
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:13
mandelmorning all!08:29
gatoxgood morning!11:12
ralsinagood morning!12:08
gatoxralsina, hi12:10
alecuhello, all!12:27
gatoxalecu, hi12:27
ralsinahelloa alecu!12:27
alecugatox, ralsina: I need to run some errands in a few minutes... I don't think I'll be able to join the team meeting.12:30
ralsinaso, team meeting moved to tomorrow12:30
alecugatox, ralsina: is it ok if we move it to tomorrow?12:30
alecuralsina: thanks!12:31
gatoxalecu, fine by me12:31
mandellunch time here in spain :)12:41
* mandel lunch12:41
mandeloh, *.ar hello :)12:41
ralsinamandel, dobey, thisfred: just in case, team meeting moved to tomorrow because alecu is not available12:53
thisfredthx for the review btw12:54
ralsinathisfred: you're welcome12:54
dobeythisfred: what is 'cosas' exactly?13:33
thisfredmanuel came up with the name, which I liked13:39
mandelralsina, ack13:52
ralsinabriancurtin: no meeting, same time tomorrow because of missing alecu13:53
briancurtinralsina: alrighty13:54
mandelralsina, have you check under the sofa?13:56
ralsinamandel: yes. No alecu, but I found half a pack of cookies!13:56
ralsinamandel: you will know, someday, what you can find under sofas when you live with a kid13:58
mandelralsina, I've shared a house with 6 britons I know what to expect, we once found a sausage :)13:58
dobeyi found an underground tomb for the knights of the round table, once13:58
ralsinadobey: I found jimmy hoffa14:00
ralsinadobey: says he was looking for your tomb14:00
ralsinadobey: meaning that tomb you found, not *your* tomb14:01
* thisfred found a very dusty Higgs Boson14:07
dobeypbuilder-quantal update was so slow, that sudo had to ask me for the password again for the pbuilder-quantal foo.dsc command :(14:11
dobeywhat the heck14:11
mandeldobey, hohoho that is a new record..14:12
dobeyseriously. i wonder why it's so slow14:14
mandeldobey, well.. don't complain I'm updating xcode and it has been stuck in 1 min left for over 10 min..14:16
briancurtinha, reminds me of installing visual studio. it gets to 1 min left right away, then takes 20 minutes.14:17
ralsinabut those are special minutes! Your last minutes together!14:18
gatoxalecu, ping.... is there any way to run test_external_interface from u1-client with u1trial?? maybe i'm missing something.... but everything fails running that independently14:19
gatoxmandel, maybe you know too ^14:20
ralsinagatox: alecu is not here14:20
gatoxahhhh right14:20
mandelgatox, mya I see the output?14:21
gatoxmandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1125273/ and goes on and on failing that way14:22
mattgriffinmandel: my mountain lion update displayed "-2" minutes for a little while14:22
mandelmattgriffin, updates & times nothing to be trusted :)14:22
dobeygatox: u1trial -t test_blah_blah path/to/test_blah.py? or is test_external_interface the .py?14:27
gatoxdobey, test_external_interface is the .py file14:27
gatoxi'm executing the tests like this: PYTHONPATH=. u1trial --reactor=twisted tests/platform/ipc/test_external_interface.py14:28
mandelgatox, which platform?14:28
gatoxmandel, ubuntu14:28
dobeygatox: you need to not use -r twisted then, and just use the gi reactor, i think14:29
gatoxdobey, i'll try14:29
mandelgatox, exactly, you are using the wrong reactor, you need glib for the dbus tests, right dobey?14:29
dobeybecause ipc on linux is dbus and requires the main loop14:29
gatoxmmmmm same problem14:29
gatoxok.... so... maybe i need to install something?..... but if i run the whole suit it works14:30
gatoxi'm missing some configuration maybe...14:30
dobeythen the test is broken14:30
mandelgatox, with u1trial you don't need to set the python path14:30
mandelgatox, so in trunk doing u1trial tests/platform/ipc/test_external_interface.py works14:30
gatoxmandel, i was testing.... without the pythonpath i have the same problem14:30
gatoxi'll check14:30
mandelgatox, I have just done the check in P everything works14:31
gatoxmandel, thx!! i thought i needed to set the reactor14:31
gatoxworking now14:31
dobeygatox: well, doing -r gi, is the same as not passing -r at all14:31
gatoxdobey, ahhhh ok! i didn't know that... thx14:32
dobeyso "u1trial -r gi tests/platform/ipc/test_external_interface.py" should have worked as well14:32
mandelgatox, we updated u1trial to be smarter TM as it will usually choose the correct one on linux (always gi) and will choose the default one on windows and mac14:32
dobeyand twisted is the default on darwin/win3214:32
gatoxdobey, ahh right.... i missread your comment14:32
