
LjL@mark #ubuntu Yandex_nm2 being silly, has a bantracker history under various nicknames10:26
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:26
SalmanHelp me11:12
LjLSalman: you were banned from #ubuntu, several times, because you did not make any sense.11:13
SalmanYes ljl11:14
SalmanHelp me unban ubuntu LjL11:15
LjLSalman: maybe it would be better if you went to the channel for your language. what is your native language?11:16
SalmanI fix keybord plzz unbanned me  LjL11:17
LjLSalman: what does the keyboard have to do with this?11:18
SalmanYes but unban me11:18
LjLSalman: i cannot unban you if i cannot communicate with you.11:19
grySalman: where are you from?11:19
grySalman: what country?11:19
SalmanUnban me11:20
SalmanPlzzzz LjL11:20
grySalman: I imagine that the problem is your English.  On IRC, it's somewhat preferred to use longer sentences in one line to ease understanding.11:22
LjLSalman: no. i cannot unban you. #ubuntu is a busy channel. you say nonsense in #ubuntu when you are in #ubuntu. i don't know if it's because of English, but i cannot help you.11:22
grySalman: are you looking for help with Ubuntu?11:22
SalmanGry you have what's up11:23
grySalman: I think you'll want to use https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org (you can ask here) or http://askubuntu.com/ (you can also ask here)11:24
Salmangry: U have what's up chat11:25
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe15:19
mneptokno ...15:19
mneptokthe #ubuntu-arabic channel is seemingly dead. the ubuntu-arabic.org community site is a domain placeholder. i imagine most LoCo channels are fairly quiet. to where do we refer Arabic speakers that have English issues?15:27
mneptokSabily? :/15:27
jussi!sa | mneptok15:35
ubottumneptok: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية15:35
mneptokjussi: is that channel active? i didn't check.15:53
jussimneptok: I havent for a while, but it was more active than the other one iirc15:53
IdleOneseems dead also15:54
mneptokrandom irclogs.u days over the past month indicate it's pretty dead.15:55
mneptokeither no entries at all, or juct joins/parts and nick changes15:55
mneptokit would lead you to think that a large portion of the Arab world was really busy this past year.15:56
ubottubazhang called the ops in #kubuntu (batman)17:55
bazhang<jameson> I'm really disappointed that it takes losing all my files to realize just how unreliable ubuntu is as an OS18:34
bazhang<schultza> same pro/con question for rythmbox vs audacity?18:58
bazhangis that NOT polling?18:58
DJonesIt is in my book18:58
bazhangseems like a variation on !best18:58
bazhangubuntu on android?19:09
bazhangisn't that just some kind of VM?19:09
IdleOnenot released yet afaik19:09
bazhang<powahh> then try getting it on the sun19:13
bazhangto a question about freezing19:13
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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