
alex_de_borbaAlguém de Portugal?00:48
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dr_how to open a dolphin window as root?02:22
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> »  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why.02:23
bazhangdr_, ^02:23
dr_thnks i love u guys is working now02:28
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dr_wich software use to mount software?03:42
dr_wich software use to mount  iso software03:42
L3topdr_: it is not software... it is a command... mount03:46
dr_can i mount it in dolphin?03:47
jdrshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountIso this might help. Just read on03:47
jdrsor try AcetoneISO03:49
L3topThe mount command is used BY dolphin.03:50
jdrsWill make work for java files?03:51
dr_knowking the door letme open and came back to read the article thnks at the moment and want to mount the isos of the p90x XD04:00
dr_thnks is amazing wornking now04:07
jdrsHow to delete all executable files in a directory using rm?04:18
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Daskreechjdrs: whats' executable?04:26
L3topjdrs: find ./ -executable -type f -exec echo rm {} \;              replace ./ with the  path. Once satisfied with the result, remove the echo, and it will rm.04:29
jdrsI was piping find to rm04:30
jdrsGreat. But what's the -exec for?04:32
skreech__jdrs: it executes the command for each file found04:56
jdrsNice. Thanks.04:56
skreech__jdrs: You can press alt+F2 -> man:/find as well04:57
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Embalmedso can someone tell me why pam_winbind is required in common-auth05:03
Embalmedand how one might recover after disabling said pam_winbind ?05:03
DaskreechEdit your pam modules?05:05
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rottingdeadHallo hello.05:38
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rachokubuntu 12.04 latest stable firefox from the repos..on half of the pages i get "invisible" text. also invisible in the page source view. i have the msfonts packages installed. any suggestions fixing this issue?08:13
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lordievaderGood morning09:03
livingdaylightlordievader, gm09:14
lordievaderHey livingdaylight, how are you?09:15
livingdaylightlordievader, good, I just gave myself a gold medal in archery :D http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-5017980599e2d9.83548154.jpg09:16
lordievaderlivingdaylight: It went straight through his head, and you get a gold medal for that?09:18
livingdaylighthad Olympic archery in background and thought how much more entertaining it would be if they had people with apple's on their heads, and found that game09:18
livingdaylightlordievader, no!!! i gotz the apple09:18
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Look at the arrow it goes through his head :P09:19
livingdaylightlordievader, he should be bleeding then ;)09:19
lordievaderlivingdaylight: You killed a man...09:19
lordievaderNot sure if he was alive to begin with, but whatever.09:20
livingdaylightlordievader, no, that's why I was invited to next level09:20
livingdaylightlordievader, now, I shot him and he fell over dead, lol09:21
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Perhaps you should join #kubuntu-offtopic, this is not really related to kubuntu.09:22
livingdaylightlordievader, now you say :s09:22
livingdaylightI hope I didn't distract anyone from serious work09:22
lordievaderlivingdaylight: As usual it is quiet here....09:23
lordievaderSo I think not.09:23
livingdaylightI wont feel bad then for shooting the breeze with you, good try though :)09:24
lordievaderlivingdaylight: I'm in offtopic too... So you can just continue there :P09:26
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lordievaderHey livingdaylight11:10
livingdaylightlordievader: hey, how are you?11:11
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Didn't we do this a few hours ago?11:11
livingdaylightlordievader: you mean "hi" and "hey" ? :D11:12
livingdaylightlordievader: that's right and you falsely accused me of killing people, tut tut ;)11:13
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Yeah and the whole "how are you" thing. Exactly.11:13
livingdaylightbut, no, you never did tell me how you were :)11:13
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Ahh, I'm doing all right.11:14
livingdaylightused to use a gmail notifier addon in browser, but thought I'd try a notifier from software center, so that I don't need to configure each browser and get notified whether my browser is open or not as well. However, can't find a good one  in software center that does multiple gmail accounts. One just seemed to stick and freeze, the other one currently running is gnome and it keeps opening into my primary gmail11:17
