
diegosxsomeone can help me?00:05
renato_saronPUTZ como usa isso ;P00:11
renato_saronque paleolítico isso ake00:11
genii-around!br | renato_saron00:12
ubotturenato_saron: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:12
server_ola boa noite00:14
genii-around!br | server_00:15
ubottuserver_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:15
=== Venom is now known as castleofglass
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ben__how do I join a chat?02:51
DarthFrog!ask | ben__03:08
ubottuben__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:08
uglyoldbobim having a problem installing kubuntu 12.04 on my uefi system (asrock 970 extreme 3)03:32
uglyoldbobit keeps rebooting and freezing03:32
DarthFroguglyoldbob: Does it run OK from CD?03:35
uglyoldbobDarthFrog: I will try that now03:39
uglyoldbobDarthFrog: well it appears to run ok from cd03:44
uglyoldboberror: prefix is not set as an error on booting (from the UEFI i believe)03:49
DarthFrogDon't know anything about UEFI, sorry.03:51
DarthFroguglyoldbob:  Have a gander at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting   Perhaps that'll have the info you need.03:53
uglyoldbobwell it finally got installed and it boots03:58
uglyoldbobi think the setting i needed was ide mode for sata and uefi boot of the cd drive04:01
DarthFrogGood stuff, glad to hear it.04:01
uglyoldbobor the system I just put together is unstable, i think it just froze up04:02
uglyoldbob11.6v seems to low for the 12v rail04:07
DarthFrogThat seems unlikely.  400 mV shouldn't make that kind of difference.04:08
uglyoldbobhmm i cant do the memory test option from grub04:09
uglyoldbobwell i found out my monitor has bad caps04:45
uglyoldbobhow do i make the taskbar different for each virtual desktop?04:51
* ICWiener has to reboot bbiab04:55
Daskreechuglyoldbob: You mean only show what's on that desktop?04:59
uglyoldbobDaskreech: yes05:03
Daskreechuglyoldbob: Right click on the taskbar -> taskbar settings -> Show only from Desktop05:08
uglyoldbobok thanks, i looked everywhere except there05:09
uglyoldbobor rather, many places other than there05:09
Daskreechuglyoldbob: Well glad you got it working05:16
DaskreechYou cna play with a lot of stuff in there05:16
Daskreech(as is usual for KDE settings dialogs)05:16
uglyoldbobok joy my comp keeps freezing up05:21
DaskreechJoy all around05:21
uglyoldbobok so when it locks up, the sound output is all noise (real loud)05:43
skreech__uglyoldbob: the sound gets louder when it locked up?06:05
uglyoldbobskreech__: well it only did the sound thing one time, but i can reliably make it freeze/reboot with "sudo apt-get upgrade"06:23
skreech__uglyoldbob: really?06:26
skreech__in konsole?06:26
skreech__that's the GUI?06:26
skreech__or does it freeze in a tty as well?06:27
uglyoldbobskreech__: ill check (i think its some bad hardware, even though its all brand new)06:28
uglyoldbobctrl_alt_f1 for tty?06:30
uglyoldbobthe whole system crashes/reboots (I run the command from a bash shell running in kde06:38
uglyoldbobi think perhaps my motherboard picked a speed slightly too fast for my ram (i changed it to the right value and it SEEMS to work so far)06:49
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baffone85i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my notebook compaq mini07:04
baffone85i have a problem with wireless, can you help me?07:05
uglyoldbobbaffone85: what model?07:08
baffone85i don't know beacuse there isn't a picture, what can i do to know it?07:10
baffone85on display there is only compaq mini07:10
* DFrostedWang is going to sleep now07:11
baffone85i think compaq mini s11007:16
baffone85can you help me?07:35
SteveRiley@baffone85: what's up?07:36
baffone85i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my notebook compaq mini, i have a problem with wireless07:37
baffone85i have compaq mini s11007:37
SteveRileywhat kind of wireless adapter is in a mini s110?07:37
baffone85what can i see it?07:39
SteveRileyopen a konsole window07:40
SteveRileyrun lsusb07:40
SteveRileycopy the output here07:40
baffone85Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:42
baffone85Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:42
baffone85Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0a5c:21b4 Broadcom Corp.07:42
baffone85Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:42
baffone85Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:42
FloodBotK1baffone85: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:43
baffone85Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1fea:004707:43
