
ali1234this story makes no sense and is so technical that it clearly went over the head of the journalist and everyone reading it01:44
ali1234i have no idea what it even means or why they even bothered to write it01:45
ali1234ok, so reading the original story explains it: the algorithm automatically makes articulated "action figures" from skeleton weighted mesh animations01:46
ali1234but geez, the story is so convoluted...01:47
AlanBellmorning all06:54
AlanBellthat is an odd story ali1234, the whole copyright thing makes zero sense06:55
ali1234as i said, if you read the original press release it makes perfect sense06:55
ali1234but they've tried to simplify it for laymen, to the point where all sense is lost06:55
ali1234and the copyright angle is i guess just thrown in to make it more than a crazy ball of nonsense06:56
ali1234well, press release makes sense if you're familiar with skeletal animation systems and 3d printers anyway06:56
ali1234once you understand that, the copyright thing makes sense. cos ripping the meshes and animation from games is easy06:57
ali1234they do it all the time and make papercraft models06:57
ali1234but those aren't posable like an action figure, which is what this new tech does06:58
ali1234so now chinese can rip game graphics and make off-license action figures without paying for an expensive designer06:58
ali1234the 3d printing aspect isn't so important there, they have proper factories :)06:58
christelgood morning06:59
AlanBellali1234: yeah, I understand copyright and 3d printing, just don't see why the article said copyright would be a problem unless microsoft/sony use it, when it is a pixar funded project and those others have nothing to do with it07:05
diploMorning all07:05
ali1234yeah, they're just fishing for a reason to actually post it07:05
ali1234i expect the copyeditors will show up for work soon and clean it up or remove it entirely07:06
ali1234it's painfully obvious that the journalists post all the bad articles after they finish work07:06
diploI'm in a oh why did I drink so much last night feeling this morning07:11
christelgood morning diplo :)07:11
ali1234oh here's another great one: "what would ernest shackleton have tweeted?"07:12
ali1234"it's rly rly cold lol"07:12
christelwhen i finish building my reprap i shall print 3d models of all of you07:15
* christel nods07:15
diploQuiet in here again this morning, crumpets aren't helping much with soaking up the booze :(07:32
christeldiplo: you need to add bacon :)07:35
diploI have bacon, but at home :(07:40
christelyou should always carry bacon with you my dear!07:41
diploAnd I was dubious whether I'd get to work on time as it was, let alone cooking bacon as well07:41
* christel hugs diplo 07:41
diploIf we had a grill or hob I would have some here, just a toaster and microwave :/07:41
ali1234you can make bacon in the microwave08:03
diploCalling what we have herre a microwave may have been to kind :)08:06
ali1234i INSIST that you cook some bacon in the microwave08:11
christeli'm with ali1234 on this one08:12
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:13
* christel hugs JamesTait 08:13
* JamesTait hugs christel back08:13
christelhow are you this fine morning? :D08:14
JamesTaitTired. :( But only two more days to work and then two weeks off.08:14
JamesTaitNot sure if that'll help with the tired or make it worse. ;)08:15
JamesTaitHow's christel?08:15
christeloooh do you have amazing holiday plans? :D08:15
christelshe is well! i am doctoring a heavy head by applying vast quantities of bacon!08:15
directhex"doctoring" means "faking" for some reason. one nurses one's head after too much gin.08:16
JamesTaitWell, she may be doctoring it as well. :-P08:16
christeli have little faith in nurses!08:17
* bigcalm slowly awakens08:17
JamesTaitchristel: No holiday plans, really.  Very arm-wavy discussions about camping for a night, going to Gulliver's Kingdom and maybe making a trip to London to see what we can see of the Olympic atmosphere.08:17
christelgosh i havent been camping for years, used to love it!08:18
JamesTaitI expect most of it will be spent catching up on things around the house.  My office needs a good clean out and tidy up, and then I might even be able to get the ceiling done.08:18
christelgo camping!08:18
christelmorning bigclam :)08:19
bigcalmEwwo christel :)08:19
diploI'm taking my kids camping next weekend!08:19
christeldiplo: :D08:19
diploNot sure if this is a good or bad thing yet08:19
christelbigcalm: you never came back last night! *sulk*08:19
JamesTaitThe boys are all for camping.  I am too, but I worry that they won't be when we actually do it.08:20
dwatkinswhereabouts, diplo? North or South?08:20
bigcalmchristel: I'm so sorry :'(08:20
christeldiplo: you'll have lots of fun i am sure -- where are you off to or is that undecided?08:20
bigcalmchristel: I wanted to, but I ended up being a taxi man08:20
bigcalmchristel: were you on there all night?08:20
diploSouth wales : http://www.threecliffsbay.com08:21
christelbigcalm: sad as it would be to admit to it.. yes :x08:21
diploWell I'm about to phone them up when I sober up a little more, they had places last week08:21
bigcalmchristel: better than drinking alone :D08:21
diploSwansea specifically08:21
diploOnly thing I am worried about is doing it with just me with the kids, guess I'm finding it a little daunting.08:22
christeldiplo: oh that looks beautiful :)08:23
dwatkinsMy brother's on holiday in Cardiff this week. Apparently it's raining :(08:23
diploThat's my two other issues, is putting up the tent ( still not sure I can do it on my own ) and really don't want it to rain :(08:23
TheOpenSourcererhmmm... Wales = Rain.08:24
dwatkinsTheOpenSourcerer: I once drove over the Severn Bridge into Wales - it started raining the second we finished crossing the bridge08:25
diploWell I wanted to go to Weymouth area but not exactly the best week for it at the mo08:25
christeldwatkins: haha08:25
christelmorning TheOpenSourcer \o/08:25
dwatkins"Oh look, Wales has a burger place near the bridge.. aaaand it's raining already"08:25
TheOpenSourcererI begrudge having to pay to get INTO Wales.08:25
dwatkinsIt would be nice not to have to pay for repeated visits, or if you're descended from Welsh families like mw.08:26
diploI begrudge paying so much when the bridge itself is now paid off08:26
diploI know it needs upkeep, but it's getting kind of dear to cross now.08:26
dwatkinsThere's a bridge in Berkshire they charge you 20p to cross. It's a small one, mind.08:27
TheOpenSourcererWe went over a small toll bridge a few weeks ago in Oxfordshire - 5p ;-)08:27
dwatkinshaha which one, TheOpenSourcerer?08:28
JamesTaitTheOpenSourcerer: I know that place!08:28
christeli think i've only driven across a couple of times.. but then i usually only go to wales for rugby or cricket and then more so when i lived in bristol so it was easier to hop on a train and then drink vast quantities of beer whilst there :s08:28
TheOpenSourcererSomewhere between Oxford and Banbury08:28
christelsadly i've not been to enjoy much of the welsh countryside08:28
JamesTaitTheOpenSourcerer: There was a rumour that they were thinking of selling it.  Been in the family for generations, apparently.08:28
dwatkinsWales is lovely, Scotland's beautiful.08:28
dwatkins(yes, I appreciate that I'm saying that having recently mentioned that my ancestors are Welsh...)08:29
KungFuPandamorning guys08:29
hooverMorning all08:29
christeldwatkins: scotland i've seen more of :)08:30
christelit reminds me of home :)08:30
dwatkinschristel: I live in Edinburgh - even the drive to work has an awesome view :D08:30
dwatkinswhere's home, christel?08:30
christeloh i bet! i <3 edinburgh08:30
christelnorthern norway :)08:31
dwatkinsooh neat08:31
dwatkinsI spent a week in Stavanger once, that had great scenery, I imagine it's just more awesome in the north.08:31
