
ksbalajiNow-a-days somehow I feel that a few persons have left from the development team. This is not to hurt anybody please. A lot of unstabilities in LTS 10.04 could be the reason to feel this way02:30
simplewis there a recent quantal dvd release?05:06
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shadeslayerkirkland: ping11:24
shadeslayerkirkland: is there some documentation available on how to make sure your encrypted home dir is preserved when installing a new version of ubuntu?11:34
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Bluefoxicy$ sudo ntpdate-debian13:21
Bluefoxicy28 Jul 09:21:20 ntpdate[19646]: step time server offset 141.846034 sec13:21
Bluefoxicythis started happening on a kernel upgrade months ago, since then I have changed out my motherboard and gone from an AMD platform to an Intel platform13:22
Bluefoxicyand moved to SSD, which required a full re-install (try as I might, I can migrate Ubuntu from hard drive to hard drive but it simply will NOT boot if I migrate it onto an SSD)13:22
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beezyi am fairly new to ubuntu and i am very happy with the neew 12.04 version however i am running it on thinkpad wich is a older laptop and it seems to be running sluggish. i am trying to figure out how to download "damn small linux" because it is much smaller and may run better on my system. if anyone can help i greatly appreciate it20:35
beezycan anyone help me in this matter please/20:38
beezyif anyone can help me with my problem please e-mail me @ beezyboy26@gmail.com20:40
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imjustmatthewIf there's a working patch for a bug on Launchpad, how do I go about getting it merged and packaged for precise?21:06
ScottKimjustmatthew: First it has to get fixed on quantal.21:08
ScottKNeeds a debdiff for quantal attached to the bug and then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors.21:08
imjustmatthewScottK: Okay, I'll try that, thanks21:11
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infinityimjustmatthew: What's the bug?21:40
infinityimjustmatthew: (A debdiff isn't strictly necessary, if the patch is clear and obviously correct, I'd be happy to sponsor it)21:40
imjustmatthewinfinity: Bug #80922122:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 809221 in mountall (Ubuntu) "unable to mount ceph root at boot due to stripping of trailing slashes" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80922122:01
imjustmatthewI think I've built a correct debdiff, but it may be against precise; I dget'ed the quantal package, but the chagnelog tool labeled it as precise and I didn't feel confident enough to change it22:02
ScottKimjustmatthew: the current release is the default in debchange (the changelog tool).  It's independent of the contents of the package.22:11
infinityimjustmatthew: Why have the conditional strip_slashes in the ceph branch of the if?22:11
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infinityimjustmatthew: Are there situations where it's correct to strip ceph slashes?22:12
infinityimjustmatthew: (Seems to me that if is valid, then would also be valid, but your patch you unnecessarily strip the latter?)22:12
infinityBut I don't know ceph, so maybe :/foo/ isn't valid, but :/foo is?22:13
infinity(If so, then wow, that's a pretty awful design for a UI to make :/foo/ invalid, but :/ valid...)22:13
imjustmatthewinfinity: Both <host>:/foo and <host>:/foo/ are valid, but <host>: is never valid22:19
infinityimjustmatthew: Check, hence why I'm questioning why you'd ever strip_slashes.22:19
infinity+            devlen = strlen(mnt->device);22:20
infinity+            if ( devlen < 2 || strcmp(mnt->device + (devlen - 2), ":/")) {22:20
infinity+                strip_slashes (mnt->device);22:20
infinity^-- That bit.22:20
infinity+            }22:20
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imjustmatthewinfinity: For some reason the original code had a strip slashes in it, I don't know why it would ever be necessary22:21
infinityThe first part of the conditional is equally confusing to me.  if (devlen < 2) strip_slashes() would assume that the device is "/" and you're reducing it to an empty string.  Is that sane?22:21
infinityThe original code is for dealing with other dev types, where stripping slashes from the end makes sense.  But once you've added the (! strncmp (mnt->type, "ceph", 4)) conditional, I'm struggling to see why it has a branch that still sometimes strips.22:22
infinityOh, I just realised you're not the author of the original patch.  That doesn't help here. ;)22:23
imjustmatthewinfinity: You're probably right that it's never necessary22:23
infinityIf only damoxc were around.  I guess I'll follow up to the bug.22:23
imjustmatthewinfinity: yes, but I'm also the one who wants it in the repos so I don't have to maintain a custom package :)22:24
infinityWell, I would sponsor it without that conditional, but I'd prefer to talk to Damien to get his rationale for why it's there, first.22:24
infinitySo, let's see if he responds if I comment on the bug.22:25
imjustmatthewokay, you have my e-mail, shoot me a line if there's something you need to get it finished22:25
imjustmatthewthanks for your help22:25
infinityimjustmatthew: Is "/" ever a valid device for ceph?22:26
infinity(Looking at the first part of the conditional...)22:26
imjustmatthewinfinity: yes :/ mounts the entire filesystem, everything else is a subdirectory mount22:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 809221 in mountall (Ubuntu) "unable to mount ceph root at boot due to stripping of trailing slashes" [Medium,Triaged]22:31
infinityCommented on the bug.  We'll see if Damien (or someone else who understands it) responds.22:32
infinityI don't like applying patches "blind" unless the code is obviously correct to me, and this looks a tiny bit wonky to me.22:32
infinity(The rest of the code is obvious and straightforward, mind you)22:32
imjustmatthewinfinity: np, I understand completely22:37
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