
canthus13Woo. "Diagnose the conniption project"!00:02
BiosElementyano: Well I did anyway heh00:02
yanoBiosElement: you did eh?00:04
BiosElementyano: Aye, it was quite fun ^_^00:04
yanoBiosElement: were you there today? (at the lightning talks)?00:04
BiosElementyano: I was there both days all day. Co-Lead the Registration.00:04
yanoah, nice, wait a second are you short with curly hair?00:05
BiosElementhaha, well I don't fall into the short category but curly hair is for sure right.00:05
yanoah, i think i was sitting in the row in front of you at the lightning talks00:06
yano1 row in front of you and to the left 300:06
yanobehind Carl the camera guy00:06
BiosElementhaha Ahh awesome heh00:07
yanoif you are who i think you are00:07
BiosElementQuite probably. My hair tends to make me stand out a little bit.00:08
yanolol, i think i might be thinking you are short because of the chairs at the registration desk00:08
BiosElementThat was probably it. The chairs were killer so I decided to screw posture and just sloutch so I didn't break something. >.>00:09
Unit193You could just look him up on one of his many sites. :P00:10
yanodoesn't seem many people knew about #pyohio00:10
Unit193ircnick.com, bioshub, etc, etc,etc. :P00:11
BiosElementhahaha, I do kinda have the bioselement query covered00:11
BiosElementI had shorter hair back then00:11
Unit193Yep, many and I just have a .tk. :P00:11
yanoi actually tried going to *ircnick*.com and didn't put 2 and 2 together -.- lol00:12
Unit193Hah, I figured I shouldn't do nick.com. :P00:12
BiosElementDid get some decent work done today though, so it was a good excuse to work.00:13
yanoshould have came to the code sprints tonight00:14
yanothere are 3/4 of us here00:14
yano3 or 4 of us00:14
BiosElementI was going to, but originally I was going to have dinner with a friend, though that fell through. >.>00:14
BiosElementYehh, ironically a friend who I was going to be recommending to my boss for tech support. Not so sure about that anymore >.>00:18
Unit193He needz a new friend he says?00:21
Unit193Futurama, nevermind.00:22
BiosElementHeh, I avoid most of that stuff00:22
Unit193So, you ever going to setup your quassel core again? :P01:28
BiosElementI keep thinking I'm gonna replace quassel since it's so unsupported01:28
Unit193irssi+tmux/screen (tmux doesn't work well for me)01:29
Unit193...Or give me access to try it, make sure it works. :D01:31
paultagirssi works great01:33
BiosElementYes paultag, We all know you love irssi ;)01:35
Unit193But you see, I have to make sure his server accepts it. ;)01:35
Unit193*Now* you see what I have to check.01:36
paultagI have a *legit* setup01:37
paultaglocal notifications, local copy of the logs, etc, etc :)|01:37
Unit193As do I, rnotify.pl though since I'm not sitting at that computer.01:38
paultagah, I'll have to check that out01:38
paultagbrb, hacking01:38
Unit193I have the Scroll Lock led blink in case I have something full screen.01:39
Unit193Goodbye trekweb.01:40
BiosElement2I just rembered I already had byobu setup on my server and weechat was already basically configured.01:47
BiosElement2Yeah yeah, I'm evil for not using software that hasn't had bug patches for two years :P01:48
Unit193I meant byobu more than that. :P01:48
BiosElement2hah, Byobu isn't much more then default configs for tmux anymore.01:49
Unit193It's actually had a few commits, but not much.01:50
BiosElement2Oh? I was just going off their main page and a dozen bug reports that looked important picked at random01:50
Unit193Yeah, one commit was just adding a help ref from another /help command. :P01:51
BiosElement2How very helpful01:51
Unit193Actually, it was something that could have helped - a while back.01:52
BiosElement2See, I really did actually write a whole 20 lines of code today! Told yoy I was productive! >.> https://github.com/BiosElement/BiosBase/commits/feature/auth01:53
BiosElementAnd wow, pasting that totally notified me. ^_^01:53
=== jrgifford is now known as Guest66554
BiosElement2It was about time I gave that project a bit of attention.01:54
Unit193pianobar is the only one I pretend to do, added a couple things I think are nice and should maybe give a diff next time he's on IRC.01:55
BiosElement2I keep having people ask me about it so I figured I had to stop being lazy01:57
Unit193Just need to setup auth.01:59
BiosElement2My auth branch kinda grew as the use-case expanded and the app-plugin feature list grew.02:03
BiosElement2Bleh, I need to write better tech support docs05:24
Unit193I just tell them to download my UVNC single click.05:25
Unit193Docs aren't ever easy...05:25