KungFuPandayesterday, I still can run 2 instance of skype under ubuntu. but not today ?08:32
* dwatkins finds a random place in nothern Norway and confirms this is the case: http://goo.gl/maps/TSz6h08:32
JamesTaithttp://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.78939&lon=-1.35358&zoom=17 is the place, I think.08:32
christeli grew up in a tiny place in the very slim part of norway so we kind of get "everything" (coast, sweden, large glaciers, stunning mountains, the arctic circle, some pretty nifty caves etc etc and of course northern lights *and* midnight sun depending on the time of year!)08:32
dwatkinsexcellent, christel08:33
JamesTaitchristel: Sounds really boring. :-P08:33
JamesTaitchristel: As compared to our rain, rain, rain, grey skies, rain, OOH LOOK - SUN!, oh no more rain....08:33
christelhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svartisen is like five minutes walk from our house08:33
christelJamesTait: hahaha i do love a spot of rain ;)08:34
dwatkinsglacier: n. a lake with a slope08:34
JamesTaitWe do have some lovely countryside though.08:34
christelJamesTait: yah, there's a few gems here too :)08:36
dwatkinsJamesTait: oh yes indeed: http://rowla.dyndns.org/gallery/v/Events/Edinburgh/ (panoramas I took near home)08:37
christelbeautiful :)08:39
JamesTait+1 :)08:40
dwatkinscheers; we were quite lucky with the weather08:43
bigcalmGood morning czajkowski :)08:45
czajkowskione more day or work then on my holidays :)08:46
JamesTaitHey czajkowski. :)08:46
czajkowskiello JamesTait08:46
JamesTaitYou're getting a head start on me then. :)08:46
JamesTaitConspiracy theorists start your engines.08:47
JamesTaitGot anything exciting planned, czajkowski?08:48
czajkowskiyup we're renting a car on Sunday and heading down south08:48
czajkowskistopping at portsmouth08:48
czajkowskithen heading on down to Dorset08:48
christelhiya pretty girl M308:48
christeler <308:48
czajkowskiand staying a week there in a cottage08:48
czajkowskichristel: herrro :)08:48
JamesTaitczajkowski: Sounds lovely. And definitely more organised than us.08:50
czajkowskiJamesTait: see I'm an organiser my other half less organised, it took the olympics to make him organsised!08:51
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:52
JamesTaitbrobostigon: o/08:53
brobostigonJamesTait: o/08:53
mungojerrynew dr who trailer, looks a bit silly in places08:54
dwatkinshttp://imgur.com/Vc9m2 for anyone not currently able to watch video of Doctor Who... :)08:56
bigcalmI wonder why Docky crashes after using the update manager08:59
* bigcalm blames directhex just because it's mono :P08:59
dwatkinsDocky is written in mono?09:01
mungojerryyes, but the rewrite, plank is in vala09:01
bigcalmiain@snafu:~$ ps ux | grep ocky09:01
bigcalmiain      6486  1.6  1.1 1080364 45556 ?       Sl   09:58   0:02 mono /usr/lib/docky/Docky.exe09:01
directhexevery time, or specific updates?09:02
directhexmay be confused by some services restarting e.g. dbus09:02
bigcalmdirecthex: almost every time. Maybe I should start recording what's being updated and if Docky then crashes09:03
* dwatkins sees a facebook comment field and turns Ghostery back on to block this sort of thing09:04
christeli am officially crap at doing my invoicing09:10
dwatkinschristel: have you considered getting freshbooks to do it for you?09:11
bigcalmchristel: You like the work more than the money09:11
diplochristel: It's why I won't ever go self employed09:11
TheOpenSourcererOpenERP is good for this :-)09:12
TheOpenSourcererWe produce lovely invoices :-D09:12
TheOpenSourcererSome for OpenERP too ;-)09:13
diployeah i do like it, but it still means I need to do it, not someone else for me09:13
christeli got distracted by violent(!) computer games :x09:13
bigcalmAngry Birds again?09:14
bigcalmSweet and innocent christel wouldn't know about anything more violent than AB09:14
mungojerrymy wife uses unity2d, takes ages to log off/shutdown when using it - anyone else?09:15
* AlanBell is a bit of a pacifist09:15
christelaah there she blows09:15
christelbigcalm: nah, city of heroes :)09:15
bigcalmFixy fixy :P09:16
bigcalmNever heard of it09:16
* bigcalm googles09:16
diplomungojerry: When i used it last week all seemed fine for me09:17
bigcalmI see09:17
hoovermungojerry: all reasonably well here, also unity2d09:17
christelbigcalm:  i suspect it might not be your kinda thing! tis really rather childish :P09:17
bigcalmchristel: reinforcing my image of a grumpy old man? :P09:17
hooverdid anyone else read the valve blog entry about fps on Linux?09:17
mungojerryvalve rock09:17
hooverseems like Linux / OpenGL leaves win7 in the dust ;-)09:18
mungojerryi'd like to fast forward 3 years and see what's happening as a result09:18
AlanBelljussi: are you here?09:18
hooverIt's good to see gaming studios finally waking up to the fact that win8 will result in a major suckage09:18
mungojerryhoover, they didn't even spend long on it yet, or do anything to the drivers09:18
christeljussi: BEER!09:18
hooverI hope this trend catches on09:18
hoovermungojerry: indeed09:18
AlanBellwe must all go for a ride in jussi's porsche09:19
hooverjust like the oracle blokes: "We just typed 'make'" ;-)09:19
jussiAlanBell: :D09:19
christeljussi: are you in the ukay now? :)09:19
jussichristel: Oxford09:19
mungojerrypibow sounds a bit too much like tebow09:19
mungojerrybut looks like the best case i've seen09:20
christeljussi: \o/09:20
dwatkinschristel: http://www.freshbooks.com/ will do your invoicing for you09:20
christeljussi: we absolutely should beer before you finland09:21
mungojerryits cool how many homebrew type jobs the rpi has created09:21
dwatkinsmungojerry: you mean in terms of cases and so on for the RPi?09:21
jussichristel: we can attempt something friday perhaps, we are reasonably busy though. (are you even anywhere nearby?)09:21
mungojerrydwatkins, yeah, and how it's also got people involved in community09:22
mungojerrybut the money earning jobs mainly09:22
dwatkinsneat, mungojerry09:22
mungojerryamazon thinks 50 shades of grey is in my viewing history, now is showering me with smut09:22
mungojerryah, no, i have recent history turned off, so it is showing me topsellers.09:23
* TheOpenSourcerer is beginning to wish he hadn't retweeted a tweet about a lost camera. Seems to have gone rather viral. Getting retweet notices every second...09:24
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: http://www.ifoundyourcamera.net/ ?09:27
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: go and delete the tweet09:28
TheOpenSourcererWill that remove the retweets? Then what is someone retweets the retweet?09:29
MartijnVdSI think it will09:29
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: yarp09:30
TheOpenSourcererCan I just turn off libnotify for a while?09:30
ali1234hehehe, webapps?09:30
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: you can turn off notification on twitter.com -- then it won't mail you09:30
ali1234or gwibber?09:30
TheOpenSourcererNot getting (many) emails.09:31
ali1234actually you can turn off the notifications by going into "busy" mode09:31
ali1234though i'm not sure how you do that short of opening a fullscreen video player09:31
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
christelRAIN :(09:50
bigcalmI thought you said you liked rain?09:50
christeli lied :(09:50
gordhot and sunny up north09:51
bigcalmGrey and grey here09:52
diplooh dear, camping now confirmed... no getting out of it now!09:53
christeldiplo: \o/09:54
diploHad to change location though, still looks good and down the road09:54
christellooks good! i am sure the boys (and you) will have a fab tiem :D09:55
diploPractise putting the tent up this weekend I think is in order + make sure I have all the bits09:55
mungojerrymust remember not to visit the twitter web page, rather to use a client instead ...twitter trending topics are always bad news :(09:58
