
* rhpot1991 waves at tgm488305:35
rhpot1991unban me before I get tired of trying and forget05:36
n1md4morining.  is there a way to install mythtv atop of software raid, through the installer?09:12
SteveGoodeyn1md4: Can't help with that I'm afraid. How did you get on with the blue faces?09:15
n1md4Didn't get on it again over the weekend, and instead attempted a manual software raid migration; something I do at work very regularly, and now the blasted thing won't boot, and I'm terribly confused by it!09:17
n1md4SteveGoodey: I don't suppose you notice, it takes like 3-5 seconds to switch channels, have you experienced this before?09:18
SteveGoodeyIs this Livetv?09:18
n1md4Yes, it is.09:25
SteveGoodeyLivetv is not one of Mythttvs strong points. I believe it has to build a buffer before showing the channel. Mythtv is mainly for recording.09:27
SteveGoodeyIf all you're doing is Livetv you might want to consider something else.09:28
n1md4Right.  Not necessarily.  What are the alternatives?09:29
n1md4(out of interest{09:29
SteveGoodeyKaffeine? If you don't mind I'll leave you to do your own research on that.09:36
SteveGoodeyAs one of the devs said "if you want to run something other than MythTV--in truth, if you don't do much TV recording and/or only care to watch TV Live, MythTV probably isn't the best choice of media center"09:41
n1md4Hello.  Is there a way to install mythbuntu with software RAID?16:41
Shadow__Xn1md4: do you mean install the os on a raid1 volume?17:04
qwebirc49474Is there a list of packages mythbuntu installs by default somewhere?...I've upgraded two mythbuntu installs to 12.04 and somehow pulse audio was installed both times17:52
superm1qwebirc49474: apt-cache depends mythbuntu-desktop will tell you19:01
superm1qwebirc49474: in terms of upgrade, that shouldn't be happening, did you come from 11.10?19:01
qwebirc49474ya...on both machines19:01
superm1qwebirc49474: can you try to file a bug against update manager?  'ubuntu-bug update-manager'19:02
superm1it should upload your upgrade logs to identify why this happened19:02
superm1please subscribe mythbuntu-bugs to it too after it's filed19:03
qwebirc49474the first one looks like unity-greeter was still installed and the apt.log showed that it recommended pulseaudio19:03
superm1unity-greeter getting installed is definitely bad, that would pull in a lot of other stuff it shouldn't19:04
qwebirc49474that was left over from my upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04....I had forgotten to remove it on that box19:04
superm1oh this was not a clean 11.04 upgrade19:05
superm1er i mean 11.10->12.0419:05
superm1there are some things from 11.04->11.10 that we never fixed19:05
superm1that would cause that then19:05
qwebirc49474I do an upgrade every time....I have since 10.10 I think19:05
superm1ah too bad that happened then, sorry19:06
qwebirc49474I got things sorted out on my other box...just forgot on that one....19:06
qwebirc49474do I need a login on launchpad to file the report?19:06
superm1you would need one, but if this was caused from stuff from the 11.04->11.10 upgrade we probably won't be able to fix it at this point19:07
superm1so i would say don't worry about filing19:07
qwebirc49474I agree....with the unity-greeter one....but the box I was filing the report on installed pulseaudio because of gnome-bluetooth19:07
qwebirc49474I can trace it back to that in the apt.log file in the dist-upgrade folder19:08
superm1yeah we ended up dropping gnome-bluetooth in a later version19:08
superm1so that makes sense now19:08
superm1it doesn't remove stuff that has been dropped19:08
qwebirc49474I didn't have it installed (as far as I know) before I did the upgrade19:08
qwebirc49474are you saying that it probably was install on my system when it was 11.10?19:09
qwebirc49474so I guess I was unlucky twice19:10
qwebirc49474superm1: so skip the bug report?19:17
superm1qwebirc49474: i would say so20:21
superm1going forward we are supporting only LTS -> LTS upgrades20:21
superm1well "supporting"20:21
superm1i mean we'll help with interim releases as they come, but stuff caused by old pre LTS releases is probably not going to be fixed20:22
qwebirc49474superm1: I've submitted the bug....thanks20:52
n1md4Shadow__X: Yes, from the installer.  I tried to do it manually, by dropping to a console and creating the md then back to the installer to install.  But insted of md partitions it was more like md block devices (that could then be further partitioned.  It was a bit weird.21:45

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