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trelaneI'm annihilating SD cards, any suggestions for something more durable? (using a beaglebone)03:14
scientestrelane, what type of warning do you get before they go?03:16
trelanescientes, none that I've been able to capture before the failure, but lots of error reading, drive seek, etc from the kernel afterwards03:22
scienteseek, i should make some backups03:22
trelane[   17.989135] end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 98498603:22
trelane[   20.791503] mmcblk0: error -110 transferring data, sector 984987, nr 29, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x003:22
trelanestarting to think that SD is the achilles heel03:23
scienteswell eSATA is obviously the way to go03:23
scientesusb is both slow, and doesn't support power spinning down03:23
heathkidscientes: how do we interface with eSATA???03:23
scientesI don't think the beaglebone has esata03:24
scientesbut some arm devices do03:24
trelanescientes, not many I've seen, yet, but they are coming03:24
heathkidsuch as?03:24
scientesthey have been around for quite a while03:25
scientesthere was even a sheevaplug that had esata years ago03:25
* scientes doesn't have esata03:25
trelanescientes, IIRC though that wasn't native esata but a USB adapter03:25
trelanewhich is what I'm considering now03:25
scientesand the 2nd revision of the original sheeaplug can be retrofitted, but i have 1st revision03:25
scientesyes usb hard drive works03:26
scientesits just hot cause it never spinns down03:26
scientesthe other option is ntp03:26
heathkidsolid state drives???03:26
scientesputting solid state drive on usb is a sin03:26
heathkidtrue... but will it work?03:27
trelanescientes, I don't need the performance, I need the reliability03:27
trelaneheathkid, of course, it's just slower03:27
heathkidand stop killing DS cards?03:27
scienteshard drives are more reliable than ssd in my experience03:27
scientesas long as you arn't dropping them03:27
* heathkid thinks maybe he wants to drop them...03:28
* trelane mumbles something about the cloud and goes to find an umbrella03:28
* heathkid ponders... maybe only a few hundred G's though...03:28
trelaneheathkid, screw it, we've got a pallet and an incline drop table, and duct tape03:28
trelanestick the hard drive between several of those and pull the red handle03:29
trelaneor we could just skip that and use... the bat03:29
heathkidI can do a 600G 1/2 sine pulse drop03:29
heathkidI just want something that works and doesn't wear out after a few days03:29
trelanethat should reliably kill just about any hard drive03:29
heathkidnot SSD03:30
trelanedepends on construction03:30
heathkidthey should construct them better then03:30
heathkidI'd settle for 100G's03:30
heathkid*any* set-top box will survive 70G without even a glitch in the signal...03:31
trelaneregardless I need something that can handle high read/write cycles better than SD03:31
scienteshonestly trelane hard drives are the best way to get reliable space03:31
scienteswith ssd you never have enough space03:31
heathkidvery trure03:31
heathkidhow about "true"03:31
trelanescientes, actually my problem isn't space, I barely use _ANY_ but I write to the same file once a minute (rrdtool)03:32
trelaneand in about a week, it shits the bed03:32
scientestrelane, why dont you just do it in memory then?03:32
scientesthats what almost all embeded machines do03:32
trelaneI've thought about a ram disk, my concern there is preserving data03:32
scienteshard drives and ram are the only store that can handle that type of stuff03:32
trelanenot to be overly dramatic but if data's lost, the ramifications for this system is people starve03:33
scientestrelane, you could save it every few hours03:33
scienteswell then use a hard drive03:33
scientesor multiple hard drives03:33
trelanethat's kind of what I'm thinking03:33
trelanecloud :/03:33
scientesssds can do it too, as long as there is plenty of free space, cause they just move the writes around03:34
scientesbut hard drives really are the best at writing03:34
scientesand if you are moving every minute you don't need power saving03:34
trelaneright, and I'm using ~400KB with the database03:34
trelanesolar :)03:34
scientesthen hard drive might not be best03:35