dwatkinsI always laugh at the trending topics, they're so completely irellevant to me most of the time10:06
dwatkinsI'm thinking of Google+ which lists things like Justin Bieber as a trending topic half the time, though.10:06
dwatkinsI don't laugh at bad news, obv.10:07
dwatkinsI think I should stop looking at twitter because it makes me lose faith in humanity reading the hastag #DontYouJustHateWhen10:08
mungojerrymakes me sad to read gossip about macualey culkin from the national enquirer that everybody is retweeting as fact10:10
bigcalmTip: don't read hash tags10:15
davmor2Morning all10:16
dwatkinsbigcalm: indeed, I usually don't10:16
mungojerryand don't subscribe to people, rather RSS bots10:16
dwatkinsI have a plugin which disabled most youtube comments, also.10:16
bigcalmMorning davmor210:16
dwatkinsmungojerry: yeah, some really useful stuff is available via RSS10:16
davmor2bigcalm: jellybean on the xoom is nice10:16
mungojerrythats all twitter is to me10:16
bigcalmdavmor2: OTA?10:16
mungojerrye.g. vmwarekb sends tweets of new kb articles10:16
dwatkinsah I see, mungojerry - for me, twitter is people, google reader is RSS feeds10:16
davmor2bigcalm: No I got bored of waiting so ged'ed it, I get the us wifi updates as goggle roll them out now :)10:17
davmor2bigcalm: the nice thing is, it is still an official roll out so it works fine10:18
bigcalmWhat did you do to get that?10:18
davmor2bigcalm: http://www.simonjstuart.com/2011/07/23/gedify-your-non-us-wifi-xoom-for-n00bs/10:25
* bigcalm is a n00b!10:25
mungojerryeveryone's a noob at something10:26
davmor2bigcalm: there are a couple of steps that aren't overwhelming clear but basically they are covered in the pre work trouble shooting,  it takes about 5-10 minutes10:26
bigcalmdavmor2: ta10:27
davmor2bigcalm: and you are likely to have to run the gedifying twice the first time it fails to over write the existing,  and definitely use the rear usb port much faster than the front ones10:28
ali1234what does "gedify" mean?10:29
bigcalmDoes it require windows?10:29
bigcalmGoogle Experience Device -ify10:29
davmor2bigcalm: yeap that was the one downside10:29
* bigcalm continues to wait for a UK release10:29
ali1234what does that mean?10:29
bigcalm"Since Motorola lied to every Xoom customer outside of the US (misleading us into thinking that the Xoom was a GED, when in fact it isn’t), I’ve decided to put up this n00b’s guide to making your WiFi Xoom a GED."10:30
bigcalmIt means that a GED gets all of the latest things 1st10:30
bigcalmThe Galaxy Nexus being another GED10:30
ali1234i see10:30
ali1234GED is good10:30
davmor2ali1234: the xoom in the us is a GED which means Google trial it for all updates, Europe doesn't get the update for another 12months or so10:31
christelbigcalm: i am bored! entertain me!10:31
bigcalmchristel: have you seen the white elephant trick?10:31
davmor2me does a jig for christel and falls over10:31
christelbigcalm: no, show me!10:31
christeldavmor2: awww <310:31
czajkowskidavmor2: ello10:31
mungojerryall the contractors working with us are stuck in the dark ages and use nokia non-smart phones. then they received smartphones to use google auth (rather than a cheaper solution of using key fobs), and they are amazed at the improved call quality10:32
davmor2czajkowski: proddington prod how are you10:32
mungojerryi think it's cos their phones were ancient tech in the phone world10:32
ali1234that's really funny10:33
ali1234cos my nokia has significantly better audio quality than any other phone i've ever used10:33
czajkowskidavmor2: not bad now yourself?10:33
christelbigcalm: you're totally fired -- that was a rubbish trick10:33
bigcalmchristel: I got the name wrong: white-eared elephant ;)10:34
davmor2christel: pick a card any card10:34
* hoover waddles off to get some ice cream10:35
davmor2christel: put the business card down its the wrong kinda card :P10:35
davmor2czajkowski: busy but good thanks10:35
davmor2christel: and the credit card10:36
davmor2christel: no not the tesco club card either10:38
christelbut you said any card :(10:38
davmor2christel: and stop looking in the deck for the queen of hearts or the ace of spades now I mentioned the queen :D10:39
christelthe people that work for me are idiots, that is all10:45
bigcalmYou have employees?10:45
christelyes, a couple -- though this referred to one of my freelancers10:46
christeli am not entirely sure how he decided that "nourrices" would translate as "wet nurse" in a section about fuel containers10:47
christel"Furthermore, the thermal motors of the fire pump groups must be tested at least once a forthnight and wet nurses must be refilled after every use."10:47
christel... what10:47
christel(now i will admit that nourrices could indeed be wet nurse, but in this context i suspect he wanted "fuel containers" or even jerry cans!)10:48
christelali1234: aye! but CONTEXT :P10:48
ali1234yeah it basically means both those things10:50
christelindeed :)10:50
christeli am mostly baffled by the fact that he didn't question it and thought it was totally fine to say wet nurses in that sentence10:51
ali1234well, i'm guessing it's a kind of slang/idiom10:51
ali1234like "dumb waiter" probably wouldn't translate very well if you just took it literally10:53
bigcalmMost waiters are dumb...10:55
bigcalmMost waiters are writers/actors?10:56
davmor2bigcalm: put that tray down and do some work10:56
davmor2bigcalm: you are wrong, most waiter/waitresses are unsuccessful writers/actors the successful ones don't need to wait tables :D10:57
ali1234interestingly google translate only gives the nurse-type definition10:59
czajkowskifolks may (may not ) enjoy my latest blog post http://www.lczajkowski.com/2012/08/02/finally-a-statement-i-can-agree-with-i-am-not-a-geek-feminist/11:12
ali1234wow, backlash?11:14
JamesTaitczajkowski: Just finished reading it, got wind of it via Jan Wildeboor.11:14
matttbigcalm: :P11:15
bigcalmSorry, I'm working :S11:15
czajkowskibigcalm: oh you actually do work!11:16
czajkowskitl;dr pah!11:16
bigcalmczajkowski: I'll read it later :)11:16
matttwill read later too11:17
mungojerryfrom what i read, the woman at the oscon was complaining about hassle from men AND women11:17
mungojerryeverybody judges people on how they dress, it's by design and part of culture/fashion11:22
czajkowskimungojerry: there is a bit of a clash at times, women in eu do dress a lot more relaxed than many of the women I've met in the states. cultural.11:24
christelpfft i am in czajkowski's moderation queue! ;)11:25
mungojerrythe comment on the mailing list seemed quite OK, he was just suggesting that some of NP was lacking in technical clarity and her following could be based on her looks11:27
ali1234i find the relentless political correctness of ubuntu to be quite tiring11:29
ali1234which is why i mainly hang out here11:30
christeli didn't have any issue with his comments tbh -- otoh the cynic in me also recognise that "sex sells" and she might very well have a larger following due to the fact that she isn't afraid to show off her chest, but i am not sure it really matters -- sure, she might not be providing the most in-depth of tech talk but if that's the level you're at you're probably already knowledgable enough to make your own choices as to what you ...11:31
christel... want to run/do -- and if a cute girl manages to bring a few entry-level users to the FOSS world (be that because of her chest or because she said ubuntu was awesome) then yanno, that is probably a good thing regardless?11:31
christeli am political correctness personified!11:31
mungojerrychristel, maybe, but such people shouldn't get shocked/offended if their overtly sexual behaviour shocks/offends others (men and/or women)11:32
AlanBellthe bit I struggle with is that people openly comment on "celebrities" in a completely mainstream context and this is considered normal, but not something you would say to a real person you know11:32