SteveRileyugh, broadcom wireless... never fun. hold on07:44
baffone85what can i solve this problem?07:46
SteveRileyoops. wrong command07:50
SteveRileyrun lspci07:51
SteveRileythen put in a new paste07:51
SteveRileyhave you tried the utility that installs additional drivers?08:00
baffone85yes but without internet it not work08:01
SteveRileyyou will need to use a wired ethernet connection to install the drivers08:03
baffone85i haven't wired ethernet08:04
SteveRileywhat? there's no ethernet port on your mini?08:05
baffone85i haven't a possibility to connect with wired ethernet08:07
TheMinertrying to install wireless drivers?08:09
SteveRileythen i really don't know how to guide you, as i've not had to work through that particular problem myself.08:09
SteveRileytheminer: yeah, baffone85 has broadcom wifi, needs the wl driver, but no ethernet to use to download/install it via jockey08:10
TheMinerthen will need to use another pc to download it and put it on a USB drive08:11
SteveRileyi wonder if somewhere on ubuntu forums there might already be a post from someone who's done it that way, and would have step-by-step instructions. worth taking a few minutes to search, i'd think08:14
TheMinerwhat is the specific adapter and what version of Ubuntu is he running?08:15
SteveRileyubuntu = 10.0408:16
SteveRileysystem = compaq/hp mini s11008:16
TheMinerwhich installation media was used to install Ubuntu?08:18
SteveRileyi don't know. baffone85, are you still here?08:19
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TheMinerThere is the step by step if he ever comes back online08:23
TheMinerBest of luck08:23
baffone85thank's for help08:24
TheMinerIf you could somehow find a place where you could jack in with ethernet it would be a lot easier08:25
TheMinerThe issue is not with your wireless adapter,..it is actually with you wired which is causing a glitch with your wireless08:26
SteveRileybaffone mentioned using wired ethernet isn't an option.08:27
TheMinerYeah I saw that,..is too bad,...would be knocking on someones door if I had to lol08:29
TheMinertime for bed,...early day tomorrow08:30
TheMinernite everyone08:30
SteveRileynighty night08:31
FloodBotK1fmmy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:54
azizhey guys, is there some software which can turn my laptop wlan into an access point?10:01
bazhang!ics | aziz10:02
ubottuaziz: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:02
azizbazhang: thanks very much!10:02
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BluesKajHey all10:56
ubottukubuntu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:09
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livingdaylightlooking in muon I see a thousand and one versions of java. Which is the openjdk7 version I need?12:56
OssidoHello. I have a problem, maybe you can help me.12:58
OssidoI have the last Kubuntu on my laptop. And eveything was fine until yesterday12:59
OssidoYesterday I did one of the automatic updates12:59
Ossidoand now I cannot log in12:59
Ossidothe login manager hanges right after login13:00
Ossidoalso with a newly-created user13:00
sallytry with te sudo command13:00
Ossidotry what?13:00
sallyhave you root account?13:01
Ossidothere is no root account...13:01
sallyin the terminal, try su -root13:01
Ossido"invalid option"13:02
OssidoI think it's some problem with screen resolution/graphic cards, not permissions13:03
sallyi tink is  a kernel13:03
OssidoI tried selecting a previous version at boot, but it's the same13:04
sallytry reboot13:04
BluesKajOssido:  did youtry the recovery kernel ?13:04
Ossidohmm, no, I did not13:04
OssidoI'll try now13:04
Ossido3.2.0-27-generic (recovery mode)13:05
BluesKajchoose the repair broken packages dialog13:05
Ossidoit wants to install 10 new packages13:06
OssidoI go on13:06
Ossidook, done13:06
Ossidoresumed normal boot13:07
k0sВсем привет13:08
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:08
OssidoSo, now the login manager tells me "failed to load session "gnome""13:10
Ossidoand I don't see a KDE option13:11
BluesKajOssido:  are you on ubuntu ? if so then join #ubuntu chat for support13:11
OssidoI've always and only used Kde and Kubuntu for years13:12
BluesKajOssido: ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 , login , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:13
OssidoI was missing kubuntu-desktop13:14
Ossidothis is so strange13:14
BluesKajOssido:  installing kde doesn't include the kubuntu-desktop13:15
BluesKajkde is a framework for many differnt OS desktops13:15
