
netritiousso it was an nvidia thing?00:10
netritiousnvidia driver prob?00:10
binarymutantdebian seems much slower than arch :/11:57
netritiousslower how binarymutant12:10
binarymutantuses more resources, iceweasel/firefox is using an insane amount of cpu12:11
binarymutantso does X12:12
wrstbinarymutant: curious why did you swap?12:12
binarymutantwrst, because I didn't like the fact that Arch got rid of their install scripts just bc it wasn't being maintained12:12
wrstbinarymutant: they will be back likely and you had it installed already :)12:13
binarymutantwrst, they shouldn't have dropped them at all12:14
binarymutantArch bothers me on how the distro decides to do things12:14
wrsti would think they should maintain them, but there had been no commits to the code in 4 months and in that four month period you have had signed packages, lib dissappear, and also move to grub2 so i don't think it would have functione with all of that12:15
wrsti'm pretty sure grub2 was the nail in the coffin12:15
binarymutantlike I would wake up one day and /lib would be gone - just cuz :P12:15
wrstwell ubuntu fedora etc etc have been moving some things around also but since its in a release its usually "cleaner"12:16
netritiouswhich is the inherent problem with a rolling release12:16
wrstbut i almost smoked my ubuntu server due to some things like that and the solution wasn't well documented but at least with arch the silly stuff is well documented :)12:16
wrstyep netritious if you aren't ready for "breakage" as they say in arch land you probably don't need it but to me its easier than 6 month upgrades12:17
binarymutantwrst, just bc something isn't active doesn't mean it should be dropped. especially if it's a core piece of software12:17
netritiousand I get and also respect that. "different strokes..." so they say...12:17
binarymutantthey should have continued to provide it while a fork or replacement was being worked on. Or until someone else picked it up12:17
wrstbut binarymutant it wouldnt' function any more :)12:18
wrstgrub2 wouldn't work with it12:18
wrstexactly netritious12:18
wrstand netritious i must say last night i was having a printer issue and i booted to my ubuntu partition and it just worked, due to all the speed etc in arch, well i didn't have the package installed :)12:19
netritiouslol wrst...what printer do you have?12:19
wrstits an HP deskjet of some sort its in the HPLP or whatever it is package but it wasn't installed12:20
netritiousbinarymutant: it does appear that arch dropping the installer was for convenience, not b/c of some principal eg KISS12:21
netritiouswhich is what i thought12:21
netritiousat first anyway12:21
netritiousbut wrst you are saying they dropped b/c of grub2?12:21
netritious*dropped the installer12:21
wrstnetritious: i suspect because it comes with grub the iso does12:21
netritiousI don't get that...grub2 has been the standard in most distributions I've come across for over a year now, if not longer12:22
wrstand by the arch definition of simplicity actually it makes more sense to not have an installation framework12:22
netritiousyes and no...if you want someone to adopt your distribution it should have an installer.12:23
wrstyep netritious, but they haven't released a snapshot iso in right at a year so grub2 i think was still beta at the time12:23
wrstnetritious: i agree, but I really dont' think they care :)12:23
netritiousI only see boot-strapping happening on embedded systems12:23
wrsti use arch for a learning tool not for the friendly community :)12:23
binarymutantI prefer how Debian does things12:24
binarymutantbut it's stale + slow :/12:24
netritioustried gentoo binarymutant?12:25
binarymutantyeah once12:25
binarymutantemerge and stage -- if I can remember12:25
netritiousI haven't yet, but it's on my list.12:26
binarymutantI'm not much of a distro swapper12:26
netritiousme neither, although lately I've been testing a lot.12:26
netritioususing VM's makes it ez-pz12:27
netritiouswrst: you don't have to justify your use of arch...we know you're a linux snob XD12:28
netritiouskidding of course12:28
wrstoh netritious far from it just an aspiring linux snob :)12:28
wrstbut i must say that made me appreciate the work that goes into ubuntu last night12:28
netritiousyeah, Ubuntu Just Works™12:29
wrstnetritious: i guess if i could have debian testing with something rc.conf like i would be in geeky linux heaven12:30
netritiouswhat about it do you like wrst? rc.conf?12:30
wrstnetritious: i can tell what to start or not to start on boot daemons, modules, networking all in one central file12:31
wrstwith ubuntu i still haven't figured that one out or if there is a solution to that12:32
wrstfor instance if i don't want to start gdm/ldm/kdm etc on boot just don't have it in your rc.conf daemons line12:32
netritious/etc/init wrst12:34
wrstnetritious: i'm greeted with about a million config files12:35
netritioustrue, but the point is to be modular...I guess it's just a different goal12:35
netritiousand from a programmers point of view, having all resources (startup or code) in one file is bad practice12:36
wrstnetritious: http://pastebin.com/p9y3NT9d12:36
wrstfrom my user poitn of view i love it :)12:37
netritiouswhat happens if you screw something up editing that one file, or that one file is on a location on disk that develops bad sectors? whole system breaks?12:37
netritious*in a location12:37
netritiousnot knocking it, just stating my case </soapbox>12:37
wrstyes i see the point but if you are that serious about your system and don't have proper backups and don't backup your conf files before you edit them you deserve what you get really dont you?12:38
netritiouseh maybe. lol12:38
wrsti just like the control12:38
* wrst may be a control freak12:38
netritiousyou are so the control freak, always kicking ppl off-topic in channel and stuff12:39
wrston my daemons i like being able to background some to increase boot time etc12:39
wrstnetritious: want to talk about guitars? :)12:39
wrstand also that's how bsd does it if i'm not mistaken also all through rc.conf?12:39
netritiousi'm not certain anymore....it has been many years since I messed with a bsd flavor12:40
wrsti know last time i set it up a few months ago i had to do some /etc/rc.conf editing i think to get kdm to fire up and that sort of thing using free bsd12:41
