
chris4585got on then had to do some work00:13
chris4585lol @ earlier00:14
wrstchris4585: :)02:02
chris4585wrst, did vychune get everything sorted out? lol02:09
wrsti don't know i was having one of them days at work so wasn't able to spend as much time as i wanted02:09
wrsti would suggest people really get their passwords straight !02:10
chris4585ah, well I'm glad I tried to help, I thought I was butting into you helping03:03
chris4585I didn't feel like I was doing a great job because I wasn't too clear, I figured vychune could sort it out if pointed in the right direction03:50
wrstchris4585: yep I mean google has all the answers to that problem :)10:52
chris4585pretty much10:53
wrstthe great google always does it seems12:05
chris4585indeed, well time for sleep, later wrst12:50
xTEMPLARxstraighten up in here17:47
xTEMPLARxMom's comin' over and this place is a pig sty17:48
wrstxTEMPLARx: so you decide to blow in for your yearly look-see? :P17:54
xTEMPLARxit was on my schedule17:54
wrstabout time!17:54
xTEMPLARxits been so long since I've authed, nickserv forgot my registration :((17:54
wrstfinally someone below me alphabetically in the nick list17:54
wrstand i though all you had resigned to were random facebook post xTEMPLARx17:55
xTEMPLARxif there is someone out there using facebook to only wait on my sporadic posts, they'd abandon facebook as a dead website :D17:55
wrsti post about 3 times a year, once a quarter and i usually miss a quarter17:56
xTEMPLARx'tis good to skip a quarter here and there18:02
xTEMPLARxhow's that little one treating you, wrst?18:03
xTEMPLARxsleeping soundly thru the night yet?18:03
wrstxTEMPLARx: has been for  a while actually18:03
wrstits very nice18:03
wrstbut she has to be in the bed with us is the only drawback but for a good night's sleep whatever18:04
wrstoh Unit193 you are back... :P18:14
Unit193Yep, lost USB support again, really ticks me off...18:14
wrstusb wifi dongly thingy?18:15
wrstwb xTEMPLARx or xTEMPx what???18:21
wrstthere are two??? why??? oh the humanity!!18:21
xTEMPxIt's a conspiracy, I think18:21
xTEMPx<--- on the iPad in a meeting18:21
Unit193USB ethernet thingy.18:21
wrstoh hmm Unit193 i thought those worked fairly well... and I have to ask the question pci ethernet cards.. well they practically give them away18:23
Unit193The device isn't the problem, the computer lost support for USB devices.  I already have/had a USB card, but I may have a PCI and that'd be worth more I'd think in this case, but I was planning on swapping out that computer for a newer one (but still old)18:27
* wrst passes the hat for the Unit193 computer fund18:28
Unit193Heh. :P18:31
* xTEMPx looks around cautiously...18:36
xTEMPx /quit18:36
Unit193Nono, that looks a bit off, pull the router network cable!18:39
xTEMPLARxi typed /quit18:48
xTEMPLARxand it didn't work18:48
xTEMPLARxcrazy iOS18:48
Unit193You had a space.18:51
xTEMPLARxyou may be onto something there18:51
xTEMPLARxlet's try again18:52
xTEMPLARxgood eye18:52
Unit193Seen it many a time, bad part is when it is  /msg nickserv identify unit193 littleponiesarescary18:53
xTEMPLARxindeed :D18:53
xTEMPLARxI need to get re-cloaked19:56
=== xTEMPLARx is now known as xTEMPx
=== xTEMPx is now known as xTEMPLARx
Unit193xTEMPLARx: You a Ubuntu member?  If not, you'll want to ask in #freenode rather than -irc.20:00
xTEMPLARxI am20:00
xTEMPLARxa member that is20:00
xTEMPLARxhaha didn't notice you were in there too ;)20:03
Unit193I'm in quite a few channels. :P20:04
* Unit193 watches for xTEMPLARx to join #freenode... :D20:08
xTEMPLARxdon't make me dive back down below periscope depth20:10
Unit193Na, that's pretty basic and simple: "Howdy, I'd like an unaffiliated cloak please" ;)20:10
xTEMPLARxi did a /stats p to find some helpful people :D20:11
netritioussup xTEMPLARx! long time no see20:12
xTEMPLARxHeya sir!  How are those DW's treating ya?20:12
wrstxTEMPLARx: does this mean you are going to stick around for a while or just disappear again? :P20:12
xTEMPLARxwrst:  you just never know!20:12
xTEMPLARxi'm a gypsy spirit20:12
xTEMPLARxor else just easily distracted by life20:12
xTEMPLARxone of the two20:13
wrstwell xTEMPLARx any new musical projects ?20:13
xTEMPLARxnot really.  We've had a few graduate out of our youth band, so I"m back on bass where I belong20:13
Unit193xTEMPLARx: Great!20:13
netritiousxTEMPLARx: pretty good! they sound awesome20:13
xTEMPLARxnetritious:  good to hear :D  But then, they're DWs, they oughta sound good ;)20:15
