
wxlanyone know how to edit the rightclick menu?00:12
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Guest11258i installed lubuntu but if i want to enter in audio panel i have this message: Error, you need to install a application to configure the sound (pavucontol, alsamixer ...)05:36
Guest11258what do i do?05:36
Unit193Audio panel?  Seems you have pulse, if you don't really have a reason too, may as well remove it.  Also, open a terminal and type  `alsamixer`05:40
Guest11258ok i open alsamixer05:42
Guest11258now, what do i do?05:46
shahanupdate problem on lubuntu 12.0407:24
shahanI am trying to install the updates after downloading. After downloading 130MB of updates... now its saying to check my internet connection because its becoming failed to download a 9KB file07:25
=== ram is now known as Guest95450
Guest95450Lubuntu is not shutting down properly ! I could still see the power light on. What should I do ?08:34
bioterrorblame acpi or something08:36
Guest95450This happens frequently when ever I press the shutdown button08:37
Guest95450How to identify and rectify the problem ?08:38
lamogoHello, I'm looking for a quick answer to my question in a setting in Lubuntu.08:52
lamogoIs this the right place?08:52
bioterrormight be08:53
lamogoI was formerly using chromium-browser and had it set-up to open on a specific desktop, I changed to firefox and when changed that setting in the XML file firefox doesn't load on the proper desktop but the main instead.08:54
ram19890How to fix the improper shutdown in my lubuntu ?08:55
lamogoMy setting in lubuntu-rc.xml is08:56
lamogo<application name=firefox>08:56
lamogo    <desktop>3</desktop>08:56
lamogo    <maximized>true</maximized>08:56
lamogoram19890 what is the problem when it shuts down?08:58
ram19890It shows only the blue power light , the screen is off08:59
ram19890I could still hear the fan sound , in my laptop09:00
lamogoIs the power light blinking or consistent?09:03
Unit193lamogo: Don't remember how that works exactly, but could be because firefox is running from /usr/lib/firefox/firefox09:03
lamogoah ok. Thanks Unit193. I had tried "/usr/bin/firefox" before as well. Let me try that.09:09
lamogoram19890 which method are you using to shutdown? Are you using the "shutdown/logout" buttons that bring up a context menu with different options?09:10
ram19890I am been get the same issue from the last 4 versions of lubuntu09:11
lamogoHave you tried from a terminal using the "shutdown -h 0" as root?09:11
ram19890Yes I use the normal shutdown/logout, exactly the same!09:12
lamogoHave you googled this problem with your specific computer model?09:13
ram19890Well, i search google and I visited the askubuntu, i followed the instructions , still i am getting the issue09:14
ram19890I am having Dell Vostro 150009:15
lamogoWhich instructions did you follow? Is there a link?09:15
lamogoram19890 looks like it might be a bug. Have you tried the command "sudo poweroff"?09:20
ram19890I had tried that it will work!09:21
lamogook, what about changing the grub options, have you tried that?09:22
Oe_edenI was wondering why when I boot a live cd my windows partitions are automatically mounted and accessable but after the (lubuntu) install I have to enter the (windows) password to access the partitions09:23
ram19890I usually set my default section to windows, but after the update the setting will change back to the lubuntu. Even though I change the setting , i am geetin this issue, from the last 4 versions09:26
lamogook, so if you change the grub config the computer shuts down properly, but the main boot device changes from your windows partition to lubuntu?09:30
ram_Right,After an update09:34
lamogook so looks like you have some options. Do you ever use the other options on the shutdown menu other than "shutdown"?09:36
ram_Ok , i am not sure , i will try both and will report it09:39
Guest96989Sudo poweroff works but not the shutdown -h now !09:51
Guest96989From ram_09:51
lamogoI'd recommend changing the grub config file and if updating grub decides to boot to lubuntu you can change the default OS again to windows following this link.09:55