livingdaylightaccount even though I put the details for the secondary one. Just wondered whether someone had any recommendations or tips on getting that setup right11:17
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Perhaps this kde widget will do the trick: http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=10122911:20
livingdaylightlordievader: looks gooood11:21
BluesKajHowdy all11:22
mydogsnameisrudymorning BluesKaj11:22
lordievaderHey BluesKaj, mydogsnameisrudy. How are you both?11:23
BluesKajhey mydogsnameisrudy, lordievader ...just fine thanks11:23
mydogsnameisrudymorning lordievader   seems a bit sticky this morning11:24
BluesKajwet&muggy here this morning11:24
BluesKajraining again11:25
lordievaderHere it looks like it could rain any moment, but still it has not.11:25
mydogsnameisrudyrain is gone for the day11:25
BluesKajrtained mosy of the night , t-strorms11:25
* BluesKaj cleans his glasses11:26
mydogsnameisrudyyep had some big boomers go thru here11:26
BluesKajwe had lots of noise on thrphone lines, irs strem got disconnected11:27
BluesKajirc stream11:28
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BluesKajyou know you're disconned when the lag is over 2mins11:29
lordievaderUnstable connections are annoying :(11:30
mydogsnameisrudylag is normal for me ;)11:30
BluesKajlordievader:  the line noise on dsl interupts the data transfer and packets drop , hence the disconnect11:31
BluesKajmydogsnameisrudy:  yes but not 2 mins :)11:32
mydogsnameisrudyno ;)not that much11:32
BluesKajwhat is your lag , 2-3 secs?11:32
mydogsnameisrudynever less then 111:32
BluesKaj1 is tolerable11:33
lordievaderHow can you find it out? This makes me curious...11:33
livingdaylightBluesKaj: howdy... are you in the midwest?11:36
mydogsnameisrudynorth east11:36
livingdaylightlordievader: I didn't know there were so many widegest available to download - enlightening!11:37
livingdaylightanyone in the uk here?11:37
BluesKajmidwest . no , further east in Ontario11:37
lordievaderlivingdaylight: If they install correctly it is a paradise, however the install fails quite regularly.11:37
livingdaylightendless rain and grey-ness :/11:37
livingdaylightlordievader: ahh, so, there's a catch, and I was beginning to think i was in paradise11:38
livingdaylightso, its pot-luck11:38
livingdaylightwanted to try one of the launchers, Sir Lancelot?11:39
lordievaderlivingdaylight: Same with the themes, you can download them through a gui, but they usually don't show up in the list of installed themes, unless you install them manually...11:39
BluesKajlordievader:  the lag on konverstaion is displayed in the client on the bottom right , dunno where quassel has it11:39
livingdaylightlordievader: so, a work in progress or is that one of the quirks we learn to love over time?11:40
lordievaderTime to check out konversation, brb.11:40
livingdaylightmy kubuntu came with quassel be default, so i use that. Didn't see konversation. Do people prefer that?11:41
mydogsnameisrudyused it11:41
mydogsnameisrudywell us it ;)11:41
mydogsnameisrudygesh fat fingers this morning11:42
* L3top prefers quassel due to database an infinite scrollback11:42
mydogsnameisrudyirssi is ok also11:43
BluesKaj L3top run core on a server?11:43
lordievaderIt says here my lag is 71 ms.11:46
BluesKajlordievader:  that's normal11:46
lordievaderBluesKaj: :)11:47
BluesKaj99 here11:47
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BluesKajstill less than 1/10th of a sec11:48
lordievaderBluesKaj: ms I guess? Seconds would be a bit much, but if you had 2 min before...11:48
L3topIt is just the way quassel is BluesKaj... it has its own database. Each instance of it has its own... I never thought about trying to unify them.11:48
BluesKajl3 some ppl run quassel core on a remote server so are never disconnected , they can close the client , but the core never disconnects. At least that's my understanding ... quassel users can correct me if I'm wrong11:51
BluesKajL3top: ^11:51
L3topIt makes perfect sense BluesKaj... I had just never really thought about it. I have a dedicated server running the house. Would be simple enough I suppose.11:53
L3topUnless of course I wasn't at home...11:53
BluesKajL3top: I was try ing to setup an NAS when the pc/mobo I was installing it on decided to die...this pc is our media server and it works well for just 3 machines now11:56
L3topouch. I hate that11:57
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BluesKajL3top:  well it was 7 yrs old ...had a lot of reboots on many different OSs over the yrs ...think it was just worn out , altho the HDD is still working nicely on this pc as a test drive for 12.10 atm12:03
