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miceikenanyone up at this hour?00:18
miceikentrying to set up pptpd server00:18
miceikenanyone able to assist me?00:25
hallynstgraber: ok - i'm out this week so i'm unlikely to be pushing anything.  but will look for it when i do.01:25
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huhongboi mount the 12.04 iso to /media/cdrom then run apt-cdrom ,nothing happened .just say "Repeat this process for the rest of the CDs in your set"04:21
huhongbothe sources.list is nothing added04:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1004494 in bacula (main) ""Job not run" message after any attempt to run a job using bconsole" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100449404:27
undecim_How can I verify that no files are missing from installed packages?04:47
mvpundecim_ maybe apt-get check would do04:53
undecim_mvp: I don't see anything in the man page that does what I'm looking for04:54
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syriahello, I can not restart the network interfaces! i have assigned multiple IP addresses http://paste.ubuntu.com/1120895/06:13
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RoyKI wish there had been a way to do caching with SSD on linux, like there is on ZFS...07:16
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Pupeno_WWhen I run crontab -e, it opens it with nano, how do I change it to vim?08:03
Pupeno_Wfound it… ~/.selected_editor :)08:03
melmothPupeno_W, i was not aware of this file, usually i just set the EDITOR env variable08:06
Pupeno_Wmelmoth: seems to be new, on ubuntu 12.04, when I run crontab -e, it asks me which editor I want, and then it configures the editor env variable in .selected_editor.08:06
koolhead11Pupeno_W: thats how it works i suppose :P08:12
koolhead11melmoth: hello btw :)08:12
melmothhola koolhead1108:12
koolhead11melmoth: reading up on quantum08:13
melmothgood luck08:14
melmothi played with it a bit, but not long enough to understand08:14
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DavieyPupeno_W: no, that is 'sensible-editor'08:16
koolhead11melmoth: and how far you reached?08:21
koolhead11Daviey: hello sir08:21
melmothnot far :) Just reading some doc, trying to play with it, realising i had no idea what i was doing08:21
melmothand then i had to go back to something else.08:21
koolhead11melmoth: http://networkstatic.net/2012/05/openstack-essex-and-quantum-installation-using-openvswitch-from-scratch/#comments08:21
koolhead11this might help08:21
melmothnot on my radar anymore.08:22
freakynlhi, having serious issues with raid performance on 12.0408:22
koolhead11melmoth: what are you on these days :P08:22
melmothas yesterday, i cannot make a single host openstack install work.08:23
melmoths/single host/single_host mode/08:23
freakynlthis seems to be related to a kernel bug? quite amazed it's not solved yet... anyways, max_hw_sectors_kb is set to 127 which is, to say the least, a pretty inefficient number08:23
koolhead11melmoth: lol. what was the issue. are yu on folsom08:23
freakynlon all the disks below it, it's 512 (a nice binary multiple)08:24
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Davieyhey koolhead1108:24
melmotham on essex. I cannot reach floating ip for vms that are hosted on another node that the one running nova-network.08:24
freakynlit's a 7 disk raid-5, so I assume 6*512 (the parity disk shouldn't be counted I presume) would be the optimal value08:24
freakynlin any case, 127 is not a binary multiple and will thus always suck08:25
melmothiptables rules seems ok, but what i found funny is, the compute node receive the tcp connextion, but the source address is the kvm bridge, not the actualo box sending it.08:25
koolhead11melmoth: you need to run nova-network and nova-api on same machine08:25
koolhead11i have have others in distributed setup08:25
melmothalready the case08:26
koolhead11melmoth: It should be too easy :P08:29
lynxmanmorning o/08:29
melmothhola lynxman08:30
* koolhead11 wonders if its really lynxman 08:30
lynxmanmelmoth: bonjour :)08:30
lynxmankoolhead11: it's-a me08:30
melmothkoolhead11, well, it s not, and i have no idea why the connexion appears to be coming from the kvm bridge ip and not the node ip itself.08:30
melmothwich i think, is the reason why the connexion cannot happen, as the packets comes back to another place it has been originated from.08:30
_rubenfreakynl: doesn't seem to be 12.04 specific, i see similar numbers on for instance mdadm volumes on 10.0408:31
koolhead11melmoth: i smell some screwed network config08:32
koolhead11lynxman: how is life man? seems like puppet is keeping you too busy08:32
melmothit s all just a kvm network. I try with both isolated and nated one.08:32
melmothi try with setting the compute nodes bridge in /Etc/network/interfaces, and letting nova deals with it.08:33
melmothsames beaviour08:33
freakynl_ruben: I've seen reports on it happening since 2.6.38 iirc08:33
_rubenfreakynl: 10.04 is 2.6.3208:33
freakynl_ruben: the shitty thing is, I can't set it higher than 127kb due to the restriction in max_hw_sectors_kb08:33
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freakynl_ruben: ouch... it's fixed in 3.3 from what I saw :)08:33
_rubenfreakynl: in that case i'd suggest you'd try to confirm that by testing with a mainline kernel build from the kernel team ppa08:34
obelusI'm having authentication problems with samba server, the server works when I make the file owned by one user, but I want to be able to use the write list and read list syntax, however when I do that with the directory permissions at 0775, I get access denied, even though the user is in the write list.08:37
_rubenobelus: i'm guesing the user will still need proper rights on dir/file level .. unless you do stuff like force user/group in samba08:38
obelusWell, the idea is that I don't want every user on the server to have write permissions, I want a few to have write, and the others to have read... if I force user will it allow me to just use write list/read list?08:40
freakynl_ruben: I can do that, but this is a production backup/iscsi server. Filing a bug now, will wait a couple of days to see if they respond08:43
obelus_ruben: I've just set force user = nobody, force group = nogroup, and write list is working now.08:44
obelusThanks :)08:44
freakynl_ruben: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/103126008:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1031260 in linux "RAID write performance is horrible. max_sectors_kb is set to the odd value of 127" [Undecided,New]08:47
freakynl_ruben: I think you can click a link there that you're affected too, might speed up things :)08:49
lynxmankoolhead11: yeah, quite busy lately :)08:49
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_rubenfreakynl: how about setting it to 64, as that's a "nice" number? might be worth a try09:06
koolhead11lynxman: hehe. where are you these days?09:08
koolhead11as in London or somewhere else09:08
_rubenfreakynl: how you liking lio btw? curently a scst user myself09:09
