
christelgood morning05:52
hoovermorning all07:31
brobostigongood morning everyone.07:45
hoovermorning alan, brobo, daubers!07:46
brobostigonmorning hoover07:46
brobostigonmorning jacobw07:48
* jacobw welcomes hoover to #ubuntu-uk07:48
jacobwhow's it going brobostigon?07:49
brobostigonjacobw: not so hot, but on the mend. and you?07:50
jacobwi'm very well thanks :)07:50
jacobwi think this is not good07:50
hooverthx jacobw07:52
brobostigoncool. i just asked google if it is going to be cold today, and it replied clearly no.07:52
jacobwi've misunderstood, they're packaging MATE, which is good07:52
brobostigongoogle now*07:52
MartijnVdS"They're featuring Gnome 2, mate"08:02
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: cool08:02
brobostigonMartijnVdS: thats what i thought.08:10
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:17
brobostigonmorning JamesTait :)08:17
JamesTaitbrobostigon: o/08:21
bigcalmMorning peeps08:22
oimonmate is like cinnamon but without the nice bits, right?08:25
gordmerry mailman day to one and all08:32
* bigcalm grumbles08:37
bigcalmI need to tell our LUG admin to remove plain text password from the reminder emails :(08:38
AlanBellmailman will do that08:40
AlanBellhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk see warning about not using a valuable password08:42
bigcalmIndeed, yet it can be disabled08:42
bigcalmI can't remember the last time I got a reminder email from the Ubuntu UK loco08:43
AlanBelloh, we probably don't have that turned on, but I presume if you request your password to be sent then it will do08:50
bigcalmNot a good system imo :)08:53
bigcalmWhat would cause a mysql table to crash?08:58
diplobigcalm: corrupt ?09:05
diploIf so shutting down during queries09:06
diploThat's the only personal experience I've had, used to have  aserver that hard locked occasionally and had to repair tables after each time09:06
bigcalmdiplo: there's no reason for mysql to have done that on this client's server. The server also has an uptime of 127 days09:07
bigcalmUsing repair table worked, but reduced the number of rows from 49 to 48, no idea what data was lost :)09:08
diplomysqld been running along time as well, or could that have crashed09:08
* bigcalm drags the company into modern times09:12
bigcalmHave set up gitlab for us to use instead of Subversion09:12
oimonanyone who uses cyanogen know how to disable the vibrate when you pwoer off?09:20
oimonit wakes up my wife when i read late in bed09:20
hooveroimon: she sounds touchy ;-)09:23
hooverbigcalm: out of memory situation?09:24
bigcalmhoover: a possibility. It's a shared machine as far as I know09:25
hooverbigcalm: you should be able to find something in dmesg if that should have been the case09:26
bigcalm-bash: /sbin/dmesg: Permission denied09:28
bigcalmDidn't think I would have access09:28
hooveryou don't have root?09:32
oimonhoover, my wife is not the tablet :P09:33
oimonthe tablet makes a loud buzz as it powers off, as does my phone09:34
hooveroimon: Wow, that seems extremely loud then09:35
bigcalmhoover: no :) Not all of our clients have hosting which gives some complete control of their machines. Sometimes we're lucky to get SSH :|09:44
bigcalmThough, those tend to be smaller companies09:44
diploAnyone know how to grab home dir in php ?09:44
diploIf possible, $_SERVER stores document_root09:45
diplojust wondering if there is a simple way to grab users homedir09:45
bigcalmdiplo: have a look in $ENV09:45
diplok ta09:45
bigcalmErm, $_ENV09:46
diploSame as $_SERVER :/09:46
diploWill keep looking09:47
bigcalmdiplo: have a look at getenv();09:47
oimonchrome + flash = super fast videos :(09:48
gord$thing + flash = :(09:49
bigcalmdiplo: getenv('HOME')09:50
oimonhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19076244 weird - article does not explain why they weren't trying09:50
oimonah, from another article Both pairs were already through to the quarter-finals with the winners to face China's Tian Quing and Zhao Yunlei.09:51
brobostigonlol, i am just watching the news, and apparently last night, two badmington teams, tried to purposly not win. very weird.09:52
