
=== heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid
xnoxso trying to install precise server pre-installed on to a panda board19:12
xnoxthe resize finishes, but it fails to mount roofs after the reboot19:12
xnoxany tips on what to do?19:12
xnox(I have a 32GB sd card)19:13
xnoxi fixed the rootfs on my host laptop, and resizing it offline19:13
xnoxhopefully it will work =/19:13
Inoperablewhere do i get a uboot build for tf101?19:45
infinityxnox: Resize always goes fine for me on a 32G card, so it's nothing to do with the size.20:28
infinityxnox: But I'll give the same advice I give everyone: get an external USB drive and do a netboot.20:29
janrinze2lilstevie: do you know if the tf300t or the 700 is supported by olife?20:42
janrinze2anyone else here know about installing ubuntu on the tf300t?20:44
janrinze2anyone here with recommendations for a tablet that has quadcore arm and allows installation of ubuntu?21:04
xnoxinfinity: well i am suspecting that I have a fake sd card. i did managed to get to oem-config only to be killed by fs errors21:39
infinityxnox: SD/MMC sucks.  News at 11.21:39
infinityxnox: Seriously, plug in a hard drive, do a netboot, rejoice.21:39
xnoxinfinity: well i do not control a dhcp on my network.21:41
xnoxso i need to set that up as well for netboot21:41
infinityxnox: Eh?21:41
infinityxnox: netboot, not PXE.21:41
infinityxnox: netboot just means "those tiny d-i images that grab everything from the network", not "some magic requiring bootp/tftp".21:41
xnoxinfinity: hm. ok21:42
xnoxwhy is pre-install not working though!21:42
infinityxnox: Grab either boot.img-fb.gz or boot.img-serial.gz (depending on if you're using a serial cable or a monitor/keyboard console), zcat to card, go.21:42
infinityxnox: preinstall works when it works, when the hardware is all happy.  When it's not, it's not worth diagnosing.21:43
infinityxnox: Because "99% of SD/MMC cards kinda suck, and 99% of filesystems that aren't FAT suck on SD/MMC" etc, etc aren't worth fretting over.21:43
xnoxwhat's best for sd card?21:44
infinityxnox: And even when preinstall works, the resulting system is slow and crap BECAUSE YOU'RE RUNNING IT ON SD.21:44
infinityxnox: FAT.21:44
infinityxnox: And FAT.21:44
infinityxnox: Also, FAT.21:44
infinityxnox: SD cards are designed specifically for FAT filesystems.21:44
xnoxext4 without journal?21:45
infinityxnox: Some people have tried to work around it with flash-targetted filesystems that try to do all their writes to the same physical areas that FAT does, and that kinda works.  ext will never do that.21:45
infinityxnox: ext*, even without journalling, still spreads writes all over.21:45
xnoxhmm =(21:45
infinityxnox: SD is designed to take all the heavy write hits to one specific area.21:45
infinityAnyhow.  Seriously.  Don't worry about it.21:46
infinityCause even if you have a nice SD-friendly filesystem, you're still running your filesystem on a slow-ass storage device.21:46
infinityAnd it sucks.21:46
infinityAnd if you intend to use that Panda for anything other than showing people "look, it can display a static web page", use an external drive.21:46
infinityxnox: (If we actually ever start targetting Ubuntu at flash-only devices, like doing tablet or phone installs and the like, we should look into things like yaffs2 and such, but for now, when the install is clearly for "servers and desktops", the answer is "use ext4 on an external disk, doofus". :P21:50
infinityAnd by "targetting flash-only devices", I don't mean "jamming our desktop install on a tablet", as many do for experimentation, I mean "creating a slimmer slate-targetted install/UI", which is being worked on.21:55
xnoxalso why does chromium crash on amd64 in quantal?21:55
* xnox nevermind =)21:55
infinityxnox: Ask micahg. :P21:55
xnoxinfinity: he asked for help/contributions in maintaining it :P21:55
infinityOh, then help him, and ask yourself?21:55
LaneyImagine my surprise when I SSH to the panda to be told that / is full.22:21
LaneyWhich appears to contain things like http://paste.debian.net/181018/ over and over22:30
ogra_Laney, bug 746137 (i told you before)22:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 746137 in jasper-initramfs "Page allocation failure on Pandaboard and Beagle XM" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74613722:31
Laneyogra_: I upped that limit.22:31
LaneyYou said it might be taht.22:31
QuintasanHi, I have a quick question, I want to install Debian Wheezy armhf on my IM53 QSB board, I have succesfuly created a rootfs and compiled a kernel for it however for life of me I can't get any video output. Is there some sort of magic to invoke in u-boot to get the display working or I'm missing something?22:45
infinityLaney: Which kernel is that?22:46
LaneyLinux sherwood 3.4.0-204-omap4 #9-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 9 12:56:56 UTC 2012 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux22:47
infinityLaney: Please do file a bug.  All (and I mean *all*) slowpath warnings are kernel bugs.22:47
Quintasanoh wait it's not debian-arm -_- silly me22:48
LaneyI'm scared apport will try to attach that 98G file22:48
Laneybut yeah.22:48
infinityLaney: So don't use apport.22:48
infinityLaney: Turns out you can go to /ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4 and click "report a bug". :)22:49
LaneyManually attaching stuff is so passé. :-)22:49
infinityLaney: Attach snippets of logs, and add the bot-stop-nagging tag, so the bot doesn't have a hissy.22:49
infinityQuintasan: display fiddling on the quickstart is painful.22:49
Quintasaninfinity: Hell, I got the board hoping I would get some Plasma development done but no gpu drivers so I figured I could turn it into torrent box, but now I can't even get any video output22:51
infinity(For the benefit of others, we've taken this discussion to #debian-arm)22:53
xnoxogra_: but i am seeing page allocation failures with precise as well... has it been srued?23:13
xnoxnevermind read the bug report fully now23:14

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