DemonWitchI just had a kernel panic and booted from a livecd. Where are those kernel panic messages saved?12:21
L3topDemonWitch: /var/log/kern.log maybe ?12:25
DemonWitchL3top, cant find it12:29
DemonWitchnow i am from a livecd12:29
DemonWitchmaybe they were replaced by livecds messages?12:29
lordievaderDemonWitch: Have you mounted the drive where the actual installation is on? The os with the kernel panic?12:33
DemonWitchis it certain that those messages are saved?12:34
DemonWitchthat message appeared while trying to mount the kernel12:34
DemonWitchon boot i mean12:35
lordievaderDemonWitch: Perhaps it is in syslog?12:35
DemonWitchlordievader, no12:36
DemonWitchcant find it12:36
DemonWitchlordievader, anyway the message i get is similar to this12:36
lordievaderDemonWitch: Hmm, yes it could be that the system doesn't get the change to write those things.12:36
DemonWitchKernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,5)12:37
DemonWitchi tried chrooting and installing grub again but didnt work12:37
livingdaylightIs Anakondi part of a metapackage? a package I can remove? I get the feeling I have no need at all for it or kmail, kontacts etc.12:37
lordievaderDemonWitch: Try googleing for that message. Seems to me a bit like the boot partition got corrupted, but I am not sure at all.12:38
DemonWitchlordievader, how it got corrupted?12:39
DemonWitchi installed the system 2 days ago12:39
DemonWitchand since yesterday i didnt change any system file12:39
lordievaderDemonWitch: It can have many causes, however this is just a hunch. Execute the first two steps of this tutorial, perhaps they can shed some light on this: http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/12:42
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  don't remove akonadi , it will take most of the kubuntu-desktop with it ..best to just disable it12:47
BluesKajbut you can remove kmail and kontact12:48
livingdaylightBluesKaj: ok12:48
livingdaylightplease, if you would, how do you disable it?12:48
DemonWitchlordievader, the superblock where my root and boot is isnt corrupt12:49
DemonWitchi run fsck.ext412:50
QuintasanAnyone with quantal install here?12:50
lordievaderDemonWitch: Ok, so it isn't corruption that is good, what is not good is that I have no idea what is causing this kernel panic.12:50
DemonWitchlordievader, i do a force check now12:51
livingdaylightBluesKaj: can I trust this how-to? http://ubuntuku.org/16/how-to-disable-nepomuk-akonadi/12:51
DemonWitchlordievader, do you know what VFS is?12:53
DemonWitchmaybe i removed a utility that mounts extended partitions12:53
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  in the kmenu searchbox type akonadi , choose akonadi configuration , disable it there12:54
lordievaderDemonWitch: I don't know what VFS is, have you recently installed a new kernel?12:54
DemonWitchlordievader, no12:54
DemonWitchbrb let me check something12:54
lordievaderDemonWitch: Someone on fedora had the same problem, he fixed it by going to an earlier kernel.12:55
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  also if you aren't using nepomuk search , you can disablee that in system settings>desktop search12:55
livingdaylightBluesKaj: looks like nepomuk was disabled already by default12:55
livingdaylightBluesKaj: like that? http://clip2net.com/s/2ailA12:58
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BluesKajlivingdaylight:  yes , and for insurance, systemsettings>stsrtuo&shutdown>service manager, uncheck nepomuk , click apply , then in the session management , choose "restore previous session" , then type akonadi, nepomuk in the text box , under "applications to be excluded from sessions"13:02
BluesKajstsrtuo&shutdown=startup&shutdown livingdaylight13:03
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livingdaylightBluesKaj: http://clip2net.com/s/2aixw13:14
livingdaylightdisabled bluetooth while I was at it13:15
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  exactly :)13:17
livingdaylightBluesKaj: thank you13:18
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone13:21
lordievaderHey phoenix_firebrd, how are you?13:26
phoenix_firebrdlordievader: hi, i am fine, how are you13:28
lordievaderphoenix_firebrd: I'm doing all right, thank you for asking.13:28
hiteshGreetings everybody13:29
hiteshdoes anyone know, how to solve this error: The interface does not exist.13:30
hiteshdoes anyone know, how to solve this error: The interface does not exist. ??13:31
lordievaderhitesh: Where do you get this error?13:32
livingdaylightlordievader: looks like the gmail-plasmoid thingy isn't working here; shame :s13:48
DemonWitchlordievader: hello13:49
lordievaderlivingdaylight: That is too bad...13:50
lordievaderDemonWitch: Hey.13:50