wrstxTEMPLARx: isn't bass for guitar players who have fat fingers? :P20:16
xTEMPLARxLONG fingers... its LONG fingers20:17
netritioustrue xTEMPLARx20:17
wrstwell i have to try to play guitar with fat short fingers xTEMPLARx i think i am a bass player in training20:17
netritioushello wrst, Unit19320:17
xTEMPLARxif you don't look like you're throwin' gang signs while you're playing bass, you're not playing properly :D20:17
wrsthowdy netritious20:17
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx20:17
xTEMPLARxbass is one of the few instruments I can just play without thinking about it too much20:18
xTEMPLARxbut I suppose i need more practice across the board20:18
xTEMPLARxI've been hanging out on TDPRI here lately, so I'm trying my hand at building a telecaster20:18
Unit193Howdy netritious.20:19
netritiousWhat has everyone been up to lately?20:27
netritiousxTEMPLARx: building a telecaster? As in, you can buy a kit to make your own?20:28
wrstcool xTEMPLARx i have thought about building a tele also20:29
wrstxTEMPLARx: we will have to excuse netritious he is into that heavy "devil" music :D20:29
netritioushaha \m/20:29
wrstxTEMPLARx: ever had a G&L?20:29
netritiousmy guitarist plays Washburn ;)20:30
netritiousI've played one wrst...didn't like the way the frets...they kind of protruded outwards off the neck20:31
wrstnetritious: you can buy bodies, necks etc from ebay all day long or you can buy the blanks or the actual bodies just depends on how much work you want to do20:31
netritiousah cool20:31
wrsthmm interesting netritious i have considered one i have a nice little mexican strat that's actually a decent guitar but it is how shall i say not the manliest color of blue20:32
wrsti have considered going for a tele, or refinishing that one20:33
netritiousI like strat style guitars. I have a Dean, Washburn Extended Cutaway, and a Samick20:34
wrstthey are just a little thin feeling for my taste20:34
wrstyes but i prefer D size and jumbo acoustics and only play electric when no one else is around to keep me from it :)20:35
xTEMPLARxnetritious:  no kits involved... unless you consider raw lumber and power tools a kit :D20:35
wrstbut netritious i prefer how a les paul style guitar feels but i like the tone of a tele better20:35
xTEMPLARxtele's are pretty raw20:36
wrstxTEMPLARx: really you are going to start out with a blank and go for it?20:36
wrstxTEMPLARx: yep20:36
xTEMPLARxif by blank, you mean boards20:36
wrstoh so you are really going all the way20:36
xTEMPLARxmy first neck may actually be in log form at the moment20:36
wrstwhat are you using?20:36
wrstash body/ maple neck?20:36
xTEMPLARxprobably gonna stick with pine for the first couple of bodies till I get my system down and stop making mistakes20:36
xTEMPLARxfirst neck will likely be walnut20:36
wrstoh I love me some walnut20:37
xTEMPLARxi have access to a log and a sawmill and a kiln20:37
wrstthat's nice20:37
wrsti have coveted soem walnut taylors i've seen before they may sound like poo but look great20:37
xTEMPLARxI'm inheriting all of my dad's workshop and tools20:37
xTEMPLARxso I've been going over and taking mental inventory20:37
xTEMPLARxand so far, he is only missing one router bit of having everything I need20:38
xTEMPLARxminus wood that is20:38
wrstcool xTEMPLARx you will have to teach a class20:38
xTEMPLARxbut he probably has that too20:38
xTEMPLARxjust gotta dig it all out20:38
xTEMPLARxthe sawmill, walnut log and kiln are his too20:38
netritiouswow that's a pretty nice inheritence20:38
xTEMPLARxthe kiln is on the side of the workshop20:38
xTEMPLARxnet:  yeah my dad's in his 70s and has been collecting tools his entire life20:39
xTEMPLARxso on top of the woodworking equipment, there are also plenty of other tools for automotive, welding, etc20:39
netritioussounds like my dad, just my dad is all about engines and stuff20:39
wrstxTEMPLARx: i have looked at some acoustice guitar kits and that's just beyond my skill by a long shot20:39
xTEMPLARxwrst:  acoustics are definitely a bit outside of my comfort zone20:39
xTEMPLARxI feel better about my chances with bolt-neck electrics20:40
xTEMPLARxbut hopefully that'll change with experience20:40
wrstif i did an acoustic it would be a bolt neck20:40
xTEMPLARxmy acoustic I play now is a bolt neck20:40
wrstwhat type xTEMPLARx?20:40
xTEMPLARxI'll link it20:40
xTEMPLARxits a smallish size, but once I got it set up nicely it projects well20:41
