going to21:57
kyle__scisteffan: Those are both fairly streightforward, no different than any other distro.  Are you just looking for a caching DNS server, one for your internal network, or one to serve as the primary dns for a domain?21:57
qwetnaagain thanks.  you gave me a starting point.21:57
zykotick9qwetna: are you using putty on a gnu/linux host?  if so - don't.21:57
qwetnazykotick9 no i'm not21:57
qwetnadont worry21:57
zykotick9qwetna: k21:57
qwetnatrouble is command line ssh isnt working right now21:57
taymazhi guys! :D21:58
taymazI finally switched back again from Kubuntu21:58
NictraSaviosqwetna, I may be able to help. I ssh into my home server everyday21:58
taymazJust wanted to say Unity has so far not annoyed the f*ck out of me within 15min. Going strong! :D21:58
NictraSaviosqwetna, Do you get any specific errors or have you modified the /etc/ssh/ssh.conf file?21:59
qwetnanictra check out this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/kUPX2tbP21:59
scisteffankyle__ - a primary dns for a domain - steffanharris.co.uk21:59
guntbert!language | taymaz21:59
qwetnaand no its a standard ssh config21:59
ubottutaymaz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:59
jmrogdavidgilmour: Why is the command in quotes?21:59
romy420qwetna, maybe someone changed the pw? look here u should update dropbear after u manage to log in: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/15923/discuss21:59
kyle__scisteffan: If you install bind, you can then follow any online tutorial for a public name server.  Doesn't have to be ubuntu specific.22:00
kyle__scisteffan: It's actually pretty easy.22:00
qwetnapassword did not change i know that22:00
NictraSaviosqwetna, It dosen't actually look like your at fault. The server your connecting to isn't reply properly and its protocol seems to be outdated...22:00
taymazsorry guntbert22:00
davidgilmourjmrog: I just deleted the quotes, going to try now22:01
qwetnathe interaction doesnt even get past the key exchange... actually the key exchange doesnt even happen22:01
NictraSaviosqwetna, How long as it been since you last connected to it? I noticed you said its the upgrade that made it it not work but... a lot of time has passed between 10.10 and 12.0422:01
romy420but it's a vulnerable dropbeear version, this was my first google search hit ... just sayin',22:01
qwetnai just reinstalled 12.04 from a 10.04 lts server22:01
qwetnathats why there is a jump there22:02
qwetnai wanted to get on the latest LTS22:02
qwetnathats when it broke22:02
jaferGuys, I have a question about ubuntu22:02
qwetnais there any way to "backdate" the 12.04 ssh to make it compatible?22:02
NictraSaviosqwetna, Oh I see now.. you upgraded the server and now connecting to it fails.22:02
qwetnayep you got it22:02
jaferI read a guide about installing java on http://www.googlehammer.com22:02
jaferand it's not working22:02
NictraSaviosqwetna, Well that's not really a good idea as the upgrade's were made for a reason... usually security.22:03
jaferAny idea?22:03
qwetnai understand that22:03
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pearlbearbest place for giving info about how ubuntu works on specific hardware (desktop, laptop, etc.)? It seems scattered around the web.22:03
qwetnalike i said though this is a wimax unit that i cannot update22:03
uni4dfxIs there something like an image that I could burn on a CD to execute a PXE boot?22:03
qwetnai can put in the feature request, but it will take a while for it go through so i need a stopgap til then22:03
NictraSaviosqwetna, Why don't you just use the default ubuntu ssh server package?22:03
qwetnai am22:03
romy420qwetna: right22:04
qwetnai dont control the remote side22:04
livingdaylighthi, can someone help me with installing a ppa?22:04
NictraSaviosqwetna, Well it seems the remote side is the problem, and not your side. Try contacting the hosts admin22:04
qwetnalike i said i will but i need a stopgap til they fix it.  is there any way to make a 12.04 ssh client act like the 10.04 one did?22:05
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jaferI read a guide about installing java on http://www.googlehammer.com22:06
jaferand it's not working22:06
jaferAny idea?22:06
FloodBot1jafer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
livingdaylightif sudo add-apt-repository ppa: package_name is the command line how do I adapt  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable/ubuntu precise main  to that command line?22:08
NictraSaviosqwetna, Hmm... Ugh. I'm not going to go on hunches and bs even thought I have a few clues It's honestly over my head. I know its a problem with the keys but I really can't say any specifics22:08
NictraSaviosqwetna, This is a shot in the dark... try installing the "hashalot" package.22:08
qwetnai may give it a whack.  thank you again.22:09
* NictraSavios Heh Heh. SmellyCat :P22:11
klj613how to un-sudo? (sudo -s)22:12
SmellyCatHi NictraSavios :)22:12
davidgilmourI still can't get my cronjob to work.. could it be a permission issue? As I have no root access22:12