mandeldobey, he, we have some knowledge overlap, now ralsina can kill one of us!14:33
dobeymandel: we'll miss you :)14:34
thisfredsmall and qt: https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/u1db/cosas-delete/+merge/11790814:34
dobeyso kunai!!!14:35
ralsinathisfred: looking14:35
gatoxthisfred, do you need another review on that?14:35
ralsinabriancurtin: when you have a minute, can you try to reproduce bug #1000983 ?14:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1000983 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Windows 3.0.1 - Adding folder to sync in Wizard prevents setup from completing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100098314:36
mandelthisfred, would be awesome if you start naming branches as delete-cosas hehehe14:36
thisfredgatox, one is fine14:36
gatoxthisfred, ack14:36
briancurtinralsina: i'll check14:36
dobeymandel: cosas-no-mas!14:36
thisfredmandel, I have loads of branches named: delete-stuff, fix-bug, make-it-work ;)14:36
briancurtinralsina: ah crap, that's probably related to the hack we had to put in to get the synching screen to show up in the first place14:37
ralsinabriancurtin: yes14:37
thisfredI find it's best to be vague, so you can change your mind mid branch ;)14:37
briancurtinconfirming it now14:37
ralsinabriancurtin: it doesn't seem to happen on ubuntu14:37
mmcchi folks, so no meeting today? cool - I can avoid trying hangout on 3g…14:38
mandelthisfred, I like those names.. at least you nickname is not uber verbose as diegosarmentero :P14:38
ralsinammcc: yes, not today, tomorrow same time14:38
mmccralsina: ack.14:38
mandelmmcc, I wrote a comment in the mp you set to need fixing, switching to compile to x86 and with 10.6 as a target should be done in diff branches to keep the concerns of the code limited14:39
ralsinalaunchpad is crazy slow to scan branches today, too14:39
mandelmmcc, I don't want to have to write crazy mps14:39
thisfredalso: Happy IPA day, everyone. http://ipaday.org/14:40
thisfredthat means I have the day off right?14:40
mandelthisfred, had it been tom and it would have been the most awesome day ever!14:41
mmccthisfred: that's only a national holiday in Portlandia14:41
thisfredmmcc, guess why I'm moving there ;)14:42
mmccthisfred: I just assumed you were into double tall bikes14:42
dobeyyou like sleeping on public transportation too?14:43
thisfredthere is that14:43
briancurtinim more interested in russian imperial stout day14:43
thisfredmy friend brewed an excellent one of those with coffee14:43
thisfredbut I like mine hopped to the gills14:44
dobeyis that like vodka infused with dirt?14:44
briancurtinralsina, joshuahoover: i can't reproduce bug #100098314:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1000983 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Windows 3.0.1 - Adding folder to sync in Wizard prevents setup from completing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100098314:44
joshuahooverbriancurtin: i'll see if i can reproduce with the latest version and let you know14:45
joshuahooverbriancurtin: based on my test just now with 3.0.2, bug #1000983 is fixed14:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1000983 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Windows 3.0.1 - Adding folder to sync in Wizard prevents setup from completing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100098314:59
joshuahooverbriancurtin: i'll mark it that way14:59
joshuahooverdobey: are you guys doing a call now?15:02
ralsinajoshuahoover: no, alecu can't make it so we are doing it tomorrow15:02
ralsinajoshuahoover: sorry forgot to tell you15:02
joshuahooverralsina: ah, ok...same time tomorrow?15:02
joshuahoovernot me15:02
ralsinajoshuahoover: yes, same time15:02
gatoxgo for me?15:03
gatoxSome reviews for mandel, rewriting ipc menu implementation with tdd.15:04
gatoxFinish with u1-client branch and propose. Start working on u1-cp menu branch (tdd way)15:04
gatoxbriancurtin, go15:04
briancurtinDONE: more debugging on SyncTimestampChecker test failure for unicode315:04
briancurtinTODO: now that i've isolated and found that the test works in the interpreter, put it back together and find the actual failure15:04
briancurtinNEXT: mandel15:04
mandelDONE: Lots of branched landed in the fsevents daemon \o/. Fixed some code in MPs as per reviews. Work on refactoring the main of the daemon so that it will read from a named pipe when we use it to run the tests. Canonical admin stuff.15:04
mandelTODO: more work on the tet daemon (should be the last push).15:04
