
devtekalphaI want to make a usb install stick of ubuntustudio. It says i need "about 2gb" will a 2gb ush flash stick be enough? Or should i get a 4gb00:08
devtekalpha2gb usb flash*00:08
ailodevtekalpha: Haven't tried with a 2GB, but it should be enough, since the image is smaller than that00:12
devtekalphaOk thanks. Its just annoying it says about 2gb instead of something more specific00:13
ailodevtekalpha: Check the image size. I think it's under 2GB00:13
devtekalphaOk thanks00:14
ailodevtekalpha: Where does it say 2 GB, btw?00:15
ailodevtekalpha: To my knowledge, the only memory recommendation is for RAM00:16
devtekalphaFresh installation: dvd image is about 2gb00:16
devtekalphaBeneath that00:16
devtekalphaAt bottom00:16
ailodevtekalpha: Yea, I think the amd64 and i386 are a bit different in size00:16
devtekalphaI see00:16
devtekalphaWell my motherboard and processor are intel 64bit. So i want the i386?00:17
devtekalphaOr amd64 is for 64bit intel systems too...00:18
ailodevtekalpha: 64 bit. The amd64 is misguiding00:18
devtekalphaOh right00:18
ailoI guess we should put that in the download instructions as well00:19
devtekalphaYou put your own instructions somewhere?00:20
ailodevtekalpha: No, to ubuntustudio.org/download00:21
ailoI'm the author of that page00:21
ailoWill check the sizes of both images, and add a notice about what arch one should choose00:22
devtekalphaOh right cool :) good to know i can come here for help from someone who knows stuff00:22
ailodevtekalpha: The few devs that are actice will be the ones answering most of the time00:23
ailodevtekalpha: I recommend #opensourcemusicians if you haven't been there yet00:23
ailoA bit more active00:23
devtekalphaCool. Yeh i know about that room too. Will ask there for audio stuff00:24
devtekalphaMy pc parts come tomorrow hopefully so will probably spend the day trying to put it together  and then installing ubuntustudio00:25
devtekalphaWill be a relief when its all setup00:26
ailodevtekalpha: Hope it works out well. Is it going to be for music, or?00:28
devtekalphaMusic production. Android dev and other programming. Movies. Everything but gaming00:29
mighty_abobaDid you hear about KLANG?03:16
mighty_abobasomething like CoreAudio03:22
mighty_abobaor not?03:22
mighty_abobaI hope this will be realized soon03:23
mighty_abobaI want to try it)03:23
len-dtmighty_aboba, I think right now it is more dream than anything. There is obviously some thought and research, but there are a lot of things outside the author's reach that would have to happen to make it a reality too.04:40
len-dtIt will be interesting to watch.04:40
=== _MOSMarauder is now known as MOSMarauder
Submarineqmidiarp does not seem to synchronize to Jack transport, is this normal?13:46
Submarine(it works only with its internal clock, and does not work with Jack transport selected)13:47
len-dtSubmarine, that would seem like a question to ask the developer of the software.13:52
len-dtI haven't tried that one myself. Might try asking on #opensourcemusicians though13:53
=== TheDrums is now known as Guest88176
UberMusik_hi, i'm trying to set up Ardour3b5 in Ubuntu Studio 12.04 .. one of my many challenges in getting this working is that I have two sound cards installed .. and the one i want to use (MAudio 2496 is not listed as my default card) ... it's hard enough to figure out the proper way to route via Jack for Ardour, and it's complicating matters that i have not found an easy way to set my 2496 as the default device every time i log on 17:17
len-dtUberMusik_, you can do two things. Use card names instead of numbers.17:23
len-dtrunning aplay -l shows that device 0 can also be call d66 for example.17:24
len-dtOr force other cards to load later17:24
len-dtWhich I do... trying to find which file I do it in.17:25
UberMusik_len-dt: thanks .. as i'm relatively new to the linux/Ubuntu world, which is the most straight-forward?17:26
len-dtI'm looking :-)17:27
len-dtOk, in /etc/modprobe.d17:32
len-dtthere is a file called alsa-base.conf17:32
len-dtit has to be edited with sudo nano or  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf17:34
len-dt(typed in a terminal)17:35
len-dtFind out the module used by you other card. lsmod may help there. others probably have a better plan17:36
len-dtMy other card is an es137017:37
len-dtSo I add the line:17:37
len-dtoptions snd-ens1370 index=-217:37
len-dtThe -2 means delay loading this module till the rest are done.17:38
UberMusik_len-dt: thanks a ton, i'll give that a shot17:38
len-dtMost newer systems have an internal HDA card.17:38
UberMusik_len-dt: .. oh i'm trying to keep alive a 12 year+ Dell .. nothing new in that dinosaur  :-)17:39
len-dtmight be an ac97 then17:39
len-dtaplay -l gives lots of hints17:40
len-dtIt lists the cards it can find.17:40
killerbobbarkerIs there any benefit to installing ubuntu studio from scratch over installing ubuntu and then upgrading?22:54
GridCubeits faster, and you dont have to delete unity23:02
ailokillerbobbarker: Installing from scractch means you get realtime privilege set up. Other than that, it doesn't really matter much IMO23:58
ailoXFCE it pretty fast, performance wise23:59

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