
* mlankhorst pokes RAOF with the x-1.13 stack07:22
mlankhorstoh right, need to wait until xorg-server finishes first07:22
mlankhorstbut you forgot to push the changes to git :)07:23
mlankhorstcan someone push libxrandr 1.4.0 to debian?08:02
jcristaumaybe in a couple hours08:14
mlankhorstI seem to have the power to do upstream releases now for most of xorg08:16
mlankhorstor at least for drivers nobody cares about, they might get upset if I do it for anything important :)08:19
Sarvattwhatever you do, dont look at #xorg-devel scrollback unless you never nightmare flashbacks about synaptics bugs in ubuntu :)22:10
Sarvatterr unless you want nightmare flashbacks22:10
mlankhorstSarvatt: they still exist..22:14
mlankhorstsomeone came in here complaining about it today22:14
Sarvattthats a real bug though22:14
Sarvattmajority of the bugs on launchpad for it are, please change the default settings :)22:14
ricotzSarvatt, hey :)22:21
Sarvattricotz: heyo man, whats up?22:22
ricotzSarvatt, do you like to fire up a all-video/input build in edgers?22:23
Sarvattricotz: i can do that, didnt have time to get to the server today first but driver rebuilds are trivial22:24
mlankhorstricotz: we need one in main, actually22:24
ricotzSarvatt, i can copy 1.13rc3 to edgers quantal22:24
mlankhorstoh it's rc3 now? sigh22:24
Sarvattricotz: ok i'll get the driver builds ready now22:25
ricotzok, i will copy it22:25
Sarvattricotz: just quantal or precise too?22:25
mlankhorstSarvatt: actually can you try the ubuntu one directly in quantal?22:25
Sarvatti'm going to upload both regardless22:25
mlankhorstit's on rc2 atm22:26
Sarvattoh good point its already in quantal22:26
ricotzSarvatt, i guess 1.13 only for quantal now, but rebuilding both?22:26
Sarvatti could have done the drivers.. grargh22:26
Sarvatti'll just do the drivers now, doesnt matter that server isnt built22:26
Sarvattyeah rebuilding both is easier, i'll rebuild both again when we do 1.13 in precise22:26
mlankhorstwe dropped the rethrow signal patch in favor of adding -core :)22:27
mlankhorstand personally I'm on he next iteration of dma-fence again.. deadlocks are fun22:28
ricotzSarvatt, i will just copy mtrack, multitouch, tslib and wacom too22:28
Sarvattrebuildings uploading, openchrome, geode, evdev will be busted after22:28
ricotzmlankhorst, x11proto-randr isnt there yet?22:29
mlankhorstSarvatt: geode's not that busted, and all the other drivers are updated in debian git22:29
mlankhorstricotz: pretty sure it's uploaded for quantal at least22:29
mlankhorstSarvatt: had to move openchrome from git-svn to real git :)22:30
Sarvattsuppose i should check before i let this run more... xserver 1.13-rc2 actually got published to quantal and the archive is broken right?22:31
Sarvattnot -proposed?22:31
Sarvattphew glad i checked, its proposed22:32
ricotzmlankhorst, 1.4.0 isnt there yet22:32
ricotzSarvatt, the 1.13 isnt published yet in edgers though22:32
mlankhorstricotz: not in proposed either ? sigh22:32
Sarvattricotz: yeah i thought it was uploaded directly to quantal, just have to reupload mga and vmware22:33
ricotzSarvatt, you are to fast22:33
ricotzthe ppa is building without proposed22:33
Sarvattargh intel too, this script is too fast22:33
* mlankhorst replaces Sarvatt with a script22:33
Sarvattworst case i'll just set my clock ahead a day and redo it all22:34
ricotzSarvatt, i enabled the proposed pocket so it picks it up22:34
ricotzthe quantal version so the dependency should work22:34
ricotzso only mga will be broken22:35
Sarvattunless it started building, i uploaded 4 packages to both quantal and precise in that minute before checking22:35
ricotzi guess all should be fine besides mga22:36
Sarvattreally i'll set my clock ahead a few hours and reupload just in case, we'll just miss 50 intel sna commits tomorrow doing that22:36
mlankhorstRAOF: is the rest of the stack coming btw?22:36
Sarvattricotz: do you do anything special with nvidia-settings to update it btw?22:37