NictraSaviosklj613, exit22:12
NictraSaviosklj613, the command, exit22:12
Murd0ckoff topic link?22:13
r0thaIs anyone familiar with how /dev/console works?22:13
jmrogdavidgilmour: Does the job show up when you type crontab -l?22:13
NictraSaviosr0tha, I am :D. F22:13
davidgilmourjmrog: yes22:14
r0thaNictraSavios: i'm working on some rsyslog stuff and i've noticed that /dev/console shows up in /var/log/rsyslog.conf22:14
aaa801How can i delete the unpartioned space in a full disk image22:14
jmrogdavidgilmour: And can you run the command manually as your non-root user?22:14
r0thanot sure how it all works......care to explain?22:14
SmellyCataaa801, delete as in overwrite (with zero's for example?)22:14
aaa801SmellyCat: delete as in get rid of, its a raw disk rip22:15
r0thai'm just now trying to put all the pieces together.......normally i didn't worry about kernel versions but at this point they sound somewhat important22:15
genii-aroundaaa801: You can run partionint programs on a disk image the same as if it was the dis itself22:15
davidgilmourjmrog: yes, i'm over ssh and it works22:15
genii-aroundBleh, typos. But you get the gist.22:15
aaa801genii-around: but would that let me get rid of the unpartioned data22:15
NictraSaviosr0tha, Well, that means that whatever the output is refering to came from a virtual console as /dev/console is part of the virtual console system22:16
davidgilmourjmrog: this is the line: */5 * * * * php /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/checksales/index.php22:16
NictraSaviosr0tha, It is, simply, the 'terminal'. The current, open terminal.22:17
r0tha64 virtual consoles..22:17
genii-aroundaaa801: I can run for instance: sudo fdisk diskimage.img      and then delete partitons in that image, make new partitions, etc. So  the answer is yes.22:17
aaa801genii-around: il give it a go22:17
jmrogdavidgilmour: Maybe try putting the command with its argument into a script and then executing the script as a cronjob?22:18
jmrogdavidgilmour: Just to eliminate the space after 'php'22:18
davidgilmourjmrog: hmm... will try a sh script22:18
meLonWhat is the recommended method of providing dual-head support to Ubuntu?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/88598922:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 885989 in Nautilus "white screen on second monitor when using two xsessions" [Medium,Confirmed]22:18
CyberGabberhmm, installatiedatum terugvinden zou kunnen kloppen via: ls -al /var/log/installer/syslog22:20
SmellyCatdavidgilmour, it shouldn't be necessary to place that command in a script. The command runs fine from the command line I presume?22:20
jmrogdavidgilmour: If that doesn't work, you might try supplying the full path for php. Everything else about the crontab looks right22:20
NakkelHow do I get HP un2400 (Gobi 1000) WWAN modem to work on 12.04? dmesg shows that drivers are loaded and the device attaches to /dev/ttyUSB0 but after few seconds it disconnects the device and just dissapears from the system.22:22
ThePendulumI hid the program shutter, but how do I get it back up?22:22
usr13davidgilmour: What is the command?22:22
jmrogdavidgilmour: I'm also assuming that you've verified that cron is actually running on the system...? :)22:22
aaa801genii-around: theres no option in fdisk to delete unpartioned data22:23
usr13davidgilmour: You know you can test cronjobs.  Right?22:23
ThePendulumdavidgilmour: I love you already22:24
usr13davidgilmour: Never mind, I see it.22:24
DanielHoffmandoes anybody know how to log into squid that is using NCSA? (any login system would work but i have a NCSA already set up)?22:25
genii-aroundaaa801: Your original question was: How can i delete the unpartioned space in a full disk image    ... so then the question becomes: Did you want to make the unpartitioned space part of another adjacent partition which does contain data? Or are you looking at some other thing like removing that partition from the image somehow and making the file smaller?22:25
white_magicanyone know how I can successfully install [Python IDE] IDLE version 3.2 under Ubuntu 10.04?22:26
aaa801the latter22:26
ThePendulumDoes anyone know how to unhide Shutter, I'd like to reconfigurei t22:26
ThePendulum*reconfigure it22:26
halohow to set the brightness of ubuntu 12.04 to a fixed value22:26
genii-aroundaaa801: Thats a bit trickier then.22:28
bzenough of this22:28
aaa801genii-around: is there a way =/22:29
SmellyCataaa801, Is the unpartitioned space at the end of the disk-image?22:30
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genii-aroundaaa801: There may be. Since there is a way to know the offset within the file in order to mount one of the internal partitions as this page shows: http://madduck.net/blog/2006.10.20:loop-mounting-partitions-from-a-disk-image/22:30
DanielHoffmanhow would i configure a login system in ubuntu?22:31
DanielHoffmanwith squid322:31
SmellyCataaa801, Using 'dd' you could write the part that contains data to an other image. The tricky part is to find the exact position where the last partition ends22:31