_rubenstuff like vaai might make it rather interesting to make the switch09:09
lynxmankoolhead11: London still09:10
koolhead11lynxman: cool. enjoying olympics? :)09:10
lynxmankoolhead11: well, they've been busier in another side of the city so far :)09:11
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freakynl_ruben: I did that, but since that's still way less than a stripe it doesn't increase performance at all (ideally, you'd write entire stripes, now it writes partially on 1 disk, reads the reads the rest and writes parity for N data disks every friggin' time. In our case that means it's load * 7 :/09:40
freakynl_ruben: liking it so far, better than iet anyways. However, whilst I saw VAAI on the roadmap (free) quite some time ago it has vanished (can't find the page any more anyways and it was targeted for 3.3 or 3.4 back then... those are out...)09:41
freakynlseems like they've reserved it for their paid version (it's beyond me why a party that wants to make profit of their modules got included in the kernel over scst...)09:41
freakynldon't like the config tool tho', it didn't want to let me export the MD device. Had to hack rtslib to add the major numbers of the md devices to their list09:42
freakynlI rather have tools giving me the ability to fuck up, than that it prevents me from doing things that should be possible. But I guess that's what you get when you allow a company that wants to sell their modules into the kernel09:42
freakynlbut I'm not the first that accuses it from being overzealous in protecting the admin (I don't think end-users will export volumes...). But alas, it's just the config tool. It seems to run way more stable than IET and it has lvl 2 error correction09:44
freakynliirc, iet has none :D09:44
koolhead11Daviey: any idea whom to poke to get help in testing LXC with essex10:02
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Davieykoolhead11: what issue are you seeing?10:04
koolhead11Daviey: no issue as of now http://wiki.openstack.org/LXC  is a doc10:06
koolhead11and we have this too http://wiki.openstack.org/LXC10:06
koolhead11so it appears bit confusing to me10:06
koolhead11i meant10:06
Davieykoolhead11: probably best wait for zul10:08
koolhead11Daviey: cool. i want to test KVM LXC Qemu everything on my single setup :P10:09
Davieykoolhead11: super!10:12
adacguys where is the binary for "source" located?10:22
adac"which source" does give me no result10:23
Davieyadac: 'source' command is a shell builtin10:27
Davieyso, dash, bash, etc.10:27
adacDavidLevin_, hmm I wanted to run it within an init.d script. Is this even possible?10:28
adacSorry Daviey10:28
Davieyadac: yeah10:29
Davieyadac: people tend to use "."10:29
adacDaviey, hmm but how? when I do "source PATH" then i do get: "source: not found"10:30
Davieyadac: So, ". ~/.bashrc" ~= "source ~/.bashrc"10:31
adacDaviey, "." seems to work10:33
Davieyadac: source is a bashism, "." is portable10:34
adacDaviey, well now another python binary should be used since the source has been set. but still the old one is running10:34
adacDaviey, oh I see10:34
* Daviey gets back to stuff10:35
adacDaviey, thank you for your help!10:36
AdvoWorkHi there, got massive problems :s ive got xen vm's and have ubuntu server 12.04 lts installed one one of them, just done sudo apt-get update then upgrade, took a few mins(ok) then asked for a reboot(i did) it rebooted, i can ping it, but I cant ssh to it, I can't get to the websites on it either. Any ideas please?10:49
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koolhead11Daviey: seems like some shit has happned. it has to do with networking. will  try it again :)10:51
matttAdvoWork: do you have access to dom0?10:57
matttif so, connect to the console and see what's going on :)10:57
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AdvoWorkmattt, i can do xm console myvm but its stopped displaying anything: http://pastebin.com/rnSUQtSV11:02
AdvoWorkit doesn't generate anything past that last line11:02
matttAdvoWork: were you ever able to console on that instance?11:07
mattt(and by console, i mean a login prompt)11:07
AdvoWorkmattt, i only ever ssh'd into it really11:10
AdvoWorkthe thing is, its came back up now, i dunno if one of our ext support guys has done something or just it took time :S11:10
AdvoWorki doubt time to be fair11:10
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matttAdvoWork: odd, well sorry i couldn't be more helpful :)11:28
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mi3hey guys one of my friends has around 200 pc's and he would like to deploy ubuntu on those machines in one go, they are all connected in a lan, and have identical configuration, any suggestions will be helpful, thank you.11:42
mi3anyone ?11:44
_rubenfreakynl: the config tool (targetcli i think?) seems a tad nasty indeed. guess i'll be sticking with scst for now then. iet i didn't like much either11:45
koolhead11mi3: did you do any research before asking the same?11:45
mi3yeah, unsuccessfully.11:46
_rubenfreakynl: and indeed, vaai is enterprise only, bah11:46
mi3issa: http://serverfault.com/questions/192719/best-way-to-deploy-ubuntu-onto-100s-of-laptops11:47
mi3issa: http://fai-project.org/11:47
mi3issa: piece of advice, dont go for mint, use ubuntu instead, they give you 5 year LTS.11:48
mi3koolhead11: issa needs help :D11:48
issami3: thanks for the advice11:48
mi3issa: no problem.11:48
_rubenfreakynl: also sucks that the enterprise edition doesn't have any pricing listed on the website. they're probably ashamed of how high the prices are :p11:53
zulgood morning12:01
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lotiahi all. how do i get the non-headless version of openjdk-7-jre installed on a server?12:14
lotiathis is a 12.04 server spawned off the standard image available on ec212:15
freakynl_ruben: the config tool is odd compared to other stuff yea, but I haven't seen the big picture. The enterprise version is rtsadmin (go figure :)) and is supposedly able to manage a lot of machines from 1 console/server12:18
_rubenfreakynl: ah12:18
freakynlit's also immature (targetcli that is, haven't seen rtsadmin). As in if I export a device through fileio with buffering enabled, the targetcli will just show an exported device, it doesn't say whether buffering is enabled or not12:19
_rubenfreakynl: i like scst's approach: simple config with with a perl based cli tool that can read/write/verify the config file12:19
freakynlyea I much rather had scst in the mainline kernel than lio... it replaces a lot more of the scsi stuff and enables virtual tape libraries and other stuff. Overkill for most but very nice to build your own storage solutions12:20
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Disconnectso I haven't had a change to look at ubuntu cloud in the past couple years (last time I looked it routed all traffic through 1 server..) is it reasonably performant now? we're in a crisis and I can either build my own or (preferably) throw a reasonable upstream-supported solution together13:36
