
cpatrick08I saw that kde 4.9 was released for precise via ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  and was wondering when it would be available for quantal01:00
=== fenris is now known as Guest49532
=== Guest49532 is now known as ejat
Tm_Tyay package conflicts03:42
ScottKTm_T: amd64?04:02
ScottKArchive skew.  Wait and try again.04:03
Tm_Taww, still?04:03
ScottKCould be something failed and needs a retry.04:04
* ScottK hasn't been watching the PPA.04:04
Tm_TScottK: what about that mess I had with nepomuk?04:04
Tm_Thave to look the build status when I get to the office ->04:05
ScottKIt looks like it's built now, so not sure.04:07
* ScottK needs to sleep.04:07
Tm_Thmh, more funneehs04:54
kio_httpI can see kde 4.9 packages in the kubuntu backports ppa, is it safe to use these as there is no anouncement on kubuntu.org?05:23
Tm_Tkio_http: it's quite possible not all packages are there yet, or final test is not done yet05:24
Tm_Ts/done/successfully done/05:25
kubotuTm_T meant: "kio_http: it's quite possible not all packages are there yet, or final test is not successfully done yet"05:25
kio_httpI see there is a kubottu here now05:28
dpmRiddell, around?07:57
Riddellhi dpm 08:10
dpmhey :) you pinged me a while ago about disabling langpacks for Quantal, and I directed you to pitti. I see he applied the changes to langpack-o-matic already. Could you please send an announcement to the ubuntu-translators list explaining the change?08:12
Riddellcan do08:13
dpmThanks. If you could find some time for it today it'd be great, as we'd then disable the KDE templates in Launchpad and open Quantal translations straight away08:14
RiddellTm_T: did you work it out?08:16
Tm_TRiddell: well, I can sort the package issues locally, but that wouldn't help others08:17
Tm_Tso I'm wondering if these are something that should be fixed on packaging08:17
RiddellTm_T: it's not clear from what you pasted what you told apt to do08:19
Tm_Tsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (wajig daily-upgrade in short)08:19
Tm_Tadded more to the bottom of the file08:22
Tm_Tbrb, gotta buy lunch08:22
alleeTm_T: here finished right now a precise 4.8->4.9 upgrade. The upgrade was well, no conflicts or missing pkgs, or outdated versions.08:39
alleeCongrats!  Now a logout/in ;-)08:40
Riddellallee: i386 or amd64?08:41
alleeRiddell: amd6408:41
Tm_Tso it could be just me, after installing plasma-active stuff to Kubuntu08:42
alleeah, that reminds me to try active with quantal because quantal, for first time handles, my laptop touchscreen perfectly09:01
Riddellallee: I've no idea what state active is in, I took a random snapshot but it hasn't had a release so I don't know if it works09:08
Riddelltime to rebuild large parts of 4.9 then09:14
shadeslayerScottK: do-release-upgrade -d09:43
shadeslayerupgrade hanged when it tried to restart atd09:43
shadeslayermight also be because of some weird stuff that the hosting provider installs from it's own repos09:44
BluesKajHowdy all11:23
apachelogger"I cant stack 2 panels on top of eachother to use as a quicklaunchbar"11:41
apacheloggeryou know11:42
apacheloggerI always was annoyed by plasma not giving containments/panels a depth, now there is even a use case for that11:43
Riddellyou were annoyed at something without a use case?11:43
apacheloggerwell, I was annoyed about plasma upon breaking itself in version upgrades suddenly had overlapping panels11:44
apacheloggerand the first time that happend it took me like a week to figure out why my tray was having oddly11:44
apachelogger(one panel was slightly higher than the other)11:44
apacheloggerif plasma had just very basic 3d simulations that would not have happend to be begin with11:46
apacheloggerSteveRiley: what kfn needs is a "hottest topics last week" feature ^^11:48
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Status: http://goo.gl/ZGGJP | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | apachelogger: SRU plymouth logo & SRU pgst & fix ipod support
shadeslayerthe weather is just horrible here12:02
shadeslayerkubotu: weather Gurgaon12:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^ did you disable that?12:03