SmellyCataaa801, Don't know for sure but maybe dd-ing the first 512 bytes plus each partition separately (in order) to the same (new image-) file would work.22:32
jmrogdavidgilmour: Any luck?22:34
mintwhat is ideal swap size for 4gb?22:34
halo4 gb ram doesn't need swap22:35
jmrogmint: Unless you're planning to hibernate22:35
scisteffankyle__ - thanks, I've got that set up already. How do I go about receiving mail on my domain name?22:35
klj613some reason i made swap for 8GB ram size... cant remember why. maybe just incase :p lol22:35
romy420mint: something around 6gb22:36
halothen delete it22:36
mintjmrog: someone was telling me 256mb for 4gb, said it will force more things to run in ram and give faster performance22:36
mint6gb swap!22:36
SmellyCatmint, halo, I think 4Gb needs swap if you want to enable hibernate22:36
scisteffankyle__ -  do I need postfix, which ports would require forwarding?22:36
haloyeah but 6 gb swap is too much22:36
cjz:( i screwed up my /etc/sudoers file so now i cant sudo to fix it22:36
klj613if ram is free. does it still use swap and make it slow? or only use swap when required?22:36
adeemint: do you need hibernate?22:36
jmrogmint Never heard that before. But as SmellyCat and I mentioned, you do need swap if you want to hibernate22:36
romy420ram* 1.5 i think is approbriate yes22:36
NictraSaviosmint, Well the traditional rule is swap = ram. In truth, You do not need that much. The kernel will compress your image down to very little22:37
jmrogromy420: That rule is not applicable to larger RAM sizes.22:37
minti dont use hibernate, i do use suspend22:37
romy420there are programs that can fill my 12gb all by themselves22:37
jmrogromy420: Those programs must have bugs22:37
NictraSaviosmint, Check your system monitor while your system is idle. That number times 2 should be more than enough.22:37
NictraSaviosmint, well if you don't hibernate, you don't need swap. at all.22:38
jmrogromy420: Unless you are doing something extremely, extremely out of the ordinary22:38
scisteffannvm, found a good tutorial for that..22:38
NictraSaviosmint, What he said &22:38
mintnick_h: i heard if you run out of ram it will crash your system with no swap22:39
NictraSaviosmint, You heard wrong.22:39
romy420ok, depends ... but why would u not want to hibernate?22:39
NictraSaviosmint, It will just slow down.22:39
NictraSaviosromy420 Because suspending is 5 times faster...22:39
codingmanI never use hibernate22:39
minthonestly, i dont even know how to hibernate lol22:40
NictraSaviosHibernation is just a reboot without post for all its worth.22:40
codingmanthen forget about it :p22:40
grendalok i found a package for s3fs (amazon s3 buckets)  but it is only for luscid..22:40
grendal im using 12.04  is it ok to add this ppa to my source files?22:40
mintf'it we'll do it live!22:40
NictraSaviosgrendal, It won't work :P22:40
romy420i would test .. if it will ever work with an encrypted root :)22:40
jmrogmint: lol22:40
NictraSaviosmint, EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY!22:40
genii-around!ot | NictraSavios22:41
ubottuNictraSavios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:41
grendalNictraSavios, not a very nice way to stat a conversation22:41
NictraSaviosgenii-around, Sorry... I get carried away.22:41
genii-aroundNictraSavios: np22:41
NictraSaviosgrendal, Huh? What do you mean. Adding a repo with only package for luicd will give you a 404 when you update your package database22:42
mintso i guess i'm just going with a / partition and /home22:42
vicium\aDoesn't ' useradd NAME -p PASSWORD -m cut it?22:42
NictraSaviosvicium\a, If you don't want access to anything and your fine with no home directory... sure.22:43
grendalNictraSavios, what if i just download the package directly and install it22:43
jmrogNictraSavios: -m creates the home directory, doesn't it?22:43
vicium\aHmm.. My intention is to create a user for myselves so I dont sit in root all the time..22:43
vicium\aJust bought a VPS for educational purposes22:43
NictraSaviosgrendal, Then you will probably have dependency problems and it won't install... Why don't you look at why the software isn't available for precise. There is probably a better alternative22:44
vicium\aaha adduser was much better22:44
vicium\aguided and all that..22:44
jmrogvicium\a: useradd -m -p PASSWORD USERNAME should be fine, afaik22:44
NictraSaviosvicium\a, Oh, sorry. Missed that.22:44
grendalNictraSavios, ive tried that22:44
vicium\aAha, i formatted it wrong then, thanks22:44
jmrogvicium\a: Problem might've been that you put the username before the options22:44
davidgilmourjmrog: yes cron is running22:44
grendali mean..i find it rather strange22:44
vicium\aI did :/22:44
NictraSaviosvicium\a, But... you should probably add a few groups.22:44
NictraSaviosgrendal, What is the software in question and why do you want it?22:45
jmrogdavidgilmour: No luck supplying the full path for php or putting it in a script?22:45
KLtouristHello, I'm trying to install ubuntu on Zenbook but it failed!!!22:45