xTEMPLARxno electronics though20:41
wrstbut you have a woodworking shope you can add that20:42
xTEMPLARxdunno if I would even try on this guitar20:42
wrsti have a breedlove that has a bolt on neck... i think20:42
xTEMPLARxit doesn't have a standard bridge on it20:42
xTEMPLARxits adjustable like a les paul's20:42
xTEMPLARxhas two thumbscrews to raise the bridge up and down20:43
xTEMPLARxi.e., no under-bridge pickup for me :(20:43
wrstxTEMPLARx: look at an iBeam pickup they are pretty sweet20:43
xTEMPLARxmight be able to find something that just attaches under the bridge to the wood inside the guitar20:43
xTEMPLARxyeah just like that20:44
xTEMPLARxyou played one with this installed yet?20:44
xTEMPLARxone thing I love about those kits are the small dials just inside the soundhole20:44
xTEMPLARxkeeps it clean-looking20:45
xTEMPLARxI wonder how it would fair with a soundhole cover, though20:45
xTEMPLARxand its quite affordable... hmmm20:46
xTEMPLARxI tried to go to Chick Fil A today, and had to give it up because I wouldnt' have had food by the time my lunch hour was over20:46
wrstxTEMPLARx: yes i had a Huss and Dalton DM with one, of coruse that guitar is pretty amazing by itself but that pickup was great, only issue was tendency to feedback but a guitar like that will probably have some issues with anything20:46
xTEMPLARxwrst:  I hear ya... any guitar that resonates like it should would have that problem.  Funny, they claim it resists feedback... :D  OH well.  Guess it'd still be necessary to figure out a way to mount a soundhole cover20:47
wrstxTEMPLARx: for this guitar i thought it was fine but there was a tendency to feedback because you are amplifying not so much the string vibrations like an under saddle piezo but you are actually getting the body vibrating more20:48
netritiousyou guys like neck through or bolt on?20:49
wrstnetritious:  i have only played one neck through bass, it was awesome!20:49
xTEMPLARxneck throughs and set-necks have their place20:49
xTEMPLARxbut a well-made bolt-on has no issues inherent to the neck joint20:50
netritiousyeah my washburn is neck through, though the neck is on the thin side for my tastes.20:50
wrstmy only concern on a neck through long term would be that there's not really any adjustment?20:50
xTEMPLARxmy 12-string 335 copy is a bolt-neck, and it sustains and projects for days20:50
xTEMPLARxwrst:  you still have a truss rod in a set neck or neck-through20:50
netritiousthere's still a truss rod (spelling?) in mine at least20:50
wrstxTEMPLARx: but with a say dovetail neck joint you eventually have the need to reset the neck will that ever be an issue in a neck through?20:51
xTEMPLARxand I've read that a truss rod really isn't necessary on a properly-built instrument, provided you're not a touring musician20:51
netritiousmy brother set the action and adjusted mine...I don't know what to do with a truss rod myself20:52
xTEMPLARxwrst:  It would depend on the instrument and how it's been cared for if it NEEDS a re-set20:52
netritious"righty tighty, lefty lucy" is all I know about it lol20:52
xTEMPLARxusually they need a reset if the joint's broken loose or has been damaged somehow20:52
xTEMPLARxbut at least its an option!20:52
xTEMPLARxwith a neck-thru, not so much20:52
wrstxTEMPLARx: if you have a 1940's martin, it has needed a neck reset to keep it playable20:52
xTEMPLARxwell that's an acoustic20:53
wrstjust from the pull of the strings over the years20:53
xTEMPLARxyou're attaching a baseball bat to the side of a thin wooden box20:53
xTEMPLARxI'm thinking in terms of electrics20:53
xTEMPLARxno such thing as a neck-thru acoustic, to my knowledge :D20:53
wrstxTEMPLARx: well me too a bass has a lot of string tension20:53
xTEMPLARxhave you seen the acoustic jazz boxes that have the floating neck?20:53
wrsti would think the same principles would apply?20:53
xTEMPLARxdetachable for travel20:54
xTEMPLARxvery nice looking20:54
* wrst isn't good enough to play jazz20:54
xTEMPLARx<---- same applies to this guy20:54
wrstjazz uses all those chords with funny names20:54
* wrst is diminished by jazz chords20:54
xTEMPLARxI call them "i mash my fingers this way, or this way, or sometimes THIS way"20:54
wrsti need 8 fingers and them to be attached to 3 hands to play jazz chords20:55
xTEMPLARxno matter how you scrunch your fingers on the fretboard, there's a name for that chord20:55
wrstexactly xTEMPLARx20:55
wrstnetritious: who needs ubuntu we can talk music! ;)20:55
