
ralsinamandel: looks like growl is a good idea -- http://collect3.com.au/hiss/02:43
JamesTaitIs it really...? It is! Happy Friday, everyone! :-D08:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mandellunch time in spain12:11
* mandel lunch12:11
ralsinagood late morning13:12
alecuGood even later morning13:33
mandelralsina, do we have the mumble team meeting today?14:11
ralsinamandel: yes14:11
mandelralsina, or is it moved to next week?14:11
ralsinamandel: today14:11
mandelralsina, ack14:11
* mandel does not write notes \o/14:11
ralsinamandel: saw this? http://collect3.com.au/hiss/14:11
mandelralsina, the growl stuff, yes :)14:12
ralsinamandel: makes things easier :-)14:12
mandelralsina, I saw you message this morning, and it does, we just say we support growl and let the user decide14:12
ralsinamandel: right14:12
dobeygrr, twsited options parsing14:17
mandelralsina, I know you will like this one: http://imgur.com/yofyo14:17
dobeyralsina: oh, that hiss thing was disappointing. I was expecting an app which just made your speakers hiss all the time14:19
ralsinadobey: I can get you that14:19
ralsinadobey: give me a sec14:19
ralsinadobey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPoqNeR3_UA14:20
ralsinamandel: haha14:20
dobeyralsina: it would be great if that growl-forwarding app did that too, though14:22
dobeyralsina: would be a great troll.14:22
ralsinadobey: there's also a HD version but it's a bit short, only 1.2 hours :-)14:22
dobeyespecially for all the amateur-pro-audio people on macs14:22
dobey"where is this bloody hiss coming from?!"14:23
ralsinadobey: then you can sell a $5000 app to remove it14:24
ralsinaor maybe rubber feet for the speakers14:24
dobeyback to option parsing14:27
mmccso are we doing mumble today or hangout?14:52
mmcc(also, good "morning")14:53
ralsinammcc: good question. Anyone up to setting up the mumble in 7 minutes?14:53
ralsinaoops, the hangout14:53
mandelralsina, hangout or mumble?14:54
ralsinamandel: hangout if someone volunteers to do all the invites14:54
ralsinaand/or setting up a recurring event which invites us all14:55
mandelralsina, is one of this suations where it would be nice to create a desktop+ circle and sahre it with everyone and create an event :P14:55
briancurtini'm on it right now. dobey, i think you wanted to use a contact method other than canonical email, right?14:55
* mandel does not know how to do it but knows is possible :)14:55
ralsinabriancurtin: thanks!14:55
mmccbriancurtin: what email are you using for me?14:58
mmccbriancurtin: I think michael.mccracken at gmail is easier. not sure what i have to set up for the other one to work14:58
ralsinabriancurtin: use my roberto alsina at gmail too please14:59
briancurtinok, adding everyone now14:59
dobeyoh, oops15:01
dobeywas coding15:01
briancurtindobey: i just added the account which came up with autocomplete for you. if you have something else i'll add15:01
dobeyoh are we doing hangout?15:01
briancurtinyeah we have a few people in already15:01
alecubriancurtin: did you use alecura@gmail.com to invite me?15:02
briancurtinalecu: i did now15:02
ralsinaI don't seem to have gotten invites or anything15:03
briancurtinralsina: invited again15:03
dobeyi love how technology never works right15:04
ralsinagot it15:04
ralsinadobey: if it did, we would be homeless and unemployed15:05
ralsinadobey: and subject to the whims o our robot overlords15:05
mmcchrm, my audio is intermittent...15:11
briancurtinmmcc: let me know if you want me to re-add or something. your screen went black15:11
mmcci turned my video off to try to get better audio15:12
mmccright, no PPC15:12
mmccand it writes to the console for each memory leak!15:14
briancurtinmmcc: what's up on packaging15:17
dobeyi nearly have a refactor of dev-tools done as well, to make it possible to add a different test runner that doesn't use twisted, and fix some of the test cases to not use twisted15:28
mandelf**k, I nearly broke the mobile phone!15:33
ralsinadobey: awesome!15:35
ralsinaIs that meeting now scheduled or each week or we need to re-invite every time?15:43
ralsinaalso, we need to invite joshua15:43
briancurtinralsina: i'll set it up to be scheduled15:43
ralsinabriancurtin: on thursdays, please :-)15:43
dobeyso hangouts from now on?15:45
dobeyvs. mumbles?15:45
ralsinadobey: yes, they seem to work better15:46
ralsinadobey: we can switch back if needed15:46
dobeywell, i'm off to get lunch for now. bbiab :)15:46
ralsinabon appetit!15:46
mandelok, weekend time for me :)16:21
mandelsee you all on monday!16:21
ralsinabye mandel!16:22
mmccbye mandel16:23
mmcchrm, windows u1-client test suite had two failures on one run, then 0 failures on a repeat. failures were these: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1114071/16:36
mmccthey look unrelated to my change, so maybe system load related?16:37
* mmcc is uneasy with intermittent test failures16:37
mmccrunning a third time for consensus16:38