BluesKajgmail works well with thunderbird , as does my ISP webmail13:50
DemonWitchI managed to solve the problem. It was because the kernel couldnt recognize the hdd (hence (0,0) block unknown). I did chroot into my system and then run update_initramfs -u -k version, and then update-grub213:50
DemonWitchand fixed13:51
lordievaderDemonWitch: Ok, good to hear!13:51
DemonWitchjust informing you of the solution13:51
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi13:54
phoenix_firebrdI have a problem in using net through mobile13:56
phoenix_firebrdIt connects, but there no incoming packets, only outgoing packets13:56
phoenix_firebrdIn windows it works fine, with connection through the nokia phone manager13:57
wayfarer_Hi eveyone13:59
BluesKajhi phoenix_firebrd13:59
wayfarer_Anyone knows how named is the bar in down in this image:  http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=60887&file1=60887-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Dr%27s+AquaVista+Theme&PHPSESSID=fda7404767e071efab67bde4a0777df714:00
bretzel|LinuxHi :-) No news about KDE 4.9 RC2 for kubuntu ?14:05
bretzel|Linux... Or at least for kubunt 12.10 alpha1/2/3 ?14:05
bazhang!12.10 | bretzel|Linux14:06
ubottubretzel|Linux: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:06
bretzel|Linuxbazhang, okay 12.04 then :-)14:06
bretzel|LinuxOkay, going to ubuntu+1 then thanks bazhang :-)14:07
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mp__hi all16:03
mp__i'm about to install akonadi but want to install the postgresql-backend. it seems that akonadi-server depends on mysql. do you know of any workaround?16:05
BluesKajmp isn't akonadi already installed , it should be by default16:09
BluesKajmp__: ^16:09
BluesKajmp__:  there already is postgresql support in akonadi if you have a recent kde/kubuntu version installed16:11
mp__that's true, but it pulls mysql dependencies as well which is not what i wanted16:19
BluesKajmp__:  right , i disabled akonadi since i don't need a database for PIM , regular email clients like thunderbird fill my needs16:26
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Embalmedso i commented out the pam_winbind in my pam.d/common-auth  and now i can't log in to my machine anymore.  Is there any way to recover this without booting a livecd/other distro and mounting the root partition to edit the common-auth file back?17:34
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livingdaylightBluesKaj: sorry, when you have a mo... regarding nepomuk discussed earlier: http://clip2net.com/s/2alET17:41
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  that's for searching with krunner thru nepomok , it doesn't mean nepomuk is running17:45
lordievaderGood evening everyone17:47
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  nepomuk won't search for anything with krunner because it's turned off in system settings17:48
BluesKajgood afternoon lordievader :)17:48
lordievaderAnything interesting happen here?17:49
BluesKajdunno , was watching the olympics for a while17:50
lordievaderThen I guess it was a quiet as ever here.17:54
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zekihttp://i.imgur.com/1t2QA.png why LibreOffice looks so awful in Kubuntu?17:58
livingdaylightBluesKaj: thanks for clarifying17:58
BluesKajlivingdaylight:  that  krunner plugins is just list , options are avilable after you choose one18:00
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batmansay hello18:51
* lordievader says hello back to batman18:52
douglBluesKaj, you chatty today?19:02
douglup 9 days, 23:13,  3 users,  load average: 0.66, 0.67, 0.7619:02
BluesKajdougl:  about?19:07
douglBluesKaj, about nothing - just enjoy your insight/help... you are running 12.10 right (feel free to just ignore me if you are busy)19:08
dougl... waiting for the bank to unlock my account so I can finnish up the banking...19:09
douglevery few months the do a little more to beef up security and I end up failing the check and get locked out...19:09
douglMy bank is so secure I cannot even get in to my account - WTF is the point of that?19:10
douglwtf - sorry?19:10
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* dougl wonders if just the letters are allowed for 'why the face'19:11
BluesKajdougl:  , my bank has personal questions that have to be answered everytime  my OS is upgraded , but it is very secure from all reports19:13
douglBluesKaj, same here... just makes me mad when I get confused and cannot remember wifes answers to personal questions - LOL19:14
douglit is a joint account but only her login gets to pay bills.19:15
BluesKajwe can login with separate pws , but we can both pay bills19:16
