
jderoseslangasek: ubuntu was carrying many cherry picked patches, plus a few things that were specific to the U1 couchdb sync, AFAIK. so there was a big delta both from debian and from upstream couchdb00:01
slangasekand the U1 couchdb sync is now obsolete, or implemented upstream in a different way?00:01
slangasek(I know the U1 packages in Ubuntu no longer use couchdb, but I'm not sure if that makes this code entirely obsolete)00:02
jderoseobsolete, they turned it off00:02
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slangasekjderose: you've dropped debian/couchdb-bin.dirs, which creates the directory /etc/couchdb/local.d - why is this no longer needed?00:30
slangasekoh, moved to the couchdb package instead, ok00:31
jderoseah, yeah00:31
jderoseslangasek: dpkg -L couchdb-bin - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1120544/00:38
slangasekjderose: what's the reason for making /etc/couchdb owned by root instead of by couchdb?  That's certainly the usual way of doing things, but /someone/ thought it was a good idea to have it owned by couchdb in the first place, so I'd like to be sure we understand the original reasoning00:39
jderoseand dpgk -L couchdb - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1120546/00:39
slangasekindeed, the Debian package is *still* calling 'chown -R couchdb /etc/couchdb'00:40
jderoseslangasek: hm, you sure about that? in one of the postinst?00:40
slangasekin Debian, couchdb/postinst calls 'chown -R couchdb:couchdb /etc/couchdb'00:40
slangasekcouchdb 1.2.0-200:41
jderoseso the /etc/couchdb/default.ini file is needed for per-user couchdb, and shouldn't be changed by the couchdb daemon00:41
jderoseand i didn't want to require the couchdb user to be created for the couchdb-bin package... a wanted to package it as a very clean library, so to speak00:41
slangasekI think that's a reasonable goal, but I'd rather see the Debian package fixed first to not be chowning /etc/couchdb00:42
slangasekhmm, no, on second thought, let's go with it00:43
jderoseslangasek: so in my package, i just change the ownership on /etc/couchdb/local.ini, local.d - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jderose/ubuntu/quantal/couchdb/1.2.0-low-delta/view/head:/debian/couchdb.postinst00:43
* slangasek nods00:43
jderoseslangasek: much thanks... sorry... i know this was a bear to review :)00:44
slangasekjderose: what tells the couchdb package to use /etc/couchdb/local.ini?00:48
jderoseslangasek: this is hardcoded into the /usr/bin/couchdb script, it's one of the default config files to look at00:49
jderoseper user couchdb overrides this (destkopcouch does this, we do it too)00:49
slangasekjderose: the previous Ubuntu package used a /var/lib/couchdb/$version directory, the new one doesn't?00:51
slangasekah no, that's also shipped in the package - ok00:51
jderoseroot@jgd-ws:~# ls /var/lib/couchdb/00:51
slangasekjderose: couchdb.postrm: /etc/couchdb/local.ini is a conffile, so you don't need to rm it00:55
jderoseslangasek: no even when you purge? that was in the debian package, btw, so that's why i left it in there00:56
jderose*not* even when...00:56
slangasekthe Debian package has 'rm -rf /etc/couchdb'00:57
slangasekwhich is different :)00:57
jderoseah, gocha00:57
slangasekfor a conffile, dpkg takes care of the removal for you on purge00:57
jderoseslangasek: so you want me to remove that first then?00:57
slangasekI'm fixing it up here, just letting you know00:57
jderoseremove the rm, that is :)00:57
simplewwhen it will be possible to have video working in ubuntu precise? https://bugs.launchpad.net/pidgin/+bug/97186701:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971867 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "No voice call or video call possible, due to recent farsight->farstream transition" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:03
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slangasekjderose: sleep 3> I'm including this change for now, but the right fix is to make the init script actually synchronous... or maybe to replace it with an upstart job which is guaranteed to be synchronous by nature01:12
jderoseslangasek: yeah, i looked into this some, and it will require changing some pretty deep things in couchdb, from what i can tell. it's because of some issues with how erlang works01:14
slangasekwell, an upstart job would be fairly easy :)01:15
slangaseksince upstart provides real process supervision, and therefore can make sure the service has actually died before returning01:16
jderoseslangasek: hmm, that would be awesome... i'm upstart dumb though :)01:16
RAOFIt's surprisingly easy to upstartify something.01:18
jderoseRAOF: any good tutorials? or what are good example packages to look at?01:19
slangasekin this case I suppose you'd need a 'pre-stop exec couchdb -d'... and probably some special signal handling01:19
RAOFPartially because it's an actual *init system*, rather than a pile of raw shell.01:19
jderosehehe :)01:19
RAOFjderose: The upstart cookbook's pretty good http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/01:20
