
jimericksonusing the 1-Aug-2012 omap4+armhf image on a pandaboard ES. it installs the rootfs but leaves the uboot partition empty. is there a work around or shall i file a bug?00:40
ogra_mpls ?02:31
ogra_jimerickson, a bug would be helpful indeed02:34
jimericksonthen a bug it shall be!02:34
jimericksonfiled bug #103202102:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1032021 in ubiquity "installer does not create a uboot partition on omap4+armhf on pandaboard ES" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103202102:56
ogra_jimerickson, looks like the installer didnt finish at all, did you get any error messges ?03:07
jimericksonjust ubi-partman failed with error 141 at one point. i tried it several times.03:08
ogra_right, it didnt proceed after that03:10
ogra_also yuo seem to have checked the option to install the nonfree stuff (on the first page), this tries to instll the pvr driver which isnt ready for the current kernel yet03:11
jimericksonah ok i can try it again without that if you wish03:12
ogra_(thats unrelated to the partitioner issue indeed)03:12
ogra_no. it shouldnt cause the install to fail or crate partition errors03:13
ogra_hmm, something created a vfat on your usb drive as first partiton03:16
ogra_did you dothat manually ?03:16
jimericksonwell at one point i created a fat32 partition in hopes it would populate it03:17
ogra_no, it cant boot off the usb driver03:18
ogra_the u-boot partition needs to live on the SD03:18
ogra_(imagine the SD as a bootfloppy)03:18
jimericksonright but how else can i install except to a usb hub?03:18
ogra_well, the install as you did it was surely not wrong, but the vfat on USb would be wasted space03:19
ogra_the bootloader gets installed to the SD card at the end of the installation03:20
jimericksoni see03:20
ogra_so you dont need to have a vfat on USB03:20
ogra_i would try without checking the third party driver option and just letting the partitioner take over the whole usb disk automatically (guided partitoning), see if that works03:22
jimericksonwill do ogra. i will report back in a few.03:22
ogra_i'm not sure about all the debconf messages in your syslog, will have to ask cjwatson about these tomorrow, no idea if they are fatal03:31
jimericksonits installing right now. no errors so far03:33
ogra_i need to update the install docs on the wiki to actually explain that you need the SD for the bootloader ...03:34
jimericksonwell it made a 255 mb ext2 partition and the rest ext4. but no fat32. so it does not boot.04:12
jimericksonogra_, is there something else i am doing wrong?04:16
infinityjimerickson: Hrm?  The vfat partition it uses to boot is on the SD card.04:27
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jimericksonok then how do i stop it from booting to the installer?04:27
infinityjimerickson: It overwrites the installer bits on the card.04:28
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jimericksonits not doing that. would you like syslog and partman?04:28
infinityjimerickson: No, but ogra_ would love more info, I'm sure. :P04:29
jimericksoninfinity let me get this straight, the sdcard is the boot disk and i leave a usb stick in the hub to boot from now. no more installing to sdcard?04:33
jimericksonnevermind i am confused.04:49
jimericksoninstall halts with /dev/cdrom cannot be unmounted.05:50
GrueMasterogra_: mpls means I forgot to change the focus from irc to the terminal.  Happens.05:52
janimomarvin24, on precise kernel+L4T work well indeed. I'll check a newer X06:22
Inoperablei got a strange problem on my device07:24
Inoperablekernel freezes on changing the console07:24
Inoperablewhen i try to change from tty1 to tty207:25
Inoperablehappens not always07:25
Inoperablebut if system is under load almost always07:25
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marvin24janimo: I wrote you yesterday, that removing the xorg.conf (on debian) helps. This makes sense as in this case the framebuffer driver is used 8-(08:19
janimomarvin24, ok. I have not upgraded to quantal or X 12 yet08:39
janimoI need to make some more GLES measurements with known good setup08:39
marvin24janimo: did you tried multi board support for 3.1?08:40
marvin24that won't work08:40
janimoyes, does not work08:40
janimodo you know the reason?08:40
janimoI fI build in paz00 config even with the actual board files not built-in the image (ifdefed out or removed from the makefile altogether) I get a non-booting zImage08:40
janimono idea why08:41
janimothe only weird diff between the two symbol lists is setup_machine_tags gets a constprop.6 suffix in the PAZ00 enabled image08:42
janimoon #tegra I was told multiboard setup in mainline 3.1 should work08:42
marvin24janimo: the bootloader is a bit strange I think08:51
marvin24it's not kernels fault08:51
marvin24you could try u-boot though08:51
marvin24mainline u-boot works out of the box on all nvidia boards (including paz00)08:53
