
danttido-release-upgrade -d don't show quantal what I'm missing?04:12
danttias ok it was only checking lts ones ...04:13
danttinow I need to poke them again to enable my kernel feature :P04:15
shadeslayerAnyone have a idea on how to do a fresh install while preserving my old encrypted /home ?11:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerkubotu: np11:44
kubotushadeslayer_ is listening to "Overture" by Daft Punk [TRON: Legacy, 2010] [http://open.spotify.com/track/1wlLWCKOYy3o2GlVR1szY2] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more11:44
Riddellshadeslayer: your e.v. vote is open!13:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
Riddell"Harald Sitter (apachelogger) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team until 2013-07-31."  yay he still loves us!17:54
jussimrgh hrsdhhhjk17:57
jussidamn nvidia17:57
jussiRandom logouts :/17:58
shadeslayerRiddell: \o/18:25
shadeslayerEveryone who is a e.V. member, plz2vote :P18:25
jussinot I said the jussi18:26
chronoshere shadeslayer18:40
shadeslayerchronos: hi18:40
chronosso ... is weird, I added ppa but not see ppa packages18:41
shadeslayerchronos: right, so you wanted KTP packages for precise?18:41
chronosto test 0.418:41
shadeslayerok, sec18:41
shadeslayerchronos: by any chance, are you Bhargav?18:41
shadeslayerchronos: ok, ktp packages are here : https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa18:43
shadeslayerchronos: sorry, must have mistaken you for someone else then18:43
chronoshm not on kubuntu backports/18:43
Daskreechchronos: It's not stable so unlikely to be in backports18:43
DaskreechThe point of backports is to make things more stable or more secure18:44
Daskreechktp currently does neither 18:44
chronosk, so need to fix that article http://www.kubuntu.org/ktp-0.418:44
* shadeslayer looks18:45
shadeslayerktp-filetransfer-handler 2 weeks ago 18:45
shadeslayerit's there in kubuntu backports18:45
shadeslayerchronos: did you do a sudo apt-get update ?18:45
chronosah ya18:45
shadeslayerDaskreech: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+packages?field.name_filter=ktp&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=precise18:46
kubotushadeslayer_ is listening to "The Grid" by Daft Punk [TRON: Legacy, 2010] [http://open.spotify.com/track/5z9v299A7qXXSk2VY0sUu0] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more18:46
chronosahn with ppa u send me not works too shadeslayer18:47
Daskreechshadeslayer: ha :) How'd that get in? :-D18:47
shadeslayerDaskreech: I have no idea tbh :P18:47
shadeslayerProbably because we have it in the quantal archives now18:47
shadeslayerI should get 0.4.1 into archives, will do on Monday after testing18:48
chronoshm but we have 0.4 on telepathy-kde ppa for precise19:11
chronosreally don't know why it not show for me19:11
QuintasanScottK: ping19:54
ScottKQuintasan: pong19:56
QuintasanScottK: Regarding the IM magic, do you think we can get those changes in Precise or we leave it as it is and make it work perfectly in Quantal?19:57
ScottKQuintasan: I'd say let's get quantal fixed and then see.19:57
ScottKI think we probably can get precise fixed though.19:58
QuintasanOk, did you already do some packaging or I can take a look at that?19:58
ScottKPlease take a look.19:59
ScottKI was mostly trying to understand what needed to be done so far.20:00
RiddellQuintasan: what did you work out needed done?21:02
QuintasanRiddell: Uh and what are we talking about? IM stuff?21:02
RiddellQuintasan: yes21:04
QuintasanRiddell: I grabbed the source and took a look21:05
QuintasanNothing much, will start doing it.21:05
ScottKRiddell: I think the biggest thing that needs doing it probably integration of IM activation with language selection.21:05
ScottKAIUI anyway)21:05
RiddellQuintasan: the source of what?21:05
QuintasanRiddell: packaging I mean21:06
RiddellQuintasan: packaging of what?21:06
Quintasansince that's where kimpanel is21:06
RiddellQuintasan: but what needs done to it?21:06
ScottKIt looks like just re-enabling the binary.21:07
Riddellfor ibus?  /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel is already in plasma-widget-kimpanel21:08
QuintasanRiddell: New binary from source package plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus21:08
ScottKGiven we've got someone who has got it working and seems to understand it, I'm inclined to pretty much follow their lead.21:09
QuintasanRiddell: It seems like the biggest change is the addition on http://paste.kde.org/52456421:10
QuintasanWhich gets copied into etc/xdg/autostart/21:10
QuintasanProbably to ensure it is really running21:10