RAOFBut I'd just start with a random member of /etc/init/*.conf; all the ones I've looked at have been reasonably obvious what they're doing.01:22
jderoseokay, cool01:22
RAOFIt is *much* easier to write an upstart job than a sys-v init job.01:23
scientesor a systemd unit for that matter ;)01:25
RAOFI've not tried to write a systemd unit; is it really harder than an upstart job? I've thought they'd be of comparable difficulty.01:26
scientesoh i meant systemd units are easy to write01:27
scientesi've never succeeded at understanding what upstart actually does01:27
RAOFIt's pretty easy; you stick your start conditions into "start on", your stop conditions into "stop on" and then "exec $YOUR_DAEMON", plus possibly some options to tell upstart what to expect the daemon to do (fork, fork twice, etc).01:30
slangasekjderose: have you seen this lintian warning?:01:32
slangasekW: couchdb-bin: init.d-script-not-marked-as-conffile etc/init.d/couchdb-bin01:32
jderoseslangasek: hmm, no, i haven't... i don't think that shows up when i build on precise...01:32
slangasekwell, it's not actually in the package at all, so I wonder where it's getting that idea01:34
slangasekah, because I broke something in debian/rules01:34
jderoseah, couchdb-bin.... weird01:34
jderoseslangasek: that's what you get for merging :P01:35
slangaseknah, it was my own doing ;)01:35
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smoserslangasek, cloud-init start-networking ... i have ot think about that.01:41
smoserit was done at SpamapS's suggestion, i know that01:41
smoser(mainly, i certainly couldn't have made such an error)01:42
slangasekSpamapS: ^^ why are you breaking everything! :)01:42
smoseri believe it was to protect from a race condition01:43
jderoseslangasek: so that libav fix was just pushed to quantal-proposed so far, right? could you back this change out, cancel it for now? there is more digging i need to do01:50
jderose in working on a test case, i just discovered that this bug doesn't occur when i remove gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad... only when it's installed. so although there is an issue in libav, there is something more subtle going on from gstreamer, so i'd like to dig deeper into this before this hits quantal01:50
slangasekjderose: it's been pushed to quantal, and to precise-proposed where it sits in the queue01:50
slangasekdo you think it's critical to back it out of quantal?01:51
smoserwell, slangasek a bit more info01:51
jderoseslangasek: probably not... but there is also another part to it the mans linked to in the comments01:51
jderosebut i don't think it should go into precise yet, that's for sure.... there is more weirdness yet to track down :)01:52
jderosebut there is also another part to it *that* mans linked to in the comments01:53
slangaseksmoser: ok, that looks like a wrong workaround for bug #92512201:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925122 in udev (Ubuntu) "container's udevadm trigger --add affects the host" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92512201:53
slangaseksmoser: (or related bug)01:53
smoseryeah, i supsected it was probably fied elsewhere.01:54
jocarterjono: comments on your blog don't seem to work01:54
jonojocarter, oh really?01:57
jonolet me check01:57
jonojocarter, it looks fine to me, what is the problem?01:57
smoserslangasek, thanks. stgraber thakn you for your help today too.01:58
jocarterjono: all of the disqus stuff is just gone, maybe it's ad blocked or something (checking...)02:06
jocarterjono: ah, it's back noe02:07
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jonojocarter, oh cool :-)02:12
jderoseslangasek: anything else you need from me on the couchdb package?02:23
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slangasekjderose: nope - I just needed to build it with the right options to get accepted into the archiev03:16
slangasekdoko_: have you seen https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/ubuntu/quantal/icedtea-web/java7-transition/+merge/113959 ?  Should it be uploaded, or do you want to review it yourself?03:16
jderoseslangasek: i'll run all my unit tests against that package after it builds, let you know if i find anything. thanks again!03:17
slangasekno prob - thanks for taking care of the package :)03:17
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slangasek@pilot out07:37
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apw@pilot in07:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open (DIF) | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: apw
jodh@pilot in07:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open (DIF) | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jodh, apw
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seb128does anyone know if there are plans to change from gnutls26 to 28 this cycle?09:13
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apw@pilot out12:16
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jodh@pilot out12:38
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zulcan an archive admin please review python-django-compressor, python-django-appconf, and python-warlock it will make horizon installable again (and ill buy them a beer when I see them next)12:44