ali1234the UK has a very different idea of what political correctness means to the US11:33
mungojerryali1234, that's true too11:33
ali1234AlanBell: that's just them/us mentality11:33
christelmungojerry: i must admit i've not watched any of her videos, i've seen her website (after the ML posts, never heard of her before) though so i don't really know how she is overtly sexual in her behaviour11:33
ali1234people posting offensive comments on celeb's twitter are just repeating the kind of stuff they shout at random strangers while out on the booze on a friday night11:33
christelthat said, i am probably one of those people who offend people -- there's frequently plenty of cleavage and i shall admit to flirting with lamp posts when noone else stands still for long enough :)11:34
ali1234it's all about reinforcing who is a member of the group and who is an outsider11:34
czajkowskichristel: lol.11:36
christelczajkowski: well, tis true! :P11:36
davmor2christel: I saw what you did there you left the 'in' of the word 'correctness' easy mistake11:37
JamesTaitchristel: You're not a flirt, are you? ;)11:37
christelJamesTait: never ;)11:37
ali1234i only offend people over the internet11:37
ali1234IRL you'll be lucky to get two words out of me11:38
christeli am probably equally obnoxious irl :)11:38
christel(as online)11:38
davmor2I only offend people, but in the best possible taste11:39
JamesTaitdavmor2: You're not offensive, you're just a Brummie. :-P11:39
* JamesTait offends an entire city in one fell swoop.11:40
* christel claps 11:40
christelwell played!11:40
JamesTaitHad to be done, really.11:40
mungojerryit must be hungry o clock11:40
JamesTaitAnd I know davmor2 will take it in the spirit it was intended.11:41
mungojerryif i was a nudist, would i need to "edit myself" for oscon in order not to cause offence? yes11:41
davmor2JamesTait: how do you know I was born in Birmingham?11:42
christelit's the smell11:43
christelit never goes away11:43
davmor2JamesTait: although I would go around tell people from wolverhapton that they are brummies generally not appreciated :D11:43
davmor2s/would/ would not11:44
JamesTaitdavmor2: Hmm... born I'm not so sure about, but Google+ tells me you live in Wolverhampton, and to an ignorant Notts lad that's close enough. ;)11:44
christelgosh i havent been to nottingham in Many Years11:45
davmor2christel: Awwww and there was me finkin' twas de aqsunt11:45
JamesTaitMe neither.11:45
christeli once went to see the castle. it was very disappointing11:46
mungojerrythat bloke on the field with a tractor and grass cutters has the best job out there11:46
christeldavmor2: :P11:46
christelhello popey \o/11:46
JamesTaitAgreed.  I think the last time I was in Nottingham was shopping for wedding stuff just before Christmas, and it was horrible.11:46
bigcalmpopey has landed!11:46
JamesTaitErm, that would be Christmas 2002.11:47
diploI like Nottingham, but I really only see it at night when I come up to headoffice11:48
diploI stay in a hotel in the centre of town and then go out drinking/eating11:48
diploMust take a day off one time when I visit to look around.11:48
JamesTait4 days off, christel?11:49
christelyes! take 4 days off :D11:50
JamesTaitchristel: I'll be taking 10 very soon.  Plus weekends.11:51
davmor2JamesTait: oh so 16 infact11:52
JamesTaitdavmor2: Indeed.11:52
czajkowskipopey: welcome back11:54
* popey cooks up a saussy sarnie for lunch11:54
* davmor2 doesn't even know how much holiday he has left11:54
njadavmor2: Don't think about it, enjoy it :)11:55
davmor2popey: which bit did you cook if it's sauce on bread.11:55
davmor2oh now it makes sense why didn't you say that in the first place :D11:56
* AlanBell has chicken legs11:57
JamesTaitAlanBell: Yes, but what are you having for lunch?11:57
christelAlanBell: you're terrible.. are they all rolling around, legless now?11:57
AlanBellchristel: I will fit them with wheels11:58
christellike bill bailey's tortoises?11:58
christelawesome! :D11:59
christeli appear to have gained a postman12:00
* christel goes investigate12:00
christelpfft! it wasnt even something exciting for me, it was something for the church :(12:05
dwatkinshow dare they use you as their delivery service12:05
AlanBelldid you let the postman go again?12:05
christeli told him i would pray for him12:06
* christel nods12:06
christelhe also brought david's birth certificate back from the passport people!12:06
christelwith some luck the passport will also magically appear soon12:06
christeli like my morning postman better, he's quite hot12:07
christelthe afternoon one is like 80 and grumpy :(12:07
Flashtekyou get 2 posts ?12:07
Flashtekwe're lucky to get one12:07
JamesTaitWhat Flashtek said!?!12:07
christel<- special, clearly ;)12:07
JamesTaitI thought Royal Mail stopped doing two posts years ago!12:08
Flashteknot to the 'special' people...12:08
christeli dunno why i have two posts tbh12:08
Flashtekchristel = special case12:08
JamesTaitSpecial Delivery?12:08
christelpostman pat :D12:08
Flashtektime to take the dogs for a walk, and to get some bread at the only shop within 2.5 miles (also happens to be sub post office)12:09
daubersIs it me or does this http://daltoncaldwell.com/an-audacious-proposal not actually say what they're thing they're building does?12:09
dauberss/they're thing/the thing12:09
JamesTaitI should probably do lunch.12:10
popeydaubers, https://join.app.net/ does doesn't it?12:12
daubers1682 words in that article, of which 28 hint at what it might be12:12
dauberspopey: No?12:12
daubers"We're building a real-time social service where users and developers come first, not advertisers." <- But what does that actually mean? THey're re-implimenting identi.ca or diaspora?12:12
daubersThe post office? That's a social service isn't it?12:13
gordit means you have to pay to use it12:13
daubersgord: use what? I don't know what it does!12:14
gordits a social platform, it doesn't do anything12:14
daubersSo's the post office! And that might get my post somewhere12:14
gordits a fairly interesting idea, you just build a platform, which might as well just be referred to as a database. developers build apps and i guess you pay for the apps12:15
daubersSo it's facebook without the features and for £?12:16
gordi assume they would have some features12:16
gordso its facebook without the ads and for £12:16
daubersmaybe with features, but we don't know what features or if there will be any?12:17
daubersSo why should I give them money?12:17
gordwell it sounds like its a little early for them to be calling out features12:17
daubersSo why should I give them money if I don't know what I'll actually ger?12:17
gordyou are new to thise croud funding lark huh ;)12:18
daubersThe majority of crowdfunding things I've seen actually have a visible working product at the end that is quite clearly define12:18
daubersthis is a hand wavery "thing" with added buzzwords12:18
AlanBellwhich is why they are not using kickstarter12:18
gordso is most crowd funding things12:18
daubersand no-one can tell me what it'll actually do?12:18
gordi crowdfunded the double fine adventure that litterally had nothing other than "adventure game" as the goal12:19
gordif you want well defined features, wait until it gets made, let other people take the risk12:19
daubersgord: You know that double fine adventure thing will be a poit and click adventure game12:20
daubersExpectations set12:20
gordi know his social platform will be a social platform you can develop apps on12:20
daubersThis app.net thing just appears to be "Give me money and we'll make this thing that is only defined by 1% of the words in my thing asking for money"12:21
daubersSo it's steam?12:21
daubersOr Facebook?12:21
gordno, steam is a shop that happens to have a social aspect. the apps are not social applications12:22
gordits facebook, i don't know why you can't grasp this12:22