trelanesystem will be deployed to the third world, attached to, err, miscellanious agricultural systems whihc produce food03:35
scientesyou really should be using networked ram disk then03:35
trelaneyeah ram disk is sounding more and more like the solution03:36
trelanestarting to look at my pandaboard es too instead03:36
scientesif you have a battery and solar ram isn't that bad03:36
scientesif you were really fancy, you would store it to a known place in ram03:37
scientesand then when it started up it could actuall use the last runs03:37
scientesso it could crash (use watchdog device) and recover03:37
scienteswithout ever hitting a disk03:37
trelanethat's an interesting idea, since it should never lose power03:37
scientesyou could even back it three times in ram03:38
scientesor rather, with parity bits03:38
* scientes is not sure the kernel has anything that would allow implamenting that feature03:39
scientes---well-known memory locations that is03:39
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daurnimatorso I've got ubuntu running on my beagleboard... how do I speed up the gfx?10:36
janimomarvin24, I see you have a new branch. Please let me know when you want the ubuntu package updated and which branch should it be rebased on10:47
marvin24janimo: this is for android10:47
marvin24so just ignore it10:47
janimoah, so you are testing andorid as well?10:47
marvin24not me, but others seem to be interesed10:48
marvin24but I hate to do the double work10:48
marvin24GNU/Linux should use l4t-r15-ac100 (which is a bit behind of the android branch, thanks nivida!)10:48
janimomarvin24, did you get some confirmation from nvidia that they indeed are behind and need to port fixes to the L4T branch too?10:52
janimoanyway should I upgrade to your latest l4t branch now?10:52
marvin24janimo: the branch is taged as "rc" so I guess they plan an update10:53
marvin24janimo: yes, you can do a new package if you like10:53
marvin24unfortunately, the console problem is still present10:53
ogra_marvin24, did you test with the binary driver ? does it run any better ?10:53
marvin24ogra_: what do you mean by "better"?10:54
janimoconsole problem meaning you need to pass console=tty1 on the command line? That is ok as long as not a regression from existing 3.110:54
marvin24it doesn't crash10:54
ogra_marvin24, "at all"10:54
janimonice  I see you fixes the logo moving problem on boot10:54
marvin24janimo: yes10:54
ogra_ah, thats an improvement10:54
marvin24well, I didn't tested it much10:54
marvin24that is what users are for ;-)10:54
ogra_well, if you get a mousepointer thats more than i got with what we have in the archive10:55
janimomarvin24, regarding the zram/zcache stuff10:55
janimothat seems dropped from the latest branch10:55
ogra_i agree, the rest is for users :)10:55
marvin24janimo: mmh?10:55
marvin24you man zcache updates?10:55
ogra_janimo, the code or the option ?10:55
janimothis is what I get as config delta10:56
janimomaybe I need to resync with defconfig, I know I did that last time10:56
ogra_bah, crap10:56
marvin24janimo: it should be autoenabled10:58
marvin24at least I didn't removed it10:58
* janimo checks.10:58
marvin24paz00_defconfig has it10:58
janimomaybe the disappearance of xvmalloc pulled out those that depended on it10:58
ogra_NCommander, where do i find a wiki doc for booting highbank images in qemu ? i'm searching my butt off but seem to not be able to find anything11:00
infinityogra_: Won't work anyway.11:00
marvin24janimo: paz00_defconfig is created by "make savedefconfig", so the option should be still needed11:01
ogra_i thought it was the new hotness11:01
janimomarvin24, ok, resyncing with defconfig now11:01
marvin24janimo: thanks11:01
infinityogra_: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1030600 needs fixing first.11:02
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1030600 in linux "please build/install highbank dtb file" [Medium,In progress]11:02
ogra_egh, ok11:02
janimoah I see why last time we got failurie to boot from VFAT, merging defconfig has the NLS bits modular11:03
* ogra_ reads https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Server/Install11:04
ogra_"Booting into the Installed System11:04
ogra_Your system should now boot into the installed system. "11:04