zuland they have been sitting in binary-new for a while now12:44
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jibelstgraber, cyphermox pete updated his machine yesterday running quantal and he has lost network since then13:27
cyphermoxhuh oh13:27
jibelnetwork-manager was in the list of packages upgraded13:27
cyphermoxjibel; would still need to see syslog somehow to know what's going on13:27
sconklin@pilot in13:28
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open (DIF) | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: sconklin
jibelcyphermox, ack, I'll file a bug with the logs, apparently the dnsserver is set to localhost and it doesn't work, on my machine it is set to a dns ip and it works13:29
cyphermoxit should always be set to; but that needs dnsmasq to start.13:29
jibelcyphermox, there are 2 problems then :)13:30
cyphermoxah, I'm an idiot13:32
jibelcyphermox, bug 103135013:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1031350 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[quantal] no network resolution after latest upgrade of network-manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103135013:35
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cyphermoxjibel; how come does dnsmasq doesn't start on your system and you get the dns data in syslog? could you share your own syslog too?13:39
stgrabercyphermox: wouldn't that happen if dnsmasq is simply disabled in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf? (just guessing)13:40
cyphermoxyes, that's what I want to make sure13:40
cyphermoxbut in pete's case dnsmasq fails to start; NM should handle it gracefully and set dns in resolvconf anyway13:40
jibelcyphermox, I attached my syslog13:42
cyphermoxjibel: exactly, your syslog shows the failover being done properly.13:44
cyphermoxit's for the same network... I wonder what else might be different to make one fail and not the other13:45
SpamapSslangasek: what did I do? (re "breaking everything" and I think cloud-init)14:00
SpamapSsmoser: ^^ maybe you know?14:00
smoserSpamapS,  that was the fix we put in because cloud-init wasn't working inside containers (because the NIC was already up wehn init started)14:01
smoserper slangasek "that looks like a wrong workaround for bug #925122"14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925122 in udev (Ubuntu) "container's udevadm trigger --add affects the host" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92512214:03
cyphermoxjibel: fix is building right now; but for a quick fix you can see if pgraner has a file /run/resolvconf/interfaces/lo.dnsmasq; if that's there, it should be removed (and then you can click the connection in NM again to reset it)14:03
smoserSpamapS, i'd have to dig some more and test, but if our fix is no longer necessary even in precise, then i'td be nice to get that update too.14:03
cyphermoxa reboot would fix it too.14:04
SpamapSsmoser: ok cool, I will standby then unless you think there's something I need to look at directly.14:15
smosernah. but I *hope* this means we can just ditch those two lines and still be happy in lxc.14:15
bluefoxxxwhat language is dpkg primarily written in?14:34
cjwatsonbluefoxxx: C for the core, Perl for developer scripts14:34
bluefoxxxah.  Difficult, but not terrible.  I like C.14:35
jpdsbluefoxxx: https://www.ohloh.net/p/dpkg14:35
bluefoxxx(I question its use for tihs particular application, but that's a daunting discussion)14:35
bluefoxxxThe next question:  is it more appropriate for a restricted .deb format to keep the .deb--as have various changes such as lzma2 compression etc--or to get a different format, like .sdeb?14:36
cjwatson.deb already supports different compression formats14:38
bluefoxxxI have been hypothesizing a deb installation mechanism by which the pre-install and post-install and the entire installation process are carried out under a non-privileged account, with sandboxing, procedurally restricting actions to (say) bash scripts (possibly with a restricted interpreter)14:38
cjwatsonwe use different extensions for cases where the format is compatible but the policy is very substantially different14:38
bluefoxxxthe ideal situation is one such that you can guarantee exactly one of two things:14:39
cjwatsonI think for that extremely long-term project the extension is the least of your concerns ... :-)14:39
bluefoxxxA)  Everything that happens during installation is known and accountable14:39
bluefoxxxB)  Anything that happens during installation that could break (A) can be spotted ahead of time (just in time, even), halted, and warned about before it happens14:39
* cjwatson heads off to try to get home adsl working again14:39
jbichastgraber: would you be interested in sponsoring ubuntu-docs for me?14:39
ScottKjbicha: dpm already hunted him down on -release.14:40
stgraberjbicha: waiting for a test build to complete14:40
jbichaoh cool, thanks!14:40
dpmhey jbicha :)14:40
bluefoxxxwell my concern is that the behavioral policy of a debian package in such a situation would be SUBSTANTIALLY different14:40
dpmthanks for taking care of the ubuntu-docs upload14:40