gordits like facebook, the apps are similar, but its not tied into advertising as a revenue stream12:22
daubersbut if tey charge for the apps is that not a shop with a social aspect?12:22
gorddo you think an indoor climbing wall that sells gear is a shop with a climbing wall?12:23
daubersIf they charge me to use the wall, then effectivley yes12:25
diploI don't 'get' them either daubers so just ignore :)12:28
* daubers doesn't understand :(12:29
daubersI also question the logic in this "I think the takeaway here is that the services provided by SourceForge/Github are too important to its users to be ad-supported" If they where paid for services, I don't think they'd be as big as they are and hence wouldn't be as important as they are?12:33
daubersAnd surely this is a strawman based on a fallacy "I would gladly pay for a service that treats me better."?12:35
davmor2christel: I'm amazed that nobody replied to this <christel> <- special, clearly ;) with very "SPECIAL"  it just seemed so obvious :D12:58
ali1234daubers: github *is* a paid service. that's his point13:01
* davmor2 is concerned that JamesTait is calling an IRC Daaahling13:03
ali1234daubers: and what he's building is pretty well defined - it's a copy of twitter that has a business model beyond "IPO then sell user data to the highest bidder"13:04
czajkowskiirenie: hi there13:04
czajkowskiirenie: if you want to join there you need to /j fossbox13:04
JamesTaitdavmor2: No need to worry, sweetie. ;)13:08
christeldavmor2: PFFT13:17
christelrain indeed!13:20
JamesTaitbrobostigon! Now look, you made it rain!13:20
diploIt must *MUST* get sunny for next weekend plz k thnx13:20
mungojerryanyone know what the face value of football olympic tickets are for wembley?13:21
JamesTaitbrobostigon: See if you can do it the other way.  Say "glorious sunshine".13:21
brobostigonJamesTait: lol13:21
JamesTaitmungojerry: It varies.13:22
diplobrobostigon: !!!!!! It JUST started RAINING!!13:22
diploKeep the r word quiet :)13:23
diploMaybe it'll go away13:23
JamesTaitmungojerry: I didn't look at football, but for hockey there are four tiers (A-D).  The tickets get progressively more expensive the closer to the final you get.  Tier D was £20 for the early stages and IIRC £45 for the final.13:23
JamesTaitmungojerry: http://www.tickets.london2012.com/browse?form=search&tab=oly&sport=8213&event=&venue=17&fromDate=&toDate=&morning=1&afternoon=1&evening=1&show_available_events=113:25
mungojerrygot offered tickets in manchester for free, but too far.13:25
mungojerryhave been offered tickets for wembley semi but unsure whether to go13:26
JamesTaitOnce in a lifetime.13:26
christelwhat JamesTait said!13:28
mungojerrywifey is v unwell wiv morning sickness atm (all day long every day), but she has allowed it13:33
christelSUN THERE IS SUN13:40
* christel does a little dance13:40
mungojerryit's a quite bit sunny, as my boy child says13:41
davmor2christel: yes it's available from your newsagents daily13:41
christelmungojerry: :D13:41
christeldavmor2: :P13:41
bigcalmThe sun is trying to get through here13:41
christelmungojerry: how far along is she? :)13:41
mungojerryonly 7 or 8 weeks :(13:42
mungojerryit's a long slog as sickness whenever you move + a toddler = bad13:42
christeli can imagine!13:42
mungojerryhoping it will stick as the last baby didn't :(13:42
mungojerrybut she never got as far as morn sick stage last time13:43
christeli am sorry to hear that -- i hope this one does stick indeed13:43
mungojerrytimes like this i wanna take a year off work and look after la famille13:43
christelaww :)13:49
christelhow many kids do you have? just the one + the little bean? :)13:49
mungojerryhow's this for an ultimate troll comment i just saw in the telegraph comments section: "Sport is for undertaking, not for watching. The only excuse for 'buying a seat' at the Olympics is geriatric decrepitude, senescence, or physical disability. Have pity for all those that go and surrender to commercialism by paying to watch others undertake sports, rather than practice it themselves."13:50
bigcalmOh my13:51
christelsee, i find that those of my friends who are most "into" watching sports are those who are most "into" playing sports!13:52
bigcalmI tend to watch that which I enjoy to do13:54
mungojerryit's a classic troll since it always elicits a response13:54
christelbigcalm: yes, we all know what you enjoy watching.13:57
bigcalmchristel: :D13:57
AlanBellbigcalm: next time you pop round I will get the beach volleyball set out14:00
bigcalmAlanBell: haha :D14:00
bigcalmHaven't get watched any of the games14:00
TheOpenSourcererlolworthy: http://www.metro.us/newyork/sports/article/1148979--what-if-every-olympic-sport-was-photographed-like-beach-volleyball14:03
jpdsTheOpenSourcerer: http://www.zug.com/live/89905/The-NBC-Olympic-Idiocy-Endurance-Challenge.html14:03
christelAlanBell: the mental images :o14:07
bigcalmchristel: don't you want to watch me play the game?14:09
christeli er, no :(14:12
christeli am just not sure your hairy legs and bum would look good in this kinda outfit: http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01556/Russia_s_Anastasia_1556665a.jpg14:16
* bigcalm tuts14:16
bigcalmBut likely true14:17
christelotoh there's a lot to be said for comedy value14:18
christelso perhaps14:19
christelon an entirely different note, i am BORED14:19
mungojerry"You can’t bring more than 100ml14:19
mungojerryof water and other liquids" into an olympic venue - for real?14:19
christelhaha really?14:19
diploSame as most Concert venues now14:19
mungojerrymaybe i'll freeze it first14:19
diploWant you to buy it, they use terrorism as an excuse i think but yeah they will chuck it away14:20
mungojerry70,000 people buying food is not practical14:20
mungojerry£7 a burger *ahem*14:20
bigcalmMore reasons as to why I'm happy I'm not anywhere near the mess down south14:20
mungojerrysurely medical reasons mean you can bring water > 100ml14:21
davmor2mungojerry: No, they'll expect you to buy it14:23
AlanBellyou can take an empty bottle in and fill it at one of several taps . . . along with the other 70,000 people14:23
mungojerryapparently free water is provided to refill but they haven';t planned it very well14:24
mungojerryi will take 400ml and spread it among the other guys. other blokes don't tend to bring water14:24
JamesTaitProperly raining now. :(14:24
shaunoand here was me wishing the airports would get over that one sometime soon14:24
mungojerrythey would charge for that at the 'lympics14:24
davmor2bigcalm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKTUAESacQM :D14:26
bigcalmdavmor2: what about it?14:27
bigcalmI'm listening to dubstep14:27
christelis it KAPSLAP?14:27
bigcalmchristel: http://soundcloud.com/dubstep-4/sets/dubstep-dubstep-dubstep/14:27
davmor2bigcalm: it's what the into reminded me off :)14:27
bigcalmI just did a search on soundcloud for dubstep14:28
* bigcalm zaps his brain with some wub love14:28
davmor2bigcalm: and then there is a bit further along that reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOXw1xz-c8w14:29
christelbigcalm: i am listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYMj1vxsehY this very moment, which is an oldie but goodie!14:30
njaoh good it works14:31
christelhullu nja :)14:31
christeli mean, hullu @nja!14:31
njaHi christel14:31
bigcalmchristel: this is perfect <314:32
* christel rolls her eyes14:32
christelwhat did you expect? i am perfection personified.14:33
bigcalmModest too14:33
christelvery ;)14:33
christelwhat should i do tonight?14:33
Pendulumchristel is always modest, didn't you know?14:33
christelAlanBell sucks at finishing work so we shan't go to oxford to play with jussi14:33
christelwhat should i do insteaaad14:33
christeloooh hello PRETTY GIRL14:33
jussichristel: !!!!!!!!!!14:34
* Dave2 imagines someone saying "oooh hello" in a normal voice then yelling "PRETTY GIRL" at the top of it14:34
jussiI shall have to do bad things to you14:35