Ossidook, but this is a kubuntu that I installed moths ago and has worked perfectly well13:16
Ossidowell, anyway :)13:16
OssidoOk, it's logging in13:17
OssidoThank you very much13:18
OssidoI was stumped13:18
BluesKajOssido:  np13:18
livingdaylighthi BluesKaj13:21
jdrsAnyone using the facebook widget here?13:22
BluesKajhi livingdaylight13:22
livingdaylightBluesKaj: i'm back :s13:23
allixhas anyone tried kubuntu-active?13:24
BluesKajallix:  dunno , i don't use a tablet13:25
livingdaylightcan we make it so, that as mouse hovers over menu we dont' have to click on it ? for e.g. if I want to see what is in utilitities i can just go there with my mouse without having to click on it13:26
jdrsWorks on tabs only, methinks.13:27
jdrsOr how about you use Classic Menu Style.13:28
allixokay, its just when i get a blank screen with the mouse cursor only , i have tried nomodeset in grub13:28
jdrsIt's more like the gnome shell style menu button.13:29
jdrslivingdaylight: Use Classic Menu style. It works that way.13:30
livingdaylightjdrs: not possible to have best of both worlds? I thought kde was infinitely configurable? ;p13:31
livingdaylightjdrs: but at least a way IS possible, thank you.13:32
BluesKajbeen trying ubuntu lately , unity is aqful and gnome still doesn't do what I like , what's the the terminal permanentlay attcahed to upper left withot resizie or movable options?13:34
jdrslivingdaylight: If you want to stick with the default application launcher then try pinning all the Utility programs in Favorites.13:34
jdrs..that you use13:34
BluesKajwhat's with the terminal13:35
BluesKajanyway . I don't use it much , and I'll probly delete it soon13:36
jdrsThat's weird. I can move mine, and even resize it.13:37
livingdaylighthrmm.. why is konsole in system and not in utilities?13:40
jdrsBoth classic and default have their konsole in systems tab.13:42
Jekylllivingdaylight: because FDO suggests terminal emulators should go under the "System" category13:42
livingdaylightJekyll: who is FDO? coming from gnome i expect it under accessories which utilitites sounds like   the equivalent13:43
jdrsIn the default application launcher you can pin your favorite programs on Favorites tab. Then sort them to your liking.13:44
Jekylllivingdaylight: FDO is freedekstop.org. gnome-terminal is just not doing it in the suggested way.13:46
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone13:49
livingdaylighthi phoenix_firebrd13:51
phoenix_firebrdlivingdaylight: hi13:51
livingdaylightis anyone familiar with command winetricks vcrun6?13:52
livingdaylightI used to run that after installing wine   in gnome and it always did what I needed it to13:52
bazhanglivingdaylight, try in #winehq13:52
livingdaylightbut, I@m getting this now in kubuntu: http://clip2net.com/s/29O4C13:53
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  does it work in gnome ?13:58
zvzzdear all, ive a small question re additional drivers - googleing dint help too much. id appreciate a lot if anyone give a hint. i have 16 drivers listed in additional drivers as activated but not in use. i have kubunutu 11.10 and 4.8.2 from backports. eveything seem to work, though not quite as fast as i wish it did. even desktop effects (though not smooth at all). thanks indeed!14:02
zvzzsorry for typos14:03
BluesKajzvzz:  which hardware drivers are you looking to use or activate?14:06
zvzzthese 16 drivers are for all sorts of things, from USB to video14:06
zvzzwell i had none in that list before.. now there are many.14:07
zvzzso im thinking should i worry or just leave it alone as long as the computer .. well ... seem to work.14:07
BluesKajzvzz:  ok let's start with graphics , give us an example14:07
zvzzmoment :)14:08
zvzzthese are drivers http://clip2net.com/s/29Oca and this is lspci http://clip2net.com/s/29Ocy14:10
BluesKajzvzz: sudo lshw -C video14:14
zvzzhere. http://clip2net.com/s/29Of514:15
livingdaylightDownloading http://download.microsoft.com/download/vc60pro/update/1/w9xnt4/en-us/vc6redistsetup_enu.exe failed14:16
livingdaylight 14:16
livingdaylighti  could try to wget this directly?14:16
livingdaylightis it simply wget followed by http address?14:17
BluesKajzvzz:  I don't see a radeon/ati reference there , have you set the default graphics card in the bios14:17
zvzzBluesKaj: well i guess i have nothing from radeion/ati14:18
zvzzit is presumably the motherboard-buil-in card14:19
BluesKajyes, did you install an ati pci card , zvzz?14:19
zvzzthe video cable goes to the 'standard' slot at the back of the PC, there is no any additional PCI cards in there14:20