netritioussounds right12:41
wrstbut all that being said netritious there is no way on earth i would install arch linux for anyone! if you aren't savvy enough to install it you can't run it12:41
netritioushence my latest accusation that ppl that run arch are linux snobs looool, with the exception of wrst12:42
netritiousand when I say snob I mean purist12:43
wrstoh yeah they are12:43
wrstcertainly i am afarid to even think abotu asking a question in their irc channel12:43
netritiousI did and it was completely ignored. Not the first or last time though.12:44
netritiousIn that channel or some other. It happens.12:44
wrstoh well being ignored is probably them being kind12:45
wrsti have witnessed them just absolutely filet people12:45
wrstand as Unit193 showed me if you do !ubuntu you get this link: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rbeqbj-n1Z0/Skeak1qBGyI/AAAAAAAAAeM/3k_ntrDWmOw/s1600-h/ubuntu.png12:45
netritioussome people don't care to know about every single little detail as they have other details to worry about12:47
wrstyeah that's pretty funny but at the same time because someone uses ubuntu doesn't mean they are "simple" could mean that someone doesn't want to spend 3 days getting a system running12:47
wrstand netritious i just found something that is gold for me rcconf package12:47
wrstoh well it doesn't really work but at least its there :)12:49
wrstwb binarymutant :)12:53
binarymutantdid I cut out?12:54
wrstyep at 7:37 and back in at 7:5112:55
binarymutantoh :/12:58
wrstand also binarymutant you might want to set your client up to us sasl because your IP is revealed also12:59
wrst[07:51:54] --> binarymutant (~binarymut@c-69-254-97-26.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu-us-tn12:59
wrst[07:51:54] <-- binarymutant (~binarymut@c-69-254-97-26.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has quit (Changing host)12:59
wrst[07:51:55] --> binarymutant (~binarymut@unaffiliated/binarymutant) has joined #ubuntu-us-tn12:59
wrstsorry binarymutant that was a little linux snobbish of me but figured since you had a cloak you would prefer your IP not show at all13:00
binarymutantdoesn't bother me to show my ip13:00
binarymutantbut what's sasl?13:01
wrstoh ok13:01
netritiousauthentication method13:01
wrsti don't really know what it is binarymutant but it identifies you before you get logged in :)13:01
wrstyeah what netritious said13:01
binarymutantI'll try it out, but the networks that I should have a cloak (rizon) I don't, and the networks I don't need a cloak (freenode and oftc) I do13:02
wrstyeah i dont' suspect netritious is going to hack me if he was he could have already13:03
binarymutant<- not very security concerned13:03
xTEMPLARxI think netritious hacked me yesterday13:04
xTEMPLARxtoday my computer is running faster13:04
binarymutantFirefox 14.0.1 is much faster than Debian's Iceweasel/FF 1013:05
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, lol13:05
xTEMPLARxhowdy b13:05
xTEMPLARxbrb makin' breakfast13:06
xTEMPLARxmornin netritious and wrst13:07
netritiousmornin' xTEMPLARx13:08
wrstxTEMPLARx: what you made it back, we are proud of you!13:08
wrstbinarymutant: wow they are just at FF10?? and you are running testing?13:09
* xTEMPLARx looks at wrst disapprovingly.13:10
wrstxTEMPLARx: not the first or last time that will happen to me for the day13:10
xTEMPLARxlol probably true for me as well13:11
wrsti can't imagine that!13:12
xTEMPLARxboooo updates wanna restart13:13
binarymutantwrst, FF10 on unstable13:16
wrstthat's why debian makes  a great server OS13:16
netritiouswb xTEMPLARx13:19
xTEMPLARxty vm13:19
xTEMPLARxwell I hope this passes:  http://bit.ly/NcDHP013:21
xTEMPLARxmind you, i only have a surface-level understanding of it, not an indepth...13:22
xTEMPLARxif its like most other bills in congress, they'll find some way to poison the apple juice13:22
binarymutantthey have SLAPP in other states13:22
binarymutantI also like this comment: "Please FIX the system don't PATCH it!"13:23
binarymutanterr they have anti-slapp in some states*13:25
netritiousSLAPP a ho13:27
xTEMPLARxit sure would be a game-changer though, if they could burden the lawsuit-bringer with the financial cost of their defendant's defense in court.  It should force them to do what they SHOULDA done anyway, i.e., verify that they really have a legitimate case prior to ever going to court with it13:27
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, that's what the anti-slapp laws do13:27
xTEMPLARxnetritious:  I didn't know you were native american13:28
binarymutantwatching htop is making me mad >:(13:28
netritiousthis could also encourage more defendants to seek better (more expensive) counsel to13:28
xTEMPLARxbinarymutant, why for?13:28
netritiouscounsel or council?13:28
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, because both my cpu's are running at 50% bc of 1 flash video13:29
netritiousxTEMPLARx: actually I do carry more than a moderate amount of native DNA13:29
xTEMPLARxbinarymutant, strange13:29
xTEMPLARxmy DNA is native to me13:29
binarymutantrunning 2 flash videos and both cpu's will run at 75%, it's making me mad13:29
netritiousbinarymutant: it could be the video, not neccesarily flash. HD video? poorly written streamer? high CPU usage.13:30
netritiousotoh, it could be sid is sucking right now :/13:31
binarymutantsid is sucking :/13:31
netritiousyoutube or....13:31
binarymutantmaybe it is time to find a new distro that I can stick with :/13:32
netritioushm. Maybe try Mint?13:32
netritiousaccording to distrowatch, very very popular.13:33
binarymutantthe derivative of a derivative?13:33
binarymutantI'd say that would be running debian sid anyways13:33
netritiousyeah, kinda why I don't bother.13:33
binarymutantgotta do some research before I switch to the next distro13:34
netritiousthere is a debian vs of mint, but then you would be right back where you are now maybe13:34
binarymutanthttp://wiki.archbang.org/index.php?title=Main_Page "Arch Linux is under going changes, upgrades and improvements to the Arch Linux system, and so for the time being we recommend that you do not use Arch/ArchBang as your sole OS."13:45
xTEMPLARxbut...but... you can't try Mint.  How will you enjoy your Unity interface on Mint?13:47
binarymutantmaybe I'll just try to figure out what's going on with debian13:51