mandelBLOCKED: no15:04
mandeldobey, please15:04
dobeyDONE: client release/upload, merged couple of update branches to stables,15:05
dobeyTODO: new cp upload with scroll fix, fix review issues in refactor branch, reorg to drop ubuntuone-installer for good, SRUs for lucid/natty/oneiric; figure out OOM issue15:05
dobeyBLCK: None.15:05
dobeyralsina: go15:05
ralsinaDONE: "fixed" quantal scrollbars, some bug triaging, some reviews, helped thisfred with a qt thing, negotiated contracts, some 1-1s, dash call TODO: objectives, finish contract, more bug triaging,   more reviews, fix something15:05
ralsinaNETXT thisfred15:06
thisfredDONE: cosas design 1, added keyboard support TODO: background sync in cosas | documentation BLOCKED: no15:06
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mmccoh hey, me too:15:12
mmccDONE: re-reviews, 10.6 ARC whole-project review, py2app packaging fsevents daemon15:12
mmccTODO: more daemon packaging, first-run code, VM research15:12
mmccBLCK: none15:12
thisfredel hombre come una manzana15:13
thisfredI am definitely gonna learn spanish with duolingo15:13
ralsinathisfred: I am pretty sure you can avoid handling Enter by just setting edit triggers on the widget15:21
thisfredralsina, cool15:22
* thisfred googles edit triggers15:22
ralsinathisfred: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qabstractitemview.html#editTriggers-prop15:22
thisfredralsina, hmm, editKeyPressed was already set, but I guess enter is not the editkey?15:26
ralsinathisfred: probably F215:28
thisfredralsina, really?15:28
ralsinathisfred: that has a long tradition dating back all the way to visicalc15:29
* thisfred is not a traditionalist15:29
ralsinathisfred: http://www.qtforum.org/article/34713/cross-platform-edit-f2-key.html15:29
ralsinaor rather http://lists.qt.nokia.com/pipermail/qt-interest/2010-January/017408.html15:29
ralsinathisfred: why not AnyKeyPressed?15:30
thisfredralsina, won't that break the arrow keys?15:31
* thisfred tries15:31
ralsinathisfred: probably :-)15:31
ralsinawhy isn't there a EnterKeyPressed trigger? Shame on you TrollTech^wNokia^wCommunity^wNoone!15:31
ralsinathisfred: so, doubeClicked is probably a good idea, and you have to keep enter in the keypressEvent :-(15:32
thisfredralsina, yeah, doubleclicked already worked15:33
ralsinain that case +115:33
ralsinaand sorry for the wild goose chase15:33
thisfredno problem, I was kind of hoping there was a simpler solution15:34
ralsinathisfred: when you press enter, the  QAbstractItemView::activated signal is triggered15:35
ralsinaSo if you put the item editing in a separate method, you can connect it15:35
thisfredralsina, let me try that15:36
ralsinathisfred: it's also triggered by double clicks, so you may have double-activation15:36
thisfredit works, but if I double click, and edit, enter closes the editor. When I hit enter to activate, the subsequent enter does nothing...15:41
thisfredralsina, maybe the event is not propagated15:42
ralsinacould be15:42
ralsinaso let's just do what worked ;-)15:42
mmcchrm, looks like py2app is confused by "from .typed import TypedConfigParser" in configglue15:47
ralsinammcc: doesn't bunle the module?15:49
ralsinammcc: I had that kind of thing with py2exe and had to manually bundle a few things15:50
mandelok, EOD for me a few mins early I need to do some errands before they close the bank15:51
mandelsee you all tom!15:51
mmccralsina: yeah, it bundles configglue but misses configglue.typed. I think I can work around it if I just tell it to include the whole configglue package instead of trying to be minimal15:51
mmccbye mandel15:51
ralsinammcc: yes, configglue is small anyway15:51
ralsinabye mandel, good luck at the bank!15:51
dobeymmcc: what version of configglue is it pulling?15:52
mmccdobey, our buildout has configglue-1.0-py2.7.egg/15:52
dobeyah ok15:52
dobeyjust making sure it wasn't grabbing 0.2 or something15:53
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox_
* briancurtin lunch+quick errand16:24
dobeyok, off to lunch, and an appointment. be back in a while.16:34
thisfredel caballo no es mío16:46
thisfredthat'll come in handy16:46
ralsinathisfred: well, caballo is an alias for heroin, so you never know16:53
thisfredah, same in english. Definitely useful around these parts then16:54
ralsinaif there's one thing you need to know about drugs it's how to say "that drug is not mine, officer"16:55
alecuhello back!17:00
mmccseems like there should be a convenient command to split changes in a branch into separate pipes17:05