oimonbrobostigon, see my comment ^^09:52
diplobigcalm: Does return anything here, most succesful option so far is get_current_user()09:52
diploAnd hope the setup is always /home09:52
brobostigonoimon: ah, yes.09:53
bigcalmdiplo: ho hum09:53
bigcalmWorks here :S09:53
bigcalmI guess HOME is defined in Ubuntu 12.0409:53
oimon~ is always the homedir09:54
diploheh, I'm developing on ubuntu but hadn't tested there.. trying to get round a shared host issue09:54
diploHow bad is it to do ../ from doc_root ?09:54
diplogetenv doesn't work on my 12.04 box ?09:55
diplojust tested09:55
bigcalm<?php echo getenv('HOME'); ?> from the CLI doesn't work?09:56
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
oimonrunning remmina, my dock shows the brasero icon, weird10:00
davmor2morning all, czajkowski prod10:01
diploOK, get_current_user() will have to suffice till i sit down and write something better :)10:02
bigcalmMorning davmor210:03
czajkowskidavmor2: ello10:06
davmor2morning bigcalm czajkowski how are you both?10:10
bigcalmdavmor2: Still waking up10:11
czajkowskidavmor2: grand thank10:12
davmor2bigcalm: still! you idle turnip10:12
bigcalmIt's what I get for working late10:12
davmor2czajkowski: I didn't ask how much you'd be worth on the open market :P  glad to hear you're both good anyway :)10:13
andylockrancan anyone help me troubleshoot a networking issue10:24
andylockranmassive latency: http://dpaste.com/779292/10:24
andylockranfrom the router things look ok10:24
davmor2bigcalm: how you finding the new version of skype?10:24
bigcalmdavmor2: hasn't crashed on me yet :)10:25
davmor2bigcalm: well that's a good start I guess :)10:26
gordgeez stoopid summer holidays. the kids outside have bikes but all they do is go in a circle in the little shared outside bit there. why even have a bike at all?!10:27
diploandylockran: Can see on @ 113ms10:28
diploOr are you meaning the *'s ?10:28
andylockrantje *s?10:31
andylockranroot@sauron:/var/log# ping bbc.co.uk10:32
andylockranPING bbc.co.uk ( 56(84) bytes of data.10:32
andylockran64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=245 time=48.4 ms10:32
andylockran64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=245 time=52.8 ms10:32
andylockran^C64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=245 time=13.0 ms10:32
andylockran--- bbc.co.uk ping statistics ---10:32
andylockran4 packets transmitted, 3 received, 25% packet loss, time 11135ms10:32
andylockranrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 13.026/38.077/52.806/17.805 ms10:32
bigcalm!paste | andylockran10:32
lubotu3andylockran: Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:32
diploandylockran: Just one thing I've come across before is that Linux uses UDP for traceroute and windows uses ICMP10:40
diploAnd other setups do things differently so you can get different results10:40
diploSome routes don't allow icmp/udp10:40
diploman traceroute you can see all the options10:40
andylockranok, ewl10:55
andylockranok, ewl10:57
gordok, ewl10:58
oimonok, ewl10:59
DJones\o/ First Gold Medal for GB11:02
oimoni've got smurfs on my olympic feed - does BBC support html5?11:06
oimonah, it's the pepper flash that plays stuf too fast in chrome11:08
oimondisabled it, and enabled regular flash instead11:08
* oimon bags a few outlook.com addresses11:38
daubersoimon: restarting your spam empire?11:39
oimoninterestingly, fredbloggs is taken , but you can get fred.bloggs11:40
oimonunlike googe11:40
oimonso if you bag fbloggs, you should also try f.bloggs11:42
oimonyou can add an alias11:42
oimonso multiple accounts are not necessary11:42
jacobwwhat is outlook.com?12:04
DJonesjacobw: hotmail.com with a new curtains12:05
jacobwdoes it support IMAP?12:05
jacobwthe last time i checked, hotmail didn't support IMAP :(12:06
zleapthat is to stop you using basic outlook type program with hotmail or something12:09
zleapeither that or MS are not capable of writing software to support solid standards12:09
* jacobw sees that the skype acquisition has now been utilised12:09
zleapyeah got it running now12:10
zleapskype that is12:11