BluesKajok zvzz , sorry I got confused , was mixing my supports14:22
zvzzi have changed the monitor today but i guess it shouldnt matter. i have also dist-upgraded KDE from backports - but i assume driver problems are not connected to that, neither..14:23
zvzzblueskaj, thanks a lot for your time anyway ;)14:23
BluesKajzv  it would be better if you pastebin the text , noit the screenshot14:24
BluesKajzvzz: ^14:24
zvzzi would upgrade to 12.04 but this PC holds a sensitive project and should work stable14:24
zvzzwhen I try to pase text the Koversation warns that I threat the channel with flooding14:25
BluesKaj!pastebin | zvzz14:25
ubottuzvzz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:26
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zvzzok thanks14:26
BluesKajzvzz:  anyway it looks like you have the best drivers installed for your system14:26
zvzzlast time i used irc 18 years ago14:27
zvzzhm, ok.. thanks a lot. so i shouldnt worry.14:27
BluesKajzvzz:  you can do some research , but ti appears there are not other graphics drivers listed that would improve things14:30
BluesKajno other14:30
zvzzthanks indeed BluesKaj :)14:30
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dmitry-RV520русскоговорящие есть?14:57
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livingdaylightfor the record does anyone know whether winetricks vcrun6 works or should work in KDE, kubuntu specifically?14:58
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Rafaelhello! I want to install the spanish language spell-checker. When I go to system settings and the to locale -> system languages I can only install spanish translations15:33
Rafaelany tip?15:34
BadDesignHow to re-enable KDE Network Manager after it was disabled when I configure my PPPoE connection ?15:42
BadDesignI want use it again for non-PPPoE connections but I can't enable it15:42
BadDesignI used pppoeconf command to configure PPPoE15:42
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livingdaylightded quiet here16:10
BluesKajwell, I dumped ubuntu ... I gave it a chance for 2 weeks but none of the desktops made me want to go back to it.16:12
TheLordOfTimeBluesKaj:  so no Kubuntu for you?16:12
BluesKajguess I'm just a dyed in the wool KDE guy16:13
BluesKajkubuntu yes , ...ubuntu no , that's what i mean , TheLordOfTime16:14
TheLordOfTimejust checking ;P16:14
* BluesKaj understands why the migration to kubuntu is increasing16:16
Rafaelhello! I want to install the spanish language spell-checker. When I go to system settings and the to locale -> system languages I can only install spanish translations but no spell check16:17
Rafaelam I missing something?16:17
Smurphyu installed ispell ???16:18
BluesKajone thing I should warn ppl about , if you try to resize a partition on a separate HDD with the kubuntu parttion manager,  beware it'll break grub16:18
Rafaelhmm not sure, the English spell check works16:18
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livingdaylightBluesKaj: i'm kinda opposite. I keep trying kde16:31
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Daskreechlivingdaylight: Which is why Linux is great :)16:57
livingdaylightDaskreech: meh :/16:58
Daskreechlivingdaylight: Try Windows 8 and don't like it and you pretty much have to stick with it in a few years anyway16:59
Daskreech!info ispanish | Rafael16:59
ubottuRafael: ispanish (source: espa-nol): Spanish dictionary for ispell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-3 (precise), package size 266 kB, installed size 588 kB16:59
DaskreechLinux usually gives you enough choices to freeze the mind and very little cost for switching between them16:59
livingdaylightDaskreech: I'm not feeling at home anywhere in gnu/linux os world17:00
Daskreechlivingdaylight: What's the issues?17:01
livingdaylightDaskreech: Used to use and love Ubuntu or Gnome if you will... but Unity isn't functional for me, so, try kubuntu but its not home. I find it ugly tbh17:02
Rafaelthanks Daskreech, I did just that. Had to restart Kmail to make it work17:02
Daskreechlivingdaylight: Have you tried MATE?17:03
DaskreechRafael: Ok Good :)17:03
Daskreechlivingdaylight: By Gnome I presume you meant GNOME2 ?17:04
livingdaylightDaskreech: yes, I did... can't remember which distro though, lol. but is that the way forward, when developmentally gnome2 isn't carrying on, is it?17:05
livingdaylightI'm ok with change and evolution, and i'm not a unity hater. its just it feels unstable and isn't quite giving me the functionality.17:06