jmroge.g. */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/script22:45
grendali have a machine running on ec2  and a s3 bucket and i want to mount the s3 bucket22:46
vicium\aHmm I also have another problem I didnt have this the last time.. I downloaded murmur ( a voice communication server software ) and it refuses to run, i think it wants to run via a gui or something.. I get a shiiiitload of gdk_screen errors and a Segmentation Fault at the end...22:46
grendalits a 1204 server..22:46
mintshould the / and /home be logical or primary partitions?22:46
KLtouristit easily cannot install the Grub on SSD22:46
grendalthere is a fuse app you can download and complile..i was just hoping for a packed option if i could find one22:46
jmrogmint: Depends, do you have and/or plan to have additional partitions? Drives can only have 4 primary partitions maximum.22:46
NictraSaviosgrendal, Your probably going to have to compile it then22:46
vicium\aIf anyone has a spare moment, this is the error i get ' http://paste.ubuntu.com/1114633/ '22:46
vicium\a(when trying to run the executable script)22:47
mintjm: i might install win 7/8 later on22:47
davidgilmourjmlog: nope.. i just added a "> cronlog.log" at the end of the script.. that's the only way I know to test if the cron is actually working22:47
NictraSaviosvicium\a, Yeah, its looking for a screen22:47
vicium\aIs there a launch option to.. force it to not?22:47
jmrogdavidgilmour: Same here, that's how I'd test it.22:47
NictraSaviosvicium\a, check th manual22:47
vicium\aWill do!22:47
davidgilmourthe script works fine running it from ssh22:47
vicium\aBut the FAQ for installing it said it was just to apt-get and run it, wrong! :)22:47
NictraSaviosvicium\a, :P Bad documentation aha22:48
vicium\a'However, on distributions with prepackaged Murmur (Debian/Ubuntu), Murmur is configured to run as a system service, just like your webserver, mailserver and whatever else you have running. This "global" installation is a ready, turn-key solution' pff!22:48
vicium\aBut maybe i'm missing some obvious common libraries since its a fresh VPN install...22:48
* NictraSavios Thinks that bad documentation writers should be punished like thieves in the old world. Cut off their hands at the wrists.22:49
NictraSaviosvicium\a, I have no idea then. all I know it what the error means :P22:49
genii-around!info murmur22:49
ubottumurmur (source: museek+): PyGTK2 client for Museekd, the P2P Soulseek Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.2+svn20100315.r1208-1ubuntu3 (precise), package size 154 kB, installed size 784 kB22:49
NictraSaviosOo... its a gtk client for the mussekd deamon... not a voice server...22:50
vicium\aI have the wrong package..22:50
vicium\amurmur-server not murmur...!22:50
vicium\aI think..22:51
vicium\a!info mumble-server22:51
agentgasmaskHi all. I'm trying to install all the same packages on a new system as on my old system. I seem to remember there being some relationship between dpkg --get-selections and apt-get (dselect-upgrade?) or something. Any hints?22:51
ubottumumble-server (source: mumble): Low latency VoIP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.3-2ubuntu4 (precise), package size 735 kB, installed size 2506 kB22:51
vicium\aThere we go..22:51
jmrogagentgasmask: What you're looking for is dpkg --get-selections on one system and dpkg --set-selections on the other22:52
agentgasmaskjmrog: Ok. and running dpkg --set-selections will download/install the packages, or do I then just run apt-get something-or-other?22:52
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vicium\aHow long should it take for a DNS to update?22:53
vicium\aChanged my domain from my own ip to the servers22:53
jmrogagentgasmask: dpkg --get-selections will tell you what's installed/etc. on the old system. You can put that into a file, then read the file into dpgk --set-selections22:53
jmrogagentgasmask: After that, you can run apt-get dselect-upgrade22:53
Malcolm2608_Could some one help me figure out why my keyboard is not detected in ubuntu linux or any ubuntu based distro22:54
jmrogagentgasmask: The last two commands would be on the new system22:54
salehi cannot install the ubuntu on Asus Zenbook. it cannot install Grub on SSD. should i change anything in BIOS or what???22:54
agentgasmaskjmrog: OK, great. :) thank you.22:55
NakkelHow do I get HP un2400 (Gobi 1000) WWAN modem to work on 12.04? dmesg shows that drivers are loaded and the device attaches to /dev/ttyUSB0 but after few seconds it disconnects the device and just dissapears from the system.22:55
Malcolm2608_I have two keyboard , one of them works and the other one dosen't22:56
Malcolm2608_its kinad weird  lol22:56
jmrogagentgasmask: No problem, good luck22:56
genii-aroundMalcolm2608_: Does it have some funky adapter like ps2->usb ?22:56
Malcolm2608_just as normal usb 2.022:57
salehi cannot install the ubuntu on Asus Zenbook. it cannot install Grub on SSD and it opens the window "bootleader install failed". should i change anything in BIOS or what???22:57
QubitSmugglerspill beer on one malcom?22:57