mmccok, two out of three executions agree: the tests pass.16:46
* mmcc still uneasy16:46
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mmccdobey: care to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-1029636/+merge/11709917:14
mmccanyone else have time for a quick review? ⤴17:20
briancurtinmmcc: what's up17:21
mmccbriancurtin: looking for reviewers for this namespace fix above, fixes the reactor import issue17:21
mmccactually, wait on that. I'm going to add a test that will break if anything needed by control-panel installs a reactor17:26
ralsinammcc: cool!17:28
dobeyhrmm, not sure how to solve this (i think) last options parsing issue17:37
dobeyanyone got a minute to help with a python conundrum?18:16
briancurtindobey: what's up18:16
ralsinadobey: sure18:17
dobeytrying to deal with the custom options parsing in twisted, in a generic way. so i wrote a bit simpler implementation of it in dev-tools for the refactoring18:17
dobeybut i'm not sure how to make all the options immediately available, and work all the time18:17
alecudobey: are you using some library to parse the options? I'm sure you know about configglue, right?18:23
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dobeyalecu: i can't use configglue; trial has a custom options parser, and we have to override a few of those options, so we have to have a compatible options parser18:24
dobeythe hierarchy looks a bit like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1114267/18:24
alecudobey: oh I supposed you *were* getting rid of trial in order to get rid of twisted in devtools18:25
dobeyalecu: i am making it possible to use devtools without trial, but we still must have some things available for syncdaemon/etc stuff which does need trial/twisted18:26
dobeyso i'm abstracting the runner/options stuff out18:26
alecudobey: oh, right.18:26
dobeyi suppose it would be possible to go back to the old way of doing things, and not exposing all the options of trial; but that kind of sucks18:26
alecuok guys, I need to change offices. I'll be back in an hour or so.18:27
* alecu brbs18:27
dobeyand still doesn't really help with the hierarchy/abstraction problem, to have different options for different runners18:30
mmccLaptop died, so it's lunchtime for me...18:38
* briancurtin lunch18:40
dobeyhack hack hackety hack19:03
* briancurtin back19:11
briancurtinawesome. months after telling my girlfriend to back up her hard drive, it seems like it just died.19:21
ralsinabriancurtin: pfft. My son just lost all his achievements on plants vs zombies19:23
ralsinaCoincidence? Conspiracy? You be the judge!19:23
dobeyhurrah hurrah19:24
dobeyralsina: sounds more like robots vs. humans19:25
dobeyin other news, i just proposed my unfortunately large refactor branch of dev-tools19:26
dobeyplease review19:29
dobeybrb; gotta run for a few19:32
ralsinadobey: looking19:33
ralsinaunfortunately large it sure is19:34
briancurtin2i'll be back in a bit, i need to run some important errands. i'll be around a while later20:03
dobeyralsina: yep20:07
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
alecudobey: it's reasonably large for all it does20:35
dobeyhola alecu :)20:37
mmccIs there a TestCase class that has patch but isn't from twisted? I don't really need twisted for this test…20:40
dobeymmcc: testtools i think (and maybe the newer unittest bits)20:41
dobeymmcc: yeah, testtools.testcase has a TestCase with patch()20:42
mmccdobey: yeah I saw that dirspec used it, but does any of ubuntuone-client use it? or would I be adding a dependency on testtools just to avoid using twisted?20:43
dobeymmcc: well, more will use it soon i guess :)20:43
mmccdobey: oh, because of py3? hmm.20:44
ralsinadobey: we will get a python3 trial before we start the u1-client port to py320:44
ralsinadobey: so that should not be a reason20:44
dobeyralsina: but not before sso20:45
ralsinadobey: yes20:45
ralsinadobey: but this is in u1-client20:45
dobeyralsina: "py3" isn't the reason here, either20:45
dobeymmcc: you should probably just use the BaseTestCase from ubuntuone-dev-tools20:45
* ralsina prefers to be told the reason instead of the no-reason ;-)20:46
* briancurtin2 back20:46
dobeyralsina: well, not using APIs we don't need to use, is a good reason to not use them :)20:46
ralsinadobey: but in this case we are using the same APIs just from two different places? Unless I am missing bits.20:46
dobeyralsina: and we need non-twisted test running stuff anyway because qtreactor not maintained20:47
ralsinadobey: that's a much better point20:47
ralsinaand adding a dependency on testtools is not horrible wither20:47
dobeyralsina: which is why i now said to just use the test case from devtools. because then it doesn't matter either way, and when it's switched to not use twisted, so will everything that uses it (as they probably shouldn't need twisted either generally speaking)20:48
ralsinadobey: good!20:48
dobeywell we already have a dependency on testtools as well, if only by proxy for u1-client at the moment20:48
