
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
mgedminif I can't see the diff I'm committing while I'm writing a commit message, I'm going to cry10:43
mgedminis there a solution?10:44
mgedmina config setting of some kind to make bzr ci equivalent to bzr ci -p?10:44
jelmermgedmin: you can use an alias; "bzr alias ci='ci -p'" I think10:46
mgz`bzr alias ci="ci --show-diff"`?10:46
mgzlost by milliseconds...10:46
fullermdAnd then you can join me in complaining about how it doesn't let you turn off the prefixes in the diff...10:56
mgedminwhat prefixes?  the a/ b/ thing?11:01
jelmermgedmin: I suspect so11:01
* mgedmin discovers that vim's builtin syntax/bzr.vim can highlight the diff portion, but only if you put :let bzr_highlight_diff =1 in your ~/.vimrc11:15
jelmermgedmin: hmm, seems odd that's not the default?11:16
mgedminupstream appears to be https://github.com/hdima/vim-scripts/blob/master/syntax/bzr.vim11:16
vilaI think I've got a track about which tests try to use disk resources (most notably .bzr.log) while not using the right base class13:29
mnnmgz: if cherrypicking does not store revision data, how should I proceed with stable branches?18:06
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
cielakhello everyone18:56
cielakI have a problem with bazaar I cannot troubleshoot18:56
cielakcan anyone give me a hand?18:56
jelmercielak: what's the error?19:00
cielakjelmer: whenever I try push things to launchpad, it uploads few kB, and then completely freezes19:00
cielakwithout any error message19:01
cielakit stays in this state for 10-15 minutes19:01
cielakand then says:    Write failed: Broken pipe19:01
cielakon the other hand, I can pull things without any problems19:02
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=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
mnndoes anyone know what's status of nested trees?21:04
mgrandiis there a installer for bzr 2.5.1 for mac? its not ont he webpage21:32
mgrandialso, the bzr dmg is not signed so  now with mac os x mountain lion it wont install by default >.>21:48
jonohey all22:16
jonoI am getting this area when trying to push to LP:22:16
jonobzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jonobacon/ubuntu-accomplishments-system/adminportal/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()22:16
jonoany idea how I fix this?22:16
lifelessbzr launchpad-login22:19
lifelessif you're using an lp: branch alias.22:20
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=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk

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