christelblame him! i was so up for it! :P14:35
christelthat sounds so wrong14:35
Pendulumchristel: have a drink in celebration that I've survived a year post-surgery ;) (since I can't drink)14:35
christelonly the one drink? :D14:35
christelor one per day ? :D14:35
PendulumYou can have as many drinks you want, although I think you may not want to do one for every day14:36
christelbigcalm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRftXCiqfQ8 <314:36
christeli can do SMALL drinks?14:36
christelmini shots!14:36
Pendulum(technically, this is the anniversary for my 2nd surgery, yesterday was the anniversary for the 1st)14:36
bigcalmchristel: I do <3 me some Bassnectar :)14:37
christelooh that explains why i woke up with a hangover14:37
Dave2Two anniversaries in quick succession!14:38
bigcalmPendulum: yay :)14:38
christelbigcalm: http://youtu.be/3Y-C9uT4aGQ14:38
davmor2christel, bigcalm: this is the one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y81upFRHQ1U&feature=fvst or maybe this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4eav7dFvc814:38
christelnot dubstep but interesting!14:38
bigcalmchristel: slow down :P14:38
christelaww am i going too fast for you? ;)14:39
christeldavmor2: <3 the prodigy14:39
christelbigcalm: http://youtu.be/Vsy1URDYK8814:40
bigcalmchristel: that is indeed not dubstep :P14:40
* bigcalm scrambles to keep up14:40
gordif it is possible to dance to something, it is not dubstep14:41
christelbigcalm: oh oh oh oh14:41
bigcalmchristel: don't know if I've told you about this before or not: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-3z3DNUGiE14:45
bigcalmI like it for the video as much as the music14:45
* christel swaps14:46
christelbigcalm: ooh i like14:48
* bigcalm starts on your track14:49
bigcalmIs very nice14:51
bigcalmShame about the high compression used14:51
bigcalmVery lossy :S14:51
christeli need to find someone who does stuff ala kapslap -- as i find his tunes very very sexy14:51
bigcalmchristel: have you tried the solid steel pod casts?14:52
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1030452 in linux (Ubuntu) "Mouse goes invisible upon activating any element." [Medium,Triaged]14:52
christeli have not, i am assuming you are recommending that i do?!14:54
bigcalmI wrote a wee PHP script to leech all of the MP3s from that set so that I could listen away from the computer14:55
bigcalmHere we go: http://www.myrant.net/2011/07/19/downloading-soundcloud-playlists/14:56
christelPendulum: OK! celebratory shots it is!14:56
Pendulumchristel: have fun with those :P14:57
christel(of water, honest)14:57
mungojerrygold and silver in canoe slalom, yayt14:57
christelbigcalm: tis very mellow so far14:57
christel(nice though)14:57
PendulumI like Solid Steel. It used to be good to have on while working.14:58
bigcalmchristel: there are over 100 tracks in that play list and it's always being added to. The styles vary from DJ to DJ14:58
* bigcalm tries to find one of his fave.14:59
jussiAlanBell: you fail :Å14:59
christelbigcalm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ2rz9CV9J8&feature=related <315:01
bigcalmchristel: if you have to time for it, http://soundcloud.com/ninja-tune/solid-steel-radio-show-07-10-1 - watch the video as it's quite fun :D15:03
bigcalmYay, manga15:03
bigcalmHehe, Bocky instead of Pocky15:04
bigcalmMy chromium tabs are full of music15:05
christelhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=u3Op-DGc_ww is also quite cute15:05
christelthe freenode volunteers have recently taken to referring to me as overlordess.. i have come to realise that i like this15:05
bigcalmSorry, don't really like those sorts of sped up lyrics :(15:06
christeli think they are cute!15:06
Pendulumchristel: it took them this long?15:06
christelPendulum: yus, they used to be much more formal ;)15:06
davmor2christel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMnukY8qbxU15:08
* christel clickses davmor2 15:09
christeli think i like it15:09
christeloh i definitely do15:10
n1md4Azelphur: 8800 in the post yet? :D15:11
davmor2christel: in that case http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp8NmI8kbgY and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY2OFztWiuY and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtpDG7tAD4E and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_JZdMxgNHo you might like too15:13
christeland because of the name of davmor's choon i have now hopped over to something Very Different (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7yyvuAFifg)15:13
christelooh moar :D15:13
davmor2christel: and if you're after chill look up the orb little fluffy clouds15:14
mungojerrydavmor2, i also have the blue room 80 min version15:20
mungojerryi'm listening to lali puna atm15:21
christelbigcalm: ok, bored again now ;d15:26
davmor2christel: Oh god you mean I have to find you moar15:30
christelyessir pretty please with sugar on top15:30
davmor2christel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2syiIGRsyvI&feature=related15:31
* christel clicksies15:31
christelooh the start of this i like15:31
christelbigcalm: oh man do you want to hear a really weird super old song15:31
* christel just came across LOL choons15:31
bigcalmchristel: shoot15:31
davmor2christel: here's an oldie but it's a damn good tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eXw47qb4U015:32
christelbigcalm: http://repogirl.net/DJ%20Flipside%20-%20Christel%27s%20Song.mp315:33
davmor2christel: you might like this as a bit of a change http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuTVKO0RScI15:33
davmor2christel: this is a current favourite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTvgj2LWjMk&feature=related15:34
* bigcalm shakes his head at his latest photo15:36
christelbigcalm: are you listening to MY song? :D15:38
bigcalmchristel: I is15:38
bigcalmVery enjoyable15:38
christelbigcalm: he later did http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhr7BEeol3w -- which is just not as cool as its well, not inspired by me! :(15:40
christel"my song" is a tad old mind.. i must have been.. 16-17 at the time :)15:40
christelhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXo7-r1-K00 you might like some of his suff actually15:41
christeloh he only has a teeny bit on youtube, shucks15:42
davmor2christel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpmX4qG1kQg floor filler still :)15:43
christelhttp://soundcloud.com/alexanderodden oh there we go bigcalm :D15:43
bigcalmOff to a good start15:44
christelof course he is different.. he was my first ever boyfriend ;)15:44
bigcalmPossibly the best of both worlds15:45
bigcalm"You have been unsubscribed from Gocompare.com. This change may take up to five working days to be fully applied." - 5 days? You are doing it _WRONG_15:47
christelbigcalm: ooh i found another old one, which is almost as Happy Happy as The Riddle! http://repogirl.net/Pulsedriver%20-%20The%20Whistle%20Song%20%28Club%20Mix%29.mp315:56
* bigcalm queues it up15:57
bigcalmHappy clappy!15:59
christelman that song just makes me want to daaaance :D16:03
ikonialong shot, but does anyone have a name/contact number for anyone in Lenovo UK business sales, the number I've got has not picked up for 3 days now (auto message says unavailable, puts you on hold for 25 minutes, drops calls, repeat)16:04
Pendulumchristel: so dance :P16:05
* christel ponders giving ikonia her number since she's in a chatty mood16:06
christelPendulum: \o/16:06
=== popey_ is now known as popey
ikoniachristel: chatting is always fun, however I'm not sure you can supply my business with Lenovo laptops16:07
christeli can pretend to16:07
christelwe could like, yanno... roleplay(!)16:07
ikoniawell, that is further than I've got in 3 days16:07
* christel looks shifty16:07
ikoniapretending to order laptops would be better than another failure16:07
christel(sorry, i am SO bored!)16:07