bluefoxxxto the point that running a normal .deb under it may break14:41
bluefoxxx(though, it may also work quite well)14:41
bluefoxxxon the other hand, I want to get away from the situation where the pre-inst script is run as root and can i.e. silently modify the kernel image, setuid binaries, etc without informing the package manager of what it's up to14:42
bluefoxxxmostly dpkg and rpm seem to accept that "if you install it, you assume the risk"14:42
bluefoxxxwhich I can understand, but I'd like to not assume the position outright.14:44
stgraberjbicha: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/111550998/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.ubuntu-docs_12.04.6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:49
stgraberjbicha: have fun ;)14:49
stgraber(the quantal one is still running, not sure if it'll be affected too)14:50
jbichastgraber: it should build on quantal as those errors are ignored now14:50
stgraberjbicha: right, quantal worked fine. I'll upload that one for now then, let me know when precise is fixed.14:51
dpmjbicha, do you think you'd have time to get it to build for precise some time today? This way I could start building the language packs tomorrow, which should be ready by the 2nd Aug14:58
jbichadpm: yes, but I don't think I'll get to it for a few more hours14:59
dpmjbicha, that's cool. Could you then follow-up with stgraber to sponsor the upload and with someone from the SRU team to get it to -proposed?15:00
Sweetsharkdoko: ping?15:01
dpmexcellent, thanks jbicha!15:01
Sweetsharkdoko: it seems our (ubuntu/debian) gcc automagically makes paths relative in dependency files thus breaking nontrivial build systems (where make is called from different dirs). Is this intentional? it does not seem to happen on fedora at least ...15:05
xnoxSweetshark: bug # or example?15:07
Sweetsharkxnox: well, a libreoffice build: the dep files generated by g++ contain a lot of paths like ../solver/... while the include paths passed to gcc are absolute.15:13
dokoSweetshark, I'm not aware of any patch that would do that15:14
Sweetsharkxnox: I just tried to reproduce that with a minimal example, but that seemed fine. strange. I need to dig out what triggers it ...15:14
Sweetsharkdoko: thanks.15:14
Sweetsharkhohum ...15:15
* Sweetshark has an evil suspision: ccache!15:15
xnoxccache is indeed evil ;-)15:16
mcclurmci have a package which needs a different patch applied to the upstream source depending on whether the package is being built for Ubuntu or Debian15:23
mcclurmcthe other day, micahg recommended to me the method of having multiple series files (DEBIAN.series and UBUNTU.series)15:24
mcclurmci just pushed a source package to a ppa, but launchpad didn't apply the correct series file15:24
mcclurmcis there something else I need to do to make this work?15:25
tumbleweedmcclurmc: it should be series.ubuntu and series.debian IIRC15:26
mcclurmctumbleweed: does case matter?15:28
tumbleweedit tends to in unix15:28
mcclurmctumbleweed: ha, yes. i meant to ask, do i need upper or lower case on the vendor? this blog uses upper case: http://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/11/05/managing-distribution-specific-patches-with-a-common-source-package/15:30
tumbleweedoh, no it is ubuntu.series15:30
mcclurmctumbleweed: great, thanks15:31
tumbleweedI don't see upper-case there15:31
tumbleweedanyway, this is covered in a comment near the bottom http://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/09/27/different-dependencies-between-debian-and-ubuntu-but-common-source-package/#comment-367315:31
mcclurmchmm, where did i get the idea it was in caps? oh well, thanks for setting me straight15:35
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infinityTheMuso: Does anyone plan to actually maintain linux-lowlatency in precise?  It's never been rebased to keep in line with master SRUs since release.17:27
dobeyinfinity: is there any way to just get it built from the main kernel builds? it seems to only change a couple of config options, and it would be nice to have it automatically kept in line with security fixes and such18:02
infinitydobey: It adds a patch that can't reconcile with master.18:02
infinitydobey: If someone changed that to a twiddlable config option, that would go a long way.18:02
micahginfinity: that's done in quantal AIUI18:03
micahgbut it might be limited to a newer kernel18:03
apwi believe we are carrying the patch still in effect, as its still separate18:04
apwbut the reality is its a simple job to rebase it and upload it, the hard part is making sure18:04
apwit gets the testing it needs to get released.18:04
apwi can show anyone on the studio team how to get their kernel up to date18:04
infinitymicahg: Yeah, it's still a conflicting patch in quantal.  Just easier to rebase, see Andy.18:04
apwthere is little point in repeatedly uploading kernles to just languish in -proposed18:05
micahgapw: well, it needs to be uploaded by either the kernel team (through your special repo) or the security team (when security relevant)18:05
micahgsorry, if security relevant and not going through the kernel team18:06
infinitymicahg: Neither of those is true.18:06