ogra_thats a very useful paragraph11:05
lilstevieogra_, that sounds like an instruction that cannot be missed11:10
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ogra_infinity, hmm, the SUBARCH hardcoding seems to really get in our way in debian-cd now12:13
ogra_i wonder if its actually in the environment and we could just drop  it12:13
* ogra_ cant rember why we put it there first place12:15
infinityWe hardcode SUBARCH?12:18
infinityogra_: Oh, in post-boot?12:19
infinityogra_: Looks like just some unfortunate cargo-culting, that should definitely be fixable.12:20
infinity(Or in boot, rather, whatever)12:20
ogra_yeah, if i'm in the office i'll drop it and throw out some testbuilds12:20
* ogra_ doesnt want to do that from unstable hotel network12:21
ogra_worst case we need to drop the symlinks and actually use a script per subarch but i'd rather not12:21
infinityogra_: I'm not sure it's in the environment, but that could perhaps be fixed.12:22
infinityogra_: Check tools/boot/sarge/boot-m68k, which tries to guess subarch based on the kernel in play.  We could do something like that, perhaps.12:22
ogra_ah, yeah12:22
ogra_well, lets first tryif we have the var set, i think lool added it back then because of some discrepancy between live and d-i builds12:23
infinityogra_: But breaking the symlinks wouldn't be world-ending either.  Just means we have to remember to keep all the derivatives in sync.12:23
ogra_well, i would like to unify it to one script (or a functions file we source at the top of the scripts) actually12:24
infinitybuild.sh:        export SUBARCH="${FULLARCH#*+}"12:24
ogra_instead of having a per subarch wood made of symlinks12:24
infinityIt *should* be in the environment.12:24
ogra_s/wood/forest/ :)12:25
janimoogra_, do you use bluetooth headsets with the ac100?13:13
ogra_janimo, not atm, but yeah, i did a lot in the past13:14
ogra_it can get a little choppy under load with a usb BT dongle13:14
ogra_not sure how well it works with builtin BT13:14
janimodid you not try the built-in?13:14
janimomarvin24, your newest branch boots here, does not seem worse than what I had before. Still needs going to a VT and back to X after a screen blank13:15
ogra_i only got a device that has BT as my last one13:15
ogra_all others i always had had no BT13:15
janimook. Could it depend on the headset too?13:16
janimoI wonder if using BT headset with the ac100 is worth it13:16
ogra_probably, but i doubt it13:16
ogra_i havent gotten mumble to work reliably with it ... gets to choppy due to load ... if yuo just want to play back music it should be fine though13:17
ogra_but i think duplex is hard for it13:17
janimoheh, I have issues with mumble even on the wired headsets quite often13:17
janimoikepanhc, still awake? :)13:19
ikepanhcjanimo: yes, anything?13:20
janimoikepanhc, nope, I just assumed you went to sleep a while ago :)13:21
ikepanhcjanimo: just back to home, lay on the bed with laptop13:21
ikepanhcjanimo: do you remember how to send request to promote to proposed?13:23
ikepanhcjanimo: the build is done and it looks good13:23
janimoikepanhc, from PPA?13:23
ikepanhcjanimo: yes13:23
janimoI used a script and did not need intervention from others, it needs upload permissions though.13:23
janimoLet's see if your upload rights are enough13:23
janimojust a moment13:24
ikepanhcjanimo: though the status not changed yet https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-armadaxp/+bug/103030813:24
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1030308 in linux-armadaxp "linux-armadaxp: 3.2.0-1606.9 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]13:24
janimoikepanhc, can you bzr branch this?  bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-archive-tools/13:25
ikepanhcjanimo: I have that already13:25
janimothen copy-proposed-kernel.py precise linux-armadaxp13:25
janimothat is a script inside that repo13:25
janimothat is what I used and worked fine13:25
ikepanhcjanimo: thanks, that's what I need13:25
infinityikepanhc: Your "prepare package" is still In Progress.13:26
infinityjanimo: Drop the .py, those symlinks will go away eventually.13:26
ikepanhcinfinity: yes, but the build is done13:26
infinityAnyhow, I can go the copy.  I'll need to accept it and fix overrides anyway.13:26