xTEMPLARxsecond wave of the storm's rolling into knoxville20:56
xTEMPLARxget to carry my bass out to the car in the rain... thankfully its in a hard case20:56
xTEMPLARxalthough I wouldn't accuse it of being watertight20:56
wrstno but they make a case for that i'm sure20:57
xTEMPLARxI'm sure they do, but mine's all vintage n stuff, and I don't have the money a replacement :D20:57
xTEMPLARxmaybe if I can build a stinkin guitar or twelve, I could afford to buy one :D20:57
xTEMPLARxwelp, time to pack up and head out20:58
xTEMPLARxchat ye later :)20:58
wrstlater xTEMPLARx, try to come back in say another 5 years or so!20:58
xTEMPLARxlol will do ;)20:58
xTEMPLARxnite guys20:58
wrstnetritious: i don't know what to think about these bums like xTEMPLARx do you? come in here chat up and then leave for years20:58
netritiousI don't mind21:01
wrstnetritious: wish we could do something loco wise with ubuntu and its benefits to musicians21:02
wrstguess not so much ubuntu as opensource21:02
netritiouswell drum something up wrst! :D21:03
wrsti don't know what it will be but the thought just came in my head, but my head is an empty place so thoughts are free to hang around for a while21:03
wrsthave you ever used ardour?21:03
netritiousno sure haven't wrst21:03
netritious^using how it should be uses btw21:04
netritiousHowdy Genphlux...what's shakin'21:17
wrsthello Genphlux21:17
GenphluxNada.  Worki21:17
netritiousGenphlux: have you ever used DEFT? I know you're into BackTrack is why I ask21:18
GenphluxThe forensics liveCD?21:19
GenphluxNah I haven't21:19
netritioushas some hack tools to21:19
GenphluxNah I guess I should check it out21:21
netritiousJust something else to add to the arsenal21:24
netritiousI just found out about it today.21:24
netritiousbtw, did you get to see the demo of unlocking hotel doors?21:25
GenphluxNo, it was crazy busy.  It was definitely the talk of the con though21:28
netritioushey there vychune21:30
vychunehey guys i have a question?21:30
vychunehey netritious21:30
netritiouslol, just ask man21:30
vychunedoes number ten (10) on this page look right to you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Quickbooks%20Enterprise%20Data%20Server21:31
netritiousWhat's wrong with it?21:33
binarymutantvychune, it's skipable21:34
vychune  * Add daemon.* -/var/log/qbdbfilemon.log21:34
vychunethat line looked wrong21:34
vychunebinarymutant: i would but it's for a client lol21:35
vychuneor do i just put the touch line?21:35
binarymutantI wouldn't put it into the syslogs21:35
netritiousvychune: I haven't had a lot of success manipulating syslog configurations21:36
vychuneor then21:36
netritiousalbeit I was trying to setup a remote syslog server so that had it's own set of complexities, that and ubuntu somewhere along the way changed from syslogd to rsyslog21:38
vychuneoh lol21:38
netritiouswhose instructions though are for 10.04, and rsyslog was already the default by then21:38
netritiouspersonally I would add it and test21:39
vychuneok then21:40
netritiousI guess you figured out how to reset the passwd? Didn't mean to leave you hanging yesterday, just was on the phone for what seemed like forever21:41
vychunesyslog was a new file so i'll try rsyslog and yeah that wasnt the problem lol21:41
vychunethe user should have been fredremmers21:41
vychuneis was ferdremmers21:42
netritiousoh lol...a misspelled user name, ouch21:42
vychuneyeah pretty much lol'21:42
netritiousbrb in 1021:43
vychunedang ok21:44
binarymutanthow do I get nvidia-glx to work on debian?21:57
vychunegtg guys fedex is calling21:58
vychuneTHANKS SO MUCH!!!!21:58
wrstwb netritious :)22:38
xTEMPxWorks on the iPhone too23:29
netritiousthx wrst23:46
netritiousbinarymutant: did you get it figured out?23:46
binarymutantnetritious, there was an update that fixed my problem23:46
netritiousawesome. are you using sid or squeeze repos?23:49
binarymutantand for some reason I've been put onto an rt&pae kernel instead of vanilla23:51
binarymutantreal time23:51
netritioushuh. how much ram does the system have?23:51
binarymutantlike 2 gb23:51
binarymutantnot enough for pae23:51
netritiousexactly. that's weird.23:52
netritiousI guess that's what you get when you use sid? :D23:52
binarymutantlol maybe23:52
binarymutantit's good to know I have the same nvidia problem on debian and ubuntu as I did with arch http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=61145223:58

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