
=== Geek{eating} is now known as GeekAdmin
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== Guest65084 is now known as ponbiki
=== Guest40624 is now known as dbdii407
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
livingdaylightnew to xfce. installed xubuntu. I have a question regarding USC. It doesn't seem that the software center has been designed for xubuntu specifically and is essentially the gnome software center. If one didn't know one could easily install ubuntu-restricted rather than xubuntu-restricted. Presumably, that matters?05:59
pleia2xubuntu uses the exact same ubuntu software center06:01
livingdaylightpleia2, i noticed.06:02
livingdaylightdo you know the answer to my question? Does it matter?06:02
pleia2no, the packages seem identical06:02
pleia2http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/ubuntu-restricted-extras http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/xubuntu-restricted-extras06:03
livingdaylightwhy wrap them up as ubuntu and xubuntu specific restricted then?06:03
pleia2I don't know06:03
pleia2presumably there may be differences in some releases06:03
livingdaylightAre all packages in USC compatible in xfce? For instance I installed guake as per habit, but I noticed that a Debconf dialog kept popping up during the process, which scares me, as I'm not used to that. Does it suggest a problem?06:04
Unit193Some things are more compatible and less compatible, but should technically work.06:05
livingdaylightDoes everyone get Debconf dialog pop up during installation of packages?06:05
Unit193Well, I've never really used USC, so can't say anything to that part.06:06
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
aquixWhen I have virtualbox (xp guest) and miro open xubuntu logs out after a while. Anyone seen the same thing? or know why that can be?07:43
aquix(also have deluge open, if python is the issue)07:43
Unit193Try looking at logs in /var/log/ and switch to a TTY, login, and type dmesg07:44
aquixlooked at the logs but couldn't find anything. will try dmesg next time07:46
aquixthanks :)07:47
xubuntu949My pc wont boot xubuntu after successfully installing xubuntu 12.04...07:50
xubuntu949Xubuntu asks to restart, so i pressed restart, pc shuts down and turns on but wont boot to any os07:52
TheDrumsTake off quiet splash in the grub boot menu, hit shift while booting and maybe check out some other grub fix tips.07:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:53
xubuntu949Well, ive read all about grub, is there a way to access it without booting to anything?? Ive tried shift it does nothing07:56
TheDrumsNo text on screen at all?  Blinking curser?  There should be something even if it is "Missing Operating System"07:57
xubuntu949Well i get a blinking dash on a black screen with nothing to do... Ive used bios to manually choose the hard drive to boot from, yet nothing?08:00
xubuntu949My bad, disregard the "?"08:00
livingdaylightanyone use voyager? is there a room for it?10:24
W4spjoin #kbuntu12:50
W4spjoin #kubuntu12:51
aquix /12:51
W4spaquix sorry.12:52
DaQuestionsQuestion! I have never used a linux OS and qas wondering how Xubuntu was? o.o;13:58
holsteinDaQuestions: try it live.. you can load it upa, dn get an idea of how it looks and feels without altering your machine14:00
David-ADaQuestions: do you have a fast internet connection? then you can try it for yourself, download iso-file for xubuntu, burn cd or unetbootin it to a usb-stick, boot from cd or usb, see for yourself14:00
DaQuestionsMm i was more so wondering how it ran. Because i keep hearing different stories of how it's great then another says it's buggy.14:00
holsteinDaQuestions: depends on your hardware14:01
holsteini would expect similar performance from most linux distros though... is xubuntu buggy? no14:01
David-ADaQuestions: you ask in a xubuntu channel, of course it is great and not buggy at all, that's what i'd say14:01
DaQuestionsI didn't come here to bash it, i've come to seek answers, David-A I dont wanna shove a OS on my computer thats going to canse me grief. lol14:02
holsteinwill xubuntu run flawlessly on your hardware? id load up a live CD and find out14:02
DaQuestionsHmm, ok. Thanks for the info guys. :) Appreciate it.14:03
David-ADaQuestions: running from a live cd or live usb does nothing to your computer, unplug it and the computer is as before14:03
holsteincomputers can be a source of grief.. most folks just buy them with the OS pre-loaded.. you will just have to try it out and see.. xubuntu is great for what you are suggesting14:03
David-ADaQuestions: if what you see is good when you run the live cd or live usb, then you can install it on the harddisk, alone, or dual boot with windows. but do a backup first.14:04
DaQuestionsIs dual-booting that good?14:05
DaQuestionsI was just gunna do it alone.14:05
holsteindual bootint dual boots.. good is a matter of opinion14:05
holsteinif you want to boot 2 operating systems, dual booting is essential14:06
DaQuestionsI know what dual booting is.. i am fairly sure i just asked how it was :P14:06
holsteinDaQuestions: it boots 2 operating systems14:06
DaQuestionsi KNOW what it does..14:06
holsteincool.. thats about it.. it "is" just that14:06
DaQuestionsAlso have heard different opinions on it.14:06
DaQuestionsSays it bogs the other OS down and this and that.14:07
holsteinyeah?.. theres really only the one fact.. it just is14:07
DaQuestionsI assume their pc's just suck14:07
holsteindual booting is like having both operating systems native14:07
holsteinthe only resources dual booting takes up is more hard drive space14:07
David-ADaQuestions: if you have payed for windows it may feel like a waste to remove it, or you have programs that requires windows for the time being14:07
DaQuestionsEh, windows can frankly take a hike.. haha.14:08
DaQuestionsMy signifigant other is converting me into a linux user.. ;S14:08
David-ADaQuestions: dual boot does not "bog down" the computer, disk must be partitioned and each get less than the total disk. boot loader sometimes becomes a problem for some people, but fix that if and when it happens14:09