ogra_hmpf, so omap already fell over after dropping SUBARCH=13:26
janimoinfinity, did not look close enough to realize it was a symlink :)13:26
ikepanhcinfinity: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+build/369059513:26
* ogra_ waits for omap4 to get some logs13:26
janimomarvin24, so you say you have no issues with X not being able to restore from screen blanking unless going via a VT?13:27
janimotegra_pwm tegra_pwm.o: pwm_disable called on disabled PWM13:28
infinityikepanhc: If you set 'prepare package' to "Fix Released", the bot will take care of the rest, I believe.13:28
infinityikepanhc: (The rest, as in setting the next task, not doing the upload)13:28
janimomarvin24,  ^is the only thing in dmesg that may be related13:28
ikepanhcinfinity: I thought bot shall change the status13:29
marvin24janimo: the console blank is "fixed" by installing the nvifia drivers13:29
marvin24^ never seen this message before13:29
infinityikepanhc: It might.  You'd have to ask Brad.  It certainly doesn't update statuses on the tasks I do.13:30
janimomarvin24, rebooting with nvidia-tegra installed now. I wanted to try it out without first, to get the basics tested13:30
ikepanhcinfinity: how about give it few hours. and see how it goes?13:31
infinityikepanhc: Or, I could just ask Brad. :P13:31
ikepanhcnot necessary, I love to wait and see13:31
janimoikepanhc, the bot usually changed the statuses in a few hours, IIRC, probably does not check every 15 minutes13:32
ogra_bah, crap, actually deploying my fix on nusakan would probably have helped13:43
janimoogra_, I too see the fuse: module is already loaded error13:46
janimoeven though fuse is not listed by lsmod13:46
janimoon the ac10013:46
ogra_do we have it builtin ?13:46
janimoinfinity any idea what can cause such confusion?13:46
janimoogra_, no, it is module13:47
janimoit is in /lib/modules13:47
janimoand according to config13:47
janimoI get fuse:module is already loaded in dmesg every time I try to modprobe it13:47
janimoand Error inserting fuse as modprobe output on the console13:47
janimoother modules insert fine13:48
janimomarvin24, with the new kernel and the nvidia drivers launching gnome-terminal kills X and sends me to lightdm13:48
janimomarvin24, what userland are you testing with usually?13:48
ogra_infinity, btw, i found a very elegant solution to the boot.scr stuff in flash-kernel ... i'll just compoletely drop boot.scr ;)13:49
infinityogra_: ?13:49
infinityogra_: Oh, in favor of uENV.txt or something?13:50
ogra_infinity, we planned to move to uEnv.tx anyway ...13:50
ogra_yeah !13:50
ogra_and the baeuty of it is that you can split it into uEnv and preEnv.txt files13:50
ogra_uEnv will carry all generic bits, preEnv will get the cdmline13:50
ogra_so preEnv can be created by f-k-i and contain root= ... (and reside in /etc/flash-kernel for user convenience13:51
* ogra_ goes for a smoke13:51
marvin24janimo: unity-2d13:51
marvin24did you got these errors also with the older build?13:52
janimomarvin24, same here, unity-2d13:52
janimomarvin24, I need to check. It looks like I did not have the tegra drivers installed in a while13:53
marvin24mmh, I often use the terminal13:53
marvin24janimo: check with e.g. es2_info13:53
janimomarvin24, that was the plan, that's why I installed the nvidia drivers, to test some gles13:54
marvin24janimo: some other user on #ac100 also reported crashes  (but on wheezy)13:54
janimobut got derailed when it crashed X13:54
janimomarvin24, you're on 12.04?13:54
janimothis is quantal13:54
marvin24I still wait until it becomes "stable" ...13:55
janimomarvin24, weird, I get an X crash when starting xterm and as soon as I get into a sudo shell14:09
* janimo wonders if some device nodes related to nvidia drivers suddenly behave differently when an admin user does something to them indirectly14:10
marvin24janimo: also crashes with a user xterm?14:10
janimono, just as soon as I sudo in that14:10
marvin24I'll test this out when I'm back home14:11
* janimo keeps dreaming of the world where working in the software industry will not involve any hardware at all14:13
* janimo unfairly blames hw for majority of software bugs too14:14
marvin24the problem here is more non-open-source software14:14