douglSo it can be done - dunno why my credit union decides to do it this way... oh well - been belly aching about it for an hour now and it got me no where, I should just quit complaining already :)19:18
BluesKajCanadian Banks are quite secure I think ...I dealt with a local CU for a while but one bank is enough19:20
douglOne more thing - LOL ... and when I fail and get locked out to unlock they have to reset every thing and I have to redefine personal questions and go thru the hoops all over again.19:20
douglIf I had anything to steal I am sure I would appreciate the security but since I don't have a pot to pee in I dont care about security -lol19:21
macodougl: password reminder questions are pretty stupid anyway, because it makes it easier for other people to steal your account19:22
macodougl: if you can remember one good password and nothing else, i recommend storing the passwords and answers to questions in KeePassX. it runs on mac/win/lin, has a password generator, and keeps it all in a nice encrypted file. the password to open the file is all you need to know19:24
macoi do that and keep the encrypted file in dropbox so i can get at it from home, work, and phone19:25
DaskreechFinnish banking!19:26
douglmaco, that is the thing it is not even a reminder question... KeePassX - nice thanks... the site asks me for my account/card number then it asks my best friends name and if I get that right it will ask my password if I fail it locks my account...19:26
macoyeah, those are annoying19:26
BluesKajat least my bank's website is linux friendly, I've heard some require IE only19:28
douglso nobody even needs to really be guessing my password to lock me out... all they have to do is forget my bestfriends name and then my 5 min banking task turns into a 2 hour adventure/debate about how my credit union does thing differently than I would.19:28
douglAgreed - linux friendly... I used to have IE only banking option, talk about a crappy situation.19:29
douglBluesKaj, So - 12.10?19:30
BluesKajyes. dougl19:30
douglnice and stable? (you like?)19:31
DaskreechBluesKaj: Apple killed that19:31
BluesKajI do have 12.04 on the other drive19:31
douglDaskreech, killed the EI issue?19:31
dougllol - IE iguess it should b e19:32
BluesKajDaskreech:  , not too long ago a guy was complaining in here (in the phillipines) was locked out tof his bank acct because he wasn't logging in using IE19:34
Daskreechdougl: yes19:34
DaskreechBluesKaj: Yep but as more people start moving to smartphones they pretty much have to change that or lose money19:34
BluesKajDaskreech:  yeah they better get with the program19:35
DaskreechIt's more efficient to do things over the internet and if you start blocking people from doing that on arbitrary technological reasons it hurts19:35
DaskreechIt makes more sense to pay money and update your backend than to force more people to come into the bank19:35
DaskreechSo hooray UNIX wins again19:37
BluesKajI still don't own a "smart phone" ..I don't see the point for my situation , a cellphone is quite enough and we seldom use it anyway19:38
BluesKajI use it to call wifey to pick me up from jams and gigs after I've had "one too many"19:39
douglI had to replace my 10 year old cel... got the 'dumbest' phone I could find/trust (nokia x7) what a peice of crap...19:39
lordievaderSame here, though I don't have a wife, for me it are my parents.19:40
BluesKajheh , mine's a PC moto flip phone19:41
lordievaderMy phone can call and send sms's and euhh that was it.19:42
BluesKajPC=president's choice , a supermarket house brand in Canada19:42
qw_i have one question I created my local internet network but can not determine the name please help19:46
douglqw_, ?19:47
lordievaderqw_: What do you mean exactly?19:49
qw_That's the name of the network is to be recorded in the documents19:51
BluesKajlocal internet network , qw_,  do you mean you accessed other pcs in your house with the networking option in dolphin?19:52
qw_in general, I want to come up with the name of their company online, I'm the provider that connects people to the Internet19:53
genii-aroundThat description is still very vague19:55
BluesKajhow are you providing others with internet access , qw_?19:55
* dougl still not understanding what qw_ is trying to do.19:55
qw_BluesKaj, what is your provider name ?19:58
BluesKajqw_: is your pc a gateway for other pcs on your network ...I'll stop asking until we get some clear responses19:58
SixtyFoldwithout intending to be too snarky, can anyone tell me why rekonq is included with kubuntu at all?19:58
BluesKajSixtyFold:  good question ... a lot of us wonder as well19:59
SixtyFoldgood, im glad im not alone, haha19:59
SixtyFoldit makes me feel like im having to uninstall IE9 from win7 everytime20:00
BluesKajit crashes on some javascrpt heavy sites20:00
