
arandWhen I'm running a script from hydrazine which wants to authorize access I'm getting "Please input your password for the keyring" which password does this refer to?00:01
arand(after I've authorized access via the web browser)00:02
arand^ Hmm, it appears I worked ym way around it by installing python-gnomekeyring...00:21
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tsmithI cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a release for a project of mine!! I can't eeven find the place to create milestones! I've googled for about 3 hours now. Please please please someone help.02:44
lifelesstsmith: whats the project?02:48
wgranttsmith: You create milestones and releases inside a series of your project. https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases might be a helpful overview of the model.02:49
wgrant(if you don't know what a series is, you probably want trunk)02:49
tsmithi want the release off of trunk.02:49
lifelesstsmith: click on 'trunk series  ' on the left hand side of https://launchpad.net/phpu-training02:49
lifelesstsmith: then click on 'create release' on the mid-right side of the page.02:50
tsmithoh oh my god02:50
tsmithlifeless, thank you so very very very much.02:50
tsmithlifeless, what is a milestone, exactly?02:51
tsmithLIke the reason I'm releasing this is b/c i finished the multiauth library..02:51
tsmithis that the milestone?02:51
lifelessa milestone is an arbitrary marker02:52
lifelessproject downloads hang off of releases, which hang off of milestones.02:52
tsmithdo milestone names have to be unique across all of launchpad?02:53
lifelessthey have to be unique in your project02:53
tsmithlifeless, you're much much much better than the existing documentation (http://blog.launchpad.net/coming-features/linking-project-releases-in-launchpad-to-milestones)02:54
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IlikeMoosehow long after submitting a bug to launchpad should you expect to see a response email containing the number of the bug if it has been accepted?07:57
czajkowskiIlikeMoose: straight away08:34
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad Help contact: czajkowski| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
mgedminany ideas why 'curl https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1031642/+attachment/3244425/+files/logs2html.py.diff' produces no output?08:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1031642 in irclog2html "Support the file name format of ZNC logs" [Undecided,New]08:44
mgedminwget -O - on the same URL works fine08:44
wgrantmgedmin: curl doesn't follow redirects by default, probably.08:45
mgedminoh, really? wow08:45
PengYeah, curl -v looks like it isn't following the redirect.08:45
wgrantThe -L option may be handy08:45
mgedminyeah, curl -L works08:46
mgedminany reason why launchpad doesn't follow the HTTP recommendation of returning a human-readable body content that explains the redirect and mentions the new location??08:47
wgrantProbably because every other client in the world follows redirects by default :)08:47
wgrantBut we could.08:48
mgedminbut, wow, not following redirects by default?  wow, curl, you amaze me08:49
* mgedmin headdesks08:49
jmlhi. https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/pkgme-service/log-downloads/+merge/117819 has been up for 8 hours with no diff.08:52
wgrantjml: You'll see that the branch failed to scan.08:53
jmlwgrant: Will I?08:53
mgedminin case anybody cares: "Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s)." -- http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.308:54
wgrantjml: Note the lack of revisions on https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/pkgme-service/log-downloads08:54
mgedminpersonally, I feel curl is more in the wrong here08:54
wgrant[2012-08-01 23:50:45,994: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Retrieving history from bzrlib.08:55
wgrant[2012-08-01 23:50:46,036: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Job resulted in OOPS: OOPS-ed69e1bac8822e89d44b42851ddd520a08:55
wgrantBad bot.08:56
wgrantjml: That branch looks pretty broken.08:56