Disconnectfor starters it'll just be vms (with lots of heavy network IO but very little disk) hosted on an existing iscsi cluster. eventually it might get more cpu/memory intensive with new vms13:37
zuljamespage: whats the url for the bug tracking that you showed me yesterday13:41
AdvoWorkJust booted my machine up (ubuntu server 12.04) and it says:  pyGRUB  version 0.6  an gives 2 options to select Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Single-User)   whats going on with that, why isn't it 12.04?13:43
patdk-wkadvowork, that is a xen thing13:47
patdk-wkand that would be cause the xen loader is looking at grub 1 config, instead of the grub2 config 12.04 installs13:48
patdk-wkmost likely13:48
AdvoWorkpatdk-lap, how would i swap where it slooking?13:50
patdk-wkthat is easy, but then it wouldn't work13:51
patdk-wkgrub2 uses a totally different config file format13:51
patdk-wkhopefully you can locate a pygrub upgrade13:51
AdvoWorkoh, what can I do then? this was a totally fresh install of Ubuntu, and then an upgrade13:51
patdk-wkubuntu isn't the issue13:51
patdk-wkit's what is outside of it, that is13:52
patdk-wkyour xen host13:52
AdvoWorkso whats up with the xen host, its a probelm for this specific VM, or all of them?13:52
patdk-wkit will be a problem for all that don't use grub113:52
AdvoWorkhow can i tell if a VM is using grub1?13:52
Disconnectchrist. 10 node minimum for cloud? any way to get started with 2 nodes? (I've got 6 more in the building but they aren't released from inventory yet. and thats still only 8.) or is there a better channel for this?13:59
xnoxDisconnect: you can start with one if you want.14:00
xnoxjamespage: Disconnect ^^^ is deploying own cloud, anyone can help out?14:01
Disconnectxnox: thanks :) i'm looknig at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure which seems to say there is a live image for single node, but I can't find info on whether that is expandable to a "real" cloud as I get the other servers.14:07
* Disconnect has 1 node now, 2 nodes once I have a vm migrated to it (its on the other node right now) and 6 downstairs waiting for inventory tags14:07
Disconnectdamn. "Cannot join #ubuntu-cloud (Channel is invite only)."14:08
xnoxDisconnect: you do want "Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS and Juju"14:08
xnoxminimum 10 nodes, as in it doesn't make sense to do that unless you will be adding more nodes now or later.14:09
Disconnectand I want to apologize straight off, I'm sure 99% of what I will ask is online somewhere, but I've got 100 scientists sitting waiting for a solution (they don't care what) so I want to knock out the biggest show-stopper questions now before I start the deeper evaluation/installation/etc.14:09
xnoxpublic cloud?!14:09
Disconnectah ok. I think in theory we'll hit 8-10 total. not quite identical but they are all vm capable, etc.14:09
Disconnectxnox: private. @ a .gov. just had a really really terrible storage system eat itself again, this time beyond repair14:10
xnoxMAAS is basically pxe boot + magic sauce. and then you will get a $ juju add-node to add those to the existing cloud i believe14:10
zuljdstrand: ping your nova bug is on quantal right?14:10
jdstrandzul: all the stuff I filed within the last few days is quantal, yes14:11
Disconnectthe short term is to get openfiler running on a redundant cloud (using shared storage, no drbd mess) using those servers. the long term is that we are mandated to go to vms and such, and ubuntu priv cloud seems like the direction to take things..14:11
zuljdstrand: ok cool14:11
zuljdstrand: im just going through them and fixing them up now, django-compressor should be in the archive real soon and there will be a MIR coming for it14:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #1031359 in cinder (universe) "[MIR] cinder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103135914:12
Disconnectthe good news is they bought beefy storage servers just before I got here. they didn't get them set up (fortunately, since I saw how they did the last set. hacked up rhel/centos blend with heartbeat and nfs, fencing each other every day or 2)14:12
jdstrandzul: thanks-- I have a todo to attend to django-compressor14:12
zuljdstrand: cool beans14:12
Disconnectdoes openstack do any sort of automatic failover? (rebooting the vms is ok, so long as its automatic)14:13
Disconnectcrap. this might be a moot point. http://wiki.openstack.org/IscsiBlueprint says iscsi for backend storage isn't supported14:14
zulDisconnect: no you will have to setup the failover stuff yourself14:15
xnoxDisconnect: openstack + libvirt -> iscsi is fine14:15
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Disconnectok. so I can stick the vms on iscsi. thats good. and i can set up heartbeat if I can shove the vm configs into an iscsi drive. looks like its time to start building.14:16
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Rightonhey guys, ive installed the latest version of ubuntu server, i have a problem with my dns server, adding it to /etc/resolv.conf doesnt work, it says at the top that "anything i write here manually will be overwritten" ..14:41
Rightonso where do i add the dns server then?14:41
_rubenRighton: /etc/network/interfaces .. dns-nameserver a.b.c.d14:43
Righton_ruben, is that new in 12.04?14:46
Rightoni just tried that anyway and i still cannot resolve any hostnames14:46
tgm4883adding it there, will just make it populate /etc/resolv.conf I think14:47
_rubenyou'll need to down/up the respective interface for it to populate /etc/resolv.conf14:47
_rubenor you could update the latter manualy for the time beign14:48
Rightoni did try out both, restarted the network interface and  i still cannot ping/resolve any hostnames for some reason14:48
tgm4883Righton, did it populate resolv.conf with your DNS servers?14:49
tgm4883_ruben, is it dns-namserver or dns-nameservers14:50
tgm4883Righton, seems it should be dns-nameservers a.b.c.d according to http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/resolvconf.8.html14:51
_rubenRighton: what does `dig www.google.com` show?14:52
Rightonright, now t does!14:52
Rightonit is dns-nameserverS with an S at the end14:52
Rightonthansk guys =)14:52
jMCgWhere can I rant about how horrible some ubuntu packages are in a constructive manner?14:53
Rightonjust one question though, is this new in 12.04?14:53
Rightoncuz i dont remember doing it that way with older versions14:53
tgm4883Righton, by default, yes14:53
Rightoni see14:53
tgm4883jMCg, is it something the ubuntu-server team can fix?14:54
jMCgtgm4883: I was just wondering, aloud, what the appropriate channel would be. It's about tomcat7 and tomcat7 not being installable side-by-side.14:54
tgm4883tomcat7 and tomcat7?14:55
tgm4883isn't that the same thing?14:55
DisconnectjMCg: launchpad bugs14:55
jMCgtgm4883: typo. 6 and 7.14:55
tgm4883jMCg, I agree with Disconnect file a bug on LP14:56
_rubenjMCg: #ubuntu-server / #ubuntu-motu / #ubuntu-devel / etc depending on the nature of the package, see the maintainer directive in the source packages14:56