vicium\aIs there an easy way to 'speedtest' your connection up/downstreams in ubuntu?22:57
Malcolm2608_lol no , the keyboard works22:57
vicium\aWithout using the a webbrowser22:58
agentgasmasksaleh: Perhaps that is that new window locked bootloader thing? I've only hear roumors about it.22:58
Malcolm2608_they kbaord works in windows22:58
Malcolm2608_and i think in  puppy linux22:58
Malcolm2608_its just ubuntu and ubuntu based distros22:58
Malcolm2608_the lights and stuff show up on it , but none of the buttons do anything22:58
salehagentgasmask: i removed my windows22:59
agentgasmaskvicium\a: if you have two hosts you could see the speed between them with a simple nc and speedometer setup.22:59
salehi cannot install the ubuntu on Asus Zenbook. it cannot install Grub on SSD and it opens the window "bootleader install failed". should i change anything in BIOS or what???23:00
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Malcolm2608_the keyboard is new23:00
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Malcolm2608_and im using xchat so i have no idea how to pm23:01
agentgasmasksaleh: Yeah, I seem to remember something about windows getting harware OEMs to lock the motherboard to the windows bootloader. Anyone else know more about this? Conferm/denie?23:01
vicium\aI dont agentgasmask :/23:01
agentgasmaskvicium\a: hmmm... Let me think... there has to be a way.23:01
jmrogagentgasmask: That's unlikely to be the issue. The thing you're talking about with locked bootloaders is part of Windows 8 certification, and Windows 8 isn't released yet23:02
salehagentgasmask: if anything, i guess it should be the default BIOS setting. let me check sth...23:02
agentgasmaskThanks guys.23:02
agentgasmaskvicium\a: check this out: wget --output-document=/dev/null http://speedtest.wdc01.softlayer.com/downloads/test500.zip23:03
vicium\aIs the zip file an actual file or am I supposed to monitor the speed? :P23:04
agentgasmaskvicium\a: I just did a google search for: test internet connection speed commandline linux23:04
agentgasmaskvicium\a: It should be a real file. it's "saving" it to /dev/null (wich is just throwing it away.) but wget should tell you the download speed.23:05
vicium\aYeah, upload to go then!23:05
vicium\aThanks I guess but isnt that speed also very varied depending on server location etc?23:06
vicium\aAhwell ill google for some more resources23:06
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agentgasmaskvicium\a: yes, but that's a factor if you use the webbrowser based version too.23:06
agentgasmaskvicium\a: Ok. Good luck. :)23:06
vicium\aBut that version usually check your location and sends you to the closest server ( i think ) thanks :)23:07
DWSRWhat´s the Java package called?23:07
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:07
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vicium\ajde/jke afaik23:08
agentgasmaskvicium\a: true.23:09
disposableif i run 'apt-get source kernel-image-3.2.0-6-generic', does the unpacked kernel source already have ubuntu patches in or do i need to apply the diff manually?23:09
jmrogsaleh: Can you run parted on your drive?23:11
salehjmorg: i cannot install ubuntu, how can i run gparted or parted?23:11
jmrogsaleh: LiveCD23:12
vicium\aagentgasmask: Yeah heh, 3.5 mbs using one of them 11mb/s using wget -O/dev/null speedtest.pixelwolf.ch :D23:12
ghsa software engineer ?23:12
vicium\aWish I could emulate a GUI on my home desktop from my VPN23:12
salehjmorg: smart try :) let me try that...23:12
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romy420disposable: it's patched up to version 3.2.0-6 ... the last updates that came for 12.04 installed 3.2.0-27 automatically23:13
vicium\aAnd infact, just read pixelwolf capped at 100 mbit, so cant really see if my promised 1gbit works.. :(23:13
jmrogsaleh: If you can do it, when you run parted on the ssd, can you print the partition table and tell me what kind of partition table it has? Curious about something.23:13
vicium\aAlthough HDD probably fails at some point23:13
salehjmorg: it has 32SSD+500 of HDD . i wanna install root on SSD and home on 500GB23:15
jmrogsaleh: Can you run parted on the SSD and print the partition table?23:15
StoneCypherwhat is the preferred way of upgrading mysql to 5.6?  googling gives a whole bunch of pretty seriously different answers.23:16
salehjmorg: am using my PC to connect to XCHAT. i'm doing it on my laptop. plus, i'm trying to change the BIOS setting to get my things done23:16
vicium\aDo I need to add any specific flags to search for a file/folder named 'murmur' ? I'm sitting at root@server:/# trying find murmur23:17
jmrogsaleh: Okay. What I'm trying to do is determine whether your drive is using GPT instead of MBR. If you run parted on the drive, and then type 'print', it will have a line that says "Partition table:" and afterward it will list the type23:17
vicium\aLike to search subdirectories etc23:17
jmrogsaleh: Just want to check and make sure it doesn't list 'gpt'23:17