apwmicahg, not really we don't support it for security anyhow, so just uploading it to -proposed and it'll get there18:06
infinitymicahg: You or I could upload it right now.18:06
apwpeople on non-supported things cannot expect to get -security can they ?18:06
micahginfinity: yes, I know, the point is, are kernels not built against -security only when pushed there?18:06
micahgapw: sure they can, they have to supply a debdiff18:07
micahgIMHO, the most compelling reason to update lowlatency is for security patches18:08
apwmicahg, what i mean is if the security team is not supporting the package they cannot expect to add only -security pocket to their system and expect it to mean anything18:08
micahgapw: why not?18:08
micahgthey only want security fixes, not random updates from the archive18:09
apwbut we arn't doing security fixes for that kernel, its not supported18:10
micahgapw: right, but wouldn't they get them for free from a rebase?18:10
apwyes if the kernel is updated to match the tip of our tree it would get security because our master tree has them in18:11
apwbut that wouldn't get them into -security18:11
micahgapw: I think we could ask the ubuntustudio people to test the kernel and sign off on the update18:12
apwand if they don't sign off on it who is going to do the work then18:12
micahgapw: that's their problem, it's seeded for them alone, it's their responsibility18:13
apwmicahg, in which case they can do the rebase and upload it, or not as they see fit ?18:14
micahgapw: well, if it's easy enough for the kernel team to do the initial upload, I'm sure they'd appreciate it, otherwise, yes (and in cases of security relevant updates, pass a debdiff/signed package to the security team for sponsorship)18:16
apwmicahg, i'll take it offline with scott and see what we can come up with18:17
micahgapw: sounds good, thanks18:17
toabctljbicha, is there a reason why seahorse has still version 3.4?18:32
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jbichatoabctl: it's packaged, it's just waiting on bug 103033518:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1030335 in libsecret (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libsecret" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103033518:34
bdrungBenC: i saw that you did the last uploads of ghc. do you know when 7.4.2 will hit quantal?18:35
toabctljbicha, so lp:~ubuntu-desktop/seahorse/ubuntu is no longer in use for seahorse?18:37
BenCbdrung: No idea. I was told "any day" a week or two ago18:38
BenCbdrung: I don't normally handle it, I was just fixing ppc18:38
bdrungBenC: k, then i have to wait for Laney come back18:39
jbichatoabctl: except for having a newer version we're in sync with Debian so I don't know if we'll use the desktop branch or not18:41
toabctljbicha, ok. thx18:41
pgranerRush 211219:06
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dobey"missing-build-dependency-for-dh-addon python2 => python | python-all | python-dev | python-all-dev" <- why would this show up in lint, when python (>= 2.6.6-3) is in the Build-Depends?21:19
micahgdobey: do you actually have python >= 2.6.6-321:21
dobeymicahg: i would hope python 2.7 is newer than that, yes :)21:22
ScottKdobey: Separate issue.21:22
ScottKpython and python2.7 are different packages.21:22
ScottKYou need python >= 2.6.6-321:22
dobeyyes, and precise only has 2.7, so the python package is 2.7.3, and yes it is installed21:23
ScottKRight, but you still need to specify the minimum build-dep21:24
dobeyeh? my question ended with "when that is listed in Build-Depends" :)21:25
micahgdobey: can you pastebin the whole build depends?21:25
dobey python (>= 2.6.6-3~) | python-support (>= 0.6.4),21:25
tumbleweedwell, there's your problem21:25
micahghrm, no, that should be enough..21:26
tumbleweedunless python-support is installed21:26
micahgunless the lintian check is broke21:26
ScottKIs this lintian or lintian4python?21:27
dobeylint check from debuild -S21:27
tumbleweedlintian should really complain about the use of alternative build-depends at all21:27
micahgwell, Debian ignored them, right? :)21:28
tumbleweedAFAIK, yes21:28
slangasekwhy should it complain?21:28
slangasekthey're a long-permitted technique21:29
dobeywell i have another package with the same build-depends that doesn't show that lint error21:29
tumbleweedpermitted, but not encouraged21:29
slangasekI don't know what you mean by encouraged21:30
slangasekit was never *dis*couraged21:30
dobeywell, if i didn't have a need to make it as easy as possible to build the latest version of the stuff i'm maintaining, on all supported versions of ubuntu, i'd be happy to just drop the | python-support from it. but yay, lucid.21:31
dobeyi guess i'll just ignore it for now21:32
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* micahg is glad someone reads lintian output21:36
sconklin@pilot out21:45
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Bluefoxicy... uh.21:47
Bluefoxicyso the next version of Ubuntu is Quantum Quezacotl or sommat?21:48
BluefoxicyThen Temporal Tezcatlipoca?21:49
slangasekyou're thinking of Handsome Huitlacoche21:56
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