Quintasan/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel doesn't exist in precise21:12
QuintasanAt least not in my install21:12
* Quintasan is pretty sure he installed kimpanel21:12
Riddelland get it installed for the right languages21:13
RiddellQuintasan: install quantal if you're working on quantal!  else it might all be wrong21:13
ScottKIt doesn't exist on precise.21:13
ScottKIt does on quantal.21:14
QuintasanThen we want that to be fixed in precise21:15
QuintasanOur kdeplasma-addons branch installs that file21:15
ScottKIf $SOMEONE would upload an SRU for that, I'll approve/New it.  Needs bug/test case/etc for SRU.21:18
QuintasanI'm not sure how do we handle that entire magic in the installer but the steps seem to be working21:19
RiddellQuintasan: which steps?21:20
QuintasanRiddell: The ones  Awashiro sent Scott asked if we want im-switch im-select21:21
QuintasanHowever one must ensure ibus is installed before sudo update-alternatives --install /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/en_US xinput-en_US /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/ibus 6021:22
Quintasanor as Ma suggested we could use im-switch instead21:22
Riddellit's always been a mystery why that stuff is needed rather than just a config file setting like everything else21:22
* Riddell snoozes21:24
Quintasanhttp://paste.kde.org/524564 makes sure that kimpanel-ibus backend is started automagically21:24
Quintasanit integrates very nicely21:26
shadeslayerhmm .. does anyone know how to write/modify help.ubuntu.com pages?21:27
ScottKshadeslayer: IIRC you need to be an ubuntu-docs member.21:28
shadeslayeralrighty, that would be LittleGirl in our case21:28
ScottKQuintasan: One of the steps was adding the widget to the panel, wasn't it?  We can do that with javscript if we need to.21:29
ScottKshadeslayer: I think I recall Riddell saying something about her being on VAC for awhile.21:29
QuintasanScottK: Yes, we can, the question is do we want to add that by default for every install21:30
QuintasanOr can we somehow make it if'able basing on locale?21:30
shadeslayerit can wait, as long as it gets released along with Quantal21:30
ScottKQuintasan: i don't think we have to.  I think we can do it in the language selector somehow.21:30
QuintasanScottK: Okay.21:30
ScottKOr kimpanel can ship the javascript snippet.21:31
ScottKI think it's safe to assume that if someone installs it, they want it to work.21:31
QuintasanScottK: The trick to this stuff is finding ibus engines for each language21:31
Quintasanfor ex. Anthy is for Japanese21:31
Quintasanand then using the im-switch to force ibus21:31
ScottKThere's two bits I think.21:31
ScottKOne is getting it into the panel on install.21:32
ScottKWe can do that with js.21:32
ScottK(similar to how was have a different panel layout for plasma-netbook)21:32
ScottKTwo is getting it activated correctly.21:32
Quintasan/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel -i ?21:32
ScottKThat's per-language so would have to be done in the language selector.21:32
QuintasanScottK: Ah yeah, I forgot that I added Anthy manually using ibus-setup21:33
Quintasanno idea if we can somehow stick a input method to ibus without nagging the user to do it himself21:34
ScottKFor part one, I'm thinking about /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/layout-templates/org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPanel/contents/layout.js as an example.21:36
QuintasanScottK: But that's the easiest part :P Did you try those steps that Awashiro sent?21:38
ScottKNo.  I told you I hadn't done anything but think about it.21:38
QuintasanOh, ok, look then21:38
Quintasan4. ibus-setup21:38
Quintasan 5. Open [Input Method] tab, and check [Customize activate input methods] on21:38
Quintasan 6. Click [Select an input methods]-[Japanese]-[Anthy]21:38
Quintasan 7. Click [add]21:38
QuintasanYou gotta do some clicking to do enable Anthy for example21:39
QuintasanThis would have to be done with every language21:39
=== alazare619_ is now known as alazare619
Quintasans/language/input method21:39
QuintasanThe question is how do we handle that21:40
ScottKIf we could get to step 5 automatically and the user had to click 5 - 7 by hand, that would still be a huge step forward.21:40
Quintasanibus-setup is gui only21:40
QuintasanOh, okay21:40
QuintasanScottK: That stuff needs to be done in language-selector?21:41
ScottKThat's my guess, but it is a guess.21:41
QuintasanOkay, I noted down the gist of what we want to get done and will look at it tomorrow21:44
ScottKGreat.  You might reply to the mail saying you're working on it.21:45

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