Dr_Willisvicium\a:  locate uses a database.   'locate filename' but the database is only updated like on ce a day23:18
salehjmorg: ok. Thanks. just w8...23:18
disposableromy420: thanks23:19
jmrogvicium\a: I'd do something like: find / -iname 'murmur'23:19
DFrostedWangThis may not be the place to ask this, but I need a way to view folders on my Android phone that are on my computer on my wifi network.23:19
romy420:) have fun23:19
StoneCyphervicium\a: updatedb23:19
DFrostedWangUnless anyone can suggest a better way to get my porn on my phone without a microSD card23:20
vicium\aThanks, all of you23:20
Dr_WillisDFrostedWang:  thers tools for android that let you browse it in a browser,  with a nice file manager.23:20
StoneCypherafter that it'll work as expected23:20
DFrostedWangI know, but I want something simpler23:20
usr13Dr_Willis: DFrostedWang FileEpert23:20
DFrostedWangI have that23:20
DFrostedWangIt isn't very good for this23:21
usr13DFrostedWang: What do you need?23:21
Dr_WillisDFrostedWang:   your details are a bit confuseing.. so we dont know what you need..23:21
DFrostedWangI have a rooted phone, perhaps I could mount my porn partition like it was on my phone?23:21
usr13DFrostedWang: There's bluetooth23:21
DFrostedWangBluetooth is slow23:21
StoneCypherany love for the actual ubuntu question :/23:21
usr13DFrostedWang: We are not interested in helping you get porn, so never mind.23:21
Dr_Willistheres ssh and ftp and other stuff for android. and samba23:22
DFrostedWangI already have the porn23:22
usr13StoneCypher: Yes23:22
kionis there any software in Ubuntu to create videos from pictures?23:22
DFrostedWangLots of software for that23:22
usr13DFrostedWang: We are fully aware of that.  Thanks anyway23:22
Dr_Williskion:  ffmpeg. or mencoder can take lots of imagtes and put them into a movie23:22
StoneCypherusr13: ... like?23:22
StoneCypherDr_Willis, DFrostedWang: please take it to #android23:22
kionDr_Willis: is that intalled in Ubuntu by default?23:22
usr13StoneCypher: Sorry, just agreeing with you.23:22
DFrostedWangOh yeah, I also need help finding a way to make thumbnails from a video.23:22
l3dwas wondering how I would change the theme to all black background for everything even things run as root like I used to in the great 10.10 and below ( why fix something that wasnt broke)23:23
StoneCypherusr13: no, i was asking people to look into the question that DFrostedWang was spamming out of channel23:23
usr13DFrostedWang: /join #android23:23
Dr_Williskion:  i doubt it.. they are in the repos23:23
DFrostedWangI'm already thee23:23
DFrostedWangBut what about my thumbnailing question?23:23
salehjmorg: (parted) /dev/sr0: unrecognised disk label23:23
usr13DFrostedWang: Good.  Come back when you have question about Ubuntu.23:23
DFrostedWangI just said that...23:24
davidgilmourjmrog: still there?23:24
usr13DFrostedWang: What is your question?23:24
StoneCypher[19:16] <StoneCypher> what is the preferred way of upgrading mysql to 5.6?  googling gives a whole bunch of pretty seriously different answers.23:24
kionDr_Willis:  Thanks I just did sudo apt-get install libav-tools23:24
DFrostedWangI need help finding a way to make thumbnails from a video.23:24
salehjmorg: (parted) print23:24
StoneCypherusr13: could i get some help please, this guy just wants attention23:24
jmrogdavidgilmour: yes23:24
salehjmorg: Error: /dev/sr0: unrecognised disk label23:24
mrdn DFrostedWang: the rule on #ubuntu is that you get only answers from people that are incapable of solving your real problem. like me.23:25
jmrogsaleh: Are you sure that /dev/sr0 is your hard drive?23:25
DFrostedWangThis is why I stopped using Ubuntu... Bad support. I came here with two questions and neither got answered.23:25
jmrogsaleh: I mean the ssd23:25
usr13DFrostedWang: In other words, we do not know how to make thumbnails from a video.  Any other questions?23:26
vicium\aThis is free support?23:26
[deXter]He already left. >_>23:26
vicium\aI found ubuntu support to be enormous, previously aswell23:26
genii-aroundDFrostedWang: Convert to mjpeg , as described here: http://blog.prashanthellina.com/2008/03/29/creating-video-thumbnails-using-ffmpeg/23:26
StoneCyphervicium\a: only if the problem is trivial and has nothing to do with ubuntu23:26
genii-aroundBleh, they are always so impatient23:26
davidgilmourjmrog the cron seems to be running, but I get a zero bytes file.. now I'm really confused23:26
vicium\aYeah.. I've gotten help here throughout the years with very basic stuff, always someone to help me atleast23:26
StoneCypherlucky you.23:27
usr13vicium\a: Sure, when you have a real issue, there is always someone that can solve it.23:27
davidgilmouroh no, someone is trolling23:27
davidgilmour(grabbing popcorn)23:28
vicium\aWhats trolling?23:28
StoneCyphervicium\a: what people who want attention say23:28
* QubitSmuggler steals some popcorn from davidgilmour23:28
StoneCyphervicium\a: ignore whoever said that; they're just trying to create a fight23:28
salehjmorg: i've turned off the "Intel virtualization technology" in bios. let me turn it on again...23:29
bazhanglets get back to support please23:29