apol_JontheEchidna: ping12:06
apacheloggerkubotu: weather Vienna, AT12:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: apparently12:06
apacheloggerkubotu: help weather12:06
kubotuno help for topic weather12:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: might just have been removed12:08
apacheloggerI don't see it in the blacklist anyway12:08
shadeslayeragateau: really stupid question, but I can't seem to make KMessageWidget resize dynamically12:34
shadeslayerI've added a vertical layout to my ui file and call KMessageWidget::setLayout on it12:35
shadeslayerit being my KMW ofcourse12:35
shadeslayerrelevant code snippet : http://paste.kde.org/527114/12:36
echidnamanapol_: pong12:44
=== echidnaman is now known as jtechidna
=== apol_ is now known as apol
apoljtechidna: here?12:45
apolyou have a lot of nicks12:45
jtechidnathat was my third fallback nick12:46
jtechidnathe office must have lost internet connection last night12:46
apoljtechidna: I'm thinking of moving the actions in MuonMainWindow to the QApt::Backend12:46
apoljtechidna: does that sound sane to you?12:46
jtechidnathe actions?12:47
apoljtechidna: MuonMainWindow::setupActions()12:48
jtechidnaI'd like to keep LibQApt Qt only12:48
apolthe backend is in libqapt12:50
* apol thinks again...12:50
apolor tries too... >.<12:50
jtechidnaperhaps there could be a separate KDE integration library that provides common UI bits, like presenting errors, warnings, etc12:51
apoljtechidna: I'll create an "apt-ify mainwindow class", that does these things12:52
apoljtechidna: and see how far I can go12:52
jtechidnaapol: btw, I've started to port muon-installer to the resources stuff. I think I've been careful not to break anything on the QML side, but please let me know if I did12:52
apoljtechidna: have you changed anything in the libmuon part?12:53
jtechidnaa few things12:53
apoli see12:53
apolI'll try12:53
apoljtechidna: and yes, thanks for the s/application/resource12:54
jtechidnaQt Creator is great for that, but not so much for refactoring QML code12:55
jtechidnabrb, coffee12:55
ScottKshadeslayer: If atd restart is hanging I seriously doubt it's the upgrade's fault.13:21
shadeslayerScottK: thought so ... like I said, there were some weird packages installed13:22
shadeslayersaw a couple of bug reports about atd hanging while restarting on the upgrade though13:22
shadeslayerthen again, dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install to the rescue ;)13:23
ScottKThe respun kdelibs for 4.8.5 is out, so I'm working on building those.13:54
RiddellUDS sponsorship application time, visit sunny Denmark!13:58
* Riddell nudges jtechidna, debfx, yofel_,ScottK, Mamarok, shadeslayer, apachelogger into applying13:59
shadeslayeralready on that page ;)13:59
apacheloggerwhy it always is at such inconvenient times is beyond me -.-13:59
jtechidnaI probably won't be able to make any of the fall UDS's due to uni until I'm out of uni :(13:59
Riddellvalorie, SteveRiley, afiestas_, apol: do consider it13:59
Riddellagateau: you know you want to14:00
ScottKQuintasan too.14:00
apolRiddell: when is it?14:00
shadeslayerjtechidna: muwhahahaha ... I no more have that issue \o/14:00
jtechidnashadeslayer: lucky sun of a gun :P14:00
agateauRiddell: I do!14:00
afiestas_Riddell: already done 14:00
Riddelljussi: not too far for you to come?14:00
jtechidnatwo more years until I have my 4-year degree...14:01
shadeslayerofcourse, I'm still waiting for my last sem results, and hopefully I should pass all of it14:01
shadeslayerjtechidna: how old are you ? 0.o14:01
jtechidnashadeslayer: turning 21 later this month14:01
shadeslayeryou're .... younger than me? :O14:01
agateauRiddell: where does one ask for sponsoring?14:02
shadeslayeragateau: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/sponsorship/14:02
jtechidnashadeslayer: I started contributing back in '08 when I was 1714:03
shadeslayerstarted in October-November 2008 I think14:03
shadeslayercontributions were probably 6 more months down the line14:04
jtechidnabasically I saw this new KDE4 thing, and hopped on to #kubuntu IRC to give some suggestions :P14:04
jtechidnawandered in to #kubuntu-devel, and one thing led to another...14:04
