
axisysthis did not start at boot http://dpaste.com/778140/ .. but starts fine with start tacacs-dial 18:52
axisyswhat gives?18:52
axisysit is running on a VM18:52
axisysshould I look for something else instead of start on (net-device-up IFACE=eth0)18:53
axisysthats starts verry early in the boot process.. but system might not be in multi-user mode18:53
axisysmay be I should try start on filesystem18:54
axisys start on filesystem did the trick18:57
jMCgHello happy people! 20:21
jMCgThis is my upstart script: http://sprunge.us/dGSG -- but it would appear as though the process I'm starting up doesn't get the HOME I'm trying to export.20:21
jMCgasked differently: Why does upstart not export … some ENV stuff?20:23

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