[05:28] goood morning :) [06:30] oh my where is everyone [06:33] going to get pc so will be online later today. be good [06:41] :D [06:41] oom Kilos [06:41] môre [06:41] mornings Kerbero [06:43] yo nuvolari [06:43] hi Kerbero [06:43] pc day today [06:44] :-D [07:06] Kilos: dis goed om te hoor oom! So darm hoef oom nie te wag tot more nie [07:06] nee ek baie opgewonde [07:07] swaar het vandag af so hy vat my [07:07] \o/ [07:08] jy moet soet wees terwyl ek rondry [07:10] ek belowe niks! [07:11] ha ha [08:44] * nuvolari 's jaw drop to the ground [08:45] * nuvolari picks it up again [08:45] yusuf_! long time no see [08:45] how have you been? [10:11] hi nuvolari [10:11] hoi Cantide [10:11] hi yusuf_ [10:11] and others [10:11] hello ^^ [10:59] afternoon [11:22] later all [11:38] greetings to all [11:42] who is developing Qt applications with C++? [11:42] the OS is ubuntu [12:21] where can I learn about installing and configuring Qt environments in lubuntu 12.04? === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [13:44] hi superfly nuvolari [13:45] and aothers too of course [13:45] others [13:47] hi psydroid where you been? [13:47] dont all talk to me at once hey [13:48] give a 5 sec gap [13:49] hi Kilos [13:49] I was travelling [13:50] ah [14:01] bbl still playing onna pc [14:01] so, pa wants to buy lappy, takes me to with him, give him some advice as to what to buy, leave for few min to get to pal, come back [14:02] pa is talking to some shop guy shop guy says windows 7 starter is the best windows [14:02] ...... [15:02] go sharks [15:02] * Trixar_za slaps Kilos [15:02] Go Stormers === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [16:13] Kilos: my chicks have hatched [16:14] well, 5 of them [16:14] how many days [16:15] at least you on your way now [16:15] hmm... lemme check when did I post that [16:16] ? [16:16] was 11 July when I said "The young hen is now focussed on incubating her first clutch of eggs since about Monday. If I'm not mistaken and if everything goes well we should expect the little chicks to hatch around the 30th of July" [16:16] mus be about 18 or 19 days [16:16] whew one day early [16:17] 18 days [16:17] there were still eggs left in the nest hey [16:17] they came out yesterday [16:17] still 3 left [16:17] ah thats ok [16:17] next time she will hatch more [16:18] well, yesterday there were 3 chicks, today 5, and still three eggs [16:18] but I'm not sure whether those will come out still [16:18] not is she left them all day normally [16:18] no still brooding on them [16:19] turning them around all the time [16:19] often young hens get up with first few chicks and leave the other eggs [16:19] oh she didnt go walkies with the chicks? [16:19] nope, not yet [16:19] good hen, look after her, she feels life still there [16:19] exactly [16:21] sorry Trix[a]r_za [16:21] and the 2nd hen has two eggs on Sunday last week [16:21] only 4 today though [16:22] not sure what's cookin there [16:22] lol now they starting you will see soon bantams all over [16:22] thats why i crossed them and used the crosses for hatching eggs [16:23] something came and stole them [16:23] dogs mongooses and snakes in summer [16:23] you got meerkatta there [16:23] meerkatte [16:24] they love eggs [16:26] hmm [16:26] not sure [16:26] will have to wait and see how things develop [16:27] yeah [16:27] * inetpro should make time to check every day [16:27] ya [16:27] get one of the kids to check after school [16:27] but dont handle the eggs [16:28] anyways [16:28] Kilos: how's the new pc? [16:28] had a job getting it going [16:29] sata drive doesnt even allow bios to come up or screen to light up [16:29] got my old 80g ide in here [16:33] maybe something not working with drive change because it seems to be no faster than my 1.7g with 640m ram [16:33] and its 2.8g and 1g ram [16:33] should be much faster [16:34] methinks a clean install might change things some [16:36] hmm... [16:37] doesnt the cd see what hardware is available and sort drivers etc accordingly [16:47] Trix[a]r_za, w000t [16:47] eat your heart out [16:51] inetpro, moenie net hmm nie kom met ideas uit [16:53] Maaz, am i still connected [16:53] Kilos: What? [16:53] Maaz, ty [16:53] You are welcome Kilos [17:03] hey kilos [17:04] Kilos [17:07] later all [17:18] aw [17:18] Maaz, tell magespawn Sorry I missed you lad, was eating [17:18] Kilos: Sure, I'll tell magespawn on freenode [17:51] zeref: I hope you smacked that guy to his senses [17:52] what did i miss [17:53] Kilos: bad computer support, i.e. Windows [17:53] ha ha ha [17:53] oom kilos: http://slexy.org/view/s21jhv9XyC [17:54] oh hi superfly :> [17:54] Hi nuvolari [17:54] lol it might be the best windows but who is interested in finding out [17:54] hehe [17:55] how you all superfly [17:55] ? [17:55] this new pc is so grand i foregt things [17:56] even a usb port in the front with a door [17:56] whew [17:56] had to make my own on old pc [17:56] heh, oom Kilos, I don't think you'll run out of USB ports too quick on that one [17:57] hahaha [17:57] had 2 on other pc and a usb interface in and usb 4 port hub [18:01] Kilos: alles goed hierso oom [18:01] mooi superfly groete ann almal [18:01] aan [18:23] g'night everyone [18:25] night nuvolari sleep tight [18:26] night all. sleep tight [18:31] hmm.... [18:32] * inetpro after having dinner with the family, a nice hot bath and the youngsters in bed it looks like we can continue here [18:33] days have come and gone way to quickly [18:33] yikes, and it seems everyone else is gone already [18:35] Hi inetpro [18:36] eh superfly [18:36] * inetpro happy