shadeslayerjtechidna: for me it was windows crashing on me and a kubuntu CD lying around to recover my data14:04
shadeslayerMamarok pointed me to this channel after she got fed up of my questions :P14:04
jtechidnaI remember. You were very... enthusiastic ;-)14:05
ScottKHe didn't even let exams distract him back then.14:06
agateauRiddell: requested sponsorship. How long until I know if it is accepted?14:07
MamarokRiddell: I have a problem: the application page is hard-coded to my old mail address, although that is not used anymore, and is not in launchapad anymore either14:07
Riddellrbelem: you too14:07
Riddellagateau: august 17th I think14:07
jtechidnaagateau: they'll email you with ack/nack a few weeks afterwards14:07
agateaujtechidna: ok, thanks14:07
jtechidnathen you'll email/call up the travel agency they give you14:08
jtechidnaand they'll set you up14:08
jtechidnayou just have to be careful or they'll schedule your flight to leave during the closing ceremonies :P14:08
agateauI see :)14:09
jtechidna(speaking from experience)14:09
jtechidnaback on the oneiric UDS my flight got delayed due to that Volcano14:09
shadeslayerEj-whatever-the-hell-it's-name-was 14:11
jtechidnaluckily it was only delayed on the way there :P14:11
jtechidnanot fun being stuck in a foreign country14:11
apacheloggerjtechidna: lol14:13
apacheloggerjtechidna: someone from akademy got stuck in poland for like 2 days (weekend)14:13
apacheloggercan't recall who though14:13
apacheloggerunless you have business to attend that is not too terrible IMHO, can do some sight seeing and stuff14:14
jtechidnaman, I have final exams for the spring semester May 9-16. hopefully they don't schedule UDS during those :s14:15
jtechidnabut given their track record, they probably will14:16
jtechidnathings were fine until they changed up the release schedule to release on 10.10.10 :P14:16
* apachelogger waves fist14:17
agateaushadeslayer: pauseError->setLayout(...) that looks wrong: it should be d->ui.verticalLayout->addWidget(pauseError)14:17
shadeslayeragateau: yeah, did that as well, still no luck14:17
agateaushadeslayer: how does it look?14:18
Mamarokwhat do they mean by "Would you be willing to participate as member of the crew?"?14:18
shadeslayeragateau: http://i.imgur.com/cCim2.png14:18
agateauMamarok: man cameras and stuff like that14:18
Mamarokas in crew organizing uds-r?14:18
shadeslayeragateau: http://paste.kde.org/527156 < ui file14:19
jtechidnaThe crew was responsible for changing signs around the meeting venue14:19
jtechidnaI did it and got a nice t-shirt14:19
agateaushadeslayer: mmm, can you push the code to bzr +junk or kde scratch?14:20
shadeslayergive me a couple of minutes14:20
agateauactually, one thing you need to do is to add the KMW once14:20
agateauat startup, create the widget, just don't show it14:20
agateauwhen you get an error, set the error message and call animatedShow()14:20
shadeslayerhmm .. sounds sane, I'll just add it to the d-pointer ...14:21
agateauotherwise you will create a KMW everytime there is an error14:21
agateaunot sure it is going to fix your problem, but it's better anyway14:21
csslayerScottK: hi, I notice there is some discussion about kubuntu and ibus.. while I would recommend kubuntu to switch to fcitx, I'm the main developer of fcitx, I already send a mail to maillist, but seems no kubuntu-dev reply on it yet. do you have any concern on this?14:23
rbelemRiddell, yup :-)14:23
ScottKcsslayer: Hello.  I had intended to reply, but lost track.14:23
ScottK(I actually thought I had)14:24
* apachelogger points out that it seems one needs to switch input technology every 3 years or so14:24
* rbelem is hacking zatab now14:24
ScottKSince we're part of the Ubuntu project, it's generally better for us to use the same things they are unless there's a good reason.14:24
ScottKcsslayer: What are the advantages of fcitx over ibus?14:25
apacheloggerrbelem: that reminds me14:25
apacheloggeryofel_: did you ask zareason about shippery?14:25
csslayerScottK: well, as I already stated in the mail, quite a lot better kde integration.14:25
rbelemRiddell, i will be two days in home, before switching to samsung14:25