marvin24than hw14:14
janimoindeed, closed source. We do not even know for sure if nvidia did not put some _broken hardware_ inside those binaries!!14:16
marvin24you may try to shake the driver a bit14:21
marvin24maybe some loose skews will fall out14:22
marvin24which you can send back to NV14:22
janimothe driver may get shaken indeed as part of me throwing the ac100 out the window :)14:24
janimosome nice first world problems we've got here14:25
marvin24janimo: what Xorg version does quantal use15:50
marvin241.12.3 ?15:50
marvin24precise seems to use 1.11.3 (abi 11)15:50
marvin24if wheezy also used 1.12.3, then I guess this is a driver (abi 12) problem15:51
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janimothis is abi 12 indeed15:52
janimomarvin24, I narrowsed down the crash to running .bashrc from the sudo shell15:53
janimowithin that setting the PS1 prompt using ANSI escape sequences15:53
marvin24wow, even more bizarre15:53
janimono idea why that would crash x though15:53
janimoI do not yet have a minimal sequence that crashes15:53
marvin24if you change the prompt?15:53
janimoyes, that line in .bashrc causes the crash15:53
ogra_did you disable CONFIG_USERPACE_UTF8_SUPPORT ?15:53
janimoogra_, heh. I actually need to pastebin the config changes for review15:54
janimoogra_, marvin24 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1119676/15:55
janimoall changes due to sync with defconfig, nothing explicitly changed by me15:55
ogra_does TEGRA_OTG actually work ?15:57
janimoogra_, no idea15:57
* ogra_ thought it didnt15:57
ogra_wow, what disabled USB_MASS_STORAGE in the past ?15:57
marvin24well, "theoreticly it should" (C)15:57
janimoogra_, snafus probably15:57
ogra_or is that diff against a local config ?15:57
marvin24is frontswap efficivily enabled?15:58
* ogra_ hopes not15:58
marvin24I'm still experimenting with otg15:58
marvin24it does something, but not right yet15:59
marvin24(or I fail to do it right)15:59
ogra_well, it shouldnt do any harm to have it on at least15:59
ogra_even if its not fully working15:59
marvin24well, it crashes kernel when used together with uboot15:59
marvin24but that's a different "Baustelle"15:59
janimoogra_, can flash-kernel be forced to flash an older kernel16:00
janimoI downgrade with dpkg -i on ac100 but it did not run flash-kernel16:01
ogra_yes, it takes the desired kernel version as option16:01
ogra_(the zz-flash-kernel script in /etc/kernel.d should have actually done that on your package install16:03
[XeN]I'm looking for the ubuntu version that runs on the exynos 4212 SoC but can't find it. Can anyone help?16:26
rsalveti[XeN]: give the linaro leb a try for origen on your board16:37
rsalvetiat linaro we have the samsung landing team maintaining the kernel for it16:37
[XeN]what is the linaro leb?16:37
[XeN]I'm talking about the ODROID-X. Ubuntu already runs on the board but I can't find the image. Only OMAP, iMX etc.16:39
hrw[XeN]: that's why rsalveti suggests Linaro images for Origen16:39
[XeN]what's origen?16:40
rsalvetiorigen is the developer board based on 441016:40
rsalvetiit's not the same one, but I believe the kernel should probably be quite compatible with16:40
rsalvetiat linaro we have what we call as leb, based on both ubuntu and android16:40
rsalvetisupporting the boards we have available16:41
rsalvetiand regarding samsung, origen is the one used16:41
hrwrsalveti: 4210 is on origen16:41
[XeN]ok. got it16:41
rsalvetisorry, 421016:42
[XeN]so the odroid is 4412 quad core. should be compatible16:42
[XeN]the thing I'm looking for is the gfx drivers and kernel sources. the odroid people will release the kernel src too. but only for
[XeN]for the gfx I found an open one but in alpha state16:44
[XeN]I just thought there is a ubuntu image for the platform where I can grab these stuff from.16:45
infinity[XeN]: There's no Ubuntu image for it, no.16:46
[XeN]would be interesting what the guys at hardkernel use to show the boards capabilities.16:46
ogra_bug 102890517:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1028905 in cdrom-detect "cdrom-detect in quantal omap4 hangs trying to look for install media on an extended partition" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102890517:44
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