BiosElement2That would require me fixing it for them. I'm not fixing Minecraft servers for several hundred people who wanted to upload 10Gb worlds onto a 2Gb ramdisk.05:26
=== Guest66554 is now known as jrgifford
BiosElement2Oh look, Ubisoft installs sony-style DRM that lets any webpage install anything on your system. Awesome!16:23
BiosElement2Aye, it's quite nice of em.16:38
canthus13Now to add code to IGN that uploads a virus that deletes everything from ubisoft.16:39
canthus13I love http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupportgore16:56
canthus13the server cabling ones are amazing.16:56
thafreakanyone know what's up with this leapsecond bug?19:33
thafreakI heard about it a while ago, but never looked into it really19:33
thafreaknow my one xen box is going nuts...only thing I can find online about my symptoms suggests this leap second issue...19:35
paultagthafreak: CPU load maxed?20:06
paultagthafreak: date -s "`date`"20:06
thafreaktried that...didn't do shit20:48
thafreaknot thinking it's this bug afterall20:48
thafreakgot a constant 15-50% cpu usage just ksoftirqd20:48
thafreakok...turns out one of my debian squeeze vm's was the culprit...20:58
thafreakfull-upgrade and a reboot, and my dom0 is not freaking out anymore20:59
thafreakthank God...I was going to do something crazy if I didn't get this working21:01
thafreakdoesn't help when your wireless keyboard batteries die mid typing on the console21:01
thafreakmakes you freak out that your net connection died again21:02
thafreaki hate being a sysadmin...21:08
thafreakit's just full of being angry all the time, smashing keyboards, people bitching21:09
paultagprogramming isn't much different21:09
thafreakthe times when you actually feel good cause you setup something slick...far too few and far between21:09
thafreakyeah...i know...21:09
thafreaki want to be a pro video game player21:10
paultagI want to be a programmer.21:10
paultagall bitching aside, it's fucking awesome.21:10
thafreakmeh, like you said...to much frustration there too :)21:10
paultagI can take it :)21:10
paultaga lot of frustration in video games, too21:11
thafreakcourse i get pretty frustrated gaming at times too...damn high school kids kicking my ass21:11
paultagI don't know too many highschoolers who can beat me at programming :)21:12
paultagI was a high schooler who beat vets at coding in my free time.21:12
paultagnot to get cocky here21:12
canthus13this is so funny.. I really wanna get out of ISP support for system admin. :P21:14
paultagy'all wana be programmers :>21:14
canthus13I'd love to, but I don't have the skills. :P21:15
Unit193I'd like to know, don't want it enough to learn proper.21:16
canthus13Soo.. the leap second bug only affects kernels < 2.6.29?21:16
paultagI'm getting ready to hack some swag-nasty code21:16
paultagI'm about to classify how radical every single state-level rep is in the USA21:16
paultagthis is going to make someone's face blead21:17
paultagerm, bleed21:17
thafreakno it affected squeeze which uses 2.6.3221:17
paultaglucky I don't need to spell21:17
canthus13thafreak: hmm.21:17
thafreaki prefer bleading to bleeding21:17
canthus13so... squeeze doesn't have an update for it yet?21:18
thafreaki have no idea...all i know is I did a full-upgrade (including kernel update) and my problem went away21:18
thafreakI don't even know 100% it was this leap second bug tbh21:19
* canthus13 nods.21:19
canthus13I have no available kernel.21:19
canthus13...to upgrade to.21:19
paultagmakes more sense21:19
thafreakmaybe you're ok then21:20
canthus13Linux Titan 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sun May 6 04:01:19 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux21:20
thafreakyou have high load with softirqd going nuts?21:20
canthus13my highest load is 0.0121:21
thafreakeh, if you aren't suffering, then don't worry bout it...21:22
* canthus13 really needs to figure out how to get his TOPS-20 emulator connected and answering telnet.21:25
paultag17:32 < jcristau> hmm21:34
paultag17:32 < jcristau> projectb=> select source, version, char_length(version) from changes ORDER BY char_length(version) DESC limit 1;21:34
paultag17:32 < jcristau>  source  |                     version                     | char_length21:34
paultag17:32 < jcristau> ---------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------21:34
paultag17:32 < jcristau>  icedove | |          4721:34
paultag17:32 < paultag> oh god21:34
paultagdebian, dear lord, debian21:34
paultag17:35 < Laney> flashplugin-nonfree | |          58 ← longest one ever in ubuntu though21:35

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