csslayerScottK: and gtk-free.14:25
ScottKWe have two problems:14:26
ScottK1.  Get precise working.14:26
ScottK2.  Make it really good in quantal.14:26
ScottKFor problem #1 it's got to be ibus.14:26
* rbelem hugs apachelogger 14:26
ScottKSo I think we need to go through the ibus stuff, get it working and then look into alternatives.14:26
ScottKgtk free is definitely nice.14:26
freeflyingScottK: +1 for adopting fcitx in kubuntu14:26
* apachelogger rehuggles the rbelem14:26
ScottKfreeflying or csslayer : Are there packages for it?14:27
freeflyingScottK: yes, and well maintained in Debian14:27
ScottKOK.  That's good news.14:27
freeflyingScottK: also csslayer is the upstreamer maintainer14:27
csslayerScottK: yes, we have quite well communication with debian packager.14:27
ScottKThat's all good.14:28
freeflyingScottK: he did offer his hands to help make it better in kubuntu14:28
csslayerScottK: not to say I'm kimpanl's maintainer, too :)14:28
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ seems worth investigating.14:28
ScottKThat's also important.14:28
freeflyingRiddell: I strongly second csslayer's proposal14:28
ScottKQuintasan: ^^^ you around?14:28
shadeslayeragateau: interesting, as soon as I allocate memory to KMW it shows up14:29
ScottKHe was looking into quantal while I was focused on precise.14:29
* freeflying switched to use fcitx 2 yrs back14:29
RiddellI do keep hearing good things about fcitx14:29
* rbelem goes back to zatab14:29
agateaushadeslayer: oh right14:29
agateaushadeslayer: call hide() on it after creating it14:30
freeflyingRiddell: or we may bring it to UDS, and get csslayer there? :P14:30
* apachelogger found an agateau14:30
agateauapachelogger: where did you find that?14:31
apacheloggeragateau: if you get a chance please run gwenview with video through gdb, when video locks up get a thread apply all bt sample14:31
apacheloggermore like 4 samples or so14:31
apacheloggerI suspect there is a deadlock in the frame delivery, just not sure why as the code is only locked in one function 14:32
apacheloggerall bit mysterious14:32
apacheloggeralso I cannot replicate the issue on vlc master14:32
shadeslayeragateau: repo is kde:scratch/garg/ktp-call-ui , branch is holdCalls14:32
* agateau clones14:33
* apachelogger doesn't get anything done because he is hopping from one construction site to another -.-14:33
ScottKfreeflying: I think we should fix it for quantal and not wait for UDS.14:33
ScottKIf we're going to make major technology changes, the release right after LTS is the best place.14:33
ScottKRiddell: Based on what I'm hearing it seems reasonable to me to take fcitx for a spin and see how it goes for beta 1.14:34
agateauapachelogger: what is this "sample" argument?14:35
apacheloggeragateau: nah, I meant get the output of that, then continue, get another output, continue, get another output14:35
apacheloggeri.e. draw samples of the thread states at various times ^^14:36
* apachelogger adds gwenview to phonon's functional release QA14:36
freeflyingScottK: terrific14:37
agateauapachelogger: ah ok!14:38
ScottKfreeflying: It still needs some others to agree and someone to do the packaging work.14:38
ScottKAs I mentioned, I'm focused on precise at the moment.14:38
happyaronScottK: what do you mean by packaging?14:39
freeflyingScottK: ppa:fcitx-team/nightly14:39
freeflyingScottK: you may give a try with precise14:39
ScottKfreeflying: Right, but I have to get ibus working for 4.8.5.  I'm doing that first.14:40
RiddellScottK: I agree although I'm not sure what it takes to change it14:41
Mamarokwell, now I get an error: "The username (myriam) with which you tried to log in is already in use for a different account."14:41
ScottKRiddell: Hopefully Quintasan will show up and save us.14:42
csslayerRiddell: check im-switch file for ibus, and change QT4_IM_MODULE to QT_IM_MODULE, I think that will work.14:44
jussiRiddell: lets see if I can manage it :P14:45
Riddelljussi: bring along the bairn so we can coo14:46
jussiRiddell: Ill see what I can work up14:46
agateauapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/52718614:48
apacheloggermerci bc14:49
apacheloggerhrm, vlc is locking14:50