genii-around!test | batman20:01
ubottubatman: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )20:01
SixtyFoldyah, it was buggy at best for 90% of anything i would do online, i almost trashed the distro until i decided to install firefox to make sure it wasnt just rekonq and then every single site worked perfect, so, idk, im not technical enough to say what specific was the reasons, but a lot of it was streaming media20:01
BluesKajkonqueror was a good browser ...why they dropped dev on it is beyond me ...political agendas come in many forms I;m afraid20:02
SixtyFoldwhen i get some free time im just gonna experiment with building some distros from scratch, crossbreeding window managers and such, see what i can get20:04
SixtyFoldi like really light weight like lubuntu, but need snap and all that, so eh, gotta have that snap, changed my whole life, hahaha so kubuntu isnt exaclty light weight, but it's way better than using gnome320:05
BluesKajjust like pulseaudio prevented further alsa development , IMO20:09
SixtyFoldyah, idk much about the audio side for linux distros, but when i got into *nix i really thought it'd be a lot more cooperative but it seems more lately or maybe always that things are done more for illogical reasons than logical ones with the boards and all20:10
SixtyFoldthe positive side of course is that if youre willing to teach yourself, you can take everything and make it what you want, which you cant exactly do with win7 or OSx, so yah, still better but worse20:10
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batmanthis is awesome20:15
lordievaderbatman: :-)20:17
douglwhat is awesome?20:17
SixtyFoldis batman a bot?20:21
SixtyFoldbecause that'd be kinda funny, i have a eggy named TheJoker for about 6 months now, hahaha20:21
douglI think he uses triggers tho20:21
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batmanI am the bot in the darkness20:22
douglwhat are you doing? successfully?20:22
SixtyFoldi had this silly idea to get two bots running on my VPS and name them TheJoker and Batman20:22
SixtyFoldand then script them to have EPIC battles in my channel20:22
SixtyFoldanyone know what libjs-jquery is?20:24
SixtyFoldim trying to do updates and it is telling me it is untrusted20:24
SixtyFolduntrusted is a strong word, unverified is more exact20:24
douglmy guess is java something20:25
SixtyFoldif i try to skip it though it wont let me do any other updates, hahaha20:25
SixtyFoldwhich makes no sense to me20:25
Justin832Has anyone out there had issues with dialogue boxes being unreadable in libreoffice?20:26
SixtyFoldi guess ill go through each update one at a time and see where that leaves me20:26
Quintasananyone up for Telepathy KDE 0.4.1 testing?20:26
douglQuintasan, what do you need?20:27
Quintasandougl: Testing if it works?20:27
dougldo I need to install something on my 12.04 config? what are the risks?20:28
QuintasanYou need to add telepathy-kde ppa and risks are...well, can't say anything for sure but it's quite impossible to eat your date20:28
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Justin832So there are no libreoffice gurus out there?20:30
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Quintasandougl: Actually never mind, Launchpad ate some of my builds so it's still waiting20:30
QuintasanJustin832: Depending on what you need20:30
dougl<Justin832> Has anyone out there had issues with dialogue boxes being unreadable in libreoffice?20:31
QuintasanOh. I see20:31
Justin832All of the dialogue boxes in libre office are black20:31
QuintasanJustin832: Can I have a screenshot?20:31
douglNot an office user here - sorry20:31
DaskreechJustin832: Did you ask in #libreoffice ?20:31
Justin832sure. how do i send the screen shot. email?20:32
QuintasanJustin832: upload it to imgur.com or something20:32
Justin832yep libre office20:33
Justin832Quintasan: Ill try uploading it now20:33
DaskreechSixtyFold: far as I know it's the best Qt Webkit browser under heavy development20:34
SixtyFoldwhat is that? rekonq?20:34
QuintasanIt's still under development though20:35
SixtyFoldahh, well it blows for me, if someday it kicks ass, ill eat my words, but for now, maybe something so buggy and under dev shouldnt be the main browser packaged with kubuntu20:35
QuintasanWe can't entierly fit everything on a CD my friend20:36
SixtyFoldwell, the link to install firefox thing works just fine20:36
QuintasanShould the time come when we drop CD images you will probably have almost everything you want on the DVD20:36
Justin832Quintason: I uploaded it to imagur as dialogue_shot1.jpg20:37
SixtyFoldoh, random question btw, does the kubuntu install automatically determine if im running a EEEpc and install a netbook remix type version of kubuntu?20:37