holsteini think some folks consider the WUBI install to "bog down" the linux install a bit14:12
DaQuestionsEh, ill just have it an my Alone OS. I don't think i'd like Dual-booting to be honest. Thanks for all the help. :P Enjoy your days / nights..14:14
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
lex1Has anyone attempted to install/upgrade their kernel to version 3.516:07
lex1Have you had any problems/errors when doing this?16:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
TraceXgood evening guys, there is someone from Italy that can help me with removing a thing from the Grub?19:45
well_laid_lawnTraceX: there is an italian channel if that helps19:55
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:55
TraceXyeah but they doesnt use Xubuntu..19:55
David-ATraceX: grub is the same19:56
TraceXokay, gonna try thx20:01
enlethHi there. I'm trying to do aptitude install xubuntu-desktop on a clean base system xubuntu installation and it asks me for the 'Xubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120423.1)' disk at /media/cdrom. The netbook I've got here doesn't even have a DVD drive, so I loop-mounted the ISO at /media/cdrom - but aptitude unmounts it and asks again, ad infinitum.21:45
enlethAny hints?21:45
enlethThe system was installed from a pendrive, using unetbootin, BTW.21:46
GridCubeenleth, take off the cd as a software source21:47
TheDrumsCheck /etc/apt/sources.list for something like    # deb cdrom:[Xubuntu 11.04 _Natty Narwhal_ - Release i386 (20110427)]/ natty main restricted21:47
TheDrumsANd put a # in front.21:48
enlethOK, this is the only software source listed.21:49
David-Aenleth: or go to Software Sources (from Synaptic or System settings) and un-check the cdrom line.21:49
GridCubeenleth, the easiest way is to go to synaptic and in the configurations search for repositories, or sources option, and in the "other software" uncheck the cdroms21:49
enlethDid I mention it's a clean base system install? No X, and all that.21:50
GridCubethen do what TheDrums said :D21:50
enlethWait, does it even have an editor?21:50
GridCubebut... i don't know how that would work21:50
enlethAh, vi.21:51
GridCubeenleth, why dont you use the alternate iso with unetbootin and install xubuntu directly?21:51
TheDrumsDoesn't have nano by default? Some find it easier.21:51
enlethGridCube: actually, I tried to install xubuntu-desktop from the installer, but it "failed". I mean, there weren't any details.21:51
GridCubeusing the alternate or the desktop iso?21:52
enlethThis is the alternate xubuntu ISO, and I used it on the pendrive.21:52
GridCubei've found that the desktop iso worked better on my netbook, for some reason the alternate failed, dont really remember why21:52
enlethWell, now I need something to put in sources.list21:53
enlethThe cdrom entry was the only one.21:53
GridCubethis are mines: deb http://ar.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted21:55
GridCubedeb-src http://ar.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted21:55
GridCubeyou probably dont need the ar. part :/21:55
enlethDo I need to update something after changing sources.list?21:58
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
David-Aenleth: after changing source list: sudo apt-get update22:09
enlethOK, now I'm getting no matches on aptitude install xubuntu-desktop22:13
enlethEven though the interactive mode shows it22:13
enlethOK, got it.22:16
cr1st0can i install xubuntu in one pc with windows aside and then remove ubuntu and make it like it was?22:58
David-Acr1st0: if you already have a free unused partition on the hard disk (or a separate unused hard disk). otherwise a dual boot will have to erase an existing partition or repartition the hard disk23:00
Mathsterki did that once23:01
Mathsterkslow idea :P23:01
Mathsterkcr1st0: use wui and install within windows if you are just going to play with it23:02
David-Acr1st0: in theory you can shrink the windows partition, install xubuntu in the new space, remove xubuntu, and expand the windows partition to its former size, then it should be like it was, but is a bit risky if something goes wrong23:02
genii-aroundAlso then you have to use your Win CD/DVD to fix the MBR, etc23:02
Mathsterkwui = wubi ***23:03
David-Acr1st0: if you install wubi, the only change on the disk per se is its boot loader, make sure you uninstall wubi in such a way that the original boot loader is reinstalled23:03
David-Acr1st0: the sure way to guarantee no change whatsoever is running a live cd or live usb23:04
Mathsterki think there was a program to install ubuntu on a usb-stick with space to store stuff23:05
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
genii-aroundThere used to be tricky ways like modifying the cd image, making a casper-cow persistent partition, etc. now you should just boot to cd and install to the usb stick if it sees it as a hard drive23:07
David-AMathsterk: yes, StartupDiskCreator in ubuntu, or Unetbootin in windows or linux.23:07
Mathsterkyeah, that one :P23:08
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Mathsterkunfortunately, i'm not good at remembering names :P23:08
cr1st0Universal-USB-Installer- does that too23:09
DiceI've heard about problems with universal usb installer quite often23:09
Mathsterkuse the ones that works, that's my suggestion :P23:09
cr1st0in school the stuff we use are for windows, but dunno why i want to have linux...23:17
genii-aroundLinux can be many things. Windows can be only one thing.23:20
David-Acr1st0: would you have to hide for the principal and the school sysadmin that you dual boot linux? are they so tied to microsoft that it could affect your grades?23:21
Mathsterki'm glad i got special permission  (computer stuff)almost everywhere i go :P23:22
cr1st0one day major players will start making software for linux and then we can use it always to do everything23:31
Mathsterkcr1st0: why not run windows in a vm?23:31

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