
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi charlvn Banlam and others05:22
Kiloslo nuvolari 05:22
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
charlvnmorning Banlam 06:48
jrgnshello all07:10
charlvnhi jrgns 07:36
charlvngood good, yourself?07:38
jrgnscharlvn: good good09:20
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:37
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:37
KilosMaaz, move it09:37
MaazIf I get anymore cheek Kilos you can do it yourself next time09:37
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:41
KilosMaaz, ty09:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:41
Kiloshehe got 9 desktops on unity without installing anything, just a deja-dup backup from maverick09:54
Kilosve hav vays und means ja09:55
* Squirm passes out09:59
sflrafternoon guys!10:04
Kiloshi sflr superfly 10:12
superflyhi sflr10:33
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zaHmmm, I probably should have tested that before commiting11:55
Trixar_zaAnd a bug12:02
Trixar_zaAnd fixed and tested12:13
Trixar_zaNow to see if the timers work :P12:13
Trixar_zaThis is hilarious12:41
Kilosmy but you guys are chatty today13:43
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
* sflr bbl14:38
Kiloshome time. weekend for all you old peeps14:43
psydroidhi Kilos15:29
Kiloshi psydroid 15:39
charlvnhi Kilos, psydroid 15:59
charlvnhow's it going15:59
psydroidhi charlvn16:01
psydroidI'm fine, how are you?16:01
charlvnnot too bad16:01
Kiloshi charlvn 16:03
Kilossorry was busy getting my bot going16:04
magespawnEvening all.16:50
Kiloshey magespawn Tonberry 16:50
KilosQP came to 12.04 with me16:51
magespawnNice Kilos.16:51
Kilosthe deja-dup backup tool works kiff16:52
Kiloshows things your side magespawn ??16:52
magespawnBeen busy today with kids athletics, but server is uptodate. But was a totally fresh install.16:53
Kilossoon as i got this pc from nuvo properly jacked i will try the server cd on my old pc16:55
magespawnI like using the server, it just does certain things so much more directly.17:01
Kilosi go eat quick17:05
charlvnenjoy Kilos 17:14
Kilosyum that was lekker17:27
Kilosyo amanica long time no see17:28
amanicahi Kilos, yup, always busy :)17:29
Kiloscome on you clever guys. i want to download a video from youtube without havent to spend a week there getting lost17:29
Kilosdunno if i need to make any mods to this new firefiox17:30
Kilosfirefox too17:30
Kilosdont wanna waste data watching online and then by tomorrow forget what i watched17:31
amanicaI use some firefox plugins eg. ant17:33
Kilosty amanica 17:33
magespawnVideo Downloader another add on for firefox.17:35
Kilosis there no diffs tween firefox on windows and firefox on ubuntu?17:35
magespawnApperance I think, but otherwise not that I know of.17:36
Kiloslemme see if i can find the addons17:37
Kilosah ant is in the addons too17:39
Banlamdownload helper also works nicely for saving videos17:40
magespawnDownThemAll or another one?17:43
Banlamalthugh i use downloadthemall for other stuff too17:43
Kilosok got them ty guys now ill try get that vid and see how to fix dvds and cdrom17:44
Kilosgot downloadhelper and video downloader but dont see how to tell the fox to download not just watch17:47
Kilosis it the share embed button?17:50
magespawnDid you restart firefox?17:51
magespawnUsually have to do that.17:51
magespawnJust close and open it again.17:52
Kiloshehe its doing something took the low flv option is that right17:56
magespawnThat will get the video at the smallest download, but the quality might suffer.17:56
Kilosoh didnt know which one to use, there one for mobiles too17:57
magespawnYou might also need a flv player, not sure if there is one in ubuntu.17:57
magespawnI think that will work, yes.17:58
Kilosi have used vlc since before ubuntu days the win media player sucks17:58
Kilosthere is also mobile media converter that can convert anything to anything17:59
Kiloshave got it here yet17:59
Kilosfinished downloading but the guy is still working there18:00
Kilosmust one stop the video playing to save data?18:00
magespawnThe one in firefox?18:01
magespawnIf it has finished downloading you can close the video/tab window. Or it does continue to use your data.18:02
Kilosty guys18:02
Kilosvlc works ell magespawn 18:05
Kilosim not too kean on the terminals opening in tabs18:10
Kilosprefered each terminal by its relevant desktop18:10
KilosMaaz, spell kean18:11
MaazKilos: Looks good to me18:11
KilosMaaz, spell keen18:11
MaazKilos: Looks good to me18:11
magespawnI am out of here, night Kilos.18:11
Kilosnight magespawn sleep tight18:11
Kiloswhew 50 meg a video. ty 8ta18:19
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. see you morrow time18:29
KilosMaaz, night18:29
Maazkbye Kilos18:29
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
nuvolariMaaz: tell kilos nee ek is maar net woes besig by die werk die week oom!18:50
Maaznuvolari: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode18:50
smilebye :p18:50
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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