SixtyFoldb/c i used the same exact image for my desktop and eeePC but the GUI is nothing a like20:37
QuintasanJustin832: Hmm, the website should give you a link to share the image20:37
QuintasanSixtyFold: It just changes the default plasma environment20:38
QuintasanWe can do that via JavaScript20:38
SixtyFoldahh, okay, cool20:38
Justin832Quintasan: Oh sorry the link is http://imgur.com/9W9Q320:38
SixtyFoldit worked well, btw, i like it, saved me lots of screen room and still having alt+tab capability did just fine for the eeePC20:38
QuintasanSixtyFold: Good to hear it20:39
SixtyFoldmuch more convenient then having to dl multiple .iso's20:39
QuintasanJustin832: You mean to say that this black bar in the lower part of screen if the dialog menu?20:39
Justin832Quintasan: Im hovering over a quotation link. For some reason it just shows up as a black bar instead of the quotation.20:40
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QuintasanJustin832: Do you know what should happen normally?20:40
Quintasangenii-around: Thanks!20:40
genii-aroundQuintasan: You're welcome :-)20:41
Justin832Quintasan: Normally the quotation would be able to be read when hovering over the number.20:42
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QuintasanJustin832: Okay, two more things, You are using 12.04 LTS?20:42
Justin832Quintasan: Yeah. I have been using it for a few months now.20:43
QuintasanJustin832: Okay, actually that will make it three things. First, can you copypaste the output of "dpkg -l | grep libreoffice-kde" here?20:43
QuintasanAnd third, are you using a intel graphics card?20:44
Justin832Okay. One moment20:44
Justin832I believe its intel ill double check20:44
SixtyFoldanyone have a link to a suggested PCI wifi linux compatibility card for a desktop?20:44
QuintasanJustin832: That graphic card thing is not really important, I'ld like the output of the command first20:46
Justin832the output of the first command is ii  libreoffice-kde    1:3.5.4-0ubuntu1  office productivity suite -- KDE integration20:46
QuintasanJustin832: The following command will remove KDE integration for libreoffice, this means it will not longer look like typical kde application but will still normally work20:47
Justin832Quintasan: Does that look alright. I just reinstalled it to make sure it was up to date.20:47
Quintasansudo apt-get purge libreoffice-kde20:47
Justin832Great: Ill give that a try20:47
QuintasanSave your documents, issue that command and restart libreoffice if possible20:48
QuintasanIt might work but I'm not sure20:48
Justin832Quintasan: Anythings worth a shot at this point.20:49
QuintasanJustin832: If it doesn't work feel free to install it back with sudo apt-get install libreoffice-kde20:50
Justin832Quintasan: Well that made things better. Now I can read all of the dialogue except the quotations.20:51
QuintasanJustin832: Can I have a screenshot of it now or it looks exactly the same?20:52
Justin832The quotation dialogue looks exactly the same.20:52
Justin832Quintasan: Now I suspect that it has something to do with my citation manager addon.20:54
QuintasanJustin832: Oh, try disabling that20:54
QuintasanJustin832: Though I just got pointed out you have some unapplied updates :P20:54
QuintasanYou might try installing those beforehand20:55
QuintasanBut still, try disabling it now20:55
Justin832Ok. will this mess up my document20:55
QuintasanBetter save it then20:55
Justin832Good call20:56
QuintasanSo it was this extension then?20:57
Justin832Quintasan: No. Good call on saving first.20:57
Justin832Maybe a hammer will fix it.20:58
QuintasanJustin832: Well, I think you can install libreoffice-kde back now if you want it20:58
DaskreechSixtyFold: Yeah KDE is pretty easy toget to fit what your circumstances or tastes are20:59
Justin832Ok. Ill do that now.20:59
QuintasanJustin832: Please file a bug. run the following command so it gets assigned to the right package21:01
Quintasanubuntu-bug libreoffice-writer21:01
QuintasanPlease attach the screenshot you gave me and mention you are running and citation manager extensions but disabling it didn't happen21:01
QuintasanI presume there is something going on with the video driver but I can't be sure so better to have libreoffice guys look at it21:02
Justin832Quintasan: I will definitely do that. Thanks for the help21:02
QuintasanYou're welcome :)21:02
Justin449Quintasan: I think I figured it out21:12
Justin449just in case ou run into anyone else with this problem21:13
artaohai ... this is a very extremely annoying bug / issue .. ... i have a Wacom Intuos 2. it works fine .. until I sleep > wake my computer .. ... at that point, while the OS still sees the tablet, it doesn't work at all, AT ALL, until I completely reboot ...... this is utterly intolerable21:34