mmccso I could pick chunks like in shelve, but send them to pipes instead of shelving them. am I missing something nice to do this?17:05
ralsinammcc: if there is one, noone has ever mentioned17:05
ralsinammcc: some combination of cherrypicking and pumping?17:06
* mmcc is unfamiliar with cherrypicking in the bzr context17:06
ralsinammcc: so you setup the "full" branch, setup the pipeline, go to stage 1, merge selected changesets from the full branch, pump, move to stage 2, repeat17:07
ralsinammcc: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/CherryPick17:07
mmccralsina: aha. ok17:07
ralsinammcc: of course "convenient" may be overstating my case17:08
mmccright… too much for my currently simple case, but good to know if things get big later17:09
mmccright now I just have one file with three simple changes that should be three separate simple pipes17:09
ralsinammcc: OTOH manuel is the expert on this, so feel free to ask again tomorrow :-)17:09
ralsinaanyone needs a review?17:27
gatox_ralsina, nop yet17:30
mmccralsina: I have a stream of tiny reviews coming in just a minute17:31
ralsinacome on team, I am trying to not go do canonicaladmin! ;-)17:31
ralsinammcc: thanks17:31
briancurtini'm back from lunch + "errands" but because UPS is (insert lots of profanity), i need to go to another location to ship this pacakge and i need to make sure it gets out today. i'll shift some time around, either staying later today or coming in early tomorrow17:32
briancurtinand since its my review day, feel free to assign me or send me reviews17:33
briancurtinback in hopefully a short amount of time. ugh.17:33
mmccralsina: a quick one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1032301/+merge/11795717:38
ralsinammcc: looking!17:38
ralsinammcc: someday I must mention why thematic naming schemes (like brew calling the folder wher eit puts stuff "Cellar") are both fun and annoying as all hell17:39
mmccralsina: word. see also 'brew tap' and 'bottles'17:40
ralsinammcc: also, "2.5.0" > "2.5.0b1" is False17:40
ralsinammcc: not sure if that will matter17:40
mmccralsina: yeah, probably not - the sorting wasn't really necessary, just so it does something expected17:42
ralsinammcc: ok, +1 then17:42
mmccralsina: thanks. next: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1032290/+merge/11795917:54
mmccalso trivial17:54
ralsinammcc: on it17:54
mmccbtw, let me know if these are below the threshold for separate merges - they're definitely different changes and different bugs, but so small17:55
ralsinait's ok, small branches are cool17:56
ralsinaspecially if thy fix separate bugs17:56
ralsinammcc: this second branch doesn't have the 1st one as prereq17:57
ralsinammcc: so it seems to include those changes17:57
mmccralsina: huh - I thought bzr-pipeline did that automatically.17:59
ralsinammcc: looks like no. You have to do it on the MP18:00
mmccoh, ok.18:00
mmccralsina: new mp #2: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1032290/+merge/11796018:02
ralsinammcc: +1 and you don't need a second one for either branch18:03
mmccralsina, thx. two more coming…18:04
gatox_brb..... need to buy some snacks!18:13
ralsinalooks like I forgot to have lunch!18:22
ralsinaoh well18:22
gatox_ralsina, it happens18:25
dobeymmcc: but does brew have growlers?18:28
ralsinadobey: maybe openoffice can be a growler instead of a bottle18:30
mmccdobey: no, such a shame. and I thought the individual scripts were recipes, but I guess they're 'formula'18:31
mmccoh right, py2app has recipes18:31
ralsinaperhaps you can open the apps using a churchkey18:32
* mmcc does not get that reference18:32
mmccyet another small MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1032292/+merge/11796518:32
ralsinaoh, those are CAN openers18:33
ralsinagoes to show I am not a native english speaker18:33
dobeyalso called church keys18:37
ralsinammcc: +118:39
ralsinalooks like I am just old fashioned: "Church key initially referred to a simple hand-operated device for prying the cap (called a "crown cork") off a glass bottle; this kind of closure was invented in 1892"18:40
mmccralsina: http://www.talkingbottleopener.net/simpsons/simpsons.jpg18:40
ralsinammcc: now you have sent me in an infructuous search of chinese crap shops looking or that. Hope you are happy!18:41
* briancurtin back18:45
briancurtinlast time i ever use UPS in my life18:45
dobeyalecu: around?18:48
alecuhola dobey18:48
dobeyalecu: hey. did you see my reply on https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-dev-tools/runner-refactor/+merge/117122 ?18:49
alecudobey: looking18:50
