
pleia2knome: we need to do something about docs :\16:38
Unit193cat /dev/urandom >> xubuntu/docs  ?16:39
pleia2maybe outline the issue (docs are hard) and see if someone on list who volunteered wants to come up with some way to handle it?16:39
kalxashi all, I am a developer from OSGeoLive project http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html16:43
kalxaswe have a problem creating an installable iso based on 12.0416:44
kalxaswe are using all methods available and get the same issue.16:44
kalxasthe system installs ok and during the first boot we get an error about not being able to mount /run16:45
kalxaswe use this method here: https://gist.github.com/283841616:45
kalxasbut also remastersys16:45
kalxasboth give the same problem16:45
kalxasso we are now wondering if you know something about this issue16:46
pleia2kalxas: welcome :) I'd recommend emailing the xubuntu-devel list, not all the devs are always active here16:48
pleia2I met one of the OSGeoLive folks at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in May, good stuff16:48
kalxashi pleia2 16:49
kalxasdid you meet Brian or Alex?16:49
pleia2kalxas: unfortunately I don't remember :\16:49
kalxasno problem16:49
kalxaswe are ready for RC1 and we have this blocking issue now16:50
kalxasall applications and documents are in place16:50
kalxasthanks pleia2 for the suggestion, I am going to post to xubuntu-devel mailing list16:53
pleia2astraljava: some of the links on the qa tracker for our isos are wrong, how do we go about fixing these? like this: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/19880/testcases/134/results17:37
pleia2that's the desktop image, but it's linking to alternate17:37
knomepleia2, yup.19:29
pleia2I'll write a draft19:33
knomei can chime in, though i'm enjoying a beer currently ;)19:34
knomewasn't there a draft alread?19:34
pleia2draft email to send to the list?19:34
pleia2oh yeah19:34
pleia2my poor brain19:34
knomethere was a reason to postpone this so that i'll be back19:35
knomewas it just that i'm available or was there something else too?19:35
pleia2I think that's it19:35
knomewe need to rethink the list19:35
knomedo we want to mention the specific roles?19:35
pleia2I don't think so, and I think we need to somehow mention that there isn't a doc lead, so we're sort of feeling our way along here19:35
knomethose are not so exclusive, but otoh, because we made people choose, i think we should actually tell who should do what19:35
knomeok, done changes19:40
pleia2ok, I made some changes too, maybe we sleep on this and send it out tomorrow19:46
knomesounds good, though i think we've sleeped on it a lot already ;)19:46
pleia2yeah well :)19:47
knomeyeah, doesn't hurt to sleep one more night19:47
knomeabout the sameish time tomorrow we send it then?19:47
knomedo we have a meeting tomorrow?19:48
knomewhat's the normal schedule19:48
micahgI probably will not be here19:48
knomebeta1 isn't around the corner just yet?19:48
pleia2I thought we were supposed to have one last week, so I don't know anymore :)19:48
pleia2no, alpha3 was just a few days ago19:48
knomeyeah, but that was because of a319:48
knomei think it's next to meaningless if we announce it today though...19:49
micahgonly devel updates I'm aware of are mr_pouit did some merges/syncs and I got a fix committed to drop a chunk of the unity library dependency tree from our images19:49
knomeif people turn up, just keep an informal meeting or so19:49
micahgwell, I filed the bug and someone else committed the fix19:49
knomei can try to be around about the time we have had meetings19:49
knomemicahg, :))19:50
knomemicahg, nice19:50
knomepleia2, does that sound fair? ^19:50
micahgit's only ~1MB or so though, not that exciting, but something19:50
knome15UTC it is19:50
knomemicahg, btw, what's our size?19:50
micahgsame as before alpha3 without the ballooning19:50
micahg~735 on desktop19:50
pleia2whatever :)19:51
pleia2I'll wake up at 15:00 UTC19:51
knomeis there something we can still drop rather easily?19:51
knomeor should we start taking a lot of time to sort it out?19:51
knomepython issues still around?19:51
knomeor was that gimp..19:51
micahgno idea, I need to dig more19:51
micahggimp is keeping gtk2 in19:51
micahgthat's ~7MB19:52
micahgthere are probably more bad recommends somewhere, but we might need to drop something in the end to stay CD sized (I think we could still drop a language or 2 if desired ~10MB each)19:53
knomenot desired really...19:53
micahgok, so, let's see where we end up, it'll probably be another week before I can devote any serious time to this19:53
micahg*at least another week19:53
knomehow much was it again that gimp would drop?19:53
micahggimp with dependencies?  ~50MB at this point I think19:54
knomenot as much as i hoped, but okay ;)19:54
micahgit was ~40, but with libwebkitgtk1.0, it's almost ~5019:55
micahgor so I think, I could be wrong, but it's certainly enough to make all the images under 700MB again19:55
Unit193How much is gmusicbrowser anyway?19:56
knomenot too much, it's perl19:56
knomewe're not dropping it if there's no alternative, and i doubt most alternatives would take at least the same space :)19:57
knome(except some cli stuff..)19:57
micahgyeah, it's tiny19:59
Unit193Just wondered.20:01

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