apacheloggerI'll have to try with precise's vlc later14:50
* apachelogger rushes to appointment14:50
shadeslayeragateau: any luck?14:56
shadeslayerany news from LittleGirl?14:56
agateaushadeslayer: git clone went well, now I need to build it :)14:57
agateaummm, missing deps14:58
* agateau hunts for telepathy dev pkg14:58
yofel_apachelogger: no, totally forgot to ask :(15:03
yofel_Riddell: do you know until when the sponship form is open? I'll know whether I'll be able to go around the 12th15:04
agateaushadeslayer: doesn't build here :/15:06
shadeslayeragateau: missing deps?15:07
agateaushadeslayer: no, missing error-free code :)15:07
agateaushadeslayer:  home/aurelien/tmp/ktp-call-ui/libktpcall/private/phonon-integration.cpp:103:1: error: control reaches end of non-void function [-Werror=return-type]15:07
shadeslayerI ... don't follow, plus, I've just deleted my root partition in preparation for a reinstall, so it's going to be a bit before I can fix issues15:08
shadeslayerthat's weird15:08
agateauwork-arounded it15:08
agateaushadeslayer: ok, build and installed. how can I test it?15:10
shadeslayeragateau: run /path/to/ktp-call-ui ... it should be where you usually install libexec libs15:11
shadeslayeror if you have dbus stuff setup correctly, just run ktp-contact-list and call your phone over xmpp ( I usually test with my jabber id and my gtalk id, gtalk being on the phone )15:12
agateauI don't think I have all of this setup15:12
agateaushadeslayer: running it says: ktp-call-ui(17599) KTp::TelepathyHandlerApplication::Private::_k_onInitialTimeout: No job received. Exiting15:13
shadeslayeragateau: yeah, you have to be a bit quick, it exits in about 15 seconds or so15:13
shadeslayermake sure you can switch to the contact list ASAP15:13
Peace-btw on quantal there is not 4.9 right?15:14
Peace-it's still 4.8.90?15:14
agateaushadeslayer: ok, got it to run, how do I trigger an error?15:19
shadeslayeragateau: just flip the condition on the check and hit pause ;)15:20
shadeslayerit's in call-window.cpp15:20
agateaushadeslayer: any hint regarding the line number? :)15:21
shadeslayererm, sec15:22
agateaushadeslayer: ah, line 45315:22
shadeslayeragateau: it's in  CallWindow::operationFinished15:23
shadeslayerfor confirmation15:23
shadeslayerah yes, 45315:23
shadeslayerand it's already flipped .... so just go ahead and push that pause button15:24
agateaujust realized that :)15:24
agateauwondering why it did not show when I blindly removed the '!'15:24
shadeslayerjust read this somewhere15:27
shadeslayer"C is truth"15:27
shadeslayerso .. profound15:27
agateaushadeslayer: GammaRay tells me verticalLayoutWidget_2, which is inside errorWidget, is not in a layout15:29
shadeslayerI don't think I've touched verticalLayoutWidget_215:29
agateauthen you should15:29
shadeslayerI thought it had 3 at the end15:29
shadeslayerit went something like : somePage->verticalLayout->errorWidget->layout15:30
kubotushadeslayer meant: "it went something like : somePage->verticalLayout->errorWidget->verticalLayout2"15:30
agateauyes, that's how it look in designer indeed15:30
agateaugammaray disagrees15:30
shadeslayerthen either one of them is broken15:30
agateauanyway, verticalLayout_3 is floating inside errorWidget, that is wrong15:31
agateaushadeslayer: is errorWidget needed?15:32
agateaushadeslayer: looks like it's not used by the code15:32
* agateau tries a fix15:33
shadeslayeragateau: that's what d_ed suggested, and no, it's not used by anything else15:33
agateaushadeslayer: quick fix gives this: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/08/02/plasma-windowedb18532.png15:35
shadeslayerbbl after dinner15:35
agateaushadeslayer: but one can declare KMessageWidget inside the ui, that's simpler15:35
shadeslayeragateau: resize the window?15:35
shadeslayerdoes 15:36
shadeslayer*does KMW follow the new size?15:36
shadeslayeragateau: I didn't know that you could declare a KMW in the ui file15:37
agateaushadeslayer: it is a bit tricky15:37
agateaushadeslayer: KMW inherit from QFrame, so you add a QFrame15:37
shadeslayershow me the tricks o wise one15:37
agateaushadeslayer: then right click it and select "promote to..."15:38