netritiousthere's always Fedora13:52
netritiousI hear lots of good things about it13:52
binarymutantyeah I haven't used rpm since 2002ish13:53
xTEMPLARxsame here13:59
xTEMPLARxI used to be a RH fanatic after I ditched slackware14:00
xTEMPLARxthen when the whole fedora thing came out I started losing interest14:00
netritiousThere's always Ubuntu :D14:00
binarymutantI switched to debs for apt-get and when RH got yum I tried it but it was super slow compared to apt14:01
binarymutantat the time**14:01
binarymutantanyone use the nouveau driver?14:36
xTEMPLARxfor Nvidia?14:38
xTEMPLARxNot I... I've been using the NVIDIA supplied drivers for a while now14:40
xTEMPLARxhave an update i need to install now, actually14:40
xTEMPLARxthe last time I used the nouveau driver it was very young14:40
binarymutantfinally. Nothing like dealing with video drivers in the morning15:17
xTEMPLARxi want to install mine, but it won't let me install as long as an X server is running15:20
xTEMPLARxnot sure how to kill GDM/X on ubuntu 12.0415:20
binarymutant/etc/init.d/gdm stop15:21
xTEMPLARxnot without going further than I really want to15:21
binarymutantI think ubuntu still has sys-v compatibility15:21
xTEMPLARxtried that, and it didn't work :\15:21
xTEMPLARxand nope15:21
xTEMPLARxits all upstart now15:21
xTEMPLARxwhen I try to use the sys-v init scripts, I get a message telling me to use service gdm stop15:22
xTEMPLARxwhich fails every time with "unknown instance"15:22
netritiousit's either gdm, gdm3, or lightdm15:23
xTEMPLARxthat may be my problem, net... thanks for the tip15:23
binarymutantI thought upstart still supported sys-v init.d scripts :/15:23
netritiousctrl+f1, service {gdm,gdm3,lightdm} stop15:24
netritiouswell upstart uses /etc/init versus /etc/init.d15:24
binarymutantsystemd still has init.d compat15:24
netritiousbut you knew that15:25
binarymutantupstart says it still supports sysvinit15:27
binarymutantoh well, not my thing15:28
netritiousright, but if the script is in /etc/init and not in /etc/init.d and there is no symlink, wouldn't /etc/init.d/{script here} fail?15:28
binarymutantnetritious, yes15:29
xTEMPLARxwhen you said that, net, it rang a bell, as I remembered seeing a lot of lightdm entries in a ps output I had done earlier15:29
binarymutantnetritious, but that's pretty literal :P15:29
xTEMPLARxall that only to find out that the nvidia installer is not finding all of what it needs... guess I'll mess with it later when I have more time15:29
binarymutantnvidia sucks on my card, too many bugs. Try nouveau it's awesome15:30
binarymutantAND it does glx15:30
netritiousbinarymutant: +1 I use nouveau on ubuntu15:30
binarymutantit's good stuffs15:31
netritiousi tried the nvidia drivers once, I think the last time was with 10.04, then there was a kernel update, and X failed to start on reboot. I never bothered again.15:33
xTEMPLARxinstalling now... if I disappear for a while you'll know why15:33
xTEMPLARxNVIDIA drivers have done very well by me for a long time now15:33
xTEMPLARxboth here and at home15:33
xTEMPLARxgive me full control of card settings and everything15:33
xTEMPLARxhaven't had any problemos15:33
xTEMPLARxbut here lately, I've had a few nvidia-related crashes.  still, its been a long time since I've updated NVIDIA, while the machine has gone thru an upgrade or two15:34
binarymutantI couldn't restart my laptop bc of nvidia :/15:34
binarymutantor switch to the consoles15:34
netritiousI hear good things about 'em, just sharing my experience. It could very well be I wasn't holding my mouth right or something.15:35
netritiousor the card I was using15:35
xTEMPLARxheck at this point I don't even know how to switch to the nouveau driver :D15:36
xTEMPLARxthis one is a 9800 GT I think15:36
xTEMPLARxyup 9800 GT15:36
netritiousmy ubuntu workstation now has a 460GT, winders workstation has 560GTX? I thinkit's GTX, might just be GT though15:37
xTEMPLARxif I were honest, its been a long while since I was able to delve into what's current and what the different model numbers represented15:38
xTEMPLARxwith a family going, I don't have the time or money to keep a "current" machine going lol15:38
netritiousI get that. If I wouldn't have gotten a bonus earlier this year I wouldn't have been able to afford it myself.15:39
xTEMPLARxi have to wait for the occasional income tax refund15:39
xTEMPLARxthose are my bonuses15:39
netritiousi started a new contract back in feb, which ends tomorrow actually, so no more upgrades for quite some time for me.15:41
netritiousbut quad core 960-T, 8GB low latency ram, evga 560 GTX, sata II velociraptors, who needs more for a workstation? :P15:42
xTEMPLARxin five years that stuff will seem slow15:43
xTEMPLARxbut during those five years15:43
xTEMPLARxyou're good15:43
netritious^that's what I was thinking when I spent the money :D15:44
netritiousgood for another five years15:44
netritiousI've been eye-balling the new 8-core Zambezi CPUs... ::drool::15:45
xTEMPLARxthe mobo I have in my home machine I bought because of its expandability... it has a quad-core AMD in it now, but it supports more cores15:45
xTEMPLARxsame with ram15:45
xTEMPLARxgot 4gb when I bought it, but supports way more.  just haven't had the spare cash15:45
netritioussame here. what make/model?15:46
xTEMPLARxit doesn't help that I'm a little-bit-of-everything sort of person... thus all my interests vie for any "spare" cash I may have15:46
netritious*4x2GB on the ram....15:46
* netritious can't does math15:46
xTEMPLARxlemme look my mobo up15:47
xTEMPLARxi can't ever remember15:47
netritiousnever heard of it, is that a new distro?15:47
netritious^Spare Cash Linux ?15:48
binarymutantthat's what I use lols15:48
xTEMPLARxThis'un.  http://bit.ly/NcRwNm15:48
binarymutantoh wait no I use: No Cash Linux15:48
netritiousme to binarymutant. Friends helped me out on win7...it's the only reason I have it was b/c it was free (x2) or $30 (student promo when released.)15:49
wrstbinarymutant: i think that is the original linux distro :)15:49
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, usb3? wow15:49
netritiousver ver nice...I know that mobo15:50
netritiouslol wrst15:50
xTEMPLARxbinarymutant, yeah... yet I"ve never used it, since I don't own any usb3 devices15:50
xTEMPLARxi have one of the black edition triple-core cpus with the fourth core unlocked15:51
