
=== Barebone is now known as Tanvir
nhandlerAnyone know if the scripts for syncing the access lists with LP are available anywhere?17:07
IdleOnenhandler: check the ubuntu-irc ML. I think AlanBell posted it there.17:15
AlanBellnope, there are none17:16
AlanBellas such, I just have scripts for comparing access lists with LP17:16
JoseeAntonioRaren't those https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/+junk/accessmanager ?17:16
AlanBellor I have cobbled together stuff17:16
AlanBellI will have a look at that stuff, might be rather similar to what I was going to write17:17
AlanBellthanks JoseeAntonioR17:17
nhandlerThanks, that script should help with what I am doing17:20
=== Guest41633 is now known as TheLordOfTime
foxbuntuhey all, just discovered my cloak was removed for some reason, not sure what happened can anyone help me get that fixed?20:36
Unit193You must have been removed since your membership expired and you didn't renew, you'd have to reapply or maybe renew membership.20:37
Unit193Pici: Here?20:37
TheLordOfTimewhy is this reminiscent of something i just found in the irclogs....20:38
TheLordOfTimebit old, but... http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/15/%23ubuntu-irc.txt20:38
TheLordOfTimenot sure what came from that20:38
foxbuntuyes...i seem to be good and being dropped:)20:38
TheLordOfTimewell, according to *that* back in 06-15-2011...20:38
TheLordOfTimeehh nevermind20:39
foxbuntuthat was for an issue where my gmail account got hacked20:39
TheLordOfTimei will note that Daviey was pinged back then20:39
* TheLordOfTime yawns, and returns to fixing two bugs that need SRU'd20:39
Unit193Was he IRCC back then?  Isn't now though.20:39
TheLordOfTimenot sure20:39
AlanBellhi foxbuntu20:40
foxbuntuAlanBell, Hi20:40
TheLordOfTimealanbell would know XD20:40
* TheLordOfTime forgot about AlanBell for a minute20:40
AlanBellwe were having a tidy up and lining up cloaks and memberships20:40
foxbuntuAm i not in Ubuntu Members anymore?20:41
TheLordOfTimecheck your launchpad account20:41
TheLordOfTimeif it says you're not there, well20:41
TheLordOfTimeit'd be the ubuntu members group20:41
AlanBellfoxbuntu: what is your launchpad id?20:41
TheLordOfTimethey're not in the members group...20:42
TheLordOfTimehttps://launchpad.net/~nickj-fox/+participation  <--20:42
foxbuntuguess I missed renewal er something20:42
foxbuntuso do I need to re-apply all over ?20:42
AlanBellfoxbuntu: we can sort this out, but I have to pop out now for an hour or so20:43
foxbuntuAlanBell, no problem20:43
foxbuntuAlanBell, I'll be around..just let me know what I need to do20:44
AlanBelloh gosh, thanks for that link TheLordOfTime ;)20:46
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  hm?20:46
AlanBellfoxbuntu: I will sort it out, just hang about in this channel20:46
TheLordOfTimeyou mean the easy-identification-link?20:46
TheLordOfTimethe one which points to groups?20:46
AlanBellhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/15/%23ubuntu-irc.txt in which we discover that the problem relates to one of my scripts ;)20:46
TheLordOfTimeARGH... [expletives removed]20:46
* AlanBell heads for home20:47
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/foxbuntu cloak for foxbuntu please21:47
FuchsAlanBell: mind a short query?21:48
Fuchs(wrt that cloak)21:49
AlanBellFuchs: sure21:49
Fuchsdone :D21:51
Fuchscongratulations, foxbuntu21:51
JoseeAntonioRcongrats, foxbuntu21:51
Fuchsor recongratulations, I guess. Anyway, nice day :)21:51
Unit193foxbuntu: re-congrats.21:52
* TheLordOfTime lols22:36
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell:  apparently i dug up history that is... evil?  :P22:37
IdleOnewow, I don't remember having that conversation22:44
foxbuntuAlanBell, Fuchs thanks for the help :)23:07

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