agateaushadeslayer: then fill the form15:38
shadeslayeroh ok15:38
shadeslayerI'll try that after reinstalling Kooboontoo15:38
BluesKajin the US it's Koobuntoo , bun as in hotdog bun :)15:40
jocarterthat's awful.15:40
BluesKajthat's the way I've heard it pronounced on some youtube tutorials15:41
BluesKajin Canada it's the same as shadeslayer's 15:42
agateaushadeslayer: here you go: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/08/02/plasma-windowedc18532.png15:43
agateaushadeslayer: and the patch: http://paste.kde.org/527228/15:44
apol_jtechidna: JontheEchidna: which one are you?15:44
jocarterBluesKaj: yeah at least "kooboontoo" is close to how "ooboontoo" should be pronounced. but I guess technically it's not a word so it should matter15:46
jocarterBluesKaj: just kind of sad to hear it being butchered like that :)15:46
shadeslayeragateau: looks flipping awesome15:46
Riddellyofel_: dunno ask jono I guess15:47
RiddellMamarok: did you get sorted or is it still broken?15:47
shadeslayeragateau: thank you :)15:47
BluesKajamericanization of words are rampant in the US , like processes has become prawsesseeze in some places ..and on it goes15:48
agateaushadeslayer: you're welcome!15:48
shadeslayeragateau: any notes on how we can improve the UI ?15:49
shadeslayeryou should setup a fix-shitty-ui's-in-KDE-hack-day once every month and take a project and tell them what needs improvement :P15:50
jussishadeslayer: ++15:50
agateaushadeslayer: that is one of the thing I want to achieve with extra mile bugs15:50
jussiseriously, we should have a UI focus day15:51
shadeslayerjussi: agateau what KDE needs right now is loads of polish15:51
agateauthe frame around the avatar should be reworked I think15:51
agateauI would try to make it look like a media player15:51
agateaublack bg15:52
agateautakes full width (including borders15:52
shadeslayeryeah, that's something I want to do as well15:52
agateauno bevel15:52
shadeslayerfocus on the video itself15:52
shadeslayeror the avatar for that matter15:52
agateauthe bottom toolbar and statusbar could be merged as well15:53
agateaubut I don't know the application well enough to give good advice there15:53
jtechidnaapol_: jtechidna is my work one, JontheEchidna is at home16:02
apol_... xD dude, use Quassel16:02
apol_jtechidna: i sent you an e-mail16:03
jtechidnaok, I just got back from lunch16:03
jtechidnaapol_: I'll take a look at the branch when I get back home16:03
jtechidnaneat @ Muon on Arch tho :)16:03
jtechidnaIs arch still using alqm or alpm or whatever?16:04
apol_jtechidna: no idea :D16:05
jtechidnalook like it.16:05
apol_jtechidna: it only lists the OCS stuff there16:05
jtechidnaI think the next step on the OCS frontier would be getting a "Desktop Widgets" section16:06
BluesKajjtechidna:  I'm not the dullest knife in the drawer , but I still do not "get" the activities reason for being16:10
jtechidnaI don't use 'em16:10
jtechidnavirtual desktops work fine for me16:11
BluesKajyup , that's what I use16:11
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
MamarokRiddell: got it sorted, actually part of it, they areworking on it16:18
Riddellwell done16:18
=== kubuntu is now known as kubuntu__
=== kubuntu__ is now known as shadeslayer__
shadeslayer__so, I think I found a bug in the installer16:33
Riddellshadeslayer__: surely not!16:33
shadeslayer__clicking the 'x' here doesn't do anything : http://i.imgur.com/AiVJf.png16:34
shadeslayer__iirc the last time I tried to click it, it crashed the installr16:34
shadeslayer__so maybe someone disabled it16:34
shadeslayer__ brb reboot16:36
=== happyaron is now known as Guest39800
ScottKWhen I build kdepim-runtime for 4.8.5, it doesn't build akonadi_calendarsearch_agent.  When I build kdepim-runtime 4.8.4 against the kde4libs/kdepimlibs for 4.8.5, then it does.  Here's the full 4.8.4 -> 4.8.5 diff for kdepim-runtime: http://paste.debian.net/181730/18:32
rdieterScottK: kdepim-runtime-4.8.5/agents/CMakeLists.txt:#add_subdirectory( calendarsearch )18:37
rdieterScottK: looks like it's commented-out18:37
ScottKrdieter: Thanks.  Missed that in the diff.18:38
ScottKThat would certainly do it.18:38