_rubenand ofcourse bug filing indeed :)14:56
Disconnectafter they reject the bug, then come here and start yelling :)14:56
jMCgYeah, but I can't *rant* in bug report, that'd be unproductive and very unconductive to the bug's solution :D14:56
Disconnectyou can after its definitively rejected14:57
Disconnectthere is nothing good about ubuntu's tomcat management, really.14:57
* Disconnect doesn't miss it. Last job was 300 vms, ubuntu-server running tomcat.14:58
jMCgDisconnect: how did you manage it?14:58
Disconnectlots of kvm+libvirt, lots of puppet, lots of cussing. and the devs just bundled basically everything into the deployment.14:58
Disconnectthe only thing worse was the ruby "gems"-that-aren't-gems14:59
jMCgI think your devs need some serious talking to.14:59
Disconnectno. the way ubuntu handles ruby libraries is beyond brain damaged.15:00
jMCgOh, yeah. That's true.15:00
Disconnectin perl, for example, a packaged cpan module can be installed from the package and used as if cpan had installed it. in ubuntu, a packaged gem cannot.15:00
Disconnectdamnit. think I broke my bonding config. bbiab.15:01
jMCgI install rvm and go with that, because, no.… No Because, it's just ARGH15:01
jMCgDisconnect: might also wanna look into fpm15:01
xnoxjMCg: rbenv is so much better though!15:02
jMCgrbenv? Better than rvm? Haven't seen that yet, or needed to look into it because rvm just works so well for me.15:02
xnoxjMCg: rvm polutes shell environment. Just type $ env and see how much stuff you have there15:03
xnoxand rvm is shell functions which break certain things.15:03
xnoxrbenv is lightlight and is simply $PATH and that's it.15:03
jMCgxnox: like sudo, which is why you need rvmsudo?15:03
xnoxwith rvenv sudo just works the way it always does.15:04
xnoxrvm has negative shell start up performance15:04
xnoxrvenv is faster =)15:04
jMCghas a negative impact on shell start-up, but I don't think there is such a thing as negative time. At least I haven't seen it proven yet.15:05
xnoxjMCg: https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv15:06
xnoxjMCg: as in it negatively affects the start up time, i.e. huge increase (3-4 seconds)15:06
Disconnecti'm not a fan of ruby in general ("lets throw away decades of knowledge about how to manage systems, environments, etc and put the developers in charge of reinventing it!" .. they're literally making all the same mistakes over again. it'd be fun to map perl milestones (cpan, packages, etc) to ruby and see how soon it won't totally suck15:07
jMCgOne of these days gems will stop sucking, I'm sure of that.15:11
Disconnectits like slackware+cpan all over again. (or solaris+cpan)15:13
jMCgSolaris is dead (to me) I hope the Illumos folks are doing that one better.15:14
jMCgDisconnect: never used slackware/cpan15:14
jMCgOn Solaris (10) I wasn't able to use it, because all of our servers where behind firewalls with no access to the internet, no compilers or libraries installed, etc… Can I get this CPAN package installed - NO!15:15
Disconnectbasically the old days of "download compile install" where upgrading was best done by starting with a new box (since there is almost no installation tracking). cpan made it a little better, and *nix eventually got useful packages beyond core system stuff, but..15:15
* Disconnect had almost 300 identical servers (well, sets of servers. obviously memcache vms aren't identical to tomcat..) by avoiding crap like that15:16
jMCgThis reminds me: https://twitter.com/hirojin/status/23011876344446566415:16
jMCgI "updated" my FreeBSD VM yesternight.15:17
Disconnectyah. exactly.. at least ports do installation tracking, of sorts.15:18
jMCgof sorts.15:18
Disconnectthere used to be a tool to let you install apps to /usr/local/appname/ (/bin /etc /sbin etc) that managed symlinks. thats how bad it was. and ruby still is..15:18
xnoxDisconnect: GNU stow15:18
Disconnectthats the one!15:19
jMCgAh, right! I remember that one, I didn't use it when I built my LFS, back in the day.15:19
jMCgI used NetBSD's pkgsrc15:19
jMCghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat7/+bug/1031395 << should I open the same thing in tomcat6? Or should I have opened this bug in libtomcat7-java in the first place?15:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1031395 in tomcat7 "tomcat6 and tomcat7 are not installable side-by-side" [Undecided,New]15:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1031395 in tomcat7 (main) "tomcat6 and tomcat7 are not installable side-by-side" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103139515:36
skritehey all, looking for some advice for mysql-cluster and how to know how many nodes i need to set up? anyone have a good tutorial or advice?15:40
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obelusAnyone here able to help with trying to re-route incoming requests from a specific IP range to port 443 to go to port 22 instead? I'm using ufw at the moment.15:42
r3dLunchb0xI am looking for some direction on setting up sendmail to send mail out from my 11.04 server. I have 5 total, one of which already can send email.15:43
jMCgr3dLunchb0x: why sendmail?15:46
r3dLunchb0xjMCg: it is what i'm used to, but if postfix is just as easily setup that would work too. I am running into disk space issues and need to set up alerting...15:47
jMCgAnd instead of sending snmp traps, you're putting *more* stuff on your machine, stuff that keeps queues, and produces big logs.15:48
r3dLunchb0xjMCg: I have nagios installed, but just the basics. still need to send alerts.15:50
jMCgI'm confused, doesn't nagios notify a central server of such things, which can then do the alerting for you, or am I crack?15:52
r3dLunchb0xjMCg: I believe you're right. I'll check into getting nagios alerting turned on. The nagios master is running on the server that has mail capabilities.15:54
r3dLunchb0xnext I need some help with settings for openfile handlers on the servers. any one got a good guide on this? I know how to set it up on redhat enterprise...ubuntu server is waaaaay different lol15:56
azopDid oem-config-server ever make it out of the dream state? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OemConfigServer)15:56
jMCgr3dLunchb0x: what *is* openfile handlers?15:57
r3dLunchb0xit is a limit/setting for the amount of open files a process or shell or tcp connection is allowed to open. Also there is a base setting for when the OS starts. if it is too low, after running say a big java program it'll "crash" with Broken Pipe errors. increase the amount of open file handlers and things go more smoothly.15:58
r3dLunchb0xright now I have about 5 HP proliant servers running ubuntu server 11.04 with open file handlers set to 1024, for about 30 developers whose shells get stopped by this very error.16:00
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
jMCgr3dLunchb0x: it would appear you're looking for /etc/pamd.limits.conf -- that's same on RHEL, innit?16:03
ssmyanyone have any experience getting bridged networking to work with kvm/libvirt?16:06
jMCgssmy: most people in #virt (on oftc) do.16:08
