
len-dtailo, when you wake up... just one point. I purposely tried to keep applications that would be started often (like qjackctl) in the highest level of submenu possible.04:25
len-dtIt would have made sense to put "audio utilities" in a sub menu etc.04:27
len-dtThe mixers had to go just because there are so many no one person will use.04:28
len-dtThe effects and sound modules I would expect a lot of people to load as part of their ardour or qtractor set up.04:29
len-dtI tried to leave the apps likely to be started from the menu in the main audio menu.04:30
len-dtThis doesn't mean I am right though :-) It just occurred to me that I had not shared my reasoning behind which apps I submenued.04:31
len-dtailo, question two... am I looking at your version of the main menu or a workflow menu?04:32
len-dtIf it was a workflow menu, there is more room to work with... things could move up a level.04:33
len-dtailo, three... I will experiment as if it was the workflow menu, so don't take that as a final that is where I would put it. I just don't want to muck with my main menu :)04:36
len-dtbesides it gets everything else out of the way and the code is the same.04:48
ailolen-dt: I think you did a good job on the menu, as it is now. And yes, if we are to make it workflow based, there is room for expansion. Feel free to make your own edits in the wiki page09:53
ailoI added mastering to audio https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/WorkflowMenu09:54
ailolen-dt: I think it's enough to put the subcategories in the wiki first, and then after deciding what is the proper format, do changes to the menu10:58
len-dtailo, I want to mock up the menu for two reasons 1)right now I don't think I will like it and will want a normal menu too.13:15
len-dtalso, I think having a sample to show how it looks may change how it gets done.13:16
len-dtsometimes ideas happen by looking at what something is for something better.13:17
len-dtI personally think there should be a main menu and a workflow menu.13:17
len-dtThe main menu already has maintaining issues every time an app changes the name of their desktop file. (4 this cycle)13:19
len-dtAlso, where does the app end up that the user installs?13:20
ailolen-dt: I see your point. The maintenance burden makes it problematic13:22
len-dtI would suggest a workflow menu that just deals with apps we ship.13:23
ailolen-dt: Perhaps a workflow menu could be made smarter when it comes to that. The package names don't change as much13:23
ailolen-dt: I don't like that either. If we only support a small percentage of apps, we might as well not have a workflow menu at all IMO13:23
ailoIf it's not universal, it's not Ubuntu13:24
len-dtOk, point taken13:24
ailolen-dt: Per release maintenance is of course unavoidable13:25
ailolen-dt: If we use a list of packages as base for the menu, the list would just need to be revised for each release.13:25
len-dtYes, trying to  menu for everything a user may install requires installing it all to find out desktop names.13:26
ailolen-dt: Here's a script that will read a file with packages and see if they are installed or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/1121439/13:32
ailoOf course, each package is a bit different :P13:32
ailoSo, each package may have a unique starter command13:32
ailoSo, I don't know which is best after all..13:33
len-dtWe don't need to do that. if the desktop file is present it will show if not it won't.13:33
len-dtso long as I know what the name of the desktop file is I can put it in.13:33
len-dtfor example, we don't ship arpage, but if you decide to add it, it will show up in midi utilities because I already have it there.13:35
ailolen-dt: Then there's no going around the fact that we need to go through every concievable multimedia app, and decide if and where to put them in the menu13:35
len-dtI added it there because I happen to have it installed on my machine and so know what the name of the desktop file is.13:35
len-dtIs there a file list we can look at without installing the app?13:36
len-dtIs it easy to find the branch for all the apps ubuntu repos?13:37
len-dtAnd we should be careful about saying "mutimedia" app. We want to just worry about audio production and video production... we also though, need to look at all the graphics and publishing stuff.13:39
* len-dt still sees photography as a sub of graphics13:39
ailoMy understanding of multimedia incorporates all the medias, including graphics and publishing13:40
len-dtWhy does Chromium act differently from every other application?13:41
ailolen-dt: Don't know about seeing installed files from console, except when installed: dpkg --listfiles | grep desktop13:42
ailolen-dt: I can install everything at a later point, if necessary13:42