StoneCypherbazhang: taht'd be great.  mind telling me the appropriate approach to upgrading mysql past the 2008 5.1 that's in apt?23:29
romy420StoneCypher maybe ppl at #mysql can answer your question23:29
vicium\aSo when will I be able to simulate a GUI to my desktop from my vpn? :)23:29
StoneCypherromy420: no, they cannot help me with ubuntu's package manager.23:30
Thunder7102hey guys. I screwed up big time. I deleted the partition Ubuntu was in (I was trying to fix a ton of logical partitions) and now grub is not loading properly23:30
Thunder7102I'm in grub rescue23:30
romy420ok, that's true23:30
bazhangStoneCypher, what version of ubuntu are you using currently please23:30
Thunder7102is there a way to boot into other partitions?23:30
StoneCypherbazhang: i just upgraded to 12.04 lts i believe23:31
usr13Thunder7102: If you deleted the Ubuntu partition, you'll have to re-install23:31
Thunder7102usr13: Is there a way I can use grub rescue to boot into another partition so i can burn the cd?23:31
jmrogStoneCypher: You're saying that you have the version of mysql that is in Ubuntu's repositories, and you want to know how to upgrade beyond it?23:31
OerHeksStoneCypher, then you would see mysql-server 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.123:31
m1chaeldoes anyone have any information regarding the streaming of skype calls to icecast2?23:31
usr13Thunder7102: Yes, but only if you have a bootable OS on another partition.23:31
Thunder7102usr13: I do.23:32
usr13Thunder7102: Then by all means boot it.23:32
StoneCypherOerHeks: unless i was too stupid to get it right.  sudo apt-get upgrade mysql-server says there's nothing to upgrade.23:32
Thunder7102The first usable partition other than the MBR should be it. What command should I use in grub rescue usr13?23:32
usr13!grub | Thunder710223:33
ubottuThunder7102: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:33
StoneCypherjmrog: to be clear, "maybe."  the internet says it's supposed to be 5.5; i don't seem to be able to get past 5.1.  5.5 would be fine.23:33
ThePendulumAny ideas how to unhide shutter?23:33
StoneCypherjmrog: more likely, PEBKAC.23:33
bazhangStoneCypher, the version for 12.04 is 5.5.2223:34
jmrogStoneCypher: apt-get upgrade doesn't take package names as arguments23:34
jmrogStoneCypher: What happens if you try apt-get install mysql-server23:34
StoneCyphermysql-server is already the newest version.\n0 upgraded, ...23:35
jmrogStoneCypher: What version number shows when you type apt-cache show mysql-server23:36
StoneCyphermysql console says 5.1, so that seems like an agreement23:36
jmrogStoneCypher: Okay, you must not be getting the correct repos. You said you're on Ubuntu 12.04? Have you issued apt-get update first? And what are the repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list file?23:37
Magic-FxHi all - How do I edit the screensaver settings in 12.04? :)23:37
bazhangStoneCypher, whats the output from lsb_release -a in terminal23:37
StoneCypheri did apt-get update.  checking sources list23:37
StoneCypheroh, it says 11.10 oneiric ocelot at the top of the sources list.23:38
StoneCypherwtf, and lsb_release -a says 11.1023:38
StoneCypheri just did the 12.04 update, what the hell23:38
usr13StoneCypher: What command did you use?23:38
jmrogStoneCypher: Hm... Well there you go, at least, with respect to the mysql issue.23:38
usr13StoneCypher: Or how did you do it?23:38
StoneCypherok, i just figured out how i'm an idiot.23:38
salehjmorg: r u still there?23:39
StoneCypherthe 12.04 LTS update is on a different button than normal update.23:39
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jmrogStoneCypher: Cool. Hope you enjoyed your free Ubuntu support! ;)23:39
StoneCypheri updated everything *but* the LTS thing.23:39
StoneCypherthank you all for your support; sorry it was on such a stupid error.23:39
jmrogsaleh: Yes, looking into it, not really sure about your problem though23:39
davidgilmourlol :)23:39
OerHeksNo, you are no idiot, you have asked a solution to a proble,.23:39
Thunder7102I still can't find it. What is the command to boot to a certain partition via grub rescue?23:40
salehjmorg: even "Disk Usage Analyser" shows there is only one disk of 5.1GB . that's silly!!!23:40
StoneCypherOerHeks: if you think i'm not an idiot, you don't yet know me well enough.23:40
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jmrogdavidgilmour: Don't have much more to say about your problem, sorry. If cron is working but outputting a zero byte file, it could be a problem with the php script23:40
salehjmorg: thanks anyway :) love this supportive channel...23:41
jmrogsaleh: Something has come up for me and I unfortunately have to run, sorry. Good luck with your problem23:42
Myr|AwayAnyone know what the problem could be with this wubi installation? It is only showing 2gb out of 4, its 10.1023:42
davidgilmourwe're all idiots23:42
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Thunder7102i need to boot my Windows 7 partition from grub rescue to burn a CD. :P23:43
