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scientespleia2, OMFG, i as SOOOOO jelous04:31
scientes...of your egg bot04:31
pleia2it's so cute!04:32
scienteswhat is the next event i can go to?04:32
scientesi am not very good at keeping up with this stuff04:32
pleia2there is a san francisco ubuntu hour and a debian dinner in a week (wednesday the 8th)04:32
pleia2anyway, must get to some not-on-computer things (next I need a bot that folds laundry)04:33
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [65471]04:34
scientespleia2, I have a dish washing robot04:35
bkerensapleia2: roomba05:00
scientesbkerensa, the roomba is scary05:02
bkerensaI want one05:02
scientesthere is no discernable order to the order in which it vacuums05:02
bkerensaIf you know any publicists for them tell them to holla :D05:02
scientesthere is a competitor that uses a standard rectangular pattern05:02
scientesmuch less creapy05:02
scientesim not kidding05:02
bkerensaWell my Panasonic Vacuum is horrible even though its supposed to be better than a dyson05:03
bkerensaso I wanna leave it to a robot05:03
* scientes checks vacuum model...1sec05:03
scientesthis Miele works well05:03
darthrobotTitle: [Amazon.com: Panasonic Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Green, MC-UL815: Home & Kitchen]05:20
bkerensaI have that thing05:20
bkerensaand it is horrible05:21
bkerensaI mean its vacuums great but idk it gets clogged very easily and then auto shuts off05:21
philballewbkerensa, so you run bleeding edge Chromium I assume?07:11
bkerensaphilballew: stable actually07:13
philballewthats surprising. You dont seem like the type.07:14
* scientes runs nightly firefox07:14
* philballew runs IE through wine07:18
bkerensaphilballew: Chromium has a fast enough release cycle that it doesnt take longer for new stuff to trickle07:18
bkerensaphilballew: u try out openphoto yet?07:19
philballewI dont own a camera07:19
philballewIf I get one bkerensa Ill need to look into it07:20
philballewIm way behind on all the techno stuff. I dopnt own a tv even. Or anything like that07:23
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bkerensapleia2: I just realized I have a book for you from Jono16:54
pleia2bkerensa: if it's not personalized in any way, you're welcome to give it to someone there, probably easier if I grab one from jono directly (I'm seeing him on Sunday, and we bump into each other often enough otherwise)16:55
bkerensapleia2: its personalized16:56
pleia2ah, doh16:56
pleia2I can paypal you a few bucks to ship it if you want16:56
bkerensaIm not worried about shipping cost16:56
pleia2not sure how I would have fit it in my suitcase anyway :)16:56
bkerensaUSPS flat rate for the win16:56
pleia2ok, my address is at: whois princessleia.com16:56
bkerensakk :D16:56
bkerensaI dont even use my address on whois16:57
pleia2a lot of people don't16:57
bkerensaand own a lot of domains :D16:57
bkerensaDomain Registry of America Spam16:57
bkerensapleia2: uhh so does your building have special internet?16:58
pleia2"special internet"?16:58
bkerensaI got a weird visit to my blog the other day16:58
bkerensait said "New Montgomery Condo Internet"16:58
bkerensathat was the ARIN lookup16:58
bkerensalet me go search it again in my logs16:59
pleia2CustName:       NEW MONTGOMERY CONDOMINIUMS16:59
pleia2that's the webpass16:59
pleia2we also have a comcast business line, but our wifi at home is on the webpass.com internet16:59
pleia2so normally I come in from alderaan.princessleia.com, but if I'm on a the wifi it's that17:00
darthrobotContent type: [image/png] Size: [35860]17:01
bkerensaahh ok17:01
bkerensaI just thought it was odd :D17:01
pleia2it is, I hadn't realized that17:01
pleia2they stick a wireless 100M thing on our roof and that serves internet to the building, our only alternative to comcast or DSL17:01
bkerensaI was like the only person I know on new montg is pleia2 but she is far to geek to use shared internet :P17:02
pleia2they also give us free wifi in the lobby (which goes into the coffee shop some too) and roof deck :)17:02
bkerensanice so your never using data on ur cell provider at home17:02
pleia2we have to pay for it, but it's pretty decent17:02
bkerensa=/ AT&T gave me a microcell because their service sucked in my neighborhood even though it was there best coverage area17:03
bkerensabut I had to remove it after I found out it was double charging me17:03
pleia2at&t doesn't have coverage in this building, but I have tmobile and it's fine17:04
bkerensaIf you are on a microcell which uses your own bandwidth (comcast etc) and you use data on your phone they charge you for your data use which you pay your ISP for17:04
bkerensaand your minutes too17:04
bkerensaIm thinking of going to Credo Wireless which is a reseller of Sprint17:05
bkerensathey keep offering to buy out our AT&T contract and give us new phones plus 50% discount for one year17:05

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