binarymutantdidn't know it was out yet15:51
xTEMPLARxguess it is15:51
xTEMPLARxI've had this mobo for more than a year though15:51
xTEMPLARxgoing on 2 years I guess15:51
xTEMPLARxthis coming spring will be 2 years, that is15:51
netritiouson par with my wifes mobo xTEMPLARx, but she has Athlon II x2, 8GB ddr3...was so cheap and bought around the same time I guess.15:52
netritiousjust gigabyte's micro atx version.15:52
xTEMPLARxthis has the AMD Phenom II X3 720 black edition, and a TwinFrozr 1GB GTS250 video card15:53
binarymutantgeeze you guys must be gamers15:53
xTEMPLARx4 gb of GSKILL ram15:53
xTEMPLARxif the machine can't play games, its of no use to me15:53
netritiouswifes board: http://goo.gl/SQVab15:54
netritious^it runs the HTPC15:54
xTEMPLARxthat works :D15:54
xTEMPLARxhow long have you used AMD, net?15:54
netritiousI have a hauppauge? PCIe tv card, basic cable.15:55
xTEMPLARxI've been an intel fanboy up until this machine, my first AMD15:55
netritioussince 8088 clones.15:55
xTEMPLARxi have to admit15:55
xTEMPLARxits been my favorite thus far15:55
netritiousyou get the most bang for the buck.15:55
xTEMPLARxso much so that when I had to rebuild this machine here at work, I went with AMD as well15:55
netritious$199 is the most expensive desktop CPU for AMD on newegg right now, the latest CPU.15:56
xTEMPLARxi have a phenomII X4 3.2ghz in this box, and the nvidia 9800 GT asus card15:56
netritiousIntel's (I don't have to look) I bet is around $1,00015:56
netritiousnice setup xTEMPLARx!15:56
xTEMPLARxit works pretty well15:57
xTEMPLARxjust wish I had another monitor to add to it :D15:57
netritiousmine is a phenom II 960-T quad-core @ 3.0GHz, 3.4GHz Turbo "something or the other"15:57
xTEMPLARxany of you using a dual-monitor setup with ubuntu ?15:58
* netritious grabs the box15:58
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, I sort of am15:58
xTEMPLARxsort of?15:58
netritious*Turbo Core15:58
xTEMPLARxexplain :D15:58
netritiousxTEMPLARx: yes15:58
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, when I switch to xbmc my other monitor starts15:58
xTEMPLARxnet:  any issues?15:58
xTEMPLARxxbmc :D15:58
xTEMPLARxi played with that for a while15:58
binarymutantit's fun15:58
netritiousnone with stock drivers on precise x6415:59
xTEMPLARxyeah its pretty nifty15:59
binarymutantbetter than always having my laptop in my face15:59
xTEMPLARxbinary:  true that15:59
xTEMPLARxnetritious, very good.  I know that X and multiple monitor support has always been somewhat of a problem15:59
xTEMPLARxso I've not pushed the issue16:00
binarymutantno really an issue16:00
xTEMPLARxfor openGL and other gaming purposes?16:00
binarymutantyeah it's fine, depending on the game obv16:00
binarymutantcan you play WoW on linux?16:01
xTEMPLARxpfft yes16:01
xTEMPLARxstock wine, at that16:01
xTEMPLARxruns nicely16:01
binarymutantI don't know how intensive WoW is, so maybe16:01
binarymutantjust configure your Xorg to use separate screens16:01
xTEMPLARxit can be pretty intensive, but Wine has grown quite a bit in the last several years16:02
netritiousmy winders workstation mobo: http://goo.gl/djQuA16:02
netritiousmy linux workstation mobo: http://goo.gl/SQVab16:02
netritiouslinux is about to trade up.16:02
xTEMPLARxthat's very colorful16:02
xTEMPLARxtrade up?16:03
netritiousyeah, going to move winders to a vm16:03
xTEMPLARxits ultra durable :D16:03
netritiousI don't play my games anymore really.16:03
xTEMPLARxuse virtualbox on  here for win7 and winxp16:03
binarymutantyeah me either16:03
xTEMPLARxwe also have a VMWare eSXi server here in the office that I put together with some other options on it16:04
netritioushey binarymutantI did try Urban Terror16:04
binarymutantthat's an awesome game16:04
xTEMPLARxI don't play with the frequency that I used to, but I still play when I need some "me" time16:04
binarymutantthe only graphical computer game I play now is UrT16:05
netritiousit was ok. for some reason I seem to gravitate to games based on the unreal engine, so I'm totally biased.16:05
binarymutantI only play the quake engine :P16:05
netritiousit's just one of those preference things is all.16:06
binarymutantthere was one unreal that had huge maps and vehicles, I remember playing that16:06
netritiousand UT316:06
binarymutantyeah that was fun16:06
binarymutantand I played the original UT a few times, but mostly stick with quake16:07
netritiousI don't have UT3, but want to have it now, but I might just need to can the gaming and do some more serious work with servers, services, virtualization, etc.16:07
netritiousoh yeah, the original UT...that was fun.16:08
xTEMPLARxI played UT quite a bit back in the day16:08
binarymutantserious work is so boring though :/16:08
netritiousback in the day my wife would play that on a SFF compaq presario desktop with 733MHz PII lol16:08
xTEMPLARxbut no more than any others... probably spent more time in Quake3 than any of them16:08
xTEMPLARxplayed a lot of duke nuke'em too16:08
* wrst is all business16:10
netritiousyeah right16:10
wrsti can never get anyone to buy that16:10
wrstonly reason my dekstop gets turned on is to play games16:10
netritiousI knew it!16:12
netritiouswrst the gamer16:12
binarymutantwe all are16:13
=== wrst changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Meeting Tonight!!! Welcome to #ubuntu-us-tn the Tennessee Ubuntu Loco team | Visit our website http://www.ubuntu-tennessee.org/ | TN Loco forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=259 | Team wiki: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/tennessee.team | Next Team Meeting Thursday, August 2, 8:30PM EDT / 7:30PM CDT
* wrst threatens to kick xTEMPLARx16:14
binarymutantoh that went way different then what I was thinking16:14
binarymutantthat's about right ^^^16:14
* xTEMPLARx pokes wrst in the eye with a hot stick.16:14
netritiousyou guys cut that out. this is virtually a violence free channel after all.16:15
wrstha ha16:15
xTEMPLARxwell if wrst is gonna put on his big boy pants, I gotta arm myself with virtual tree branches16:18
xTEMPLARxand poor old Genphlux walked into that sentence with no back-story to give it meaning16:18
wrstha ha16:18
netritiouswb Genphlux16:21
netritiousSvpernova09 should spam this channel, or at least spam the mailing list.16:23
netritioustell 'em about that thing. there are quite a few w. tennesseeians in here16:24