janimoI am trying to boot on tf10108:53
janimowhich fails if I add PAZ00 to the kernel08:53
janimoso you think it is the bootloader? Does it do more than just pass a fixed machine ID and let the kernel run?08:54
marvin24janimo: I think it reads the machine id from the kernel09:06
marvin24at least on paz0009:07
marvin24or does something else weird09:07
janimoso much for having a standard way of bootloader->arm-kernel interface I guess?09:08
marvin24janimo: fastboot was never designed to boot multiple machine kernels09:09
marvin24each OEM has its own version, fit for a single device09:09
janimostill, why would it not use the simple way of telling the kernel which mach id is it? To use same fastboot binary on multiple zImages?09:09
janimomultiple devices that is09:09
marvin24janimo: don't ask ...09:09
marvin24all of the stuff which comes from nvidia is quick-and-dirty hack09:10
marvin24that's the price you have to pay if you want to go quickly to market09:10
marvin24you just cannot do it sane09:10
marvin24we have to accept this09:11
janimomarvin24, which exactly are the two issues you asked from nvidia? One is the plymouth crasher which we work around via console=tty1. The other?09:18
marvin24nvidia seems to know about already and working on it09:18
marvin24so we just have to wait ...09:18
janimoah, the X 12 ABI09:21
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marvin24janimo: if console=ttyS0,.... is specified, is the framebuffer console used at all?09:24
janimonever tried that09:25
marvin24I think that's a better workaround as it should also kill all the error messages still left09:25
lilsteviemarvin24, has anyone tried to figure out why all the unity stuff is transparent with unity-gles and the tegra drivers10:45
marvin24lilstevie: I know it is not tegra specific10:46
marvin24try xorg-edgers to find out :-)10:46
marvin24I even don't know if it is driver or unity fault10:47
marvin24and no one seems to care currently10:47
lilsteviemarvin24, heh I was more asking on the nvidia side of things10:48
lilstevieI mean using unity-2d is no issue, just wondered if anyone actually knows what the issue is10:48
marvin24and my answer is that it is propably not nvidias fault this time10:48
lilstevieyeah, that was what ogra said the other day too10:49
lilstevienvidia doesn't exactly have an easy way to report bugs either :/10:49
marvin24e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/102476810:49
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1024768 in unity "[xorg-edgers] Missing icons in unity launcher and app switcher after update" [High,Confirmed]10:49
marvin24lilstevie: yes, that's unfortune10:50
marvin24on the other hand, sometimes you can grab an engineer on #tegra who has access to the internal bug reporting system10:50
lilstevieI am not in #tegra :p10:51
marvin24I just talk with someone10:51
* lilstevie joins10:51
marvin24he said that the two main problems we are facing on the ac100 (console and abi 12 segfault) are already known10:51
marvin24and they are working on a fix10:51
lilstevieah cool10:52
lilstevieI haven't tried quantal here yet, so I haven't seen abi12 issues10:53
janimoinfinity,  I was told by Jo Shields Sony has some armhf patch for mono which they do not intend to upstream though. I hope that is good for Debian then for the moment11:43
infinityjanimo: I don't care where the patch comes from, if we can ship it...11:43
infinity(And if it works)11:44
janimowell if Debian can ship it we can too11:44
janimoI'd rather wait till they sort it out11:44
infinityWell, yes.  I meant "if the license is free".11:44
janimoyes, Jo said GPL11:44
infinitySounds shiny.  If it's not wildly unauditable, we can probably fix precise with it too.11:45
lilsteviewhy wouldn't they want to upstream it11:46
ogra_infinity, i would appreciate some comments (i surely forgot a few checks or so) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1125314/14:52
ogra_(thats a wget initramfs script for dumping the images onto the SD and reboot into d-i/ubiquity)14:53
ogra_i need to make sure it doesnt fall over once i left boston :)14:53
infinityNo DNS at that point in the boot, I guess?14:54
infinityI guess if cdimage moves, they're smart enough to fix it.14:55
ogra_yeah, i would have to add dns clients, but the image server is on the internal net anyway and wont change IP14:55
ogra_and the imageurl option comes from the pxe config so its easily changeable14:55
infinityimageurl=)  <-- ITYM imageurl=*)14:56
ogra_oh, indeed !14:56
ogra_funny that my test worked ... i shouldnt have had access ot cdimage during the test14:56
infinityAnd ${imageurl=##} is much more readable than the form you used.14:57
ogra_ok, i always steal that from the framebuffer script :)14:57
ogra_we should fix it there too then ;)14:57
infinityOr, wait, I could be on crack.14:58