len-dtI have my desktop set for focus follows mouse. Normally I can drop a terminal on top of another app and edit things in the terminal and just move my mouse on the under app to do things like scroll it. The terminal stays on top13:43
len-dtwith chromium. as soon as my mouse gets over chomium it raises13:44
ailolen-dt: Been a bit slow developing the testing scripts. I'm doing a all-in-one approach, divided into sub scripts, where the script first installs all prerequisites, and the performs tests. So far, I have a jack test only. Counting xruns at different frame sizes13:44
* len-dt says the yuck is for chorium13:45
ailoThat works by default for me13:45
ailoI mean, scrolling the window *not* in focus13:45
len-dtYes for me too... every app but chorium.13:46
ailoSomething I get annoyed with not having when on other OS's13:46
ailolen-dt: I don't have a setting for focus follows mouse13:46
len-dtfocus follows mouse used to be the Linux standard13:47
len-dtNow I have to go and set it on most new Linux ditros.13:47
ailolen-dt: So, why do you need it, if you still can scroll windows not in focus?13:47
ailoTyping doesn't work that way though13:48
len-dtActually The window has to be in focus, just not on top.13:49
ailolen-dt: Without any changes, you can scroll the windows not in focus. But, you can't type in them. That's the default behaviour13:49
len-dtI'll check. I'll turn focus follow mouse off.13:50
ailoOr are things different on XFCE? I don't seem to remember there being a difference (on Gnome3 by default)13:51
len-dtThere are only two settings, click to focus (stock) and focus follows mouse13:52
len-dtin both cases as soon as I do anything with the mouse in the chromium area, it raises above my terminal, even though I have the terminal set "stay on top"13:53
ailoDoesn't happen on Gnome313:54
len-dtfirefox is fine, and works as expected.13:54
len-dtI will have to try it on my Yf's vanilla box13:55
ailolen-dt: It doesn't happen when using gnome-terminal, but it does happen with xterm13:57
ailoSo, it's not just chromium. It's also the terminal13:57
ailolen-dt: You can check by testing with nautilus. Works there too13:58
ailolen-dt: The difference in XFCE, compared to Gnome is that when you scroll a window not in focus, it becomes focused. This doesn't happen in gnome.13:59
ailoEven without focus on follow mouse13:59
ailoOr, more accurately, without focus follows mouse14:00
ailoThe more apps I use in XFCE, I just feel like I want the gnome version instead. Soon enough, I've replaced everything except the panel14:01
len-dtIf a window is "always on top" it should not matter.14:06
len-dtThis is a bug. trying to find out where the bug is...14:06
len-dtTried in vanilla, there is no focus follows mouse setting, but chromium doesn't grab focus when scrolling.14:07
len-dtI will have to play with it.14:08
len-dtnautilus is fine.14:09
len-dtmy terminal will stay on top with "always on top" or not if I am typing in bottom window.14:10
len-dtChromium if I move the mouse off the terminal raises already with no clicks or scrolling.14:11
len-dtAnd it covers the terminal even with the terminal being always on top.14:11
len-dtailo, speaking of which there has been no ISO build since Jul 29, but no email telling why. Is there a build report URL?14:15
len-dtIt may be seed changes that have not yet made it to meta packages.14:20
len-dtThe changes have to be revued according to micahg. I have done the creation of a photo meta and a publishing meta. The photography was not done last cycle due to time limits.14:23
ailolen-dt: When you say vanilla, do you mean Unity?14:26
ailolen-dt: As said, on Gnome, windows don't change focus when using scroll14:26
ailoI'd assume most of Unity's behaviour is imported from Gnome314:27
len-dtYa, I have to test in quantal in xfce4.10 before I file a bug report. A lot of things seem to be fixed there.14:28
len-dtI don't think there will be a fix in xfce 4.8 at this point.14:28
len-dtI think I may replace my default browser...14:29
ailoI like supporting Firefox. Some day, I'll set up my own weave sync server, when I get around to it14:29
ailoTrying to use google services a bit less, as it feels weird relying on them too much14:30
ailoThey say Opera users are the smartest by average, but I've never really got into it14:31
micahglen-dt: sorry. let me get that meta uploaded14:32
* micahg guesses it'll have to be cleaned later14:32
len-dtNo problem. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't another problem14:34
len-dtThe browser that shows up as "web" on my menu, flashes at me every time I enter the window. Something else to test in 12.1014:36
len-dtailo, the reason I don't have firefox set up as default right now... is to keep other people in the house from using it  :P14:37
len-dtI have a set of sites I keep in tabs all the time. I guess I should set up a bookmark for this set of sites.14:38