artaothis is true even if i unplug the tablet before i sleep the computer21:35
artaoonce the tablet has been plugged in, it only works until i sleep the machine. ... after that i have to reboot for it to work .. ... total nonsense21:36
Riddell4.9.0 ready for testing in kubuntu-ninjas21:40
Riddellfor precise and quantal21:40
Riddelljoin #kubuntu-devel to help test21:40
artaoeven logging out and back in does NOT fix it ... ... it's crap like this that stands in the way of linux becoming more commonly adopted21:47
dsanHi, hat jemand eine Ahnung warum irgendwann mein Sound anfängt zu "ruckeln" beim Zatoo schauen? - verwende 12.04 LTS21:55
genii-around!de | dsan21:58
ubottudsan: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:58
PsyCoilIs there a way to completely uninstall Unity?22:15
Daskreechartao: Udev bug or a power management bug?22:17
artaoi wouldn't know how to tell22:18
artaoi'm reading right now that it may be related to some USB bug .. again I wouldn't know how to tell22:18
artaoi'm just an end-user that wants to be able to immediately use his tablet upon machine wake without fully re-booting every time22:19
dsanhey, does anybody know why my sound is buging after a while of whatching online TV (Zattoo)? I'm using 12.04 LTS. thx22:26
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starwatcherhi all, have a problem. going from login screen to desktop is taking way to long in loading settings for that desktop. login out take long too. I created a new user account and the problem goes away. whay do you thing I need to do?22:44
Daskreechartao: did you file a bug on it?22:45
Daskreechartao: out of interest if you plug it out before you hibernate does it work when you plug it back in?22:46
Daskreechdsan: Flash?22:46
artaoi got it fixed. i found there was already a bug filed. took a while to find the solution22:46
Daskreechartao: Oh. Where was that?22:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 961255 in pm-utils (Ubuntu) "wacom intuos 3 not working after resume -- Must unplug and plug in the device" [Low,Triaged]22:47
dsandaskreech: i don't know what format it is. webseite is zattoo.com22:48
artaoin /usr/lib/pm-utils/default replace SUSPEND_MODUES with SUSPEND_MODUES="wacom"22:48
Daskreechartao: Ah so it should add that entry when a wacom is detected?22:48
artaoi have no idea. i feel lucky to have gotten it fixed.22:48
Daskreechdsan: Flash22:48
artaoi'm just an end user really22:48
Daskreechartao: Ok well vote on the bug so that they know someone else wants it looked at22:48
artaoand no, unplugging prior to sleeping didn't help22:48
artaoi did. and commented that it fixed it. =]22:49
Daskreechartao: Bah Thats a bad bug then22:49
Daskreechartao: Thanks :)22:49
artaoalso very annoying bug22:49
artaoi help when i can22:49
Daskreechand now you are no longer just a end user ;-)22:49
artaoaltho this was just luck really22:49
dsandaskreech: anything I can do about that except rebooting everytime this happens?22:50
artaowell ... ok .. i'm a bit more than "just" an end-user .. i have some linux experience i guess22:50
Daskreechdsan: I don't know When Flash gets annoying for me I just kill it and refresh the page22:50
DaskreechFlash took up 1GB of RAM a few minutes agao22:51
artaoer ... spelling correction for above ... SUSPEND_MODULES (not MODUES) heh22:51
artaoflash sux22:51
artaoexcept when it doesn't22:51
dsandaskreech: well browser restart / site reload doesn't work22:52
Daskreechdsan: which browser?22:52
dsanthink it's more a problem with the sound driver22:52
Daskreechdsan: Possibly though just to verify all sound gets messed up after watching for an houe?22:53
dsanDaskreech: no, only browser. Amarok is still working22:56
Daskreechdsan: I'd blame Flash then22:57
Daskreechtry chromium. It has a task manager where you can stop Flash explictly22:57
DaskreechTry running it till it breaks22:57
DaskreechPull up the task manager and see how much memory flash is using. Kill it and refresh the page22:57
Daskreech Flash will restart and you can continue22:58
dsanis there no such option in firefox?22:58
dsandon't wana leave my beloved Fox22:58
dsanjust love that Browser n i'm so used to it. damn flash bitch on linux23:00
artaonvm, that actually did NOT fix my problem23:01
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artaook. ... um ... this is somewhat insane now ..... ..... it DOES come back after sleep>wake .... it does NOT come back after hot-unplug>plug .... but then when i sleep>wake the machine, it comes back23:20
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Daskreechartao: That seems frustrating23:59
artaoi'll just leave it plugged in, now that it works on wake23:59

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