wrstnetritious: too many westerners in here, from the flat part of the state :)16:25
* wrst is being entertained by facebook arguments16:26
netritiousSvpernova09: someone in here that isn't an MM member might want to participate.16:27
Svpernova09oh that thing16:28
Svpernova09If anyone within driving distance to Memphis/Bartlett is into web programming, check out http://wiki.midsouthmakers.org/a/MMCodeMonkey16:29
Svpernova09It's open to non members.16:29
netritiousyeah, that thing :)16:35
Svpernova09Also, if any of you are interested in a LAN Party, We're hosting on August 25th.16:44
xTEMPLARxwhatchya playin?16:45
xTEMPLARxtux racer?16:45
xTEMPLARxI don't see no WoW in there... guess you guys aren't serious about your gaming.17:07
Svpernova09lol I get shunned because I'm a WoW player.17:20
xTEMPLARxits because they can't hang17:22
xTEMPLARxall of them used to play17:22
xTEMPLARxand their parents made them quit17:22
Svpernova09some of them, yeah.17:22
xTEMPLARxor their wives17:22
xTEMPLARxand so they resent you for still getting to play it17:22
binarymutantreformatting was shooting myself in the foot. I see that now17:25
wrstbinarymutant: debian?17:26
Svpernova09reformatting is like a hot shower.17:26
binarymutantbut the problems aren't debian specific17:26
binarymutantdropped it17:26
binarymutantno these problems are customizations that I have to do over again bc of the reformat17:27
binarymutantand every now and then I keep finding new ones17:27
binarymutantlike running pulseaudio from xinit instead of from bootup17:28
binarymutantboo change17:32
binarymutantI should start running everything as a user so if I change distro's or reformat I won't have to do this crap anymore17:36
wrstbinarymutant: i must ask, why does it matter about how pulse starts up?17:41
wrstand wb binarymutant :)17:41
binarymutantwrst, for my laptop's volume keys17:41
wrsti feel sorry for anyone that is doing anything much with pulse audio17:42
binarymutantwrst, what do you use?17:42
wrsti use pulse but i mean if you have troubles with it17:42
binarymutantah no trouble, I just forgot that Arch doesn't start it at boot but debian does17:43
wrston both of my machines it works really well even on my desktop and i have multiple sound cards etc on it, but when i get in that zone i use jack17:43
binarymutantjackd is cool too17:44
binarymutantanything that lets me listen to multiple things at the same time17:44
xTEMPLARxfor some reason17:50
xTEMPLARxunbeknownst to me17:50
xTEMPLARxi have "the time of my life" stuck in my head17:50
xTEMPLARxthat 80's duet?17:51
xTEMPLARxclick!  and share in my torment!17:51
Svpernova09must be itching to watch some dirty dancing17:51
wrstxTEMPLARx: i shall not click!17:52
wrstbinarymutant: i use it with multitrack recording it works actually pretty well when you get it set up17:53
binarymutantwrst, that's pretty cool stuff17:53
wrstyeah ardour is wonderful17:53
xTEMPLARxspeaking of which!17:55
xTEMPLARxhere are some free VSTs and plugins:  http://bit.ly/QC4tnH17:55
xTEMPLARxi haven't gotten a chance to go thru all of them17:55
xTEMPLARxbut they've gotten some good reviews17:56
wrstahh thank you xTEMPLARx17:57
wrsti rarely have time to record and mess with anything17:57
wrstbinarymutant: our life would be easier if we would just install ubuntu and not mess with things17:58
binarymutantso true17:58
binarymutantmy system prolly can't take Ubuntu though17:59
binarymutantwith it's fancy pants composite :D17:59
xTEMPLARxubuntu has surprised me more often at what it WOULD do as opposed to what it wouldn't17:59
wrstyeah but binarymutant and I are rebels18:00
binarymutant<- rebel without a clue18:00
wrstwhat binarymutant said applies to me18:01
wrstbinarymutant: i don't mind ubuntu really actually i like it if the gui didn't smell bad18:02
wrstand if i'm going to go to all that trouble might as well go all out!18:03
binarymutantwithout the gui it'd just be called Debian wouldn't it?18:03
Svpernova09I use ubuntu over debian because in the event I hit a snag, "ubuntu" returns better search results than anything else + my issue18:03
wrst+1 Svpernova09 :)18:04
binarymutantSvpernova09, you got me there, I still use Ubuntu + search term18:04
wrstbinarymutant: nah i mean they are similar but there's enough difference, just ask netritious18:04
binarymutantright after I use Arch + search term18:04
wrsti either use ubuntu or arch wiki for my search terms18:04
binarymutantthe difference between ubuntu and debian is nil when your only using motu packages18:05
binarymutantI have a feeling that's the same with mint too18:06
binarymutantmaybe upstart vs sysvinit (soon to be systemd)18:07
wrstyeah im sorry mint makes me angry18:07
binarymutantwrst, why?18:08
wrstfor no real reason other than i look at it and don't like it18:08
wrsti shouldn't be that way but I am :)18:08
wrsti mean really do you need it easier than ubuntu???18:08
wrstand now mint comes with an ugly half working gui, just like ubuntu 11.04!18:08
binarymutantyeah I wonder how that started? Did the mint devs get their patches rejected by ubuntu or did they just fork without trying to change ubuntu first18:09
Svpernova09the benefits of mint for me was the better hardware support.18:09
binarymutantwhat hardware?18:09
Svpernova09Specifically bluetooth adapters and web cams18:10
Svpernova09Ubuntu required manual configuration. Mint just worked.18:10
binarymutantthat's strange :/18:10
Svpernova09Pretty normal with my history of ubuntu.18:10
Svpernova09Aside from webcams. usually those just work.18:11
binarymutantI don't run into anything that doesn't work out of box, but my hardware's always old18:12
Svpernova09One annoying thing, Mint still handles multiple monitors like shit.18:12
Svpernova09Just like ubuntu18:12
binarymutantoh that's right ubuntu dropped xorg didn't they?18:13
Svpernova09Although last I tried it took less monkeying with Mint than Ubuntu.18:13
binarymutantI completely forgot18:13
binarymutantso does mint use wayland too?18:13
Svpernova09I'm not sure. Honestly I didn't keep that install around very long.18:13
Svpernova0990% of my linux usuage is at the server level.18:14
xTEMPLARxso what are you using these days wrst?18:14
Svpernova09I have a few desktop VMs, but nothing running on bare metal.18:14
wrstarch linux with gnome shell18:14
wrstbinarymutant: wayland isn't default in anything right now18:15