jmlwgrant: works just fine for me via bzr08:56
wgrantRevisionNotPresent: Revision {ubuntu@server-13843-20120726154335-qbvhsrci6g53odpe} not present in "Graph(StackedParentsProvider(bzrlib.repository._LazyListJoin(([CachingParentsProvider(CallableToParentsProviderAdapter(<bound method CHKInventoryRepository._get_parent_map_no_fallbacks of CHKInventoryRepository('lp-internal:///~james-w/pkgme-service/log-downloads/.bzr/repository')>))], []))))".08:56
wgrantrevno: 108:59
wgrantmodified: src/djpkgme/tasks.py08:59
wgrantSomething is a little off.08:59
wgrantjml: How does it look for you?08:59
jmlwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1124878/08:59
wgrantlast-revision looks correct...09:00
wgrantRight, that's a bit more plausible.09:00
wgrantBut you cheated by using an existing repo :)09:00
wgrantjml: bzr check on the lp: URL crashes09:02
jmlwgrant: ah ok.09:02
wgrantwgrant@lamuella:/tmp$ bzr branch lp:~james-w/pkgme-service/log-downloads09:03
wgrantbzr: ERROR: No such file: 'homepage.html-20120313222053-nn7riwtsskyte0l2-1'09:03
om26erhey! wasn't the dowtime supposed to start at 11am UTC ?10:05
om26eri see this http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=22300710:06
mgzom26er: this is the normal fastdowntime... plus some scrambling10:07
om26ermgz, when is it expected to get back ?10:08
wgrant7 minutes ago :)10:08
om26erah working now :)10:10
wgrantom26er: Yeah, sorry, a bit of a glitch with the DB patching process.10:14
wgrantSomething caused replication lag during the patch, which glued everything up.10:14
om26erwgrant, all fixed now ;-)10:15
wgrantNote that we still have PPA build downtime at 11UTC10:15
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=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Package builds delayed and Ubuntu uploads unavailable 11-12UTC | Help contact: czajkowski| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Package builds delayed and Ubuntu uploads unavailable 11-12UTC | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cjohnstonOutside of events such as UDS, is 'participation essential' for blueprints really used for anything/capable of anything, or is it no different than subscribing to a blueprint?13:22
czajkowskicjohnston: sprints use them13:24
cjohnstonHow do sprints use the participation essential? do things get scheduled around that?13:25
czajkowskicjohnston: not sure about that perhaps to track them for their work13:26
czajkowskicjohnston: why do you ask ?13:26
cjohnstonchanges to summit that I want to discuss the wording on participation essential13:27
czajkowskicjohnston: post to lp users13:28
czajkowskicjohnston: or https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-dev  might make more sense13:29
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
SpamapSSomething broken on code hosting?17:44
SpamapS     6kB     4kB/s | Fetching revisions:Get stream source17:44
SpamapSbzr pull's keep stopping there17:44
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lifelessSpamapS: thats not watched for on this channel18:47
lifelessSpamapS: or anywhere these days :)18:47
SpamapSwell, I cannot push or pull lp branches18:47
lifelessa) its webops now, and b) they are insulated from random public queries ;)18:47
lifelessSpamapS: testing myself18:48
lifelessSpamapS: I see similar symptoms; escalating18:49
lifelessSpamapS: try having more patience18:54
lifelessSpamapS: took 6 minutes for my test; clearly something bong18:54
SpamapSWrite failed: Broken pipe19:09
SpamapSlifeless: not going so well for me.. been waiting about 5 minutes19:09
czajkowskiSpamapS: well they are working on it atm19:10
SpamapSczajkowski: thanks, I'll just wait for a status update :)19:14
cielakhello everyone19:15
cielakI have a problem pushing bzr branches to launchpad19:15
cielakcan anyone give me a hand?19:15
czajkowskicielak: yes we curretnly have some code hosting isues19:15
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Currently there are some intermittent codehosting issues, we're working on resolving this, Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cielakalright, then I will wait patiently, thanks czajkowski!19:16