ssmyjMCg: thanks, I'll try there16:11
=== babyface_ is now known as baby_face
r3dLunchb0xjMCg: not really looking to "limit" the devs, more like open it up. lol16:13
=== baby_face is now known as babyface_
jMCgr3dLunchb0x: same/same, really.16:14
r3dLunchb0xjMCg: now to just track opening that up is actually proving my point that it will go smoother. ;-)16:15
Disconnectis https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/AvahiBoot expected to actually work? it insists on a working ubuntu mirror16:33
roaksoaxadam_g: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1121750/16:35
roaksoaxadam_g: the nova-compute stuff is the correct one right?16:35
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
Disconnectdamn. booting the ub cd (even after its listed as 'commissioning') results in immediate shutdown. what a mess.16:37
RoyKDisconnect: what hardware?16:39
Disconnectvirtual. trying to get private cloud stuff working. the maas server is working and shows the 2 nodes as commissioning, but no matter waht i try (booting the usb image, booting the server cd, etc) it fails in some or another spectacular way16:40
Disconnectthe avahi usb image fails because its trying to use precise and - for whatever reason - can't find it on archive.ubuntu.com (I checked, its there..) and the server cd works up to where it contacts the maas server, then it shuts down.16:41
Disconnecthmm. if anyone is doing wiki editing on the maas pages, it'd sure be nice if those screenshots were zoomable. at least far enough to read what the node status should be (commissioning, done, on fire, etc)16:42
Disconnecthmm. i think i see whats going on. the next step is to leave them off and get juju going.16:47
Disconnectnope. same problems with the usb key16:50
Disconnectoooh. so close. the commandline assumes a dhcp server. ok i think i can fix this. yay. ish.16:51
jamespagebug 102845316:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028453 in ubuntu-meta "Quantal Ubuntu Server minimal install oversized" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102845316:52
jamespagesmoser, Daviey: ^^ gonna fix this?16:52
Davieyjamespage: good question16:54
Davieyjamespage: and a good place to discuss it :)16:54
jamespageDaviey, shall I make the case for dropping then?16:54
Davieyjamespage: I'm not sure it /can/ be fixed, it's just kernel bloat now?16:54
jamespageDaviey, I think that is the key difference16:55
jamespageand now its just the module set16:55
jamespagethe -virtual kernel still gets used in cloud images....16:55
jamespageso we should not drop it but I think we should consider dropping the minimal virtual install from the ISO16:55
Davieyjamespage: I'd support that16:56
DavieyI suspect it's not used, and if i am honest.. i'd rather not encourage it.. cloud images should be used instead16:57
vychunei need a walk through for a ubuntu server install any takers?16:58
jamespageDaviey, agreed16:58
halvorsAnyone knows about a DC++ hub in the Ubuntu repositories?17:00
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
vychunei need a walk through for a ubuntu server install any takers?17:06
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/17:07
vychunethank you much17:08
ssmyhalvors: I don't think there are any DC++ hubs in the repos anymore. I used to run opendchub, but it's gone in 12.04 as well. So I just don't bother anymore.17:09
ssmyjMCg: just a thanks for the #virt recommendation. They were able to help me solve my problem17:10
jMCgssmy: I know, and they're mostly nice too!17:18
ninjaii typed init 6, init 0, shutdown, and even pressed the power button.  I get messages saying the system is going down for reboot or shutdown, but nothing happens.... how can I tell it I want to reboot it without hitting the reset button?17:22
jMCgninjai: why is it hanging?17:22
ninjaino idea17:22
ninjaiit acts as if nothing has happened17:22
ninjaii can still use the machine as normal..17:23
jMCgninjai: dmesg? /var/log/syslog? Why is it not shutting down? Something must be preventing it from doing that.17:24
halvorsssmy: Is there any unoffcial opendchub ppas?17:24
ninjaidmesg http://pastebin.com/qAjYrXNe17:25
ninjaisyslog: http://pastebin.com/BzkUq7sk17:26
ninjaiI think I have to press the button :(17:28
ninjaireboot and its happy.  Weird.17:32
vychunecan someone tell me how to remove LVM.17:37
vychunei messed up on a raid install17:38
LordOfTimeSpamapS: alive?17:41
LordOfTimeor anyone else on the server team or anyone who can answer an SRU related thing (regarding php5)17:42
vychunecan someone tell me how to remove LVM?17:43
SpamapSLordOfTime: sure whats up?17:45
LordOfTimeSpamapS: can we get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/1014044 SRU'd for Precise?  this is a significant regression, and causes issues with nginx and other web servers with php5-fpm17:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1014044 in php5 "PHP5-FPM not reporting errors to web server (nginx)" [Medium,Fix released]17:46
LordOfTimea fix was included in 5.4.x in Debian17:46
LordOfTimewhich was synced to Quantal17:46
LordOfTimebut not in Precise17:46
LordOfTimethere *is* a 5.3.x patch17:46
LordOfTimeon the PHP main site17:46
LordOfTimei can't dget the package just yet, to test if the patch applies17:46
LordOfTimeand it'd be ubuntu-only changes since it was fixed upstream17:47
SpamapSLordOfTime: it would go more smoothly if you attached a debdiff to that bug.. ;)17:47
LordOfTimeSpamapS: indeed,but as I said i can't dget from here17:47
SpamapSLordOfTime: and if you added the necessary info as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:47
LordOfTimecan we at least get the SRU process started, pending the debdiff upload?17:47
LordOfTimei'll do that shortly, i'll just need someone who can nominate against Precise (apparently bugcontrol can't set that, and lp times out when i try to)17:48
SpamapSLordOfTime: I've accepted it for precise.. just neesd  a Test Case / Regression Potential added to the top of the description17:48
SpamapSLordOfTime: if you could attach the patch to the bug that would be great as then somebody could at least package up the fix for precise17:49
LordOfTimeSpamapS: i plan to do that anyways17:51
LordOfTimeone thing at a time, at work i've only got iexplore17:51
LordOfTimewhich is a piece of **********17:51
LordOfTimeit lags like crazy :/17:51
LordOfTimeSpamapS: i fully anticipate generating the deb diffs myself anyways :P17:53
* LordOfTime is trying to get his name on more debdiffs xD17:53
vychunecan someone please tell me how to remove LVM?17:54
vychunei need help urgently17:54
SpamapSLordOfTime: good plan. :) rememebr tos ubscribe sponsors17:55
SpamapSvychune: remove it in what way?17:55
LordOfTimeSpamapS: not the first SRU i've done :P17:55
LordOfTimethat, and i've had to deal with security bugs, they're even more difficultish xD17:56
vychunei need to partition the drive i installed it without doing RAID first17:56
vychunei cant do raid with it it on there17:56
=== Aaton_off is now known as Aaton