micahglen-dt: separate user accounts for separate people?14:38
len-dtQuite often I am in the middle of things and walk away, I come back to find someone watching utube on the machine.14:39
len-dtThere are separate accounts though.14:39
len-dtI could lock my session, but that breeds distrust14:40
len-dtStudio is not set up to allow more than one login at a time right now (correctly IMO)14:41
len-dtAnyway, it is always good to find a bug.14:46
len-dtit will be better if I find it is fixed already14:47
micahglen-dt: there are also separate firefox profiles (firefox -P)14:50
ailolen-dt: On nice feature in firefox bookmarks is that you can open an entire folder in tabs14:52
len-dtYa, I just haven't done it yet.14:52
ailoEver since they introduced sync, I started using bookmarks a bit seriously too14:53
ailoBecoming a library more or less14:53
len-dtI have a feature request for mudita24... allow linking any two channels in the mixer.14:57
len-dtI have some feature requests for pavucontrol (or maybe pulse itself) too.14:58
len-dtOn the config tab, each device should have a button/switch that allows/prevents pulse from changing setting on the device.14:59
len-dtDefault would be allows as it is now.  Those of us with more configurable devices like ice1712s (or even just want to set things in one known place for jack use) can turn this off.15:01
len-dtPulse would only do software volume control for that device.15:02
len-dtThe other feature I would like to see in pulse/pavucontrol is that when pulse detects jackdbus asking for a device, pulse automatically changes the output from any apps connected to that device to jack bridge. In effect jack bridge would become that device as far as pulse is concerned.15:07
len-dtthe jack bridge could even remained labelled as that device for all pulse related things.15:08
ailolen-dt: As far as the bridge is concerned, I think you could try messing it with yourself. Do: apt-get source pulseaudio-module-jack, and see what it does15:23
ailoAlso, look at pulseaudio configuration, perhaps15:23
ailolen-dt: For other thing, maybe report wishlist bugs at the appropriate place, upstream if necessacry15:23
len-dtI am writing an email right now. I realize I could maybe configure thing for me. But I think these are some things that may have a wiser appeal15:26
ailolen-dt: Just that maybe not much will happen if you just adress the US mail list15:27
len-dtailo, do you have any ideas for Mish? other channel15:27
len-dtthe US list may give me a "hey thats a dumb idea"15:27
ailoDavid Henningson is the man behind pulseaudio-jack-module, but it may be easier to do the changes yourself, than ask him to do it15:28
ailolen-dt: Maybe talk to the person who develops mudita24 about features?15:28
len-dtDavid is who I am writing too. I have less hope for an ear for mudita :-)15:29
ailohmm, I think I prefer the opera mail client over both evolution and firebird15:50
ailoFast, simple and has the best function for marking mail read. Mark thread read, and move to next undread15:52
micahghrm, I seem to be having issues getting the new seeds to produce files :(, will have to look into this more later16:00
len-dtmicahg, please let me know if my way of doing it cause it.16:01
len-dtailo-opera, I don't think we'll be adding opera to studi ;-)16:19
ailo-operalen-dt: No. That would be kind of difficult16:21
ailo-operaI'm starting to like it a bit though. 16:22
len-dtI'm up and down about it.. as the features change16:22
len-dtailo, ailo-opera did you expect the workflow menu to be in the order you have them?16:35
len-dtor is there an order you would prefer?16:35
scott-worklen-dt: are you working on a demo pictures?16:36
ailo-operalen-dt: That's just a sketch. I'd like for us to first fill out possible submenus, then decide which to keep, and in which order16:36
len-dtscott-work, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/WorkflowMenu16:37
ailo-operaSo far, there are only submenus for audio. We need to add for the other workflows as well16:37
len-dtOk, I will leave them alpha16:37
MishVideo Icon16:40
ailo-operaThe applications under the categories are just examples too. To do the submenus thoroughly, we need to go through all possible workflows and link them with any application that might fit that possible workflow to get a good picture of where to put all the different applications, as well as getting a picture of which workflows are needed, and which are not.16:41
ailo-operaMish: Looks nice16:42
ailo-operaSo, as far as submenus go, I don't think there's any shortcut around it16:43
ailo-operaNeed to go through every application and possible workflow16:43
ailo-operaThe submenus for audio aren't clear workflow tasks. It would be impossible to do. Can't have qjackctl in every menu, etc16:55