binarymutantnot even in Ubuntu?18:15
wrstnope still uses xorg18:15
xTEMPLARxwrst:  still using gnome shell here as well, but on top of precise18:15
wrstxTEMPLARx: i don't like the ubuntu tweaked version of gnome shell i like the vanilla better i know i could change it but if i did i coudln't complain18:15
xTEMPLARxi installed my gnome shell from the dev ppa, so I'm not certain that it's ubuntu-centric18:16
xTEMPLARxI wouldn't know the difference if it were18:16
xTEMPLARxas this is the only way i've used it18:16
binarymutanthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wayland they say they don't know when they're going to make wayland default as of last month18:16
xTEMPLARxwrst so why arch?18:17
wrstbecause i coudl xTEMPLARx :)18:18
xTEMPLARxfair enough18:18
wrstits a good learning experience actually18:18
binarymutantbc it's awesome18:18
binarymutanteverything else is stale in comparison18:18
wrstxTEMPLARx: i have better luck fixing issues in any distro now after using arch i understand how things fit together and what not a lot easier18:18
xTEMPLARxyet here you are struggling with pulseaudio in a debian install :P18:18
wrstand of course the fresh packages are nice at least they are nice when they aren't eating your hamster18:19
xTEMPLARxwrst:  haha18:19
netritioustwinkie was such a good little guy to18:19
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, running update-rc.d isn't a struggle, just hard to remember every system wide detail I had on my last distro18:19
wrstbut xTEMPLARx i have gnome-shell and I also have a GUI package management (package-kit) so i'm not living on the command line18:19
* netritious followed in wrst's footsteps with arch18:20
netritiousjust in a vm though (kvm)18:20
* wrst probably led netritious off a very tall cliff18:20
xTEMPLARxwrst:  knowing how to build a house from the ground up doesn't mean you shouldn't paint the walls and hang pictures :D18:20
wrstxTEMPLARx: you aren't helping me out here18:21
xTEMPLARxI think i'm gonna switch to FreeBSD18:21
xTEMPLARxthis linux stuff is for the birds18:21
xTEMPLARxor the byrds18:21
binarymutanttalk about stale :/18:21
xTEMPLARxturn turn tun18:21
xTEMPLARxbinarymutant, haha true that18:21
binarymutantdebian has kfreebsd , more packages with them18:22
xTEMPLARxnot a big fan of k*18:22
netritiousyou can run (some) linux on freebsd18:22
binarymutantdebian has freebsd's kernel18:23
binarymutantno no, kernel freebsd = kfreebsd18:23
netritiousbinarymutant: I did not know that18:23
netritiousabout debian having freebsd's kernel18:23
binarymutantyeah, it's pretty cool18:23
netritiousso it's in the form of kfreebsd? that is cool18:23
xTEMPLARxi was looking at http://wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/kFreeBSD_why18:24
binarymutantbsd's /proc is so weird though18:24
binarymutantand /dev18:25
wrstok this is bad all this talk now makes me want to burn my arch partition and put something else on it!18:26
chris4585wrst, ??18:26
binarymutantwrst, arch is more fun18:27
binarymutantthey're still on FF1018:27
wrstbinarymutant: i didnt' say debian18:28
* wrst checks out gentoo so he can beat his head against another brick wall for a while18:29
wrstreally i dont have time to tinker much any more I may go back to ubuntu and go gnome shell instead of unity18:29
chris4585wrst, having troubles with arch?18:29
wrstchris4585: no i'm not but just have the urge to change and blow things up for the fun of it i suppose18:30
wrstactually arch is working too well it never breaks18:30
wrsti miss blowing my machine up every 6 months18:30
wrstchris4585: really arch for a rolling distro if you read the website is really really stable18:30
chris4585I have an old mint 12 partition still...18:30
wrsti keep ubuntu on my laptop also just don't use it but that's more because i don't like unity really18:31
chris4585the other day i randomly through 12.10 alpha on my laptop, and I could get used to unity there...18:31
xTEMPLARxwow arch linux iso is tiny18:32
xTEMPLARxthat's refreshing18:32
wrstchris4585: i don't hate unity i just don't like it , i think its really a good desktop actually, i think i just hate the theme as much as anything that black stuff splattered with orange18:32
wrstxTEMPLARx: don't worry you make up for the small size expecially now that there is no ncurses install helper, its all scripts now!18:33
binarymutantmust bootstrap to install it18:33
wrstxTEMPLARx: and when you read the forums the leaders at arch are happy about it i think they had gotten to be more popular than they wanted :)18:33
chris4585it really isn't hard, just follow the installation wiki18:34
xTEMPLARxokay I'm done with caps now18:34
wrsti know chris4585 but i had gotten to the point i didn't need the wiki to get a cool up and running system i don't feel like an expert anymore18:34
chris4585wrst, I think I hate the dash more than anything and the lack of freedom18:34
chris4585wrst, neither did I really, the menu helper wasn't hard at all18:35
wrstchris4585: its a lot like gnome-shell really you have to install third party things to make your desktop anything close to what you want and none of that is good in my book18:35
chris4585and setting up stuff like xorg isn't hard18:35
binarymutantxorg is automagic now18:35
binarymutantxTEMPLARx, lol18:35
xTEMPLARxanybody here listen to rap during the 90s?18:35
wrsti'm too young for that xTEMPLARx18:35
xTEMPLARxthe roots did a song called "dat skat"18:36
xTEMPLARxwhich pacstrap makes me think of18:36
xTEMPLARxbut oh well18:36
chris4585binarymutant, ironically I used nvidia-xconfig to setup my xorg.conf but then my nvidia card pooped and I switched "nvidia to "radeon" and it worked beautifully <318:36
chris4585xTEMPLARx, yeah18:36
binarymutantdid you delete xorg.conf or something?18:36
wrsti can't beleive you let teh "i'm too young for it" comment slide xTEMPLARx but thanks18:36
wrstxorg.conf that's so 200518:36
chris4585nah when using nvidia, nvidia-xconfig automatically makes an xorg.conf, just my nvidia card stopped working18:37
wrstbinarymutant: something i love about my little weenie intel video card on my laptop i need nothing to make it work18:37
xTEMPLARxdownloading arch .iso from brasil18:37
binarymutantchris4585, but you didn't change the driver portion of xorg and it still worked? xorg rocks18:37