* ralsina rubberstamps it20:48
mmccok, so I'm using devtools.testcases.BaseTestCase, and my question now is: do I need to have setUp be an @inlineCallbacks generator and yield super(blah).setUp()? txcheck is complaining, but I didn't think I needed inline callbacks if I'm not using deferreds in the test case20:51
dobeymmcc: if you override setUp or tearDown, and the mro has the trial TestCase in it, you need that, yes20:51
ralsinammcc: yes, setUp is always inlinecallbacks unless you are horribly sure you are never going to have to inherit it and use a deferred20:52
dobeymmcc: because twisted expects deferreds from the setUp/tearDown, otherwise they don't get run properly20:52
mmccok, cool. In this case, my test is supposed to fail if the code under test imports twisted, so I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be necessary, but I think it's not a problem to use it for the test class20:54
ralsinammcc: worst, it *seems* to work and fails in bizarre ways later, sometimes20:54
dobeymmcc: hrmm, i'm not sure how that will work, running inside code where a twisted reactor is already running20:56
mmccdobey: I'm not 100% sure either but the plan is to override __import__, then import the stuff in platform and just die if it tries to import reactor.21:01
dobeyah ok21:02
alecudobey: why is ".pc" excluded by pep8 in run-tests ?21:14
ralsinadobey: +1 your branch looks good to me21:14
mmccanyone know why syncdaemon's action_queue uses a ubuntuone.platform.platform instead of sys.platform?21:16
dobeyalecu: ah, because it's a directory in the source for the .deb packages, when there are patches, and if we have a patch that fixes a pep8 issue for example, it will still check the files in .pc (which has a copy of the original), and fail.21:16
dobeyalecu: so i figure we should probably add it to all our projects, and i started here :)21:17
mmccin platform.__init__ we're setting it to "win32" or "linux" … so, does it need to be "linux" instead of linux2 for some server-side reason? (It's used in authenticate()21:17
* mmcc goes to annotate21:18
dobeyis it a module or a string?21:19
dobeyif it's a string, i guess maybe someone got abstract-o-happy21:19
mmccit's a string. diego added it in the platform refactoring from around when I joined21:20
alecudobey: great then21:21
mmcchrm. at one point it was a platform.get_platform() call21:23
dobeyalecu: added that to the commit message too. thanks for the reminder21:23
alecudobey: may I ask you for tests for the new code?21:29
dobeyalecu: perhaps in a separate branch, as this one is already so large?21:32
alecudobey: if you can open a new bug for that, no problem.21:35
mmccralsina, et al - I wasn't sure who to ask about how important it is that the server is being sent "linux" instead of "linux2" so I filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/103014521:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1030145 in Ubuntu One Client "test_platform fails on darwin because platform.platform is defined as "win32" or"linux"" [Undecided,New]21:36
dobeyalecu: sure21:36
mmccI'd like to just nuke that platform.platform constant and send the server sys.platform but I don't know where it's being used on the other side21:37
mmccand I want to finish the other thing I was doing too :)21:37
ralsinammcc: I suspect we are using that on the server side for statistics and nothing else21:37
ralsinammcc: in any case, not all that urgent, it can wait for diego's return if he's the one that put it there21:37
mmccralsina: ok.l I assigned you the bug, so bounce away :)21:38
ralsinaAnd EOW for me21:39
dobeywhee, lightning, and rain21:46
dobeyreminds me of that one threebrain song21:46
alecummcc: re "linux" vs "linux2", we should ask in #u1-internal, to see if it's being used already in some statistics21:52
alecummcc: the thing is that if we change that going forward, it means that older clients will still send the older string, so we would have to adjust current statistics (if they already exist) and/or take into account this for all future stats.21:53
alecummcc: so I'm -0 that change...21:54
dobeyi think we should change it, but that we should send something more like a User-Agent string than just the platform or whatever21:54
mmccright now it sends a version string and a platform.21:59
mmccbut ralsina assigned it to diego, so…22:01
mmccI'm going to leave it be :)22:01
dobeyalright all, have a good weekend!22:07
mmccok, I give up on that test. the module under test is imported before the test, so I can't add a hook to catch its import from within the test code. and since trial uses reactors I can't just fail the test if reactor is in sys.modules after I import it…22:48
mmccso if anyone is still around and wants a fast review, see https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-1029636/+merge/11709922:49
mmccand I'm out.22:49

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