
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
airurandoI hope I don't get slapped for a post I just sent to the mailing list....21:27
czajkowskiairurando: no not at all21:27
czajkowskiit;s good21:27
airurandothanks czajkowski21:28
airurandoI was real worried about sendin it21:28
czajkowskino dont be worried21:28
czajkowskiit;s a list anyne should be able to post to without feeling they are holding back21:28
czajkowskigood on you21:28
* airurando feels it is something that needs to be aired21:29
czajkowskiaye tis probably the elephant in the room tbh21:30
airurandoczajkowski: that is exactly how I see it.21:31
airurandothe last thing I want is for us to get to summer next year and panic about reapproval.21:32
Victor9098airurando: Just got the email! Uie need to learn to play better :D21:32
airurandoVictor9098 indeed... or not depending on how Uie feels.....  ;-)21:34
airurandoI sincerely hope for a lively, constructive discussion.21:35
Victor9098Airing on the side of optimism. I think we just need to get the band together (so to say)21:36
Victor9098Ubuntu Ireland (Ubuntu-ie)21:36
czajkowskiahh even21:37
airurandoczajkowski: I'm assuming Ubuntu Ireland21:37
czajkowskiI'm rather tired and stil semi working21:37
airurandomust confess I had to think about it for a minute also21:37
Victor9098My bad...21:38
airurandont bad21:38
airurandonot bad even21:38
airurandojust slow minds21:38
airurandomokmeister in here said it best a couple of days ago.21:39
Victor9098But I agree with the lack of enthusiasm there has been. I think the last proper meet-up was the science museum on a Sat afternoon, but I ended up not being able to make that.21:39
airurandoUbuntu is becoming something really great21:39
czajkowskimaybe start by trying to ge tmore peple talking in here?21:39
Victor9098Yes, and we seem to be out of sync21:39
czajkowskilinking to the webchat version for those behind firewalls21:40
czajkowskior picking different topics to discuss on irc?21:40
Victor9098czajkowski: thats why I came here before replying to the email :D21:40
czajkowskilotta people join they are all curious yet dont say anything21:40
czajkowskiwhich is fine21:40
czajkowskibut I'd love to hear about peoples experiences21:40
Victor9098I admit, I am guilty of only logging into the IRC the nights that the UUPC live show is on21:41
czajkowskiVictor9098: thats fine also21:42
airurandoVictor9098 you are in here tonight!!!21:42
czajkowskibut maybe we can do something in the evening post work for people to chat to irish folks?21:42
czajkowskithe uukpc will be in limerick in october21:42
Victor9098No way!21:42
czajkowskiwith XKCD randall munroe speaking at it also21:43
czajkowskiWAy :)21:43
Victor9098Pack up the tent...road trip21:43
Victor9098Ubuntu happy evening even :D21:43
Victor9098We should really plan a Ubuntu-ie event around all that21:44
czajkowski6/7 october21:46
czajkowskikicking off mark shuttle worth21:46
Victor9098That is pretty darn cool21:48
Victor9098Sheesh....we got to do something. Mark over here, Ubuntu Ireland has to represent!21:48
Victor9098czajkowski: looking at the website I might be well out of my depth (read end-user), but I admit it would be pretty cool getting to shake Marks hand :D21:53
czajkowskiyeah but a lot of them are good speakers21:55
czajkowskiso it's good to hear people talk21:55
czajkowskiand you pick up on small things21:55
arbi_bworznew to irc chat22:37
arbi_bworzSeems to be working22:37
arbi_bworzCan this be seen?22:37

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