
lifelesshads: what about http://www.openchange.org/ ?02:05
chiltsibeardslee: we use Zimbra here, it's not great (though it works)02:17
chiltsman, I hate delivery companies20:27
ibeardsleewhat you ordered?20:28
ajmitchyay for compiz suddenly crashing20:48
ajmitchit probably doesn't help that I've been logged in for > 6 months20:50
chiltsibeardslee: before ZaReason had the new Ultra they were out of stock, so I ordered a lappy from System7621:11
ajmitchwhich one did you get from them? they have a few nice machines21:13
ajmitch& a slightly more modern looking website :)21:13
chiltswith 8GB RAM, 256G SSD and an Intel Core i7-3610QM Processor21:14
chiltsshould sort me out for a while :)21:15
ajmitchsounds ok21:21
ajmitch16GB of RAM would have been nicer21:21
ajmitchbut that depends on your workload21:21
chilts32GB of RAM would have been nicer21:21
chiltsthis could go on forever, it's kinda a silly comment21:21
ajmitchyeah, I think you can kit out one of the other system76 models with 32GB now21:21
ajmitchhaving only 8GB at work just seems so limiting :)21:22
ajmitchsomehow I've got 8GB of RAM, yet only 2MB of swap free21:22
chiltsok, I'll bow out for the moment, let me know when you're finished :)21:23
ajmitchas I said, depends on what you run - I've got windows 7 running in a VM all the time for browser testing :)21:23
ajmitchso I'm happy with a slower processor21:23
ibeardsleechilts: yeah there is a lot of hanging out for ZaReason's UltraLap .. seems that there is plenty of demand for it21:28
chiltsyeah, though I must admit I liked the keyboard (layout) on the System76 better21:44
chiltsthough I think the new picture ZaReason have is better than the old one21:44
chiltsnot sure21:44
ibeardsleethere are other differences with it as well .. weight vs DVD drive21:49
ibeardsleemSATA + 2.5" vs single 2.5" drive21:49
ibeardsleei3 or i5 vs i5 or i721:50
chiltsI have no idea what mSATA is :)21:50
chiltsyeah true, but my main one is that I want the keyboard layout to be right :)21:50
ibeardsleehdmi vs hdmi + vga21:51
ibeardsleemSATA is the teeny weeny SSD sata drive21:51
ibeardsleemore like a memory card than a 'drive'21:51
snailtemptation thy name is SSD21:52
ajmitchI don't think I can buy a laptop without an SSD now21:52
ajmitchit makes such a difference21:52
ibeardsleechilts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA#mSATA21:53
ibeardsleecuts down weight, thickness etc .. .. and storage21:53
ibeardsleekeyboard layout seems similar (as in placement of keys), but definitely a different keyboard with the type of keys21:56
chiltsyeah, thought about a regular HDD but the SSD just tempted me too much after having one in my old desktop (which I no longer use)22:14
chiltsthat one was only 40GB though22:14
chiltsmight make a nice external 2.5" drive22:15
chiltsibeardslee: cool, that mSATA sounds nice - maybe next time :)22:17
ibeardsleeI'm planning on the 128GB mSATA .. and further down the track I can get a SSD to add to the storage22:22
ibeardsleeconsidering my netbook has a 80GB SSD that's a step up22:22
ibeardsleeand the i5, with 8GB .. I don't think I will bother upgrading my home PC22:22
chiltsyeah, I just use my laptop these days22:24
chiltsgot two 1920x1080 monitors if anyone wants to buy them? :)22:25
ibeardsleenope .. 1920x1200 I'd have considered it22:27
* hads is waiting on two new monitors to arrive from Korea22:32
chiltsibeardslee: why do you want 1920x1200 instead of x1080?22:36
chiltsjust curious22:36
chiltsobviously higher resolution, but I'm guessing that's not the only answer22:36
ibeardsleegot used to the extra vertical resolution with my 1600x120022:37
chiltsfair enough :)22:37
chiltsmy laptop has now arrived!!! :) yay22:37
chiltshaven't opened it yet though22:37
ajmitchchilts: go on, you know you want to22:51
chiltsheh, I can't otherwise I'll get nothing done for the rest of the day :)23:10
chiltsbut yeah, I want to23:10

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