LordOfTimeSpamapS: the only reason i am getting this SRU'd is because (1) its a significant functionality failure, and (2) even though its not a bug against nginx, its a highly blocking bug for running PHP programs.  And apparently, the verison in Oneiric is unaffected, so it is a very specific regression.17:57
vychuneany help will be appreciated SpamapS17:57
SpamapSLordOfTime: your time is very much appreciated. If you can get it done this week it will be included in 12.04.117:58
LordOfTimeSpamapS: its marked as Triaged, but can I assign it to me and set it as In Progress?  I fully plan to have this fixed by 00:00 UTC-417:58
SpamapSLordOfTime: yes do that17:58
LordOfTimedone, i'll have this fixed by the end of the day17:59
LordOfTimeassumign nothing horrible, such as Comcast going "ZOMGWTHBOOM" again17:59
LordOfTime, happens17:59
LordOfTimeBAH, evil keyboard is evil.17:59
LordOfTimeSpamapS: when i generate the debdiff, the changelog entry... should it point to precise-updates, or precise-proposed?18:01
* LordOfTime ran into this issue previously18:01
* LordOfTime plans on testing within a PPA or a local repository separately, targetted to 'precise' for testing purposes only18:01
LordOfTime(I ran into this with a security bug, they wanted me to target it to a specific repo with the debdiff)18:02
Disconnectdamnit. 3 hours arguing with squid-deb-proxy.18:02
Disconnectwell, with what turned out to be squid-deb-proxy anyway18:03
vychuneSpamapS: any suggestions?18:03
SpamapSLordOfTime: precise-proposed18:04
SpamapSvychune: I am not sure I understand what you're saying18:04
SpamapSvychune: you have a drive, not your root partition, which has RAID+LVM ?18:04
vychunei have a raid 1 with two drive and both drives got used for LVM somehow18:05
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SpamapSvychune: probably old partition tables18:06
SpamapSvychune: can you lose all of the data?18:06
vychuneyes there is no data18:06
vychunegudie me sensei lol18:08
SpamapSvychune: so I would make sure its all unmounted..18:09
SpamapSvychune: and stop the RAID118:09
SpamapSvychune: then 'pvs' to see the "physical volumes" that lvm thinks it has18:09
vychunehow do i stop it?18:09
SpamapSvychune: then for each of those "pvremove /dev/..."18:09
LordOfTimeSpamapS: when's 12.04.1 releasing?18:10
SpamapSvychune: I forget, I don't have any mdadm boxes to look18:10
LordOfTimeso i know the absolute latest i need to get the debdiff in by18:10
SpamapSLordOfTime: August twenty-something18:10
SpamapSLordOfTime: August 9 you need to have it in proposed so it can make it to -updates18:10
LordOfTimeoh so i have to get this in by Friday for consideration/inclusion18:10
LordOfTimei'll have it done by sooner!18:10
vychunewait im on the cd system in recue mode18:10
SpamapSLordOfTime: 9 is the absolute drop dead time.. get it in way sooner18:11
azopDid oem-config-server ever make it out of the dream state? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OemConfigServer)18:11
SpamapSvychune: anyway, pvremove all those physical volumes. Then 'fdisk /dev/...' and make sure the partition table is clear or has only one thing (RAID1 as the whole disk)18:12
LordOfTimeSpamapS: you mean like at the earliest 5 hours from now?  :P18:13
LordOfTimepfft, this is an easy thing to apply18:13
LordOfTimeafaict at least18:13
LordOfTime(lets hope its not like one of the patches for an nginx cve a while back, that actually had to be redone manually)18:13
LordOfTime(I should know, i was the one who created the debdiffs)18:14
vychuneSpamapS: "Device contain neither a vaild DOS partions table, nor Sun......."18:14
LordOfTimeSpamapS: while i'm digging in the package anyways, want me to gen the debdiff for this too?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/php5/+bug/100673818:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1006738 in php5 "php5-fpm segfaults with error 4 in libc-2.15.so" [High,Triaged]18:16
LordOfTimeor should i wait until the other debdiff i'm working on is accepted18:17
SpamapSvychune: ok. Then you should just be able to re-create the RAID1 and lvm should not return.18:17
vychuneok trying it now18:19
vychunethanks in advance18:20
vychuneSpamapS: WORKED18:23
vychunethank you kindly18:23
Disconnectanyone know the console login of one of the maas nodes?18:24
SpamapSvychune: np18:24
SpamapSDisconnect: "one of the maas nodes" ?18:24
Disconnectthe same mess I've been arguing with all day: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure18:25
Disconnectit "conveniently" cobblers it. which would be good, if it didn't require assigning it to some random ip in the dhcp pool. i think i may have to start over with the nodes now that i've got other issues straightened out, but i'm not sure and i was hoping to get access to one of tehse things to figure it out18:26
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
LordOfTimeSpamapS: repoke.  doyou want me to generate the debdiff for LP Bug 1006738 as well, separately?18:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1006738 in php5 "php5-fpm segfaults with error 4 in libc-2.15.so" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100673818:35
* LordOfTime never got an answer due to lagspike18:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #1005298 in maas "warning: kernel option length exceeds 255  during maas-import-isos (dup-of: 1003460)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100529818:36
SpamapSLordOfTime: afk for a bit. It would be good to group those together .. I think18:37
LordOfTimeSpamapS: i'll first make sure they apply, then i'll combine :P18:45
vychuneSpamapS: the server is seeing the two drives as one device. why?18:48
vychunei thought RAID was two devs?18:48
LordOfTimeSpamapS: i'm tempted to not fix the bug for Quantal if its already in upstream.  I did assign myself for the Precise SRU though.  just would like you to confirm this was applied upstream (LP Bug 1006738)18:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1006738 in php5 "php5-fpm segfaults with error 4 in libc-2.15.so" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100673818:50
LordOfTimemight want to sync that in if its already fixed upstream18:50
vychuneLordOfTime: do you know what i can do on this problem?18:51
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LordOfTimevychune: unfortunately not, if i did i'd have given help.18:51
vychuneof course lol i'm just flustered18:52
LordOfTimei'm here right now to stab SpamapS, because of bugs related to php5, and getting them updated and fixed in precise by the Stable Release Updates process18:52
vychunebeing a student in this field is hard enough lol18:54
vychunereal world hits a knocks the wind out of my sails and everything goes nuts18:54
SpamapSvychune: should be one device, /dev/mdX18:54
SpamapSvychune: that is a RAID device18:54
LordOfTimevychune: hey, being a student in IT Security is worse :P  you have to sift through $arbitrarysize of data and identify whether someone's leaking personally identifiable info and stuff18:55
LordOfTimejust as part of a *test*18:55