jacobwmicrosoft is one of the companies most capable of writing software to support whatever they want to support12:11
zleapi was joking,  however it took tham years to write a browser to support proper html standards12:11
zleaphence you had issues with web pages not working properly12:11
jacobwthey don't make life difficult because they're not capable of making it easy, see active directory, it's very easy.12:11
oimonfound out that the fix for the smurf bug is simply to disable hardware accel12:45
* bigcalm back flips into his office chair12:58
* Flashtek pushes bigcalm's char down the corridor13:02
christel7msg bigcalm http://soundcloud.com/kapslap/nothing-inside-molly13:49
christelhello norwegian keyboard layout of fail13:49
* christel swaps back to Normal13:49
* bigcalm toe-taps13:50
christeljust help me find molly alright? :P13:51
bigcalmMolly sounds like a drug13:52
christelyes! find me some drugs!13:53
christelor just help me find molly..13:53
* bigcalm makes christel a coffee13:53
christelit is SO quiet13:55
bigcalmshhh shhh13:56
czajkowskiany UML folks in here?14:05
bigcalmI subscribe, but I doubt that's what you mean14:06
czajkowskido you group them into fewer general steps and then expand them into a class diagram14:07
oimonmade me laugh14:07
bigcalmUML != Ubuntu Mail List?14:08
shaunoI always thought it was usermode linux, but I'm not sure that's still 'a thing'14:09
christelshould i go watch the new batman film?14:13
christelON MY OWN?!14:13
czajkowskichristel: I did the other night14:14
christeli have never been to the movies on my own :o14:14
christelis it scary? :D14:15
czajkowskieh no14:16
czajkowskiyou loon14:16
davmor2christel: the only scary bit is if you sit next to a weirdo, mind you it's all perspective they might think you are the weirdo14:18
Pendulumchristel: go for it :)14:20
gordgoing to the movies on your own isn't strange, its such a solitary activity anyway no matter if you go with anyone else or not14:25
gordsoon as the lights dim its just you and the film14:25
christelthe c64 is 30 years old today (it was my first computer too) -- can i celebrate this with cake?14:26
directhexcelebrate every day... with cake!14:26
Pendulumchristel: cake is appropriate for all occasions14:27
czajkowskiwe're having cake14:28
czajkowskipenguins on top14:29
czajkowskicarrot cake in the middle14:29
czajkowskihttp://ubuntuone.com/68uEJhilNxgeWBsiFbaBwj  <--- yummy14:29
czajkowskino herrings :)14:30
christelaw :(14:30
christelherring cake is MY FAVOURITE14:30
christeli just realised i've forgotten to eat today14:32
christelmaybe i should have breakfast (cake!)14:32
=== zz_diddledan is now known as diddledan
=== rastamouse is now known as nothingspecial
jacobwis there a mature wiki project with a better permissions implementation than mediawiki?15:03
jacobwmediawiki's permissions extensions are inconsistent and odd15:04
directhexmediawiki doesn't believe in your fascist "permissions"15:13
directhexit believes in freedom for all!15:13
dauberscomrade directhex has the correct idea! Come the revolution the people will have the power of the wiki!15:14
daubersThat or mediawiki's permissions system is a stick with "Don't do it again" written on it to beat people with15:14
bigcalmdd-wrt - can I not enable a port forward for a specific incoming IP address?15:15
ali1234dd-wrt is a gui enabled firmware for noobs. so no.15:19
ali1234try openwrt instead15:19
bigcalmali1234: maybe not ready? http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/linksys/wrt320n15:26
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bigcalmWhat's the word on the street about TomatoUSB?15:30
diploguys and girls15:31
diploBetter to use /usr/bin/env perl or /usr/bin/perll ?15:31
diploI'm seeing both used a lot recently and not sure whats best practise ?15:32
AlanBell/usr/bin/env {perl/python} is supposed to be better15:32
diploI can see it being more transportable to different sites/machines15:32
AlanBellslightly more cross platform apparently15:32
* diplo goes with that. I think i'd made my decision, just wanted someone to agree :D15:33
jacobwbigcalm: i've just acquired a linksys wrt54gl15:38