ikoniajoin the club16:07
christeli am about to watch nixie pixel's dark side of geek video16:08
* popey hugs his lenovo laptop16:08
christelpopey: any chance i could sell your laptop to ikonia ? :D16:08
popeynot a chance16:09
popeyyou'd have to prise it from my cold dead hands16:09
ikoniapopey: which one do you have ?16:11
bigcalmI might be getting my boss' X30116:11
* bigcalm ponders upgrading his laptop bag to something a little more stylish16:13
bigcalmIf I'm to be on a course in London for 4 days, got to be stylish...16:13
popeyi have an x220 ikonia16:13
ikoniapopey: I'm trying to order a X230 and a T430s for evalution16:14
ikoniajust terminated my dell business account after their product range is crap16:14
popey230 is the 220 with crappy keyboard isnt it?16:14
popeyand ivy bridge?16:14
ikoniaand it's time for a hardware fresh16:14
ikoniapopey: well, a few more bells and whistles16:14
ikoniapopey: but it does have the "crappy" keyboard, which actually seems just as good from my short experience16:15
ikoniapopey: updated wifi setup, current generation ivy bridge, current IPS screen,16:15
ikoniapopey: just a slight generation update16:15
popeyI've noticed a few people have wifi issues with broadcom on the x22016:15
popeyi have the centrino one16:16
ikoniapopey: it's intel on the 23016:16
ikonia4 options16:16
ikoniahowever I have now failed to purchase either of my test models for 3 days now16:16
popeyi bought mine direct from lenovo16:17
ikoniawell, I can do that, but before I invest I want to find out what business deals they can offer16:17
ikoniaI'm not going to open a business account to find out they do nothing16:17
ikoniaplus I'm not going to buy two "test" laptops at £1500 each to then find out their business accounts suck so I don't end up stocking from lenovo16:18
ikoniaalthough they have me over a table, as Dells business accounts may be good and do good discount, but their product is now poor16:18
livingdaylightikonia, the vostros no good?16:19
ikoniawhich ones are the vostros ?16:19
livingdaylightDell business range16:20
ikoniajust looking16:20
ikoniaI doubt it as I went through the range16:20
livingdaylightSo, you know the vostros?16:20
popeythe problem i have now is that i love having the nipple on my laptop.. nobody else seems to do them, only lenovo16:21
ikonialivingdaylight: yes, they are the ones, they are "average" and quite reasonable bang for buck, but lack availability and a big chunk of the range has been killed16:22
ikonialivingdaylight: only the 15'' and greater seem to be available.16:22
ikoniapopey: dell used to not sure if their current models do16:22
livingdaylightmy gf has an older model which has withstood the test of time. the newer ones look even better16:22
livingdaylightwas never a fan of Dells back then, but vostros had a more durable chassis and sleeker look even back then16:23
ikonialivingdaylight: my dells have taken a real beating and survied apart from the XPS, so no complaints there, they are just lacking core things for me to re-invest16:23
livingdaylightand reasonably priced, as you say.16:23
popeyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointing_stick handy16:23
ikonialivingdaylight: the new models have massive issues, for high end business users16:23
popeylists models that have them16:23
livingdaylightikonia, gotcha16:24
popeymy last laptop at previous job was a dell latitude, pretty nice16:24
livingdaylightikonia, beats spending 1500 on a mac ;)16:24
ikoniapopey: I've got some latitudes here and they have been rock solid, but it's upgrade hardware refresh time16:24
ikonialivingdaylight: I'm not sure the lenovo's are coming in at £1500-ish16:25
popeyyeah, only issues I'd had were windows bsod's :(16:25
livingdaylightoh, yea, lenovo's like charging big cash16:25
ikonialivingdaylight: I'd consider the mac platform if it wasn't too much of a headache for day to day maintainence for not using mac os16:25
ikonialivingdaylight: I don't mind paying for quality and life span16:25
ikoniathese have to last 5 years as the Dells have easy done, so it's not a bad investment16:25
ikoniathe lenovo's should16:25
popeyI'm annoyed that my x220 already has a crack in it16:26
ikoniathat's dissapointing16:26
livingdaylightwell, I had a lenovo R60e that basically died a premature death. They're generally good, no doubt, but all have built-in obsolescence, imo.16:26
popeybecause the pci express slot has nothing to stop it flexing16:26
ikoniapopey: do you use it as a laptop (without external screen) a lot ?16:27
popeyit's below the Fn/Ctrl keys and next to the touchpad16:27
popeyless so when at home16:27
ikoniapopey: how do you find the 12.5 screen with the limited resolution16:27
popeyno problem16:27
popeybut I do enjoy 2x1080p screens on my desk16:27
ikoniapopey: mine would be used mostly as a laptop with no external screen, hence evulating the x230 and the T430s16:28
popeyyeah, mine is on the arm of the sofa a lot16:28
ikoniaI'm more concerned for sit at a desk working16:28
popeyand I spent most of this week away from home, using laptop as a laptop daily16:28
mungojerrythe inverted nipple on my dell is nice16:28
popeyi value suspend/resume and battery life16:28
* Flashtek manages to crash the Ubuntu installer...16:28
popeymore than I used to16:28
popeyFlashtek, file a bug :)16:28
ikoniaHmmm I torn, I guess I need to speak to Lenovo to find out their deals before even putting this on the tabl16:29
Flashtekwhat's the bug track url ?16:29
lubotu3If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:29
Flashtekanyone tried not putting in a username at install time...?16:29
popeyikonia, they mostly sell to business via resellers don't they?16:30
popeyFlashtek, hah, nice, not tried that16:30
popeydoes it not complain?16:30
Flashtekno, but the installer dies !!16:30
popeyok, from the live environment run "ubuntu-bug ubiquity"16:30
popeyand follow the prompts16:30
ikoniapopey: they do have a business "team" though so I was hoping they could point me in the right direction16:30
popeyFlashtek, lemme know the bug number once filed please16:31
popeyor just subscribe me to it, my lp username is popey16:31
popeyor both16:31
popeytea time!16:31
Flashtekoh wait.. this is Kubuntu....16:31
Flashtekdoes that make much difference ?16:32
livingdaylightikonia, i7 laptop for 600? http://tinyurl.com/clfzypl16:34
ikonialivingdaylight: refrub16:35
ikonialivingdaylight: look at the processor speed too, it's an old i716:36
livingdaylightikonia, true, still: looks like a nice laptop, 1gb dedicated nvidia graphics card - I like 3years warranty on nit16:38
livingdaylightshouldn't I be able to right-click over search bar and add a search engine that way in FF ?16:40
livingdaylightaddress bar is already populated16:40
ikonialivingdaylight: I doubt that warrenty is worth much16:44
livingdaylightikonia, well, I'm stuck with my Acer for, hopefully, the foreseeable future. gl with your search - you know what you're looking for, which is already half the battle :)16:46
ikoniawell, that's mental, the lenovo site seems to have some sort of random pricing policy17:02
ikoniaI've spec'd out the same product approx 6 times as I kept flicking back and fourth between external suppliers and buying direct from the lenovo website, and for some reason it's just offered me a £380 discount ???17:03
ikoniacheck the spec and it's exactly the same as the other one17:03
Flashtekpopey: I have added you (I think)17:29
bigcalmbug 103231617:30
lubotu3Error: Launchpad bug 1032316 could not be found17:30
bigcalmIs it private?17:31
Flashtekerm... perhaps..17:37
czajkowskinot showing up17:37
czajkowskido you have the right number ?17:37
Flashtekbug 103230617:38
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1032306 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer crashed at who are you" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103230617:38
Flashtek06, not 1617:38
