=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [19:06] knome: you about? [19:06] I need a line-art version of the xubuntu logo [19:07] by when [19:07] 5 minutes [19:07] :D [19:07] fsst [19:07] can't do in that timeframe [19:07] maybe by tomorrow? :P [19:07] alright [19:07] for what do you need it anyway? the eggbot? [19:07] yeah :) [19:07] hah [19:08] are you going to do something with it that you're going to present somewhere? [19:08] or just for fun? [19:08] just for fun, I'll blog about it and probably give people xubuntu ping pong balls ;) [19:08] lol [19:09] ok, i'll create that for you today or tomorrow :) [19:09] so, probably in the next 28 hours [19:09] thanks! [19:09] http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/7663611124/ [19:09] early experiment [19:09] probably not going to boot the desktop machine today, and we have guests coming in tomorrow night so i don't know when i have time tomorrow [19:10] it's not exactly round ;) still working on alignment [19:10] lol,k [19:14] You said "line-art" and I'm thinking ascii art. :P [19:16] looks like great fun [21:11] micahg: hey, could you sync orage when you have some time? (syncpackage looks broken in sid right now :) [21:18] pleia2, :P http://imagebin.org/222429 [21:28] uploaded shimmer-themes with new bluebird/greybird/albatross to quantal [21:28] \o/ [21:28] thanks mr_pouit [21:28] i owe you some rum [21:29] knome: don't rejoice too much, ochosi is in vacation, so bug reports will be for you :P [21:29] * mr_pouit runs [21:29] hah [21:30] that's fine. i'll make satya make the corrections, and let *you* reupload the packages [21:30] works for me (: [21:30] good [21:31] still want that rum, or should i rejoice of it myself? d: [21:35] hihi [22:12] GridCube: have as svg? :) [22:17] :P not really no, i just made it up from the logo on xubuntu.org using edge detection [22:30] Edge detection? Into SVG? [22:30] What program did you use for that? [22:33] irfanview, but i made an svg pleia2 :D [22:33] it was easier than i though [22:34] well... actually an odg :/ [22:49] eh [22:49] i already posted the xubuntu logo lineart [22:49] and no need to use edge detection [22:49] easy enough with inkscape to just modify the original svg [22:49] :P