rbelemScottK, kubuntu-desktop seems to be broken on arm18:39
BluesKajrbelem:  how ?, working fine here 18:46
BluesKajoh sorry didn't see arm , rbelem18:46
BluesKajbeen thinking about an arm project for my HT18:47
ScottKrdieter: That was exactly it.  Thanks again.18:49
rdieterScottK: np (I ran into it too)18:49
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ScottKrdieter_laptop: Did you hit any other issues?20:18
rdieter_laptopScottK: just saw an odd build failure in kdf, but I'm seeing it's reproducible or not20:19
SteveRileyapachelogger: hottest topics from...what? the forum? the irc channel(s)?20:19
ScottKrdieter_laptop: kdf?20:19
rdieter_laptopScottK: ark added some icons, but that's welcome20:19
ScottKYeah, that counts as a fix.20:20
rdieter_laptopScottK: nobody really should care about kdf anyway (kde disk formatter) :-/20:20
rdieter_laptoperr, wait, KDiskFree20:21
rdieter_laptopI guess I was mixing it up with kfloppy20:21
ScottKIf I believe https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdeutils/kdf/repository/show?rev=KDE%2F4.8 it doesn't look like anything changed in it for
SteveRileyRiddell: i presume you're referring to UDS? indeed, the date would work. i'll need to check into travel costs. 20:26
ScottKSteveRiley: You can ask if Canonical will sponsor you.20:26
SteveRileyScottK: ah, ok... http://uds.ubuntu.com appears not to have info on how to get sponsored. is there another route to finding out how?20:30
SteveRiley(i am the Delta lounge at DCA airport, shitty connection, slow web pages, errors, &c. *whine*)20:31
* SteveRiley gets another gin tonic20:31
ScottKSteveRiley: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/sponsorship/20:33
ScottKSteveRiley: You're about 90 minutes from my house then.20:33
SteveRileyScottK: well i come here about every three months. we should meet up20:34
ScottKAnd yes, copious alcohol before flying out of DCA is a great idea (although make sure you can make it 30 minutes from takeoff without having to get up ...)20:34
SteveRileyah, the alaska air gate is very close to the lounge. fortunately20:35
jjesseDCA is a nice airport to fly in and out of20:36
jjesserealitively painless20:36
SteveRileywhoops, didn't read what you wrote closely enough. i don't recall a 30-minute must-sit requirement last time i flew out of dca20:36
ScottKIt's been awhile since I did, maybe they got rid of it (I'm a lot closer to BWI).20:38
SteveRileythey got the tsa pre-check here. yay. 10 seconds through security, love it20:39
SteveRileyanyway... all this airport stuff ain't kubuntu-devel related20:39
ScottKDon't even get me started on TSA.  That would definitely be OT.20:42
SteveRileyokie, sponsorship request has been submitted. will let you all know what happens ... time to fly!20:58
valoriegoing to UDS would be lovely, but I don't think this year21:07
valoriejust booked tickets to the Randa sprint in Switzerland, end of Sept.21:07
valorieon of these days I won't be visiting my daddy every other night, and will get active here again21:08
elliriaHey there' it's littlergirl checking in on my tablet. I hope you guys got my last-second email!21:11
ScottKHello elliria .21:13
ScottKNot sure.21:14
elliriaIs everything going well?21:14
ScottKCould use more help, as always ...21:15
elliriaI'll help again when I'm back on my computer. Hopefully that won't be too long. (:21:17
ScottKSure thing.21:17
elliriaHave fun meanwhile! I'm off to learn about the tablet. (:21:19
ScottKWhy did we add wxwidgets to the supported seed?22:01
* ScottK certainly doesn't want to support such insanity.22:01
DaskreechDo we add any Kubuntu info to http://kde.org/info/4.9.0.php or http://www.kde.org/download/distributions.php ?22:04
Daskreechor does thepackages have to move out of backports ?22:09
yofel_Daskreech: we usually do that together with the announcement - and with the packages slightly broken there was none22:11
DaskreechHow slight?22:12
yofel_wrong lib version in kdelibs requiring a rebuild of several of the other packages22:12
Daskreechwill it be topiced in #kubuntu ?22:13
* micahg wonders why the new KDE stack didn't go though -proposed22:14