LordOfTimethat, and a bunch of other things18:56
* LordOfTime returns to sifting through bugs.18:56
vychunei see lol18:57
vychuneSpamapS: i dont know what im doing wrongf'19:09
Disconnectok. i clearly should have done more reading. someone sanity-check me - if i get ubuntu private cloud (maas+juju) working, I can deploy charms. charms are effectively ubuntu apps, and there are no charms for (for example) deploying a centos VM.. is that right?19:24
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nathwilldisconnect, true dat19:28
Disconnectok. so its basically useless to me. damn :( can anyone recommend a vm-based cloud system for ubuntu?19:29
* Disconnect isn't going down the manual-virsh road again19:29
* bellsouth * epic4 * epic5 * ircii19:29
bellsouth* epic4  * epic5  * ircii !19:29
* bellsouth ,19:29
nathwilldisconnect, i'm thinking openstack? if you want a platform for provisioning vms19:30
bellsouthon 1:TEXT:*:#: { commands } on 1:TEXT:!trigger *:#: { commands }19:30
Disconnecti thought ubuntu virtual could was based on openstack19:30
* bellsouth on *:DEOP:#:{ ;check if we are being deopped if ($opnick == $me) { ;requesting op msg BOTNICK op $chan ;kick the person that deopped you kick $chan $nick Don't deop me! } }!19:30
bellsouth 4ÐÐ 4 70p1([70p1( n4m3=70P1(_N4M3] 4ÐÐ 4 ƒr4m3[ƒr4m3 n4m3=ƒR4M3_N4M3] 4ÐÐ 4 £1n|{[£1n|{=£1N|{]73X7[/£1n|{] 0r [£1n|{]73X7[/£1n|{] 174£1( 73x7[1]73X7[/1] µnÐ3r£1n3 73x7[µ]73X7[/µ] B0£Ð 73x7[b]73X7[/b] 1n£1n3 (0mm4nÐ[(]73X7[/(] m1R( (0Ð3[(0Ð3](0Ð3_H3R3[/(0Ð3]19:31
=== Aaton is now known as Aaton_off
* bellsouth ],uk[19:31
* bellsouth ],leolkic9![19:31
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz, Pici, Daviey, Tm_T or pmatulis19:32
bellsouthD&d G@m3 = |!nk19:32
sorenAw, too late.19:32
nathwillclose though!19:32
vychunegotta love that ops command19:38
* genii-around makes sure IdleOne gets a reward cookie19:39
* IdleOne eats cookie promptly19:39
IdleOnegenii-around is known for taking back cookies19:39
vychunea server hosting a website needs DNS and mail, right?19:39
nathwillvychune: meh, not necessarily19:40
ScottKYou need to be able to resolved DNS, not serve it.19:40
vychuneso the mail can go somewhere else?19:42
nathwillwell... why does a server hosting a website even need to resolve dns? the only thing a web server has to do is translate an http request into a document and serve it...19:47
ScottKGood point.19:49
ScottKThere may be off site resources it needs to resolve perhaps, but I guess it's not inevitable.19:50
vychuneso the domain host will do the DNS thing?19:51
vychuneand mail?19:51
ScottKCould be on any server.19:52
nathwillyeah... most domain reg services come with basic dns management (a, cname, mx), but not actual mail service as in receiving and storing mail19:52
nathwillthough many offer that as an addon19:52
nathwillat least i assume the reg is who you're talking about when you say "domain host":19:53
vychuneregistar lol19:54
wrapids My linode has been behaving very strangely. I've installed gitlab recently and mysql is occasionally crashing and I'm finding nothing but empty logs. A moment ago I could not access the server by any means, simply timing out. I issued a reboot from the linode dashboard and it took it about 20 minutes to shut it down. I tried connecting via the ajax ssh console and was given an out of memory error. Any ideas on what's going on?19:55
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
wizonesolutionsHow do I run KVM VMs headless?20:04
Disconnectwizonesolutions: check out libvirt/virsh20:04
wizonesolutionswhen I run them with curses they still occupy a terminal20:04
wizonesolutionswith the kvm command20:04
Disconnectnathwill: looks like there is a charm for openstack. so lets see if i can put some of today's adventure to good use20:04
wizonesolutionsDisconnect: k. I was following the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images#Ubuntu_Cloud_Guest_images_on_Local_Hypervisor_Natty_onward to get started, but it doesn't start them headless.20:05
wizonesolutionsany links that are good to start with?20:05
wizonesolutionsand I still have to figure out how to get the guests Internet access...getting my head around how it all works, I guess (used to VirtualBox)20:06
Disconnectand virt-manager is a decent GUI front-end (lower on that page)20:07
wizonesolutionsDisconnect: In that case I've been told have to use X over SSH forwading yeah? Is it worth the trouble?20:07
Disconnectnot necessary20:11
wizonesolutionsDisconnect: which is not necessary? using virt-manager or forwarding X?20:12
Disconnectforwarding x.20:12
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
Disconnectthis ssh thing is pissing me off. does anyone know what the default password for a maas-installed node is? 'juju status' is telling me invalid ssh key, adn I can't get logged in to see why20:13
ssmywizonesolutions: forwarding is not necessary. If you need to use the gui, it sets up a vnc connection accessible via virt-manager20:14
wizonesolutionsDisconnect: Is it passw0rd like the Ubuntu cloud images?20:15
Disconnectdamnit. that'd do it. authorized_keys are empty.20:15
wizonesolutionsssmy: ah, ok. thanks.20:15
Disconnectwizonesolutions: hmm. might be. i just bounced it into single user20:15
wizonesolutionsDisconnect: that works too, heh.20:16
Disconnectis there any good reason to work with ubuntu private cloud (maas+juju) if I'm actually just in need of openstack? does it provide any sort of gain or should Ij ust blow it away and fire up openstack?20:24
r3dLunchb0xMOTD, how to change it and personalize it per user who logs in?20:24
=== Guest41633 is now known as TheLordOfTime
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  and again i poke thee.20:32
=== Aaton_off is now known as Aaton
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Just back from lunch. Whatsup ?20:56
SpamapSr3dLunchb0x: per-user stuff should probably go in /etc/profile.d20:57
r3dLunchb0xSpamapS: cool. will check it out.20:58
r3dLunchb0xthe only thing in that directory is bash_completion.sh21:01
r3dLunchb0xcan I just add a new script and it get run everytime a user logs in?21:01
SpamapSr3dLunchb0x: yes21:06
r3dLunchb0xSpamapS: coolio, thanks appreciate it21:08
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  do you want me to merge the two SRU-worthy items into the same debdiff, and upload for both bugs (LP Bug 1014044 and LP Bug 1006738)?21:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1014044 in php5 "PHP5-FPM not reporting errors to web server (nginx)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101404421:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1006738 in php5 "php5-fpm segfaults with error 4 in libc-2.15.so" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100673821:16
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  also, can you confirm if the segfault bug was fixed upstream?21:16
osmosisso I installed with a 64 bit iso, but im running a x686 install when I check uname. Any ideas how that could have happened?21:17
TheLordOfTimeand if so, has it been put in Debian, and then synced to Ubuntu Quantal?21:17
