
=== fenris is now known as Guest49532
=== Guest49532 is now known as ejat
dpmgood morning05:35
twobottuxaucommunity: Is Brainstorm useful? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/171069/is-brainstorm-useful>07:00
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=== Guest55066 is now known as matt_symes
elfyjcastro: thanks for your forum SSO blog10:39
dpmJoseeAntonioR, around14:40
SergioMeneseshello dpm , let him a msg I guess he is sleeping14:49
dpmok, no worries, thanks SergioMeneses14:50
czajkowskidpm: you all sorted with the language packs14:50
dpmczajkowski, I think so. With wgrant's help it seems the script to build them is now running. I won't be able to tell until in a few hours time, but so far it's looking good14:51
czajkowskidpm: ok, pke him early your time tomorrow if there is any more issues14:53
dpmgreat, thanks14:53
czajkowskiour maintenance squad is still rather new and he has more experience14:53
jonodpm, mhall119 all set?15:00
dpmjono, yep!15:01
jonodpm, mhall119 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/955ebe910b1babad3b289d1f9234445f7ccc4a9b?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:01
cjohnstonAlanBell: ping15:07
JoseeAntonioRdpm: pong15:37
dpmJoseeAntonioR, I had a question about Ubuntu on air, but it's sorted now :)15:44
dpmthanks for coming back to me, though15:44
=== popey_ is now known as popey
twobottuxaucommunity: Why are there popular ideas on Brainstorm that developers haven't implemented? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/171069/why-are-there-popular-ideas-on-brainstorm-that-developers-havent-implemented>16:15
czajkowskitwobottux: only so much developers can do, unless we get more developers16:20
twobottuxczajkowski: Error: "only" is not a valid command.16:20
twobottuxczajkowski: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:20
balloonsczajkowski, lol16:22
balloonsyou were just the first -- we all got caught!16:22
czajkowskiballoons: a day of bots!16:23
czajkowskiat least this one replies :)16:23
czajkowski*sigh* long day16:25
czajkowskibut just one more day and I'm offline for 9 days :D16:26
balloonsczajkowski, ohh offline!16:26
czajkowskiI know16:27
czajkowskiit's an unusal concept16:27
czajkowskione I'm not sure I'm going tobe able to do16:27
czajkowskibut going to damn well try :)16:27
czajkowskirented a car and heading south of london for a week to a cottage :D16:28
balloonsvery nice!16:29
balloonsenjoy yourself.. and heh, your disconnected-ness16:29
mhall119czajkowski: waiting until *after* the Olympics before you get out of London?17:18
czajkowskiavoding week 217:18
czajkowskijon has worked all week from home17:18
czajkowskiwent to the office today took him an hour17:18
mhall119no thanks17:18
czajkowskiwe had to stay for a mtes engagement party on saturday17:18
czajkowskiwell he does work down in canary wharf which is very close17:19
jonojcastro, http://www.ironmaiden.com/steve-harris-british-lion---brand-new-album-released-september-24.html17:49
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
=== fenris is now known as Guest6988
=== Guest6988 is now known as ejat

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