Daskreechlivingdaylight: idealogically there are two ways forward. There is a fork of GNOME2 which keeps developers or a fork of GNOME3 which has the intention of keeping GNOME2 features17:07
DaskreechEither works with caveats of course17:07
livingdaylightDaskreech: I like the sound of GNOME3 keeping GNOME2 features. my understanding is that gnome 3 from a developers point of view IS the way forward17:08
Daskreechthe danger is not so much that "GNOME2" isn't being worked on. If the fork is worked on then it's fine. The danger is more that Gtk2 isn't being worked on17:08
Daskreechlivingdaylight: In that case look at Cinammon17:08
DaskreechI think... let me just make sure I have those projects correct in my head17:09
livingdaylightthe danger if it is a danger, certainly my complaint, regarding "choice" which you mentioned, as much as its Linux's strength is also its weakness. I fear too much energy goes into duplication of efforts, and linux ends up being jack of all trades master of none. Linux land doesn't need another distro or fork-off development of a distro... It needs focus . After all collaboration is also Linux 's strength, and17:11
livingdaylightsometimes I wish we had 2, 3, 4, 5 REALLY good distros rather than +100 that are all a constant work in progress17:11
Daskreechlivingdaylight: Why not just one distro then?17:12
livingdaylightDaskreech: i read a MATE vs Cinnamon article recently that spoke of the pros and cons of each also from a developmental point of view17:12
livingdaylightDaskreech: errr...well, I used to, but since I feel forced to make a change I can't settle on a different one. I tried kubuntu, in fact have jrest reinstalled it on my desktoop, and also chakra (to see a different kde distro and coz I like the sound of rollin distro) and Deepin (gnome shell) voyager (xubuntu fork-off) and considering trying Bodhi on laptop17:14
livingdaylightI was dismayed to run into a problem today post kubuntu install running winetricks vcrun6 which I'be running for years to finetune my wine installation17:15
Daskreechlivingdaylight: oh? What's the issue with that?17:16
livingdaylightotherwise i find kubuntu or kde 4.x.x beautiful to log into with the plasma look, but underneath all the configuration setting dialogs , the menu and the way apps like firefox in kde is not aethetically pleasing, imho.17:17
livingdaylightDaskreech: got some error when I did, I@ve logged in and out now too many times to be able to show you. It wsan't connecting to microzoft server i believe, for some reason17:18
Daskreechlivingdaylight: ok let me try it now17:19
DaskreechYep broken17:24
DaskreechThat's fixable though17:24
DaskreechMS moved the file it seems17:24
Daskreechlivingdaylight: http://download.microsoft.com/download/vc60pro/Update/1/W9XNT4/EN-US/VC6RedistSetup_enu.exe there you go17:28
Daskreechlivingdaylight: They changed the name of the file and the directory it was in17:29
Daskreechlivingdaylight: if you'd like you can poke someone in #winehq and ask they update the script17:29
DaskreechActually that file is missing as well17:33
DaskreechHmm foiled again17:34
livingdaylightDaskreech: ooops, I was about to say congrats17:34
Daskreechlivingdaylight: I can fix it in other ways :) It's looking for a msvcp60.dll file which I can find17:35
livingdaylightsounds like something that would have happend on any othre distro too though. Must be a recent change as I only ran that successfully a few days ago17:35
Daskreech I just want to see if MS really has all the documentation to use vc6 on their site with no actual way to use it17:35
Daskreechlivingdaylight: I'd guess so they still have all the tutorials on MSDN pointing to one of those two URLs17:36
livingdaylightDaskreech: no, don't worry about it. the file I needed was mfc42 and I was able to find it and physically copy and paste it along with other fonts into the wine/windows directory myself.17:36
livingdaylightvcrun6 was just the simpler, "elegant" way of doing it. i feared it was somehow kubunt related that it didn't work today, but its clearly not a WM or distro-specific issue17:37
Daskreechlivingdaylight: You can use http://download.microsoft.com/download/vc60pro/Update/2/W9XNT4/EN-US/VC6RedistSetup_deu.exe17:38
Daskreechthat works17:38
Daskreechstill requires a little work. MS changed the package it seems17:38
livingdaylightDaskreech: so, if I pop over to winehq and suggest that this is the working one, then they can update it, huh?17:38
Daskreechnot sure what the deu is for <_<17:39
Daskreechlivingdaylight: it's winehq. They probably have it updated already :)17:39
livingdaylightDaskreech: Deutschland?17:39