ricotzSarvatt, using origin/debian-experimental would be the correct one22:37
ricotzSarvatt, no, just a plain uupdate22:38
Sarvattdownloading tar.bz2, extracting, copying old debian/, bumping version, rebuilding doesnt work22:38
ricotzso you can just copy/rebuild you packages over22:38
Sarvatt(rebuilding new orig.tar.gz in between there too)22:38
mlankhorstSarvatt: ugh for all xserver-xorg-video-* there are fairly recent versions in git22:38
ricotzSarvatt, yeah since it is debsrc 1.022:38
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1122381/ hit that earlier and didnt look into it more22:40
ricotzSarvatt, i can upload nvidia-settings22:40
ricotzit is small enough ;)22:40
Sarvattcool beans, appreciate it22:40
ricotzSarvatt, you can copy the blob22:40
Sarvatti'll copy nvidia-graphics-drivers over from the other ppa22:40
mlankhorsthow are all the ppa drivers generated?22:43
mlankhorstdo they follow debian git or..22:43
Sarvattmlankhorst: which ppa?22:44
Sarvattxorg-edgers, i run sarvatt-update-ppa.sh, and maintain the hooks which alter the packaging in hooks/22:45
Sarvatteverythings on debian-unstable branches besides a few drivers using ubuntu branches at the moment22:45
mlankhorstyeah I just update all debian packaging directly22:45
ricotzSarvatt, debian-experimental?22:45
Sarvattyeah cant do that for things like mesa which need insane amounts of changes22:45
mlankhorstin this case, debian-experimental has all the more recent versions right now22:46
Sarvattricotz: artifical xorg-server version bumps to use experimental ones, would need hooks for every driver to lower the build deps22:46
mlankhorstSarvatt: right now all video drivers have been updated in d-e22:46
mlankhorstunless I missed a couple22:46
Sarvattyeah but we dont have xserver 1.13 in precise and i update 2 releases at once22:46
ricotzSarvatt, ah ok22:47
Sarvattneed to build dep on xserver 1.13-rcwhatever to have it pulled it during the build in experimental or it builds against unstables i thought22:47
mlankhorstSarvatt: what about other protos, any more needed for precise that are no longer needed in quantal?22:48
Sarvattjust the 3 i copied, the ones ya updated22:48
mlankhorstah perfect, need to sru those then :)22:49
Sarvattoh no22:49
Sarvattthey arent needed in the distro22:49
Sarvattjust in edgers where 1.13 will be shoved in eventually :)22:49
Sarvatti think mesa requires some of them now anyway22:49
mlankhorstif they're needed for building they should be sru'd to precise eventually22:49
Sarvatthey thats a good point22:50
Sarvattnot going to be renamed?22:50
Sarvattthis is going to be such a mess come ubuntu-s :)p22:51
mlankhorstnah I plan on just renaming xorg, xorg-server and the drivers22:51
mlankhorstrenaming core packages is infinitely more complex22:51
Sarvattnever know what kind of crazy things are going to happen, xserver 1.7 was the most insane one i went through22:51
mlankhorstoh with the dri2 crap?22:52
Sarvattcrazy header changes in it, moving from protos to libfoo-dev packages22:52
mlankhorstlook if that happens in the future we can revisit how we deal with it22:52
mlankhorstbut it looks like it doesn't happen for quantal so I rather keep the changes simple and isolated22:53
Sarvatttotally :) its been sane for a few years after that22:53
Sarvattthis would have worked fine for lucid->precise22:54
mlankhorstbesides, if i had a crystal ball to predict the future I would use it to make a killing in the stock markets22:54
SarvattWed Aug  1 00:00:57 EDT 201223:01
Sarvattdriver update script rerunning :)23:01
Sarvattargh ubuntu branches got updated to debian-experimental, fixing it up for the few drivers using those :)23:15
* mlankhorst whistles innocently, blames chanserv23:17
Sarvattnote to self: adjust time zones not the actual times so you don't screw up make next time23:42
mlankhorstI was actually waiting for that to happen23:43
Sarvatti usually moved to australia for a few minutes when i do that, oh well :)23:44

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