Venom | why am i banned from #ubuntu? | 00:13 |
Venom | why am i banned from #ubuntu? | 00:19 |
IdleOne | For ban evasion and swearing | 00:34 |
Venom | are you serious? I was able to get on last night | 00:34 |
elky | Ah, hfsplus. | 00:34 |
IdleOne | using which nick? | 00:34 |
Venom | Venom? | 00:35 |
IdleOne | nope | 00:35 |
elky | 2012-02-22T19:49:46 <HFSPLUS> My penis is stuck in my 40oz budweiser (don't ask) how can i get it out? 2012-02-22T19:49:54 *** HFSPLUS (HFSPLUS! has left #ubuntu (requested by LjL (HFSPLUS)) | 00:35 |
elky | * Venom ( has joined #ubuntu-ops | 00:35 |
elky | Oops? | 00:35 |
elky | Yeah, that ban won't be going away any time soon. | 00:36 |
elky | Have a nice day! | 00:36 |
Venom | give me a sec | 00:36 |
Venom | i can look up my log file and i was on ubuntu last night | 00:37 |
Venom | | 00:37 |
Venom | search venom | 00:38 |
Venom | Venomcan i use virtualbox to create ubuntu server?04:22 | 00:38 |
Venom | ed_IdleOne: ok its done, I try all over again04:22 | 00:38 |
Venom | IdleOneVenom: yes | 00:38 |
IdleOne | Venom: correct, but at the time I was unaware that you were ban evading. | 00:39 |
Venom | i wasnt... | 00:39 |
Venom | and i cant help notice my ip changed today | 00:40 |
IdleOne | and it just happened to change to an IP that was banned yesterday | 00:40 |
IdleOne | I'm not going to remove the ban. | 00:41 |
IdleOne | I suggest you come back in 30 days and we can see then. | 00:41 |
Venom | well i was banned from ubuntu forums the other day, and i had that ban removed because of of a wildcard ban because of some flooder | 00:42 |
elky | This isn't a wildcard ban. This is a precise match | 00:42 |
Venom | ok and i googled and nothing came up | 00:43 |
Venom | it would have came up in a log | 00:43 |
elky | No it wouldn't. | 00:43 |
elky | Those logs you linked to don't have join/quit | 00:43 |
Venom | oh | 00:43 |
Venom | what was my ip the other day i was on then? | 00:44 |
Venom | ok so why can join other ubuntu like channels but not #ubuntu? | 00:46 |
elky | Because each channel's ban list is independent | 00:47 |
Venom | so am i welcome into those channels at least? | 00:48 |
Venom | im not sure what the hell is going on maybe there is someone who gets my ip adresses and screws around or something but whatever | 00:49 |
IdleOne | Venom: give us a moment please | 00:50 |
elky | Or maybe you're using an ISP that a serial network-wide troll uses. | 00:51 |
Venom | what is a serial network? | 00:52 |
chu | "... serial, network-wide, troll" | 00:52 |
Venom | im sorry if my IP is dynamic from comcast and i might get a trolls ip (if i do) | 00:52 |
IdleOne | Venom: We are going to remove the ban, it is possible that you got tangled in someone else mess. | 00:53 |
IdleOne | Let's hope this is not a bad idea and that we don't see you in here any more :) | 00:53 |
Venom | IdleOne: that is what happened to me on ubuntu forums the other day | 00:53 |
elky | You should consider giving your money to a less crap isp | 00:53 |
Venom | elky: well i do that then i am stuck with DSL | 00:54 |
elky | Venom, do you have vps's you can bounce your irc through? | 00:54 |
IdleOne | Venom: ban has been removed, could you please join #ubuntu to make sure everything is ok. Please part this channel afterwards | 00:54 |
Venom | what is vps? | 00:54 |
elky | a server | 00:54 |
Venom | elky: no | 00:55 |
Venom | yes i can set it up | 00:55 |
Venom | i will now part | 00:55 |
Venom | cya =_ | 00:55 |
Venom | =) | 00:55 |
chu | So, how about yolarrydabomb's quit message in #ubuntu? | 00:57 |
IdleOne | you tell me :) | 00:57 |