lamogoYou could also change what command LXDE runs when clicking the power button on the screen to "sudo poweroff" If you do that you'll need to changed the settings in visudo so that "poweroff" could run with sudo privlages without entering a password.09:58
lamogoHope that helps.09:58
Guest96989menu.lst is not there in the grub09:59
lamogomenu.lst is kept in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:00
Guest96989Thats right , its not there !10:01
Guest96989How could I be missing one important file and is still working ?10:03
lamogoI don't have it either so don't panic. Have a look at this post. http://askubuntu.com/questions/110333/help-editing-grub-on-ubuntu-12-0410:04
Guest96989Boot repair Updating10:18
=== ram is now known as Guest73925
Guest73925It worked10:36
Guest73925What was the problem ?10:36
Guest73925From Ram_10:38
zleaphows you11:21
zleapback laster11:21
bootinitop o' the mornin to ya !11:28
* zleap may go away from keyboard suddenly for food11:29
zleapso what have people been up to11:29
bioterrorzleap, you should come to #lubuntu-offtopic for talking ;)11:30
Gosylyl :)11:36
Gosywow this guide on how to setup a shared network map on samba wasn't easy at all,11:39
Gosysome of the stuff on the guide which is windows based is even hard to understand11:39
Gosyor im beeing plain dukb11:39
Gosyis there any good app for remote controlling into lubuntu11:52
zleaplike ssh11:52
zleapthat will let you connect and do thngs remotely11:52
zleapssh = secure shell11:52
zleapGosy, what exactly do you want to do ?11:53
Gosylike rdp in windows11:54
Gosyi wanna get into my lubuntu like rdp11:54
zleapremote desktop11:54
zleapi am working on this atm,  slowly on my PI so i can control remotely so still learning11:54
Gosyyou wrote that ?11:55
zleapno i am working on getting remote access working11:56
zleapso i can't really help you that much, as I am still learning stuff11:56
Gosyoh ok, got it12:21
tomzonhello i have lenovo thinkpad e530 with 16gb ssd drive and 750gb normal drive .. how i should partition the system for lubuntu ?13:24
Hirschtomzon: dualboot?13:27
tomzonno just linux13:28
Hirschput linux on the ssd13:28
Hirschand programs13:28
Hirschand /home/ on the other hdd13:28
tomzonthanks :)13:28
tomzoncurrently just testing it to see if the fingerprint reader and hybrid graphics works13:31
tomzonand they work just fine hehe13:31
Gosyhow do put the terminal as a shortcut icon on the taskbar15:42
Gosyquick access15:43
Gosywhenever im installing a package via terminal i allways get "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg retunred an error code (1)"15:52
Gosycould anyone explain what that really means15:52
Gosyhey guys18:04
wxlGosy: you get your apt working yet?18:07
Gosynope :\18:07
Gosyi mean yes18:07
wxlso what's your problem now? XD18:07
Gosystill haven't been able to conf my samba18:07
Gosyi have an problem here tho18:07
Gosyhow do i edit in terminal?18:08
Gosylike i do18:08
Gosysudo vi- /etc/samba/smb.conf18:09
Gosybut i can't do any changes :|18:09
Gosysaid like that on tutorial18:09
wxlcould you link me to that because that's an error18:09
Gosywatching a youtube one18:09
wxlyou might try nano instead of "vi-"18:10
wxlit's much easier for the average person to work with18:10
Gosyim a total noob at linux mate haha18:10
wxli can't do much about the video. thought it was on the wiki18:10
Gosyi have no clue what im doing18:10
wxldo this:18:11
wxl1. hit alt-f218:11
wxl2. in the run dialog type: "gksudo leafpad /etc/samba/smb.conf"18:11
wxl3. hit enter or ok or whatever18:11
wxl4. enter your password18:11
wxl5. edit graphically18:11
wxlway easier18:11
Gosywhat does gksudo stand for18:12
Gosyand how do i exit a "text" file in terminal without F* it up18:12
bioterrorGosy, what's wrong with the samba?18:12
wxlgksudo is graphical sudo18:12
Gosybioterror : nothing mate. Just me being a total noob18:12
bioterrorand what you want your samba to do?18:12
GosyI just want to share a folder on my network18:12
bioterrorwithout permissions?18:13
Gosyso i can put stuff in there on my main pc18:13
Gosyno, this is for home use18:13
bioterrorit should share it without asking users?18:13
Gosyon this specific map, yes18:13
Gosynot map18:14
bioterrorso you want like: \\ip.add.re.ss\share\ and it just shows the stuff without username and password?18:14