mmccyet still another tiny mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1032294/+merge/11796818:54
mmcc(that's the last one for now)18:55
ralsinammcc: got it18:56
ralsinammcc: +1 trivial18:56
ralsinammcc: so feel free to merge all of them18:56
mmccralsina: ok will do. thanks18:56
briancurtinmmcc: also approved. do you have any others that need review?18:57
alecudobey: the fix looks good. And though I agree that we can have some code coverage by u1trial running its own tests, I don't agree that it's the same as unit test coverage.18:57
mmccbriancurtin: I don't, no18:57
* mmcc lunches19:02
ralsinammcc: you should not globally approve all branches at once, or tarmac gets indigestion ;-)19:02
ralsinammcc: one every 5-10minutes is usually a good diet19:03
mmccok, noted. hrmph.19:03
=== gatox_ is now known as gatox
dobeyalecu: ok, i'll file the bug as soon as lp lets me (it keeps resetting the connection)19:09
dobeyoh, looks like it finally went through this time19:09
alecuyup, I think there was an announcement today about some lp maintainance...19:10
dobeybetween 1100 and 1200 UTC though19:11
dobeyso should have just started i guess, though i had the same issue earlier19:11
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gatoxoh... eod!! see you tomorrow people!! bye!20:01
ralsinaalecu: is there a chance you can take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/1031197 tomorrow?20:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1031197 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "DownloadFinished signal triggers when file has not yet completed writing" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:31
alecuralsina: it certainly clashes with my plan to start the u1 port to the shiny Raspberry Pi on my desk... but I can try to squeeze it in :-)20:33
ralsinaalecu: please :-)20:33
ralsinaalecu: it's a pain for jono and me20:33
ralsinaalecu: and ayone who wants to use u1 on a server20:33
alecuralsina: yes, I know it's a pain for app developers.... but why does this affects servers?20:35
ralsinaalecu: what jono and I are doing is using sd on a server, and do something when a new file appears20:35
ralsinaalecu: and this bug means we are told in the wrong moment :-)20:35
mmccLooks like VMWare is the way to go for osx guests… virtualbox apparently still awaits real support: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/938821:06
mmccwhile VMWare has actual instructions: http://partnerweb.vmware.com/GOSIG/MacOSX_10_7.html (And people say it works great)21:07
mmccI'm getting a 30-day free trial of VMWare now, but might have to wait a bit to download the osx installers, since they're big and I'm on 3g for another couple of hours21:08
briancurtinmmcc: that trial is useless FYI, if you're getting the same one that i did21:09
briancurtini'll check the product name since i mix them up21:09
briancurtinmmcc: VMWare Workstation?21:09
mmccbriancurtin: no, VMWare Fusion21:10
mmccI think it's mac-only21:10
mmccwhat was useless about it?21:10
briancurtinmmcc: maybe that'll work then. i downloaded Workstation trial and it just lets you install it, that's it. if you want to even think about starting up a VM, you have to have the license key21:10
briancurtini guess you could just open the program and not do anything with it for 30 days and be alright21:11
ralsinathere is a VMWare player21:12
ralsinaor at least used to be one21:12
mmccwell, it showed me a trial license key on the download page - maybe if you try downloading another copy it'll show you one too21:12
briancurtinthat doesn't let you take snapshots or any of that fancy jazz21:12
ralsinayou could not create VMs but you could use them21:12
mmccactually briancurtin check out your evaluations dashboard: https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/myeval21:13
mmccit has the license keys for the eval products you've downloaded21:13
briancurtinyeah i did that (back then) but the trial was super selective about what you could do. i think it would have let me play already created VMs, which didn't help much. i ended up paying for it anyway21:14
ralsinaEOD for me21:34
ralsinabye ppl!21:34
briancurtinbye ralsina21:35
alecuok, father duties. May be back later. cheers!21:40
dobeylater all, have a good night21:42
mmccbye everyone21:43
* mmcc is staying, just a mass bye21:43
briancurtini have to jump off of here for a bit, GF needs the webcam for a meeting22:10
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=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk

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