IdleOne | what would you do? | 00:58 |
chu | I'm not sure how to deal with the quit messages! We had a similar thing from m00se in #ubuntu-offtopic a while ago, since I kind of know m00se, I was able to query him and sort it out, but in this case... I'm all out of ideas. | 00:59 |
IdleOne | sounds like a good idea. | 00:59 |
chu | Might want to remove the user cholby from #ubuntu if anyone's around. | 02:36 |
bazhang | he's +b now | 02:37 |
chu | Yep, cheers. | 02:38 |
elky | bazhang, chu, cholby is a delightful one. has previously threatened to rape staff and idlers in #defocus | 07:54 |
chu | Yes, delightful indeed. | 07:55 |
pozic_ | I was banned for no reason at all in #kubuntu. | 13:20 |
bazhang | pozic_, hi | 13:20 |
bazhang | pozic_, let me read the scrollback | 13:21 |
pozic_ | All I did was put Blu<whatever> in his place. | 13:21 |
pozic_ | It's supposed to be an 'official support channel', not a channel where I get further from a solution. | 13:21 |
bazhang | pozic_, that was not necessary nor acceptable under ubuntu channel guidelines | 13:22 |
pozic_ | bazhang: so, providing bad advice (even on purpose) is acceptable? | 13:22 |
pozic_ | bazhang: so, next time I should just provide people with the worst possible advice and everything is OK? | 13:23 |
pozic_ | bazhang: because that's sort of what it looks like. | 13:23 |
pozic_ | bazhang: retardation is the cure for the popularity in Ubuntu related distros? | 13:24 |
pozic_ | bazhang: i.e. scare all the people with a brain larger than a nut away to other places such that Canonical support becomes more appealing? | 13:25 |
pozic_ | bazhang: I don't know, but that's a bit what it looks like; a dumbification of the user base. | 13:25 |
bazhang | pozic_, please calm down. | 13:25 |
pozic_ | bazhang: everything I am describing is consistent with the data. | 13:25 |
bazhang | pozic_, nothing is going to be resolved with a non-calm manner | 13:26 |
pozic_ | bazhang: I am very calm. | 13:26 |
bazhang | pozic_, it does not seem that way at all | 13:26 |
pozic_ | bazhang: I just happen to have a different view on this walled garden you have created. | 13:26 |
pozic_ | bazhang: instead of it being a paid walled garden, there is a stupidity filter. | 13:26 |
pozic_ | But still a walled garden. | 13:27 |
bazhang | pozic_, this channel is to resolve ban issues and such, not to complain about Ubuntu as a whole | 13:27 |
pozic_ | bazhang: I am complaining about the way ikonia is ban happy. | 13:27 |
pozic_ | ikonia is itself plagued with mental retardation. | 13:28 |
pozic_ | Just look at his/her advice. | 13:28 |
bazhang | pozic_, being abrasive and name-calling other users is not acceptable. any moderator witnessing same will take action, so let's not blame a single one | 13:28 |
pozic_ | bazhang: and in general there is a trend to kick out everyone who does not agree with the one true Truth of these channels. | 13:29 |
LjL | pozic_: next time it's going to be a ban. you have a long history of bans, i'm not letting you call people names or otherwise be abusive in here. | 13:30 |
pozic_ | LjL: and in that history of bans every single time I was surrounded by morons, wasn't I? | 13:30 |
pozic_ | LjL: so, please fix your IQ filter. | 13:30 |
pozic_ | LjL: I was even trying to help someone in #kubuntu. | 13:31 |
pozic_ | LjL: but then some idiot (ikonia) banned me. | 13:31 |
bazhang | why did timewarper notice #kubuntu then go off in #ubuntu | 14:15 |
DJones | Just hit xubuntu as well | 14:16 |
bazhang | and removed. now some nasty PM | 14:16 |
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