jacobwbigcalm: 802.1x on my home network \o/15:38
christeli er.. wow15:40
Dave2do you now15:40
christelDave2: yes!15:42
christelomnomdebonbon clearly cant work out whether to stay or go15:42
christelcan i BAN HIM FROM TTHE INETRNETS?15:45
christelbigcalm is very odd/15:46
bigcalmI'm odd eh? :P15:47
Dave2I'm even.15:47
christelwhy excellent!15:47
gordi agree with the assement of bigcalm15:52
* christel tickles gord 15:52
christelpretty Pendulum! join bigcalm and i on google hangout (so that i can perv over you whilst drinking beer)15:54
Pendulumchristel: I don't look all that great today, but I'll come hang out anyway15:56
christelyou always look great!15:57
christeljacobw: kick Pendulum ? :o16:01
* AlanBell is having an "oh I will just quickly do .." kind of afternoon, in which nothing turns out quickly16:12
christelDave2: you're the (scape)goat16:18
Dave2I am‽16:18
* lazarus_ got a bit ballsy and bought http://tinyurl.com/bosv52c 16:21
lazarus_figured why not lol16:21
christelAlanBell: i am having the sort of day where i am perving over Pendulum \o/16:22
Dave2THE BAND‽16:23
Dave2Why do I keep using interrobangs today16:23
* Dave2 puts his compose key away16:23
Dave2⸘I DON'T KNOW‽16:24
Dave2Do you think so‽16:26
=== diddledan is now known as zz_diddledan
christelDave2: you're cute.16:48
christelthat is all16:48
christeli am horny.16:48
christel(no for real, czajkowski, bigcalm and Pendulum can attest)16:48
* bigcalm tuts16:48
OmNomDeBonBonI just ate a whole pack of jaffa cakes in like 5 minutes. :|16:50
bigcalmOmNomDeBonBon: did it fix your connection?16:50
christelit would appear to have done!16:50
OmNomDeBonBonSuggestion: a more generous flood protection limit so I don't get killed when my client tries to join 25 channels at once because Virgin Media can't code a router OS to save their lives.16:51
OmNomDeBonBonI was wondering why I was banned from so many channels...16:51
=== zz_diddledan is now known as diddledan
* Dave2 raises an eyebrow16:52
OmNomDeBonBonbigcalm: not really. I'm going to have to leave some channels to get myself within the flood protection threshold.16:52
OmNomDeBonBonDave2, we meet again.16:53
* Dave2 raises the other eyebrow16:55
OmNomDeBonBonI thought you lost the other eyebrow in that crêpe accident.16:56
=== diddledan is now known as zz_diddledan
christelAlanBell: what on earth are you doing? that noise is quite scary!17:04
brobostigonskype on android sucks balls.17:09
dwatkinspah, use SIP ;)17:24
MartijnVdSand/or ghangout++17:25
brobostigonnot actually ever tried.17:25
dwatkinsdoes gtalk on Android have voice?17:25
MartijnVdSit does on modern phones17:26
MartijnVdS(Nexus S and on)17:26
dwatkinshmm, I wonder why mine doesn't, then17:26
MartijnVdSdwatkins: which one do you have?17:26
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: CM7 on a HTC Ace17:26
MartijnVdSdwatkins: ah cm717:26
MartijnVdSdwatkins: you need to use a special version of talk on cm717:26
brobostigonmy nexus7 wouls work then?17:26
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it should yes17:26
dwatkinsoh right, I'll look into that, thanks MartijnVdS17:27
brobostigonMartijnVdS: cool :)17:27
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: my xoom and Galaxy Nexus do17:27
MartijnVdSVoice & video calling through gtalk.. though they're replacing that with hangouts now17:27
brobostigonMartijnVdS: is it 4.1 or 4 specific?17:27
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: It was on the Nexus S, so I think it was in 2.2 even17:28
brobostigonMartijnVdS: interesting, the right hw being present aldo.17:28
brobostigonalso *17:28
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: there should be a camera icon next to your contact names if they support video chat17:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: let me look.17:29
MartijnVdSand if you open one, there's a microphone icon at the top for voice calling17:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: in 2.3.7 on my dream, no.17:29
MartijnVdSisn't that one of the very first phones?17:30
MartijnVdSBecause if it's not Nexus One or newer, you're not going to get it :(17:30