czajkowskithere we go17:38
* Flashtek facepalms17:38
czajkowskieasy mistake17:39
Flashtekit should really go "WTF ???"17:42
JamesTait'night all!17:45
* JamesTait waves17:45
davmor2Flashtek: let me guess you add your details hit continue and it locks up?17:47
Flashteknope, dont put in details...17:47
davmor2Flashtek: yeah clicking continue is the key, does the machine have a webcam by any chance?17:48
davmor2Flashtek: what happens if you add a name?17:50
Flashtekeverything else works as expected17:51
Flashtekand i know that not putting in a name is dumb, but it should allow for that.. after all, this installer is being used by Welsh people.17:59
czajkowskidavmor2: do you use skype18:12
davmor2czajkowski: I do when I have to why?18:12
czajkowskiit keeps dying every signle time18:13
czajkowskiI ring anyone and it hangs18:13
czajkowskidavmor2: go to report it and says the package isnt installed t report it18:15
davmor2czajkowski: did you install from USC or from their site?18:16
popeyczajkowski, run skype from a terminal and see what it says there?18:40
czajkowskidavmor2: apt -get install18:44
czajkowskipopey: aye18:44
popeycall me if you like :)18:44
czajkowskiin coming18:45
ali1234sounds familiar18:45
ali1234i always get that "not installed" thing when skype crashes18:45
DJonesHeh, just got sent a link to some dopey workmen installing bollards http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/561188_478920592118467_730274734_n.jpg18:51
czajkowskiwho http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1125717/18:55
czajkowskiwont crash when I need it to crash18:55
Flashtekkill -9 ?19:03
AlanBellczajkowski: is sheldon running 32 bit or 64 bit?19:04
AlanBelloh I get the same messages running from a terminal19:05
popeybigcalm, does that notification just keep coming up as soon as you press OK?19:06
davmor2czajkowski, AlanBell: those are just general GTK warnings you'll see them in a load of apps19:09
czajkowskiAlanBell: davmor2 wonder is it if you use video it hangs19:10
davmor2AlanBell: the interesting one I see is the ATK warning, I have a feeling that, that might mean that A11y won't work with it19:10
czajkowskidoesnt make sense19:10
* bigcalm waddles in19:10
bigcalmpopey: yes19:10
bigcalmAlanBell: ping19:14
bigcalmpopey: if I hold the power button down, it shows the screen to "slide to power off". But I can't do that because of the notification box19:17
AlanBellhi bigcalm19:18
bigcalmpopey: so the device is completely unusable now19:18
bigcalmAlanBell: I am informed that you have a message19:18
popeycan you tap the message once you have held power down?>19:20
AlanBellbigcalm: are you reliably informed of this, or were you informed by someone of dubious reliability19:20
bigcalmOops, forgotten to feed the neighbour's cat. Best fix that19:21
bigcalmAlanBell: completely dubious I'd say19:21
bigcalmAlanBell: so it's likely to be authentic19:21
popeybigcalm, otherwise you can just force shutdown19:22
popeyhold down the power and home buttons for ~10 seconds19:22
bigcalmpopey: how do I force the shutdown?19:22
popeyhow can you have managed to go 3 weeks without backing up? :)19:24
bigcalmI don't use it enough to need to plug it in for charging19:25
popeyis it yours?19:29
popeywell, you can force a backup now and than19:29
* Flashtek burps19:33
bigcalmI can? Ok19:40
* bigcalm does that19:40
AlanBellhttp://www.engadget.com/2012/07/24/asus-transformer-pad-infinity-uk-availability/ wonder if that will run Ubuntu19:45
bigcalmWondering if I shouldn't have had that ale before starting work on moving svn repos to git19:51
directhexyou can never have too much ale19:53
bigcalmdirecthex: I've yet to disprove that statement :)19:54
Flashtekpopey: http://dnac.co.uk/?q=17&a=22319:56
popeyhaha Flashtek20:00
WelshDragonAnyone know if Valve have contacted nouveau at all?20:12
WelshDragonOr have they only been working with nvidia/amd/intel directly?20:13
popeywhy would they contact nouveau?20:13
popey3d barely works on nouveau20:14
directhexvalve have stated that they are only supporting vendor drivers, for now20:16
directhexwhich means amd-provided, nvidia-provided or intel-provided20:16
ahayzenpopey, 3d is working fine for me on nouveau :)20:17
WelshDragon3d on nouveau works fairly good here. It just doesn't perform quite as well.20:17
WelshDragonBut, thanks directhex :)20:18
ahayzeni was hit by that Nvidia driver bug around 12.04 release and switched to nouveau .... my desktop now actual feels faster :)20:18
directhexWelshDragon, problem isn't performance, it's features. nouveau can't render most of what modern games use20:19
DJonesAlanBell: You can run Ubuntu on a transformer prime via vnc http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-rooted-transformer-prime/20:20
Azelphurdoes anyone else have missing entries in the unity sidebar?20:21
Azelphurlike I have totem playing a video, it's not in the list20:21
ahayzenAzelphur, GIMP was missing for me earlier20:22
Azelphuryea, it's driving me nuts :(20:23
Azelphurif I minimise anything, I can never get back to it again lol20:23
ahayzennot good :(20:23
DJonesAlanBell: Another link says you can have a native ubuntu install as well http://askubuntu.com/questions/38866/is-it-possible-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-asus-transformer20:24
popeyAzelphur, yup, can happen20:29
popeyAzelphur, often a bamf bug20:29
Azelphurpopey, fun, any workarounds for it?20:30
Azelphureverything shows up in wmctrl -l20:30
popeyapt-cache policy bamfdaemon20:31
popeywhat you got?20:31
popeyAzelphur, ?20:35
popeyAzelphur, I'd recommend filing a bug20:38
popeyagainst bamfdaemon20:38
popeywe recently fixed some bugs related to this20:40
AzelphurI'm stuck on a netbook atm, rebuilding my pc, water cooling loop, etc \o/20:41
* christel noms chinese20:54
* bigcalm coverts christel's chinese20:54
popeyEarly night!20:55
popeynn all20:55
christeli picked up my herman from AlanBells whilst gareth retrieved yummy chinese food from bon east! now i nom :D20:55
christelnn popey <320:55
bigcalmLate night noms!20:56
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo_B3CZXTIY21:09
bigcalmMartijnVdS: doesn't quite mix with uupc. I'll listen later :)21:09
MartijnVdSbigcalm: "Late Night Munchies" :)21:10
bigcalmchristel: whatcha got?21:11
christeli have scallops with ginger and spring onions!21:11
christeli think21:11
christelwell, that is what i asked for, so i assume that is what i've got -- however, i also have crispy duck and a sneaky suspicion that i should not have had a starter21:12
christelbecause i dont think i can eat anything else21:12
christeli always forget that i cant eat a full meal anymore :)21:12
christeldogmatic69 \o/21:23
christeli must be turning into bigcalm, i am working at 10:3021:23
bigcalmI am turning into myself21:23
christeli say!21:24
christelthat is quite a neat trick21:24
dogmatic69anyone know why a pc would "lose" its ip config periodically21:26
dogmatic69almost every day my NAS disconnects and I have to reboot it21:27
n1md4hello.  possible to install ubuntu on software raid via the installer?  I've created md0 and 1 manually, but the partioner reads them as blocks to further partition :\21:39
directhexn1md4, the "alternative" installer on cdimage.ubuntu.com uses debian's text-mode installer, which supports exotic partition arrangements including md raid21:45
n1md4thanks, directhex.  I'm actually going for mythbuntu, so that wouldnt' be an option..  I've sorted it now though.  In the console I made fs on mdX and then kicked the installer, and it seemed to work fine with that :)21:48
bigcalm"svn propedit svn:ignore" Is there a way of dumping to a file the content of svn:ignore rather than having to copy it out of an editor?21:56
dogmatic69 > file.txt ?21:57
bigcalmpropedit puts you into an editor21:58
bigcalmproplist lists what svn: items there are21:58

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