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: the segfault bug is in 5.4.5..21:18
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: which is in the Debian PHP team's git repo21:18
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: I'll make sure to merge it as soon as it comes out in quantal21:19
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: re the debdiff, yes, a single debdiff that we can just review and upload to precise-proposed would be ideal.21:19
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  a debdiff that includes both fixes in Precise?21:19
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Oh and to be clear, the segfault is *fixed* in 5.4.521:19
TheLordOfTimebecause the patches apply cleanly-ish21:19
TheLordOfTime(the cleanly-ish refers to the NEWS portion of the error reporting fix patch not applying)21:19
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Yes. Use quilt refresh on them before creating the debdiff.21:19
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: right, the NEWS bit can likely be hand merged or even dropped.21:20
TheLordOfTimemhm, when doing quilt import /path/to/patch for that upstream patch, and then doing quilt push -a, i had to do quilt push -a -f to force the one with the NEWS issue, and then refreshed that patch to remove the NEWS part21:22
TheLordOfTimei'm doing the debuild -S now for build testing in a PPA21:22
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: sounds good21:29
TheLordOfTimebleh, i do not like translations.  there's a package or two i actually need to create a translation template for, and i'm so new to that, i have no idea how to proceed...21:31
TheLordOfTime... whoops21:33
TheLordOfTimewrong GPG key21:33
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  geez, PHP takes ages to build.22:05
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: yes, the tests are LONG22:06
TheLordOfTimewell, at least it started building about when i uploaded to my php-sru-tests ppa22:07
TheLordOfTimeafter i fixed the PGP key thing22:07
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  i will be ***GLAD*** once this reporting bug is fixed22:09
* TheLordOfTime has been inundated with emails about this being a bug22:10
TheLordOfTimethen i can say "STOP EMAILING ME, A FIX IS IN -PROPOSED"22:10
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TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  i take it the time for tests is > 30 minutes?22:16
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: on a good fast machine yeah22:20
SpamapS45m on mine here I think22:21
TheLordOfTimedoes that include the PPA builders?22:21
SpamapSPPA builders will do it in 1 hour usually22:21
SpamapSbeen a while since I waited on them tho22:21
* SpamapS just uses sbuild.. nearly the same thing22:21
TheLordOfTimewell pbuilder and pbuilder-dist are broken, and sbuild doesnt run right here22:21
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  for the segfault bug in PHP, is that SRU worthy in Precise if it doesnt yet exist in Quantal?22:28
TheLordOfTimegranted i'm still working on the build testing first, but... :P22:28
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: yes its ok, you just have to explain that it is upstream already22:30
TheLordOfTimeah okay.  i didnt set up the SRU template on the segfault bug yet.  and i took the extra time to DEP3 tag the patches22:30
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: the point of making sure it is fix released in dev is just to make sure people focus efforts on the dev release first and don't just scratch their stable release itches ;)22:30
ScottKTheLordOfTime: working fine here (pbuilder/-dist)22:30
TheLordOfTimeScottK:  its been narrowed down to this system itselkf22:31
TheLordOfTimeapparently there's some weird bug where pbuilder doesnt get the right files or something22:31
TheLordOfTimeand its specific to this system22:31
ScottKDid you try recreating the pbuilder chroot from scratch?22:31
TheLordOfTimethe chroot doesn't build22:32
TheLordOfTimeit errors out22:32
TheLordOfTimeits not worth debugging now though22:32
* TheLordOfTime was going to look into getting and configuring sbuild in future22:32
TheLordOfTimethen work got in the way :P22:32
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TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  the amd64 builders are faster than the i386 o.O23:14
wizonesolutionsdoes virt-install run under a different user?23:17
wizonesolutionsI'm running it as root but I'm getting permission errors23:17
wizonesolutionssays that it can't access the .img file, which is under /root. and obviously root itself has permissions to that.23:18
wizonesolutionsfor the file I specified as disk --path=23:18
wizonesolutionsI added root to the kvm and libvirtd groups for good measure23:18
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  well, amd64 works, so...23:25
TheLordOfTimetime to debdiff!23:25
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: woot23:25
TheLordOfTime(i386 will probably build as well, given prior track history with SRU and backport and security tests)23:25
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  i won't be shot for uploading the debdiff to two separate bugs will i?23:26
wizonesolutionsoh, uncommenting the user/group to run libvirtd as in /etc/libvirtd/qemu.conf and restarting libvirtd-bin actually fixed it.23:28
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  lets hope that after dinner, the thing will be finished building on i386.23:29
TheLordOfTimeonce that happens i'll push the debdiff up to LP23:29
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  you may as well just ping me when php5 bugs get triaged or fixed upstream, i'm very likely to be able to just do the debdiffs xD23:30
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wizonesolutionsdoes virsh -c qemu:///system suspend <vm> survive a restart?23:35
wizonesolutionsor do I have to save/restore for that?23:35
wizonesolutionsand is there a way to tell the hypervisor to suspend or save state of open VMs when the system is about to restart and then restore them once it is back up?23:35
wizonesolutionslike to script that in23:36
osmosiswhat are the correct last 4 digits of   md5sum ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso ?23:41
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: I suggest only putting the debdiff on one of the bugs, and referencing it from the other.23:41
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osmosisi think i found a problem23:52
osmosisI go to the 64 bit url, but it gives me the 386 version.23:53
osmosiswho's to blame?  wget?23:54
SpamapSosmosis: the & must be escaped23:55
SpamapSosmosis: notice [2]+  Done                    bits=6423:55
SpamapSosmosis: you started a background process that ran 'bits=64'23:55
SpamapSosmosis: try wrapping the url in '23:55
osmosisok..now Ill go reinstall my servers too23:56

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