Daskreechlivingdaylight: can't hurt though. check over there and see what they say17:39
livingdaylightwell, earlier when I did go in winehq to ask abou tit, they didn't seem to be aware about it17:39
Daskreechlivingdaylight: Ah. Astute17:40
DaskreechOk lets hop over there then17:40
livingdaylightDaskreech: thanks amigo17:50
Daskreechsure :)17:50
livingdaylightI hope that helps them and everyone out.17:51
livingdaylightdoes kubuntu come with an equivalent to gparted by default? Need to reformat usb to fat32 unless there is a wardly way of doing it via command line17:53
chronoshello people. I'm trying to install kde telepathy 4 (http://www.kubuntu.org/ktp-0.4) but after installing ppa and update I can't find packages from ppa17:54
chronossomeone have ideas/17:55
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Daskreech!info partitionmanager | livingdaylight18:09
ubottulivingdaylight: partitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): A partition management utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.3-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 270 kB, installed size 1048 kB18:09
livingdaylightDaskreech: found it - thanks :)18:10
livingdaylightbut unetbootin isn't playing nice. keeps saying I need to mount usb first and suggesting I remove it and reinsert it, which I've done twice now, having reformatted it too18:11
Daskreechchronos: kde-telepathy18:11
livingdaylightok, done18:12
livingdaylightDaskreech: in one youtube review  I heard mention one can make a global menu in kde also. Said he'd give links as to how to, but actually didn't. Do you know anything about this?18:13
DaskreechI've never done it since KDE3 but there is one ...18:16
rorklivingdaylight: with global menu, you mean a menu on a panel rather then the window right?18:18
livingdaylightrork: not sure what you mean by rather than the window. Global Menu integrates an applications menu panel to the panel at the top, like in Ubuntu or on Apples18:19
poetic_algebraxbar is apparently one18:21
poetic_algebrabut it only works with qt apps18:21
Daskreechlivingdaylight: that's what he means. Most windowing systems have the menus tied to the window instead of the deskspace18:21
rorklivingdaylight: you're looking for the 'window menu' widget then, you can add that to a panel18:22
livingdaylightrork: cool, I'll give that a whirl later18:23
livingdaylightpoetic_algebra: that would be fine. In Unity not All apps integrate either, but increasingly more and more do. What I like about it, is that it leaves more screenestate as it is one strip less.18:24
Daskreechlivingdaylight: are you going to file a bug on the winetricks?18:27
livingdaylightDaskreech: yes.18:28
Daskreechlivingdaylight: have you already?18:28
livingdaylightDaskreech: I had a look but need to register so i can log in... so, postponed it as I was doing other things as well already18:28
Daskreechlivingdaylight: ?? I don't think you have to register18:29
DaskreechWell I'll find out in a second18:29
livingdaylightsays 'login' at top. Most sites with that usually require it18:29
DaskreechOh never mind it's using my gmail account as a login18:29
DaskreechCurse you google and your useful invading ways!18:30
livingdaylightDaskreech: do you want to log it? You'll be better and quicker at communiting what they need to know.18:30
livingdaylightyou got that techy lingo down :)18:30
DaskreechI'm about to hit submit18:33
shadeslayerchronos: \o18:33
livingdaylightDaskreech: brilliant - i'll read it then18:33
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Daskreechlivingdaylight: http://code.google.com/p/winetricks/issues/detail?id=23718:42
livingdaylightDaskreech: absolutely brilliant18:44
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paolinabuona serata a tutti18:56
paolinaqualcuno mi spiega come si usa sto programma18:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:57
livingdaylightciao paolina19:02
paolinama non sono nel canale dove si scrive inglese?19:02
paolinamai usato sto programma19:03
livingdaylightno parla tropo italiano19:03
livingdaylightsi, en este canale deve scrivire inglese19:03
livingdaylightescrive: < /join ##ubuntu-it >19:04
livingdaylight!it | paolina19:04
ubottupaolina: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:04
livingdaylightpaolina: mi piaggio italiano, me non parlare bastanto bene :)19:05
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olskolircLet's all toll the bell for Kubuntu 12.0419:38
Daskreecholskolirc: Hmm?19:41