dobeyi wonder if my missing UDD branch update is due to similar/same issue19:18
czajkowskidobey: I suspect so19:19
mmrazikthedac: srry. I was on different server19:19
thedacmmrazik: czajkowski lifeless: so mmrazik's script is polling sequentially but I suspect may be the cause of the codehosting degredation19:20
dobeyczajkowski: did the issues start yesterdayish?19:20
czajkowskidobey: it's intermittent19:20
thedacmmrazik: can the script be stopped for a few minutes to see if things clear up and we can confirm that is the problem?19:21
* mmrazik is thinking19:23
thedacmmrazik: how long has this script been running?19:23
mmrazikthedac: months19:24
thedacoh, interesting19:24
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mmrazikthedac: but we are adding projects so the number is probably growing19:25
thedacpossibley we hit a tipping point19:26
dobeyis it constantly polling bzr branches directly or something?19:27
czajkowskithedac: could be the two scripts combined from the QA folks doing this :/19:27
mmrazikthere is jenkins polling the bzr branches19:27
mmrazikand the other script is using launchpadlib to check for new merge proposals19:28
thedacyeah, these are the top connections https://pastebin.canonical.com/71404/19:28
thedacmmrazik: you can see yours and victors are far and away the greatest number19:29
mmraziklet me shutdown our jenkins to see if it helps19:29
czajkowskimmrazik: thanks19:29
thedacsounds good19:30
mmrazikthedac, czajkowski: done19:30
mmrazikbut TBH if we are then problem then we are probably screwed19:31
mmrazikand essentially I have no idea how we can do continuous integration19:31
thedacI still see victor's connections comming in. but let's test as is19:32
james_wmmrazik, why do you have to poll the branches if you are polling the merge proposals?19:32
dobeyoh wow. that's a lot more connections than u1 even19:33
mmrazikjames_w: right. When thinking about it the bzr polling is relatively small part of it and you are right we don't need it19:34
mmrazikin most cases the polling is on a daily basis anyway19:34
mmrazikso it shouldn't be responsible for huge numbers19:34
mmrazikI mean the bzr polling19:34
james_wmmrazik, those connection numbers don't suggest daily polling19:35
james_wunless you have 30000 projects19:35
mmrazikjames_w: right. What I'm saying is that that most of the projects are just watching for new merge proposals (every 5 minutes)19:36
mmrazikinstead of polling daily on bzr trunk19:36
james_wmmrazik, the merge proposal polling isn't included in those numbers19:36
mmrazikso its just via bzr?19:36
james_wthose numbers are only when a bzr branch is actuall fetched/checked19:36
james_wanything using launchpadlib goes over http rather than bzr19:37
* mmrazik is thinking19:37
mmrazikso it means we are (polling or branching) bzr 30+14k/day19:38
james_wbzr lp:something calls19:40
james_wor bzrlib.Branch.open() or whatever if you are using bzrlib19:40
mmrazikok. there is probably something weird happening19:44
mmrazikas the numbers really don't add up to 30k19:44
mmraziklet me check once our jenkins is up again19:44
lifelesswho is still having issues ?19:47
james_wmmrazik, are you using bzrlib at all, or just calling out to bzr?19:47
mmrazikjames_w: I think both. I believe the jenkins bzr plugin is using bzr directly. I start to suspect there might be something wrong in this part.19:49
mmrazikjames_w: we are using bzrlib to do some merging. But that is not happening that often19:50
lifelessthe bzr plugin shells out to be19:50
czajkowskiSpamapS: are you still having issues?19:50
mmrazikwe are essentially using tarmac19:50
james_wmmrazik, it's sometimes possible to accidentally open a lot of connections with bzrlib19:50
james_wbut if you're using the tarmac codebase it's likely ok19:50
mmrazikyeah. I'm importing a class from tarmac19:50
mmrazikand using that19:50
SpamapSczajkowski: checking19:51
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james_wit's possible that it's that script19:53
SpamapSstill having issues19:53
SpamapStrying to bzr push to lp:~clint-fewbar/charms/precise/nagios/add-monitors-219:53