wrstxTEMPLARx: are you bored? :)18:37
xTEMPLARxI'm not sure why, but I always get faster downloads when I don't download from the U.S.18:37
xTEMPLARxwrst:  maybe18:38
xTEMPLARxgonna virtualbox it up18:38
wrstxTEMPLARx: is lenoir city now closer to south america???18:38
chris4585nah I did, but its ironic because nvidia helped me setup my xorg to get radeon working lol18:38
xTEMPLARxso no danger to my work :D18:38
xTEMPLARxwrst:  I think so!18:38
xTEMPLARxif my wife had HER way, it would be18:38
xTEMPLARxshe wants to move to Guatemala18:38
chris4585without the driver change it was all 800x600 on my 28" monitor :|18:38
wrstsweet so i can take my wife on that tropical vacation and just drive 45 minutes18:38
binarymutantchris4585, lols18:38
xTEMPLARxyup!  put some sunscreen on that bebbe18:38
wrstoh me xTEMPLARx my wife took her swimming this week and constantly sprayed that stuff on her but she is so fair complected (pasty white) that she still got some sun burn18:39
xTEMPLARxyeah hard not to18:39
xTEMPLARxespecially with the rays we've been getting this summer18:40
xTEMPLARxyou know, what with the global warming n all18:40
wrstyes like the sun is mad at us18:40
wrstand what did i ever to to the sun? nothing18:40
xTEMPLARxyou ignored it by going inside and staring at that dastardly computer screen for so long18:41
wrstbinarymutant: only problem on not using arch some is it really is "the most interesting distro alive" so anything else would be boring18:41
xTEMPLARxgotta VPN to a customer site... bbiaf18:41
wrstxTEMPLARx: yes and i think the sun hates air conditioning18:41
wrstlater xTEMPLARx18:41
binarymutantwrst, how arch manages itself is weird18:42
wrstwhat do you mean binarymutant?18:42
binarymutantlike 2 devs will say they want to put everything in / into /usr and the next day it happens18:42
wrstoh yeah18:42
chris4585I feel like I understand arch's way, way better than ubuntu or debian's way18:43
wrstbut binarymutant they just don't care18:43
wrstand i kind of like that18:43
binarymutantdebian you have to vote and it's very democratic, which I like18:43
* wrst would prefer being the linux distro dictator 18:43
binarymutantwe could start the ubuntu-us-tn distro and give you the reigns wrst18:44
wrstwe could watch that puppy burn!18:44
chris4585I think this whole channel would be a good distro team18:44
wrstbut yeah i think the debian way is the most sane way and also if you need it to work etc, but arch is just pretty cool18:44
binarymutantarch is awesome I'll give them that18:45
binarymutantI wish debian was as bleeding edge18:45
chris4585so when xorg is deprecated and we use wayland is that a decision made my debian's people?18:46
chris4585because they have been talking about wayland for like 2years now?18:46
binarymutantthat's all on Ubuntu18:47
chris4585ah, I figured it would be one of those choices debian makes then the whole linux kingdom follows18:47
wrstmaybe they will have wayland and all the boot issues of uefi all combined in one distro just to make it fun!18:47
chris4585I hope when they do it really helps ubuntu, I just feel for when that does happy that release will be a terrible one..18:47
chris4585LOL wrst18:48
binarymutantwell it does, but because debian is a democracy and needs to have more then 2/3's of the vote to do anything things like that rarely happen18:48
wrstchris4585: i think it would make sense to go to wayland as default a long time before an LTS so you have plenty of time to clean the mess up18:48
binarymutantthey still don't use systemd for example. I doubt they'll move away from xorg18:48
chris4585yeah that makes sense18:48
wrsti see why they want to move away from xorg18:48
wrstubuntu that is18:49
binarymutantxorg rocks18:49
chris4585systemd always confused me, I have no idea what that does18:49
chris4585is that the mechanism in charge of starting services?18:49
binarymutantchris4585, it's an init system to boot the system18:49
binarymutantchris4585, yea18:49
chris4585there are some things I still have no clue about.. :)18:50
binarymutanteverybody loves systemd18:50
binarymutantexcept the people that don't :P18:50
chris4585arch uses its own thing right?18:51
chris4585ah alright18:51
* chris4585 does research18:51
binarymutantI think ubuntu is the only distro that uses it's own initsystem18:51
binarymutantdebian uses the old sys-v way still18:52
chris4585I wish I had millions and billions of dollars to throw at people and say build me the perfect open linux distro lol18:52
binarymutantyou could make it for free though18:53
chris4585yeah I could, but I feel like it would take 15 years to get to perfection18:53
binarymutantwhat would it be called though?18:53
chris4585I have no idea18:55
chris4585I'd let the community choose18:55
chris4585I ordered something on corsair's website July 19th, for $4.99 with $11.30 shipping... it just now shipped18:57
binarymutantoh man don't get me started18:57
chris4585glad it wasn't anything vital, just an usb 2 header to usb 3 connector converter adapter thingy18:57
binarymutantthat raspberry pi - won't even ship for 10 weeks18:58
binarymutantyou have usb3?18:58
chris4585my case does, but not my motherboard, so I'm getting an adapter18:58
binarymutantthat's so cool18:59
chris4585my brother has usb 3 though, for $670 we built him a pretty awesome rig18:59
chris4585binarymutant, http://www.corsair.com/us/corsair-carbide-granite-accessory-box.html19:00
binarymutantthat's weird looking19:01
binarymutantis it plugging into the serial?19:01
chris4585one end goes into a usb2 header and the other one is the female side for a usb 3 connector19:01
binarymutantseems really big19:02
chris4585that end for the usb3 connector is the same size on a mobo if it has usb3, if you didn't know19:02
binarymutantI guess they had to make it bigger than a usb2 connector cuz it's faster19:03
chris4585kind of sucks though, gotta buy a part just to get my other usb ports working and with only usb 2 speeds :(19:04
chris4585but I desperately need more usb ports open19:09
binarymutantgot a lot of external drives or something?19:12
chris4585usb keyboard, 2 external hdds, usb powered speakers, usb hub with bluetooth adapter, then I have usually 1 free spot for random stuff, another one usually a flash drive or sdcard adapter is plugged in19:15
binarymutantthat's a lot19:15