MartijnVdS(thank Google)17:30
brobostigonyep. the first. adp1.17:30
MartijnVdSbtw, tonight on the BBC4s: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074pz017:30
MartijnVdSand http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01hlkcq17:30
MartijnVdS</offtopic> :)17:31
brobostigonmarked 12 hourd ago, :)17:31
MartijnVdStime for fewds17:32
brobostigonthts wrong, it was last night.17:32
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i think this is a good time to upgrade from my htc dream, if i can get the money.17:33
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: rumours of a new Nexus phone at christmas17:41
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yes,17:42
MartijnVdSSo.. be very nice and maybe Santa..17:42
OmNomDeBonBonMartijnVdS: I would expect nothing less than a new Nexus phone at Christmas.18:06
OmNomDeBonBonThey'll need an Android 5.0 reference device.18:06
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: Nexus S to Galaxy Nexus took longer than that18:06
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: Android 5 won't come for at least a year.. 4.1 just came out and they want to slow down the release pace18:07
OmNomDeBonBon4.1 was a piffling minor release.18:09
OmNomDeBonBonYou can compare it to 3.0 --> 3.1 --> 3.2.18:09
MartijnVdSthe upgraded notifications are nice18:09
jacobwdoes anyone know much about zabbix agent? i'm not finding much explanation of it in plain view18:10
OmNomDeBonBonAdditionally, they'll want a new reference device to compete against the new iPhone - even though the S3 and One X will probably better phones, they need a new product to showcase the new OS.18:10
MartijnVdSjacobw: I know a few of our sysadmins went on expensive training courses18:10
OmNomDeBonBonMartijnVdS: the N7 is one of the best gadgets I've ever bought.18:10
OmNomDeBonBonOnly issue is the lack of removable storage.18:10
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: Can't buy it in NL yet :(18:10
MartijnVdSI have a Xoom and a GNEx and my old Nexus One with CM718:10
OmNomDeBonBonUnfortunately there's no good cellular-enabled Android tablet yet.18:11
MartijnVdScellular-enabled = expensive second plan18:11
OmNomDeBonBonNot in my country.18:11
MartijnVdSGood thing I have a mifi :P18:11
OmNomDeBonBonGiffgaff (sp?) in the UK do unlimited internet and 200 minutes for £10/mo.18:12
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: I know, but I'm in the Netherlands18:12
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: and unlimited internet is only for DSL/fibre/cable18:12
Seeker`Azelphur: hows your sale going?18:13
OmNomDeBonBonYou don't have unlimited 3G internets?18:13
OmNomDeBonBonHow rare.18:13
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: not anymore.. since Vodafone complained unlimited internet was being used too much (wut)18:13
OmNomDeBonBonI've had "unlimited" mobile data for two and a half years now.18:13
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: it was "Unlimited*" (* except when we decide it's not)18:13
OmNomDeBonBonI rarely use more than 200-300mb a month of my 3gb allowance.18:13
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: then all other phone companies followed18:13
OmNomDeBonBonThat's 3gb of fair use.18:14
MartijnVdSsame here18:14
MartijnVdSbut.. I get a free second SIM from my employer/land-line ISP with 1GB allowance.. so that goes in the mifi18:14
OmNomDeBonBonBut yeah I'd like a 3G tablet so I don't have to tether my tablet all the time.18:14
MartijnVdSMifi -> Kindle, Xoom, [sometimes phone] -> Boom!18:14
OmNomDeBonBonTBH, I just want a Surface Pro with 3G/4G...but the cellular models won't be out until next year.18:14
OmNomDeBonBonSurface RT is out in October, Surface Pro a few months later. Both are wifi-only.18:15
OmNomDeBonBonI just want a Windows tablet I can use as a laptop ffs.18:15
* brobostigon requests sponsorship for purchase, prior, to said release of new nexus phone, as MartijnVdS described.18:15
OmNomDeBonBonI have a sneaking suspicion the 3G/4G Surface tablets will ship with Haswell, not Ivy Bridge.18:16