SpamapSand trying to pull lp:ubuntu/gearmand19:54
mmrazikjames_w: which script. The one using the Branch stuff from tarmac?19:54
james_wmmrazik, yeah, I19:54
james_w'd suspect that over the jenkins bzr plugin19:54
james_wunless you have the bzr plugin set to poll the branch on * * * * *19:54
mmrazikI'm just looking at the configs19:55
mmrazikthere are several projects with that19:55
mmraziklike ~10 or so19:55
mmrazikwhich is then ~14k connections19:55
mmrazika day19:55
* mmrazik is just changing those19:55
james_wmmrazik, do you have the poll log from one of those you could put in a pastebin?19:57
james_wit's possible it calls bzr twice per poll?19:57
mmraziklet me check19:58
mmrazikjames_w: https://pastebin.canonical.com/71406/19:59
james_wright, so that's just one connection20:01
mmrazikI will be changing the configuration now in a batch for all the projects20:01
mmrazikto poll */15 * * * *20:01
mmrazikcan we check the numbers in two days or so?20:01
mmrazikI guess the numbers for today will be still high20:02
mmrazikcan I turn on our jenkins now?20:03
mmrazik(the polling has been changed)20:03
lifelessSpamapS: please try with -Dhpss and paste the log from that invocation of bzr20:05
SpamapSits worth noting that bzr break-lock works fine20:07
SpamapSlifeless: nothing prints out until I ctrl-C the waiting push...20:08
SpamapSlifeless: then I just get one extra line20:08
lifelessSpamapS: it goes to ~/.bzr.log20:08
SpamapSHPSS calls: 16 (0 vfs) SmartSSHClientMedium(bzr+ssh://clint-fewbar@bazaar.launchpad.net/)20:08
lifelessSpamapS: can you get a hung process going all the time please (e.g. put that in a loop or something)20:11
lifelessWant to see if we can spot it server side20:11
SpamapSlifeless: sure its hung now, should I leave that and give you the log as-is w/ the hung process?20:12
lifelessbac: SpamapS: You guy aren't on the same ISP or anything ?20:12
lifelessSpamapS: yes please20:12
baclifeless: i'm on road runner.  SpamapS?20:12
lifelessbac: SpamapS: this has roughly the same symptoms I would expect from a pMTUd blackhole20:12
lifelessSpamapS: can you try pastebinning > 1K of text to paste.ubuntu.com ?20:13
SpamapSTime Warner20:13
SpamapSlifeless: I am trying actually20:13
SpamapSsame failure20:13
SpamapStrying to pastebin bzr.log20:13
lifelessso, not codehosting per se.20:13
SpamapSMTU issues?20:13
lifelessDis be network biatches.20:13
baclifeless: this started happening around 15:30UTC20:14
lifelessboth paste.u.c and b.l.n are in the same network20:14
lifelessthedac: ^20:14
SpamapSthats me btw20:14
SpamapS21:  canonical-2.mpr1.bsn004.pnap.net                     95.851ms pmtu 147620:14
thedacinteresting, a rounting issue perhaps?20:15
thedacSpamapS: can you do an mtr or traceroute and pastebin it?20:15
SpamapSdropping my MTU to 1476 makes everything work20:19
bacSpamapS: adjusted mtu on your router?20:20
SpamapSanyway, I have to run to lunch. bbiab20:20
SpamapSbac: no I only dropped MTU on this one machine behind my router20:21
SpamapSso I suspect the others would have the same issue20:21
elmothere's a currently a GRE tunnel in your path to the UK20:22
elmoso you (and anyone else with broken PMTUd) is going to be seeing brokeness20:22
elmowe're changing the routing announcements to work around this (i.e. avoid the GRE tunnel)20:22
lifelesselmo: we're sure we're not breaking ptmud ourselves - e.g. the tunnel acting as a blackhole [usually if an endpoint is unroutable or firewalled...]20:24
baclifeless: verified i can push with mtu lowered20:25
elmobac: the routing's already been changed; please confirm, you should be coming in via datahop or L3, not internap?20:25
bacelmo: i cannot confirm.  traceroute is timing out20:30
elmobac: try mtr20:30
bacelmo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1125869/20:35
bacelmo: so, yes, l320:35
elmobac: cool, thanks20:35
* SpamapS is back21:14
SpamapSelmo: just to confirm, I am also good with MTU of 1500 now ... and tracepath does not show any MTU drop21:20
lifelessmmrazik: your job wasn't the issue, but turning down your probes to be less frequent is useful :)21:51
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