to see that you're at least alive and kicking [18:37] Silly cashier at the pharmacy. He managed to miss one of the scripts I was paying for, and they made him call me and arrange to pay for it. [18:37] wow, now? [18:38] Yup, the Pharmacy is open till 9 every night [18:38] interesting that they'd call at this hour [18:39] they probably get better response when doing that? [18:40] Well, I figure it must be his shift at the moment, and they managed to track it down, and told him to phone now. [18:40] superfly: and what was your response? [18:41] Well, I have no problem paying for it, so I was more than happy to pop down their now, but he said I can do it tomorrow. [18:41] ahh... [18:42] I figure they made him phone me, because he didn't know how to answer simple questions like, "so how do I make sure you know what I'm paying for?" [18:43] he just phoned me to tell me, without having a clear set of instructions for me. [18:43] Funny thing is that we've been to the pharmacy twice since that particular visit, and they never tracked us down then. [18:44] eish! [18:44] So, all in all, it sounds like their mistake not mine. [18:44] yep, sounds like it [18:46] gone are those days when you didn't have to pay for other's mistakes [18:52] *shrug* I bought it, I should pay for it, but I do agree that they should really do some sort of courtesy token for me being willing to come back and pay for something because of their mistake [18:53] hi all [18:53] Maaz: coffee on [18:53] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [18:55] charl: I didn't know that you drink coffee on a Saturday evening [18:55] good evening [18:56] superfly: I agree [18:56] ask them for discount [18:56] lol [18:56] hi inetpro [18:57] i already had a beer earlier today so now it's time for coffee [18:57] superfly: or make the use openlp [18:57] Coffee's ready for charl! [18:57] make them* [18:58] inetpro: here's what's left over from earlier today: http://i.imgur.com/zIHaM.jpg [18:59] eish charl, you really want me to see every drink you make? [18:59] :D [18:59] i'm just trolling [19:00] yeah, looks like a real troll, drinks like a troll [19:00] must be a troll [19:01] :D [19:01] nice [19:01] problem? :) [19:01] nah, it's your choice [19:02] as long as you keep it for yourself [19:03] * inetpro never been into drinking alcoholic beverages just for the fun of it [19:04] ehm, you sound pretty serious now [19:09] charl: well I'm sure you have seen the welcome message when you joined the channel [19:10] we try to stick to terms of service and the Ubuntu CoC [19:40] inetpro: sheesh, relax dude [19:41] we were just talking nonsense, not being serious [19:41] it's saturday evening, not monday morning :) [19:41] heh, no stress here :-) [19:42] ok... :S [19:42] was just putting it up front [19:42] hmmmm [19:42] you never know who else is lurking in the channel and hoping for some odd technical discussion [19:44] even on a Saturday evening [19:44] not that we do that very often in any case in here [19:44] hmm... I think you've missed many a good discussion in here [19:46] not that I'm saying they usually happen on a Saturday evening, but good discussions are never predictable [19:46] so i installed ubuntu 12.04 on my server, and inherently squid was upgrtade from v2 to v3 [19:46] but my config file does not work anymore [19:47] Kerbero: eish [19:47] I've heard of major changes [19:47] yeah [19:47] the first entry in v2's config is something liek acl all [19:48] and squid3 does not like that at all [19:49] Kerbero: sounds like you'd have to go back to the drawing board and study the manual [19:50] something that I probably have to do as well [19:50] yeah i did, and i finally got it working after running squid with -vvv [19:50] cool [19:50] and fixing all the problems/warnings it printed out then, and only then [19:51] for some reason squid3 quits some times do to config file issues without saying so [19:51] * inetpro shall have to remember to knock on Kerbero's door for help :-) [19:51] *due to [19:51] i'm typing very badly tonight [19:52] Kerbero: so was it worth the upgrade yet? [19:53] well, my desktop pc runs 12.04 [19:53] so i did not have a choice [19:53] ahh, so this is just for personal use? [19:53] ont my one server i'm glad it is 12.04 due to a >3 kernel [19:53] which is needed for my dvb-t2 receiver [19:54] and, yes [19:54] interesting [19:54] Kerbero: just out of curiosity, what's the reason for using squid for your personal use? caching? [19:54] just wondering because usually you just find that on institutional/corporate networks [19:54] upstream proxy needs login [19:55] ah i see [19:55] and all programs does not support it [19:55] that can be a pain [19:55] yup [19:55] i know that problem pretty well [19:55] i used to have that a number of years ago, thankfully not on any proxied network anymore [19:55] ok gtg people. i had too much beer tonight [19:55] ciao Kerbero ! [19:55] :-) [19:56] enjoy the rest of your weekend [19:56] bye Kerbero [21:38] welcome bacj not_found [21:39] back as well [21:39] hiy a inetpro [21:39] you on duty again? [21:40] not_found: you're very good at holding the fort so please do it again [21:40] * inetpro calling it a night [21:40] lol [21:40] k, goodnight inetpro [21:42] not_found: and please check that charl behaves his self :-) [21:42] * not_found lurks with a hammer [21:51] not_found: does it look like this? http://www.flickr.com/photos/janx-1975/7106898843/ [21:53] no, but that should work [21:53] :p [22:02] not_found: luckily i am carrying this with me: http://i.imgur.com/foABX.jpg [22:03] weak