ailo-operaSo, it's still more towards application definition16:57
ailo-operaEspecially what utilities are concerned, like mixers16:57
MishSorry got disconnected... how is the icon?17:02
ailo-operalen-dt: I don't think it's possible to create a menu based entirely on workflows. In fact, it would seem only a few submenus become actual workflow based. 17:19
ailo-operalen-dt: But, we can always try to go that direction as far as we can, to see how it goes17:19
scott-workailo-opera: i agree that only a smaller subset of menus can be work flow based17:20
len-dtMish the icon looks great17:23
len-dtscott-work, ailo-opera in the mock-up only apps we ship or I have installed since will show up17:24
len-dtMish, I like the rounded style and the fadeout as well. It makes it unique17:26
Mishgreat. I'll send you the SVG then17:35
len-dtMish, ok17:37
len-dtailo-opera, I see you have Plugin Hosts and instruments, I am not so sure this makes sense from a workflow view (or any)17:39
MishDo you people have an icon-filenaming convention?17:39
len-dtMish, ubuntustudio-somename.ext17:40
len-dtIt is ok for somname to be a some-name17:40
len-dtailo, it makes more sense to me to have instruments and effects even if the plugin host supports both and so ends up in both areas.17:43
len-dtThat way they are grouped by the functionality they give from an audio POV17:44
len-dtIt would seem to me that the only time these catagories would/should be used is in a live situation. and so could be in a /live catagory17:45
len-dtAny other time the plugins would be loaded into another app anyway. At least I think this is what we want the beginner to learn as the normal way of doing things.17:48
ailolen-dt: In some way I like the idea of having more categories than needed at first, and then start slimming it down17:48
len-dtSo would you add effects?17:49
ailolen-dt: I don't feel there's a need to be too particular, until all applications and workflows have been inspected17:49
ailolen-dt: I don't have the starters in front of me right now. Do whatever you feel is right, and please edit the wiki page whenever you feel like it17:49
ailoAdding is preferable to removing, of course17:50
len-dtOk I leave it as effects and sound gen. for now then as the directory files are already made.17:50
len-dtI will add a plugin hosts to that.17:51
len-dtMish I see it... sort of midori doesn't seem to display it...17:58
Mishalso does the sound generator menu exist anymore?17:58
MishI think wikimedia takes some time to render bitmaps and then display it from the SVG.17:58
len-dtYes. I may change its name to instruments, but the menu will be there.17:58
MishYou can directly download the SVG though via the link17:58
len-dtMish the video icon I can download but While I can see it in inkscape, if I export it to png it ends up blank.18:08
len-dtI will try convert18:08
Mishwhat is your image viewer?18:09
Mishtry using shotwell18:09
Mishristretto doesn't open those PNGs for me18:09
micahgdiscussion about lowlatency kernel maintenance in precise in #ubuntu-devel18:14
MishDo you people use something like Wuala?18:26
len-dtMish, I don't know what that is.18:27
Mishit's like Dropbox18:27
Mishcloud storage18:28
micahgThere's Ubuntu One for those who want it18:28
len-dtI have not, personally.18:28
MishNo I mean do the developers use cloud storage for easier file sharing?18:28
len-dtIn the (somewhat limmited) work I have done no. I am not saying it shouldn't be.18:29
Mishok ubuntu one looks good18:30
scott-work_and google, skydrive, and another one that i forget18:31
scott-work_i think i have over 50 gigs of mostly free (and quite a bit of google paid) storage18:31
Mishthat too18:31
scott-work_oh, box.com too18:32
MishSound generator fine?18:36
MishOr any other ideas if you don't like it?18:36
frewsxcvimageshack still exists?18:45
frewsxcvnews to me18:46
Mishlol it does18:46
Mishwhy? isn't it supposed to?18:47
frewsxcvI use to use Wuala, until I got tired of loading the JVM everytime i wanted access to my files18:47
frewsxcvWell there's a lot better sites for image uploading now18:47
frewsxcvimgur being the prime example18:47
Mishopened it right now... too bad it won't work without javascript18:48
Mishwhat does imgur offer? I mean how is it better?18:48
frewsxcvit works without javascript18:48
frewsxcverrr maybe not18:49
frewsxcvless ads18:49
Mishha ha yeah18:49
frewsxcveasy direct access to just the image18:49
frewsxcvimageshack is down a lot of the time18:50
frewsxcvwhatever you want18:50
* frewsxcv goes back to work18:50
Mishbtw you have any ideas for the sound generator icon? Have a look at the upload18:51
Mishalright then18:51
len-dtMish, I think it will work fine. ailo ?18:52
len-dtMish, I was able to convert the svg to png. Inkscape does it, convert doesn't... At least not using the command line I got in the email :-)19:20