Daskreechhaha http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/ ran me through some questions and said We suggest you use Kubuntu19:48
genii-aroundDaskreech: I notice the copyright date is last year19:53
olskolircCanonical said they are not supporting the Kubuntu Desktop financially anymore  as of 12.04 being the last Kubuntu distribution20:28
* olskolirc thinks she put it nicely20:28
Daskreecholskolirc: Ah well that's not as big a deal as people seem to think21:19
olskolircdoes that mean no more Kubuntu-Desktops Daskreech ?21:25
Daskreecholskolirc: No it will still be here.21:25
Daskreech They were paying a developer to work on Kubuntu21:25
DaskreechThey are not paying him anymore but they are still hosting the packages and doing the build work as well as doing the bug reports etc21:26
Daskreech The developer went to a new company who is paying him to do the same thing he did before so for pretty much most things nothing has changed21:26
rorkI thought that what changed is that Kubuntu/KDE now has two paid developers instead of 1 ;)21:28
Quintasanrork: We have more...do we? :P21:29
rorkI don't know, I only heard Blue System is now paying the guy from Cannonical and also hired Aurélien21:32
Daskreechdougpad: hi21:51
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Daskreechlivingdaylight: they have commited a fix for the winetricks22:41
livingdaylightDaskreech, awesome - that was quick!22:41
Daskreech:-) One of the fun parts of an open system is being able to actually speak freely and get things done.22:42
livingdaylightits empowering feeling to be able to speak and get (instant) feedback22:44
livingdaylightnice one22:44
Daskreech I remember that i was using Pidgin née gaim and it had a new release. I downloaded it and found something broken. It didn't make sense to me that it wouldn't work so I pulled the changes up and say some code that looked like it should work but did nothing. Dropped into the IRC chan and started discussing it. They found the non working section tracked it to another change based on what I was seeing happen and then issued a new version the morning after.22:48
DaskreechConsider me hooked after years of being annoyed by thing in Dos and Windows that I can't ever get resolved22:49
livingdaylightDaskreech, indeed. Don't get me wrong I'm a lover of Freedom and Free Software22:51
Daskreechlivingdaylight: I know it's just really addicting when it works correctly :)22:51
livingdaylightDaskreech, also when one has some coding skillz22:52
livingdaylightI'm just a supporter and advocate of FSF and open-source22:52
Daskreechlivingdaylight: then it's just silly considering other things unless your goal is to fleece :)22:52
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livingdaylightDaskreech, that fleecing shit's got to go :)22:59
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:02
DaskreechBut yes23:02
livingdaylightI was adapting a jacque fresco quote where he says: "...this s***'s got to go" referring to our entire socio-economic paradigm23:07
DaskreechYeah I've been saying that since 2nd year of High school23:09
Daskreech Good luck with that23:09
DaskreechMost people don't even understand it so forget critiquing it much less coming up with a suitable long term paradigm23:10
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nobodhiDaskreech, is there a distro that you know of that specializes in running optimally on laptops?23:31
Daskreechnobodhi: What would be the constraints of a laptop?23:38
nobodhiDaskreech, my laptop runs on the hot side, and from what I've read linux has / has had issues running optimally on laptops. By optimally, i mean power, cpu-temp sensors . I'm not sure - not techy enough. but when I bought this laptops i chose it because it ran particularly cool on windows23:46
Daskreechnobodhi: ah fair enough I'll take a look23:47
Daskreechnobodhi: THough you could ask in ##linux23:47
nobodhiDaskreech, sure, i was just asking like that in case you knew off the top of your head. *bunto seems best generally when it comes to hard-ware detection and laptops but in general like23:48
DaskreechYeah it's strange since you want one that doesn't tax the computer but you also want one that has newer code totake advantage of power savings on CPU and GPU23:50
nobodhiI've always gone for bells and whistles - aethetically pleasing distros Gnome /Kde but figured i'd compromise by going for a 'lighter' distro like xfce, but have found that it doesn't work like that. in fact kubuntu ran cooler on this laptop than voyager (french fork based on xubuntu)23:53

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