Riddellmicahg: hmm that didn't occut to me for some reason, I'm not in the practice yet of using it outside freezes22:18
yofel_micahg: why should it? we're not in soft freeze?22:19
ScottKStill seems like overkill to me.22:19
yofel_wait, we're supposed to use that always now?22:19
ScottKHonestly, if people can't handle a little archive skew, they shouldn't run the devel release, no matter how smooth we try to make it.22:19
Riddellyofel_: for large package collections22:19
ScottKyofel_: Only for things that affect installability of multiple packages.22:20
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micahgjust something to keep in mind, that stack affects quite a bit22:20
micahgScottK: while I agree, that's not the way it's being pushed, so I think we need to tread with more caution to prevent blowing up people's systems (in the end it's their fault, but we can mitigate most of it)22:21
ScottKOh. Cantor.  Now I understand wx.22:21
ScottKmicahg: Canonical management insanity is not my responsibility.22:22
micahgScottK: it's project wide usage at this point AIUI22:26
ScottKYes, well, if everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?22:27
ScottKThe development release is for, um, development and $STUFF will happen.22:28
ScottKIf you can't managed dealing with that $STUFF, don't run it.22:28
JontheEchidna10 files changed, 1003 deletions(-)22:40
JontheEchidnathat feel22:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's that?22:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I deleted 2 classes that were replaced by some that apol_ wrote22:42
JontheEchidnain Muon22:42
apol_JontheEchidna: :D22:42
JontheEchidnaapol_: ApplicationModel and ApplicationProxyModel are no more22:42
* apol_ hugs JontheEchidna22:43
JontheEchidnaapol_: mind if I disable the role type debug in ResourcesModel?22:50
apol_JontheEchidna: no problem22:51
JontheEchidnak, cool22:51
apol_JontheEchidna: do you get a lot of warnings?22:51
JontheEchidnaapol_: yeah22:51
apol_JontheEchidna: maybe we should look into this....22:52
JontheEchidnaapol_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1126111/22:52
apol_JontheEchidna: do you get that in discover too?22:53
JontheEchidnaapol_: dunno, tons of KNSBackend debug there xD22:53
apol_yes... I hate that too22:53
apol_JontheEchidna: I even sent the patch to attica22:53
apol_to fix that :S22:53
JontheEchidnaapol_: no, I don't think I get those warnings in discover22:53
apol_JontheEchidna: ok then don't remove it and I'll check tomorrow22:54
JontheEchidnathe delegate looks normal, so I don't know what it's trying to get that ResourcesModel can't provide22:54
JontheEchidnaapol_: btw, the aptify branch looks good22:56
JontheEchidnamaybe name the class QAptIntegration though?22:56
apol_JontheEchidna: feel free to change it22:56
apol_JontheEchidna: I don't like to stop working when I know what I want to do just because I need to figure out a good name :$22:57
JontheEchidnaapol_: also, I removed the broken Zeitgeist stuff22:58
apol_JontheEchidna: was it all this broken?22:58
apol_i thought it was cool if it worked22:58
JontheEchidnaeven when it wasn't broken, nothing had zeitgeist integration that could be used22:59
JontheEchidnato test it I had to compile a zeitgeist plugin for kate to use it22:59
JontheEchidnabut that was the only thing that I ever had to test it with, lol22:59
apol_but zeitgeist is a good way to approach gnome :P22:59
JontheEchidnafor some reason every app just returns 1 use, even uninstalled apps xD23:00
DoctorPepperhi guys !!! 23:08
DoctorPepper can anyone please help me ,  trying to build networkmanagement plasmoid but i get the following errors:  /23:10
DoctorPepperusr/include/glib-2.0/glib/deprecated/gthread.h:135:3: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef struct GStaticMutex GStaticMutex’23:10
DoctorPepper/usr/include/glib-2.0/glibconfig.h:160:30: error: ‘GStaticMutex’ has a previous declaration as ‘typedef struct _GStaticMutex GStaticMutex’23:10
JontheEchidnaDoctorPepper: try running sudo apt-get build-dep networkmanagement23:13
JontheEchidnait should get you all the required build dependencies23:13
skreech__Hi DoctorPepper23:33
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