len-dtMish, One thing to note is that icons should be square I think. I'll have to try using it.19:22
micahglen-dt: rsvg-convert?19:23
len-dtmicahg, just convert. I didn't know about another19:24
len-dtconvert foo.svg -background none -resize 64x64 foo.png19:24
len-dtis the command line I was given19:25
micahgah, the imagemagick version as opposed to the librsvg version19:26
micahgboth should work fine19:26
len-dtmicahg, Studio doesn't seem to ship with  rsvg-convert19:26
micahgno, it's used in some desktop apps19:27
len-dtIt may be because the image was not square to begin with... but even still Gimp doesn't seem to give more than a blank background of the right size.19:27
len-dtmicahg, when installing a package where svg icons are converted to pngs what command does that?19:28
len-dtTalking ISO install.19:28
micahgeither, depending on what the build dependencies are19:29
micahgthey're converted at build time, not install time19:29
len-dtYa, that would be when the Package is installed to the image or is it when the package is built?19:30
len-dtMish, the Video icon I downloaded. It seems the image is outside the export area.19:34
len-dtThere is a box and when I move an element into it it shows in the icon boxes in the icon display.19:34
len-dtOops missed him.19:35
len-dtmicahg, the svg image I was trying to convert is not right.19:43
len-dtmicahg, Thank you for whatever made the ISO build today.19:43
micahglen-dt: I did nothing, still missing the meta :)19:45
len-dtmicahg, both? (photography and publishing?)19:48
len-dtDownloading and testing (there is another issue that may be fixed.19:49
len-dtThat would be why the ISO is actually smaller rather than bigger.19:50
micahgnew rebased lowlatency coming soon19:50
len-dtSounds wonderful ... rebased means? (does this mean for 12.04?)19:51
micahgno, for quantal (rebased on the latest kernel in the archive), 12.04 will have a discussion with apw and scott-work_ offline19:51
scott-work_micahg: has apw been in contact with you? we talked a bit in PM19:58
scott-work_he said he would send an email to me in the next few days regarding the commitment19:58
micahgscott-work_: see scrollback in #ubuntu-devel from about 2 hours ago19:58
scott-work_i see20:12
len-dtailo, scott-work_  The idea of moving all subs menus up one level in a workflow menu would not work. If you don't know what I mean, that's ok too  :)20:42
scott-work_len-dt: is that what ailo was suggesting?20:54
len-dtscott-work_, No it was an idea I had to keep the user from having to go through so many levels.20:54
len-dtIt can be done, but on a netbook the menu would go off the screen or wrap, either would be harder to use20:55
len-dtscott-work_, Our problem with the theme has been fixed Bug 101671320:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016713 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Different greys in LightDM shutdown and accessibility menus" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101671320:56
len-dtI just tested it.20:57
len-dtour bug #101808020:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016713 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1018080 Different greys in LightDM shutdown and accessibility menus" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101671320:58
ailolen-dt: The idea for the menu is like it is now, but expanded with more submenus21:00
ailolen-dt: Is that not what you have been working on?21:01
len-dtWhat I have been working on would fit either in the current menus or as a separate menu just for workflows.21:01
len-dt I am testing the second way because it will mess up my system less.21:02
ailolen-dt: What do mean by moving up submenus?21:02
len-dtailo, it doesn't matter the menus would end up being too big.21:03
len-dtI meant that instead of having an audio menu, just have all the audio workflows in the main menu.21:03
len-dtThat would not work for sure in the main menu and even in a workflow menu would not work.21:04
ailolen-dt: No, that would be too big. I think having the same system as now is ok. The main categories: audio, graphics, video, photography and publishing. And let all of them have submenus21:06
ailoThat is the way it's laid out in the wiki21:06
ailoI think anywhere between 5-10 submenus is tolerable. But, it's hard to know, before trying21:07
ailoMaybe a bit over 10, but then it starts to look really crowded21:08
ailoMight help having icons with the menu, to make them stand out visually21:08
ailoI mean, for the submenus21:09
len-dtI guess so... personally, I don't like it. I would prefer to have a main menu without too much workflow stuff and a workflow menu to guide people who don't know what app to use for what. The workflow menu idea makes it hard for someone who wants to use a different workflow21:09