GosyYeah if possible18:14
wxlGosy: also if you prefer to do your editing in the terminal try "sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf" you can use vi but if you've never used it, iw ouldn't recommend it. steep learning curve and not user friendly18:14
GosyBut i want in the same network group as my other windows pc's18:15
Gosythanks wxl, helpfull18:15
bioterrorGosy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1125637/18:16
bioterrorreplace sad157 with your username18:16
bioterrorand add that to the end of your /etc/samba/smb.conf18:16
Gosyforce user :sad137?18:17
Gosyah ok18:17
bioterrorGosy, when you configure your samba, you should notice that you want to add that workgroup correct ;)18:17
bioterrorit's top of the smb.conf that workgroup section18:17
Gosypath is also wrong18:17
Oe_edenare there any known keyboard shortcuts in lubuntu when I type fast I tend to make a lot of mistakes and things happen :)18:17
Gosybioterror : yeah, did that already18:17
bioterrorGosy, sudo service samba restart18:18
wxlOe_eden: yes.18:18
bioterrorGosy, if that doesnt work18:19
bioterroryou should then do following: smbpasswd -a username18:19
bioterroradd that users username and give it a password, which home folder you're trying to share18:19
Oe_edenwxl: allright! thx18:19
wxlOe_eden: do you want to knwo what they all are? you can disable any or all of them if you like.18:20
Oe_edenwxl,  this helps I guess http://d.hatena.ne.jp/masami256/20110824/131411553218:20
bioterrorOe_eden, ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml has all the shortcuts18:21
wxlOe_eden: what he said ↑18:21
bioterroryou can modify them from there to suit you better18:21
wxlOe_eden: and by editing that you change the configuration18:21
Oe_edenbut also selecting a tab in chromium & 2 finger scrolling will scroll trough the tabs -> this is new for me :)18:21
wxlthat is weird!18:21
wxlthat's a chromium thing18:21
wxland only if the mouse is on top of the tabs18:22
Oe_edennot a feature but a bug ?18:22
wxlno, a strange feature18:22
Oe_edenits actually handy :)18:22
wxli'm not too fond of it but it's fine18:22
Oe_edenbut my problem is more with window tabbing18:23
Oe_edeni can be typing here and bam im in my terminal18:23
Oe_edenmight be my crooked fingers though ;)18:23
Oe_edenctrl-tab I use18:23
Oe_edenfor windows switching18:24
wxlso do i18:24
wxlof course t and tab are no where near one another18:24
Oe_edenbut for some reason I sometimes get tabbed to a different window18:24
GosyHow do i change workgroup on lubuntu by the way?18:24
bioterrorGosy, from the smb.conf18:24
Gosyah sweet18:24
Gosydone that then18:24
Oe_edenbut it's fine18:24
Oe_edenbtw apt-cache search has a whole lot more packages than the lubuntu software center: this is because only lubuntu optimized packages are in software center?18:26
Oe_edenapt > synaptic > lubuntu software center18:26
Oe_edensynaptic = apt18:26
wxlpretty much yeah Oe_eden18:27
Oe_edenok but its also pretty 'messy'18:27
Oe_edenbecause if you search for xchat there a 218:28
wxlyou can try to figure things out by searching packages.ubuntu.com18:28
wxlor coupling it with apt-cache info18:28
Oe_edenIm used to apt-cache18:28
wxli mean synaptic/lsc pulls it all from the same place18:29
wxlall of those things (even aptitude) are really nothing more than front ends to apt18:29
wxlwhich is why i don't bother with anything but apt18:29
Oe_edenbtw any good (web) fonts that you guys use?18:30
Gosycan't find18:32
Gosymy linux share now on my pc18:32
bioterrorGosy, try \\ip.address.sss\18:32
Oe_edenthe kerning in ubuntu (linux distros) always looks a bit 'off'18:34
Gosymy inet addr :
Gosythink i have to reboot18:35
Phiscribeyeah fonts seem lagging behind in unicies18:38
Gosybioterror : awseom18:40
Gosyworks now18:40
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Gosyit seems18:44
Gosyi forgott to give any permission18:44
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
=== len is now known as Guest9586
Gosyhaving issues with samba again22:59
Gosyfor some reasons22:59
Gosymy configs doesn't work anymore :\22:59

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