infinityI am, but so are you. :P14:59
infinityYou want ${opt#*=}15:00
infinityWhich suddenly makes much more sense.15:00
ogra_lol, yeah15:01
* ogra_ blames jetlag :P15:01
infinityAnd add a bs=4M to that dd(1) if you don't want it to take a week.15:01
ogra_it takes about 3min15:01
ogra_but yeah, adding it15:02
infinityAssuming the dd in use takes bs=, but I imagine it does.15:02
ogra_its the normal dd15:02
ogra_no busybox stuff15:02
ogra_ogra@horus:~/tmp$ ls -l bin/dd15:02
ogra_-rwxr-xr-x 1 ogra ogra 3140 Aug  1 22:47 bin/dd15:02
infinityKay, other than that, looks okay.15:02
ogra_great, thanks a lot15:03
* ogra_ rolls the initrd and tries15:03
infinityogra_: That's the klibc dd, not the coreutils one.15:03
ogra_oh, ok15:03
infinityAnd it doesn't take bs=15:03
infinityJust tested.15:03
infinitySo, don't do that. :P15:03
ogra_we'll i'll know in a minute if it works15:03
ogra_ah, k15:04
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ /usr/lib/klibc/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=4M15:04
infinity/usr/lib/klibc/bin/dd: bad operand `bs=4M'15:04
infinityOh, wait, it just doesn't do the "M" bit.15:04
ogra_well, it seems to use a decent blocksize by default ... else it wouldnt be that fast i suppose15:04
infinityBut yeah, 3m is fine.  Whatever. ;)15:04
ogra_3min are not bad for a 600M image15:04
ogra_works like a charm :)15:07
ogra_hmm, the ipconfig output actually shows the dns server15:08
ogra_well, but userspace bits are missing ...15:14
infinityWhich userspace bits?15:14
ogra_ /etc/resolv.conf ?15:14
ogra_no idea15:14
infinityOh, if you're using a wget linked to glibc, yeah.15:14
infinityklibc could resolve fine15:14
ogra_well, not worth the effort15:15
infinityProbably not.15:15
* ogra_ now has all bits ready for the automated testing ... just need to glue them together somehow now15:16
wookeyinfinity: apt is definately borked WR sources.list arch qualifiers. lp#103225015:32
wookeyI've seen it before, ages ago actually, but never really got to the bottom of it before15:33
GrueMasterbug 103225016:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 1032250 in apt "apt chooses wrong architecture if sources.list contains arch-qualified entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103225016:34
GrueMastermuch better.16:34
GrueMasterogra_: How goes the automation setup?16:36
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ogra_GrueMaster, well, all pieces are ready, just need to glue them together17:02
ogra_(which i'm working on right now)17:02
GrueMasterWell, when you are done sniffing glue, have a beer on me.  :P17:03
ogra_hehe, will do17:05
ogra_GrueMaster, your usbboot wikipage helped me a lot on monday btw, thanks for that17:05
GrueMasterNo problem.17:07
GrueMasterJust wish I was still in the game (sometimes).17:07
janimoogra_, infinity is quantal's flash-kernel supposed to work on precise to with no issues?18:30
janimoI need to modify it and I'd rather do it in quantal and then use the same in precise than touch two codebases - even if they may be similar enough18:30
janimolilstevie, do you know if the boot part on the asua can be made visible from the kernel?19:01
lilsteviewith a butchers knife19:02
lilstevieaka hacky patch to the gpt driver19:02
janimolilstevie, as long as it works why not?19:07
janimowouldn't be the first hack in the tf kernel :)19:07
ogra_there are hacks ?!?!19:08
ogra_janimo, f-k from quantal will likely not work on precise withaout a lot of transitioing19:09
ogra_comkpletely different places for all the configs etc19:09
janimoogra_, so it is not self-contained?19:10
ogra_and with the switch to drop all boot.scr support you will need to transition to the new configs19:10
janimoogra_, but ok thanks will check precise's version then19:10
ogra_(thats something i'm in the middle of in quantal)19:10
ogra_if i'm done the postinst should auto-transition your configs, even on precise (since upgrades will have to work)19:11
ogra_but thats something i earliest start mid next week19:11
ogra_also f-k is currently broken for all but omap/omap4 in quantal19:12
ogra_(there is a hack in place that i will revert as soon as infinity fixed live-installer)19:13
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jimericksonusing the 2-Aug-2012 omap4+armhf image on a pandaboard ES. it boots to a black screen. sad panda.20:21
scientesjimerickson, http://inotternews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/sad-panda-podiatrist_medium.jpg?dur=20320:22
ogra_jimerickson, doesnt it come up with X if you wait long enough ?20:54
ogra_that plymouth is broken is known, you get a black screen instead of a splash20:54
ogra_but once X starts you should get display properly20:54
jimericksonwell i waited quite awhile now and still a black screen. i will zsync my image tonight and try again later.21:27
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