QubitSmugglerthere are 2 kinds of people in the world, idiots and jerks, if you are not one you are the other23:43
genii-aroundMyr: If it's a 32 bit install, you may need a PAE kernel23:43
jeffreycan anyone help me?  my monitor picture is not properly aligned, the bottom and the right of the screen are clipped off and auto adjust on the monitor doesnt work.  the monitor is also detected as a laptop screen in the display settings even though its a desktop23:43
genii-around!pae | Myr23:43
ubottuMyr: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info23:43
davidgilmourit's hard to tell which one i'd prefer to be23:43
bazhang!ot | davidgilmour23:44
ubottudavidgilmour: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:44
Myr2 != 3.2 :(23:44
ThePendulumDoes anyone know how to 'unhide' Shutter? It's running but I can't find it23:44
bazhangMyr, get a supported version, 10.10 is already end of support life23:44
genii-aroundbazhang: Well, that too! ;-)23:45
vicium\aSo I can actually install ubuntu-desktop & a vnc server on a VPS and acess it via a GUI? :o23:45
m477is it possible to monitor somehow how much energy consume display in notebook?23:45
davidgilmour!ot | QubitSmuggler23:46
ubottuQubitSmuggler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:46
Dr_Willisvicium\a:  you can. or use ssh and x forwarding.23:46
saoriI want to record my sound output to an mp3 wav or flac, can I do that?23:47
QubitSmuggleruse the sound recorder23:47
exutuxso if x forward is enabled on VPS server23:47
Dr_WillisThePendulum:  if its an older app that has a minimize to the systray type feature it may be minimized there. and thus hidden. You should be able to rerun shutter and have it reappear..23:47
exutuxvicium\a: so if x forward is enabled on VPS server23:48
ThePendulumDr_Willis: I don't think it's outdated much. Also, there's nothing in the tray because I disabled that lol23:48
vicium\aBut x forwarding can only access a specific X 'app at one time or?23:48
vicium\aNot the 'entire dekstop' so tospeak23:48
exutuxand for vnc if your costumer permit forward for 5900 port23:48
exutuxvicium\a: correct23:48
vicium\aI can just change the port otherwise yeah? :P23:48
jeffreyso is it possible to adjust the screen position?23:48
Dr_WillisThePendulum:  no idea then23:49
exutuxit's only for open GUI apps in your local desktop23:49
vicium\aThanks, I'll check both of theese out, x forwarding seems useful since i use putty all the time23:49
Dr_Willisvicium\a:  you need a x server running on the local box also23:49
exutuxvicium\a: for vnc or remote desktop them port must be natted on router where VPS is23:49
ThePendulumDr_Willis: Alright, thanks none the less23:49
vicium\aUm... you lost me exutux.. :P23:50
okahsdasdis it just me or has this version of ubuntu had the most updates so far... ?23:50
vicium\aDr_Willis: I'm using win7, does that break it? :P23:50
Dr_Willisvicium\a:  stick to SSH and X forwarding then23:50
Dr_Willisvicium\a:  you need an X server for windows. Like Xming23:50
exutuxcheck if x forward for ssh is enabled on VPS server23:51
genii-aroundm477: So you want your battery monitor to break down what is using how much, etc?23:51
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romy420m477, you can use 'powertop' (probably will have to install it from repo first)23:52
exutuxotherwise xforward doesn't run23:52
romy420it gives u an estimation23:52
exutuxestimation about process that use more battery23:53
vicium\aexutux: Is there an easy way to check it? I'm installing xming atm, looking at help.ubuntu documentaiton about it, it sounds like i need to setup the connection to attempt it23:53
exutuxvicium\a: if you have root permission and not limited you can look in /etc/ssh/ssh_config23:54
vicium\aOkay, will do23:54
exutuxand you have to restart ssh23:54
vicium\a-bash: /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Permission denied23:54
exutuxif you modify it23:54
exutuxvicium\a: well23:55
exutuxyou're account is limited23:55
exutuxask to costumer then23:55
vicium\aWill do!23:55
vicium\aOn an entirely diferent matter, how well does Win7 run on ubuntu (using VMware) if you have the horsepower for it?23:56
jeffreynobody knows how to adjust the screen position?23:57
osmosiscan I get the cinnamon window manager for ubuntu?23:57
ThePendulumjeffrey: In Ubuntu 12.04?23:57
Dr_Willisxvidtune (for old school way jeffrey ) or the xrandr tools perhaps23:57
jeffreyim on mint23:57
ThePendulumOH I read resolution, I facepalmed too quickly23:58
Dr_Willisosmosis:  i imagine so.. but this channel dosent support cinnamon.23:58
m477romy420: powertop shows only whole dischagre value, and I wonder how much of it is from display discharge23:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:58
osmosismaybe in ubuntu+123:58
diegosxHello! I have a problem.. I downloaded yesterday the last version of Ubuntu and then i put it on a cd.. I try to boot but it stuck on a small man logo :/23:59
romy420m477, mine shows also the display backilight reading23:59

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