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: I read somewhere that "Surface will have as much impact as the Zune"18:16
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Buy put options on facebook stock ;)18:17
OmNomDeBonBonNah, the Zune and Kin were obvious duds.18:17
OmNomDeBonBonSurface will dominate the high-end of the tablet market IMO.18:17
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: or apple stock (and sell after iphone5 is announced)18:17
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: they can't even get it to run in demo..18:18
OmNomDeBonBonI think Android will dominate the 7" space.18:18
OmNomDeBonBonDidn't Stevie J have problems when they first presented the iPhone?18:18
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i dont understand. soryr18:18
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i dont understand. sorry.18:18
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Apple stock tends to increase in price after big announcements, so if you buy it now (cheap) and iphone5 is announced next month, you'll gain money18:19
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Put options are a way of betting stock prices will drop (which they will, for facebook)18:19
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i have no interest in apple hw, with current IOS implementation on them.18:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you're not buying apple hardware18:21
MartijnVdSyou're buying a piece of the company (which will increase in value, after which you can sell it again)18:21
brobostigonMartijnVdS: the hw spec, seems good, however.18:21
MartijnVdSif the rumours are true, yes.. it looks great :)18:22
brobostigonMartijnVdS: so what is going to change in IOS then?18:22
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I don't know, but the rumour sites do 8-)18:22
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I've seen some hardware predictions (larger screen, "retina" resolution, etc.)18:23
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i dont believe it myself.18:23
jacobwMartijnVdS: sorry, I didn't catch the response18:23
jacobwMartijnVdS: are they happier for it? :)18:23
jacobwMartijnVdS: I'm a little suspicious of 'Our software is AWESOME, come to $STATE and learn all about it'18:24
MartijnVdSjacobw: they're using Nagios now.. does that help?18:24
MartijnVdSthough I think they still use zabbix for some corner cases18:24
jacobwyeah, it seems the everyone uses nagios in some capacity18:26
OmNomDeBonBon"<brobostigon> MartijnVdS: so what is going to change in IOS then?" Apple are going to innovate a new tech to speed up iOS even more. It's called Project Margarine.18:34
brobostigonhaha, lol18:34
MartijnVdSOmNomDeBonBon: Low-fat!18:45
* bigcalm slumps19:46
* jacobw prods bigcalm 19:49
jacobwkde 4.9 is out19:51
ali1234so this chromebox has two display ports and if you pick the wrong one you get nothing20:24
ali1234nice design there20:24
ali1234also my wireless keyboard and mouse don't work with it20:25
ali1234(they work fine with linux)20:25
ali1234i'm just sitting here going "wat?" and hitting keys like i imagine someone who would actually buy one of these would20:31
ali1234great, so they don't build in any HID quirks stuff by default20:37
ali1234argh. so *after* you get a new keyboard and get past the "setup keyboard" screen, *then* it downloads the updates that (in theory) will fix your keyboard20:45
ali1234this reminds me a lot of OS X21:13
ali1234that's probably because none of the software i use is available and the mouse pointer moves incredibly slowly21:15
ali1234oh nice, it has a built in speaker.... wait that's not nice, it's terrible21:27
ali1234youtube video playback quality is awful :(21:34
ali1234bored now. basically chromebox = a computer that doesn't do anything21:40
yothsoggothSounds like you should've done that review on a podcast, would've been funny21:42
MartijnVdSToday's Top Tip: Don't enable -proposed on quantal if you want working X21:43
christelgoooooodnight my pretties <322:25
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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