len-dtThey have to think in two or more workflows to find their tools.21:09
ailolen-dt: What I mean is, that the workflow menu, no matter if it is in the main menu or not, would benfit the most from having that structure21:10
ailoIf you mix workflow submenus, how can you tell if they are for audio or video?21:10
ailoUnless you name them audio-*, audio-*, video-*, video-*, etc21:11
len-dtusing separators21:11
ailolen-dt: When creating category lists, I find that 5-10 is a good number in a list. It has to do with the human eye. We can see 5-7 items at once. 20 is too much21:12
len-dtthe way you laid things out is not bad because there is still a good app desc to menu rate.21:12
ailolen-dt: But, in this case, we might have 5 menus that are actual workflows, and the rest is just utility21:12
len-dtYes and the netbook screen runs out of room at 1621:12
ailolen-dt: I did mold the workflow menu in the wiki to be used as the main menu. If you make a pure workflow menu, you can leave out a lot of those submenus21:13
ailolen-dt: You could separate the workflow stuff from the utility stuff alltogether21:14
ailolen-dt: Let's do another version of that list21:14
len-dtJust checked netbook limit is 24.21:14
ailolen-dt: Doesn't the menu become scrollable?21:15
len-dtYa it would work. I could find everything.21:15
len-dtscrollable means more mouse movement to find something.21:15
len-dtUsing a touch pad is worse.21:16
ailoWell, we aren't doing this just for the netbook21:17
ailoAnd those aren't easy to handle anyway21:17
ailoAnyway, I'm creating a new menu specifically for the workflow panel21:18
len-dtIt'll take me a bit to get pics of this one put together :-)21:19
ailolen-dt: Would be best to have two different menus, or just one. If two, one for utilities, such as jack controllers and different mixers. The other for pure workflows21:21
ailoIf one, just for workflows. Goes without saying21:22
len-dtDo you mean two extra menus? or main and workflow?21:23
len-dtscott-work_, greybird now has a blue window bar and blue shadowing on mouse over menu selections21:25
ailolen-dt: More like, utilities and workflow21:28
ailoOr Control and Workflow21:29
len-dtSo Control and Workflow and no main?21:30
ailolen-dt: Since this is for the specifically for the workflow panel, and not for the main menu21:31
len-dtSo two menus off of panel1 (panel0 being the top one)21:32
len-dtOk, or the Workflow  menu might have one entry for utilities along with the five workflow main topics.21:33
len-dtailo, the problem I mentioned with chromium earlier has gone away in quantal.21:36
len-dtBefore anyone asks ... no I am not suggesting we ship it :-)21:37
ailolen-dt: Yeah, I think there's enough to worry about.21:47
ailolen-dt: So, again, not much different. Trying to filter out stuff from workflows that don't need to be there https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/WorkflowPanel21:48
ailolen-dt: That's meant to be documentation for the panel as a whole, but I only put in this broken menu example21:49
ailolen-dt: if the panel were just to be used for menus, then of course, you can put each workflow menu in its own spot on the panel21:51
ailoSo, then it would be, for audio: AUDIO -> EDITING -> Audacity, as an example21:51
ailoBut, if using a mother menu for all workflows, it would go: WORKFLOWS -> AUDIO -> EDITING -> Audacity21:52
ailolen-dt: I was trying to be a bit creative with the utility menu, by placing the jack controllers directly under the UTILITIES -> AUDIO -> qjackctl21:53
ailoAnd mixers, since not used as much, in a menu deeper: UTILITIES -> AUDIO -> MIXERS -> mudita2421:53
ailoUTILITIES could be named something else. Something closer to Settings, or Control21:54
scott-work_i like the idea of a either a menu item (level with Audio, Graphics, etc) for workflows or even a separate panel icon for just workflow menu (one that a user can remove easily without destroying the main menu)21:56
scott-work_therefore, the main menu would have Audio, Video, Internet, Office, Settings, Graphics, Video, WORKFLOWS, etc21:57
scott-work_a separate menu icon for just work flows21:57
scott-work_just ideas21:57
ailoscott-work_: This is for a separate menu, so could be a separate menu in the panel21:58
ailoIn any panel21:58
scott-work_.i have to go pick up kids21:58
len-dtailo, have you seen this idea? http://klang.eudyptula.org/22:34
len-dtAnd this : http://ardour.org/pd_on_klang22:39
ailolen-dt: Yea, I saw it in the mail22:41
ailoI don't care about the critisism. For whatever reason it is done, the guy trying will at least learn something22:41
ailoAnd with any luck, the project actually turns out to be great22:42
len-dtTime will tell.22:44

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