chris4585for a while now I've thought about taking out the hdds in the external enclosures because I don't ever move them19:16
chris4585I want to but don't at the same time19:16
binarymutantmake them internal?19:17
xTEMPLARxarch is blazing away19:17
netritiouscongrats xTEMPLARx19:19
chris4585hrm, can you trick fstab into thinking a internal hdd is still an external hdd?19:19
netritioussup chris458519:19
chris4585hey netritious19:19
netritiouschris4585: have you tried?19:19
binarymutantfstab? use udisks19:19
chris4585netritious, nah but thinking about it19:20
chris4585udisks.. I have udiskie automounting for openbox19:20
binarymutantjust use that19:20
chris4585I'm assuming udisks is the backend for udiskie?19:20
binarymutantidk udiskie, I just know udisks and pmount19:21
chris4585I'm afraid if I do, I wont like it as much so meh19:25
vychuneanybody know why JK Rowling is randomly on the MOTD for freenode? lol19:31
Unit193You are connected to rowling.freenode.net, and that's who it's named after.19:35
vychunesudo ./slapself.sh19:39
netritiouso/ vychune19:40
vychunehows it going?19:40
binarymutantyou read the motd?19:40
netritiousgood. how's the server install going?19:40
binarymutantha I got robert holmes19:41
vychunebinarymutant: i glance at it19:42
vychunenetritious: good finishing it up19:42
vychunedoing proftpd19:42
vychuneand openssl19:42
vychuneand other stuff lol19:42
netritiousall good stuff19:43
xTEMPLARxi thought I'd broken it, but i'm staring at an arch login now19:44
xTEMPLARxno idea what I set my root passwd to19:44
xTEMPLARxsomeone help me fix it19:44
xTEMPLARx<--- was playin'19:45
netritious^sorry about that19:45
netritiousgot some lag there on the LAN :/19:46
wrstxTEMPLARx: how do you like arch? :)19:47
xTEMPLARxwrst:  thus far its very bleak19:47
xTEMPLARxits like the mad max of linux systems19:47
xTEMPLARxdesolate countryside for as far as the eye can see19:47
wrstxTEMPLARx: why do you say bleak, its a blank canvas19:47
vychuneo/ wrst19:48
wrsthello vychune!19:51
Unit193He's ready to pounce anytime!  Be careful!19:52
vychuneum.....noob question lol: how do i see my server's internet ip address?19:52
vychuneUnit193: oro?19:52
vychunethat was random lol19:52
Unit193wget -qO- ifcomfig.me/ip19:52
Unit193vychune: Not as much, look at wrst. ;)19:52
Unit193config, not comfig...19:53
vychunes/config/comfig lol i cangt stand vi but love knowing what that means now lol19:56
wrstthat's a handy little bit of trickery Unit193, thanks19:56
binarymutantthe router will tell19:58
vychune(@ wrst)19:58
vychunethe router is what came up19:58
vychunegotta port forword19:58
Unit193wrst: Yep, that site is handy, but I like my weather script more. :P20:01
vychune.w 3811620:02
wrstUnit193: i will just clicky clicky to the weather20:02
vychuneoops wrong channel lol'20:02
vychunedoes we have a weather bot command in here?20:03
binarymutantvychune, you should make one, they're fun20:04
Unit193./Public/weather is pretty easy to type. ;)20:04
binarymutant\msg Unit193 !weather20:05
Unit193binarymutant: You might be able to pull it from one of my bots....20:05
vychunebinarymutant: got nowhere to put it though20:06
binarymutantjust run it whenever you log in or something20:06
vychunehmm sounds cool20:06
vychune^on that page what are those components on page two? at the bottom?20:07
vychunethe last four20:07
binarymutantcould use Unit193's bots he's got a bunch20:09
Unit193wrst: ...Did you see the random animal sightings photoset?20:09
Unit193binarymutant: I have only 4 of mine running now, and kinda have control over another one.20:10
binarymutantvychune, exif shows meta info from pics, ftp is file transfer protocol, iconv I guess is .icon support?, and gd is...20:11
vychuneoops didnt see ftp there lol20:12
binarymutantgraphihcs library20:12
vychuneoh ok20:12
chris4585xTEMPLARx, lol you're funny about the root password20:13
vychunechris4585: whats up dude20:15
chris4585hey vychune, not a lot, still setting up that server?20:16
chris4585this is weird... I don't have ifconfig20:17
chris4585[root@archbang chris]# whereis ifconfig20:17
chris4585is it ifcfg now?20:18
chris4585that is weird..20:19
vychunechris4585: yes lol20:19
chris4585dude, I wish things like this would stay the same in linux, thanks Unit19320:20
vychuneUnit193: the hell?20:20
Unit193chris4585: Sure.20:20
vychuneyes thank you20:20
Unit193Heh, sure.20:20
vychunei just learned a lot of these lol20:21
chris4585I'm just left wondering when ifconfig got deprecated20:21
vychuneim wondering why didnt my prof. know this20:23
vychunehow do i install iconv?20:26
netritiousvychune: ?20:29
netritiousfor php?20:30
vychunei need iconv supprt on a server how do i do it?20:30
netritiousdepends on what depends on iconv20:32
netritiouswhat needs iconv?20:33
vychunecreloaded ecommrece20:33
netritiousis it PHP based?20:34
vychunei think20:35
* orias peeks in20:37
oriaswhat time is the meeting tonight?20:37
netritiousvychune: probably sudo apt-get install php5-iconv20:37
Svpernova09What are you doing with an ecommerce package that requres character set conversion?20:37
netritiousorias: 7:30/8:30 pm CDT/EDT20:38
vychuneorias: Svpernova09 long time no see guys20:38
vychuneSvpernova09: not my call20:38
Svpernova09I'm here all the time :_D20:38
oriasbeen around, just lurking20:38
vychuneSvpernova09: hows the new space?20:38
Svpernova09so far so good.20:39
vychuneglad you guys got it, but now i cant walk there lol20:40
netritiousvychune: according to http://www.php.net/manual/en/iconv.requirements.php you should already have iconv support20:42
vychuneoh lol20:42
netritiousvychune: GIYF20:43
vychuneyeah i need to remember that20:44
Svpernova09Google is my BEST friend, knows everything about me. has all my passwords.20:45
vychuneSvpernova09: smh lolk20:46
xTEMPLARxis it time to go home yet?20:48
xTEMPLARxcoz I'm ready to jet20:48
vychunei heard that20:54
vychunesee you guys in the meet21:03
chris4585wrst, I may reinstall KDE http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.9/23:37
chris4585just for shits and giggles... also when I removed KDE not all the components left with it :/23:37
chris4585if there was one thing arch could do better is managing how to install and remove KDE or other desktop environments23:37
wrstchris4585: actually there is a post somehwere with the command to do it :)23:58

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