
poppeyehello all01:40
jthanEvening all02:29
InHisNamedoes poppeye still eats his spinich ?02:43
InHisNameHello jthan, still in CO?  How much time left ?02:43
jthanNope. I'm home until 8/2002:44
InHisNameall done ?  Is 8/20 when new school year starts ?02:44
jthan8/27 is when classes start. Road tripping out though02:45
poppeyeI do02:57
poppeyeits been a while sice I've been in here.  (was plctowlie).  how's everyone been?03:00
InHisNamethis one's easier to pronounce03:17
poppeyeI haven't got quite as far as I've hoped so far with ubuntu.  but I'm not doing too bad.  got my mythtv setup running for the last two years full time (my wife even uses it)03:27
poppeyeand we've started developing on an ubuntu based embedded system at my controls job.03:28
poppeyeI popped in because we were actually looking to hire someone with a linuux software/controls background, and I thought there might be some local contacts here03:30
InHisNameGood place to start looking.03:42
InHisNameA few of us are looking for work, talents may or may not be what you need.  No two people are exactly alike.  Some are busy with jobs already.03:43
poppeyeok good to know.  I'll get some details together and share them.03:48
waltmanSomeone at plug tonight was looking for suggestions for a dist that might run on a 2002-vintage laptop he's just come into possession of.  Maybe xubuntu?04:08
poppeyeI just put xubuntu on my first gen netbook (atom).  it worked out great04:09
pleia2xubuntu would be nice, lubuntu is probably better04:10
waltmanooh, lubuntu?04:10
* waltman googles...04:10
pleia2uses lxde, they actually focus on being lightweight (xubuntu just tracks xfce)04:10
InHisNameis that what you get with lol + ubuntu ?04:11
waltmanthanks, will pass this along.04:12
InHisName2002 --- Oh so much more modern than my T21 IBM.  (it has multi-boot - PCOS7, ubuntu, and XP, I forgot the others)04:15
InHisNameI may have spelled it wrong,  but it IS a linux04:16
rmg51Morning JonathanD09:30
JonathanDhey rmg5109:31
jedijfwaltman: of course you invited them to fosscon and specifically the ubuntu village11:53
jedijfwhere we could do an alternate cli only install and the add up stuff so that 2002 will run11:54
waltmanjedijf: I didn't specifically do that, but I do believe he'll be there.12:15
waltmanjust sent him a follow-up email12:34
JonathanDmy tablet is updating to 12.0413:31
JonathanD"About 11 hours remaining"13:31
waltman12.04 of...?13:41
waltmannot android?13:41
JonathanDno... it's x86 tablet.13:41
JonathanDit's a convertible thingy.13:42
JonathanD9 hours now.13:44
ChinnoDogMy company wants to offer unlimited paid time off.14:57
* ChinnoDog cringes14:57
JonathanDChinnoDog: unlimited, like a cell phone data plan.14:59
ChinnoDogTheoretically. lol. Unlimited until you get fired.15:19
JonathanDIt's only unlimited until you try to use it ;)15:19
JonathanDChinnoDog: generally places that "don't track time off" try to claim it as a positive aspect for employees, but I think it results in people taking less time off instead.15:20
JonathanDand I think the business knows this.15:20
ChinnoDogOur CEO isn't trying to be evil. He is trying to promote a culture change.15:21
ChinnoDogHe has good intentions.15:21
JonathanDI just don't think it'll work.15:21
ChinnoDogHe sent us a survey to fill out about it. That is basically what I said. I think it could work given some other changes but until then unlimited vacation = no vacation15:21
JonathanDupdates almost done...15:43
JonathanDannnnnnnnnnd the touchscreen stopped working :D16:51
ChinnoDogThat is a feature17:12
JonathanDit's sort of owkring17:26
JonathanDthe pen works17:26
JonathanDtouch doesn't work right.17:26
JonathanDdragging my finger around the screen moves the mouse pointer.17:26
pleia2I think I actually do need to hire someone to irc for me18:54
JonathanDheh :)18:55
rmg51pleia2: you can always try Stitch :-D19:41
JonathanDpleia2: we can take turns ircing for you.19:44
pleia2oh good, thanks19:46

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